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Periodic Patta Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No. 5 of 2013)

VOL - XLVISSUE - 163Date - 10/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.K. 17011/9/2010-REV, the 2nd June, 2016.In exercise of power conferr ed under section 128 of Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013 (Act No. 5 of 2013) read with section 129 of the Act, and in continuation of No. K. 17011/9/2010-REV, dt. 24.4.2014 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify that : Application for renewal of Periodic Patta shall be entertained on payment of arrear tax, renewal fee plus la te fee of 20 per cent of the renewal fee calculated on annual basis provided tha t the la nd has been used for the intended purpose and the sa id land is well looked after by the P. Patta holder. T his Notifica tion is valid up to 31.03.2017. MIZO VERSIONRevenue Dan thar Rule 10, S ub-rule (9) in a tarla n and chuan “Periodic Patta hi a thih hun a thlen hma thla 6 chhung ngeiin tihnun dilna siam a, tihfel a nih loh chuan chu Periodic Patta chu a thi chawpchilh ngha l ang,” tih a ni a. Amaherawhchu, he hun tiam chhunga Periodic Patta lo tinung (r enew) hman lote tan hun hawn leh a ni a. App lication rualin tihnun lehna fee te, chhiah ba leh tlai man fee (kum kha ta 20% chawiin) te pein a tihnun (renew) leh theih a ni. Heng hun ha wn leh ni hi 31.03.2017 thleng a ni ang. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 10.6.2016 Jyaistha 20, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 163Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas as Tuirum village

VOL - XLVISSUE - 164Date - 10/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. J-12011/3/2014-REV/21, the 31st May, 2016.In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No.H 11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) wit hinMamit Distr ict station ar eas as Tuirum village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman:Lalkulha, Pr esident, Village Council, Tuirum. 2.Secretary:Lalr inzuala , Headmaster, Government Primary School. MEMBERS : 1)Lalramtana, Secretary, Village Council, Tuirum. 2)Raldoliana, President, Congress Unit. 3)Rualkhuma, P resident, MNF Unit. 4)Dula, President, MUP 5)Muankima, President, YMA. 6)Enga , Forest Department. 7)Prominent Persons :- a)Zirsangzela b)Lalhmingmawia. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board sha ll have to judiciously examine the applica nt’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board s hall have its s itting at least twice in a year or a s may be required and T A sha ll be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The S ecretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 10.6.2016 Jyaistha 20, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 164 - 2 - Ex-164/2016 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the Dis t r ict . In ca se, C hair man of S AAB is S DO (C ) or BDO or P r es ident, Village Cou nc il t he a pp lica t ion for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the a pplication with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land by Surveyor, Revenue Depa rtment in the presence of the applica nt, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be a ccurate and NOC sha ll be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for fur ther submission to the Government through the Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to fu ture infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

List of Health Care Facilities in the State of Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 167Date - 13/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.J. 11011/21/2015-HFW, the 4th May, 2016.Pursuant to Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare letter No. Z. 18015/1/2016-eGov dt. 27.04.2016, and as stipulated by Government of India, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to notify the ‘List of Health Care Fa cilities’ in the State of Mizoram to be followed for all purposes with immediate effect. Enclosed : As above. La lrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Monday 13.6.2016 Jyaistha 23, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 167 2 1 SNDistrict Tertiary Care Centre District Hospital Sub-District Hospital Community Health Centre (CHC) Primary Health Centre (PHC) Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) Sub Centre (SC) Private Hospital 1 Aizawl East 11 02 6357 4 2 Aizawl W est 01 10 6337 3 3 Champhai 01 0211 059 0 4 Kolasib 01 01 5026 0 5 Lawngtlai 0 1 0 1 5 0 37 2 6 Lunglei 1 1 1 1 9 2 70 1 7 Mamit 0 1 0 1 6 0 33 0 8 Saiha 0 1 0 0 4 0 24 1 9 Serchhip 0 1 0 1 5 0 27 0 TOTAL 2 9 2 9 57 8 370 11 DISTRICT WISE FACILITY - MIZORAM 3 2 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 1 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Tertiary Care Centre Mizoram State Cancer Institute 2 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Civil Hospital, Aizawl District Hospital Civil Hospital, Aizawl 3 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Synod Hospital, Durtlang Private Synod Hospital, Durtlang 4 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Grace Nursing Home Private Grace Nursing Home 5 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Greenwood Hospital Private Greenwood Hospital 6 Aizawl East Tlangnuam New Life Hospital Private New Life Hospital 7 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Community Health Centers Sakawrdai CHC 8 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Mauchar SC Mauchar 9 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Palsang SC Palsang 10 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Sakawrdai SC Sakawrdai 11 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Thingsat SC Thingsat N Khawdungsei 12 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Tinghmun SC Tinghmun Zokhawthiang 13 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Vaitin SC Vaitin Khawpuar 14 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Vervek SC Vervek Damdiai Lungsum 15 Aizawl East Darlawn Sakawrdai CHC Sub Centres Zohmun SC Zohmun Upper Sakawrdai 16 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Community Health Centre Saitual CHC 17 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Buhban SC Buhban Lungpher 18 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Keifang SC Keifang 19 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Lenchim SC Lenchim Mualpheng 20 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Maite SC Maite Tawizo 21 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Rulchawm SC Rulchawm Ruallung 22 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Saitual SC Saitual 23 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Sihfa SC Sihfa 24 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Saitual CHC Sub Centres Tualbung SC Tualbung Dilkhan LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Aizawl East Dist 4 3 25 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres ITI UPHC 26 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Armveng SC Armveng Armveng S Chite 27 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Bazar SC Bazar Dawrpui Sarawn veng Zarkawt Tuithiang 28 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Bethlehem Vengthlang SC Bethlehem Vengthlang Bethlehem 29 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Chhinga veng SC Chhinga Veng 30 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Electric SC Electric Electric Venglai Ramthar Ramthar N 31 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Venghlui SC Venghlui College Veng 32 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Republic SC Republic Republic Vengthlang Upper Republic Tuikhuahtlang ITI 33 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Salem SC Salem 34 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Venghnuai SC Venghnuai Thakthing Damveng 35 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Zemabawk UPHC 36 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Bawngkawn SC Bawngkawn Bawngkawn S 37 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Chaltlang SC Chaltlang Chaltlang N Laipuitlang 38 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Ramhlun SC Ramhlun Ramhlun N Ramhlun VT Sport Complex Ramhlun S 39 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Tuirial SC Tuirial Tuirial Lei 40 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Zemabawk SC Zemabawk Zemabawk Falkland Thuampui 41 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Zuangtui SC Zuangtui TNT Clinic Muana Veng 42 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Chanmari SC Chanmari Chanmari E 43 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Edenthar SC Edenthar 44 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Sihphir UPHC 45 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Sub Centres Durtlang SC Durtlang Durtlang M-5 Durtlang N Muthi Selesih 46 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Sub Centres Sihphir SC Sihphir Sihphir Venghlun Neihbawi Nausel 47 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Primary Health Centres Darlawn PHC 48 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Darlawn SC Darlawn 49 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Ratu SC Ratu Sailutar 50 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Sawleng SC Sawleng 51 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Serzawl SC Serzawl Sunhluchhip Chhanchhuahna 52 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Primary Health Centres Khawruhlian PHC 53 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Kepran SC Kepran 54 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Khanpui SC Khanpui Lailak 55 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Khawruhlian SC Khawruhlian Hmunnghak 56 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Phaileng E SC Phaileng E Pehlawn 5 3 25 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres ITI UPHC 26 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Armveng SC Armveng Armveng S Chite 27 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Bazar SC Bazar Dawrpui Sarawn veng Zarkawt Tuithiang 28 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Bethlehem Vengthlang SC Bethlehem Vengthlang Bethlehem 29 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Chhinga veng SC Chhinga Veng 30 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Electric SC Electric Electric Venglai Ramthar Ramthar N 31 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Venghlui SC Venghlui College Veng 32 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Republic SC Republic Republic Vengthlang Upper Republic Tuikhuahtlang ITI 33 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Salem SC Salem 34 Aizawl East Tlangnuam ITI UPHC Sub Centres Venghnuai SC Venghnuai Thakthing Damveng 35 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Zemabawk UPHC 36 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Bawngkawn SC Bawngkawn Bawngkawn S 37 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Chaltlang SC Chaltlang Chaltlang N Laipuitlang 38 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Ramhlun SC Ramhlun Ramhlun N Ramhlun VT Sport Complex Ramhlun S 39 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Tuirial SC Tuirial Tuirial Lei 40 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Zemabawk SC Zemabawk Zemabawk Falkland Thuampui 41 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Zuangtui SC Zuangtui TNT Clinic Muana Veng 42 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Chanmari SC Chanmari Chanmari E 43 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Zemabawk UPHC Sub Centres Edenthar SC Edenthar 44 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Sihphir UPHC 45 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Sub Centres Durtlang SC Durtlang Durtlang M-5 Durtlang N Muthi Selesih 46 Aizawl East Tlangnuam Sihphir UPHC Sub Centres Sihphir SC Sihphir Sihphir Venghlun Neihbawi Nausel 47 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Primary Health Centres Darlawn PHC 48 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Darlawn SC Darlawn 49 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Ratu SC Ratu Sailutar 50 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Sawleng SC Sawleng 51 Aizawl East Darlawn Darlawn PHC Sub Centres Serzawl SC Serzawl Sunhluchhip Chhanchhuahna 52 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Primary Health Centres Khawruhlian PHC 53 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Kepran SC Kepran 54 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Khanpui SC Khanpui Lailak 55 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Khawruhlian SC Khawruhlian Hmunnghak 56 Aizawl East Darlawn Khawruhlian PHC Sub Centres Phaileng E SC Phaileng E Pehlawn 4 57 Aizawl East Phullen Phuaibuang PHC Primary Health Centres Phuaibuang PHC 58 Aizawl East Phullen Phuaibuang PHC Sub Centres Daido SC Daido 59 Aizawl East Phullen Phuaibuang PHC Sub Centres Khawlian SC Khawlian NE Tlangnuam 60 Aizawl East Phullen Phuaibuang PHC Sub Centres Phuaibuang SC Phuaibuang 61 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Primary Health Centres Thingsulthliah PHC 62 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Baktawng SC Baktawng Chhuanthar Nghawngkawn Buhkangkawn Chanin 63 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Khumtung SC Khumtung Phulmawi 64 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Seling SC Seling Tlangnuam Tuikhurhlu Phaibawkkawn Zero Point 65 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Sesawng SC Sesawng CTI Mualmam1 66 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Thingsulthliah SC Thingsulthliah 67 Aizawl East Thingsulthliah Thingsulthliah Sub Centres Tlungvel SC Tlungvel Darlawng 68 Aizawl East Phullen Phullen PHC Primary Health Centres Phullen PHC 69 Aizawl East Phullen Phullen PHC Sub Centres Phullen SC Phullen Luangpawn Zawngin 70 Aizawl East Phullen Phullen PHC Sub Centres Thanglailung SC Thanglailung 71 Aizawl East Phullen Suangpuilawn PHC Primary Health Centres Suangpuilawn PHC 72 Aizawl East Phullen Suangpuilawn PHC Sub Centres N.Khawlek SC N. Khawlek 73 Aizawl East Phullen Suangpuilawn PHC Sub Centres Suangpuilawn SC Suangpuilawn 74 Aizawl East Phullen Suangpuilawn PHC Sub Centres Vanbawng SC Vanbawng Lamherh 6 5 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Village 5 Village 6 1 Aizawl West Tlangnuam State Referral Hospital, Falkawn District Hospital State Referral Hospital, Falkawn 2 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Kulikawn Hospital Sub-District Hospital Kulikawn Hospital 3 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Adventist Hospital Private Adventist Hospital 4 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Aizawl Hospital Private Aizawl Hospital 5 Aizawl West Tlangnuam BN Hospital Private BN Hospital 6Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Hlimen UPHC 7Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Hualngohmun SC Hualngohmun 8Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Kulikawn SC Kulikawn 9Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Lungleng SC Lungleng N.Lungleng 10 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Melriat SC Melriat Kelsih 11 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Melthum SC Melthum Samtlang Saikhamakawn Hlimen 12 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Mission Veng SC Mission Veng Mission Vengthlang Model 13 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Hlimen UPHC Sub Centres Tlangnuam SC Tlangnuam Tlangnuam Vengthar 14 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Lawipu UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Lawipu UPHC 15 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Lawipu UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Lawipu SC Lawipu 16 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Lawipu UPHC Sub Centres Bungkawn SC Bungkawn Maubawk Nursery Bungkawn Vengthar 17 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Lawipu UPHC Sub Centres Khatla SC Khatla NCC Khatla South 18 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Chawlhhmun UPHC 19 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Dinthar SC Dinthar I Dawrpui Vengthar Dinthar II 20 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Luangmual SC Luangmual Govt. Complex Zonuam Chawlhhmun 21 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Sakawrtuichhun SC Sakawrtuichhun Lungverh Central Jail 22 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Tanhril SC Tanhril Tuivamit 23 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Tuikual SC Tuikual Tuikual South Tuikual North 24 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Vaivakawn SC Vaivakawn Kanan Hunthar Rangvamual Phunchawng 25 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Zotlang SC Zotlang 26 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Hunthar SC Hunthar 27 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Chawlhhmun UPHC Sub Centres Chawnpui SC Chawnpui 28 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Sairang PHC Primary Health Centres Sairang PHC 29 Aizawl West Tlangnuam Sairang PHC Sub Centres Sairang SC Sairang Mualkhang Sihhmui West Serzawl Sairang Dinthar LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Aizawl West Dist 7 6 30 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Primary Health Centres Aibawk PHC 31 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Sub Centres Maubuang SC Maubuang Lungsai Damdiai Thiak 32 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Sub Centres Muallungthu SC Muallungthu Falkawn 33 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Sub Centres Phulpui SC Phulpui 34 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Sub Centres Sateek SC Sateek Aibawk 35 Aizawl West Aibawk Aibawk PHC Sub Centres Tachhip SC Tachhip 36 Aizawl West Aibawk Sialsuk PHC Primary Health Centres Sialsuk PHC 37 Aizawl West Aibawk Sialsuk PHC Sub Centres Lamchhip SC Lamchhip Chawilung 38 Aizawl West Aibawk Sialsuk PHC Sub Centres Samlukhai SC Samlukhai Lungsei 39 Aizawl West Aibawk Sialsuk PHC Sub Centres Sialsuk SC Sialsuk Sailam 40 Aizawl West Aibawk Sialsuk PHC Sub Centres Sumsuih SC Sumsuih Hmuifang Chamring 41 Aizawl West Reiek Kanghmun PHC Primary Health Centres Kanghmun PHC 42 Aizawl West Reiek Kanghmun PHC Sub Centres Darlung W SC Darlung South Sabual Bawngthah Bawlte 43 Aizawl West Reiek Kanghmun PHC Sub Centres Kanghmun SC Kanghmun Hreichuk Lungphun 44 Aizawl West Reiek Kanghmun PHC Sub Centres Khawrihnim SC Khawrihnim 45 Aizawl West Reiek Lengpui PHC Primary Health Centres Lengpui PHC 46 Aizawl West Reiek Lengpui PHC Sub Centres Hmunpui SC Hmunpui Saitlaw 47 Aizawl West Reiek Lengpui PHC Sub Centres Lengpui SC Lengpui Lengte Nghalchawm 48 Aizawl West Reiek Reiek PHC Primary Health Centres Reiek PHC 49 Aizawl West Reiek Reiek PHC Sub Centres Ailawng SC Ailawng 50 Aizawl West Reiek Reiek PHC Sub Centres Lungdar W SC West Lungdar 51 Aizawl West Reiek Reiek PHC Sub Centres Reiek SC Reiek 8 7 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 1 Champhai Champhai Champhai District Hospital District Hospital Champhai District Hospital 2 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Bethel SC Bethel Vengthar N. Champhai Zion veng Champhai 3 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Bulfekzawl SC Bulfekzawl Hruaikawn Old Hruaikawn New 4 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Champhai SC Champhai Tuipui Chhungte Jailveng Hospital Veng 5 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Champhai Vengthlang SC Champhai Vengtlang Dinthar Venglai Electric Kanan 6 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Hmunhmeltha SC Hmunhmeltha 7 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Kelkang SC Kelkang Dilkawn Mualkawi Buang 8 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Khawbung N SC Khawbung N 9 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Khuangleng SC Khuangleng Leisengzo 10 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Lianpui SC Lianpui 11 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Ngur SC Ngur Vapar 12 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Ruantlang SC Ruantlang Zotlang 13 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Sesih SC Sesih 14 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Tlangsam SC Tlangsam 15 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Zokhawthar SC Zokhawthar Melbuk 16 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Zote SC Zote 17 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Community Health Centers Biate CHC 18 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Sub Centres Biate SC Biate 19 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Sub Centres Rengtlei SC Rengtlei 20 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Community Health Centers Ngopa CHC 21 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Kawlbem SC Kawlben 22 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Lamzawl SC Lamzawl 23 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Ngopa SC Ngopa 24 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Selam SC Selam 25 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Primary Health Centres Bungzung PHC 26 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Bungzung SC Bungzung Zawngtetui 27 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Sazep SC Sazep Vangchhia 28 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Vanzau SC Vanzau 29 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Primary Health Centres Farkawn PHC 30 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Farkawn SC Farkawn 31 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Khankawn SC Khankawn Thekte Thekpui 32 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Vaphai SC Vaphai Chawngtui LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Champhai Dist 9 7 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 1 Champhai Champhai Champhai District Hospital District Hospital Champhai District Hospital 2 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Bethel SC Bethel Vengthar N. Champhai Zion veng Champhai 3 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Bulfekzawl SC Bulfekzawl Hruaikawn Old Hruaikawn New 4 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Champhai SC Champhai Tuipui Chhungte Jailveng Hospital Veng 5 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Champhai Vengthlang SC Champhai Vengtlang Dinthar Venglai Electric Kanan 6 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Hmunhmeltha SC Hmunhmeltha 7 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Kelkang SC Kelkang Dilkawn Mualkawi Buang 8 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Khawbung N SC Khawbung N 9 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Khuangleng SC Khuangleng Leisengzo 10 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Lianpui SC Lianpui 11 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Ngur SC Ngur Vapar 12 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Ruantlang SC Ruantlang Zotlang 13 Champhai Khawbung * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Sesih SC Sesih 14 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Tlangsam SC Tlangsam 15 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Zokhawthar SC Zokhawthar Melbuk 16 Champhai Champhai * Champhai District Hospital Sub Centres Zote SC Zote 17 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Community Health Centers Biate CHC 18 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Sub Centres Biate SC Biate 19 Champhai East Lungdar Biate CHC Sub Centres Rengtlei SC Rengtlei 20 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Community Health Centers Ngopa CHC 21 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Kawlbem SC Kawlben 22 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Lamzawl SC Lamzawl 23 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Ngopa SC Ngopa 24 Champhai Ngopa Ngopa PHC Sub Centres Selam SC Selam 25 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Primary Health Centres Bungzung PHC 26 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Bungzung SC Bungzung Zawngtetui 27 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Sazep SC Sazep Vangchhia 28 Champhai Khawbung Bungzung PHC Sub Centres Vanzau SC Vanzau 29 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Primary Health Centres Farkawn PHC 30 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Farkawn SC Farkawn 31 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Khankawn SC Khankawn Thekte Thekpui 32 Champhai Khawbung Farkawn PHC Sub Centres Vaphai SC Vaphai Chawngtui LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Champhai Dist 8 33 Champhai Champhai Hnahlan PHC Primary Health Centres Hnahlan PHC 34 Champhai Champhai Hnahlan PHC Sub Centres Hnahlan SC Hnahlan N. Diltlang 35 Champhai Champhai Hnahlan PHC Sub Centres Khuangphah SC Khuangphah 36 Champhai Champhai Hnahlan PHC Sub Centres Tualcheng SC Tualcheng Lungphunlian 37 Champhai Champhai Hnahlan PHC Sub Centres Vaikhawtlang SC Vaikhawtlang 38 Champhai Khawzawl Kawlkulh PHC Primary Health Centres Kawlkulh PHC 39 Champhai Khawzawl Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Chhawrtui SC Chhawrtui 40 Champhai Khawzawl Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Dulte SC Dulte 41 Champhai Khawzawl Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Kawlkulh SC Kawlkulh Vankal Puilo 42 Champhai Khawzawl Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres NE Bualpui Hliappui SC NE Bualpui Hliappui Changzawl 43 Champhai Ngopa Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Pawlrang SC Pawlrang 44 Champhai Ngopa Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Saichal SC Saichal 45 Champhai Serchhip Kawlkulh PHC Sub Centres Vanchengpui SC Vanchengpui 46 Champhai Khawbung Khawbung PHC Primary Health Centres Khawbung PHC 47 Champhai Khawbung Khawbung PHC Sub Centres Dungtlang SC Dungtlang Leithum 48 Champhai Khawbung Khawbung PHC Sub Centres Khawbung SC Khawbung Zawlsei 49 Champhai Khawbung Khawbung PHC Sub Centres Khuangthing SC Khuangthing 50 Champhai Khawbung Khawbung PHC Sub Centres Samthang SC Samthang 51 Champhai Khawzawl Khawhai PHC Primary Health Centres Khawhai PHC 52 Champhai Khawzawl Khawhai PHC Sub Centres New Chalrang SC New Chalrang Chalrang 53 Champhai Khawzawl Khawhai PHC Sub Centres Khawhai SC Khawhai 54 Champhai Khawzawl Khawhai PHC Sub Centres Lungtan SC Lungtan 55 Champhai Khawzawl Khawhai PHC Sub Centres Vantlang SC Vantlang 56 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Primary Health Centres Khawzawl PHC 57 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Chawngtlai SC Chawngtlai 58 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Khawzawl SC Khawzawl Hermon Electric Vengthar Kawnzar 59 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Neihdawn SC Neihdawn 60 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Ngaizawl SC Ngaizawl 61 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Tualpui SC Tualpui 62 Champhai Khawzawl Khawzawl PHC Sub Centres Tualte SC Tualte 63 Champhai Ngopa Mimbung PHC Primary Health Centres Mimbung PHC 64 Champhai Ngopa Mimbung PHC Sub Centres Mimbung SC Mimbung 65 Champhai Ngopa Mimbung PHC Sub Centres Teikhang SC Teikhang Hrianghmun 66 Champhai Ngopa NE Khawdungsei PHC Primary Health Centres NE Khawdungsei PHC 67 Champhai Ngopa NE Khawdungsei PHC Sub Centres Khawkawn SC Khawkawn 68 Champhai Ngopa NE Khawdungsei PHC Sub Centres NE Khawdungsei SC NE Khawdungsei Chiahpui 10 9 69 Champhai Ngopa Rabung PHC Primary Health Centres Rabung PHC 70 Champhai Ngopa Rabung PHC Sub Centres Rabung SC Rabung Murlen Khualen Aiduzawl Pamchung 71 Champhai East Lungdar Sialhawk PHC Primary Health Centres Sialhawk PHC 72 Champhai East Lungdar Sialhawk PHC Sub Centres Sialhawk SC Sialhawk 73 Champhai East Lungdar Sialhawk PHC Sub Centres Tlangpui SC Tlangpui Tlangmawi * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team 11 10 1 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Kolasib District Hospital District Hospital Kolasib District Hospital 2 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Pangbalkawn SC Pangbalkawn Meidum S Chhimluang 3 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Buhchangphai SC Buhchangphai Saihapui K Bukvannei N Thinglian 4 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Diakkawn SC Diakkawn Khuangpuilam Vengthar New Diakkawn 5 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Tuithaveng SC Tuithaveng Saidan 6 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres New Builum SC Builum Gosen Veng 7 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Thingdawl SC Thingdawl Sethawn 8 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir * Kolasib District Hospital Sub Centres Tumpui SC Tumpui Hmarveng Electric Veng Venglai Project Veng 9 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Vairengte CHC Community Health Centers Vairengte CHC 10 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Vairengte CHC Sub Centres Phainuam SC Phainuam Saihapui V 11 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Vairengte CHC Sub Centres Phaisen SC Phaisen 12 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Vairengte CHC Sub Centres Vairengte SC Vairengte IOC Veng State Veng Vairengte I Vairengte II N. Chhimluang 13 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bairabi PHC Primary Health Centres Bairabi PHC 14 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bairabi PHC Sub Centres Bairabi SC Bairabi Rajdhali 15 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bilkhawthlir PHC Primary Health Centres Bilkhawthlir PHC 16 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bilkhawthlir PHC Sub Centres Bilkhawthlir SC Bilkhawthlir Vengchep 17 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bilkhawthlir PHC Sub Centres N Chawnpui SC N Chawnpui 18 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bilkhawthlir PHC Sub Centres Saiphai SC Saiphai 19 Kolasib Bilkhawthlir Bilkhawthlir PHC Sub Centres Saipum SC Saipum 20 Kolasib Thingdawl Bukpui PHC Primary Health Centres Bukpui PHC 21 Kolasib Thingdawl Bukpui PHC Sub Centres Bukpui SC Bukpui 22 Kolasib Thingdawl Bukpui PHC Sub Centres N Hlimen SC N Hlimen Thingthelh 23 Kolasib Thingdawl Bukpui PHC Sub Centres N Chaltlang SC N Chaltlang 24 Kolasib Thingdawl Kawnpui PHC Primary Health Centres Kawnpui PHC 25 Kolasib Thingdawl Kawnpui PHC Sub Centres Bualpui SC Bualpui 26 Kolasib Thingdawl Kawnpui PHC Sub Centres Hortoki SC Hortoki Dilzau 27 Kolasib Thingdawl Kawnpui PHC Sub Centres Kawnpui SC Kawnpui Khamrang Kawnpui I Kawnpui II Kawnpui II Village 6 LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Kolasib District Sl. No District name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Village 2 Village 3 Village 1 Village 4 Village 5 12 11 28 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Primary Health Centres Lungdai PHC 29 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Sub Centres Lungdai SC Lungdai 30 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Sub Centres Lungmuat SC Lungmuat 31 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Sub Centres Nisapui SC Nisapui 32 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Sub Centres Serkhan SC Serkhan 33 Kolasib Tlangnuam Lungdai PHC Sub Centres Zanlawn SC Zanlawn * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team 13 12 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 Villge 6 Villge 7 Villge 8 Villge 9 Villge 10 Villge 11 Villge 12 Villge 13 Villge 14 Villge 15 1Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lawngtlai District Hospital District Hospital Lawngtlai District Hospital 2Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres College Veng SC College Veng Chandmary I Chandmary _II 3Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Kawlchaw SC Kawlchaw Saikah L Chawntlangpui Sihtlangpui Kawlchaw E Kawlchaw W 4Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Khawmawi SC Khawmawi Ngengpuikai 5Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Lawngtlai SC Lawngtlai Vengpui Bazar Council Veng 6Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Mampui SC Mampui 7Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Phaithar SC Paithar Saikah U R.Vanhne Rulkual Saizawh E Liapha Ngengpuichhuah 8Lawngtlai Lawngtlai * Lawngtlai District Hospital Sub Centres Thingkah SC Thingkah Electric Veng L-III AOC 9Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Christian Hospital, Lawngtlai Private Christian Hospital, Lawngtlai 10Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lairam Christian Medical Centre Private Lairam Christian Medical Centre 11Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Community Health Centers Chawngte CHC 12Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Chawngte P SC Chawngte P Mautlang Hmunthar Ngiautlang Tuikhurlui Gulsil Chawngte L 13Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Chawngte C SC ChawngteC Kamalanagar I Kamalanagar II Aratinagar Kamlagar III Kamalanagar IV Baganpara Bajeisora Ugudasury N 14Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Hmunlai SC Hmunlai Mualbu 15Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Rualalung SC Rualalung Vairokai 16Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Saizawh SC Saizawh W Rajmandal Udalthana-I Udalthana-II Montola Azasora 17Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Sumsilui SC Sumsilui Nalbonya Adubangasora Ulusury Sakeilui_I Sakeilui_II Serlui 18Lawngtlai Chawngte Chawngte CHC Sub Centres Lungrang S SC Lungrang Lalnutui Thanzamasora 19Lawngtlai Sangau BualpuiNg PHC Primary Health Centres Bualpui NG PHC 20Lawngtlai Sangau BualpuiNg PHC Sub Centres Bualpui SC Bualpui 21Lawngtlai Sangau BualpuiNg PHC Sub Centres Lungzarhtum SC Lungzarhtum 22Lawngtlai Sangau S. Lungpher PHC Primary Health Centres S. Lungpher PHC 23Lawngtlai Sangau S. Lungpher PHC Sub Centres S. Lungpher SC Lungpher 24Lawngtlai Sangau S. Lungpher PHC Sub Centres Siachangkawn SC Siachangkawn 25Lawngtlai Sangau S. Lungpher PHC Sub Centres Vawmbuk SC Vawmbuk Archhuang Tialdawnglung 26Lawngtlai Chawngte Borapansury PHC Primary Health Centres Borapansury PHC 27Lawngtlai Chawngte Borapansury PHC Sub Centres Borapansury SC Borapansury I Borapansury II Chhotapansury Silsury Kurbalovasora Ugalsury Sunagarasury 28Lawngtlai Chawngte Borapansury PHC Sub Centres Jarulsury SC Jarulsury Kukurdulaya Gerakukuklosora Ududosury S Nakdarasora Gulsingbapsora 29Lawngtlai Sangau Sangau PHC Primary Health Centres Sangau PHC 30Lawngtlai Sangau Sangau PHC Sub Centres Cheural SC Cheural 31Lawngtlai Sangau Sangau PHC Sub Centres Lungtian SC Lungtian Lungtian_I Lungtian II vartek Vartekkai 32Lawngtlai Sangau Sangau PHC Sub Centres Pangkhua SC Pangkhua 33Lawngtlai Sangau Sangau PHC Sub Centres Sangau SC Sangau Sangau-I Sangau-II Sangau-III Sangau-IV Sentetfiang Thaltlang 34Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Primary Health Centres Bungtlang S PHC 35Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Bungtlang S SC Bungtlang S Bungtlang S-I Bungtlang -S II Kawrthindeng Saikhawthlir 36Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Chamdur Pilot Proj SC Chamdur Pilot Project Chamdur-P I Chamdur -P II Bolisora Chikhurlui Fangfarlui 37Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Diltlang SC Diltlang Hmunnuam Chawngtelui 38Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres M. Kawnpui SC M Kawnpui Saibawh Nghamlimlui Vaseikai Sekulhkai Hlimzawl 39Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Mautlang SC Mautlang Bedsury Tuisentlang Kawnkhua 40Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Tuithumhnar SC Tuithumhnar Ngengpuitlang Tuidangtlang Tuidangchhuah Hruitezawl Hmawngbu Sabualtlang Kakichhuah Zochachhuah Hmawngbuchhuah T Dumzau Laitlang Dumzau Model Lunghauka Darnamtlang 41Lawngtlai Bungtlang S BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Vathuampui SC Vathuampui Tuichawngtlang Chamdurtlang I Chamdurtlang II 42Lawngtlai Chawngte BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Ajasora SC Ajasora Ajasora-I Ajasora-II Ajasora-III Borkolak Simeisury Karlui Pandawnglui Mandirasora Jognasury 43Lawngtlai Chawngte BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Damdep SC Damdep Damdep-I Damdep-II Boroguisury Gerasury Jaruldevasora Boroitoly Chhotaguisury I Chhotaguisury II Silbanga Dursora Fulsora 44Lawngtlai Chawngte BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Devasora SC Devasora S Fultuly Silsora Bilsora 45Lawngtlai Chawngte BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Parva SC Parva Parva-I Parva-II Parva-III Kamtuly Bandukbanga Gobasury Simenesora 46Lawngtlai Chawngte BungtlangS PHC Sub Centres Longpuighat Vaseitlang Vaseitlang -I Vaseitlang -II Devasora N Vaseitlang Betbonya Futsury Charluitlang Rengkashya Golasury Damlui Lokhisury Moinababsora I Moinababsora II LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Lawngtlai Dist * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team 14 13 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 Villge 6 Villge 7 Villge 8 Villge 9 1 Lunglei Lungsen Tertiary Care Centre Tlabung Leprosy Hospital 2 Lunglei Lunglei Lunglei District Hospital District Hospital Lunglei District Hospital 3 Lunglei Lunglei Christian Hospital, Serkawn Private Christian Hospital, Serkawn 4 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub-District Hospital Tlabung SDH 5 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Chawilung SC Chawilung New Khojoysuri Old Khojoysuri Zohmun Lare veng Bornosuri 6 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Diblibagh SC Diblibagh Samuksuri Ugdasuri Sugarbasora 7 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Nunsury SC Nunsury Nunsuri I Nunsuri II Tablabagh I Tablabagh II Bindasora Kalapani Balukiasuri Muriskata 8 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Puankhai SC Puankhai Malsuri Bandiasora Lokisuri Devasuri Nokuksora Dursuri 9 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Tiperaghat SC Tiperaghat I Tiperaghat II Tiperaghat III Silgur Balungsuri Thekamukh Letisuri 10 Lunglei Bunghmun Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Tuichawng SC Tuichawng Belpei Tuichawngchhuah Sazekduar 11 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Zodin SC Tlabung Zodin Camp group Serhuan Chawnpui 12 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Community Health Centers Hnahthial CHC 13 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Hnahthial SC Hnahthial Denlung Mualthuam S 14 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Leite SC Leite Rotlang E Maudarh 15 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Tarpho SC Tarpho Khawhri Aithur 16 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Thiltlang SC Thiltlang 17 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Tuipui D SC Tuipui D 18 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Sazaikawn UPHC 19 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Bazar SC Bazar College veng 20 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Pukpui SC Pukpui 21 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Rahsiveng SC Rahsiveng Sazaikawn Venglai 22 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Thehlep SC Thehlep Belthei 23 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Thuampui SC Thuampui Vuakmual Vanhne 24 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Venghlun SC Venghlun 25 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Zohnuai SC Zohnuai Khawiva 26 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Zotlang SC Zotlang Serkawn 27 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Hauruang SC Hauruang Runtung Pachang 28 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Hrangchalkawn UPHC 29 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Central SC Chanmari Central veng 30 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Electric SC Electric 31 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Farmveng SC Farmveng 32 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Lunglawn SC Lunglawn Luangmual 33 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Ramthar SC Ramthar Salem 34 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Theiriat SC Theiriat Sethlun 35 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Vaisam SC Vaisam Chithar Thangte Thangpui 36 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Hrangchalkawn SC Hrangchalkawn Lungpuizawl Sairep 37 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Ralvawng SC N Ralvawng Old Ralvawng Dawn 38 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Zobawk SC Zobawk Hlumte 39 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Primary Health Centres Bunghmun S PHC 40 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Bunghmun S SC Bunghmun Sachan Sumasumi Hmundo Tleu Tuikawi 41 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Darngawn W SC Darngawn 42 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Kawnpui W SC Kawnpui 43 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Laisawral SC Laisawral N Sachan Mauzam Saisen Terabonia Salmur 44 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Sesawm SC Sesawm Phainuam 45 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Thenhlum SC Thenhlum Dampui LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Lunglei Dist 15 13 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 Villge 6 Villge 7 Villge 8 Villge 9 1 Lunglei Lungsen Tertiary Care Centre Tlabung Leprosy Hospital 2 Lunglei Lunglei Lunglei District Hospital District Hospital Lunglei District Hospital 3 Lunglei Lunglei Christian Hospital, Serkawn Private Christian Hospital, Serkawn 4 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub-District Hospital Tlabung SDH 5 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Chawilung SC Chawilung New Khojoysuri Old Khojoysuri Zohmun Lare veng Bornosuri 6 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Diblibagh SC Diblibagh Samuksuri Ugdasuri Sugarbasora 7 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Nunsury SC Nunsury Nunsuri I Nunsuri II Tablabagh I Tablabagh II Bindasora Kalapani Balukiasuri Muriskata 8 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Puankhai SC Puankhai Malsuri Bandiasora Lokisuri Devasuri Nokuksora Dursuri 9 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Tiperaghat SC Tiperaghat I Tiperaghat II Tiperaghat III Silgur Balungsuri Thekamukh Letisuri 10 Lunglei Bunghmun Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Tuichawng SC Tuichawng Belpei Tuichawngchhuah Sazekduar 11 Lunglei Lungsen Tlabung SDH Sub Centres Zodin SC Tlabung Zodin Camp group Serhuan Chawnpui 12 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Community Health Centers Hnahthial CHC 13 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Hnahthial SC Hnahthial Denlung Mualthuam S 14 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Leite SC Leite Rotlang E Maudarh 15 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Tarpho SC Tarpho Khawhri Aithur 16 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Thiltlang SC Thiltlang 17 Lunglei Hnahthial Hnahthial CHC Sub Centres Tuipui D SC Tuipui D 18 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Sazaikawn UPHC 19 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Bazar SC Bazar College veng 20 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Pukpui SC Pukpui 21 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Rahsiveng SC Rahsiveng Sazaikawn Venglai 22 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Thehlep SC Thehlep Belthei 23 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Thuampui SC Thuampui Vuakmual Vanhne 24 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Venghlun SC Venghlun 25 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Zohnuai SC Zohnuai Khawiva 26 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Zotlang SC Zotlang Serkawn 27 Lunglei Lunglei Sazaikawn UPHC Sub Centres Hauruang SC Hauruang Runtung Pachang 28 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Urban Primary Health Centres Hrangchalkawn UPHC 29 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Central SC Chanmari Central veng 30 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Electric SC Electric 31 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Farmveng SC Farmveng 32 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Lunglawn SC Lunglawn Luangmual 33 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Ramthar SC Ramthar Salem 34 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Theiriat SC Theiriat Sethlun 35 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Vaisam SC Vaisam Chithar Thangte Thangpui 36 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Hrangchalkawn SC Hrangchalkawn Lungpuizawl Sairep 37 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Ralvawng SC N Ralvawng Old Ralvawng Dawn 38 Lunglei Lunglei Hrangchalkawn UPHC Sub Centres Zobawk SC Zobawk Hlumte 39 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Primary Health Centres Bunghmun S PHC 40 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Bunghmun S SC Bunghmun Sachan Sumasumi Hmundo Tleu Tuikawi 41 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Darngawn W SC Darngawn 42 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Kawnpui W SC Kawnpui 43 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Laisawral SC Laisawral N Sachan Mauzam Saisen Terabonia Salmur 44 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Sesawm SC Sesawm Phainuam 45 Lunglei Bunghmun Bunghmun S PHC Sub Centres Thenhlum SC Thenhlum Dampui LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Lunglei Dist 14 46 Lunglei Hnahthial Cherhlun PHC Primary Health Centres Cherhlun PHC 47 Lunglei Hnahthial Cherhlun PHC Sub Centres Bualpui H SC Bualpui H 48 Lunglei Hnahthial Cherhlun PHC Sub Centres Cherhlun SC Cherhlun New Ngharchhip Old Ngharchhip 49 Lunglei Hnahthial Cherhlun PHC Sub Centres Thingsai SC Thingsai 50 Lunglei Hnahthial Chhipphir PHC Primary Health Centres Chhipphir PHC 51 Lunglei Lunglei Chhipphir PHC Sub Centres Bualpui V SC Bualpui V 52 Lunglei Hnahthial Chhipphir PHC Sub Centres Chhipphir SC Chhipphir 53 Lunglei Hnahthial Chhipphir PHC Sub Centres Zote SC Zote S 54 Lunglei Lunglei Haulawng PHC Primary Health Centres Haulawng PHC 55 Lunglei Lunglei Haulawng PHC Sub Centres Haulawng SC Haulawng Lalveng Hmuntlang Saichho Mausen 56 Lunglei Lunglei Haulawng PHC Sub Centres Hnahchang / Zotui Hnahchang Phaileng Chengpui 57 Lunglei Lunglei Haulawng PHC Sub Centres Mualthuam N SC Mualthuam 58 Lunglei Lunglei Haulawng PHC Sub Centres Ramlaitui SC Ramlaitui Sekhum 59 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Primary Health Centres Lungsen PHC 60 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Sub Centres Lungsen SC Lungsen Sihphirtlang Rolui Undermanik 61 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Sub Centres Phairuangkai SC Phairuangkai Rotlang W Chhumkhum Rangte Chhuahthum 62 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Sub Centres Putlungasih SC Putlungasih Kauchhuah Phairuangchhuah Pangtlang 63 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Sub Centres Tuisenchhuah SC Tuisenchhuah Bolia 64 Lunglei Lungsen Lungsen PHC Sub Centres Zawlpui SC Zawlpui 65 Lunglei Hnahthial Pangzawl PHC Primary Health Centres Pangzawl PHC 66 Lunglei Hnahthial Pangzawl PHC Sub Centres Pangzawl SC Pangzawl Lungmawi Khawngbawk 67 Lunglei Hnahthial Pangzawl PHC Sub Centres Rawpui SC Rawpui 68 Lunglei Hnahthial S Vanlaiphai PHC Primary Health Centres S. Vanlaiphai PHC 69 Lunglei Hnahthial S Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres Darzo SC Darzo 70 Lunglei Hnahthial S Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres Muallianpui SC Muallianpui Lungleng Lungpuitlang 71 Lunglei Hnahthial S Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres S Vanlaiphai SC S Vanlaiphai 72 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Primary Health Centres Tawipui S PHC 73 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Mamte SC Mamte Thlengang 74 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Mualcheng SC Mualcheng 75 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Tawipui N SC Tawipui N I Tawipui N II 76 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Tawipui S SC Tawipui S 77 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Thingfal SC Thingfal 78 Lunglei Lunglei Tawipui S PHC Sub Centres Thualthu SC Thualthu Bualte Thaizawl 79 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Primary Health Centres Buarpui PHC 80 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Buarpui SC Buarpui Bungtlang W 81 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Changpui SC Changpui 82 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Kawlhawk SC Kawlhawk 83 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Khawlek SC N Khawlek Old Khawlek Dengsur 84 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Lungchem SC Lungchem 85 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Serte SC Serte Lungdai 86 Lunglei Bunghmun Buarpui PHC Sub Centres Sertlangpui SC Sertlangpui 16 15 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 Villge 6 Villge 7 1Mamit Zawlnuam Mamit District Hospital District Hospital Mamit District Hospital 2Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Damdiai SC Damdiai Vawngawnzo 3Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Dampui SC Dampui Khanthuam 4Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Darlak SC Darlak Bawngva 5Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Mamit SC Mamit Phaizau 6Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres N Sabual SC N Sabual Tlangkhang Chilui 7Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Nalzawl SC Nalzawl 8Mamit Zawlnuam * Mamit District Hospital Sub Centres Suarhliap SC Suarhliap 9Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Community Health Centers Kawrthah CHC 10 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Chuhvel SC Chuhvel Kananthar 11 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Hriphaw SC Hriphaw Kolalian 12 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Kawrthah SC Kawrthah Sarali Quarry Veng 13 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Rengdil SC Rengdil Sihthiang 14 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Saikhawthlir SC Saikhawthlir 15 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrthah CHC Sub Centres Zamuang SC Zamuang Zamuang 16 Mamit Reiek Rawpuichhip PHC Primary Health Centres Rawpuichhip PHC 17 Mamit Reiek Rawpuichhip PHC Sub Centres Rawpuichhip SC Rawpuichhip Dapchhuah Dilzawl Tuahzawl Rawpuichhip 18 Mamit Reiek Rawpuichhip PHC Sub Centres Rulpuihlim SC Rulpuihlim Chungtlang Rulpuihlim 19 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrtethawveng PHC Primary Health Centres Kawrtethawveng PHC 20 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrtethawveng PHC Sub Centres W Bunghmun SC W Bunghmun Serhmun Thaidawr 21 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrtethawveng PHC Sub Centres Kawrtethawveng SC Kawrtethawveng Mualthuam Sotapa Kawrtethawveng 22 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrtethawveng PHC Sub Centres New Eden SC New Eden New Eden 23 Mamit Zawlnuam Kawrtethawveng PHC Sub Centres Tuidam SC Tuidam Tumpanglui Tuidam 24 Mamit W Phaileng Marpara PHC Primary Health Centres Marpara PHC 25 Mamit W Phaileng Marpara PHC Sub Centres Marpara SC Marpara Marpara S Marpara N Marpara Mizo Veng Hruiduk Eringsuri 26 Mamit W Phaileng Marpara PHC Sub Centres Silsuri SC Silsuri Hnahva Indroramsora Silsuri 27 Mamit W Phaileng Phuldungsei PHC Primary Health Centres Phuldungsei PHC 28 Mamit W Phaileng Phuldungsei PHC Sub Centres Parvatui SC Parvatui Parvatui 29 Mamit W Phaileng Phuldungsei PHC Sub Centres Phuldungsei SC Phuldungsei Ramrikawn Phuldungsei Vengthar Phulbial Chaltui 30 Mamit W Phaileng Phuldungsei PHC Sub Centres Pukzing SC Pukzing W.Phulpui Pukzing Vengthar 31 Mamit W Phaileng W Phaileng PHC Primary Health Centres W.Phaileng PHC 32 Mamit W Phaileng W Phaileng PHC Sub Centres Damparengpui SC Damparengpui Tuirum Khawhnai 33 Mamit W Phaileng W Phaileng PHC Sub Centres Lallen SC Lallen Saithah Chhippui Kawnmawi Lallen 34 Mamit W Phaileng W Phaileng PHC Sub Centres Tuipuibari SC Tuipuibari Tuipuibari Rajivnagar Andermanik Belkhai Zomuantlang Khantlang 35 Mamit W Phaileng W Phaileng PHC Sub Centres W.Phaileng SC W. Phaileng Phaileng Dinthar Teirei Forest Salem boarding W.Phaileng 36 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Primary Health Centres Zawlnuam PHC 37 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Sub Centres Borai SC Borai Borai 38 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Sub Centres Bungthuam SC Bungthuam Bungthuam 39 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Sub Centres Zawlnuam SC Zawlnuam Thuampui Zawlpui 40 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Sub Centres Kanhmun SC Kanhmun Luimawi 41 Mamit Zawlnuam Zawlnuam PHC Sub Centres Thinghlun SC Thinghlun Bazirungpa Veng Thinghlun Mamit Dist LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team 17 16 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 Villge 6 Villge 7 Villge 8 1 Saiha Saiha Saiha District Hospital District Hospital Saiha District Hospital 2 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Maubawk SC Maubawk 3 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Old Saiha SC Old Saiha Vaihpi 1 Vaihpi 2 Vaihpi 3 ECM Veng Thingsen Meisatla Meisavaih 4 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Phalhrang SC Palhrang 5 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Rawmibawk SC Rawmibawk 6 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Saihatlangkawn SC Saihatlangkawn Saihatlangkawn 1 Saihatlangkawn 2 Saihatlangkawn 3 7 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Theiva SC Theiva N.Siaha E N.Siaha W Council Veng 8 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Tuipuiferry SC Tuipui Ferry Riasikah 9 Saiha Saiha * Saiha District Hospital Sub Centres Tuisumpui SC Tuisumpui 10 Saiha Saiha Maraland gospel Centenary Hospital Private Maraland gospel Centenary Hospital 11 Saiha Saiha Chakhang PHC Primary Health Centres Chakhang PHC 12 Saiha Saiha Chakhang PHC Sub Centres Chakhang SC Chakhang Chakhang 1 Chakhang 2 Chakheitla Siasi 13 Saiha Saiha Chakhang PHC Sub Centres Siata SC Siata 14 Saiha Saiha Chhuarlung PHC Primary Health Centres Chhuarlung PHC 15 Saiha Saiha Chhuarlung PHC Sub Centres Chhuarlung SC Chhuarlung Chhuarlung 1 Chhuarlung 2 Chhuarlung 3 16 Saiha Saiha Chhuarlung PHC Sub Centres Niawhtlang SC Niawhtlang Lobo KM-10 17 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Primary Health Centres Phura PHC 18 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Sub Centres Lawngban SC Lawngban 19 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Sub Centres New Latawh SC New Latawh N.Sekawr Lohry 20 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Sub Centres Phura SC Phura Miepu Lopu Khaikhy 21 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Sub Centres Tongkolong SC Tongkolong Bymari Lungdar 22 Saiha Tuipang Phura PHC Sub Centres Vahai SC Vahai 23 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Primary Health Centres Tuipang PHC 24 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Chapui SC Chapui Chheihlu Mawhre 25 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Laki SC Laki Siatlai 26 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Serkawr SC Serkawr 27 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Tuipang L SC Tuipang L 28 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Tuipang V SC Tuipang V Tuipang Venglai Tuipang Bazar Tuipang Diary 29 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Tuisih SC Tuisih Theiri 30 Saiha Tuipang Tuipang PHC Sub Centres Zawngling SC Zawngtling Lotai Ahmypi LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM Saiha Dist * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team 18 17 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 1 Serchhip Serchhip Serchhip District Hospital District Hospital Serchhip District Hospital 2 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Bungtlang SC Bungtlang 3 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Chhiahtlang SC Chhiahtlang 4 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Hraingtlang SC Hraingtlang 5 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Keitum SC Keitum 6 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres New Serchhip SC New Serchhip P & E 7 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Serchhip SC Serchhip 8 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Sialhau SC Sialhau Vanchengte 9 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Community Health Centers Thenzawl CHC 10 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Buangpui SC Buangpui Neihloh 11 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Thenzawl SC Thenzawl Thenzawl 'W' Kanan 12 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Kanghmun South SC Kanghmun South 13 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Primary Health Centres Ngentiang PHC 14 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Lungpho SC Lungpho 15 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Rullam SC Rullam 16 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Thinglian SC Thinglian 17 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Primary Health Centres Chhingchhip PHC 18 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Chhingchhip SC Chhingchhip 19 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Hmuntha SC Hmuntha 20 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Hualtu SC Hualtu 21 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Khawbel SC Khawbel 22 Serchhip Thingsulthliah Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Thentlang SC Thentlang 23 Serchhip East Lungdar Khawlailung PHC Primary Health Centres Khawlailung PHC 24 Serchhip East Lungdar Khawlailung PHC Sub Centres Khawlailung SC Khawlailung Hmunzawl Sialsir Chekawn Piler Serchhip Dist LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM 19 17 District Name Administrative Block Sub District Name Health Facility Facility Name Villge 1 Villge 2 Villge 3 Villge 4 Villge 5 1 Serchhip Serchhip Serchhip District Hospital District Hospital Serchhip District Hospital 2 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Bungtlang SC Bungtlang 3 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Chhiahtlang SC Chhiahtlang 4 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Hraingtlang SC Hraingtlang 5 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Keitum SC Keitum 6 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres New Serchhip SC New Serchhip P & E 7 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Serchhip SC Serchhip 8 Serchhip Serchhip * Serchhip District Hospital Sub Centres Sialhau SC Sialhau Vanchengte 9 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Community Health Centers Thenzawl CHC 10 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Buangpui SC Buangpui Neihloh 11 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Thenzawl SC Thenzawl Thenzawl 'W' Kanan 12 Serchhip Serchhip Thenzawl CHC Sub Centres Kanghmun South SC Kanghmun South 13 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Primary Health Centres Ngentiang PHC 14 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Lungpho SC Lungpho 15 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Rullam SC Rullam 16 Serchhip Serchhip Ngentiang PHC Sub Centres Thinglian SC Thinglian 17 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Primary Health Centres Chhingchhip PHC 18 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Chhingchhip SC Chhingchhip 19 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Hmuntha SC Hmuntha 20 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Hualtu SC Hualtu 21 Serchhip Serchhip Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Khawbel SC Khawbel 22 Serchhip Thingsulthliah Chhingchhip PHC Sub Centres Thentlang SC Thentlang 23 Serchhip East Lungdar Khawlailung PHC Primary Health Centres Khawlailung PHC 24 Serchhip East Lungdar Khawlailung PHC Sub Centres Khawlailung SC Khawlailung Hmunzawl Sialsir Chekawn Piler Serchhip Dist LIST OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES IN MIZORAM 18 25 Serchhip East Lungdar Lungdar E PHC Primary Health Centres Lungdar E PHC 26 Serchhip East Lungdar Lungdar E PHC Sub Centres Leng SC Leng 27 Serchhip East Lungdar Lungdar E PHC Sub Centres Lungdar E SC Lungdar E 28 Serchhip East Lungdar Lungdar E PHC Sub Centres Mualcheng SC Mualcheng 29 Serchhip East Lungdar Lungdar E PHC Sub Centres Sailulak SC Sailulak 30 Serchhip East Lungdar N. Vanlaiphai PHC Primary Health Centres N.Vanlaiphai PHC N.Vanlaiphai 31 Serchhip East Lungdar N. Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres Lungchhuan SC Lungchhuan 32 Serchhip East Lungdar N. Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres Lungkawlh SC Lungkawlh 33 Serchhip East Lungdar N. Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres N Vanlaiphai SC N Vanlaiphai Bawktlang 34 Serchhip East Lungdar N. Vanlaiphai PHC Sub Centres S Chawngtui SC S Chawngtui * Through its Public Health Medical Officer's Team Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of MizoramPrinted at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Government of Mizoram Department engaged in the business of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, within the state of Mizoram, under the Electricity Act, 2003

VOL - XLVISSUE - 168Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.B. 24056/6/2015-P&E/Pt, the 3rd June, 2016.Wher eas the D epartment of Power & Electricity Department, ha ving its office a t Aiza wl, Mizoram as a Gover nment of Mizoram Depar tment engaged in the business of genera tion, transmission and distribution of electricity, within the state of Mizoram, under the Electricity Act, 2003. And, whereas Power & Electricity Department is required to establish tra nsmission and distribution system and to undertake transmission and distribution of electricity through intra state transmission and distribution system ; And, wherea s for placing and ma intaining of electric lines or electrical plant under, over, along or across, post in or upon anyu immovable property for the transmission of electricity or for the purpose of telephonic or telegr aphic communications necessar y for proper coor dination of works, the vesting and exercise of the powers of the Telegr aph Authority under Par t-III of the Indian Telegraph Act 1885 ( 8 of 1885) with res pect to placing of the telegr aph lines a nd posts established or maintained or to be so established or maintained are required to be confer red on the Power & Electricity Department. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Secton 164 of the Electricity Act 2003 the Power & Electr icity Depar tment is her eby a uthorized to exer cise all the powers vested in the Telegraph Author ity under Par t-III of the India n Telegraph Act, 1885 in respect of the electr ical lines a nd el ectrical pla nts es tablished or mainta ined, or to be so established or ma intained for the transmission and distribution of electricity or for the pur pose of telephonic or telegr aphic communication necessar y for the proper coordination of the wor ks. The above authorization is subject to compliance by the Power & Electricity Department to the req uirements of the provisions of the Electricity At 2003 a nd rules made there under. Power & Electricity Department shall publish Public Notice in at least two local daily newspapers in res pect of such intra state transmission scheme giving a notice of two months to any interested person to make a r epresentaion on the route of the scheme. Power & Electricity Department shall take into consider ation the objections/representations before finalizing the optimal route alignment. The optimal route should invole minimum forest, crossings (River, Railway, Road) and have minimum impact on habitation. Power & Electricity Depa rtment sha ll keep a r ecor d of such objections/representations r eceived a long with the a ction ta ken to res olve the ob jections. Power & Electricity Department shall publish the Public Notice as per prescribed format. Zothankhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor am, Power & Electricity Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 168Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Local Administration Deptt. (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 169Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 169 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/29/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 6th June, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of r ecruitment to the post of Head Circle Assista nt, Field Inspector and Assista nt Field Inspector under Local Administration Depa rtment, Government of Mizora m namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Local Administration Deptt. commencement (Group ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexur e-I hereto a nnexed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), classification and the scale of pay/ cla ssification and s cale of Pay Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in pay/Pay Band & Grade Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-169/2016 (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marr iage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other pa rty to t he mar riage and t ha t there ar e other va lid grounds for doing so, exempt any such person fr om the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment servant r ecruited under these Rules shall undergo Departmental such training or pa ss such Departmental Examination as ma y be Ex amination pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be r ecorded in writ ing, through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the pr ovisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of other concessions age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizor a m from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Mizoram notified vide No. A. 12018/87/80-APT(B) dated 09.10.1996 and published in t he Mizoram Gazette extraordinary is sue No. 381 dated 10.10.1996 stand hereby repealed with effect from the date of commencement of this Ru les.. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these Rules. By order, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-169/2016 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP ‘C’ POSTS IN LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 Not applicableNot applicable Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableName of postNo. of postClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 Selection Head Circle Assistant4(four) Nos. or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘C’ Non- Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-1 ^ 5,200- 20,200/- ^ 2,800 GPNot applicableBetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates from ST/ SC categoriesNot applicable 1. HSSLC or above from recognised Institutions 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle Schoo l standard.2 (two) years in case of direct recruits Not applicableBetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates from ST/SC categoriesNot applicable 1. HSSLC or above from recognised Institutions 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle Schoo l standard.2 (two) yearsSelection in caseof promotion Field Inspector23(twenty three) Nos. or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘C’ Non- Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-1 ^ 5,200- 20,200/- ^ 2,400 GP Not applicable Assistant Field In spector34(thirty four) Nos. or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘C’ Non- Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-1 ^ 5,200- 20,200/- ^ 1,900 GP Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314Exempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC as constituted by th e Government from time to time PROM OT ION : From Field Inspector with 5 (five) years of regular service in th e grade 100 % by promotionExempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC as constituted by th e Government from time to time PROMOTION : From Assistant Field Inspector with 8 (eight) years of regular service in the grade 75 % by promotion 35% by direct recruitment Exempted from the purview of Mizoram Public Service Commission DPC as constituted by th e Government from time to time Not applicable 100 % by direct recruitmentPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 4 - Ex-169/2016

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas as Darlak village

VOL - XLVISSUE - 175Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/30/2012-REV, the 13th June, 2016. In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No. H. 11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit Distr ict sta tion ar eas as Darlak village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years. The composition of the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman : Lalchhanhima, President, Villa ge Council, Dar lak. 2.Secr etary : B. Vanlalrema, Headmaster, Middle School. MEMBERS 1)Lalr uatfela, Secreta ry, Village Council, Dar lak. 2)H. Lalrinmawia, President, MNF. 3)Tlangthankhuma, Pr esident, Congr ess. 4)Zotea, J.E., PHE Deptt. 5)Lalzarliana, R.O., Forest Department. 6)R.K. Thianga, President, MUP. 7)Rochungnunga, President, YMA. 8)Isaac Lalrempuia, A.S.O., Mamit District. 9)Prominent Persons :- a)H. Lalduha wma b)Lalnunpara FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board sha ll have to judiciously examine the applica nt’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall ha ve its sitting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA sha ll be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The S ecretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 175 - 2 - Ex-175/2016 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the Dis t r ict . In ca se, C hair man of S AAB is S DO (C ) or BDO or P r es ident, Village Cou nc il t he a pp lica t ion for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the a pplication with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land by Surveyor, Revenue Depa rtment in the presence of the applica nt, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be a ccurate and NOC sha ll be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for fur ther submission to the Government through the Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to fu ture infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State & District Level Steering Committee on Food Safety in the State of Mizoram consisting of the following members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 176Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.G.17011/14/2014-HFW, the 13th June, 2016.In supersession of Government Notification No.D. 12011/2/2011-HFW Dated, Aizawl the 8th Oct, 2012 a nd in or der to implement Food Safety a nd Standards Act, 2006 and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoratn is please to constitute State & District Level Steering Committee on Food Safety in the State of Mizoram consisting of the following memb ers with immediate effect and until f urther order as indica ted below :- I.State Steering CommitteeChairman: Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. Vice-Chairman: Secretary/Commissioner, Health & F.W. Department. Convener & Member S ecy. : Commissioner of Food Safety, H&FW Deptt. Members: 1. Depu ty Commissioner of F ood Safety. 2. Repr esentat ive from Tr ade & Commerce. 3. Representative from AH & Vety Deptt. 4. Representative from Agriculture Deptt. 5. President fr om Mizor am Consumers’ Union. 6. Designated Officer, Dir ect or ate of Healt h Services. 7. Representative from CYMA/MHIP, Mizoram. 8. Repr esentat ive from Indu stries Department. 9. Repr esentative of Municipa l Councils. II.District Steering CommitteeChairman: District Collector/Dy. Commissioner. Vice-Chairman: District S uperint endent of Police. Convener & M ember S ecy. : Chief Medica l Offic er of t he Distr ict. Members: 1. District Medical Superintendent. 2. Representative from Distr ict Rural Development Agency (DRDA) 3. Repr esentative from District Joint Villa ge Council. 4. Designated Officer of the District. 5. Food Safety Officer of the District 6. Representatives of Autonomous District Councils (where existing) La lrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 176Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Press Representative Accreditation (Amendment) Rules, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 177Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.F. 14011/1/2009-IPR, the 13th June, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the pr oviso to a rticle 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram hereby makes the following rules to amend the Mizoram Press Represent ative Accreditation (C onstitution of the Mizoram Press Representa tive Accreditation and Grant of Accreditation) Rules, 2014 notified under Notification No. F. 14011/1/2009-IPR dt. 2.12.2014 and published in the Mizoram Gazette Extra ordinary dt. 5.12.2014 under issue No. 562, as follows, namely :- 1.Short title & (1)These rules may be called the Mizor am Press Repr esentative Commencement Accreditation (Amendment) Rules, 2016. (2)It shall come into force from the date of their publica tion in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Rule 8 Cla use (e) of rule 8 of the Mizor am Press Representative Accreditation (Constitution of the Mizoram Press Representa tive Accredita tion and Grant of Accreditation) Rules, 2014 shall be substituted by the following, namely :- “(e) A Press Representative to be a ccredit ed from one fir m can be considered according to the merit of the case/need basis if they fulfill the r equired conditions”. B. Lalthanliana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Information & Public Relations Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 177Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Working Group to initiate the process of implementation of Bharatnet-II consisting of the following members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 178Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No.A. 33015/5/2015-ICT, the 13th June, 2016.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute a Working Gr oup to initiate the process of implementa tion of Bharatnet-II consisting of the following members : 1.Secretary, IC T Depart ment-Chairman 2.E-in-C, P&E Depart ment-Vice Chairman 3.Lalt lanthanga, EE (Revenue) P&E Department-Coordinator 4.Chief Informatics Officer, ICT Department-Member 5.Chief Scientific Officer, Science & Technology-Member 6.Rony Lallia nmawia, System Engineer, ICT Department -Member 7.R. Lalfamkima, Scientist, MIRSAC-Member F unctions :1)Planning of conducting survey/GIS mapping for submission of DoT. 2)Coor dinate with DoT for approval of plan of sur vey. 3)Submit suggestion to Gover nment of Mizora m for hiring of Consultant Fir m, setting up of SPC, etc. 4)Coordinate with APSFL for replication of GIS system and mobile application for survey and monitoring purpose. 5)Weekly meeting may be held by the Working Group till firming up of the project initiatives. 6)In a ddition to Bha ratnet - II, the Working Group may also plan for Mizoram Government Communication Network for Aizawl. C. Lalhmachhuana, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of Information & CommunicationTechnology. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 178Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Site Allotment Advisory Board (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas Vawngawnzo

VOL - XLVISSUE - 179Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATION No. J. 12011/30/2012-REV, the 13th June, 2016. In pursuance to this Department’s Notification No. H. 11018/6/2008-REV/pt, dt.15.7.2013, the Governor of Mizoram is please to constitute Site Allotment Advisory Boa rd (SAAB) within Mamit District station areas Vawngawnzo village with immediate effect and valid for 2 years. T he composition the SAAB shall be given as under. 1.Chairman : Lalchha ndama, President, Village Council, Vawngawnzo. 2.Secretary : R.Zothansanga, Teacher. MEMBERS 1)Lalr ingngheta, Secr etary, Village Council, Vawngawnzo 2)Engma wia, Congress Pa rty. 3)Lalchhuanmawia MNF Party. 4)Lalduli Royte, YMA. 5)Lalbiakhlui, MHIP. 6)Isaac Lalrempuia, A.S.O., Mamit District. FUNCTIONS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SAAB1.The Site Allotment Advisor y Board will be the S creening Board in the matter of application for allotment of land for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes. 2.The Board sha ll have to judiciously examine the applica nt’s originality with reference to sub-section (16) of Section 2 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Act, 2013. If the condition in these provisions are not fulfilled by the applicant or applicants t he Boar d shall have to reject outright. 3.The Board shall ha ve its sitting at least twice in a year or as may be required and TA sha ll be given to the members of the Board if the place of sitting is more than 8 (eight) kilometer from the headquarter of the member. The S ecretar y SAAB shall issue Meeting Notice in consultation with the Chairma n by giving at least 10 (ten) days in advance to the member of S AAB. 4.All applications in prescribed Form for allotment of land in Village Plan area as referred in Explanation to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 and Rule 16 of the Mizoram (Land Revenue) Rules, 2013 read with Section 39 and 40 of the Act for any ca tegory or purpose must be submitted to the Settlement Officer or Assista nt Settlement Officer if Chairman of SAAB is the Deputy C ommissioner of the Dis t rict . In cas e, C hair ma n of SAAB is S DO (C) or BDO or Pr esident , Villa ge Cou ncil t he a pp lica t ion for land allotment of any category must be submitted to the concerned Chair man. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 179 - 2 - Ex-179/2016 5.The Board shall make initial screening of the a pplication with regard to location of the applied site. After a summary scr eening, the Board shall place the ma tter for demarcation of land by Surveyor, Revenue Depa rtment in the presence of the applica nt, the concerned VC and neighbouring land holder, if any. Measurement of land should be a ccurate and NOC sha ll be obtained from the neighbouring land holder, if existent. Format of NOC is as prescribed by Revenue Department. 6.The demarcation report of S urveyor duly vetted by Assistant Survey Officer shall be scrutinized by the Board carefully. The recommendation of the meeting of Board shall be submitted to the concerned District Revenue Officer for fur ther submission to the Government through the Dir ector, Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl Mizor am for decision of the Government. 7.In case, there are more than one a pplicant for one plot or one area SAAB will make recommendation of such names in order of prior ity. 8.The SAAB shall have to exa mine whether a llotment of land will interfere or infringe upon public safety and security or general public health or public inconvenience or adverse impact on environment or natural beauty of the area or potential obstruction to fu ture infrastructure development wor k of the Government. It shall also take into account that the allotment of land shall not violate the provisions of the Mizoram (Prevention of Government Land Encroachment) Act, 2001 as amended fr om time to time. 9.The term of the Boa rd shall be three year s. The Government may, however, dissolve at any time or extend as it may deem necessary in the interest of public. Zothankhuma, Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram, Land Revenu e & Sett lement Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Public Works Department (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 180Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 180 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/42/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 13th June, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical) under Public Works Department, Government of Mizor am namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) Thes e Rules may be called t he Mizoram Public Wor ks Depart ment commencement (Group ‘B’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexur e-I hereto a nnexed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), classification and the scale of pay/ cla ssification and s cale of Pay Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in pay/Pay Band & Grade Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-180/2016 (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marr iage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other pa rty to t he mar riage and t ha t there ar e other va lid grounds for doing so, exempt any such person fr om the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment servant r ecruited under these Rules shall undergo Departmental such training or pa ss such Departmental Examination as ma y be Ex amination pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be r ecorded in writ ing, in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of t he provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of other concessions age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizor a m from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules pertaining to the pos ts framed by the Government of Mizoram notified vide Notification No. A. 12018/42/2004-P&AR (GSW) dated 06.10.2005, published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 235 dated 11.09.2006 and Notification No. A. 12018/42/ 2004-P&AR(GSW) dated 06.10.2005, published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 282 dated 24.10.2005 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these Rules. By order, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Dept t. of P ersonnel & Administrative Reforms - 3 -Ex-180/2016 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP “B” POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled TribesN.A 1 . High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) with at least 3 years Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering from a Gov t. recognized institution 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle Schoo l standard.2 years in case of direct recruitmentMethod of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 and as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission or Departmental Promotion Committee as constituted by the Government from time to time PROMOTION : 1) From Electrician Grade-I with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade a nd ha ve passed Depa rt- mental Examination in Engineering and Accounts 2) From Mechanic Grade-I with not less than 7 years of regular service in the grade a nd ha ve passed Depa rt- mental Examination in Engineering and Accoutns 65% by direct recruitment and 35% by promotionName of postNo. of postClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 Selection in ca se of promotion Junior Engineer (Electrical/ Mechanical)20(twenty) posts or as sanctioned by the Government from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’ Non- Ga zetted post) (Non-Ministerial)PB-2 ^ 9,300- 34,800/- + ^ 4,400 GPPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

The Mizoram Public Works Department (Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 181Date - 17/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 17.6.2016 Jyaistha 27, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 181 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.l2018/42/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 13th June, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constit ution of India , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following R ules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Electrician Gr ade-I, Electrician Gr ade- II a nd Wireman/Fitter under Public Works Department, Government of Mizor am namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) Thes e Rules may be called t he Mizoram Public Wor ks Depart ment commencement (Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexur e-I hereto a nnexed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said post(s), classification and the scale of pay/ cla ssification and s cale of Pay Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in pay/Pay Band & Grade Pay Column 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters age limit and other relating to the said post shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or - 2 - Ex-181/2016 (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marr iage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other pa rty to t he mar riage and t ha t there ar e other va lid grounds for doing so, exempt any such person fr om the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment servant r ecruited under these Rules shall undergo Departmental such training or pa ss such Departmental Examination as ma y be Ex amination pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in ra nk or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be r ecorded in writ ing, in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of t he provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of other concessions age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Central Government or Government of Mizor a m from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules pertaining to the posts framed by the Government of Mizoram vide Notification No. A. 12018/42/2004-P&AR(GSW) dated 06.10.2005 and published in t he Mizoram Gazette extraordinary is sue No. 285 dated 24.10.2005 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these Rules. By order, etc R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Dept t. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. - 3 -Ex-181/2016 ANNEXURE - I (See Rule 2, 3 & 4) RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP “B” POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rules 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitmentEducational qualification and other qualification required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitmen ts will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.AN.A N.A N.A N.AName of postNo. of postClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band & Grade PayWhether Selection or Non-Selection posts12345 Selection Electrician Grade-I7(seven) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘B’ Non- Ga zetted post) (Technical)PB-2 ^ 9,300- 34,800/- + ^ 4,200 GP Selection in ca se of promotion Electricia n Grade-II10(ten) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘C’ Non- Ga zetted post) (Technical)PB-1 ^ 5,200- 20,200/- + ^ 2,800 GP N.A Wireman/Fitter4(four) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘C’ Non- Ga zetted post) (Technical)PB-1 ^ 5,200- 20,200/- + ^ 2,400 GPN.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candida tes from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled TribesN.A 1 . High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) with at least 2 years Course of ITI Electrician from Govt. recognized institution 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle Schoo l standard.2 (two) years in case of direct recruitment N.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled TribesN.A 1 . High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) with at least 2 years Course of ITI Wireman/Fitter from Govt. recognized institution 2. Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle Schoo l standard.2 (two) years Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/transfer/deputation, grades from which promotion/ deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exist, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment11121314As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Departmental Promotion Committee as constituted by the Government from time to time PROMOTION : From Electrician Grade-II with not less than 6 years of regular service in the grade 100 % by promotionAs per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Departmental Promotion Committee as constituted by the Government from time to time PROMOTION : From Wireman/Fitter with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade 65 % by direct recruitment and 35% by promotion As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Departmental Promotion Committee as constituted by the Government from time to time N.A 100 % by direct recruitmentPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 4 - Ex-181/2016


VOL - XLVISSUE - 182Date - 21/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50DEED OF CHANGING NAME ON AFFIDAVIT BY T HIS DEED I, the undersigned H. Biakmuana (new name), aged about 27 years, s/o Dalkama, a bona fide citizen of India by birth, permanent resident of Hrianghmun, Champhai District, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows :- 1.That I wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the use of my former name P ausuanmunga and in place thereof, do assume from the date hereof the name of H. Biakmuana and so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former na me of P ausuanmunga, but my assume name of H. Biakmuana. 2.T ha t for the purpos e of evidencing such my det ermination I dec lare that I shall a t all times her ea fter in a ll records, deeds and writings and in all pr oceedings, dea lings and transactions of private as well as p ublic a nd upon all occasions whatsoever use and s ign the name of H. Biakmuana as my name in place of and in substitute for my for mer name of Pa usuanmunga. 3.That I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereaft er to designate and address me such assumed sur name of H. Bia kmuana a ccordingly. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s ubscribed my hand and sign this the 3rd day of Ma rch, 2015. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- LalbiakkimaJudicial Magistrate 1st Class AdvocateAizawl Judicial District Aizawl : MizoramMizoram : Aizawl VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 21.6.2016 Jyaistha 31, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 182

Obituary of Dr. F.Lalnundanga, Special Grade of MHS, District Hospital, Champhai

VOL - XLVISSUE - 154Date - 03/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 3.6.2016 Jyaistha 13, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 154OBITUARYThe Go vernment o f Mizo ram has learnt wit h deep so rro w t he unt imely demise o f Dr. F.Lalnundanga, Special Grade of MHS, District Hospital, Champhai on 25.5.2016 at 9:00 P.M. According to official records, he was born on 25.9.1967. He entered into Government Service as Medical Officer on 11.4.1994 and was upgraded to Special Grade with effect from 11.4.2009. He served under the Government of Mizoram in Health & Family Welfare Department at various places as shown below :- 1.Bu nghmun 2.Chawngte 3.Civil Ho spit al, Aizawl 4.Civil Ho spit al, Lunglei 5.Champhai He was a co nscient io us o fficer who discharged his dut ies and respo nsibili- ties with sincerity and devotion. The Govt. of Mizoram places on record its appre- ciation of the services rendered by Dr. F.Lalnundanga, Special Grade of MHS and conveys its sincere sympathy and condelences to his bereaved family. Lalrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Fees, Fines & Charges) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 155Date - 03/06/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 3.6.2016 Jyaistha 13, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 155 N O T I F I C A T I O NNo. G. 12015/3/09- JERC, date 25th May, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) and Clauses (g), (zo) and (zp) of Sub-section (2) of Section 18 1 read with Section 86 (1)(g) of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Act 36 of 2003) and Section 127(1) and all powers enabling it in this behalf, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur & Mizoram hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the Joint Electr icity Regulator y Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (F ees, Fines & Charges) Regulations, 2010 as under:- 1. Short title, commencement and interpretation. (1 ) These Regula tions may be called the “Joint Electr icity Regulator y Commission for Manipur & Mizoram (Fees, Fines & Charges) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2016”. (2 ) These Regulations shall come into force in resp ective states from the date of their publica tion in the Official Gazette of Manipur and Mizoram respectively. (3 ) These Regula tions extend to the whole of the States of Manipur and Mizoram. 2. The following Schedule-1 of Fees shall replace the existing Fees, Fines and Charges specified in Schedule-1 appended to the principal regulation notified on 29th July, 2010. Schedule-11.Fees to be paid with Petition for a Licence : Sl. No. Nature of PetitionFee1.1Fee payable with petition for a tr ansmission/Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) distribution/ trading licence under Section 15(1 ) of the Act. 1.2Initial licence fee under Section 14 of the Act: 1.2. 1 For transmission/distribution licenceRs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh) 1.2. 2 Trading licenceRs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) 1.3Petition for grant of exemption from licence underApplication fee- Rs. 5,000/- Section 13 of the Act.Renewal fee- Rs. 1,00 0/- per yea r for subsequent years 2.Annual Licence fee to be paid by the Licensees including a deemed Licensee: Sl. NoType of LicenceFee per year2.1Transmission LicenceRs. 6,00,000/- (Rupees six lakh) 2.2Distribution LicenceRs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh) 2.3Trading LicenceRs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh) 2.4Integrated Utility (i.e. perfor mingRs. 16,00,000/- (Rupees sixteen lakh) transmission, distribution and trading) Note:The annual licence fees ar e payable within 15 days of the commencement i.e. by 15th of April of each financial year. Any delay shall attract a penal interest @1% per month on the delayed amount. The above annual licence fee shall be enhanced aft er every five years. 3.Petition for amendment of licence under Section 18 of the Act: Sl. No.Natur e of PetitionFee3.13.1.1 Petition by licenseeRs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) 3.1. 2 Petition by any person other than licenseeRs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) 4.Petition for revocation of licence under Sub-section (2) of Section 19 of the Act: By licenseeRs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) 4.1. 2 By ot hersRs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) 5.Determination of tariff under the provisions of Clause (a) of Sub-section 1 of Section 62 of the Act: Sl. No.Natur e of PetitionFee5.1Petition for determination of tariff for supply of electricity, wholesale, bulk or retail,by a distribution Licensee including a deemed Licensee as also for determination of tariff/ charges of wheeling in respect of such distribution Licensee including a deemed Licensee: (i) In the case of initial filing under Multi0.06 paise per kWh of energy proposed Year Tariff frameworkto be handled and/or wheeled during the control period for which the petition is being filed subject to a minimum of Rs. 15,00,000/- (Rupees fifteen lakh) (ii) In t he case of annua l filing within the0.06 paise per kWh of energy proposed contr ol period of Multi Year Tar iffto be handled and/or wheeled during the framework including Annualfina ncial year aft er revision for which the Performa nce Review (APR) and forpetition is being filed subject to a Truing up (unless APR and Truing upminimum of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees are filed separately).ten lakh) Ex-155/20162 5.2Application for determination of tariff for supply of electricity to any distribution Licensee including a deemed Licenseeby a generating company/agency responsible for generation under the provisions of Clause (a) of Sub-section (1) of Section 62 of the Electri- city Act, 2003: (i) Conventional fuel (coal, gas, oil, etc.)Rs. 5,000/- per MW of installed based plant except captive genera tingcapacity or part thereof subject to plant.a minimum of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh) (ii) Conventional fuel (coal, gas, oil, etc.)Rs. 5,000/- per MW of installed based captive gener ating plant.capa city or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) (iii) For determination of tariff for a class ofRs. 5,000/- per MW of installed project(Non-conventional and renewablecapa city or part thereof subject energy based plants including Wind,to a minimum of Rs. 2,00,000/- Solar, Mini or Small Hydro Plant and(Rupees two lakh) Co-generation Plant, etc.). (iv) Hydr o gener ating station including pumpedRs. 5,000/- per MW of installed stor age pla nt other than mini or small hydrocapacity or part thereof subject to generating station and captive hydro genera-a minimum of Rs. 10,00,000/- ting plant.(Rupees ten lakh) (v) Captive hydro generating station other thanRs. 5,000/- per MW of installed mini or small hydro generating station.capacity or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) 5.3Petition for determination of tariff/charges for transmission of electricity of a transmission Licenseeincluding a deemed Licensee: (i) In t he case of init ial filing under Multi Year0.04 paise per kWh of energy Tariff framework.proposed to be transmitted and/ or wheeled during the control period for which the petition is being filed subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh) (ii) In t he case of annua l filing within the control0.04 paise per kWh of energy period of Multi Year Tariff frameworkproposed to be transmitted and/or including Annual Performance Review (APR)wheeled during the financial year and for Truing up (unless APR and Truing upafter revision for which the peti- are filed separately).tion being filed subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,00,000/- (Rupees seven lakh)Ex-155/2016 3 6.Fee for Annual Performance Review (APR) of Multi Year Tariff of Generating Companies, Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees (including deemed Licensees) under MYT framework (if APR is filed separately): Fee0.01 paise per kWh sold and/or wheeled during the year under Annua l Perfor mance Review s u b j e c t t o a m i n i m u m o f Rs. 7,50,000/- (Rupees seven lakh fifty thousand) Sl. No.Natur e of Petition6.1Petition for Annual Performa nce Review of tariff for supply of electricity, wholesale, bulk or retail, as also of tariff/cha rges for wheeling of adistribution Licensee under Multi Year Tariff framework. 6.2Petition for Annual Performance Review of tariff under Multi Year Tariff framework for supply of electricity to any distribution Licenseeby a generating company/agency responsible for generation of following cat egories : (i) Conventional fuel (coal, gas, oil, etc.) based plant except captive genera ting plant. (ii) Conventional fuel (coal, gas, oil, etc.) based captive gener ating plant. (iii) For determination of tariff for a class of projection(Non-conv entional a nd renewable energy based plants including Wind, Solar, Mini or Small Hydro Plant and Co-generation Plant, etc.). (iv) Hydro generating station including pumped stor age pla nt other than mini or small hydro generating station and captive hydr o gener ating plant. (v) Captive hydro gener ating station other than mini or small hydro genera ting station 6.3Petition for Annual Performance Review of ta r iff/cha rges for transmission of electricity of atransmission Licenseeincluding a deemed Licensee under Multi Year Tariff framewor k.Rs. 1,000/- per MW of installed capacity or part thereof subject to a minimum of R s . 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh) Rs. 1 ,000/- p er MW of installed c a p a ci t y or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) Rs. 1 ,000/- p er MW of installed c a p a ci t y or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) Rs. 1,000/- per MW of installed capacity or part thereof subject minimum of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 1,000/- per MW of installed capacity or part thereof subject to a minimum of R s . 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) 0.04 paise per kWh transmitted and/or wheeled dur ing the year under Annual Perfor mance Review s ubject to a minimum of Rs. 7,50,000/- (Rupees seven lakh, fifty thousand) Ex-155/20164 9Fee to be paid with petitions for adjudication of disputes/grievances: Sl. No.Natur e of PetitionFee9.1For filing Petition for adjudication of disputes regarding availability of trans- mission facility under the second proviso to Sub-section (2) of Section 9 of the Act, to be paid by the person who ha s referred such dispute to the Commission. 7.Petition for determination of rates, charges, terms and conditions under the Act: FeeRs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) 0.015% of Annual Revenue expected subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand) Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) FeeRs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) 50% of fee as required for the origina l petition. Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) for ever y one hour of inspection or part threreof. Sl. No.Natur e of Petition7.1Petition for determination of rates, charges, terms and conditions under proviso to Sub- section (1) of Section 36 of the Act. 7.2Petition for approval of ARR and determina- tion of fees and charges to be levied by SLDC under Section 32(3). 7.3Petition for approva l of the schedule of charges of a distribution licensee under Section 45 and 46 of the Act. Sl. No.Natur e of Petition8.1Petition for review of tariff order for a cont rol period for any category mentioned in Serial 5 of this Schedule: 8.1.1 By Licensee and Generation Company 8.1.2 By institution/organization 8.1.3 By individual 8.2Petition for review of a n order of Annual Performance Review of Multi Year Tariff mentioned in Seria ls 5 and 6 of this Schedule 8.2.1 By Licensee and Generation Company 8.2.2 By institution/organization 8.2.3 By individual 8.3Petition for review of any order of the Commission other than orders mentioned in Serials 5 and 6 of this Schedule: 8.4Petition for inspection of documents permitted to be inspected. 8.Fee to be paid for Review of Tariff Orders : Upto 5MW Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) and above 5MW Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand)Ex-155/2016 5 Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand) Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh) Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) 9.2For filing Petition for adjudication of disputeunder Section 33(4) a nd 86(1)(f) of the Act. 9.3Petition relating to open access under Sub-section (2), (3) and (4) of Section 42 of the Act and Regulations specified thereunder: 9.3.1Application under proviso to Section 35 of the Act for adjudication of dispute regarding extent of surplus capa city for intervening transmission. 9.3.2 Petition for adjudication of dispute regarding provision of non-discrimi- natory open access under Section 40 of the Act and Regulations specified thereunder:. i. For a person who has constructed and maintains and operates a captive gener ating plant. ii. For a person having a captive generating plant for generation of energy from renewable sources of co-genera tion. iii. For a consumer. iv. For a licensee or generating company v. For any person, other than a generating company or Licensee, who wheels or proposes to wheel electricity. 9.4Adjudication of dispute under Clause (f) of S ub-section 1 of Section 86 of the Act regarding disputes between licensees and generating companies and between licensees themselves, not covered by theseRegu lations. 9.5For filing Petition for adjudication of dispute underSub-section (4) and (5 ) of Section 67 of the Act. Ex-155/20166 9.6Representation to the Ombudsman under Section 42 (6) of the Act. 9.7Appeal submitted to the appellate authority under Section 127(1) of the Act.Rs. 100/- (rupees one hundred) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) 10Petition fo r impos ing penalty under the Act: 11Petition for punishment due to non compliance of the directions of the Commission under Section 142 of the Electricity Act: FeeRs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand) Sl. No.Natur e of Petition10.1Petition for imposing penalty under Section 33(5) of the Act upon any licensee, generating company or any other person. Sl. No.Natur e of Petition11.111.1.1 Petition ma de by a genera tion company or institution/organi- za tion. 11.1.2 By any individual. 11.2Cases of non compliance of the orders of C onsumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF) or Ombudsman. 11.2.1 For individual 11.2.2 For institution/orga nization.FeeRs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) 12Petition seeking prior approval under Section 17 of the Act: Sl. No.Natur e of Petition12.112.1.1 To undertake any tr ansaction to acqu ire by purchase or takeover or otherwise the utility of any other licensee under Section 17(1)(a) or merge his utility with the other utility of any other licensee in the State under Section 17(1)(b). 12.1.2 To assign his license or transfer his utility or any part thereof by sale, lea s e, exchange or other wise at any time under Section 17(3) of the Act.FeeRs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh)Ex-155/2016 7 13Petition for amendment of licence under Section 18 of the Act: 14Petition for invoking power of the Commission under the Act: Sl. No.Natur e of PetitionFee15Petition for review of General Order:FeeRs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) Sl. No.Natur e of Petition13.113.1.1 Application by licensee. 13.1.2 Application by any person other tha n a licensee. 14.1Application for invoking power of the Commission under Section 23 of the Electricity Act, 2003. Direction to the licensee for regulating supply, distr ibu- tion, consumption or use of electricity 14.2Application for invoking power of the Commission under Section 24 of the Electricity Act, 2003. Order for suspension of distr ibution license and sale of utility. 14.3Monopoly Control. Ap p l i c a t i o n f o r exer cise of power under Section 60 of the Electricity Ac t , 2 0 0 3 . ( M a r ke t omina tion)Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Sl. No.Natur e of Petition15.1 Petition for review of Order passed by the Commission in connection with adjudication in disputes between licensees and generating companies and referring any disputes to arbitration under Clause (i) of Sub-section 1 of Section 86 of the Act. 15.2Petition (i) to set aside ex-parte or der or to drop ex-par te proceedings and/or (ii) restore any case which was dismissed due to defa ult. 15.2.1 For individual. 15.2.2 For institution/organization. 15.3Petition /Application process ing fee for review of order under PPA. 15.4Petition for review of a ny order on grounds of clerical error/mistake. 15.5Petition for review of order of the Commission not covered in this scheduleFee10% of the fee paid for the original order. Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) NIL Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Ex-155/20168 Sl.No.Nature of Petition16.116.1.1 Petition made by a generation company. 16.1.2 By an individual. 16.1.3 Petition made by the State Covernment or by its officer in his official capacity. 16.Petition under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 : FeeRs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) NIL 18.Petition for approval of Business Plan, Agreement, etc.: Sl.No.Nation of Petition17.117.1.1 By a licensee and Generation Company. 17.1.2 By any other person. 17.Petition for condonation of delay : Sl.No.Nature of Petition18.1Petition for approval of Business Plan in- cluding Capital Investment Plan (CIP), etc. 18.2Petition for approval of Power Purchase Agr eement/ Power Sale Agr eement/Tr ans- mission Service Agreement. (i) Conventional fuel (coal, gas, liquid fuel, etc.) based power plant. (ii) Non-conventiona l/r enewa ble energy sources based power plants. (iii) Transmission Service Agreement 18.3Petition for determination of Variable Cost Adjustment (VCA) chargesFee0.01% of the proposed investment subject to a minimum of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thou- sand)FeeRs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) per MW or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakh). Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) per MW or part thereof. Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand) per MW Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thou- sand) 19.Fee on other petition and miscellaneous charges : Sl.No.Nature of Petition19.1Fee on Interlocutory Application on the main petition submitted before the Commis- sion. 19.2Petition for inspection of record/documents as per provision of the JERC M&M (Con duct of Business) Regulations, 2010.FeeRs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred)Ex-155/2016 9 19.3Petition for certified copy of t he Commis- sion’s order or pleadings or unprivileged/ non confidential documents filed in case matters under JERC M&M (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2010. 18.3.1 Fee on application. 18.3.2 Fee per page. 19.4Miscellaneous application, not covered in this schedule- 18.4.1 For individual/Non-Profit Organiza- tion 18.4.2 For others.Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten) Rs. 2/- (Rupees two) per page Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty) Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty) By Order of the Commission Rechard Zothankima, Assistant Secretary Note : The Principal Regulations were notified in the Manipur Gazette Extraordinary, issue No. 28 dt.2.5.2012 and in the Mizoram Gazette Extraordinary, issue No. 273 dt.6.8.2010. Ex-155/201610 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-150.

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