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Affidavit of R. Robuanga S/o R. Lalzama (L), resident of Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows

VOL - XLVISSUE - 65Date - 24/03/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 24.3.2016 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 65 AFFIDAVIT I, R. Robua nga S/o R. Lalzama (L ), resident of Chanma ri, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows: 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to schedule tr ibe. 2.That I, being the father of minor Lallawmkima Renthlei, age about 10 years, competent to swear this affida vit. 3.That my son’s name has been written and r ecorded as R. Lallawmkima in his School Recor d in Kendria ya, Thuampui, Aizawl, Mizoram. 4.That the name of my son in his bir th certificate has been recently changed to concern authorit y as Lallawmkima Renthlei for future references. 5.That the purpose of this affidavit is t o declar e that R. Lallawmkima and La llawmkima Renthlei signifies only one a nd the same per son. 6.I therefore request the concerned authority to change my son’s name mistakenly recorded as R. Lallawmkima to Lallawmkima Renthlei in the a foresaid School documents. 7.That the statements of para 1-6 of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material facts ha s been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have verified and signed this affidavit before the Magistrate, Aizawl on this the 25th day of February, 2016. Sd/- R. Robua nga DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- Josangzeli TlauJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-1 AdvocateAizawl District District Court ComplexAizawl : Mizoram Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of R. Robuanga S/o R. Lalzama (L), Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby

VOL - XLVISSUE - 66Date - 24/03/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 24.3.2016 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 66 AFFIDAVIT I, R. Robua nga S/o R. Lalzama (L ), resident of Chanma ri, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows: 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to schedule tr ibe. 2.That I, being the father of minor Lalruatfela Renthlei, age about 9 years, competent t o swear this affidavit. 3.That my son’s name has been wr itten and r ecor ded as R. La lruatfela in his School Record in Kendria ya, Thuampui, Aizawl, Mizoram. 4.That the name of my son in his bir th certificate has been recently changed to concern authorit y as Lalr uatfela Renthlei for future r eferences. 5.That the pu rpose of this a ffidavit is to declare that R. Lalruatfela a nd Lalr uatfela Renthlei signifies only one and the same per son. 6.I therefore request the concerned authority to change my son’s name mistakenly recorded as R. Lalruatfela to Lalruatfela Renthlei in the a foresaid School documents. 7.That the statements of para 1-6 of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material facts ha s been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have verified and signed this affidavit before the Magistrate, Aizawl on this the 25th day of February, 2016. Sd/- R. Robua nga DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- Josangzeli TlauJudicial Magistrate 1st Class-1 AdvocateAizawl District District Court ComplexAizawl : Mizoram Aizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of T. Lalparliana S/o Thanghlira Tochhawng R/o Ramhlun South, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 67Date - 24/03/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 24.3.2016 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 67 AFFIDAVIT I, T. Lalpa rliana S/o Thanghlira Tochhawng R/o R amhlun South, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2.That in my Service Book my name has been recorded as P arliana whereas it ha s been recorded as T. Lalparlia na in my Voter ’s Ident ity Card and other important documents which are corr ect. 3.That the na mes T. Lalparliana and Parlia na are the same name which stands for me and on behalf of me. 4.That the na me Parliana which has been entered in my Service Book is to be replaced/substit uted with my correct name is T. Lalparliana for all practical purposes and in all subsequent correspondences. 5.That the matters stated in paras No.1 to 4 above are true to the best of my per sonal knowledge and belief. In witness whereof I put my hand a nd sign this the 4th day of February, 2016. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- LalbiakkimaLalramhluna AdvocateAdvocateNotarial Registration Aizawl : MizoramNota ry PublicNo. 10/2 Aizawl : MizoramDate 4.2.16Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 68Date - 30/03/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Wednesday 30.3.2016 Chaitra 10, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 68 NOTIFICATION No.A.60011/9/2014-EDN, the 28th March, 2016. Whereas the Government deems expedient to have a set of rules to regulate management of hostels t o meet the urgent needs of hosteller-students in particular and the society in general and in pursuance of the decision of the meeting of Council of Minister by Circulation dt. 29.3.2016, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify“the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016” as follows: RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR HOSTELS IN MIZORAM1 . Short Title and Commencement - (1) These rules shall be called the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructur e, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016. (2) These rules shall come into force on such a da te as the Government of Mizoram may, by notification, appoint. 2 . Application (1) In t he Official Gazette, these rules shall apply to all government, government aided and private school – ba sed and standalone hostel/boa rding houses established to cater to school students in the State of Mizor am and to any hostel/boarding accommodating a minimum number of ten school students. (2) The appropriate authority will ensure that all government, government aided and private schools with hostels and standalone host els conform to the Rules and Regulations as indica ted in this docu ment . 3 . Implement a tion of the Rules a nd Regu la tions for Hostels - (1) Wher e applicable, t hese rules will be implemented in all existing hostels including those tha t do not meet the guidelines’ criteria , as well as to all newly established hostels in the State of Mizoram. (2) The Government may, by notification, amend these rules and regulations by adding or omitting ther eof, from time to t ime. 4 . Definition -In t hese r ules, unless the context other wise requires, (a ) ‘Aca demic year ’ means the year beginning on such da te a s the St ate Government or the appr opriate authority may, by notification, specify with respect to a ny specified ar eas or with resp ect to a ny educational institution or class of educational institutions; - 2 - Ex-68/2016 (b) ‘Appropriate authority’ means any person, officer or authority authorised by the Director of School Education, by a written order, to perfor m the functions and discharge the duties of the appr opriate author ity under any of the provisions of these rules and regulations for such area or for such purpose as may be specified in the or der; (c ) ‘Dir ector ’ means Director of School Education, Mizoram (d) ‘Government’ means the Government of Mizoram; ( e) ‘Hostel’ mea ns a house of residence or lodging providing accommodation to school students which may be school based or standalone; (f) ‘Hosteller ’ means a resident of any hostel, whether school-based or sta ndalone, during the period of a n academic yea r and who is a lso enrolled in a school; (g) ‘Hostel fees’ means money paid by the hosteller for all the services provided in the hostel in which she/he is resident; (h) ‘H ostel M anaging Committee’ means the body of individua ls who ar e entrusted with t he mana gement of the affairs of the hostel; (i) ‘A school’ means a n educa tional institution or establishment imparting elementary, secondary and/or higher secondary education and does not include a category of school for a specialized course or persons; (j) ‘Monitoring Team’ means the body of individuals who are appointed by the appropriate authority to examine and make assessments of all hostels within a specified time per iod. (k) ‘School-based hostel/boarding’ means a hostel/boa rding established by a school or a private hostel linked or a ttached to a pa rticula r school for the purpose of providing accommodation to students of the school; It does not include accommodation provided in schools other than that defined in clause (i) of Section 4 (l) ‘School-student’ means a child enr olled in a school and studying in any of the classes from classes I to XII in a school; (m) ‘Sta ndalone hostel’ means a hostel that is not establis hed by a school nor linked or attached to a school but which is providing a ccommodation to school students; (n) ‘State’ means the state of Mizoram; (o) ‘Sta te Government’ means the Government of Mizoram; (p) ‘District Education Officer ’ means an Officer in charge of School Education in a District in Mizor a m; (q) ‘T he Team’ means the Monit oring Team. (r ) Words and expressions used herein but not defined in these rules, shall have the same meaning as a ssigned to them in the Act. 5 . Duties of the Director of School Education - For the pur pose of successful implementation of these rules:- (1) The Director of School Education shall be the regulatory author ity for implementation and execution of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and Genera l Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016. (2) The Director of School Education shall, by order in writing, appoint an appropriate authority to perform the functions of all or any of the following matters, namely, - (i) Oversee and monitor the implementa tion of national and state policies and guidelines pertaining to the management of hostel facilities and instigate due processes to rectify any short-comings of the concerned hostel within a specified time fr ame; (ii) cons titute a monitoring mechanism to monit or the functionality of the hostels in the Districts. (iii) report on the state, conditions a nd management of hostel facilities in the State; (iv) conduct site visit s to monitor the funct ionality of hostel fa cilities in the districts; (v) compile district r eports on the conditions and management of hostel facilities; (vi) report on the wellbeing of lear ners residing in host els; (vii) take punitive and regulator y measur es for the optimal functioning of hostels. 6 . Hostel Managing Committee - (1) A Hostel Managing Committee shall be constituted in every hostel within six months from the date of notification of these rules and reconstit uted every three (3) years. (2) The Members of the Hostel Managing Committee shall include one person or more from the cons tituent Local Council or Village Council, as the ca se may be and one or more par ent/ guar dian representation. (3) The representative members of the Hostel Managing Committee shall not hold tenure for more than three consecutive years. (4) There shall be a Chairman and a Secreta ry for every Hostel Managing Commit tee. (5) The following persons sha ll not be eligible to become members of the Commit tee: (i) minors; (ii) menta lly unsound persons; (iii) persons convicted for criminal offence involving moral turpit ude; (iv) insolvents; (v) a person who has been found responsible for any serious irregular ity, as a result of enquiry by the Education Department. (6) The Hostel Managing Commit tee shall monitor the efficient management of the affairs of the hostel and shall meet as often as considered necessary provided that t here shall be a t least two general meetings in an aca demic year. (7) The Secretar y of the Hostel Managing Committee shall record the proceedings of the meeting and shall maintain a recor d in a register containing continually machine-numbered and certified to that effect by the Cha irman of the Hostel Managing Commit tee. (8) The Hostel Managing Committee sha ll maintain the following records, r ecorded on proforma prepared by the applicant hostel and which are approved by the Director of School Educa tion (Annexure IV), and make it availa ble to the appropriate author ity when required: (a ) Code of Conduct for hostel students; (b) rules and r egulations of their respective hostel; (c ) hostel Infr astruct ure facilities available for hostellers; (d) staff register which shall include the nature of duties, salaries a nd qualifications; ( e) Host el Fees with det ailed fee struct ure; (f) medical records of hostel students – updated with each healt h check-up; (g) record of academic and conduct of hostellers; upda ted qua rterly through the academic year; (h) record of conduct of moral and spiritual guidance for hostel students of the cur rent academic year. 7. Admission to a Hostel - (1) Admission of any student s hall not be refused on grounds only of religion, caste, pla ce of birth, or a ny one of them in a hostel. (2) Refusal of admission to a student other than the reasons lis ted in sub-rule (1) shall be as per the admission guidelines laid down by the concerned Hostel Managing Committee. (3) A student s eeking admission into a hostel during the middle of an a cademic year must fur nish the reason for doing so and such r eason shall be recorded in the admission register of the concerned hostel.- 3 -Ex-68/2016 8 . Establishment of a Hostel - (1) No hostel shall, after the commencement of these rules be established or funct ion, without obta ining p ermission and a certificate of recognition from the Director of School Education by making an application in the form and manner prescribed. (2) Application for gra nt of permission for establis hment of a new hostel shall be submitted to the Director before the admission of the first batch of hostellers into the new hostel in the pr escribed form in Annexure I. (3) Grant of permission or refusal, as the case may be, shall be communicated to the applicant in the prescribed form in Annexure II & III. (4) An applicant whose application has been refused may submit fresh application for permission after rectification of the reason/s for which permission was refused. (5) Permission once accorded for est ablishment of a new hostel shall be valid for one year a fter which a provisiona l recognition valid for two years shall be granted to fulfill the norms and standards a s laid down in Chapters IV a nd V. Application for provisional recognition shall be done in the prescr ibed form in Annexure IV. (6) Any hostel established before the commencement of these rules shall apply for permission and recognition of the hostel from the Director of School Education through the concerned District Education Officer. Such hostels shall fulfill the norms and standards as laid down in Chapters IV and V, within t wo years from the date of notification of these rules upon which recognition may be granted. Provisional recognition may be provided during the interim period for fulfillment of the said norms and standards and communicated in the prescribed form given in Annexure V. (7) A specified sum, as prescribed and revised by the Government from time to time, shall be cha rged a s recognition fee a nd subsequent ly for ever y renewal of r ecognit ion. T he s ame amount cur rently being charged as recognition fees shall be charged for provisional recognition. (8) A hostel which has obtained permission, provisional recognition or recognition, as the case may be, shall be issued with a code number a t the time of its granting, for administrative purposes by the Director of School Education as given in Annexure VI. (9) It shall be mandatory for a hostel to display the provisional recognition or recognition number and date in a prominent pla ce of t he hostel building. (10) School hostels under Government ma nagement will be established strictly in accordance with the relevant Acts, Guidelines and Policies guiding and regula ting the norms and standards for the establishment of hostels for Government schools. (11) An established recognized hostel shall apply ever y two years to renew its recognition as a hostel in the manner and form prescribed b y the Director of School Education. (12) A list of the names of recognized hostels in the State shall be published annually by the Directorate of School Education a s well as the lis t of names of hostels whose recognit ion ha ve been cancelled and those that have ceased to funct ion. (13) A hostel shall provide any such informa tion as may be requir ed by t he appr opriate prescr ibed authority. (14) Wher e possible, hos tels should be located adjacent to t he schools they are serving. T he sites of hostels sha ll not be located immediately adjacent to fa ctories or pla ces emitting ha rmful gases or other forms of pollutants, nor bordering on busy roads, unless adequate preventive measures are taken to ensure the sa fety of the hostellers. Hostel buildings sha ll not be located in areas that are ha zard pr one such as la ndslides, subsidence, and mass movement. (15) Recognition of a hostel is subject to the approval by the Director to its specific location and ownership. Any cha nges thereof shall require pr ior permission from the appr opriate author ity. 9.Conditions for Granting Permission and Recognition - (1) No hostel shall be eligible for permission and recognition under rule 9 unless it fulfills the following conditions namely:- 4 - Ex-68/2016 (i) the building of the hostel is str uct urally safe with adequate ventilation and lighting cons isting of such accommoda tion a nd space as is prescribed under rule 11. Hostel buildings shall conform to the bu ilding codes a nd regulations of their respective City, Town and Village Councils ; e.g. hostels within the Aizawl Municipal area shall comply with the relevant sections of the rules and regulations under the Aizawl Municipal Council Building Regulations 2012; (ii) basic amenities and services as prescribed under rule 11 and 12 can be provided adequately; (iii) compliance of provision for nutritional r equirements as prescr ibed under rule 13; (iv) compliance of provision for prevention of abuse under rule 14; (v) the land and the building of the hostel are loca ted in sanitar y and healthy surroundings with suitable access from public roads; (vi) compliance to be monitored by an appropr iate authority from time to t ime. (2) The applica nt for establis hment of a hostel sha ll be a bona-fide resident of the State. 10. Conditions for Cancellation of Recognition - (1) On the event that a hostel decides to cease functioning, the concerned Hostel Managing Committee shall inform the Director of Education in the form and manner prescr ibed by the appr opriate authority. T he recognition of that hostel shall sta nd cancelled 30 days from the day it ceased to funct ion. (2) When one or more conditions of grant of permission and recognition specified in rule 10 have been violated by a recognised hostel, the Director of School Education shall, by a written notice, dra w the attention of the hostel to such violation, and, if within 30 days from the date of service the notice is not a cknowledged, the concerned Officer shall cancel the recognit ion. (3) Failure to renew recognition by a hostel shall result in the cancellation of permission and recognition on the expiry of 30 da ys from the date of expiry of recognit ion. (4) Change in ownership and/or location of a hostel without prior permission of the Director of School Education shall result in cancellation of permission a nd recognition of the hostel from the date of change of owner ship or of location. (5) Wher e a hostel fails to fulfill the norms and standards within the period sp ecified under sub- rule 5 of rule 8, the Director of School Education shall, by an order in writing, cancel recognition. (6) With effect from the date of cancellation of r ecognit ion under sub-rule (6), no hostel shall cont inue to funct ion. (7) Once recognition is cancelled, fresh application for recognition shall be required for a hostel to cont inue to function. Recognition shall only be issued once the Director of School Education is satisfied that the reasons which led to the cancellation of r ecognit ion have been removed and that in all other respects the hostel complies with the provisions of the relevant Act and the rules made t her e under. 11. Basic Amenities to be provided in Hostels -A school-based hostel will provide the following basic amenities: (1) Space to be provided - The following basic space and facilities shall be provided: (i) Sufficient personal space for sleeping in and for their belongings, with suitable furniture, of sufficient size for the number of learners a s well as appr opriate separation between gender and age groups. (ii) A spa ce to study and do homework. (iii) A spa ce for dining. (iv) A sp ace for entertainment and recreation where learners can pursue their own individual interests. In addition, a primar y school hostel must have a safe and secur e space for playing in, appropr iate to the learners’ age, and where access is monitored at all times.- 5 -Ex-68/2016 (v) A space to meet with friends, family and significant people, without disrupting others. (v) Bathroom and washing facilities that ensures maximum privacy of learners, as well as personal hygiene. Bathrooms, showers and toilets must be designed as per the open plan to enable entry in case of an emergency. Toilets for boys and girls shall be placed at different sections of the hostel building. (2) A hostel shall provide recreational facilities for hostellers to engage in during their leisure time. (3) Hostel facilities for boys and girls sha ll be located in different buildings or, if in the same building, on differ ent floors with separate entrances. (4) Privacy and security of the dormitories/r ooms of the hostellers shall be maintained a t all times. The room/s of the hostel warden/s shall b e adjoined with the dormitory or adja cent to it. (5) The space and facilities to be provided under this rule shall be in conformity with the measurements and other details provided in Annexure VII. 12. Provision of Basic Services in Hostels -( 1 ) Sanitation: Hostels shall provide adequate sanitation facilities that promote health and hygiene standards. Plain pit and bucket toilets will not be acceptable. The number of toilet seats, showers or baths sha ll be provided in accordance with the seat ca pacity of the individual hostel. A minimum ratio of one (1) toilet for eight (8) hostellers is required to be ava ilable in a hostel. Provision shall be made for hostellers with special needs. (2 ) Water: A hostel shall ensure tha t it pr ovides the amount of water to the hostellers for their daily basic requirement. T he amount of water provided for each student should not be less than 60 litr es of water per day for bathing and washing. Safe a nd adequate drinking water facility shall be available at a ll times in the hostel. A suitable solar heating system in accor dance with the order/notification of the Government of Mizoram may be installed in the hostel. If installed, the detailed specifications, capacity etc. of the system to be installed shall be determined in the light of the guidelines issued by the Government of India. ( 3 ) Electricit y: A hostel shall provide electricity. Each room, including toilets, ba throoms and corr idors shall be well lit. A hostel is required to have generators or inverters with a capacity to provide sufficient lighting for r eading for a period of twenty four (24) hours as a contingency meas ure in case of power failu res. ( 4 ) Health Car e: Emergency medical aid facilities must be made available. Each hostel must have local emergency numbers for a ll unforeseen emergency incidents. T he hostel must also enlist the services of a local general pra ctitioner for medical care of hostellers. Ea ch hostel is required to conduct medical checkup at least two (2) times during an academic year. No unauthorized persons, other than a registered medical practitioner, may administer or prescribe any medication to a hosteller. Those hostellers who have medical conditions that require prescribed medication should be assisted by the hostel warden/s after consulting a medical practitioner. ( 5 ) Safet y and security of hostels: As t he minimum standard for the provision of safety and security, a hostel shall have the following: (i) The building of a hostel shall be structur ally safe for the accommodation of school students. T he building shall have adequate security t o deter and pr event intrusion of unwarranted visitor s. Electrical fittings and wiring shall be as per the current prevailing safety standards. (ii) A minimum number of two (2) fire extinguishers shall be made ava ilable in a hostel. These and a ny other necessary fir e-fight ing equipment a vailable in the hostel must be in working condition at all times.- 6 - Ex-68/2016 (iii) A hostel shall have an evacuation plan for any emergency. The evacua tion plan shall be documented and placed where it can be readily accessed. Hostel students are to be shown all the emergency exits and must undergo safety drills at the start of each new academic session. All new learners in a hostel must undergo these sa fety drills and be taught school hostel safety measur es as pa rt of t heir orientation progra mme.( 6 ) Safety, health and secur ity of hostel students: Hostels are requir ed to develop their own Hostel Rules and Code of Conduct and acquaint their hostel students and the parents/ guardians at the beginning of each new a cademic sess ion to mainta in a safe environment conducive for learning. (i) A hostel shall include rules on t he issues listed hereunder (included in Annexure IV for appr oval of the Dir ector of School Education) in addition to any hostel-specific rules it may have. a)Hostel discip line b)Policy on ragging/bullying c)Relevant sanctions for serious offences with reference to sub-rule (3) clauses (a), (b) and (c) of rule 20 of T he Mizor am Education Recognized Private Schools (Regulations) Rules, 2006 d)Visits and Ou tings (ii) If a school-based hostel is located at a distance from the school, the hostel s hall provide conveyance a nd a chaperone for the hostel students to and from the hostel and school on all school days. (iii) A hostel shall endeavour to inculcate work ethics and skills through the engagement of the hostellers in a daily routine of work for their personal grooming and other hostel chores. The time allocated for such practices sha ll not exceed 30 minutes on a school day. Besides the normal co-cur ricular activities, the Hostel Mana ging Committee shall ensure that hostellers a re not subject ed to untoward or laborious ta sks. 13 . Nutrition - (1) A hostel shall prepare a weekly menu of food which sha ll be based on the criteria fixed by the National Nu trition Instit ute, Hyderabad to meet the daily nutritional requirements of school going children. (2) The weekly menu of food shall be displayed at a prominent place in the dining hall of the hostel. (Suggested menu chart is provided in Annexure VIII) (3) Food served in the hostel shall be wholesome, nutritious and hygienically prepa red. (4) The area allocated for the prepar ation of food shall be maint ained with utmost cleanliness and hygiene. 14. Protection of Hostel Students against Abuse - (1) A hostel sha ll ensure that hostellers are not abused in any way while residing in hostels. (2) No child residing in a hostel shall be subjected to physical, menta l or sexual ha rassment or molestation. (3) Whoever contravenes the provisions of s ub-rule (2) sha ll be liable to disciplinary action, or fined or both, as may be prescribed by t he appr opriate author ity. (4) On t he instance that a hosteller cannot attend classes due to some ailments but which is not serious enough to be hospitalized, the child sha ll be a ttended by a hostel staff in the hostel. Provided tha t the sick child is female, it is ma ndatory for the attendant to be a female.- 7 -Ex-68/2016 15. Hostel Staff - (1) A hostel sha ll maintain an adequate number of staff to manage the hostel. The strength of hostel personnel shall be directly related to t he number of s tudents residing in the hostel to effectively manage the da y to da y running of the hostel complex. (2) A hostel sha ll enga ge a warden or wardens to supervise the academic act ivities of the hostellers. The number of wardens engaged shall be on a ra tio of one (1) warden for a unit of fifty (50) hostellers. (3) The recruitment or engagement of wardens shall be executed by the Hostel Managing Committee, a nd - (i) The warden/ s must be comp etent t o exercise over all control in respect of the execu tion of t he education programme, maintenance of general discipline and spirit in the hostel, including t he welfa re, study and recreation activities of hostel students. (ii) A warden engaged for caring of elementa ry school hostellers shall have passed his/her class XII, and preferably possessing a diploma in elementary education. A warden engaged for the car e of secondary school hostellers shall be a graduate, preferably with a B.Ed. degree. (4) It shall be requir ed for hostels t o provide war dens to ca re for the girl and boy hostellers sepa rately, one of whom shall be engaged full t ime. 16 . Monitor ing and Inspection of Hostels in Mizoram - (1) The Director of S chool Educa tion shall develop the crit eria for the monitor ing of hostels esta blished to cater to school s tudents in the State a nd enforce sta ndards for management and maintenance of these host els. (2) The Director of School Education shall constitute monitoring teams for the monitoring of hostels. (3) The District Education Officer shall inform and advise the Dir ector on any issues pertaining to the monitor ing and inspection of hostels in their respective Districts. (4) The members in a monitoring team shall consist of a minimum number of three (3) persons. (5) It is required that two (2) of the members in the monitoring team cons tituted shall be from the Healt h Depart ment and Socia l Welfare Department. (6) The Monitoring Team shall submit their report along with recommendations for the improvement of t he hostels monitored by them within a period of one month from the date of inspection to the Director or the District Education Officer as the case may be. (7) Formation of an Evaluation Commit tee may be considered by the Government as and when it is deemed necessary.- 8 - Ex-68/2016 ANNEXURE I Application for Gra nt of P ermission for Esta blishment of Hostel(See sub-rule 2 of rule 8 of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructur e, Facilities a nd General Car e of Students (Management) Rules, 2016) To, The Director of School Educa tion Government of Mizoram Sir, I hereby apply for permission to establish a hostel in the locality of .......................................... (Veng) and In accordance with the Mizoram School Hostel Infra structure, Facilities and General Car e of Students (Management) Rules, 2016, I forward herewith the following information and necessary documents duly filled in the prescr ibed pr oforma a nd signed by the concerned a uthorities: 1.Hostel Information i)Hostel Details ii)Gener al Information iii)Natur e and ar ea of hostel iv)Infr astructure Details 2.No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Local/Village Council 3.Residential Certificate I request that the request for permission may kindly be gra nted to me. Yours faithfully Dated: ................................Signature of applicant:................................................... Name in block letters:................................................... Address with House No: ................................................... Phone No:................................................... Copy to: 1.Local/Village Council 2.DEO/SDEO- 9 -Ex-68/2016 Proforma for Application for Grant of Permission for establishment of Hostel Hostel Information Hostel Details 1.Name of Hostel 2.Academic Session 3.Postal Address of Hostel 4.Pin Code 5.Village/City 6.Distr ict 7.Phone No. with STD code 8.E-mail address 9.Fax No. 10.Nearest Police Station General Information of Hostel 1.Year of functioning 2.Date of opening of hostel 3.Natu re of mana gement of hostel (P rivate, Government, Tr ust, Society, etc) 4.Whether Trust/Society/etc. is registered; If ‘yes’, Registration No. & date 5.Composition of Hostel Managing C ommittee ( lis t of all members to be provided) 6.Name, address (permanent & official) and contact no. of the Owner of the Hostel 7.Loca tion of the Hostel for which permission is sought 8.Does the hostel have its own building or is it running in a rented building? 9.How many buildings a re utilized for the hostel? 10.Is the host el school-based or sta ndalone? If school-based, name of the school and enrolment da ta of s tudents of current academic session 11.Host el fees structure 12.Tota l fees collect ed per annum; Payment of fees in how many instalments? 13.Has the applicant hostel formulated for itself - a hostel code of conduct, r ules and regulations, safety r ules and any other information based proforma? (if any, documents to be attached) Nature of Hostel 1.Type of hostel (co-educational or not) 2.If co-educational, nature of housing for boys and girls (separate buildings or same building) 3.If a ided, t he name of agency and percentage of aid 4.Level of school for which the hostel is run a)Elementary b)Secondary c)Higher Secondary d)All levels e)Elementary and Secondary f)Secondary and Higher Secondary 5.Inta ke capa city of hostellers a)For boys b)For girls 6.No. of staff employed: e.g. War den: (e.g. 2 nos: 1 male & 1 fema le ) Cook: Sweeper:- 10 - Ex-68/2016 Infrastructure Details and other facilities Sl. No.RoomNumberAverage1.Hostel office 2.Reception ar ea 3.Dormitory 4.Study Hall 5.Dining Hall 6.Kitchen 7.Sepa rate room for female wa rden 8.Sepa rate room for male wa rden 9.Whether the hostel building/s or other struct ures or the grounds are used only for the purpose of education and skill development. 10.Tota l area of the hostel 11.Built in area of the hostel 12.Any scope for extension of building 13.No. and types of Ba throoms/Urinals/Lavator ies for boys 14.No. and types of Ba throoms/Urinals/Lavator ies for boys 15.Whet her all facilit y ha ve barrier free access 16.Type and No. of drinking wa ter facility 17.Any other facilities available 1.Certified that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. 2.Certified that the hostel is open to inspection by any officer authorised by the appropriate author ity. 3.Certified that the hostel undertakes to furnish s uch reports and information as may be required by the appropr iate authority from time to t ime. 4.Certified that the hostel will strive to fulfill and comply with the norms a nd standards r equired for obta ining R ecognition of the hostel. Signature:Signature: Name: ( )Name: ( ) Secretary Chairman Hostel Managing Committee Hostel Managing Committee Date: ( Name of Hostel ) - 11 -Ex-68/2016 ANNEXUR E II Gra nt of Permis sion for Esta blishment of Hostel(See sub-rule 3 of the Mizoram S chool Hostel Infrastructure, Facilit ies and Genera l Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016) Permission No. ..................................Dated: .............................. To, Pi/Pu .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................... With reference to your application recorded as Permission No. ......... dated.......................... for grant of permission for establishment of hostel in the locality of ................................... (veng), I hereby inform you that permission has been granted. The validit y of permission for establishment of your hostel is of one year (1) dura tion fr om the date of issue of this letter. You are required to apply for provisional recognition or recognition, as t he case may be, within 30 days of the expiry of permission. Date .......................... Signatures of the authorised officer: ......................................................................... NAME: Designation: (Office seal) Da ted: Copy to: 1)Chairman, Local/Village Council 2)DEO/SDEO 3)Guard File- 12 - Ex-68/2016 ANNEXURE III Refusal of Permission for Establishment of Hostel{See sub-rule 3 of Rule 8 of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructur e, Facilities a nd General Car e of Students (Management) Rules, 2016} No. ........ ....... ....... ........ .... Dat ed: .... ....... ....... ........ .... To, Pi/Pu .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................... With reference to your application recorded as No. ......... dated.......................... for grant of permission for establishment of hostel in the locality of ................................... (veng), I hereby inform you that permission cannot be granted on the following grounds: 1) ........................................................................................... 2) ........................................................................................... 3) ........................................................................................... Your documents are returned herewith. You may resu bmit your application after du e rectification of the points noted above. Signatures of the authorised officer: ......................................................................... NAME: Designation: (Office seal) Da ted: Copy to: 1) Chair man, Local/Village Cou ncil 2) DEO/SDEO 3) Guard File- 13 -Ex-68/2016 ANNEXURE IV Application for Recognition of Hostel{See sub-rule 5 of the Rule 8 of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, F acilities and General Care of S tudents (Management) Rules, 2016} To, The Director of School Educa tion Government of Mizoram Sir, I forward herewith a self declara tion regarding compliance with the norms and standards prescribed in the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016 , and application in the prescribed proforma for the grant of recognition of ................................................................................................ (Name of hostel) located at ................................................ (veng), Hostel Permission No................... , dated................... . with effect from the commencement of the academic year 20.......... . Enclosure: Place:Yours faithfully Date: Signature: ................................................... Name in block letters : ................................................... Chairman of Managing Committee Name of Hostel: Address:- 14 - Ex-68/2016 Application for Grant of Recognition Proforma 1. Name of the Hostel_______________________________________ 2. Date of Grant of Permission_______________________________________ 3. P ermission Code No._______________________________________ 4. Date of Grant of Provisional Certificate_______________________________________ 5. P rovisional Recognition Code No._______________________________________ 6. District in which the Hostel is situated_______________________________________ 7. Year of establishment of Hostel_______________________________________ 8. Date of opening of Hostel_______________________________________ 9. P ostal Address of Hostel_______________________________________ 10. Name of Owner/Trust/Society etc. of Hostel _______________________________________ 11. Phone no._______________________________________ 12. Fax no. (if any)_______________________________________ 13. E-mail_______________________________________ No.General Information of Hostel1.Type of hostel (co-educational or not) 2.If co-educational, nature of housing for boys and girls (separate buildings or same building) 3.Nature of management of hostel (Private, Government, Trust, Society, etc) 4.If a ided, t he name of agency and percentage of aid 5.Composition of Hostel Managing Committee (Name, address, phone no. and signa ture of each member) 6.Level of school for which the hostel is run a. Elementary b. Secondary c. Higher Secondary d. All levels e. Elementary and Secondary f. Secondary and Higher Secondary 7.Intake capacity of hostellers a. For boys b. For girls 8.No. of Hostellers admitted during t he curr ent academic session 9.No. of Hostellers a dmitted in the last two academic sess ions 10. Fees struct ure of the hostel 11. Tota l fees collect ed per a nnum; N o. of instalments: 12. No. of staff employed e.g. Warden: (e.g. 2 nos: 1 male & 1 female ) Cook: Sweeper: Sl. No.Infrastructur e facilitiesNumber of roomsSpecifications1.Dormitory1. Boys -(In sq.m.) 2. Girls- 2.Study Hall 3.Dining Hall 4.Recr eation room 5.Par lour /Reception/Lounge- 15 -Ex-68/2016 6.Kitchen 7.Bathroom 8.Toilet 9.Bathr oom cum toilet Sl. No.Facilities AvailableNumberSpecifications1.Whet her all facilities ha ve barrier free access 2.Recreational facilities 3.Teaching learning materials 4.Stor age facility provided for personal belongings of hostellers Sl. No.Basic AmenitiesNumberSpecifications/Remar ks1Types of WC & Urinals 2Water Source 3Provision of water per hosteller per day (approximate) 4Type and No. of drinking wa ter facility 5Lighting: a re all rooms including corridors and passages well lit 6Availabilit y of electricity back up 7Health Care: Emergency contact No. Name of Doct or on Call: 8Building str ucture - Certified by authorised engineer 9Availabilit y of sa fety equipments (add list) 10A copy of t he evacuation plan of the Hostel. 11No. of safet y drills proposed to be condu cted in the cur rent academic session– give details 12A copy of Code of C onduct and rules and r egulations of t he host el – Section 6 sub-section (8), a & b 13A copy of t he proforma pr epared for Section 6, sub-section (8), c, d, e, f, g, h (to be submitted for approval) 14A copy of the documents required in Section 12, sub-section (6), clause (i) a, b. c & d (to be submitted for approval) 15Nature of escort/chaperone provided to hostellers (for hostels situated at a distance from the school) 16Nature of a ctivities conducted for the inculcation of work ethics 17Daily routine of hostel Sl. No.Nutrition1.Photocopy of menu chart; (three weeks) 2.Photograph of a menu char t on display in the hostel dining hall 3.Is the catering done by a n outside agency or run by the hostel? Sl. No.Student Safety1.Does the hostel pr ovide guidance and counselling support to hostellers? 2.Is the guidance and counselling done by a competent person? 3.Are parents and hostellers given awareness of the guida nce and counselling facilities a t the beginning of the academic session (and at any other time)? If ‘yes’, how is it dissemina ted? 4.Are parents and hostellers given awareness of sa fety measures practiced in the hostel at the beginning of the academic session (and at any other time)? If ‘yes’, how is it dissemina ted?- 16 - Ex-68/2016 Sl. No.Particulars of Hostel Staff0 1Wardens for Girl’s Hostel exclusively (details of each teacher separately) i) Warden name ii) Father/Spouse name iii) Date of birth iv) Academic qualification v) Professional qualification vi) Teaching/other work experience vii) Appointment date 2.Wardens for Girl’s Hostel exclusively (details of each teacher separately) i) Warden name ii) Father/Spouse name iii) Date of birth iv) Academic qualification v) Professional qualification vi) Teaching/other work experience vii) Appointment date 3Other Staff of the Hostel (each staff separately – cook, cleaner, etc.) i) Name ii) Father/Spouse name iii) Date of birth iv) Educational qualification v) Professional qualification vi) Appointment date 4Any other information of the Hostel 1.Certified that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. 2.Certified that the hostel is open to inspection by any officer authorised by the appropriate author ity. 3.Certified that the hostel undertakes to furnish such reports and information as may be required by the appropriate authority. 4.Certified that the hostel shall not cha nge location or ownership without pr ior notice and permission from the appropriate author ity. 5.Certified that the hostel undertakes to abide by the norms and standards as laid down in the Mizoram Rules and Regulations for Hostels, 2016. Signature: Signature: Name: ( ) Name: ( ) Secretary Chairman Hostel Managing Committee Hostel Managing Committee (Name of Hostel) (Name of Hostel)- 17 -Ex-68/2016 ANNEXURE V Grant of Provisional Recognition of Hostel{See sub-rule 6 of Rule 8 of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructur e, Facilities a nd General Car e of Students (Management) Rules, 2016} Government of Mizoram Directorate of School Education To, The Chairman .............................................................................. Hostel Subject:Provisional Recognition Certifica tion for the Hostel Sir/Madam, With reference to your application dated .......................................... and subsequent corr espondence with the hostel inspection in t his regard, I convey the grant for P rovisional Recognition to the ........................................... (name of the hostel with address) for a period of two years w.e.f. .............................. to .................................... to fulfill the requirements of the norms and standards laid down in Regulations ................................ of the Mizoram Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016. The Provisional Recognition Code Number allotted to your hostel is........................... This may be noted and quoted for any corresp ondence with this office. Please note that the grant of Provisional Recognition is not extendable and that you will be required to fulfill the norms a nd standards of the Mizoram Hostel Infrastr ucture, Facilities and Genera l Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016 and to submit a pplication for grant of Recognition at the expiry of the validit y of your Provisiona l Recognition. Yours faithfully, Signatures of the authorised officer: ................................................................... NAME: Designation: (Office seal) Da ted: Copy to: 1) Chairman, Local/Village Council 2) DEO/SDEO 3) Guard File- 18 - Ex-68/2016 ANNEXURE VI Grant of Recognition of Hostel{See sub-rule 8 of the Mizoram School Hostel Infr astructure, Facilities and General Car e of Students (Management) Rules, 2016} Government of Mizoram Directorate of School Education To, The Chairman .............................................................................. Hostel Subject:Recognition Certification for the Hostel Sir/Madam, With reference to your application dated .......................................... and subsequent corresp ondence with the hostel inspection in this regar d, I convey the grant of Recognition to the ........................................... (name of the hostel with address) for a period of two years w.e.f. .............................. to .................................... as per the norms and standards laid down in Regulations ................................ of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016. The Recognition Code Number allotted to your hostel is ........................... This may be noted and quoted for a ny correspondence with this office. Please note that the grant of Recognition is not extendable and that you will be required to r enew your hostel Recognition certification at the expiry of the validity of your Recognition, failing which will result in cancellation of Recognition. Yours faithfully, Signatures of the authorised officer: ................................................................... NAME: Designation: (Office seal) Da ted: Copy to: 1)Chairman, Local/Village Council 2)DEO/SDEO 3)Guard File- 19 -Ex-68/2016 Annex ur e VII Basic Amenities to be provided in School based Hostels(See Rule 11) Sl. ParticularsMinimum SpaceRemarks Furniture to be provided be provided 1. Dormitory 3.5 sq. mFor single personi) Bed ii) facility for keeping personal belonging safe 2. Study room/hall800 sq. ft.For a unit of 50 personsTable and chair 3. Dining room/hall800 sq. ft.For a unit of 50 personsTable and chair 4. Recreation roomAs per space available 5. Parlour/Reception /Lounge As per space available 6. Kitchen250 sq. ft. (approx.)Size of the kitchen may vary 7. Bathroom25 sq. ft. 8. Toilet25 sq. ft 9. Bathroom cum toilet50 sq. ft.- 20 - Ex-68/2016 THE MIZORAM SCHOOL HOSTEL INFRASTRUCTURE, FASCILITIES AND GENERAL CARE OF STUDENTS (MANAGEMENT) RULES 2016 Annexure VIII Suggested Weekly Menu Chart {Regulation 13 (1) of the Mizoram School Hostel Infrastructure, Facilities and General Care of Students (Management) Rules, 2016}DATE: 00-00MONTH ……………………. YEAR ………………………. BREAKFAST Food ComponentSundayMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayLUNCH Food ComponentSundayMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayAFTERNOON TEA Food ComponentSundayMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayDINNER Food ComponentSundayMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/130P. Lalchhuanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department. - 21 -Ex-68/2016

Affidavit of R. Lalbiakmawia S/o Chalthanga (L), Thenzawl, Serchhip District, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 8Date - 12/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2016 Pausa 22, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 8 AFFIDAVITI,R. Lalbiakmawia S/o Chalthanga (L),a permanent resident of Thenzawl, Serchhip District, Mizoram, presently residing at Dawrpui Jail Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear this affidavit. 2.That I am working as Inspector of Police under Mizoram Police Department, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That my name has been written and recorded as R. Biakmawia in my service book & G.P. Account MRP(MZ) 0474, which is incorrect. However, true and correct name is R . Lalbiakmawia. 4.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my nameR.Lalbiakmawia which has been written as R.Biakmawia in my said service book & G.P. Account. 5.That from now onwards my name shall be written and recorded asR. Lalbiakmawia. 6.That the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on this 7th day of December, 2015. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.Identified by me: Sd/- W. SAM JOSEPH, B.Sc., B.L., ADVOCATE DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE’S COURT AIZAWL DISTRICT, AIZAWL, MIZORAM.Sd/- DEPONENT Notarial Registration No. 36/12 Date 07/12/15 Signed befor e me: Sd/- R.Thangkanglova Advocate & Notary Public Aizawl : Mizoram

The Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Elementary Course in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science) Rules 2015

VOL - XLVISSUE - 69Date - 01/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 12018/2/2011 - AH&V, the 16th March, 2016.In t he interest of public services and with the approval of the Council of Ministers vide Political & Cabinet letter No. J. 11011/2/2016-POL/MON (i) dt. 14.3.2016 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify, “ The Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Elementary Course in Anima l Husba ndry & Veterinary Science) Rules, 2015” with effect from the date of publication in the official Gazette. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr/ Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, A.H & Veterinary Department. The Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Elementary Course in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science) Rules 2015 Whereas, the State of Mizoram has one facility namely the School of Veterinary Science at Lungpuizawl, Lunglei for a 2 year s Elementary Course in Animal Husbandry and Veterina ry Science; And whereas the Sta te Gover nment deems it expedient to have fair selection of p romising candidates only for those limited seats offered by the State of Mizoram on merit by means of certain aptitude test. Now, therefore, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following consolidated rules for conducting S election Test Examination to ensure the fair selection of candidates for Elementa ry Course in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences at the School of Veterinary Science at Lungpuiza wl,Lunglei, namely :-Shor t title and 1. (1) These rules may be called the Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Elementary Commencement Course in Animal Husba ndry and Veterinar y Science) Rules 2015. (2) They shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Officia l Gazette, appoint. Selection t o be 2. (1) Selection of candidates for the elementary course under these rules shall be done through done thr ough written exa mina tion in S cience, English, Ma thematics a nd Genera l Written Knowledge examination (2) T he standa r d of questions to be a nswer ed by t he Ca ndida tes in the wr it ten examination shall be equivalent to the courses of Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate of the Mizoram Board of School Education. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 1.4.2016 Chaitra 12, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 69 - 2 - Ex-69/2016Constitution of 3. (1) The Government shall constitute a Selection Board with the following members, Selection Board namely :- ( a ) Secreta ry to the Government of Mizoram, Animal Husbandry and Veterina r y Dep a rt ment (b) Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Member. (c ) Joint Director (SZ) of Animal Husbandr y and Veterina ry - Member Secretary. (2) The Selection Board shall take all steps for the purpose of selection of the candidate and condu ct of the Written examination and preparation of results including a llotment of seats and any decision t aken by the Boa rd shall be final. (3) Director, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary shall make necessary arra ngements for a smooth conduct of the Written Examination. (4) If a ny candidate is found to have furnished false information or cer tificate(s) or to ha ve withheld or concealed any materia l information to gain undue personal advantage, his application shall be summa rily rejected. If selection or even admission ha s already been done or effected, it shall be cancelled at any stage of his study and such other a ction a s deemed necessary ma y be taken against him under any law for the time being in force in the State of Mizoram. (5) To facilitate smooth conduct of the Written Examination, the Joint Director (S Z) or any ot her suita ble Officer may be appointed as Contr oller of Examination by the Government, who will, in consultation with the Director, Anima l Husbandry and Veterina ry be responsible for ma king all arrangements for the Exa mination upto the publication of resu lts. Eligibility of 4. An applicant must: Candida tes (a ) be a citizen of India; (b) have completed the age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age of 17 year s on or before 31st December of the year of a dmission and be below 23 years of age on the same date. Relaxation of upper age upto 5 years shall be permissible for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and other Backward Cla ss candidates only. (c ) have passed the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examina tion conducted by the Mizoram Board of School Education or equivalent examination in any stream preferable science recognised by the Government of Mizoram. (d) have obtained not less tha n fifty percent of the maximum marks in aggregate in the aforementioned subjects. The minimum percentage of marks for Schedule Caste, Schedule Tr ibe and Other Backwar d Class shall be forty percent of the maximum marks in aggregate. Method of 5. (1) Selection shall be based on result of the written examination. Selection (2) (a ) There shall be reservation of seats for Autonomous District Councils as follows:- (i) MADC -1, (ii) CADC - 1, (iii) LADC - 1. (b) Reserved sea ts sha ll be allotted a s per mer it in the ent rance exam. (c) If there is no candidates for reserved seats, it shall be filled from merit list. Application 6. (1) Application in prescribed form will be obtainable from the Examination Office of the Director, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary and Joint Director(SZ) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, and duly filled in, should be submitted to the Director and Joint Director (SZ) Animal Husbandry a nd Veterinary Department for which a specified date to be f ixed by him. Applicat ions received after t he specified date for receip t of the application; sha ll not be accepted. (2) Subject to the provision to clause (c) of rule 4 herein before, and sub-rule (3) of this rule, ever y applica tion for m duly filled in sha ll be a ccompanied wit h attested copies of the following documents :- (a ) Certificate and Marksheet in the High School Leaving Certificate or equivalent examination; (b) Certificate and Marksheet in the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate or equivalent examination; (c ) Certificate showing the candidates caste, tribe or cla ss in case he is a member of S cheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or other Backward C lass issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the Adminis trative District or any other competent author ity in the administra tive District in which the applicant res ides; (d) Two copies of recent passport size photogr aphs, pr inted from the same photo- negative, one copy of which is to be firmly affixed to the application - form submitted by the applicant. While the other one copy shall be meant for Admission Card. (3) Admit Cards will be issued to the candidates t wo weeks before commencement of the Selection Examina tion and no candida te should mutilate the Admit Card or change a ny entry made therein after it has been received by him or her. (4) Every candidate shall have to pay Rs 50/- (i.e. Rupees fifty) only as application and Examina tion fees to the Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Depa rtment in the manner a s may be prescr ibed, at the time of obtaining the application form.Syllabus etc. 7. (1) All eligible candidates shall have to appear for a Written Test/Examination in for the the following papers of Class - XII Cour ses and standar d of Mizoram Board Ex amination of S chool Education. SubjectsMaximum MarksEnglish- 100 marks Science- 50 marks Gener al Knowledge- 100 marks Mathematics- 50 marks (2) The question papers for all discip lines shall be common and the examina tion shall be conducted on the same date and the same sitting. T he examina tion shall be for a period of 3 (three) hours. (3) All candidates shall bring their Admit Car d and shall produce the same before the Controller of Examination or a ny other Officer as may be authorised, on the day the examination is held. By Order of the Governor of Mizoram Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, Animal Husbandry a nd Veterinary Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-69/2016

Aizawl Municipal Notification

VOL - XLVISSUE - 70Date - 01/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 16011/19/2015-HFW, the 23rd March, 2016.In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub- Section (3) of Section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948) the State Government hereby appoints the 1st December, 2015 as the date on which the provisions of Chapter IV (except Section 44 a nd 45 which have already come into force) and Chapter - V and VI (except Sub-section (1) of Section 76 a nd Section 77, 78, 79 a nd 81 which have already come into force) of the said Act shall come into force in t he following a reas in the State of Mizora m namely :- Sl. No.Name of the Villa ge AreaHad Bast No./HabliTehsil/TalukDistrict1Aizawl MunicipalAizawl La lrinliana Fanai, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 1.4.2016 Chaitra 12, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 70

Affidavit of Lalramzauva S/o Lalsiama (L) Serchhip Vengchung Serchhip District, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 79Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 79 AFFIDAVIT I, Lalramzauva S/o Lalsiama (L), residing at Serchhip Vengchung, S erchhip District, Mizoram, do hereby s olemnly affirm and say as under : 1.That I am bonafide citizen of India belonging to scheduled tribe community of M izo. 2.That my name has been mistakenly written and recorded a s Ramza uva in my (a) Work cha rged Appointment Letter, Power & Electr icity Department, Mizor am, (b) Office of the Engineer-in- Chief, Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram, Aizawl, (c) Office of the Superintending Engineer, Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram, Aizawl, (d) Service Book, Power & Electricity Depa rtment, Mizoram, and (e) Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts, Accounts & Treasur ies, Aizawl (GPF). 3.That my true and correct name is LALRAMZAUVA. 4.That from now onwar d my na me shall be written and recor ded as LALRAMZAUVA. 5.That the purpose of this affidavit is to correct my name as LALRAMZAUVA which has been writ ten as Ramzauva in my said documents. 6.That the pu rpose of this a ffidavit is to declare that the aforementioned two names i. e. Ramzauva and Lalramzauva belong to one and the same person. 7.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signature on t his16th day of July, 2013. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- VanneihsiamiR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 63/7 Aizawl : MizoramAizawl : MizoramDate 16.7.13Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Ninth Session on 21st April, 2016 (Thursday) at 10:30 A.M in the Mizoram Assembly House at Aizawl.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 80Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 80 NOTIFICATION No.LA.1/LEGN/2013/28, the 12th April, 2016.The following order of the Governor of Mizoram dated 11th April, 2016 is hereby published for information. “O R D E R In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India, I, Lt. Gen. Nirbhay Sharma, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd), Governor of Mizoram, do her eby summon the Seventh Legisla tive Assembly of the State of Mizor am to meet for its Ninth Sess ion on 21st April, 2016 (Thursday) at 10:30 A.M in the Mizoram Assembly House at Aizawl. Lt. GEN. NIRBHAY SHARMA PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd.) GOVERNOR” NGURTHANZUALA Secretary.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram State Managing Committee of Special Fund for Re - Construction and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen with the following members for a period of 2(two) years w.e.f. 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2017

VOL - XLVISSUE - 81Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 81 NOTIFICATION No.B. 13011/1/2014-HM (SB), the 12th April, 2016.In pursuance of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. PC- 18245/PPOC/IDS (IV) dt. 13.1.2016 and No. KSB (66) dt.7.7.79, the Governor of Mizora m is pleased to re-constitute the Mizoram S tate Ma naging Committee of S pecial Fund for Re - Construct ion and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen with the following members for a period of 2(two) years w.e.f. 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2017. 1.Chairman: Governor of Mizoram. 2.Vice Chairman: 1) Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. 2) General Officer Commanding 5 7 Mounta in Division. 3) Secreta ry Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence, Government of India. 3.Members: 1) Secr etary, Government of Mizoram, Home Department. 2) Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl Distr ict. 3) Pres ident, Mizor am Ex-Service Lea que. 4) IC-20388 Maj. K. Thangkima (Retd.) 5) RC-184 K Capt. (Retd.) R.L. Ngurchhuana. 4.Specia l Invitees: 1) Dir ector Gener al of Reset tlement, Minist ry of Defence, New Delhi. 2) Secr etary Kendriya Sainik Board, Ministry of D efence, New Delhi. 3) Repr esentative of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welf are, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. 5.M ember Secr et ar y : 1) Director, Sainik Welfa re & Resettlement. The Notification No.B.13011/1/2014 - HM (SB) dt.7.5.2014 stands superseded. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Departmental Committee for write-off of losses, etc

VOL - XLVISSUE - 82Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 82 NOTIFICATION No.G. 28011/1/2016-FCS&CA, the 13th April, 2016.In pursuance of Finance Department Office Memorandum No. G. 25015/200-F. APF dated 19.11.1999, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a “Departmental Committee for write-off of losses, etc.” in respect of F ood, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affair s Depar tment with the following composition with immediate effect and until further orders. 1.Chairman: Director, FCS&CA Department. 2.Technica l Member: Additional Director, FCS&CA Department. 3.Member: Joint Director (Admn.), FCS&CA Department. 4.Representative of Finance : Deputy Director (Accts.), FCS&CA Department. 5.Member Secretary: Concerned DCSO. Dr. Franklin Laltinkhuma, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Constitute High Level Financial Inclusion Committee to review and to resolve issues pertaining to Financial Inclusion comprising of the following members.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 83Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 83 NOTIFICATION No.B. 14015/40/2011-F. Est, the 15th April, 2016. In t he inter est of P ublic Service , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to Constitute High Level Financial Inclusion Committee to review and to resolve issues perta ining to Financial Inclusion comprising of the following members. 1.Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram- Chairman 2.Fina nce Commissioner, Government of Mizoram- Member 3.Secr etary, Gener al Adminis tration Depart ment- Member 4.Secr etary, Informa tion & Communication Technology- Member Government of Mizoram 5.Secr etary, R ural Development Depart ment- Member 6.Secr etary, Finance Department, Government of Mizoram- Member 7.Additional Secreta ry, Fina nce Department (E)- Member Secretary 8.Chief Manager, State Bank of India, Lead Bank Office- Member Lalropara, Secr etary, Finance Department, Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Land Acquisition and Compensation issues related to construction of Roads, Rail, Airport connectivity in North Eastern Region.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 84Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 84 NOTIFICATION No.C.29018/1/ 2015 - PWD, the 13th April, 2016.As desired by the NEC Secretariat, Shillong vide their letter No. NEC(T ) Executive Committee/2015, Dt.19.2.2016 and as approved by t he Govt . of Mizoram, Inter Departmental Committees at the District and State Level is hereby constituted with immediate effect to solve the bottlenecks a t the ground for La nd Acquisition a nd Compensa tion issues related to cons truction of Roa ds, Rail, Airport connectivit y in North Eastern Region. The Nodal Officers of the Committee at the District Level will report to the Nodal Officer at the State Level every month on the bottlenecks being faced on ground and measured taken which is required for appraisal of the Council Members dur ing the upcoming Council Meeting. The Committees comprises of the following :- I.Stat e Level Inter-depart mental Committ ee : i)Principal Secretary, PWD- Chairman ii)Secreta ry, Revenue- Member iii) Secretary, Forest/PCCF- Member iv) Engineer-in-Chief, PWD- Nodal Officer /Member S ecret ary v)District Collector of the concerned Distr ict may be Invitee. II.District Level Inter-departmental Committee for the Districts of Aizawl, Mamit, Kolasib for National Highways wor ks : i)Superintending Engineer, NH Circle-I- Chairman/Nodal Officer ii)District Forest Officer of the concerned district- Member iii) Assistant Settlement Officer-I of the concerned District - M emb er iv) District Local Administration Officer- Member v)President of the concerned Village Council- Member III.District Level Inter-depar tmental Committee for the Districts of Champhai, Serchhip, and Lunglei for Nationa l Highway works : i)Superintending Engineer, NH Circle-II- Chairman/Nodal Circle ii)District Forest Officer of the concerned district- Member iii) Assistant Settlement Officer-I of the concerned Distr ict - M emb er iv) District Local Administration Officer- Member v)President of the concerned Village Council- Member - 2 - Ex-84/2016 I V.District Level Inter-depar tmental Committee for the Districts of Lawngtlai and Saiha for National Highway wor ks : i)Superintending Engineer, KMMTP Circle- Chairman/Nodal Circle ii)District Forest Officer of the concerned district- Member iii) Assistant Settlement Officer-I of the concerned District - M emb er iv) District Local Administration Officer- Member v)President of the concerned Village Council- Member Lalram Thanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Indian Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 85Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 85 NOTIFICATION No. H. 12018/76/2016-LJD, the 18th April, 2016.The following Act is hereby published for general information. The Indian Stamp (M izoram Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. 4 of 2016) {Received the assent of the Gover nor of Mizoram on the 31st March, 2016} THE INDIAN STAMP (MIZORAM AMENDMENT) AC T, 2016 AN ACT Further to amend the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 Whereas it is expedient to amend the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act No. 2 of 1899), in its application to t he State of Mizoram for the purposes hereinafter appear ing. It is enact ed by the Mizor am State Legislative Assembly in the Sixty-s eventh year of Republic of India as follows:- 1.Short title, extend and commencement: (1) This Act ma y be ca lled the India n Stamp (Mizoram Amendment) Act, 2016. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Mizoram. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2.Insertion of new section 47A and 47B in the Act No. 2 of 1899: After section 47 of the principa l Act, the following new sections shall be inserted, namely- “47A. Instrument of conveyance, etc. undervalued how to be dealt with.- (1) If the registering officer appointed under the Registra tion Act, 1908 (Centr al Act XVI of 1908) while registering any instrument of conveyance, gift, exchange of property; settlement, has - 2 - Ex-85/2016 reason to believe having r egard to the estimated market value published by the Committee cons tituted under section 47B, if any or otherwise, tha t the market value of the property which is the subject matter of such instrument has not been tr uly set forth, he shall, after arriving at the estimated market value, communicate the same to the parties and unless the parties pay the duty on the basis of such valuation, within the period specified by the Registering Officer shall keep pending the pr ocess of registration and refer the matter along with a copy of such instrument t o the Deputy Commissioner for determination of the market va lue of property and the proper duty paya ble thereon. (2) On r eceipt of a reference under sub-section (1 ), the Deputy Commissioner shall, a fter giving the parties a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after holding an inquiry in such manner as the State Government may by rules prescribe, determine by order within ninety days from the date of receipt of such reference the market value of the pr operty which is the subject matter of instrument specified in sub-section (1 ) and the duty payable thereon. The difference, if a ny, in t he amount of duty, sha ll be pa yable by the person liable to pay the duty with interest at twelve percent per annum if he does not pay such difference within ninety days from the date of order of the Deputy Commissioner. (3) The Deputy Commissioner may, suo motu within two years fr om the date of registr ation of any instrument specified in su b-section (1) not already referred to him under sub-section (1), call for and exa mine the instr ument for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the cor rectness of the market value of the pr operty which is the subject matter of any instrument specified in sub- section (1) and the duty payable thereon and if after such exa mination he has reason to believe that the ma rket value of such pr operty has not been tr uly set forth in the instrument, he may determine by order the market value of such property and the duty payable thereon in accordance with the pr ocedure provided for in sub-section (2). T he difference, if any, in the amount of duty, shall be paya ble by the person lia ble to pay the duty with interest at twelve percent per annum if he does not pay such difference within ninety days from the date of order of the Deputy Commissioner. (4) The order of the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (2) or (3 ) shall be communicated to the person liable to pay the duty. A cop y of every such order shall be sent to the registering officer concerned. (5) Any person a ggrieved by an order of the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (2) or sub- section (3) may, prefer a n appeal befor e the Appellate Author ity who is the Inspector General of Registration and all such appeals shall be pr eferred within such time and be heard and disposed off in such manner as the State Government may by rules prescr ibe. Provided tha t no appeal sha ll be admitted unless the person aggr ieved ha s depos ited, in the prescribed manner, fifty percent of the difference in the amount of duty as determined by the Depu ty Commissioner under sub-s ection (2) or (3): Pr ovided further tha t where a ft er the determina tion of the market va lue by the Appella te Authorit y or determined aga in by the Deputy Commissioner on a remand of the case the stamp duty borne is found to be sufficient, the amount deposited shall be returned to the person concerned : Provided also that such p erson shall pa y the difference in duty along with interest at twelve percent per annum if he does not pay such difference within ninety days from date of order of the Deputy Commissioner or sixty days fr om the date of order of the Appellate Author ity. 47B. Constitution of Valuation Committee : (1) T he St ate Government may, by notification, constit ute a Va luation Commit tee, under the chairmanship of Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps, for estimation, publication and revision of market value guidelines of properties in any area in the S tate at such intervals and in su ch manner as ma y be pr escribed, for the purpose of section 47A. (2) The Valuation Committee is the final authority for the formulation of policy, methodology and administration of the market value guidelines in the State and may for the said purpose constitute market valuation sub-committees in each sub-district and district comprising of such members as may be prescribed, for estimation and revision of the market value guidelines in the State. (3) Sub-committees so constituted shall function under the Va luation Committee and shall follow such procedures as may be prescribed and shall be subject to reconstitution whenever found necessar y”. 2.Amendment of the Schedule: 1) Amendment of Article 5:In Article 5 of the schedule to the Principal Act- (a)Cla u se (e) sha ll be omit ted. (b)Cla u se (g) sha ll be omitted 2) Amendment of Article 23 :In Article 23 of the Schedule to the Principal Act, for clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d). the following sha ll be s ubstituted, na mely- “23. CONVEYANCE (as defined by clause 10 of Section 2 of the Principa l Act) not being a transferr ed charge or ex empt ed under No. 62, or the mar ket value of the property which is the subject ma tt er of the conveyance. Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department, Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200- 3 -Ex-85/2016 Two percent of the mar ket value.”

The Government of Mizoram [Transaction of Commencement Business (Amendment)] Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 86Date - 22/04/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.4.2016 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1938, Issue No. 86 NOTIFICATION No.A. 46013/2/2006-GAD/Loose, the 19th April, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) and (3) of Article 166 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules to amend the Govt. of Mizoram (Tra nsaction of Bu siness) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter called the Principal Rules) as follows, namely :Shor t title and 1. (1) These Rules may be called “ The Government of Mizoram [Tr ansaction of Commencement Business (Amendment)] Rules, 2016”. (2) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. Amendment of 2.In S l. No. 7 under the First Schedule of the Principal Rules, for the words, Rule 3 “Environment & For ests Department” the following sha ll be substituted, namely - “Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department” By order etc Ar vind Ra y, Additional Chief S ecretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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