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The Village Council Constituency of Khawhnai Village under Mamit District to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30 th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :-

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 158Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.158 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12011/57/2014-SEC/VC, the 17th April, 2015.In partial modification of this Office Notification of even no. dated 6.4.2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Amendment Act 2014 and Rule 3 (1) of The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon the Village Council Constituency of Khawhnai Village under Mamit District to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :- 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the State1.4.2015 Election Commission(Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers6.4.2015 (Monday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations20.4.2015 (Monday) 9:00 am-10:00 am 5.Scrutin y of Nomin ation20.4.2015 (Monday) 10:00 am-12:00 noon 6.Last Date for withdrawal of Nomin ation s20.4.2015 (Monday) Up-to 1:00 pm 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &20.4.2015 display of list of Candidate(Monday) (1:00 am-3:00 pm) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am-5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 10.Counting of Votes (Counting of Votes shall commence30.4.2015 (Thursday) as soon as poll is over) 11.Last date for formation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 12.Date on which Election process shall be completed8.5.2015 (Friday) By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

MZ-VC 03/4 Biate Village under Serchhip District to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30 th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :-

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 159Date - 22/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 22.4.2015 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No.159 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12011/57/2014-SEC/VC, the 21st April, 2015.In part ial mo t ifica t io n o f t his Office No t ificat io n of even no. dated 6.4.2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Amendment Act 2014 and Rule 3 (1) of The Mizoram (Elec- t io n to Village Co uncils) Rules, 2014, t he St at e Elect io n Co mmissio ner hereby calls upo n t he Village Council Co nstit uency o f MZ-VC 03/4 Biat e Village under Serchhip Dist rict t o elect Members fo r the Village Councils on30th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :- This No t ific at io n is issu ed du e t o demise o f S hr i D enghming liana a va lid ly no minat ed ca ndida t e sponsored by Mizo National Front Party who expired on 20.4.2015 after display of validly candidate by the Returning Officer concerned that this Notification is only for one candidate sponsored by the Mizo National Front Party to replace the decease. 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the St ate1.4.2015 Election Commission(Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Mo nday) 3.Da t e o f I s sue o f N o t ic e o f E le ct io n by t he Ret ur ning6.4.2015 Officers(Mo nday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations22.4.2015 (Wednesday) 9:00 am-10:00am 5.Scrutiny of Nomination22.4.2015 (Wednesday) 10:00 am-12:00 noon 6.Last Date for withdrawal of Nominations22.4.2015 (Wednesday) Up-to 1:00 pm 7.Da t e & Time fo r a llo t ment o f s ymbo ls t o Candidat es &22.4.2015 display of list of Candidate(Wednesday) (1:00 am-3:00 pm) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am-5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 10. Counting of Votes (Counting of Votes shall commence30.4.2015 (Thursday) as soon as poll is over) 11. Last date for formation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 12. Date on which Election pro cess shall be co mpleted8.5.2015 (Friday) By order, etc. H. Darzika, S e c r e t a r y, St at e Elect io n Co mmissio n Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.Ex-159/20152

Obituary of Brig. T. Sailo s/o Pu Vanchheuva

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 141Date - 27/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Friday 27.3.2015 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 141 OB IT UA RY No. H.13011/1/2012-POL, the 27th M a rc h , 2015 :The Government of Mizoram has learnt with profound sorrow the sad demise of Brig. T. Sailo, former Chief Minister, Mizoram on 27.03.2015. Brig. T. Sailo s/o Pu Vanchheuva, Chief of Thuampui and Pi Hrangvungi was born on 01.01.1922 at Lunglei. He was married to Pi Thansiami d/o Dr. P.S. Dahrawka and had three sons and a daughter. He passed his Matricu lat io n E xaminat ion in t he first divisio n fro m Shillo ng in 1940 with letters in four subjects. He proceeded to Serampore College to study Intermediate of Science but later joined the Indian Army in 1942. He saw active action in the Burma front during the Second World War. He joined the Assam Regiment in 1944 and went again to Burma theatre and returned in 1947. He served as Commandant, Assam Regiment Centre, Shillong for many years. He was awarded AVSM for his meritorious work for the flood victims in Bihar Sub-Area. He was t he first amo ng t he Mizo s t o beco me Lieut enant Co lo nel in 1960, promoted to full Colonel in September 1963, and to Brigadier in 1966. He founded the Mizoram Human Rights Committee in 1974. His endeavour to serve the people through Human Rights was greatly appreciated by the peo ple of Mizoram. On 17th April, 1975, he founded the People’s Conference Party and was elected as its first President. He was arrest ed under MISA and jailed at Nowgong Special Jail for t en mo nt hs. After his release in March, 1977, he resumed his work for the people of Mizoram even more vigo ro usly. He was elect ed t o t he St at e Legislat ive Assembly in 1978 fro m Aizawl No rt h Constituency and on 3rd June, 1978, he was sworn in as the second Chief Minister of Mizoram. However, the Assembly was dissolved a few months later. He was again returned from the same constituency in the 1979 Assembly elections and was sworn in for the second time as the Chief Minister. Under his leadership the relation between the armed forces and the civilians improved greatly. He also developed strong ties with the Centre. He laid a strong foundation for the development of Mizoram through his unt iring effo rt s, vision and co mmitment . He was elected as MLA in 1984 as People’s Conference party candidate. In 1998, he was again elected as MLA from Mamit Constituency and again in 2008 from Aizawl We st - I I co nst it ue ncy. He was t he o ld est sit t ing MLA in 201 3 at t he ag e o f 91 ye a r s. He w as awarded Padma Shree in 1999. The Government of Mizoram places on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Brig. T. Sailo and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. Lalmalsawma Chief Secretary Government of MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50Ex-141/2015- 2 -

Obituary of Shri P.R. Kyndiah former Governor of Mizoram on 26.3.2015.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 142Date - 27/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Friday 27.3.2015 Chaitra 6, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 142 OBITUARY No. H.13011/1/2012-POL, the 27th March, 2015 : The Government of Mizoram has learnt with profound sorrow the sad and untimely demise of Paty Ripple Kyndiah, popularly known as P.R. Kyndiah, former Governor of Mizoram on 26.3.2015. Shri P.R. Kyndiah was born in 1928 and brought up in Shillong. He was married to Gavvy Khyriem and had three sons and t hree daught ers. He was associated with the Indian National Congress at his early life and took up active part in the freedom movement of the country. In 1964, he plunged in the Hill State movement in Nort h Eastern India spearheaded by the All Party Hill Leaders Co nference. During his political career, he held many posts, a few of which were as Municipal Co mmissio ner in 1962, Chairman o f t he Shillo ng Civil Bo dy in 1967 t ill 1972, Member o f provisional Meghalaya Assembly in 1970 till 1993, State Cabinet Minister in 1975-76, 1978- 79, 1983, 1986-88, State Home Minister and Acting Chief Minister during the crucial years of the students movement in 1987-88, Leader of Opposition in 1987-88 during which he played a notable and constructive role in the affairs of the House and the State, Chairman of Estimate Committee, Public Undertaking Committee etc, Chairman High Powered Meghalaya Co mmissio n o n reso urce mo bilizat io n in 1988-89, Speaker o f t he Meghalaya Legislat ive Assembly from 1989 to 1993, veteran leader of the Congress party in the North Eastern Region and an active member of the All India Congress Committee. He founded Shillong Co-operative Urban Bank in 1964 and Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.. As an active member of the Assam Sangeet Natak Academy, he wrote many papers on drama, music and tribal dance. He was the Chief of Red Cross in Assam and later on in Meghalaya and was involved in the massive relief operation organized for the Bangladesh r efugees who fled t o I ndia fr o m t he er st while East P akis t an in 1971. He was a g r eat wr it er and wrote many popular books. He became the Governor of Mizoram on February 10, 1993 and held the esteemed position till January 10, 1998. The Government of Mizoram placed on record its deep appreciation of the sincere services rendered by Shri P.R. Kyndiah and conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. Lalmalsawma Chief Secretary Government of MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 2 - Ex-142/2015

The State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby fixes and publishes the Allocation of Seats to the 83 Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality for which General Elections will be held on 30 th April, 2015 as shown below :-

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 143Date - 07/04/2015

No. & Name of Local Councils Sl. No.No. of HouseholdTotal No. of Elector sNo. of seats to be electedGeneralReserved for Wom enTotalThe Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 7.4.2015 Chaitra 17, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 143 NOTIFICATION No.B.14015/1/2015-SEC/LC, the 6th April, 2015.In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 & Rule 37 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Elect ion to Local Councils) Rules, 2015 r ead with Rule 16 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Ward Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby fixes and publishes the Allocation of Seats to the 83 Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality for which General Elections will be held on30th April, 2015as shown below :- Schedule of Election 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the State Election Commission 1.4. 2015 (Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers6.4.2015 (Monday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations13.4.2015 (Monday) 5.Scrutiny of nomination14.4.2015 (Tuesday) 11:00 am-3:00 pm 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations16.4.2015 (Thursday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &16.4.2015 (Thursday) display of list of Candidates (12:00 noon onwa rds) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am-5:00 pm) 10. Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 11. Counting of Votes(Counting of Votes sha ll commence as soon as poll is over) 30.4.2015 (Thursday) 12. Last date for for mation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 13. Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed8.5.2015 (Friday) 1I/1- Selesih130534415 2I/2- Durtlang North3241204415 3I/3- Durtlang7432796527 4I/4- Durtlang Leitan8053072527 5I/5- Zuangtui6252009527 6I/6- Muanna Veng226751415 - 2 - Ex-143/20157II/1- Chaltlang11654545527 8II/2- Chaltlang North5932080527 9II/3- Bawngkawn14675230527 10 II/4- Bawngkawn South4501628527 11 III/1- Ramhlun North11544568527 12 III/2- Ramhlun Venglai6182449527 13 III/3- Ramhlun Vengthar4441723527 14 III/4- Ramhlun Sports Complex209731415 15 III/5- Laipuitlang3411213415 16 IV/1- Ramhlun South10554034527 17 IV/2- Ramthar North3571371415 18 IV/3- Ramthar Veng9453500527 19 IV/4- Aizawl Venglai4331627527 20 V/1- Electric Veng10223991527 21 V/2- Chanmari10373652527 22 V/3- Zarkawt4051782527 23 VI/1- Cha nmar i West10894163527 24 VI/2- Edenthar5641797527 25 VI/3- Hunthar5771922527 26 VII/1- Zemabawk17185902527 27 VII/2- Zemabawk Nor th5982298527 28 VII/3- Fa lkla nd257836415 29 VII/4- Thuampui8272667527 30 VIII/ 1 - Ar med Veng7742850527 31 VIII/ 2 - Armed Veng S outh8813227527 32VIII/3-Chite101362415 33 IX/1- Dawrpui5582166527 34 IX/2- SarawnVeng4671674527 35 IX/3- ChhingaVeng12584637527 36 IX/4- Tuithiang4431510527 37 X/1- Chawnpui7592790527 38 X/2- Zotlang5372094527 39 X/3- Zonuam5461945527 40 X/4- Govt. Complex4021378415 41 XI/1 - Luangmual6592578527 42 XI/2- Chawlhhmun5832093527 43 XI/3- Tanhril4711805527 44 XI/4- Saka wrtuichhun3831208415 45 XI/5- Rangvamual256643415 46 XI/6- Phunchawng241681415 47 XI/7- Tuivamit3571132415 48 XII/1- Tuikual North8303116527 49 XII/2- Tuikual South9253338527 50 XII/3- Dinthar11584705527 51 XIII/1 - Dawrpui Vengthar6582560527 52 XIII/2 - Vaivakawn7742739527 53 XIII/3 - Kanan6212397527 54 XIV/1 - Khatla10243602527 55 XIV/2 - Khatla East2941034415 56 XIV/3 - Khatla South4241595527 57 XIV/4 - Mission Vengthlang8833428527 58 XV/1- Bu ngka wn8143091527 59 XV/2- Bungkawn Vengthar3781511527 60 XV/3- Maubawk7012706527 61 XV/4- Lawipu128455415 62 XV/5- Nur sery Veng4671772527 63 XVI/1 - Bethlehem8923372527 64 XVI/2 - Bethlehem Vengt hla ng12984985527 65 XVI/3 - College Veng5382181527 66 XVII/1 - Venghlui8433153527 67 XVII/2 - Republic6202894527 68 XVII/3 - Upper Republic5251884527 69 XVII/4 - Republic Vengthlang4351680527 70 XVIII/1 - Tuikhuahtlang3151156415 71 XVIII/2 - Mission Veng9973668527 72 XVIII/3 - Model Veng298999415 73 XVIII/4 - Salem Veng7972794527 74 XVIII/5 - Dam Veng245885415 75 XVIII/6 - Venghnuai4081456415 76 XVIII/7 - Thakthing203694415 77 XVIII/8 - ITIVeng10293583527 78 XIX/1 - Kulikawn8693279527 79 XIX/2 - Tlangnuam5191910527 80 XIX/3 - Tlangnuam Vengthar2731044415 81 XIX/4 - Saikhamakawn3021058415 82 XIX/5 - Melthum224783415 83 XIX/6 - Hlimen5302027527 TOTAL520931,92,382392143535 By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-143/2015

The Mizoram Municipalities (Second Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act No. 5 of 2015)

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 155Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 155 NOTIFICATION No.H.12018/120/2013-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the Mizoram Legisla tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general information. The Mizoram Municipa lities (Second Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act No. 5 of 2015) {Received the assent of t he Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahmingthanga Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM MUNICIPALITIES (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2015 (ACT. NO. 5 OF 2015) AN ACT to amend the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as Principal Act) It is enacted by the Mizora m Legislative Assembly in the Sixty S ixth year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1 . Short Title, extent :1)This Act shall be ca lled “T he Mizoram Municipalities (S econd Amendment) and commencementAct, 2015”. 2)It shall ha ve the like ext ent as the Principal Act. 3)It shall come into force on such date as the St ate Government may, by notifica tion in the official Gazette, appoint. 2. Amendment of :1)In S ection 2 of the Principal Act , clause (9) shall sta nd deleted. Section 2.2)After clause 17, a new clause 17-A shall be inserted, namely:- “17-A. “Development” with its grammatical variations means the carrying out of construction of building, engineering, mining - 2 - Ex-155/2015 or other operations, in, on, over, or under land or the making of any materia l change in any building or land or in the use of any building or land and includes division of any land and redevelopment”. 3)Clause 18-A shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “18-A. “Director of Local Bodies” means the Director of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department.” 4)After Clause 23, a new clause 23-A shall be inserted, namely:- “23-A “Economically Weaker S ection” means such class of persons as may be notified by the appropriate Government from time to time.” 5)Clause 26 shall be substituted by the following, namely:- “26. “Executive Officer” means an officer of the municipa lity and includes- A Municipal Commissioner or Chief Executive Officer or any other officers designated as such by a municipality from time to time.” 6)After Clause 27, a new clause 27-A shall be inserted, namely:- “ 2 7 - A. “ F l oor s p a ce i ndex ” mea ns t h e a r ea t h a t c a n b e c on s t r u ct ed on a piece of land divided by the total area of the land.” 7)After Clause 29, a new clause 29-A shall be inserted, namely:- “29-A. “Group Housing” means mor e than two buildings on a plot with one or more floors and with one or more dwelling units in each floor.” 8)After Clause 37, a new clause 37-A shall be inserted, namely : - “37-A. “Low Income Group” means such class of persons as may be notified by the appropriate Government from time to time.” 9)After Clause 39, a new clause 39-A shall be inserted, namely :- “39-A. “Municipal Appellate Tribunal” means Appellate Tribunal constituted by the State Government under section 352-A of the Act.” 10) After Clause 64, a new clause 64-A shall be inserted, namely:- “64-A. “Shelter Fee” means fee levied and collected in lieu of the reservation of land or floor area as the case may be, an amount equa l to the market value of the la nd or floor area determined on the basis of the rates notified by the State Government, which is r equired to be reserved for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS ) and t he Lower Income Groups (LIG).” 3 . Amendment of :Sub-section (2) of S ection 3 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the Section 3.2following, namely:- “(2) (a).S ave as ma y otherwise be deemed fit by the Governor, classifica tion of urban areas on the basis of population may be as under:- (i) “a transitional area” is an urban area having a population not less than five thousand. (ii) “a smaller urban area” is an urban area having a population not less than fifty thousand. (iii) “a larger urban area” is an urban area having a population not less than thr ee lakhs.” - 3 -Ex-155/2015 4 . Amendment of :In Section 22 of the Principal Act, after clause (b), a new clause shall be Section 22inserted, namely:- “(c). he is elected as member of Legislative Assembly or member of Parliament.” 5 . Amendment of :Section 57 of the Principa l Act sha ll be substituted by the following, na mely :- Section 57“57.Functions of municipality: Every Municipa lity within its ar ea may be entrusted the following funct ions- 1)Urban planning including town planning. 2)Regulation of land use and construction of buildings. 3)Planning for economic and social development. 4)Roads and bridges. 5)Water supply for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes. 6)Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management. 7)Fire services. 8)Urban forestry, protection of the environment and promotion of ecological aspects. 9)Safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society, inclu ding the handicapped and mentally retar ded. 10) Slum improvement and upgradation. 11) Urban poverty alleviation. 12) Provision of urban amenities and facilities such as parks, gardens, pla ygr ounds. 13) Promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects. 14) Burials and burial grounds; cremations, cremation grounds and electric crematoriums. 15) Cattle pounds, prevention of cruelty to animals. 16) Vita l statistics including registr ation of births and deaths. 17) Public amenities including street light ing, pa rking lots, bus stops and public conveniences. 18) Regulation of slaughter hou ses and tanneries.” 6 . Amendment of :Section 58 of the Principa l Act sha ll be substituted by the following, na mely :- Section 58“58.Discretionary functions of the Municipality: Subject to appropriate notification by the State Government and having regard to the satisfactory performa nce in respect of functions listed under Section 57, a Municipality may undertake or perform any other functions entrusted to it by the State Government in cons ultation with the concerned municipality.” 7 . Deletion of :Sub-section (2) of Section 59 of the Pr incipal Act shall sta nd deleted. Section 59 8 . Amendment of :Sub-section (1) of Section 61 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by Section 61the following, namely :- “(1). Save as otherwise provided in this Act, a municipal corpor a-tion or a municipal council may have all or any of the following officers:(a ) a Municipal Commissioner or a Chief Executive Officer; (b) a Secretary; (c ) an E xecutive Officer; (d) an Engineer; (e) a Town Planner; (f) a Health Officer; (g) a Finance Officer; (h) Any other officers as may be created for the municipality. Provided that the State Government may reduce the number of posts of t he officers as aforesaid for any Municipality: Provided further that the State Government may by order re-designate any of the posts of the officers as aforesaid in resp ect of any Municipality.” 9 . Amendment of :Section 62 of the Principa l Act sha ll be substituted by the following, na mely :- Section 62“62-A. Cadre of common municipal service, appointments, conditions of service, etc. The State Government may constitute Common Cadre for the Municipalities. Such Common Cadre may consist of ca tegories of officers of the municipa lities as ma y be p rescribed: (1) The number and nature of posts appoint ment to the common cadr e and conditions of s ervice of the persons belonging to the common cadr e shall be as prescribed. (2) Appointment to the post belonging to Common Municipal Cadre shall be ma de by the Government on the r ecommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission. (3) The State Government shall constitute a Cadre Authority for management of posts belonging to the Common Municipal Cadre. (4) Officers belonging to the Common Municipal Cadre shall be transferable to any of the Municip alities within Mizoram.The State Gover nment may by r ules pr ovide for the qualification for appointment, conditions of service and other allied matters relating to t he officers belonging to the Common Ca dre. 62-B. Other employees of a municipality The State Government may create posts of officers and staff, not included in the common municipal ca dre. (1) Recruitment to such posts may be made by a municipality, on the recommendation of a Municipal Service Selection Board. (2) Appointment of officers and employees, to such posts shall be made by the Municipality. (3) Such other employees shall remain under the direction and control of the municipality to which he is recruited.The State Government may by rules provide for the qualification for appointment, conditions of service and other allied matters relating such employees in the Municipalities.” 10. Amendment of :Section 63 of the Principa l Act sha ll be substituted by the following, na mely :- Section 63“63. Municipal Service Selection Board The State Government may appoint a Selection Board consisting of a Chairman, a Secr etary and other members for recruit ment to the posts, other than those belonging to the Common Municipal Cadre.” 11. Insertion of :In the Principal Act , after Section 75, a new section 75-A shall be inserted, Section 75-Anamely:-- 4 - Ex-155/2015 “75-A. Constit ution of Basic Services to the Urban Poor Fund (1) A separate fund called the “Basic Services to the Urban Poor F und” shall be constituted by every Municipality for delivery of basic services to the urba n poor including the inhabita nts of slum ar eas. (2) A minimum of twent y five percent of the funds within the municipality’s budget shall be earmarked and used for providing basic services to the urban poor, including inhabitants of slum areas on a yearly basis. The allocation to the fund shall be made from the following municipal budgetar y resour ces: (a ) Municipa lit y’s own sour ces of r evenue e. g. taxes, fees, user char ges and rent etc.; (b) Assigned revenues; (c ) Allocations from Central / State Finance Commissions/ other inter -governmental transfers; (d) Contributions in cash/kind, gifts from individuals, organizations, donors for services to the poor; ( e) Grants from externa lly aided projects; (f) Sale of municipal assets; (g) Others sour ces as determined by the Municipality.Explanation- For the pur pose of this section any gra nt or contribution by whatever name ca lled, received by the Municipa lity which is exclusively for the development of slum a reas shall not be a par t of the above earma rked fu nds. ( 3 ) Utilization of the earmarked fundsThe earmarked funds under sub-section (1) of this section shall be for pr oviding basic services to the urban poor including the inhabitants of the slum ar eas. Explanation- For the pur poses of this section ‘basic services’ shall include expenditure on capital and revenue account directly incurred on water supply, drainage, sewerage, constr uction of community toilets, solid waste management, connecting roads, street lighting, public parks and play gr ounds, community a nd livelihood centers, community health centers, pre-primary and primary education centers, affordable housing for poor, and other services as determined by the Municipality but shall not include esta blishment expenses, including salary and wages, not directly and specifically incu rred for delivery of basic services to the poor. (4) The allocation of the funds and it s utilization for providing basic services to the urban poor should be deta iled and enclosed with the Municipal Annual Budget a s P-budget along with the corresponding figures for the previous year. (5) The fund sha ll be in the nature of a non-lapsable fund. In the event of the annual allocations not fully ut ilized, the ba lance funds should not be transferred to the municipa l gener al fund but car ried for ward for utilization in the subsequent year(s). The fund allocation in the subsequent years shall be considered in addition, and shall not be reduced by the unspent funds of the previous year (s). (6) A separate bank account shall be opened with a nationalized bank called-’Basic Services to Urban Poor Fund’ account wherein funds earmarked under sub-section (1) of this section shall be periodically deposited ensuring that the yearly a llocation is equal to the alloca tion as in the Municipal budget.- 5 -Ex-155/2015 (7) There shall be maintained separate primary books of accounts with detailed accounting heads in line with the National Municipal Accounts Manual for operation of special fund accounts.” 12. Amendment of :Sub-section 2 of 216 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following, Section 216namely :- “(2)The annual value of any vacant land and building in a ny ward and local council of the municipality shall be the sum of the amount arrived at by multiplying the value per unit area of such vaca nt land and mult iplicative fact ors and the amount arr ived at by mult iplying the value per unit area of the cover ed spa ce of such building by the total area of such covered space and multiplicative factors, if any, and shall be determined accordingly by an order of the Board of Councillors, and a copy of the order shall be supplied within ten days thereof to t he owner or the occupier of the land or the building, as the case may be, in such Form, and in such manner, as may be prescribed under the Rules framed under this Act.Provided that - (i) ever y land, which is not built upon, comprised in a holding shall be assessed separately; and (ii) machinery and furniture shall be excluded from valuations under this section”.Explanation I – In the case of a building with appurtenant land, the area of the land under the plinth area of the building shall be excluded from the total area of the land, the bala nce being treated as vacant land, which shall be assessed as such. Explanation II – The covered space of any building shall mean the tota l floor area of the building in all the stor eys. Expla nation III – For the purposes of this section, “machinery” shall include lift, air-conditioning equipment, and equipment for providing ear thquake proofing. Explanation IV – The annual value of any land or building, as deter- mined under this section, shall be a multiple of ten rupees, any fraction below five being ignored and any fraction of five or a bove being rounded off to the next ten r upees.” 13. Amendment of :In Section 216 of the Principal Act, new Sections 216-A and 216-B shall Section 216be inserted as follows, namely:- “216-A. Classification of lands and buildings and determination of unit area values. (1) The Board of councillors shall, on the r ecommendation of the State Property Tax Board or the State Government as the case may be, and having regard to – ( a ) the loca tion of la nds and buildings in the municipal area concerning its access to public roads; (b) the location of lands and buildings in the municipa l area with access to water, sewerage, and other civic facilities, and adjacent to markets, schools, hospitals, and any other fa cilities tha t influence the standar d of living in that a rea; declare its intention to classify lands and buildings in each ward- 6 - Ex-155/2015 of the Municipality into such groups or units as the Board of Councillor s ma y specify by a public noticed, a nd s ha ll a lso specify in such public notice the annual value it proposes to fix per unit area of covered space of buildings within each such group or units.Explanation I - For the pur pose of this Act, the State Property Tax Board means the State Property Tax Board constituted by the State Gover nment from time to t ime. (2) If a ny owner or occupier of any land or building in any war d in resp ect of which a public notice has been issued under sub-section (1), has any object ion to the manner of classification of any gr oup/ unit or groups/unit s or the value per unit area of vacant land or the value per unit area of covered spa ce of building in any such gr oup, he may submit to an officer of the Municipality duly authorised by the Municipality in this behalf, his objection in such Form, and cont aining such par ticulars, as ma y be pr escribed, within sixty days from the date of publication of such public notice, and such objection shall be considered by the Board of Councillors. (3) On the expiry of sixty da ys from the date of publica tion of the public notice under sub-s ection (1), and after considering the objections, if any, the Board of Councillors, shall by a public not ice, specify group wise the va lue per unit a rea of covered space of building. (4) The unit area value of vaca nt land and the unit ar ea value of covered space of building, as may be specified under sub-section (1), in respect of a group/unit in any ward shall rema in in force for a period of five year s and shall be revised at the expiration of each such period of five years:Provided that till the revision of such unit area values is completed, the existing unit area values shall continue to be in force. 216-B. Mult iplicative factors t o determine annual p roperty values.Multiplica tive fa ctor s t o determine annual property value as specified in sub-s ection (2) of S ection 216 would include, (a ) Loca tion Fa ctors, where the property abutted by categories of road or ar eas other than r oads; (b) Structure factor, the category of cons truction of the property; (c ) Ownership and Usage Factor, the category of owning and pur pose of using the property; and (d) Age factor, considering the year of completion of construction of the property; Provided that the above factors would be as per the pr ovisions of this Act and Rules framed thereunder by the State Government for the purpose and further as would be adopted by the Boa rd of Councillors.” 14. Amendment of :In sub-section (1) of section 217 of the Principal Act, after clause (g), new Section 217clauses (h) and (i) shall be inserted, namely:- “(h). Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, any la nd or building, which is the property of the Central Government, shall, save in so far as Parliament by law otherwise provides, be exempt from the property tax;- 7 -Ex-155/2015 Provided tha t nothing in this section sha ll, until Parliament by law otherwise provides, prevent the Municipa lity fr om levying any tax on any property of the Central Government to which such property was immediately before the commencement of the Constitution of India liable or treated as liable, so long as the property tax cont inues to be levied by the Municipality. Provided further that nothing in this section shall, prevent the municipality to levy service charges on properties of the Central Government as notified vide No.14 (1)-P/52-1, Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs), New Delhi, dated the 10th May 1 954.Explanation I – A property of the Central Government shall not include any property vested in, or belonging to, any statutory body or public sector corporation under the control of the Central Government. (i) Open spaces including par ade grounds, which are the pr operties of the State Government.” 15. Deletion of :Section 220 of the Principa l Act shall stand deleted. Section 220 16. Amendment of :In Section 250 of the Principal Act, after clause (f) a new clause (g) shall Section 250be a dded as follows :- “(g). Any owner of any la nd or building or any other person liable to pay the property tax or any occupier in the absence of such owner or person shall compute under self-assessment basis, the annual property value and determine the annual property tax due calculated on the annual value of such land or building as determined as per the provisions of this Act and Rules and Regulations fr amed there under.” 17. Amendment of :Sub-section (1) of Section 252 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by Section 252the following, namely :- “(1). The Executive Officer of the Municipality or an officer of the Municipality, duly authorised by the Municipality in this behalf shall consider the list of persons submitted the self-assessment return stating the annual property va lue and annual property tax and compare the same with the municip al recor ds of a ll persons lia ble to payment of property tax. The officer would prepare a list of all persons primarily liable for the payment of the pr operty tax who failed to comply with the submission of the self-assessment returns of lands and buildings within the due date in any ward a nd, by notice, require the owners and the occupiers of such lands or buildings or any portion thereof, to furnish the return a nd compute the tax due under the provisions of this Act and Rules and Regulations framed there under, in such Form, conta ining such particu lar s, and within such time, a s may be pr escr ibed. (1-A) Every owner or occupier shall be bound to comply with such notice and to furnish a return with a declaration that the sta tement made therein is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.” Explanation I - A Notice shall be deemed to be presented under this section if it is sent by post under certificate of posting to the person liable for payment of the amount included in the Notice,- 8 - Ex-155/2015 and in such case, the date borne on such certificate of posting sha ll be deemed to be the date of presentation of the Notice to such person. 18. Amendment of :In S ection 2 53 of the Principal Act, a new section 253-A shall be inserted, Section 253namely:- “253-A. Default in submission of Returns : (1) If a ny owner or other person, lia ble to pay the property tax u nder this Act and Rules framed there under, fails to submit the self- assessment r eturns and pay such pr operty tax together with interest, i f a n y, (2) If, after the assessment of annual value of any land or building is fina lly made under this Act, the payment on self-assessment under this Act and Rules framed there under is found to be less than tha t of the amount payable by the assessee, the assessee shall pay the difference within the stipula ted period as pr escribed under the Ru les, from the da te of final assessment, failing which recovery shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Act, but, after the final assessment, if it is fou nd tha t t he assess ee has paid excess amount, such excess amount shall be adjusted against the tax payable by t he a ss es see. ” 19. Amendment of :Section 341 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following, namely: Section 341“341. Preparation of master plan and detailed strategic zonal/ war d development pla n a nd zoning r egu la tions” ( 1 ) Civic and Utilities & Facilities Surveys of, and Master Plan for, Aiza wl a nd other Municipa l Areas– (a ) The Board of Councilors with the help of its Urban Planning s ha ll a s s oon a s ma y b e, ca r r y ou t a civic a nd u t ili t ies & fa cilit ies surveys of, and prepare a Master P lan for planned development of municipal a reas. (b) The Master Plan shall - (i) define the various zones or wards into which municipal areas may be divided for the purpose of development a nd indicate the manner in which the la nd in each zone is proposed t o be used (whether by car rying out thereon of development or otherwise) a nd the stages by which any such development shall be carr ied out; and (ii) serve as a basic pattern of frame-work within which the Deta iled Str ategic Zonal/Wa rd Development Plans of the various Zones/Wards may be prepa red. (c) The Master Plan may provide for any other matter which is necessary for proper planned development and implementa tion of municipal a reas. (d) If, prior to the commencement of this Act , a Master Plan has been prepared for municipal a rea s and the same has been appr oved by the State Government, the Board of Councillors may, with the approval of the State Government, adopt the said Master Plan with or without modification as the Board of Councillors may think fit.- 9 -Ex-155/2015 ( 2 ) Deta iled Stra tegic Z ona l/ Wa rd Development Plan a nd Zoning Regu la tions - (a) Simultaneously with the preparation of the Master Plan or as soon as may be thereafter, the Boa rd of Councillors with the help of its Urban Planning shall proceed with the preparation of a Detailed Strategic Zonal/Ward Development Plan and Regulations to be a rolling plan for a period t o be specified by a municipality for each of the zones/wards into which municipal areas may be divided for the purpose of implementation of Master Plan. (b) A Detailed Strategic Zonal/ Ward Development Plan may - i. cont ain a site-pla n and use - pla n for the development and regulations of the zone/ward and show the approximate locations and extents of land-use and infrastructure proposed in t he zone/ward for such things as public buildings and other public works and utilities, roads, housing, recreation, industry, business, markets, schools, hospitals and public and private open spaces and other categories of public and private uses; ii. specify the standards of popula tion density and building density; iii. show every area in the zone/ward which may, in opinion of the Boar d of C ouncillors, be required or declared for development or redevelopment including phasing and identification of responsible or implementing agencies; and iv. in particula r, contain provisions regarding all or any of the following matters, namely:- (a ) the division of any site int o plots for the erection of buildings; (b) the allotment or reserva tion of land for roads, open spaces, gardens, recreation grounds, schools, mar kets and other public purposes, and conservation of landslide prone areas including undevelopable areas due to steep slopes; (c ) the development of any area into a township or colony and the restrictions and conditions subject to which such development may be underta ken or carried out; (d) the erection of building on any site and the r estrict ions and conditions in regard to the open space to be maintained in or around buildings and height and char acter of buildings; ( e) the alignment of buildings on any site; (f) the architectural feature of the elevation or frontage of a ny building to be erected on any site; (g) the number of residential buildings which may be erected on a ny plot or site ; (h) the amenities to be provided in relation to any sit e or buildings on such site whether before or after the erection of building and the person or authority by whom or at whose expenses such amenities are to be provided; - 10 - Ex-155/2015 (i) the prohibitions or rest rictions regarding erection of shops, workshops, warehouses or fa ctories or building or a specified architectural feature orbuildings designed for particular purposes in the locality; (j) the maintenance of walls, fences, hedges or any other structural or architectural construction and the height at which t hey sha ll be maintained; (k) the restrictions r egarding the use of a ny site or land or buildings due to steep slope and la ndslide prone ar eas; and (l) any other matter which is necessa ry or expedient for the proper development and regulation of the zone/ward or any area thereof according to plan and for preventing buildings being erected haphazardly in such zone/ward or area. (3 ) Procedure to be followed in the Preparation and Appr oval of Pla ns - a ) Before preparing a ny Plan finally and submitting it to the State Government for approva l, the Board of Councillors s ha ll p r ep a r e a p la n in dr a ft a nd p u b l is h it b y ma kin g a cop y thereof ava ilable for inspection and publishing a notice in such form and manner as may be prescribed by rules made in this behalf inviting objections and su ggestions within 60 days from the date of fir st publication of the notice from any person with respect to the draft pla n befor e such date as may be specified in the notice. b) The Board of Councillors shall also give reasonable opportunities to every local authority within whose local limits any land touched by the plan is situated to make any repr esentation with respect to the plan. c) After considering all objections, suggestions and repr esentations that may have been received by the Board of Councillors, the Board of Councillors shall finally prepare the plan and submit to the State Government for its approval. d) Subject to t he foregoing pr ovisions of this section, the S tate Government may dir ect the Board of Councillors to fur nish such informa tion as the Government may require for the purpose of approving any plan submitted to it under this section. (4 ) Submission of P la ns to the Sta te Government for Approval– a ) In this section and in sub-sections (3), (4), and (6) and (7) the word “plan” means the Master Plan as well as the Deta iled St rategic Zonal/ Ward Development Pla n for zone/ ward. b) Every plan s hall, a s soon a s may b e after its preparation, be submitted by the Boar d of Councillors to the State Government for approval, and State Government may either- 11 -Ex-155/2015 approve the Plan without modifications or with such modifications as it may consider necessa ry or r eject the plan with directions to the Board of Councillors to prepare a fr esh pla n accor ding to such directions. (5 ) Date of Operation of Approved Plans– Immediately after a pla n has been appr oved by the State Government, the Boar d of Councillors shall publish, in such manner a s the S tate Government may specify, a notice stating t hat a plan has been appr oved and naming a place where a copy of the Plan may be inspected a t all r easonable hour s and upon the date of the first publication of the aforesaid notice the plan shall come into operation. (6 ) Amendment of the Mas ter P la n a nd the Deta iled St ra tegic Zona l/War d Development P la n and Zoning Regu la tions– a ) The Board of Councillors may make a ny amendment to the Master Plan or the Detailed Strategic Zonal/Ward Development Plan as it thinks fit, being amendments which, in its opinion, Joes not effect important altera tions in the char acter of the plan and which does not r elate to the extent of land-users or the standa rds of population density. b) The State Government may make any amendments in the Master Plan or the Detailed Strategic Zonal/Ward Development Plan whether such amendments a re of the nature specified in sub-s ection (1) or otherwise. c ) Before making any amendments in the Plan, the Boar d of Councillors , a s the case may be, the State Government shall publish a notice in such form and manner as ma y be prescribed by rules made in this behalf inviting objections and suggestions within 60 days from the date of first publication of the notice from a ny person with respect to the proposed amendments before such date as may be specified in the notice and shall consider all objections and suggestions that may be received by the Board of Councillors or the State Government. d) Every amendments made under the provisions of this section shall be published in such manner as the Board of Councillors or the State Gover nment, as the case may be, may specify and the amendments shall come into operation either on the date of the publication or on such other da te a s t he Boar d of Councillors or the Sta te Government as the case may be, may fix. e ) When the Boa rd of C ouncillors makes any amendments to the Plan under sub-section (1) it shall report to the State Government with full particulars of such amendments within thir ty days of the date on which s uch amendments come into operation.- 12 - Ex-155/2015 f) If a ny quest ion arises whether the amendments proposed to be made by the Board of Councillors which effects important alterations in the chara cter of the pla n or whether they relate to the extent of land-uses or the standards of population density, it shall be referred to the State Government whose decision thereon shall be final. g) Any reference in any other chapter, except chapter xxii, to the Master plan or the Detailed Strategic Zonal/Ward Development plan shall be constr ued as a refer ence to the Master plan or the Detailed Strategic Zonal/Ward Development plan as amended under the provisions of this section. ( 7 ) Development and contr ol of land use and construction of buildings - (a ) After the approval of Master Plan, Detailed Strategic Zonal/ Ward Development Pla n and Zoning Regulations under this Act, no development and cons truction of buildings or no layout plan for sub-division of any plot under section 123 or no project/scheme shall be undertaken or carried out in any area within Aizawl and other Municipal Areas by any person or body (including a department of State Government) unless development permission for such development or project/ scheme has been obtained in writ ing from the Boa rd of Councillors in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (b) After the coming into operation of any of the Plans in any area no development or project and construction of buildings under this Act sha ll be undertaken or carried out in that area unless such development is also in accordance with such plans and permission is actually obtained from the Boar d of Councillor s or authorized competent personal. (c ) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) and (b) development of any land begun b y any department of S tate Government or any local authority before the commencement of this Act ma y be completed by that depa rtment or loca l authority without compliance with the requirements of those sections and sub-sections. (8 ) Application for Development Permission– a ) Every person or body (including a department of State Government) desir ing to obtain permission for development of s ite or land or project development p ermission referred to in sub-section (7) shall make a n application in writing to the Board of Councillors in such form and containing layout plan under section 123 and such particulars in respect of the development to which the application related as may be prescribed by regulations. b) Every application under clause (a) shall be accompa nied by such fee as may be prescribed by rules.Provided tha t no such fee shall be necessary in the case of an application made by a department of the State Government.- 13 -Ex-155/2015 c ) On r eceipt of an application for development permission under clause (a) the Board of Councillors after making such inquiry as it considers necessary in relation to any matter specified in clause (b) sub-section (2) or in relation to any other matter, shall, by order in writing, either grant development permission, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order or refuse to grant such development permission. Provided that before making an order refusing such development permission, the applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity to show cause why the development permission should not be refused. d) Wher e development permission is refused, the grounds of such refusa l shall be recorded in writing and communicated to the applicant in the manner prescribed by r egulations. e ) The Board of Councillors sha ll keep in such form as may be prescribed by regulations a register of applications for development permission u nder this section. f) The said register shall contain such par ticular s including information as of the manner in which applications for development permission have been dealt with as ma y be prescribed by regulations and shall be available for inspection by a ny member of the public at all reasona ble hour s on payment of s uch fee not exceeding r upees five as ma y be prescribed by regulations. g) Where development permission is refused under this section, the applica nt or a ny person claiming thr ough him shall not be entitled to get refund of the fee paid on the applica tion for development permission but the Board of Councillors ma y, on a pplication for refund being made wit hin thr ee months of the communication of the grounds of the refusal under clause (d) direct refund of such portion of the fee as it s eems pr oper in the circumst ances of the c ase. (9) User of land and construction of buildings in contravention of Plans - After the coming int o opera tion of any of the Plans in a Zone/ Ward no person shall use or permit to be used any land or building in that Zone/Ward accept in conformity with such plan, otherwise the relevant sections of this Act shall a pply in such ca ses. Provided that it shall be lawful to continue to use, upon such terms a nd conditions a s may be prescr ibed by regulations made in this behalf, any land or building for the purpose, and the extent to which it is being used upon the date on which such plan comes into for ce.” 20. Amendment of :In S ection 341 of t he Principal Act, a new Section 341-A shall be inserted, Section 341namely: “341-A. R eservation of Land for Housing to Economica lly Weaker Sections (EWS) and Low Income Groups (LIG): ( 1 ) Earma rking of land for urban poor- 14 - Ex-155/2015 (a ) In a ll Area Planning schemes such as a Town Planning Scheme or Land Pooling Scheme or Land Readjustment Scheme, there shall be reservation of not less than ten per cent of the gross land area under each scheme for the purpose of providing housing accommodation to t he members of EWS and LIG. (b) In all residential layouts of extent above 4000 square meters, not less than ten percent of the gross land area shall be earmarked for EWS and LIG. Provided tha t wher e the tota l extent of la nd is bet ween 1000 square meters and 4000 square meters, either land may be r eserved for EWS and LIG or shelter fee, as p rescribed by the appropriate Government, may be collected as the case may be. (c ) All resident ia l la youts of extent b elow 10 00 squar e meters may be exempted from r eservation of land as well as payment of shelt er fee. (d) The size of the plot reser ved under (a) and (b) for EWS and LIG shall not be less than 30 square meters or higher as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government. ( 2 ) Ea rmarking of floor area for urban poor (a ) In a ll residential buildings with total plot ar ea above 1000 sq m and above reservation to the extent of 15% of residential FAR or 35% of the tota l dwelling units whichever is higher, will be provided, which will be allotted to EWS and LIG. Provided that where the total plot area is between 500 sq m and 1000 sq m, either floor area may be reser ved for EWS and LIG or shelter fee be collected or as the case may be. (b) All residential buildings with plot area b elow 500 sq m ma y be exempted from reser vation of floor area as well as payment of shelt er fee. (c) The size of the unit reserved under (a) for EWS will not be less than 21 sqm and not more than 27 sqm and for LIG it should not be less than 28 sqm and not more than 40 sqm carpet area or as prescribed by the appropriate Government. (3 ) Earmarking of both land and floor area The earmarking in S ub-sections (1) and (2 ) of this Section shall be such that a minimum of 20% of developed land or 20% of F loor Space Index in all land development/ housing projects (both by Public and Private Agencies) is reserved for the EWS and LIG category taking into account the reservation at area plan/layout approval stage or group housing a pprova l stages together. ( 4 ) Identification of Eligible Persons & Determination of Cost of Land/Houses: (a) A government depar tment/a gency of the appropr iate Government shall maintain an inventory of all the plots or houses as the case may be, reserved for the EWS and LIG and ensure its protection from encroachment. (b) For the allotment of plots or houses to the EWS and LIG, the pr ocedur e for the selection of eligible persons a nd t he- 15 -Ex-155/2015 determination of t he cost of such plot s or houses shall be such as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government. (5 ) Incentives t o Developers Every developer who makes provision for earmarking of land or floor area a s the ca se may be for EWS and LIG housing shall be incentivized through a scheme of cross-subsidization, which shall be such as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government (e.g. land use concessions through conversion of part of residential use for commercial use, higher Floor Space Index, Transferable Development Right, etc and/or higher prices charged from High Income Group etc.) (6 ) Non-r esidential Development The appropriate government shall consider levy of suitable fee e.g. Impa ct Fee on all non-residential land development/ buildings a bove 1000 square meters to generate resources for the shelter fund which may be used for pr ovision of land, housing, basic service, etc. to the urban poor. (7 ) Limitation of Shelter Fee The Shelter Fee so collected shall be maintained in a separate account and be utilized as per guidelines for the acquisition of land, development of land and construction of houses and in such other wa ys so a s to provide for housing E WS and LIG.” 21. Amendment of :In section 342 of the Principal Act , after sub-section (2), a new sub-section Section 342(3) shall be inserted, namely :- “(3). Constitution of High Powered Committee for Implementation of Master Plans:-In order to effectively coordinate and monitoring of implementation of various proposals in the Master Plan and Detailed Stra tegic Zonal/Wa rd Development Plan and Zoning Regulations, a High Powered Committee may be constituted by the State Government by notifica tion for municipal areas.” 22. Amendment of :In Section 352 of the Principal Act, new sections 352-A and 352-B shall be Section 352inserted as follows, namely: 352-A. Municipal Appellate Tribunal: (1) The State Government may constit ute a Municipa l Appellate Tribunal for hearing and disposal of an order passed by an officer of the municipalit y, which shall be appealable under the Act and any Rules framed ther eunder. (2) The Municipal Appellate Tribunal may consist of a Chairman and such other members not exceeding five or as the State Government ma y pr ovide by Rules fra med under the Act including t he qualifications thereof. (3) All members of the Tribuna l sha ll be below the a ge of seventy (70) years. (4) The Chairma n may constitute one or more separa te benches, each bench comprising of two or more members, one of whom shall be a Judicial Member and may transfer to any such bench- 16 - Ex-155/2015 any appeal for disposal or may withdraw from any such b ench any appeal before it is finally disposed of. (5) Where a sepa rate bench is constituted under the sub-section (4), the Judicial Member shall exercise and perform all the powers and functions of the Chairman under the Act and R ules provided by t he State Government. (6) The State Government shall appoint the Chairma n and other members on such terms and conditions as it may determine and shall be pa id from the Fund of the State Government. (7) The Tribunal shall have an establishment consisting of a Registrar and such officers a nd other employees appointed on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed. The expenses of esta blishment shall be pa id out of the consolidated Fund of the State Government. (8) The State Government by way of Rules sha ll provide for the procedure of hearing and disposal of appeals, as well as realization of fees in connection with appeals. 352-B. Appeal: 1) Any person dissatisfied with any order passed under this Act or any Rules framed here under may prefer a n appeal before the Tribunal. Provided that such appeal shall be presented to the Tribunal within forty-five days fr om the date of service of a nd shall be accompanied by a copy of the said aggrieved or der. 2) No appeal under this section shall be entertained unless a ny dues to the municipality determined under the aggrieved order by the municipality are deposited with the municipality. 3) The provisions of P art II a nd Part III of the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963) relating to appeal shall apply appeal preferred under this section. 4) The decision of the Tribunal with regard to any valuation or assessment of revenue shall be fina l and no suit or proceeding shall lie in any Civil Court in respect of any matter, which has been or may be referred to or has been decided by the Tribunal.” Secretary, Law & Judicia l Department, Govt. of Mizoram. - 17 -Ex-155/2015Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/200 ANNEXURE-II STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS [for Second Amendment to The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007]The Mizoram Municip alities Act was enacted in the year 2007 to pave way for the establishment of Municipal Bodies in Mizoram. Major amendment of the Act was made in the year 2009 by the First Amendment Act, 2009 wherein many of the original provisions were amended and new provisions were inserted. After the First Amendment of the Act, the Aiza wl Municipal Council wa s forma lly est ablished and the first election was successfully held in November, 2010. When the provisions of the Act a re put into pra ctice with the establishment and functioning of Municipalit y in Aizawl, it is fou nd that many of the pr ovisions are either inadequate, or needs to be modified to s uit the purposes for which they are made in the Act. Further, the implementation of Government of India’s Fla gship Pr ogrammes like Jawaharlal Nehr u National Urba n Renewal Mission (JnNURM), Rajiv Awas Yojana (R AY), etc. ha s brought along sweeping changes in urban governance, with their set of Urba n Sector Refor ms for long-term impr ovement in overall urban governance and for making the cities and towns equitable and sustaina ble. T hese developments have necessitated a mendments in the Act, and the following amendments are hereby proposed a ccordingly: I.Amendment proposed relating to Definition: 1 ) Definition of “cart” may be deletedas it is ha ving a nominal meaning in urban ar eas. 2 ) Definition of “Director of Loca l Bodies” may be amended as the definition is ambiguous and the Sta te Gover nment has not so far designated any officer of Dir ector of Local Bodies till date. The Nodal Department for Municipalities is Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Depa rtment. Hence Dir ector, UD&PA may b e specifically designated as Dir ect or of Local Bodies. 3)Definition of“Executive officer” may be amended as t he definition is vague and does not include key officers of the Municipality. Hence, the definition may be widened to include all the key officers. It is, therefore suggest ed to carry out deletion of existing provision, amendment of existing provisions and insertion of new Sub Sections in Section 2 as below: i) Deletion of sub-section (9) : “Cart” ii) Insertion of sub-section (17-A) : “Development” iii) Amendment of sub-section (18-A) : “Director of Local Bodies” iv) Insertion of sub-section (23-A) : “Economically Weaker Section” v ) Amendment of sub-section (26) : “Executive Officer ” vi) Insertion of sub-section (27-A) : “Floor Space Index” vii) Insertion of sub-section (29-A) : “Group Housing” viii) Insertion of sub-section (37-A) : “Low Income Group” ix) Insertion of sub-section (39-A) : “Municipal Appellate Tribunal” x ) Insertion of sub-section (64-A) : “Shelter Fee”. I I . Amendment proposed relating to Classification of Urban areas:Urban areas in Mizoram have relatively smaller population and hence, the size of cit ies and towns needs to be re-defined to suit the St ate. It is, therefore pr oposed to carry out amendment of Section 3(2)(a). I I I . Amendment proposed relating to Terms of office of Councillors: A new sub-section (c) is proposed to be inserted so that a Councillor will be disqualified under certain conditions and contingencies. It is, therefore proposed to insert Section 22(c). - 18 - Ex-155/2015 I V. Amendment proposed relating to Functions of municipality: 1)Functions of municipality may be replaced by the 12th Schedule of the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act. 2)Discretionary functions of the Municipality may be amended as Functions of M unicipa lity already listed in Section 57. 3)Section 58-A may be deleted Functions of Municipa lity already listed in Section 57. 4)Section 58-B may be deleted as Pr ivate sector pa rticipa tion and modalities of utilizing private sector services may be taken as inherent authority of a municipality a nd a separate provision in the Act may not be necessary. 5)Section 58-C may be deleted as this may be taken as inherent authority of a Municipality. 6)Section 59 sub section 2 may be deleted as Functions of Municipality already listed in Section 57 a nd a pr ovision for discretionary fu nctions already inserted in section 58.It is, therefore suggested to carr y out a mendment of existing provisions and deletion of existing provisions as below: i) Amendment of Section 57 ii) Amendment of Section 58 iii) Deletion of Section 58-A iv) Deletion of Section 58-B v) Deletion of Section 58-C vi) Deletion of Section 59 sub-section 2. V. Amendment proposed relating to Municipal Establishments: 1 ) The Municipal Establishments need re-arrangement of officers to show the list in a proper order. 2)Cadre of common municipal service, appointments, conditions of service, etc: The existing provision needs to be re-arr anged so that there is a sepa rate section that provides for constitution, a ppointment and condition of service belonging to t he Common Municipal Cadr e. This may consist of all Group ‘A’ and ‘B (Gazetted)’ Officers in the Municipalities of the State. Appoint ment of officers shall be made on the recommendations of the Public Service Conditions. The Cadre shall be managed by a Cadre Authority, constituted by the State Government, and the officers sha ll be liable to be tr ansferr ed to any of t he Municipalit ies. 3 ) A new Section “Other employees of a municipality”may be inserted as this new Section provides for appointment and conditions of service of officers and staff, other than the officers belonging to t he Common Municipal Ca dre. 4 ) Municipal Service Selection Board may be amended as itis suggested to have a sepa rate Board for selection of Common Municipal Cadre Service and Municipal Sta ffs. It is, therefore suggested to carr y out a mendment of existing provisions and insertion of new section as below: i) Amendment of Section 61 sub section 1 ii) Amendment of Section 62 iii) Insertion of Section 62-A iv) Amendment of Section 63 V I . Ea rmar king of a 25% of Municipal Budget for cr eation of a Non-L apsa ble Fund for Basic Services to the Urban Poor: In fulfillment of its commitment to undertake a set of Reforms in the implementation of JNNURM in Mizoram, the Government of Mizoram notified in 2010 for implementation of Pro-Poor Reforms directing that “At least 25% of the budget of the Aizawl Municipal Council shall be earmarked for BSUP which ma y be called Basic Services to the Ur ba n Poor F und”. The intention of this Reform Agenda is to ensure that basic municipal services are pr ovided to all the urba n dwellers, including those families categorized as Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG).- 19 -Ex-155/2015 In doing this, the Municip alities shall create a Non-Lapsable Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) Fund to provide Basic Services to the Urba n Poor by providing a better quality of life, and accessibility to ba sic amenities included in the 7-Char ter of Basic Services included under Jawaharlal Nehr u National Urba n Renewal Mission (JnNURM), namely: (i) Housing (ii) Water supply (iii) Sa nit ation (iv) Solid Waste Management (v) Prima ry Educa tion (vi) Healthca re (vii) Social Security BSUP Fund will be created by allocating a t least 25% of the Municipal Budget. It will be a non-lapsable fund, and a separate bank account shall be opened by the Urban Local Body (ULB) in a Nationalized Bank. At present, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation has determined the income ceiling of Urba n Poor categorized as Economically Weaker S ection as Rs.1, 00,000/- as household income per annum. Enactment of this Pro-Poor Refor m is again made mandatory by the newly launched Scheme of ‘Rajiv Awas Yoja na” by the Government of India. Hence a proposal for amendment of the Act to incorporate the pr ovision is pla ced for consideration of the Government.It is, therefore pr oposed tha t a new section, namely, S ection 75-A: ‘Ba sic S ervices to the Urba n Poor ’ shall b e inserted after Section 75 and befor e Section 76. Consequently, definitions of some new terminologies are also pr oposed to be inserted in Section 2: Definitions. VI I . Amendment proposed relating to Property Taxes: Property Ta x is one of the internal resources of the Municipality in Mizor am, as mandated by Section 210 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 (as a mended in 2009). The Government of Mizoram has taken steps to enable the Aizawl Municipal Council (AMC) t o collect Property Tax for all the properties within the municipal council a rea of Aizawl City. At the same time, the AMC has also taken various steps towards this, conduct ing survey of a ll properties, developing a database of prop erties; develop a GIS-b ased pr operty ma pping, etc. It is exp ected t ha t the AMC will be able to collect Property Ta x in line with the provisions of the Act. However, the existing provisions of the Municipalities Act need to be modified by amending the existing provisions, or inserting new Sections to enable the Municipality to assess and collect Property Ta x on a sound legal fra mework. The existing provisions of S ection 216 (2) provide for rental method of va luation of the property for the purpose of ta xation. However, the Government of Mizoram has intended to introduce Unit Area Method of taxation instead of rental method, as this is found to be better, more effective and has the potential to improve revenue collection by the municipalities without imposing undue burden on urban tax payers. Accordingly, proposals have been made to amend relevant provisions of the Act, in line with the proposals made by the Institutional Development Consult ancy (IDC) for the ADB-assisted NERCCDIP to meet the requirements for collection of Property Tax. It is, therefore suggested to ca rry out amendment of existing provisions and insertion of new Sections as below: (i) Amendment of Section 216 (ii) Insertion of Section 216-A: Classification of lands and buildings and determination of unit area values - 20 - Ex-155/2015 (iii) Insertion of Section 216-B: Multiplicative fact ors to determine annual property va lues (iv) The existing provisions of Sec 216(2) provide for renta l method of valuation of property for the purpose of t axation. As the intention of the Government is to introduce Unit Ar ea Method of taxa tion, the proposed amendment is necessary. (v) Insertion of Clause (h) and (i) under Section 217(1) (vi) Deletion of Section 220 (vii) Insertion of Clause (g) under S ection 250 (viii) Amendment of Sub-S ection (1) and Insertion of S ub-Section 1-A under Section 252 (ix) Insertion of Section 253-A: Default in submission of Returns V I I I . Amendment proposed r elating to P repara tion of master plan: The Aiza wl Development Authority wa s established by the Government of Mizoram under the pr ovisions of the Aizawl Development Act, 2005. Under the said Act, the Aizawl Development Authority had been empowered to t ake up va rious act ivities r elating to prepara tion of master plan, preparation of zonal plans, regulation of building construction, etc. In Aizawl city, the Aizawl Municipal Council had been established and matters relating to master plan/zonal plans and regulation of buildings are among the functions entrusted to the municipa lity. Municipal bodies a s a nd when established in other cities/towns will also be entrusted to take up function in their respective municipal areas. The existing provisions in the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 are found inadequate to effectively address these issues. It is therefore necessa ry to car ry out amendment/insertion of new provisions in the said Act. It is, therefor e suggested to car ry out a mendment of existing pr ovision of Section 341. IX. Reservation of Land for Housing to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG): In fulfillment of its commitment to undertake a set of Reforms in the implementation of JNNURM in Mizoram, the Government of Mizoram issued a notification in 2010 enjoining “Reservation of 20-2 5% of Developed Land for Economically Weaker S ection (EWS) and Low Income Group (L IG)”. In the newly launched Flagship Pr ogramme of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), reserva tion of 15% of r esidential FAR/FSI or 35% of dwelling units for EWS/LIG categories whichever is higher is mandated in the Reforms and enact ment of the sa id provision in the Municipal Act ha s been made compulsory to access funds under the Scheme by the Sta te Governments. The size of t he EWS unit reserved for these shall not be less tha n 21 sq. m and not mor e than 27 sq. m of the carpet areas. For LIG it should not be less than 28 sq.m and not more than 40 sq.m or higher, and every developer who makes provision for earmar king of land or floor area shall be incentivized through a scheme of cr oss- subsidization, as prescribed by the State Government. It is therefore pr oposed that a New Section “341-A: Reservation of FAR/FSI or Dwelling Units for Housing Economica lly Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG)” be inserted after Section 341 clause (h) and before Section 342. Definitions of some new terminologies necessitated by this amendment are also proposed to be inserted in Section 2: Definitions. X . Municipal Appellate Tribunal : The intention of constituting a Municip al Appellate Tribunal is to deal with all appeal matters concerning municipal administration including that of revenue, establishment, and provision of civic services. However, the Municipal Appellate Tribunal would not deal with matters of t he Municipal Ombudsma n for which the Government of Mizor am had separate provisions under - 21 -Ex-155/2015 the Act. If the Government of Mizoram considers the Tribunal to deal with all appeals of municipal matters, then appropriate amendments would be necessary in the Municipalities Act. It is, therefore proposed to insert a new Chapter “XXIII-A: MUNICIPAL APPELLATE TRIBUNAL” after Chapter – XXIII: STATE ELECTION COMMISSION AND STATE FINANCE COMMISSION and before CHAPTER-XXIV: MISCELLANEOUS. Under this new chapter, two new sections “352-A: Municipal Appellate Tribunal” and “352-B: Appeals” be inserted. Definitions of some new terminologies necessitated by this amendment are also proposed to be inserted in Section 2: Definitions. (ZODINTLUANGA) Minister Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Government of Mizoram. - 22 - Ex-155/2015 ANNEX-IIIFINANCIAL MEMORANDUM[for proposed Second Amendment to The Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007]10 (Ten) items have been proposed for amendment in the Second Amendment of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007. Financial implications in the proposed amendments, item-wise are indicated below: I.Definition: There is no financia l implication. I I . Classifica tion of Urban ar eas: There is no financial implication. I I I . Terms of office of Councillors: T here is no financial implication. I V. Functions of municipality: Functions of municipality, already listed in the existing Act will be re-arranged and replaced by a list of functions as contained in the 12th Schedule of Constitution, and there may not be any financial implication. V. Municipal Esta blishments: Municipal Establishments and cadr e of common service, appointments, conditions of service, etc., municipal service selection need re- arrangement and amendment as well as insertion of new section “Other employees of a municipality”. However, these will not result in incurring of additional expenditure and fund is not involved. V I . Earmarking of a 25% of Municipal Budget for creation of a Non-Lapsable Fund for Basic Services to the Urban Poor:The intention of this Amendment is to ensure that basic municipal services are provided to all the urban dwellers, inclu ding those families ca tegorized as EWS and LIG. In doing this, the Municipa lities shall cr eate a Non-Lapsable BSUP Fund to provide Basic Services to t he Urba n Poor by allocating at least 25% of the Municipal Budget. It will be a non- lapsable fu nd, and a separ ate bank account shall be opened by the ULB in the Nationa lized Bank. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation determines the income ceiling of Urban Poor categorized as Economically Weaker Section as Rs. 1,00,000/- as household income per annum. No new expenditure will be incur red as a result of this proposed Amendment. No new resou rces will also be generated by this proposal. It will only result in ear marking of existing funds of the Municipality for certain specific sections and for specific functions within the Municipality. V I I . Amendments proposed relating to Property Taxes: Property Tax is one of the principal tax resources of the Urban Local Bodies. It is one of the single largest internal resources of the Municipalities, and largely determines the overall financial position. The proposed amendment will pave the way for collection of P roperty Tax by the Aizawl Municipal Council, presently in existence, and other Municipa l Bodies that may be established by the Government of Mizoram. The proposed Amendment will, accordingly result in collection of a sizeable amount of ta x by the Municipal Body, and will accordingly result in augmentation of r esources of the Municipality. It will also p rovide lega l fr amewor k for better streamlining of property t ax including a ssessment , collection, etc. This will enable the Municipalities take up various municipal services and ur ban infrastructure for overall improvement of cities and towns. However, the amount of taxes that may be collect ed on account of Property Tax in a fiscal year is not possible to assess at this stage. It is, however expected that the resources of Municipal Bodies will be positively affected as a r esult of this proposed Amendment.- 23 -Ex-155/2015 V I I I . Prepara tion of Master P lan: T his is proposed to wor k out the modalities of regulating the framework for preparation of master plan/zonal plans and no expenditure will be incurred. IX. Reservation of FAR/FSI or Dwelling Units for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) Housing: This proposal seeks to ca rry out reservation of 15% of residential FAR/FSI or 35% of dwelling units for EWS/LIG categories whichever is higher, in Group Housing Development by Private Developers within Municipalities so that the weaker sections of the Society will also be benefited by the development activities, and to provide housing needs of the poor. Since Group Housing Development activities will either be taken up by Private Developers, or by Housing Societies, etc. the Municipality or the State Government will not incur any expenditure on this count. X . Municipal Appellate Tribunal: The proposed Amendment Bill seeks to constitute a Municipal Appellate Tr ibunal with a Chairman and ot her members in accorda nce with rules to be formed by the State Gover nment. T he Tribunal will be supported by a Registry consisting of Registra r and other supporting staff to be specified in the rules. While it is purely understood that these will be additional expenditure on account of constit uting a Tribunal, the extent of expenditure cannot be estimated until such time t he Government framed the rules under the said Act clearly indicating the salaries/honoraria to be paid to the Chairman and members and the numbers of posts along with the scale of pay t o be created in the Registry of t he Tribunal. (ZODINTLUANGA) Minister Urba n Development & Poverty Alleviation Deptt. Government of Mizoram - 24 - Ex-155/2015

Affidavit of Shri Surindar Ray S/o Dhanraj Ray, resident of Thingsulthliah, Aizawl District, Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 160Date - 22/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Wednesday 22.4.2015 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 160 AFFIDAVITI, Shri Surindar Ray S/o Dhanraj Ray, resident of T hingsulthliah, Aizawl Distr ict, Mizoram, a Govt. servant by profession, do hereby solemnly affir m and state as follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth. 2.That I am working Electric Worker, under Power & Elect ric Department, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That in my Service Book my name has been written and recorded as Surendra Rai which is incorrect. 4.That I do hereby declare before the Notar y Public, Aiza wl, Mizoram tha t my tr ue and correct name is Surindar Ray. 5.Tha t in the circumstances given above, it is my fervent plea that correction of my name from Surendra Ra i to Sur indar Ray in my Service Book be allowed from the authority of Power & Electric Department, Aizawl, Mizoram. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt o subscr ibed my hand a nd put my signa ture on this 9th day of April, 2015. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- R. La lhunglia na BA(Hons) LL. BR. ThangkanglovaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNo. 28/4 Mission Veng ‘S’ Mv 86Aizawl, MizoramDate 9.4.15Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) to approve Annual Action Plan prepared by the State Nodal Department

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 161Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 161 NOTIFICATIONNo.G.28011/15/2013-AGR, the 7th March, 2015.As required under para 7.4.1 of the Operational Guidelines for Soil Health Card Scheme, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) to approve Annual Action Pla n pr epa red by the St ate Nodal Department. The meeting will oversee the implementation of scheme components of the State through regulars meetings consisting of the following members. 1.Secretary, Agr icult ure Department-Chairman 2.Director of Agriculture Department (CH)-Member Secretary 3.Director of Agriculture Department (R&E)-Member 4.Director of Horticulture Department-Member 5.Dir ector of Soil & Wa ter Conserva tion Department-Member 6.Joint Director (MMA), Agriculture Department-Member 7.Representative fr om ICAR-Member Lalhming thanga, Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizor am, Agriculture Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50. Ex-50/20152

Guidelines for Development Project Preparation and Selection

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 162Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 162 NOTIFICATIONNo.J.11012/1/2005-PLG, the 18th March, 2015.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Guidelines for Development Project Preparation and Selection which shall be followed by all Departments under Government of Mizoram while preparing development projects :- GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PREPARATION AND SELECTION The broad development project consideration crit eria/guidelines a re as follows : Projects with potential investment initiatives are to be kept in mind. The project proposal should clearly define the objective and economic ra tionale with well-defined goals, milestones, targets and deliverables clearly specified; The concept paper should clearly expla in tha t the proposal is the most-cost effective design and/or way of attaining the project objectives; The proposal should have assessment of the sustaina bility of the project net benefits throughout the life of the project; In view of rapid rate of obsolescence, the project duration should preferably be shor t but realistic. Time schedule (time required for construction etc) should be indicated. Gestation period of over 5 years is nor mally not to be encouraged. The concept paper should also clearly spell out risks involve with the pr oject and how these risks will be addr essed during the course of the implementation. Projects aimed at developing assets, that will generate revenue stream or generate significant number of employment on a susta inable basis, which are of significant economic and strategic a dvanta ge to the State Economy would be given pr eference; The implementing Depa rtment/Agency should normally have the ba sic infrastructur e and capabilities to car ry out the project. The project proposal should clearly identify sour ces of funding, (NEC, NLCPR, CSS etc) a nd the proposal (concept paper, DPR etc) s hould take into a ccount and strictly follow specific guidelines stipulated for such funding.; Project proposa l should be checked against technica l requirements including norms, standards, rate and technology at national level; Proposal should be checked for sustainabilit y to see tha t the project have concrete and realistic potential for a follow up and/or to be sustainable after the end of Centra l Government cont ribution. Ex-162/20152 The broad selection criteria/guidelines for funding sources are as follows: Funding SourcesProject Selection CriteriaFocus Sector/AreaNon Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR)Large Projects with significant impact on economy To bridge infrastructure gaps in the State Project with estimated cost of Rs 15 Cr and above Employment generation Regional development Significant impact on human development Project with estimated cost below Rs 15 Cr Significant impact on commu- nity development Government offices Project cost limit not fixed As far as possible to create asset, and help infrastructure development As far as possible to generate employment As far as possible, and as per respective guidelines, to address State specific needs Urgent matters Project with expected out- comes to generate revenue stream Sector/area not convered by the above Large Projects with significant impact on economy To bridge infrastructure gaps in the State North Eastern Council (NEC) State Plan Projects Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) NABARD 10% Gross Budgetary Support for North Eastern Region Externally Aided ProjectsInfrastructure Trust Area/Sector identified in NLCPR guidelines Human Development Social Sector Trust Area/Sector identified by NEC Community development Government infrastructure Sector/area focus by respective CSS Not indicated Not indicated Not indicated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & Programme Implementation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

Lamchhip Village Council Supply Reserve siam thatna

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 163Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 163 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.14016/21/2002-LAD/VC, the 19th March, 2015.The Mizo District (Forest) Act, 1955 Section 13(a) in a sawi angin Mizora m Governor chuan a hnuaia tarlan ang hian Lamchhip Villa ge Council Supply Reserve siam that a ni. LAMCHHIP SUPPLY RESERVEDSedai tla ng sta rting point ah hma ngin hmar la mah Beraw zawl chungah kal phei zelin, Pi Laiipa tui leh Thingzai lui in finna ah a man phei ang. T hingzai lui chu a hnar la mah a zawh chho ang a, Pu Hma ngaiha huan bul kawr teah Pu Hmangaiha ram huam lo chiahin kawr t e chu a hnar lama h a za wh chho a, Lamchhip to Chawilung kawng a man chho ang. Chawilung kawngpui chu zawh zelin r amri kawn chhak thlengin a zawh a, r amri kawn chhak ata ngin Ai-tan kawr a man ang. Ai-tan kawr chu a hnar lamah a zawh chho vang a, Sua hrawt kawnah in bang liamin kawr te a man thla ang. Kawr te chu a mawng lamah zawh thla zelin Lungsum lui a fin a. Lungsum lui chu zawh thla zelin Khuai lui a fin a. Khuai lui chu a hna r lama h a za wh chho a, Luithua mthum thlengin. Luithuamthum atang chuan Lamchhip leh Hmuifang ra mri lui a hnar la mah a zawh chho a . Cha mring tui la kna pipe-in ramri lui a kan na atangin chhim lam hawiin tui pipe chu a zawh phei a . Keipui kawr thlengin a zawh a. Keipui ka wr te atang chuan kawr te chu a hnar lamah a zawh chho a. Lamchhip to Hmuifang kawng a man chho ang. Kawngpui chu Lamchhip lam panin F alkawn thlengin a zawh a, Fa lkawn atangin kal zelin Malhmuh kha m a man ang. Malhmuh kham atangin kal zelin Damvea tuikhur hnar a man ang. Kawr te chu a mawng lamah zawhin Lamchhip to Chawilung kawng a tan tlang thla anga, Tuikhur lui a fin ang. Chuta tangin Sakhithei tlang a ma n phei a, Sakhit hei tlang atangin Chawnpuii nu lo za wl hnuaiah a man pehi a. Chawnpuii nu lo zawl atangin khawchhak lama pheiin Sedai tlang a starting point a man leh ang. C. Thankung a, Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizor am, Loca l Administra tion Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Mizoram (Selection of Candidates for Higher Technical Course) Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2015.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 164Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 164 NOTIFICATIONNo.C.11011/1/2015-EDN(HTE), the 24th March, 2015.The Governor of Mizoram is p leased to make the following Rules for conducting Selection Test Examination to ensure the fair selection of candidates for Higher Technical Studies in respect of Degree Courses in various disciplines in Agricultural Sciences, AH & Vety Sciences, Medical Sciences and all branches of Engineering Sciences as follows :- (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram(Selection of Candidates for Higher Technical Course) Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2015. (2) They shall come into force with immediate effect Rule 5 (1) shall be substituted by the following Provisions- All applicants shall be classified into three categories for the purpose of allotment of seats, viz :- (a ) Children of local permanent residents of the State of Mizoram, as Category - I; (b) Children of other permanent residents of the State of Mizoram as Category - II; (c ) Children of Central/Other State Government employees not perma- nently serving in Mizoram as Category - III. An explanation provided below Rule 5.1 shall be substituted by the following proviso :- Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-rule. 1 . Short title and Commencement 2 . Amendment of Rule 5(1) (Method of Selection) 3 . Amendment of Rule 5(1) (Explanation below Rule 5.1) Ex-164/20152 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.(a ) The term “Local permanent Residents” means those who are indig- enous (Zo-Ethnic people who are native inhabitants) people of the State of Mizoram and have been residing permanently in the State. (b) The term “Other Permanent Residents” means those who are Non- indigenous (Non-Zo-Ethnic people who are non-native inhabitants) people of the State of Mizoram and those who are serving under the Government of Mizoram or Government Corporation of Autonomous Bodies under the State of Mizoram, or other recognised organisations and in whose case, it can safely be inferred that they would reside permanently in Mizoram. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

The State Election Commission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 536 Village Councils in the Districts of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib for which General Elections will be held during the month of April, 2015 as per Table

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 165Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 165 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12011/56/2014-SEC/VC,the 25th March, 2015.In supersession of this office letter of even no. dated 17th March, 2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 36 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 536 Village Councils in the District s of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib for which General Elections will be held during the month of April, 2015 as perTable below andAnnexureenclosed. SI. No.Name of DistrictsNo. ofNo. ofNo. of Seats VillageHouseholdsto be Councilselected 1Aizawl9520,311379 2Lunglei14530,002583 3Serchhip4912,348215 4Champhai10824,146468 5Mamit8718,803357 6Kolasib5216,199256 G. TOTAL536121,8092258 By order, etc H.Darzika, Secretary State Election Commission, Mizoram. Ex-165/20152 Allocation of Seats for General Election to Village Councils, 2015 ABSTRACT S/NName of District with Codes No. ofNo of Seats HouseholdGeneralReserved Total Seats 1MZ-VC 01 -Aizawl20311274105379 2MZ-VC 02 - Lunglei30002425158583 3MZ-VC 03 - Serchhip1234815956215 4MZ-VC 04 - Champhai24146344124468 5MZ-VC 05 - Mamit1880326790357 6MZ-VC 06 - Kolasib1619919165256 TOTAL12180916605982258 1 MZ-VC 01/1 - Aibawk 271 4 1 5 498 489 987 2 MZ-VC 01/2 - Buhban 105 2 1 3 211 220 431 3 MZ-VC 01/3 - Chamring 44 2 1 3 94 99 193 4 MZ-VC 01/4 - Chawilung 85 2 1 3 165 130 295 5 MZ-VC 01/5 - ChhanchhuahnaKhawpui 33 2 1 3 56 44 100 6 MZ-VC 01/6 - Daido 79 2 1 3 196 182 378 7 MZ-VC 01/7 - Damdiai(Vervek) 46 2 1 3 84 85 169 8 MZ-VC 01/8 - DarlawnChhimVeng 104 2 1 3 201 207 408 9 MZ-VC 01/9 - DarlawnVenghlun 314 4 1 5 614 649 1263 10 MZ-VC 01/10 - DarlawnVengpui 338 4 1 5 593 648 1241 11 MZ-VC01/11 - Darlawng 132 2 1 3 179 207 386 12 MZ-VC 01/12 - Dilkhan 37 2 1 3 84 74 158 13 MZ-VC 01/13 - E.Phaileng 213 4 1 5 431 444 875 14 MZ-VC 01/14 - Falkawn 260 4 1 5 399 433 832 15 MZ-VC 01/15 - Hmuifang 47 2 1 3 96 104 200 16 MZ-VC 01/16 - Hmunnghak 58 2 1 3 120 122 242 17 MZ-VC 01/17 - Hualngohmun 152 2 1 3 264 291 555 18 MZ-VC 01/18 - Keifang 717 5 2 7 1199 1358 2557 19 MZ-VC 01/19 - Kelsih 141 2 1 3 250 260 510 20 MZ-VC 01/20 - Kepran 150 2 1 3 273 289 562 21 MZ-VC 01/21 - Khanpui 260 4 1 5 524 505 1029 22 MZ-VC 01/22 - Khawlian 292 4 1 5 668 592 1260 23 MZ-VC 01/23 - Khawpuar 76 2 1 3 150 147 297 24 MZ-VC 01/24 - Khawruhlian 423 4 1 5 786 794 1580 25 MZ-VC 01/25 - Lailak 96 2 1 3 163 144 307 26 MZ-VC 01/26 - Lamchhip 125 2 1 3 282 251 533 27 MZ-VC 01/27 - Lamherh 106 2 1 3 191 153 344 28. MZ-VC 01/28 - Lenchim 65 2 1 3 109 99 208 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 AIZAW L DISTRICT Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total Seats M Z-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-165/2015 3 S/N 29 MZ-VC 01/29 - Lengpui 739 5 2 7 975 1075 2050 30 MZ-VC 01/30 - Luangpawn 72 2 1 3 162 150 312 31 MZ-VC 01/31 - Lungleng-I 158 2 1 3 301 272 573 32 MZ-.VC01/32 - Lungsei 44 2 1 3 83 85 168 33 MZ-VC 01/33 - Lungsum 92 2 1 3 161 156 317 34 V1Z-VC01/34 - Maite 139 2 1 3 300 279 579 35 VIZ-VC 01/35 - Maubuang 81 2 1 3 229 223 452 36 MZ-VC 01/36 - Mauchar 201 4 1 5 294 298 592 37 MZ-VC 01/37 - Melriat 199 2 1 3 375 398 773 38 MZ-VC 01/38 - Muallungthu 214 4 1 5 416 418 834 39 MZ-VC 01/39 - Mualpheng 135 2 1 3 258 291 549 40 MZ-VC 01/40 - Muthi 143 2 1 3 292 294 586 41 MZ-VC 01/41 - N.Khawdungsei 34 2 1 3 70 57 127 42 MZ-VC 01/42 - N.Khawlek 126 2 1 3 289 256 545 43 MZ-VC 01/43 - N.Lungleng 146 2 1 3 267 245 512 44 MZ-VC 01/44 - N.Serzawl 105 2 1 3 231 210 441 45 MZ-VC 01/45 - N.Tinghmun 127 2 1 3 282 262 544 46 MZ-VC 01/46 - N.Lungpher 150 2 1 3 296 274 570 47 MZ-VC 01/47 - NETlangnuam 81 2 1 3 180 185 365 48 MZ-VC 01/48 - NewVervek 132 2 1 3 248 274 522 49 MZ-VC 01/49 - Palsang 69 2 1 3 132 133 265 50 MZ-VC 01/50 - Pehlawn 124 2 1 3 252 255 507 51 MZ-VC 01/51 - Phuaibuang 350 4 1 5 813 769 1582 52 MZ-VC 01/52 - Phullen 308 4 1 5 665 689 1354 53 MZ-VC 01/53 - Phulmawi 53 2 1 3 91 89 180 54 MZ-VC 01/54 - Phulpui 174 2 1 3 348 368 716 55 MZ-VC 01/55 - Ratu 522 5 2 7 853 855 1708 56 MZ-VC 01/56 - Ruallung 160 2 1 3 298 301 599 57 MZ-VC 01/57 - Rulchawm 204 4 1 5 390 389 779 58 MZ-VC 01/58 - Sailam 113 2 1 3 289 303 592 59 MZ-VC 01/59 - Sailutar 95 2 1 3 180 186 366 60 MZ-VC 01/60 - Sairang 572 5 2 7 943 1009 1952 61 MZ-VC 01/61 - SairangDinthar 231 4 1 5 409 404 813 62 MZ-VC 01/62 - SairangSihhmui 113 2 1 3 174 191 365 63 MZ-VC 01/63 - SaitualI 379 4 1 5 665 739 1404 M Z-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-165/2015 4 64 MZ-VC 01/64 - SaitualII 370 4 1 5 680 706 1386 65 MZ-VC 01/65 - SaitualIII 332 4 1 5 550 584 1134 66 MZ-VC 01/66 - Sakawrdai 533 5 2 7 812 862 1674 67 MZ-VC 01/67 - Samlukhai 210 4 1 5 465 452 917 68 MZ-VC 01/68 - Samtlang 147 2 1 3 315 310 625 69 MZ-VC 01/69 - Sateek 162 2 1 3 339 339 678 70 VIZ-VC 01/70 - Sawleng. 263 4 1 5 544 531 1075 71 VIZ-VC 01/71 - Seling 448 4 1 5 783 903 1686 72 \/1Z-VC 01/72 - Sesawng 671 5 2 7 1241 1201 2442 73 MZ-VC 01/73 - Sialsuk 380 4 1 5 756 751 1507 74 \/lZ-VC01/74 - Sihfa 192 2 1 3 367 377 744 75 MZ-VC 01/75 - Sihphir 714 5 2 7 1348 1445 2793 76 MZ-VC 01/76 - SihphirVenghlun 570 5 2 7 1051 1074 2125 77 MZ-VC 01/77 - Suangpuilawn 334 4 1 5 627 620 1247 78 MZ-VC 01/78 - Sumsuih 187 2 1 3 285 275 560 79 MZ-VC 01/79 - Sunhluchhip 68 2 1 3 164 142 306 80 MZ-VC 01/80 - Tachhip 180 2 1 3 380 384 764 81 MZ-VC 01/81 - Tawizo 76 2 1 3 133 108 241 82 MZ-VC 01/82 - Thanglailung 135 2 1 3 286 245 531 83 MZ-VC 01/83 - Thiak 130 2 1 3 288 296 584 84 MZ-VC 01/84 - Thingsat 36 2 1 3 67 63 130 85 MZ-VC 01/85 - ThingsulTlangnuam 241 4 1 5 460 468 928 86 MZ-VC 01/86 - Thingsulthliah 691 5 2 7 1221 1359 2580 87 MZ-VC 01/87 - Tlungvel 507 5 2 7 879 943 1822 88 MZ-VC 01/88 - Tualbung 201 4 1 5 290 260 550 89 MZ-VC 01/89 - Tuirial 193 2 1 3 252 243 495 90 MZ-VC 01/90 - TuirialAirfield 147 2 1 3 194 206 400 91 MZ-VC 01/91 - Vaitin 238 4 1 5 365 362 727 92 MZ-VC 01/92 - Vanbawng 192 2 1 3 415 418 833 93 MZ-VC 01/93 - Zawngin 91 2 1 3 210 201 411 94 MZ-VC 01/94 - Zohmun 217 4 1 5 456 452 908 95 MZ-VC 01/95 - Zokhawthiang 34 2 1 3 66 60 126 TOTAL 20244 272 105 377 37380 38042 75422 M Z-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-165/2015 5 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 LUNGLEIDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:145 Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total Seats 1 MZ-VC 02/1 - Aithur 35 2 1 3 52 49 101 2 MZ-VC 02/2 - BazarVeng 845 5 2 7 1260 1413 2673 3 MZ-VC 02/3 - Belkhai 128 2 1 3 200 193 393 4 MZ-VC 02/4 - Belpei 222 4 1 5 247 234 481 5 MZ-VC 02/5 - Belthei 103 2 1 3 173 170 343 6 MZ-VC 02/6 - Bolia 132 2 1 3 154 147 301 7 MZ-VC 02/7 - Bualpui‘H’ 145 2 1 3 265 265 530 8 MZ-VC 02/8 - Bualpui‘V’ 90 2 1 3 168 172 340 9 MZ-VC 02/9 - Bualte 80 2 1 3 141 149 290 10 MZ-VC 02/10 - Buarpui 221 4 1 5 462 454 916 11 MZ-VC02/11 - Buknuam 41 2 1 3 78 65 143 12 MZ-VC 02/12 - Bunghmun‘W ’ 200 2 1 3 370 355 725 13 MZ-VC 02/13 - Bungtlang‘W ’ 43 2 1 3 81 77 158 14 MZ-VC 02/14 - Changpui 77 2 1 3 131 141 272 15 MZ-VC 02/15 - Chanmari 1021 6 3 9 1382 1559 2941 16 MZ-VC 02/16 - Chawilung‘S’ 49 2 1 3 105 99 204 17 MZ-VC 02/17 - Chawngte‘L’ 171 2 1 3 348 391 739 18 MZ-VC 02/18 - Chengkawllui 214 4 1 5 221 196 417 19 MZ-VC 02/19 - Chengpui 31 2 1 3 38 39 77 20 MZ-VC 02/20 - Cherhlun 402 4 1 5 817 788 1605 21 MZ-VC 02/21 - Chhipphir 274 4 1 5 464 467 931 22 MZ-VC 02/22 - Chithar 53 2 1 3 89 91 180 23 MZ-VC 02/23 - CollegeVeng 245 4 1 5 418 455 873 24 MZ-VC 02/24 - Damgawn‘W ’ 77 2 1 3 165 155 320 25 MZ-VC 02/25 - Darzo 221 4 1 5 465 474 939 26 MZ-VC 02/26 - Dawn 71 2 1 3 113 123 236 27 MZ-VC 02/27 - Dengsur 61 2 1 3 145 131 276 M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-165/2015 6 S/N M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI 28 MZ-VC02/28-Diblibagh 244 4 1 5 637 534 1171 29 MZ-VC 02/29-Electricveng 923 5 2 7 1294 1356 2650 30 MZ-VC 02/30-Farmveng 382 4 1 5 636 687 1323 31 MZ-VC 02/31-Haulawng 528 5 2 7 791 770 1561 32 MZ-VC 02/32-Hauruang 230 4 1 5 395 375 770 33 MZ-VC 02/33-Hlumte 30 2 1 3 59 49 108 34 MZ-VC 02/34-Hmundo 215 4 1 5 219 144 363 35 MZ-VC 02/35-Hmuntlang 21 2 1 3 45 42 87 36 MZ-VC 02/36-Hnahthial‘N’-I 436 4 1 5 738 795 1533 37 MZ-VC 02/37-Hnahthial‘N’-ll 358 4 1 5 655 660 1315 38 MZ-VC 02/38-Hnahthial‘S’-1 417 4 1 5 806 815 1621 39 MZ-VC 02/39-Hnahthial‘S’-II 236 4 1 5 366 404 770 40 MZ-VC 02/40-Hrangchalkawn 114 2 1 3 203 234 437 41 MZ-VC 02/41 -Kalapani 206 4 1 5 224 197 421 42 MZ-VC 02/42-Kanghmun‘S’ 88 2 1 3 190 158 348 43 MZ-VC 02/43-Kauchhuah 87 2 1 3 155 159 314 44 MZ-VC 02/44-Kawlhawk 33 2 1 3 46 44 90 45 MZ-VC 02/45-Kawnpui‘W ’ 42 2 1 3 75 64 139 46 MZ-VC 02/46-Khawhri 64 2 1 3 113 126 239 47 MZ-VC 02/47-Khawlek‘S’ 49 2 1 3 99 84 183 48 MZ-VC 02/48-Khawmawi 204 4 1 5 282 268 550 49 MZ-VC 02/49-Khojoysury 106 2 1 3 564 450 1014 50 MZ-VC 02/50-Laisawral 133 2 1 3 269 233 502 51 MZ-VC02/51-Lalnutui 50 2 1 3 54 59 113 52 MZ-VC 02/52-Leite 142 2 1 3 271 282 553 53 MZ-VC 02/53-Luangmual 400 4 1 5 548 506 1054 54 MZ-VC 02/54-Lungchem 71 2 1 3 138 131 269 55 MZ-VC 02/55-Lungdai‘S’ 43 2 1 3 71 81 152 56 MZ-VC 02/56-Lunglawn 596 5 2 7 980 1072 2052 57 MZ-VC 02/57-Lungmawi 38 2 1 3 95 84 179 58 MZ-VC02/58-Lungpuitlang 32 2 1 3 67 68 135 59 MZ-VC 02/59-Lungpuizawl 116 2 1 3 180 183 363 60 MZ-VC 02/60-Lungrang‘S’ 277 4 1 5 529 480 1009 61 MZ-VC 02/61-Lungsen-I 349 4 1 5 540 552 1092 62 MZ-VC 02/62-Lungsen-ll 293 4 1 5 503 539 1042 Ex-165/2015 7 M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI 63 MZ-VC 02/63-Malsury 353 4 1 5 427 342 769 64 MZ-VC 02/64-Mamte 82 2 1 3 188 158 346 65 MZ-VC 02/65-Marpara‘S’ 413 4 1 5 760 684 1444 66 MZ-VC 02/66-Mausen 52 2 1 3 63 81 144 67 MZ-VC 02/67-Mautlang 41 2 1 3 60 60 120 68 MZ-VC 02/68-Mauzam 56 2 1 3 109 82 191 69 MZ-VC 02/69-Mualcheng‘S’ 130 2 1 3 293 255 548 70 MZ-VC02/70-Muallianpui 209 4 1 5 332 358 690 71 MZ-VC 02/71-Mualthuam ‘N’ 278 4 1 5 492 470 962 72 MZ-VC 02/72-Mualthuam ‘S’ 85 2 1 3 168 142 310 73 MZ-VC 02/73-New Ngharchhip 63 2 1 3 130 121 251 74 MZ-VC 02/74-New Sachan 126 2 1 3 166 155 321 75 MZ-VC 02/75-Ngharchhip 45 2 1 3 91 79 170 76 MZ-VC 02/76-Nunsury-1 326 4 1 5 338 324 662 77 MZ-VC02/77-Nunsury-ll 121 2 1 3 132 128 260 78 MZ-VC 02/78-Pangzawl 555 5 2 7 885 933 1818 79 MZ-VC 02/79-Phaileng‘S’ 49 2 1 3 92 96 188 80 MZ-VC 02/80-Phairuangkai 219 4 1 5 343 342 685 81 MZ-VC 02/81-Puankhai 113 2 1 3 262 179 441 82 MZ-VC 02/82-Pukpui 346 4 1 5 579 596 1175 83 MZ-VC 02/83-Putlungasih 261 4 1 5 429 420 849 84 MZ-VC 02/84-Rahsiveng 836 5 2 7 1263 1389 2652 85 MZ-VC 02/85-Ralvawng 79 2 1 3 134 140 274 86 MZ-VC02/86-Ramlaitui 97 2 1 3 190 201 391 87 MZ-VC 02/87-Ramtharveng 754 5 2 7 1156 1179 2335 88 MZ-VC 02/88-Rangte 130 2 1 3 265 249 514 89 MZ-VC 02/89-Rawpui 190 2 1 3 277 293 570 90 MZ-VC 02/90-Rotlang‘E’ 114 2 1 3 233 229 462 91 MZ-VC 02/91-Rotlang‘W ’ 103 2 1 3 165 159 324 92 MZ-VC02/92-Rualalung 66 2 1 3 148 142 290 93 MZ-VC 02/93-Runtung 28 2 1 3 52 51 103 94 MZ-VC 02/94-S.Chawngtui 102 2 1 3 181 169 350 95 MZ-VC 02/95-S.Lungleng 27 2 1 3 48 50 98 96 MZ-VC 02/96-S.Vanlaiphai 313 4 1 5 635 714 1349 Ex-165/2015 8 97 MZ-VC 02/97-Sachan 80 2 1 3 120 111 231 98 MZ-VC 02/98-Sailen 20 2 1 3 32 36 68 99 MZ-VC 02/99-Sairep 36 2 1 3 76 76 152 100 MZ-VC 02/100-Salem 320 4 1 5 524 559 1083 101 MZ-VC 02/101-Sazaikawn 100 2 1 3 117 130 247 102 MZ-VC 02/102-Sekhum 65 2 1 3 123 100 223 103 MZ-VC 02/103-Serkawn 578 5 2 7 801 903 1704 104 MZ-VC 02/104-Serte 80 2 1 3 154 133 287 105 MZ-VC 02/105-Sertlangpui 103 2 1 3 197 171 368 106 MZ-VC 02/106-Sesawm 63 2 1 3 128 113 241 107 MZ-VC 02/107-Sethlun 216 4 1 5 311 351 662 108 MZ-VC02/108-Silkur 105 2 1 3 203 194 397 109 MZ-VC 02/109-Sumasumi 37 2 1 3 92 48 140 110 MZ-VC 02/110-Tablabagh 223 4 1 5 406 384 790 111 MZ-VC 02/111-Tarpho 68 2 1 3 116 108 224 112 MZ-VC02/112-Tawipui‘N’-l 151 2 1 3 199 215 414 113 MZ-VC02/113-Tawipui‘N’-ll 182 2 1 3 267 281 548 114 MZ-VC 02/114-Tawipui‘S’ 269 4 1 5 458 484 942 115 MZ-VC 02/115-Thaizawl 63 2 1 3 113 117 230 116 MZ-VC02/116-Thangpui 29 2 1 3 36 41 77 117 MZ-VC 02/117-Thangte 31 2 1 3 52 49 101 118 MZ-VC 02/118-Thehlep 18 2 1 3 22 21 43 119 MZ-VC 02/119-Theiriat 356 4 1 5 701 756 1457 120 MZ-VC 02/120-Thenhlum 219 4 1 5 362 343 705 121 MZ-VC02/121-Thiltlang 229 4 1 5 404 400 804 122 MZ-VC02/122-Thingfal 325 4 1 5 510 552 1062 123 MZ-VC02/123-Thingsai 438 4 1 5 762 776 1538 124 MZ-VC 02/124-Thlengang 37 2 1 3 55 54 109 125 MZ-VC02/125-Thualthu 122 2 1 3 195 184 379 126 MZ-VC02/126-Thuampui 100 2 1 3 156 154 310 127 MZ-VC 02/127-Tiperaghat 374 4 1 5 466 396 862 128 MZ-VC02/128-Tlabung 846 5 2 7 1009 1070 2079 129 MZ-VC 02/129-Tuichawng 335 4 1 5 683 608 1291 130 MZ-VC 02/130-Tuipui‘D’ 207 4 1 5 312 277 589 131 MZ-VC 02/131-Tuisenchhuah 121 2 1 3 244 246 490 M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-165/2015 9 132 MZ-VC 02/132-UpperLungrang‘S’ 48 2 1 3 82 77 159 133 MZ-VC 02/133-Vaisam 59 2 1 3 113 90 203 134 MZ-VC 02/134-Vanhne 201 4 1 5 229 252 481 135 MZ-VC 02/135-Venghlun 353 4 1 5 617 677 1294 136 MZ-VC 02/136-Venglai 688 5 2 7 879 1088 1967 137 MZ-VC02/137-Zawlpui 290 4 1 5 393 365 758 138 MZ-VC 02/138-Zehtet 84 2 1 3 133 114 247 139 MZ-VC 02/139-Zobawk‘N’ 275 4 1 5 446 493 939 140 MZ-VC 02/140-Zobawk‘S’ 390 4 1 5 656 736 1392 141 MZ-VC 02/141-Zodin 565 5 2 7 693 640 1333 142 MZ-VC 02/142-Zohnuai 266 4 1 5 518 581 1099 143 MZ-VC 02/143-Zote‘S’ 126 2 1 3 289 263 552 144 MZ-VC 02/144-Zotlang 440 4 1 5 819 863 1682 145 MZ-VC02/145-Zotuitlang 104 2 1 3 190 187 377 TOTAL 30002 425 158 583 48938 49374 98312 M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-165/2015 10 1 MZ-VC 03/1 -BaktawngTlangnuam 265 4 1 5 584 645 1229 2 MZ-VC 03/2 -BaktawngVengpui 254 4 1 5 511 510 1021 3 MZ-VC 03/3 -Bawktlang 53 2 1 3 98 108 206 4 MZ-VC 03/4 -Biate 513 5 2 7 849 878 1727 5 MZ-VC 03/5 -Buangpui 80 2 1 3 118 117 235 6 MZ-VC 03/6 -Bungtlang 375 4 1 5 656 696 1352 7 MZ-VC 03/7 -Chekawn 50 2 1 3 97 91 188 8 MZ-VC 03/8 -Chhiahtlang 729 5 2 7 1367 1434 2801 9 MZ-VC 03/9 -Chhingchhip 339 4 1 5 665 714 1379 10 MZ-VC 03/10-E.Lungdar 680 5 2 7 1032 1090 2122 11 MZ-VC 03/11-Hmawngkawn 31 2 1 3 60 61 121 12 MZ-VC 03/12-Hmuntha 110 2 1 3 243 243 486 13 MZ-VC 03/1 -Hmunzawl 79 2 1 3 163 143 306 14 MZ-VC 03/14-Hriangtlang 89 2 1 3 189 175 364 15 MZ-VC 03/15-Hualtu 205 4 1 5 342 296 638 16 MZ-VC 03/16-Keitum 362 4 1 5 657 650 1307 17 MZ-VC 03/17-Khawbel 102 2 1 3 194 182 376 18 MZ-VC 03/18-Khawlailung 519 5 2 7 765 767 1532 19 MZ-VC 03/19-Khumtung 213 4 1 5 401 423 824 20 MZ-VC 03/20-Leng 164 2 1 3 261 272 533 21 MZ-VC 03/21-Lungchhuan 118 2 1 3 218 226 444 22 MZ-VC 03/22-Lungkawlh 128 2 1 3 247 250 497 23 MZ-VC 03/23-Lungpho 189 2 1 3 311 290 601 24 MZ-VC 03/24-Mualcheng 231 4 1 5 477 445 922 25 MZ-VC03/25 -MualpuiChhingchhip 281 4 1 5 528 529 1057 26 MZ-VC 03/26-N.Vanlaiphai 653 5 2 7 1180 1238 2418 M Z-VC 03-SERCHHIP AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 SERCHHIP DISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:49 Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total Seats Ex-165/2015 11 S/N 27 MIZ-VC 03/27-Neihloh 54 2 1 3 114 95 209 28 MZ-VC 03/28-New SerchhipNorth 404 4 1 5 671 687 1358 29 MZ-VC 03/29-New SerchhipSouth 411 4 1 5 586 659 1245 30 MZ-VC 03/30-Ngentiang 120 2 1 3 191 170 361 31 MZ-VC 03/31-Piler 70 2 1 3 139 142 281 32 MZ-VC03/32-Rullam 83 2 1 3 181 147 328 33 MZ-VC03/33-Sailulak 150 2 1 3 305 285 590 34 VIZ-VC 03/34-Serchhip-I 291 4 1 5 527 596 1123 35 VIZ-VC 03/35-Serchhip-II 417 4 1 5 698 760 1458 36 VIZ-VC 03/36-Serchhip-III 208 4 1 5 383 390 773 37 MZ-VC 03/37-Serchhip-IV 231 4 1 5 373 433 806 38 MZ-VC 03/38-Serchhip-V 218 4 1 5 311 349 660 39 MZ-VC 03/39-Serchhip-VI 218 4 1 5 349 387 736 40 MZ-VC 03/40-Serchhip-VII 413 4 1 5 673 767 1440 41 MZ-VC 03/41-Serchhip-VIII 380 4 1 5 600 645 1245 42 MZ-VC03/42-Sialhau 88 2 1 3 178 167 345 43 MZ-VC03/4 -Sialsir 54 2 1 3 117 113 230 44 MZ-VC 03/44-Thentlang 105 2 1 3 227 209 436 45 MZ-VC 03/45-ThenzawlEast 775 5 2 7 1177 1250 2427 46 MZ-VC 03/46-ThenzawlKanan 207 4 1 5 238 236 474 47 MZ-VC 03/47-ThenzawlVengthar 73 2 1 3 101 126 227 48 MZ-VC 03/48-ThenzawlWest 510 5 2 7 844 950 1794 49 MZ-VC03/49-Thinglian 56 2 1 3 136 133 269 TOTAL 12348 159 56 215 21332 22169 43501 M Z-VC 03-SERCHHIP Ex-165/2015 12 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 CHAM PHAIDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:108 Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total Seats 1 MZ-VC 04/1-Aiduzawl 63 2 1 3 101 105 206 2 MZ-VC 04/2-Arro 33 2 1 3 55 45 100 3 MZ-VC 04/3-Bethel 513 5 2 7 903 1001 1904 4 MZ-VC 04/4-Buang 83 2 1 3 140 122 262 5 MZ-VC 04/5-Bulfekzawl 69 2 1 3 108 99 207 6 MZ-VC 04/6-Bungzung 222 4 1 5 335 372 707 7 MZ-VC 04/7-Chalrang 118 2 1 3 235 234 469 8 MZ-VC 04/8-ChamphaiVengthar 278 4 1 5 493 531 1024 9 MZ-VC 04/9-Changzawl 93 2 1 3 188 146 334 10 MZ-VC 04/10-Chawngtlai 292 4 1 5 586 535 1121 11 MZ-VC 04/11-ChawngtuiE 61 2 1 3 83 70 153 12 MZ-VC 04/12-Chhawrtui 220 4 1 5 343 326 669 13 MZ-VC 04/13 -Chhungte 42 2 1 3 61 69 130 14 MZ-VC04/14 -Chiahpui 128 2 1 3 305 271 576 15 MZ-VC 04/15 -Dilkawn 202 4 1 5 254 240 494 16 MZ-VC 04/16 -Dinthar 177 2 1 3 199 204 403 17 MZ-VC 04/17 -Dulte 206 4 1 5 302 324 626 18 MZ-VC 04/18 -Dungtlang 208 4 1 5 263 284 547 19 MZ-VC 04/19 -ElectricVeng 265 4 1 5 423 489 912 20 MZ-VC 04/20 -Farkawn 557 5 2 7 874 860 1734 21 MZ-VC04/21 -Hliappui 284 4 1 5 590 554 1144 22 MZ-VC 04/22 -Hmuncheng 71 2 1 3 100 74 174 23 MZ-VC 04/23 -Hmunhmeltha 237 4 1 5 469 457 926 24 MZ-VC 04/24 -Hnahlan 527 5 2 7 898 885 1783 25 MZ-VC 04/25 -Hrianghmun 94 2 1 3 221 201 422 26 MZ-VC 04/26 -Hruaikawn 83 2 1 3 117 103 220 27 MZ-VC 04/27 -Kahrawt 406 4 1 5 729 813 1542 M Z-VC 04 -CHAM PHAI Ex-165/2015 13 S/N 28 MZ-VC 04/28 -Kanan 543 5 2 7 675 755 1430 29 MZ-VC 04/29 -Kawlbem 217 4 1 5 434 440 874 30 MZ-VC 04/30 -Kawlkulh 507 5 2 7 607 587 1194 31 MZ-VC 04/31 -KawlkulhNorth 244 4 1 5 426 470 896 32 MZ-VC 04/32 -Kelkang 205 4 1 5 313 328 641 33 MZ-VC 04/33 -Khankawn 151 2 1 3 215 177 392 34 MZ-VC 04/34 -KhawbungSouth 505 5 2 7 703 722 1425 35 MZ-VC 04/35 -Khawhai 514 5 2 7 883 828 1711 36 MZ-VC 04/36 -Khawkawn 139 2 1 3 309 289 598 37 MZ-VC 04/37 -KhawzawlHermon 245 4 1 5 423 442 865 38 MZ-VC 04/38 -KhawzawlKawnzar 153 2 1 3 222 219 441 39 MZ-VC 04/39 -Khawzawl-I(Electric) 243 4 1 5 313 315 628 40 MZ-VC 04/40 -Khawzawl-II(Vengthar) 541 5 2 7 748 836 1584 41 MZ-VC 04/41 -Khawzawl-lll(Dinthar) 238 4 1 5 364 375 739 42 MZ-VC 04/42 -Khawzawl-IV (Zuchhip/Zaingen) 524 5 2 7 741 746 1487 43 MZ-VC 04/43 -Khawzawl-V (Arro/Darngawn) 282 4 1 5 520 527 1047 44 MZ-VC 04/44 -Khualen 41 2 1 3 76 64 140 45 MZ-VC 04/45 -Khuangleng 367 4 1 5 517 539 1056 46 MZ-VC 04/46 -Khuangphah 128 2 1 3 179 182 361 47 MZ-VC 04/47-Khuangthing 304 4 1 5 456 426 882 48 MZ-VC 04/48-Lamzawl 60 2 1 3 126 122 248 49 MZ-VC 04/49-Leisenzo 207 4 1 5 275 291 566 50 MZ-VC 04/50-Leithum 93 2 1 3 193 190 383 51 MZ-VC04/51-Lianpui 126 2 1 3 204 203 407 52 MZ-VC04/52-Lungphunlian 60 2 1 3 122 113 235 53 MZ-VC 04/53-Lungtan 93 2 1 3 212 201 413 54 MZ-VC 04/54-Lungvar 131 2 1 3 160 146 306 55 MZ-VC 04/55-Melbuk 116 2 1 3 156 147 303 56 MZ-VC04/56-Mimbung 333 4 1 5 713 682 1395 57 MZ-VC 04/57-Mualkawi `116 2 1 3 225 218 443 58 MZ-VC 04/58-Murlen 71 2 1 3 145 126 271 59 MZ-VC 04/59-N.Diltlang 47 2 1 3 106 91 197 60 MZ-VC 04/60-N.Khawbung 211 4 1 5 277 270 547 61 MZ-VC 04/61-NE.Khawdungsei 360 4 1 5 711 693 1404 62 MZ-VC 04/62-Neihdawn 98 2 1 3 192 201 393 M Z-VC 04 -CHAM PHAI Ex-165/2015 14 63 MZ-VC 04/63-New Chalrang 104 2 1 3 196 207 403 64 MZ-VC 04/64-New Champhai 211 4 1 5 286 303 589 65 MZ-VC 04/65-New Hruaikawn 42 2 1 3 44 40 84 66 MZ-VC 04/66-Ngaizawl 123 2 1 3 209 199 408 67 MZ-VC 04/67-Ngopa 764 5 2 7 1332 1372 2704 68 MZ-VC 04/68-Ngur 257 4 1 5 432 476 908 69 MZ-VC 04/69-Pamchung 68 2 1 3 94 84 178 70 MZ-VC 04/70-Pawlrang 231 4 1 5 315 350 665 71 MZ-VC 04/71-Puilo 72 2 1 3 149 129 278 72 MZ-VC 04/72-Rabung 254 4 1 5 515 481 996 73 MZ-VC 04/73-Riangtlei 81 2 1 3 152 136 288 74 MZ-VC 04/74-Ruantlang 336 4 1 5 603 636 1239 75 MZ-VC 04/75-Saichal 154 2 1 3 334 310 644 76 MZ-VC 04/76-Samthang 221 4 1 5 351 336 687 77 MZ-VC 04/77-Sazep 130 2 1 3 204 186 390 78 MZ-VC 04/78-Selam 208 4 1 5 305 267 572 79 MZ-VC 04/79-Sesih 279 4 1 5 364 393 757 80 MZ-VC 04/80-Sialhawk 438 4 1 5 741 780 1521 81 MZ-VC 04/81-Teikhang 231 4 1 5 524 487 1011 82 MZ-VC 04/82-Thekpui 75 2 1 3 98 95 193 83 MZ-VC 04/83 -Thekte 111 2 1 3 148 132 280 84 MZ-VC 04/84 -Tlangmawi 49 2 1 3 75 78 153 85 MZ-VC04/85 -Tlangpui 123 2 1 3 265 252 517 86 MZ-VC 04/86 -Tlangsam 348 4 1 5 609 614 1223 87 MZ-VC 04/87 -Tualcheng 130 2 1 3 255 247 502 88 MZ-VC04/88 -Tualpui 97 2 1 3 190 198 388 89 MZ-VC 04/89 -Tualte 214 4 1 5 402 381 783 90 MZ-VC04/90 -Tuipui 97 2 1 3 144 155 299 91 MZ-VC 04/91 -Vaikhawtlang 212 4 1 5 282 278 560 92 MZ-VC 04/92 -Vanchengpui 108 2 1 3 235 237 472 93 MZ-VC 04/93 -Vangchhia 120 2 1 3 239 247 486 94 MZ-VC 04/94 -Vangtlang 94 2 1 3 195 166 361 95 MZ-VC 04/95 -Vankal 57 2 1 3 130 97 227 96 MZ-VC 04/96 -Vanzau 151 2 1 3 264 240 504 97 MZ-VC 04/97 -Vapar 119 2 1 3 252 233 485 M Z-VC 04 -CHAM PHAI Ex-165/2015 15 98 MZ-VC 04/98 -Vaphai 566 5 2 7 729 690 1419 99 MZ-VC 04/99 -Venglai 513 5 2 7 913 981 1894 100 MZ-VC 04/100-Vengsang 550 5 2 7 927 1003 1930 101 MZ-VC 04/101-Vengthlang 612 5 2 7 1066 1204 2270 102 MZ-VC 04/102-VengthlangNorth 210 4 1 5 354 413 767 103 MZ-VC 04/103-Zawlsei 106 2 1 3 178 182 360 104 MZ-VC 04/104-Zawngtetui 44 2 1 3 61 55 116 105 MZ-VC 04/105-ZionVeng 208 4 1 5 292 314 606 106 MZ-VC 04/106 -Zokhawthar 503 5 2 7 538 570 1108 107 MZ-VC 04/107 -Zote 275 4 1 5 487 509 996 108 MZ-VC 04/108 -Zotlang‘E’ 505 5 2 7 736 767 1503 TOTAL 24146 344 124 468 39530 39885 79415 M Z-VC 04 -CHAM PHAI Ex-165/2015 16 1 MZ-VC 05/1 -Ailawng 147 2 1 3 223 228 451 2 MZ-VC 05/2 -Andermanik 283 4 1 5 295 243 538 3 MZ-VC 05/3 -Bawlte 63 2 1 3 95 97 192 4 MZ-VC 05/4 -Bawngthah 76 2 1 3 131 129 260 5 MZ-VC 05/5 -Bawngva 181 2 1 3 210 202 412 6 MZ-VC 05/6 -Belkhai 146 2 1 3 146 115 261 7 MZ-VC 05/7 -Borai,Zawlnuam 235 4 1 5 316 349 665 8 MZ-VC 05/8 -BunghmunWest 214 4 1 5 264 248 512 9 MZ-VC 05/9 -Bungthuam 205 4 1 5 287 275 562 10 MZ-VC 05/10-Chhippui/Kawnmawi 179 2 1 3 274 272 546 11 MZ-VC 05/11-Chuhvel 117 2 1 3 153 150 303 12 MZ-VC 05/12-Chungtlang 88 2 1 3 154 135 289 13 MZ-VC 05/13-Damdiai 160 2 1 3 185 158 343 14 MZ-VC 05/14-Damparengpui 547 5 2 7 628 548 1176 15 MZ-VC 05/15-Dampui 200 2 1 3 277 264 541 16 MZ-VC 05/16-Dapchhuah 207 4 1 5 267 240 507 17 MZ-VC 05/17-Darlak 219 4 1 5 282 278 560 18 MZ-VC 05/18-Darlung 215 4 1 5 344 325 669 19 MZ-VC 05/19-Hmunpui 276 4 1 5 428 389 817 20 MZ-VC 05/20-Hnahva 267 4 1 5 271 241 512 21 MZ-VC 05/21-Hreichuk 61 2 1 3 81 68 149 22 MZ-VC 05/22-Hriphaw 203 4 1 5 260 288 548 23 MZ-VC 05/23-Hruiduk 217 4 1 5 220 204 424 24 MZ-VC 05/24-Kanghmun 256 4 1 5 373 382 755 25 MZ-VC 05/25-Kanhmun 399 4 1 5 511 532 1043 26 MZ-VC 05/26-Kawrtethawveng 401 4 1 5 738 698 1436 27 MZ-VC 05/27-KawrthahNorth 253 4 1 5 418 428 846 28 MZ-VC 05/28-KawrthahSouth 401 4 1 5 605 643 1248 29 MZ-VC 05/29-Khantlang 141 2 1 3 140 115 255 30 MZ-VC 05/30-Khawhnai 104 2 1 3 137 125 262 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 M AM IT DISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:87 Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total Seats M Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-165/2015 17 S/N 31 MZ-VC 05/31-Khawrihnim 222 4 1 5 311 333 644 32 MZ-VC05/32-Kolalian 183 2 1 3 173 162 335 33 MZ-VC 05/33-Lallen 154 2 1 3 300 285 585 34 MZ-VC 05/34-Lengte 132 2 1 3 163 166 329 35 MZ-VC 05/35-Luangpawl 215 4 1 5 196 186 382 36 MZ-VC 05/36-Luimawi 102 2 1 3 117 132 249 37 MZ-VC 05/37-Lungphun 96 2 1 3 143 129 272 38 MZ-VC 05/38-MamitBazarVeng 218 4 1 5 268 288 556 39 MZ-VC 05/39-MamitChhim Veng 435 4 1 5 560 574 1134 40 MZ-VC 05/40-MamitHmarVeng 307 4 1 5 506 592 1098 41 MZ-VC 05/41-MamitVenghlun 248 4 1 5 372 419 791 42 MZ-VC 05/42-MarparaMizoVeng 86 2 1 3 97 103 200 43 MZ-VC 05/43-MarparaNorth 335 4 1 5 437 426 863 44 MZ-VC 05/44-Mualthuam 237 4 1 5 234 209 443 45 MZ-VC 05/45-Nalzawl 162 2 1 3 187 173 360 46 MZ-VC 05/46-New Eden 120 2 1 3 131 102 233 47 MZ-VC 05/47-New M amit 248 4 1 5 336 343 679 48 MZ-VC 05/48-New WestPhaileng 408 4 1 5 687 645 1332 49 MZ-VC 05/49-Nghalchawm 109 2 1 3 137 135 272 50 MZ-VC 05/50-NorthSabual 81 2 1 3 113 97 210 51 MZ-VC 05/51-Parvatui(Zopui) 56 2 1 3 129 115 244 52 MZ-VC 05/52-Phaizau 73 2 1 3 94 79 173 53 MZ-VC 05/53-Phuldungsei 386 4 1 5 573 541 1114 54 MZ-VC 05/54-PhulpuiWest 139 2 1 3 169 155 324 55 MZ-VC 05/55-Pukzing 109 2 1 3 158 135 293 56 MZ-VC 05/56-PukzingVengthar 86 2 1 3 99 93 192 57 MZ-VC 05/57-RajivNagar-I 507 5 2 7 568 519 1087 58 MZ-VC 05/58-RajivNagar-II 308 4 1 5 347 318 665 59 MZ-VC 05/59-Rawpuichhip 308 4 1 5 493 548 1041 60 MZ-VC 05/60-Reiek 401 4 1 5 576 589 1165 61 MZ-VC 05/61-Rengdil 365 4 1 5 548 556 1104 62 MZ-VC05/62-Rulpuihlim 92 2 1 3 138 139 277 63 MZ-VC 05/63-Saikhawthlir 134 2 1 3 198 178 376 64 MZ-VC 05/64-Saithah 82 2 1 3 126 124 250 65 MZ-VC 05/65-SerhmunWest 211 4 1 5 281 251 532 M Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-165/2015 18 66 MZ-VC05/66-Sihthiang 263 4 1 5 328 304 632 67 MZ-VC 05/67-SilsuryEast 397 4 1 5 375 249 624 68 MZ-VC 05/68-SilsuryWest 407 4 1 5 393 283 676 69 MZ-VC 05/69-SouthSabual 119 2 1 3 202 189 391 70 MZ-VC05/70-Suarhliap 136 2 1 3 238 208 446 71 MZ-VC 05/71-TeireiForestVeng 114 2 1 3 118 103 221 72 VIZ-VC 05/72-Thaidawr 192 2 1 3 211 175 386 73 VIZ-VC 05/73-Thinghlun 230 4 1 5 281 290 571 74 VIZ-VC 05/74-Tuahzawl 103 2 1 3 153 162 315 75 VIZ-VC 05/75-Tuidam 367 4 1 5 554 568 1122 76 VIZ-VC05/76-Tuipuibari-1 577 5 2 7 586 564 1150 77 V1Z-VC05/77-Tuirum 88 2 1 3 151 130 281 78 MZ-VC05/78-Tumpanglui 121 2 1 3 118 112 230 79 MZ-VC 05/79-Vawngawnzo 66 2 1 3 39 59 98 80 MZ-VC 05/80-WestLungdar 209 4 1 5 248 252 500 81 MZ-VC 05/81-WestPhaileng 432 4 1 5 737 715 1452 82 MZ-VC 05/82-WestSerzawl 108 2 1 3 144 131 275 83 MZ-VC 05/83-Zamuang 207 4 1 5 345 354 699 84 MZ-VC 05/84-Zawlnuam Thuampui 204 4 1 5 234 237 471 85 MZ-VC 05/85-Zawlnuam Vengpui 422 4 1 5 558 606 1164 86 MZ-VC 05/86-Zawlpui 60 2 1 3 103 111 214 87 MZ-VC 05/87-Zomuantlang 165 2 1 3 159 137 296 Total 18803 267 90 357 24953 24147 49100 M Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-165/2015 19 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 KOLASIB DISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:52 Nameof District with code No.& NameofVillageCouncils No.of Household No.ofSeats No.ofVoters General Reserved Total Female Male Total 1 MZ-VC 06/1 -BairabiNorth 691 5 2 7 717 780 1497 2 MZ-VC06/2 -BairabiSouth 332 4 1 5 432 442 874 3 MZ-VC 06/3 -BilkhawthlirNorth 489 4 1 5 676 728 1404 4 MZ-VC06/4 -BilkhawthlirSouth 574 5 2 7 858 888 1746 5 MZ-VC 06/5 -BualpuiNorth 241 4 1 5 348 364 712 6 MZ-VC 06/6 -Buhchangphai 212 4 1 5 254 271 525 7 MZ-VC 06/7 -Bukpui 205 4 1 5 404 367 771 8 MZ-VC 06/8 -Bukvannei 94 2 1 3 102 107 209 9 MZ-VC 06/9 -Hortoki 545 5 2 7 828 854 1682 10 MZ-VC 06/10-Kawnpui-I 580 5 2 7 999 1104 2103 11 MZ-VC06/11-Kawnpui-ll 547 5 2 7 770 706 1476 12 MZ-VC 06/12-Kawnpui-lll 331 4 1 5 504 570 1074 13 MZ-VC 06/13-Khamrang 119 2 1 3 139 128 267 14 MZ-VC 06/14-KolasibCollegeVeng 230 4 1 5 408 427 835 15 MZ-VC 06/15-KolasibDiakkawn 645 5 2 7 1108 1248 2356 16 MZ-VC 06/16-KolasibElectricVeng 258 4 1 5 432 509 941 17 MZ-VC 06/17-KolasibGosenVeng 59 2 1 3 74 95 169 18 MZ-VC 06/18-KolasibHmarveng 538 5 2 7 906 987 1893 19 MZ-VC06/19-KolasibKhuangpuilam 239 4 1 5 404 400 804 20 MZ-VC 06/20-KolasibNew Diakkawn 449 4 1 5 645 704 1349 21 MZ-VC 06/21-KolasibProjectVeng 301 4 1 5 389 454 843 22 MZ-VC 06/22-KolasibRengtekawn 202 4 1 5 385 361 746 23 MZ-VC06/23-KolasibTumpui 318 4 1 5 606 647 1253 24 MZ-VC 06/24-KolasibVenglai 894 5 2 7 1418 1638 3056 25 MZ-VC 06/25-KolasibVengthar 536 5 2 7 797 830 1627 26 MZ-VC 06/26-Lungdai 516 5 2 7 840 823 1663 27 MZ-VC 06/27-Lungmuat 149 2 1 3 213 215 428 28 MZ-VC 06/28-Meidum 205 4 1 5 209 207 416 29 MZ-VC 06/29-Mualkhang 96 2 1 3 126 139 265 M Z-VC 06-KOLASIB Ex-165/2015 20 S/N 30 MZ-VC 06/30-N.Chaltlang 235 4 1 5 346 331 677 31 MZ-VC 06/31-N.Chawnpui 78 2 1 3 122 111 233 32 MZ-VC 06/32-N.Chhimluang 99 2 1 3 108 115 223 33 MZ-VC 06/33-N.Hlimen 262 4 1 5 392 375 767 34 MZ-VC 06/34-N.Thinglian 53 2 1 3 95 85 180 35 MZ-VC 06/35-New Builum 94 2 1 3 126 124 250 36 MZ-VC 06/36-Nisapui 202 4 1 5 301 302 603 37 MZ-VC 06/37-Pangbalkawn 202 4 1 5 217 201 418 38 MZ-VC 06/38-Phainuam 230 4 1 5 385 371 756 39 MZ-VC 06/39- Phaisen 119 2 1 3 180 189 369 40 MZ-VC06/40-Saidan/Tuithaveng 324 4 1 5 552 526 1078 41 MZ-VC 06/41-SaihapuiK 126 2 1 3 160 147 307 42 MZ-VC 06/42-SaihapuiV 54 2 1 3 87 91 178 43 MZ-VC06/43-Saiphai 323 4 1 5 590 539 1129 44 MZ-VC 06/44-Saipum 379 4 1 5 751 678 1429 45 MZ-VC 06/45-Serkhan 168 2 1 3 256 248 504 46 MZ-VC 06/46-Thingdawl 670 5 2 7 1097 1123 2220 47 MZ-VC 06/47-Thingthelh 117 2 1 3 159 148 307 48 MZ-VC 06/48-Vairengte-1 653 5 2 7 1161 1228 2389 49 MZ-VC 06/49-Vairengte-II 632 5 2 7 1078 1220 2298 50 MZ-VC 06/50-Vairengte-IIIIOC Veng 218 4 1 5 261 282 543 51 MZ-VC 06/51-Vairengte-IV StateVeng 154 2 1 3 188 168 356 52 MZ-VC 06/52-Zanlawn 212 4 1 5 320 355 675 TOTAL 16199 191 65 256 24923 25950 50873 M Z-VC 06-KOLASIB PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovt.Press,Aizawl.C-50. Ex-165/2015 21

The implementation/response under Incident Response System will be taken at the State level by the Incident Response Team notified as follows

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 166Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 166 NOTIFICATION No.A.33011/40/2015-DMR, the 26th March, 2015.The Government of Mizoram is pleased to notify Incident Response System Team for the State of Mizoram at the State level to respond to any major disaster in the District. The implementation/response under Incident Response System will be taken at the State level by the Incident Response Team notified as follows: IRS POSITIONSUITABLE OFFICERSRESPONSIBLE OFFICERDeputy Commissioner INCIDENT COMMANDERAddl. Dputy Commissioner Deputy ICSuperintendent of Police Information & Media OfficerDistrict Information & Public Relations Officer Liaison OfficerSDO (Sadar) Safety OfficerSDC i/c Disaster Management OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEFAddl. Superintendent of Police Staging Area ManagerSDO (Civil) Response Branch DirectorSDC Division Supervisor/Group-in-ChargeDy. Superintendent of Police Task For ce/ Strike TeamCommander/Leaders of SDRF, MRP, MAP, IR, Fire & Emergency Services, YMA Single R esou rcesSMO - Health & Family Welfar e Depart ment SDO - PWD/P&E, SO, Fire & Emergency Services Transportation Br anchDistr ict Transport Officer ROAD GROUP Group-in-ChargeDy. Superintendent of Police Vehicle CoordinatorAddl. District Transport Officer Loading-in-Charge / Unloading-in-ChargeMotor Vehicle Inspector, Transport Department RAIL GROUP Group-in-ChargeNot relevant in District Level in Mizoram Vehicle CoordinatorNot relevant in District Level in Mizoram Loading-in-Charge/ Unloading-in-ChargeNot relevant in District Level in Mizoram WATER GROUP Group-in-ChargeSuperintending Engineer, PHE Vehicle CoordinatorExecutive Engineer, PHE Loading-in-Charge / Unloading-in-ChargeSub-Divisional Officer, PHE - 2 - Ex-166/2015 AIR OPERATIONS GROUP Group-in-Charge Air OperationsDistrict Aviation/Helipad Helibase/ Helipad-in-ChargeSuperintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, P WD Loading-in-Charge/ Unloading-in-ChargeSuperintendent of Excise PLANNING SECTION CHIEFDeputy Commissioner Resource UnitCommandant, MRHG Check-in-S tatus RecorderDFO, Environment & Forests Situation UnitSub-Divisional Police Officer Display ProcessorDistrict Information & Public Relations Officer Field ObserverRepresentative of Sub Hqrs YMA/YLA/MTP Weather ObserverDAO, Agric ulture Depart ment Documentation UnitCEO, Education Department Demobilization UnitSuperintendent of Police Technical SpecialistSuperintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, P &E Dep ar tment LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEFSuperintendent of Police Service Branch DirectorDistrict Local Administrative Officer Communication UnitInsp ector (Wir eless), Polic e Depart ment Medical UnitCMO, Health & Family Welfar e Depart ment Food UnitDCSO, F, CS&CA Department Support Branch DirectorDistrict Local Administrative Officer Resource Provisioning UnitDCSO, F, CS & CA Department Facilities UnitSuperintendent of Taxes Ground Support UnitExecutive Engineer, PWD Fina nce Branch DirectorDistrict Treasury Officer, Accounts & Treasuries Dep a rt ment Time UnitDistrict Research Officer, Economics & Statistics Compensation/Claim UnitSet tlement Officer/ Asst. Settlement Offic er, Revenue Department/Revenue Officer Procurement UnitDeputy Commissioner Cost UnitDeputy Commissioner Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Corrigendum 16. West Phaileng Sub-Division

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 167Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 167 CORRIGENDUM No. B. 11014/2/2014-SWD, the 19th March, 2015.This is for information to a ll concerned that Government Notification of even No. dated 01.12.2014, regarding Maintenance Tribunal at Sub-Divisional Level appearing at Sl. No. 16 should be read as under a s there is no SDO(C) a t Zawlnuam. 16. WEST PHAILENG SUB-DIVISIONChairperson-SDO(C), West Phaileng Members-SDPO, West Phaileng Secretary-CDPO, West Pha ileng Arun Goyal, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The implementation/response under Incident Response System will be taken at the State level by the Incident Response Team notified as follows

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 168Date - 23/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 23.4.2015 Vaisakha 3, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 168 NOTIFICATION No.A.33011/40/2015-DMR, the 26th March, 2015.The Government of Mizoram is pleased to notify Incident Response System Team for the State of Mizoram at the State level to respond to any major disaster in t he State. The implementation/ response under Incident Response System will be taken at the State level by the Incident Response Team notified as follows: IRS POSITIONSUITABLE OFFICERSRESPONSIBLE OFFICERChief Secreta ry, Govt. of Mizoram INCIDENT COMMANDERPrincipal Secretary, DM & R Department Deputy ICDirector, DM & R Department Information & Media OfficerDirector, I & PR Department Liaison OfficerSpecial Secretary, DM & R Safety OfficerDirector, F & ES OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEFDirector General of P olice Staging Area ManagerSP (Traffic) Response Branch DirectorInspector General of Police (La w & Or der) Division Supervisor/Group-in-ChargeDy. Inspector General (Ra nge) Task For ce/ Strike TeamCommander/Leaders of SDRF, SYS (AW), F & ES, MRP, MAP, IR, MRHG, YMA (DMV) Single R esou rcesDeputy Commissioner (IRT), Medical Superintendent (Civil hospital), Engineer-in-Chief (PHE, PWD, P & E), Director (SYS) Transportation Br anchDirector, Transport Department ROAD GROUP Group-in-ChargeAddl. SP (Traffic) Vehicle CoordinatorJoint Director, Tr ansport Department Loading-in-Charge / Unloading-in-ChargeCommissioner, Ex cise RAIL GROUP Group-in-ChargeSuperintendent, Railway Out Agency Vehicle CoordinatorUDC, Railway Out Agency Loading-in-Charge/ Unloading-in-ChargeLDC, Railway Out Agency WATER GROUP Group-in-ChargeEngineer-in-Chief, PHE Vehicle CoordinatorChief Engineer, PHE Loading-in-Charge / Unloading-in-ChargeSuperintending Engineer, PHE - 2 - Ex-168/2015 AIR OPERATIONS GROUP Group-in-Charge Air OperationsPrincipal Consultant, Civil Aviation Helibase/ Helipad-in-ChargeDy. Controller, Civil Aviation Loading-in-Charge/ Unloading-in-ChargeCommissioner, Ex cise PLANNING SECTION CHIEFDeputy Secretary, DM & R Resource UnitCommandant, MRHG Check-in-S tatus RecorderDir ector, Sa inik Welfare & Resettlement Situation UnitSPO,NSS Display ProcessorJoint Secretary, GAD Field ObserverPresident, Central YMA Weather ObserverChief Scientific Officer, Science & Technology Dep a rt ment Documentation UnitDirector, Economics & Sta tistics Department Demobilization UnitInspector General of Police Technical SpecialistHead Faculty, DMC, ATI LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEFDirector, DM & R Service Branch DirectorDepu ty Secr etary, GAD Communication UnitSuperintendent of Police (Wireless) Medical UnitDir ector, Health Services  Food UnitDirector, F, CS & CA Department Support Branch DirectorAsst. Inspector General of Police - I Resource Provisioning UnitDirector, F, CS & CA Department Facilities UnitUnder Secretary, DM & R Ground Support UnitDir ector, F ir e & Emergency S ervices Fina nce Branch DirectorCommissioner/Secretary, Finance Department Time UnitDirector, Economics & Statistics Compensation/Claim UnitDeputy Director, DM & R Procurement UnitDeputy Director, DM & R Cost UnitSuperintendent, DM & R Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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