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The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 536 Village Councils in The Districts of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib for which General Elections will be held during the month of April, 2015 as per Table below and Annexure enclosed.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 133Date - 19/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 19.3.2015 Phalguna 28, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 133 NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 12011/56/2014-SEC/VC, the 17th March, 2015.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under Rule 36 of the Mizor am (Election to Villa ge Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 536 Village Councils in the District s of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champha i, Mamit and Kolasib for which Genera l Elections will be held during the month of April, 2015as p erTablebelow andAnnexure enclosed. Sl. No. Name of Districts No. of Village Councils No. of Households No. of Seats to be elected 1Aizawl9520,311379 2Lunglei14529,800579 3Serchhip4912,348215 4Champhai10824,136466 5Mamit8718,803357 6Kolasib5216,199256 G. TOTAL5361,21,5972,252 By order, etc H.Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram. 1MZ-VC 01/1- Ai ba wk271415 2MZ-VC 01/2- Buhban105213 3MZ-VC 01/3- Chamring44213 4MZ-VC 01/4- Chawilung85213 5MZ-VC 01/5- Chhanchhuahna Khawpui33213 6MZ-VC 01/6- Daido79213 7MZ-VC 01/7- Damdiai (Vervek)46213 8MZ-VC 01/8- Darlawn ChhimVeng104213 9MZ-VC 01/9- Darlawn Venghlun314415 10MZ-VC 01/10 - Dar lawn Vengpui338415 11MZ-VC 01/11 - Darlawng132213 12MZ-VC 01/12 - Dilkhan37213 13MZ-VC 01/13 - E. Phaileng213415 14MZ-VC 01/14 - Falkawn260415 15MZ-VC 01/15 - Hmuifang47213 16MZ-VC 01/16 - Hmunnghak58213 17MZ-VC 01/17 - Hualngohmun152213 18MZ-VC 01/18 - Keifang717527 19MZ-VC 01/19 - Kelsih141213 20MZ-VC 01/20 - Kepran150213 21MZ-VC 01/21 - Khan pui260415 22MZ-VC 01/22 - Khawlian292415 23MZ-VC 01/23 - Khawpuar76213 24MZ-VC 01/24 - Khawruhlian423415 25MZ-VC 01/25 - Lailak96213 26MZ-VC 01/26 - Lamchhip125213 27MZ-VC 01/27 - Lamherh106213 28MZ-VC 01/28 - Lenchim65213 29MZ-VC 01/29 - Lengpui739527 30MZ-VC 01/30 - Luangpawn72213 31MZ-VC 01/31 - Lunglen g I158213 32MZ-VC 01/32 - Lungsei44213 33MZ-VC 01/33 - Lungsum92213 34MZ-VC 01/34 - Maite206415 35MZ-VC 01/35 - Maubuan g81213 36MZ-VC 01/36 - Mauch ar201415 37MZ-VC 01/37 - Melriat199213 38MZ-VC 01/38 - Mua llungthu214415 39MZ-VC 01/39 - Mual ph en g135213 40MZ-VC 01/40 - Muthi143213 41MZ-VC 01/41 - N. Khawdungsei34213 42MZ-VC 01/42 - N. Kh awlek126213 43MZ-VC 01/43 - N. Lungleng146213 44MZ-VC 01/44 - N. Serzawl105213 45MZ-VC 01/45 - N. Tinghmun127213 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 AIZAWL DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats No of House- holdGeneral ReservedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-133/20152 46MZ-VC 01/46 - N.Lungpher150213 47MZ-VC 01/47 - NE Tlangnuam81213 48MZ-VC 01/48 - New Ver vek132213 49MZ-VC 01/49 - Palsang69213 50MZ-VC 01/50 - Pehlawn124213 51MZ-VC 01/51 - Ph uai bua ng350415 52MZ-VC 01/52 - Phullen308415 53MZ-VC 01/53 - Phulmawi53213 54MZ-VC 01/54 - Phulpui174213 55MZ-VC 01/55 - Ratu522527 56MZ-VC 01/56 - Ruallung160213 57MZ-VC 01/57 - Rulchawm204415 58MZ-VC 01/58 - Sailam113213 59MZ-VC 01/59 - Sailutar95213 60MZ-VC 01/60 - Sairang572527 61MZ-VC 01/61 - Sair an g Din th ar231415 62MZ-VC 01/62 - Sair ang Sihhmui113213 63MZ-VC 01/63 - Saitual I379415 64MZ-VC 01/64 - Saitual II370415 65MZ-VC 01/65 - Saitual III332415 66MZ-VC 01/66 - Sakawrdai533527 67MZ-VC 01/67 - Samlukhai210415 68MZ-VC 01/68 - Samtlang147213 69MZ-VC 01/69 - Sateek162213 70MZ-VC 01/70 - Sawleng263415 71MZ-VC 01/71 - Seling448415 72MZ-VC 01/72 - Sesawng671527 73MZ-VC 01/73 - Sialsuk380415 74MZ-VC 01/74 - Sihfa192213 75MZ-VC 01/75 - Sihphir714527 76MZ-VC 01/76 - Sih phir Ven ghlun570527 77MZ-VC 01/77 - Suangpuilawn334415 78MZ-VC 01/78 - Sumsuih187213 79MZ-VC 01/79 - Sunhluchhip68213 80MZ-VC 01/80 - Tachhip180213 81MZ-VC 01/81 - Tawizo76213 82MZ-VC 01/82 - Thanglailung135213 83MZ-VC 01/83 - Thiak130213 84MZ-VC 01/84 - Thingsat36213 85MZ-VC 01/85 - Thingsul Tlan gnuam241415 86MZ-VC 01/86 - Thingsulth liah691527 87MZ-VC 01/87 - Tlungvel507527 88MZ-VC 01/88 - Tual bung201415 89MZ-VC 01/89 - Tuirial193213 90MZ-VC 01/90 - Tuirial Airfield147213 91MZ-VC 01/91 - Vaitin238415 92MZ-VC 01/92 - Van bawng192213 93MZ-VC 01/93 - Zawngin91213 94MZ-VC 01/94 - Zohmun217415 95MZ-VC 01/95 - Zokhawthiang34213 TO TAL20311274105379M Z-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-133/2015 3 1MZ-VC 02/1- Aithur35213 2MZ-VC 02/2- Bazar Veng845527 3MZ-VC 02/3- Belkhai128213 4MZ-VC 02/4- Bel pei222415 5MZ-VC 02/5- Belthei103213 6MZ-VC 02/6- Bolia132213 7MZ-VC 02/7- Bualpui ‘H’145213 8MZ-VC 02/8- Bualpui ‘V’90213 9MZ-VC 02/9- Bualte80213 10MZ-VC 02/10- Buarpui221415 11MZ-VC 02/11- Buknuam41213 12MZ-VC 02/12- Bunghmun ‘W ’200213 13MZ-VC 02/13- Bungtlang ‘W ’43213 14MZ-VC 02/14- Changpui77213 15MZ-VC 02/15- Chanm ari1021639 16MZ-VC 02/16- Chawilung ‘S’49213 17MZ-VC 02/17- Chawngte ‘L’171213 18MZ-VC 02/18- Chengkawllui214415 19MZ-VC 02/19- Chengpui31213 20MZ-VC 02/20- Cherhlun402415 21MZ-VC 02/21- Chhipphir274415 22MZ-VC 02/22- Chithar53213 23MZ-VC 02/23- College Veng245415 24MZ-VC 02/24- Darngawn ‘W77213 25MZ-VC 02/25- Darzo221415 26MZ-VC 02/26- Dawn71213 27MZ-VC 02/27- Dengsur61213 28MZ-VC 02/28- Diblibagh244415 29MZ-VC 02/29- Electricv eng923527 30MZ-VC 02/30- Farm v eng382415 31MZ-VC 02/31- Haulawng419415 32MZ-VC 02/32- Hauruang230415 33MZ-VC 02/33- HIum te30213 34MZ-VC 02/34- Hm undo215415 35MZ-VC 02/35- Hmuntlang21213 36MZ-VC 02/36- Hnahthial ‘N’ – I436415 37MZ-VC 02/37- Hnahthial ‘N’ – II358415 38MZ-VC 02/38- Hnahthial ‘S’ – I417415 39MZ-VC 02/39- Hnahthial ‘S’ – II236415 40MZ-VC 02/40- Hrangchalkawn114213 41MZ-VC 02/41- Kalapani206415 42MZ-VC 02/42- Kanghmun ‘S’88213 43MZ-VC 02/43- Kauchhuah87213 44MZ-VC 02/44- Kawlhawk33213 45MZ-VC 02/45- Kawnpui ‘W42213 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 LUNGLEI DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats General ReservedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-133/20154 46MZ-VC 02/46- Khawhri64213 47MZ-VC 02/47- Khawlek ‘S’49213 48MZ-VC 02/48- Khawmawi204415 49MZ-VC 02/49- Khojoysury106213 50MZ-VC 02/50- Laisawral133213 51MZ-VC 02/51- Lalnutui50213 52MZ-VC 02/52- Leite142213 53MZ-VC 02/53- Luangmual400415 54MZ-VC 02/54- Lungchem71213 55MZ-VC 02/55- Lungdai ‘S’43213 56MZ-VC 02/56- Lunglawn596527 57MZ-VC 02/57- Lungmawi38213 58MZ-VC 02/58- Lungpuitlang32213 59MZ-VC 02/59- Lungpuizawl116213 60MZ-VC 02/60- Lungrang ‘S’277415 61MZ-VC 02/61- Lungsen - I349415 62MZ-VC 02/62- Lungsen - II293415 63MZ-VC 02/63- Malsury353415 64MZ-VC 02/64- Mamte82213 65MZ-VC 02/65- Marpara ‘S’413415 66MZ-VC 02/66- Mausen52213 67MZ-VC 02/67- Mautlang41213 68MZ-VC 02/68- Mauzam56213 69MZ-VC 02/69- Mualcheng ‘S’130213 70MZ-VC 02/70- Muallianpui209415 71MZ-VC 02/71- Mualthuam ‘N’278415 72MZ-VC 02/72- Mualthuam ‘S’85213 73MZ-VC 02/73- New Ngharchhip63213 74MZ-VC 02/74- New Sachan126213 75MZ-VC 02/75- Ngharchhip45213 76MZ-VC 02/76- Nunsury - I326415 77MZ-VC 02/77- Nunsury - II121213 78MZ-VC 02/78- Pangzawl462415 79MZ-VC 02/79- Phaileng ‘S’49213 80MZ-VC 02/80- Phairuangkai219415 81MZ-VC 02/81- Puankhai113213 82MZ-VC 02/82- Pukpui346415 83MZ-VC 02/83- Putlungasih261415 84MZ-VC 02/84- Rahsiveng836527 85MZ-VC 02/85- Ralvawng79213 86MZ-VC 02/86- Ramlaitui97213 87MZ-VC 02/87- Ramtharv eng754527 88MZ-VC 02/88- Rangte130213 89MZ-VC 02/89- Rawpui190213 90MZ-VC 02/90- Rotlang ‘E’114213 91MZ-VC 02/91- Rotlang ‘W103213 92MZ-VC 02/92- Rualalung66213 93MZ-VC 02/93- Runtung28213 94MZ-VC 02/94- S.Chawngtui102213 95MZ-VC 02/95- S.Lungleng27213 96MZ-VC 02/96- S.Vanlaiphai313415 97MZ-VC 02/97- Sachan80213 98MZ-VC 02/98- Sai len20213M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-133/2015 5 99 MZ-VC 02/99- Sairep36213 100 MZ-VC 02/100 - Salem320415 101 MZ-VC 02/101 - Sazaikawn100213 102 MZ-VC 02/102 - Sekhum65213 103 MZ-VC 02/103 - Serkawn578527 104 MZ-VC 02/104 - Serte80213 105 MZ-VC 02/105 - Sertlangpui103213 106 MZ-VC 02/106 - Sesawm63213 107 MZ-VC 02/107 - Sethlun216415 108 MZ-VC 02/108 - Silkur105213 109 MZ-VC 02/109 - Sumasumi37213 110 MZ-VC 02/110- Tablabagh223415 111 MZ-VC 02/111- Tarpho68213 112 MZ-VC 02/112- Tawipui ‘N’ – I151213 113 MZ-VC 02/113- Tawipui ‘N’ – II182213 114 MZ-VC 02/114- Tawipui’S’269415 115 MZ-VC 02/115- Thaizawl63213 116 MZ-VC 02/116- Thangpui29213 117 MZ-VC 02/117- Thangte31213 118 MZ-VC 02/118- Thehlep18213 119 MZ-VC 02/119- T heir iat356415 120 MZ-VC 02/120 - Thenhlum219415 121 MZ-VC 02/121 - Thiltlang229415 122 MZ-VC 02/122 - Thingfal325415 123 MZ-VC 02/123 - Thingsai438415 124 MZ-VC 02/124 - Thlengang37213 125 MZ-VC 02/125 - Thualthu122213 126 MZ-VC 02/126 - Thuampui100213 127 MZ-VC 02/127 - Tiperaghat374415 128 MZ-VC 02/128 - Tlabung846527 129 MZ-VC 02/129 - Tuichawng335415 130 MZ-VC 02/130 - Tuipui ‘D’207415 131 MZ-VC 02/131 - Tuisenchhuah121213 132 MZ-VC 02/132 - Upper Lungrang ‘S’48213 133 MZ-VC 02/133 - Vaisam59213 134 MZ-VC 02/134 - Vanhne201415 135 MZ-VC 02/135 - Venghlun353415 136 MZ-VC 02/136 - Venglai688527 137 MZ-VC 02/137 - Zawlpui290415 138 MZ-VC 02/138 - Zehtet84213 139 MZ-VC 02/139 - Zobawk ‘N’275415 140 MZ-VC 02/140 - Zobawk ‘S’390415 141 MZ-VC 02/141 - Zodin565527 142 MZ-VC 02/142 - Zohnuai266415 143 MZ-VC 02/143 - Zote ‘S’126213 144 MZ-VC 02/144 - Zotlang440415 145 MZ-VC 02/145 - Zotuitlang104213 TOTAL29800423156579M Z-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-133/20156 1MZ-VC 03/1Bakta wng Tlangnuam265415 2MZ-VC 03/2- Baktawng Vengpui254415 3MZ-VC 03/3- Bawktla ng53213 4MZ-VC 03/4Biate513527 5MZ-VC 03/5- Buangpui80213 6MZ-VC 03/6- Bungtlang375415 7MZ-VC 03/7- Chekawn50213 8MZ-VC 03/8- Chhiahtlang729527 9MZ-VC 03/9- Chhingchhip339415 10MZ-VC 03/10 - E. Lungdar680527 11MZ-VC 03/11 - Hmawngkawn31213 12MZ-VC 03/12 - Hmuntha110213 13MZ-VC 03/13 - Hmunzawl79213 14MZ-VC 03/14 - Hriangtlang89213 15MZ-VC 03/15 - Hualtu205415 16MZ-VC 03/16 - Keitum362415 17MZ-VC 03/17 - Khawbel102213 18MZ-VC 03/18 - Khawlailung519527 19MZ-VC 03/19 - Khumtung213415 20MZ-VC 03/20 - Leng164213 21MZ-VC 03/21 - Lungchhuan118213 22MZ-VC 03/22 - Lungkawlh128213 23MZ-VC 03/23 - Lungpho189213 24MZ-VC 03/24 - Mualcheng231415 25MZ-VC 03/25 - Mualpui Chhingchhip281415 26MZ-VC 03/26 - N. Vanlaiphai653527 27MZ-VC 03/27 - Neihloh54213 28MZ-VC 03/28 - New Serchhip North404415 29MZ-VC 03/29 - New Serchhip South411415 30MZ-VC 03/30 - Ngentia ng120213 31MZ-VC 03/31 - Piler70213 32MZ-VC 03/32 - Rullam83213 33MZ-VC 03/33 - Sailulak150213 34MZ-VC 03/34 - Serchhip – I291415 35MZ-VC 03/35 - Serchhip – II417415 36MZ-VC 03/36 - Serchhip – III208415 37MZ-VC 03/37 - Serchhip – IV231415 38MZ-VC 03/38 - Serchhip – V218415 39MZ-VC 03/39 - Serchhip - VI218415 40MZ-VC 03/40 - Serchhip - VII413415 41MZ-VC 03/41 - Serchhip - VIII380415 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 SERCHHIP DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats General ReservedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 03-SERCHHIP Ex-133/2015 7 42MZ-VC 03/42 - Sialhau88213 43MZ-VC 03/43 - Sialsir54213 44MZ-VC 03/44 - Thentlang105213 45MZ-VC 03/45 - Thenzawl East775527 46MZ-VC 03/46 - Thenzawl Kanan207415 47MZ-VC 03/47 - Thenzawl Vengthar73213 48MZ-VC 03/48 - Thenzawl West510527 49MZ-VC 03/49 - Thinglian56213 TOTAL1234815956215M Z-VC 03-SERCHHIP Ex-133/20158 1MZ-VC 04/1- Aiduzawl63213 2MZ-VC 04/2- Arro33213 3MZ-VC 04/3- Bethel513527 4MZ-VC 04/4- Bua ng83213 5MZ-VC 04/5- Bulfekzawl69213 6MZ-VC 04/6- Bungzung222415 7MZ-VC 04/7- Chalrang118213 8MZ-VC 04/8- Champhai Vengthar278415 9MZ-VC 04/9- Changzawl93213 10MZ-VC04/10- Chawngtlai292415 11MZ-VC04/11- Chawngtui E61213 12MZ-VC 04/12- Chhawrtui220415 13MZ-VC 04/13- Chhungte42213 14MZ-VC 04/14- Chiahpui128213 15MZ-VC 04/15- Dilkawn202415 16MZ-VC 04/16- Dinthar177213 17MZ-VC 04/17- Dulte206415 18MZ-VC 04/18- Dungtlang208415 19MZ-VC 04/19- Electric Veng265415 20MZ-VC 04/20- Fa rkawn557527 21MZ-VC 04/21- Hliappui284415 22MZ-VC 04/22- Hmuncheng71213 23MZ-VC 04/23- Hmunhmeltha237415 24MZ-VC 04/24- Hnahlan527527 25MZ-VC 04/25- Hr ianghmun94213 26MZ-VC 04/26- Hruaikawn83213 27MZ-VC 04/27- Kahrawt406415 28MZ-VC 04/28- Kanan543527 29MZ-VC 04/29- Kawlbem217415 30MZ-VC 04/30- Kawlkulh436415 31MZ-VC 04/31- Kawlkulh North305415 32MZ-VC 04/32- Kelka ng205415 33MZ-VC 04/33- Khankawn151213 34MZ-VC 04/34- Khawbung S outh505527 35MZ-VC 04/35- Khawhai514527 36MZ-VC 04/36- Khawkawn139213 37MZ-VC 04/37- Khawzawl Hermon245415 38MZ-VC 04/38- Khawzawl Kawnzar153213 39MZ-VC 04/39- Khawzawl-I (Electric)243415 40MZ-VC 04/40- Khawzawl-II (Vengt ha r)541527 41MZ-VC 04/41- Khawzawl-III (Dinthar )238415 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 CHAMPHAI DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats General Reser- vedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 04-CHAM PHAI Ex-133/2015 9 42MZ-VC 04/42- Khawzawl IV (Zuchhip/Zaingen) 524527 43MZ-VC 04/43- Khawzawl-V (Arro/Darngawn) 282415 44MZ-VC 04/44- Khua len41213 45MZ-VC 04/45- Khuangleng367415 46MZ-VC 04/46- Khuangphah128213 47MZ-VC 04/47- Khuangthing304415 48MZ-VC 04/48- Lamzawl60213 49MZ-VC 04/49- Leisenzo207415 50MZ-VC 04/50- Leithum93213 51MZ-VC 04/51- Lianpui126213 52MZ-VC 04/52- Lungphunlian60213 53MZ-VC 04/53- Lungtan93213 54MZ-VC 04/54- Lungvar131213 55MZ-VC 04/55- Melbuk116213 56MZ-VC 04/56- Mimbung333415 57MZ-VC 04/57- Mualkawi116213 58MZ-VC 04/58- Mur len71213 59MZ-VC 04/59- N.Diltlang47213 60MZ-VC 04/60- N.Khawbung211415 61MZ-VC 04/61- NE.Khawdungsei360415 62MZ-VC 04/62- Neihdawn98213 63MZ-VC 04/63- New Chalr ang104213 64MZ-VC 04/64- New Champhai211415 65MZ-VC 04/65- New Hruaika wn42213 66MZ-VC 04/66- Ngaizawl123213 67MZ-VC 04/67- Ngopa764527 68MZ-VC 04/68- Ngur257415 69MZ-VC 04/69- Pamchung68213 70MZ-VC 04/70- Pawlrang231415 71MZ-VC 04/71- Puilo72213 72MZ-VC 04/72- Rabung254415 73MZ-VC 04/73- Riangtlei81213 74MZ-VC 04/74- Ruantlang336415 75MZ-VC 04/75- Saichal154213 76MZ-VC 04/76- Samthang221415 77MZ-VC 04/77- Sazep130213 78MZ-VC 04/78- Selam208415 79MZ-VC 04/79- Sesih279415 80MZ-VC 04/80- Sialhawk438415 81MZ-VC 04/81- Teikhang231415 82MZ-VC 04/82- Thekpui75213 83MZ-VC 04/83- Thekte111213 84MZ-VC 04/84- Tlangmawi49213 85MZ-VC 04/85- Tlangpui123213 86MZ-VC 04/86- Tlangsam348415 87MZ-VC 04/87- Tualcheng130213 88MZ-VC 04/88- Tualpui97213 89MZ-VC 04/89- Tualte214415M Z-VC 04-CHAM PHAI Ex-133/201510 90MZ-VC 04/90- Tuipui97213 91MZ-VC 04/91- Vaikhawtlang212415 92MZ-VC 04/92- Vanchengpui108213 93MZ-VC 04/93- Vangchhia120213 94MZ-VC 04/94- Vangtlang94213 95MZ-VC 04/95- Vankal57213 96MZ-VC 04/96- Vanzau151213 97MZ-VC 04/97- Vapar119213 98MZ-VC 04/98- Vaphai566527 99MZ-VC 04/99- Venglai513527 100 MZ-VC 04/100 - Vengsang550527 101 MZ-VC 04/101 - Vengthlang612527 102 MZ-VC 04/102 - Vengthlang North210415 103 MZ-VC 04/103 - Zawlsei106213 104 MZ-VC 04/104 - Zawngtetui44213 105 MZ-VC 04/105 - Zion Veng208415 106 MZ-VC 04/106 - Zokhawthar503527 107 MZ-VC 04/107 - Zote275415 108 MZ-VC 04/108 - Zotlang ‘E’505527 TOTAL24136343123466M Z-VC 04-CHAM PHAIEx-133/2015 11 1MZ-VC 05/1 - Ailawng147213 2MZ-VC 05/2 - Andermanik283415 3MZ-VC 05/3 - Bawlte63213 4MZ-VC 05/4 - Bawngthah76213 5MZ-VC 05/5 - Bawngva181213 6MZ-VC 05/6 - Belkhai146213 7MZ-VC 05/7 - Borai, Zawlnuam235415 8MZ-VC 05/8 - Bunghmun West214415 9MZ-VC 05/9 - Bungthuam205415 10MZ-VC 05/10 - Chhippui/Kawnmawi179213 11MZ-VC 05/11 - Chuhvel117213 12MZ-VC 05/12 - Chungtlang88213 13MZ-VC 05/13 - Damdiai160213 14MZ-VC 05/14 - Damparengpui547527 15MZ-VC 05/15 - Dampui200213 16MZ-VC 05/16 - Dapchhuah207415 17MZ-VC 05/17 - Darlak219415 18MZ-VC 05/18 - Darlung215415 19MZ-VC 05/19 - Hmunpui276415 20MZ-VC 05/20 - Hnahva267415 21MZ-VC 05/21 - Hreichuk61213 22MZ-VC 05/22 - Hriphaw203415 23MZ-VC 05/23 - Hruiduk217415 24MZ-VC 05/24 - Kanghmun256415 25MZ-VC 05/25 - Kanhmun399415 26MZ-VC 05/26 - Kawr tethawveng401415 27MZ-VC 05/27 - Kawrthah North253415 28MZ-VC 05/28 - Kawrthah South401415 29MZ-VC 05/29 - Khantlang141213 30MZ-VC 05/30 - Khawhnai104213 31MZ-VC 05/31 - Khawrihnim222415 32MZ-VC 05/32 - Kolalian183213 33MZ-VC 05/33 - Lallen154213 34MZ-VC 05/34 - Lengte132213 35MZ-VC 05/35 - Luangpawl215415 36MZ-VC 05/36 - Luimawi102213 37MZ-VC 05/37 - Lungphun96213 38MZ-VC 05/38 - Mamit Bazar Veng218415 39MZ-VC 05/39 - Mamit Chhim Veng435415 40MZ-VC 05/40 - Mamit Hmar Veng307415 41MZ-VC 05/41 - Mamit Venghlun248415 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 MAMIT DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats General Reser- vedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-133/201512 42MZ-VC 05/42 - Marpara Mizo Veng86213 43MZ-VC 05/43 - Marpara North335415 44MZ-VC 05/44 - Mualthuam237415 45MZ-VC 05/45 - Nalzawl162213 46MZ-VC 05/46 - New Eden120213 47MZ-VC 05/47 - New Mamit248415 48MZ-VC 05/48 - New West Phaileng408415 49MZ-VC 05/49 - Nghalchawm109213 50MZ-VC 05/50 - North Sabual81213 51MZ-VC 05/51 - Parvatui (Zopui)56213 52MZ-VC 05/52 - Phaizau73213 53MZ-VC 05/53 - Phuldungsei386415 54MZ-VC 05/54 - Phulpui West139213 55MZ-VC 05/55 - Pukzing109213 56MZ-VC 05/56 - Pukzing Vengthar86213 57MZ-VC 05/57 - Rajiv Nagar – I507527 58MZ-VC 05/58 - Rajiv Nagar – II308415 59MZ-VC 05/59 - Rawpuichhip308415 60MZ-VC 05/60 - Reiek401415 61MZ-VC 05/61 - Rengdil365415 62MZ-VC 05/62 - Rulpuihlim92213 63MZ-VC 05/63 - Saikhawthlir134213 64MZ-VC 05/64 - Saithah82213 65MZ-VC 05/65 - Serhmun West211415 66MZ-VC 05/66 - Sihthiang263415 67MZ-VC 05/67 - Silsury East397415 68MZ-VC 05/68 - Silsury West407415 69MZ-VC 05/69 - South Sabual119213 70MZ-VC 05/70 - Suarhliap136213 71MZ-VC 05/71 - Teirei For est Veng114213 72MZ-VC 05/72 - Thaidawr192213 73MZ-VC 05/73 - Thinghlun230415 74MZ-VC 05/74 - Tuahzawl103213 75MZ-VC 05/75 - Tuidam367415 76MZ-VC 05/76 - Tuipuibari – I577527 77MZ-VC 05/77 - Tuirum88213 78MZ-VC 05/78 - Tumpanglui121213M Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-133/2015 13 79MZ-VC 05/79 - Vawngawnzo66213 80MZ-VC 05/80 - West Lungdar209415 81MZ-VC 05/81 - West Phaileng432415 82MZ-VC 05/82 - West Serzawl108213 83MZ-VC 05/83 - Zamuang207415 84MZ-VC 05/84 - Zawlnuam Thuampui204415 85MZ-VC 05/85 - Zawlnuam Vengpui422415 86MZ-VC 05/86 - Zawlpui60213 87MZ-VC 05/87 - Zomuantlang165213 Total1880326790357M Z-VC 05 -M AM IT Ex-133/201514 1MZ-VC 06/1- Bairabi North691527 2MZ-VC 06/2- Bairabi South332415 3MZ-VC 06/3- Bilkhawthlir North489415 4MZ-VC 06/4- Bilkhawthlir South574527 5MZ-VC 06/5- Bualpui North241415 6MZ-VC 06/6- Buhchangphai212415 7MZ-VC 06/7- Bukpui205415 8MZ-VC 06/8- Bukva nnei94213 9MZ-VC 06/9- Hor toki545527 10MZ-VC 06/10 - Kawnpui -I580527 11MZ-VC 06/11 - Kawnpui -II547527 12MZ-VC 06/12 - Kawnpui -III331415 13MZ-VC 06/13 - Khamrang119213 14MZ-VC 06/14 - Kolasib College Veng230415 15MZ-VC 06/15 - Kolasib Diakkawn645527 16MZ-VC 06/16 - Kola sib Electric Veng258415 17MZ-VC 06/17 - Kolasib Gosen Veng59213 18MZ-VC 06/18 - Kolasib Hmarveng538527 19MZ-VC 06/19 - Kolasib Khuangpuilam239415 20MZ-VC 06/20 - Kolasib New Diakkawn449415 21MZ-VC 06/21 - Kolasib Project Veng301415 22MZ-VC 06/22 - Kolasib Rengtekawn202415 23MZ-VC 06/23 - Kolasib Tumpui318415 24MZ-VC 06/24 - Kolasib Venglai894527 25MZ-VC 06/25 - Kolasib Vengthar536527 26MZ-VC 06/26 - Lungdai516527 27MZ-VC 06/27 - Lungmuat149213 28MZ-VC 06/28 - Meidum205415 29MZ-VC 06/29 - Mualkhang96213 30MZ-VC 06/30 - N. Chaltlang235415 31MZ-VC 06/31 - N. Chawnpui78213 32MZ-VC 06/32 - N. Chhimluang99213 33MZ-VC 06/33 - N. Hlimen262415 34MZ-VC 06/34 - N. Thinglian53213 35MZ-VC 06/35 - New Builum94213 36MZ-VC 06/36 - Nisapui202415 37MZ-VC 06/37 - Pangbalkawn202415 38MZ-VC 06/38 - Phainuam230415 39MZ-VC 06/39 - Phaisen119213 40MZ-VC 06/40 - Saidan/Tuithaveng324415 41MZ-VC 06/41 - Saihapui K126213 ANNEXURE ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 KOLASIB DISTRICT Name of District with codeS/NNo. & Name of Village CouncilsNo. of Seats General Reser- vedTotal SeatsM Z-VC 06-KOLASIB Ex-133/2015 15 42MZ-VC 06/42 - Saihapui V54213 43MZ-VC 06/43 - Saiphai323415 44MZ-VC 06/44 - Saipum379415 45MZ-VC 06/45 - Serkhan168213 46MZ-VC 06/46 - Thingdawl670527 47MZ-VC 06/47 - Thingthelh117213 48MZ-VC 06/48 - Vairengte - I653527 49MZ-VC 06/49 - Vairengte - II632527 50MZ-VC 06/50 - Vair engte - lll IOC Veng218415 51MZ-VC 06/51 - Vairengte - IV State Veng154213 52MZ-VC 06/52 - Zanlawn212415 TOTAL1619919165256M Z-VC 06-KOLASIB1MZ-VC 01 - Aizawl2031195274105379 2MZ-VC 02 - Lunglei29800145423156579 3MZ-VC 03 - Serchhip123484915956215 4MZ-VC 04 - Champhai24136108343123466 5MZ-VC 05 - Mamit188038726790357 6MZ-VC 06 - Kolasib161995219165256 TOTAL12159753616575952252 ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR GENERAL ELECTION TO VILLAGE COUNCILS, 2015 AB STRACT S/NName of DistrictNo. ofNo. ofNo of Seats with CodesHouseholdVillage General ReservedTotal Seats Co uncilEx-133/201516 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Villages boundary redemarcation of Village Councils in respect of Serchhip District.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 134Date - 19/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 19.3.2015 Phalguna 28, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 134 NOTIFICATIONNo. C.14016/8/2012-LAD/VC, the 12th March, 2015.In exer cise of the powers conferred by section 3(1 ) of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 and as amended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declare the Villages shown below as redemar cation of Villa ge Councils Boundary in respect of Serchhip District a s indica ted below :- SERCHHIP DISTRICT1.Serchhip VC - I7. Serchhip VC - VII 2.Serchhip VC - II8Serchhip VC - VIII 3.Serchhip VC - III9New S erchhip South 4.Serchhip VC - IV10. New S erchhip North 5.Serchhip VC - V11. Chhiahtlang VC 6.Serchhip VC - VI This supersedes earlier Notification No.B.14016/8/2012-LAD/VC dt.12.1.2015 published in the Mizoram Gazette Issue No. 8 dt.13.1.2015 and Corrigendum issued under No.B.14016/8/2012-LAD/VC dt.18.2.2015. C.That kunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. ANNEXURE - I SERCHHIP KHAWPUI CHHUNGA VILLAGE COUNCIL HRANG HRANG TE HUAM CHIN LEH AN RAMRI SERCHHIP - I VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :-Thumbawk tuikhur atangin hmar lamah phei in NH-54 kawngpui chung zel a ni ang a. Ex-Servi cement In hua m lovin Tuizemdum kawnah chho in Field Roa d a pawh ang a , Field Road kawng zawh phei in Medical Quar ter Pu Sanghmingthanga luah kawmchhak ah phei in Auditor ium chhak foot path a zawh phei ang a. Pu Rinawma kawmthlang footpath zawh thla in Pu Zachhunga In huam lovin a kawmchhak ah phei in Field veng Biakin huam lovin vengchung thla nmual a pawh ang. Social Forestry la mah chho in I&PR ram la mah a phei leh ang a. Thumba wk tuikhur hna r a pawh ang. Heta ta ng hian chhuk thla in NH- 54 a zuk pawh ang. A ramri :-Hmar lamah -Vengchung thlanmual atanga hmarchhak lam hawiin a phei ang a, Pu Zachhunga kawmchha kah rawn chhua k in Auditorium chhak footpa th a zawh ang, Medical Quarter Pu Sanghmingtha nga lua h kawmchhak ah phei in F ield Road a zu k pawh ang. Chhim lama h -Thumbawk lui zawh chho in I&PR leh Social Forest ry ram te a ni ang. T la k lama h -Social Forestry ramah kalin vengchung thlanmual a pawh ang. Chha k lama h -NH-5 4 ah kal in Field Road a pawh ang. SERCHHIP - II VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :-Baptist Biakin thla ng kawr atangin NH-54 zawh thla in Thumbawk lui hnar lam zawhin Pu T hankunga Camping Centr e chhim lam kawrah a kal zel ang a, Sesah kawr hnar ah rawn vet pheiin Darnam lui hnar a rawn pawh ang. Heta ta ng hian Sailiam chhak tlanga rawn inbang liamin Thenzawl Road ah a r awn chhuak thla ang a , Thenzawl Roa d atangin chhim lamah rawn letin NH-54 zawhin Lunglei Road chhim lam zawngin a zawh phei hlek ang a, khawchhak lama h UPC biakin chhak tla ngah inbang liamin Hria ngtlang road a pawh leh ang. Hriangtlang R oad ata ngin ka wrpui a zuk pa wh thla leh ang a, Kawrpui lui a tanga let chhoin Baptist Biakin thlang kawr r awh zawh chhoin UPC Pastor Qua rter leh Workshop inkarah lo chho in Nh-54 ah a r awh chhu ak leh ang. A ramri :-Hmar lamah-Baptish biakin thla ng kawr leh NH-54 in finna atangin, P u Thankunga Camping Centre chhim lamah kalin, Sesah kawr hnarah a vet phei a, Darnam lui hnar pawhin. Chhim lamah-Thenzawl road atangin chhim lamah let lehin NH-54 chu Lunglei lam zawnga zawhin, khawchha k lama h UPC biakin chhak tlangah inbang liamin Hria ngtlang road a pawh ang. T la k lama h -Sailiam chha k tlanga inbang liamin thenza wl road a pawh ang. Chhuah lamah- Hriangtlang road atangin kawrpui pawh thla in, hetatang hian Baptish Biakin thla ng kawr, UPC Pa stor Quarter leh workshop inkar kawr zai ah rawn chhu ak chho in NH-5 4 a rawn pawh ang. SERCHHIP - III VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :Mizoram UPC biakin bul kawr (Baptish Biakin thla ng kawr ) NH-54 kawng hnuai atangin kawng ko zelah ka lin Pu Lianmama leh Pu Lianzela In inkar ka wrah lui mawng lam pa nin 100ft a Ex-134/20152 chhu k thla ang a, Hriangtlang kawngthlang 100ft zel pheiin Pu Zotawna huan kawnah inbang liamin ka wrte zawh thla in Darna m lui a pawh a ng a, heta tang hian Tuikum lui a pa wh leh ang. A ramri : Hmar/chhuah lamahPu Lianzela leh Pu Lianmama In inkar kawrah lui mawng lam panin 100ft a zawh thla ang. Hria ngtlang kawngthlang 10 0ft zela pheiin Pu Zotawna huan kawnah inbang liamin kawrte ah chhukin Darnam tui a pawh ang. Chhim lama h -Serchhip VC-II nena inrina UPC Bia kin kawt kawrah Serchhip VC-II nen inri zelin kawrpui ah a chhuk thla ang a, Darnam lui a pawh ang. T la k lama h -UPC Biakin bul kawr atanga kawngpui zelah kalin Lianmama In bul kawr a pawh ang. SERCHHIP - IV VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :-Mizoram UPC biakin bul kawr (tuikhuah veng) atanga hmar lam hawiin kawngpui kawngchhak lam chin zelah Pu Lalr amliana Sailo In lane hawiin Pu Hra ngchungnunga In a rawn thleng ang a, chuta tang chuan khawthlang lam hawiin kawr za wh chhoin Pi Rinchhani In huam chiahin YMA road a pawh ang a, Bazar lam hawi pheiin Pu Rualchhinga kawmchha kah chhoin Sobji Bazar leh PWD SDO Quarter inkarah NH-54 pal tlangin Pu Ralzatawna In leh Pu T.Rosiama In inkar kawrah a chhuk thla ang a, Baza r Hmar veng kawng tan tlangin kawr zelah UPC Biakinpui kawr a zuk pawh ang. Chutatang chuan rawn let chho lehin Pu P.Ma lsawma In huamin Pu La lrammua na In (R amthlun veng) ah a rawn chhuak ang a, Auditorium lam pan in Medical Compound kawng chhak lam chin zelah Tuizemdum kawn panna step a zawh chho a ng a, Tuizeldum kawn atangin Ex-Servicemen In huamin NH-54 a zuk pawh ang. NH-54 chu chhim zawnga tawite zawhin Mizora m UPC P astor Quarter bul kawr te ah chhukthla in kawngpui a zuk pawh leh a ng. A ramri :Chhim lamah-Mizoram UPC Pastor Quarter leh workshop inkar kawrte zawhthla in kawngpui a pawh ang a, VC-III a ri ang. Hmar lamah-Pi R inchhani In hua m chiahin YMA road a pawh anga, Baza r lam hawia pheiin Pu Rualchhinga kawmchhakah chho in Sobji Bazar leh PWD SDO Quarter inkarah NH-54 pal tlangin Pu Ralzatawna In leh Pu T.Rosiama In a pawh ang. Chhuah lamah- Pi R inchhani In bul kawrah chhuk thla in lui mawng lama h chhuk thla zelin VC-VII leh VC-III a ri ang. Tlak lamah-Pu Lalrammuan In bul kawr ah chhukin VC-V a ri ang. SERCHHIP - V VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin-Tuizem dum kawn atanga hma r lam hawiin Foot step a zawh thla ang a, P i Chaldengi In bul kawngpui a zu pawh ang a, chuta tangin khawchhak lam hawiin kawngpui a zawh phei anga, Pu Lalrammuana In leh Pu Rokima In inkar ah a chhukthla anga UPC Biakin bul kawrpui a zu pa wh ang. Kawrpui zawh thla zelin Goodwill English Academy S chool thlangah a chhua k phei anga, Field veng thla nmual a pawh a nga, chutatang chuan tla k lamah inbang liamin Field veng tuikhur bul kawr a pawh a ng. Chuta tang chuan chhim lam hawiin kawr a zawh chho anga Pi Rintluangi In leh Pu F.Rokima In bulah chhuakin Field veng Biakin leh Pu Zachhunga te kawmchhakah a chhuak phei ang. Auditorium chhak footpart zawh pheiin Medical Quar ters Pu Sanghmingthanga luah huamin Field Road a zu pawh thla leh anga, Field Road chu chhim lam hawiin a za wh phei anga, Tuizeldum kawn a pawh ang. A ramri :-Chhim lamahPu Rokima In huamin Auditorium pa nna Medical Compound chin zelah a phei ang a, Tuizeldum kawn panna step ah chhoin Tuizeldum kawnah VC- I a ri ang.Ex-134/2015 3 Hmar lamah-Tuikhur leh Thlanmual huama rawn pheiin kawrpui a rawn pawh ang. Chhuah lamah- Kawrpui atanga rawn chhovin Pu Rokima In leh Pu Lalrammuana In inka rah Ramthlun Road a ra wn pawh ang. Tlak lamah-Tuizemdum kawn ata ngin Field Roa d zawhin Pu Sa nghmingthanga luah Medical Quarters huamin Field Road chung Zozam Road/footpath ah pheiin Pu Z achhunga In hua min VC-I a ri ang. SERCHHIP - VI VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin:-Pi Thangmawii In leh Pu T.Lalhmingthanga In inkar kawr atangin Hmar veng panna kawngpuiah phei zelin Pu CVL.Hruaia In pengah a chho anga, kawng ko zelah pheiin Non Mizo biakin thlang kawra h chhukthla in Sport Complex huamin kawr a za wh thla anga, Hmawngawn lui a pawh thla ang, chu ta tang chuan UPC Biakinpui kawr rawn zawh chhoin Pi Thangmawii leh Pu T.Lalhmingthanga In inkar kawr rawn zawh chho lehin Hmar veng panna kawng a rawn pawh leh ang. A ramri :-Hmar lamah-No Mizo Biakin thla ng kawr atangin Hmawngawn lui a pawh ang. Chhim lamah-Pi T hangmawii In leh Pu T. Lalhmingthanga In inka r kawr mawng atanga zawh chhoin Hmar veng panna kawngpuiah a lo chhuak ang. Tlak lamah-Hmawngawn lui atangin UPC Biakinpui kawr zawhin Pi Thangmawii In leh Pu T.La lhmingthanga In inkar kawr ma wng lam a pawh ang. Chhuah lamah- Hmar veng panna kawngpui zawh pheiin Pu CVL.Hruaia In pengah chhoin, kawng ko zelah No-Mizo bia kin thlang kawrah. SERCHHIP - VII VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin:-Pu T.Rosia m In hu amin P u Ralza tawna In nena an inkar ka wrah chhuk thlain Baza r to Hmar veng Road chu Hmar veng la m pana zawh pheii Pu CVL.Hruaia In pengah a chho a nga, kawng ko zelah pheiin Non-Mizo biakin thlang kawrah chhuk thla in Bilzel lui nen a infinna a pawh anga, heta tang hian rawn chho lehin NH-54 ka wngpui a rawn pawh anga, chu ta tangin chhim lam hawiin NH-54 kawngko zelah Non-Mizo Bia kin thlen hma kawrah chhoin Pu Lalt hantlua nga In leh Assa m Rifle ram huamin P&E lamah chhoin, Pu Kaptluanga in bul kawrah a chhuk leh anga, Assa m Rifle ramri zelah kalin Chanmari Vengthar huamin VC-III nena inr ina pangngaiah kal phei zelin Pu Lia nmama In bul ka wrah chhovin VC-III nen an inr i leh anga, ka wngchha k lamah VC-IV a ri ang. Pi Rinchhani in bul kawr rawn zawh chho lehin Bazar atanga Chanmari panna YMA Road Bazar lama zawh letin VC-IV nena an inrina zela h Pu Rua lchhinga in hua m lovin Bazar leh PWD SDO Qua rter inkarah NH-54 paltlangin Pu T.Rosiama inah a rawn chhuak phei leh ang. A ramri :-Hmar lamah-Non-Mizor Biakin thlang kawr atangin Hmawngawn Lui a pawh ang. Chhim lamah-Serchhip - III & IV Tlak lamah-Hmar veng panna ka wngpuia h pheiin, Pu CVL Hruaia In pengah a chho leh anga, kawngko zelah kalin Non-Mizo Biakin thlang kawrah chhuk thlain Hmawngawn luiah. SERCHHIP - VIII V/CA huam chin:-Pu Lalmana In leh P u Lalthantluanga in inkar kawrah kha wthlang lam pa nin a chhuk thla a, NH-5 4 a zuk pawh a ng. Chuta tangin hmar lama NH-54 ka wngpui ko zawh zelin Telecom (BSNL) ram huamin P&E kawngpui a zawh chho a ng a, P i Vanla lhruaii In, P&E Veng huam chiahin ka wr ruamah a chhu k thla ang. Quarry Roa d a zuk pawh anga, Quarry road kawng chung zelah kal in T langpui lui a pawh anga , chhim zawngin Assam Rifle ramriah r awn p hei zelin, heta tang hian Pu Kaptluanga In bul ka wrah Ex-134/20154 rawn chhoving P&E Road Bazar panna zawh thla lehin Pu Lalmama In leh Pu Lalt hantluanga In inkar kawr ah a r awn chhuak thla leh ang. A ramri :-Chhim lamah-Pu Lalmama In leh P u Lalthantluanga In inkar ka wrah khawthlang lam panin a chhuk thla a, NH-54 a zu k pawh ang. Tlak lamah-NH-5 4 kawngpui zawlah kalin BSNL ram thleng. Hmar lamah-BS NL ra m huamin, P&E kawngpui za wh in Pi Va nla lhr uaii In hua min kawrah a chhuk anga , Quarr y road a pawh a nga, Quarry roa d kawng chungah kal zelin Tlangpui lui a pawh ang. Chhuah lamah- Tlangpui lui atangin chhimlamah phei zelin Assa m Rifle ramri zelah kalin Pu Lalmama In leh Pu Lalt hantlua nga In inkar kawrah a chhuk ang. NEW SERCHHIP SOUTH VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :-Bilzel lui zawh thlain Bukpui lui a pawh ang. Bukpui lui zawh chho zelin Pu Zothansanga huan ka wrte za wh chhoin, Pu P.C.Lalhela hua n leh P u R.Zakapa hua n inkar kawrte rawn zawh chho zelin Pi Vanlawmi In leh Pu Hrangmana In inkarah ra wn chhoin NH-5 4 a tan tlang ang. Supply Godown leh Supply Inspector Quarters inkarah chhukin P u Vanla lmuana leh Pu H.Zonuntluanga te In inkar kawr te zawh thlain, Tlangpui lui a pawh ang. Tlangpui lui atangin Khawtetlang kawrte man chhoin DC Bangla leh SP Qua rters inkar kawnah chhuak chhoin, NLUP Link Road zawh thla in Khawtetlang thlanmual huam lo in NLUP Link Road zu pawh lehin Pu F.Zahleia huan kawr chhuk zawnga zawh zelin Tuikum lui a fin a, Tuikum lui chu chhim zawnga zawhin Tlangpui lui a fin a , T langpui lui zawh chhoin Quarry Road a pawh a, heta tang hian Pi Vanlalhr uaii In leh SP Quarters hlui inkarah rawn chhoin P&E kawng a zawh thla , BS NL leh P olice r am inkar ah inba ng liamin NH-54 a zu man anga, Nh-54 chu kawngko zelah chhim lam zawnga zawhin Bilzel lui a pawh ang. A ramri :-Hmar lamah-Pu V.Zothansanga huan kawr te zawh chhoin Pu P.C. Lalhela huan leh Pu R.Za kapa hua n inkar kawrte rawh za wh zelin, Pi Vanlalawmi In leh Pu Hrangmana In inkara h rawh zawh chho in NH-54 a ta n tlang ang. Chhak lamah-NH-54 chhuah lamah tan tlangin Supply Godown leh supply Inspector Quarter inkarah Pu Vanlalmuana In leh Pu H.Zonuntluanga In inkarah kawrte zawh thla in T langpui lui a pawh ang. Chuta tang chuan Khawtetlang kawr te zawh chho in DC Ba ngla leh SP Quarter inkar ka wnah chhuak chhoin, NLUP Link R oad zawh thla in Khawtetlang thlanmua l huam lovin NLUP Link road zuk pawh thla leh in Pu F.Zahleia huan kawr chhuk zawnga zawh zelin Tuikum lui a fin ang. Chhim lamah-Tuikum lui chu chhim za wnga zawh thlain Tlangpui lui a fin a . Tlangpu i lui rawn zawh chho zelin Quar ry road a pawh a, heta tang hian Pi Vanlalhr uaii In leh SP quarter hlui inka rah rawh zawh chhoin P&E kawng a zawh thla a. BSNL leh Police inkarah in bang liam in NH-54 a pawh a, NH-54 chu kawng ko zelah chhim lam za wnga za whin Bilzel lui a pawh ang. Khawthlang la mah-Bilzel lui tlak lamah zawh thla in Bukpui hmar lam hawia zawh chho in Pu V.Zothansanga huan kawrte a fin ang. NEW SERCHHIP NORTH VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin :-Pi Vanlawmi In leh Pu Hrangmana In inkar starting point ah hmangin, heta tang hian Pu P.C.Lalhela (L) huan leh Pu R.Zakapa huan inka r kawrte ah chhukin P u Zotha nsanga huan ka wrte zawh thlain Bukpui lui a fin a, Bukpui lui zawh thla in Hmawnga wn lu i a fin a, heta tang hian Mat Lui finin,Ex-134/2015 5 hmar zawnga zawh chho in Va ube lui a pawh a, Vaube lui peng thuam hmar lam zawk zawh chhoin NH-54 a ta n tlanga, chhu ahlamah Gas Godown kawn atangin kawr te zawh thlain Kikawn kawr a fin thla anga, lui mawng lam zawh thla in Zalr eng lui a fin a ng. Zalreng lu i chu khawchhak zawnga zawh chhukin tuikum a fin ang. Heta tang hian Pu F.Zahleia huan kawr ah zawh chho in NLUP Link Road zawh chho zelin Khawtetlang thla nmual huamin NLUP Link Road zawh leh in DC Bangla leh SP Quarter inkar kawnah a lo chhuak a nga, tlak la mah ka wr te zawh thlain T langpui lui a fin thla a, T langpui lui atangin ka wr te zawh chhoin P u Vanlalmua na In leh Pu H. Zonuntluanga In inkar kawrte ah lo chhoin, S upply Godown leh Supply Inspector Quar ters inka rah lo chhoin Pi Vanlawmi In leh Pu Hrangmana In inkar Starting point a pawh ang. A ramri :-Tlak lamah-Pi Vanlawmi In leh Pu Hrangmana In inkar starting point a h hmangin Pu P.C. Lalhela (L) hua n leh Pu R.Zaka pa huan inkar kawrte a h chhukin Pu V.Zothansanga huan kawrte zawh thla in Bukpui lui a fin anga, Bukpui lui zawh thla zelin Hmawngawn lui a fin ang. Hmar lamah-Hmawngawn lui atang hian Ma t lui fin in Hmar zawnga chho in Vaube lui a pa wh. Vaube lui p eng thuam hmar lam zawk zawh chho in NH-54 a tan tlang ang. Chhuah lamah- NH-5 4 khawchhak zawnga inba ng liamin kawr te zawh thla in Zalreng lui fin in Tuikum lui a fin thla a, Tuikum chu chhim zawnga zawh thla in Pu F.Zahleia huan kawrah chho leh in NLUP Link road zawh chho zelin Khawtetlang thlanmual huam in Khawtetlang kawnah inbang liamin kawrte zawh thla in Tlangpui lui a fin ang. Chhim lamah-Tlangpui lui atanga kawrte zawh chho lehin Pu Vanlalmuana leh Pu H.Zonuntluanga In inkarah zawhin Supply Godown leh Supply Inspector Quarter inkarah lo chhuakin Pi Vanlawmi leh Pu Hrangmana In inkar starting point a pawh ang. CHHIAHTLANG VILLAGE COUNCILA huam chin:-Chhiahtlang leh Chhingchhip inkar Thinghmunzawl NH-54 atang chhuahlamah Hmeithai lui zawh thlain Tuikum lui a fin a , Tuikum lui dung zawh thla zelin, Sahhual lui zawh chho lehin Teiva lui chhu ah a pa wh a. Teiva chhuah atangin S ahhual lui zawh chho lehin S ialhau kai chhakah Luithuam zawh chhovin, Hersedai lui zawh chho zelin Vancheng khamah inbang lia min tuichawm a pawh thla. Tuichawm atanga tuikum lui zawh chho lehin Zalreng lui dung za wh chho zelin Gas Godown hma r lampa ng a ka wrte zawh chhovin NH-54 man chhovin, tlak la mah inbang liam lehin, Vaube lui pengthuam hmar la m zawh thla zelin Mat lui a pa wh thla . Mat lui zawh chho leh zelin Sakeilui ah kal chhoving lu ite zawh chho zelin NH-54 Thinghmunza wl ah a rawn chhuak leh. A ramri :-Chhim lamah-Tuikum Tlak lamah-Zalr eng lui dung zawl chho zelin Gas Godown hma r lampa ng a ka wrte zawh chhovin NH-54 a man chhovin, tlak lamah inbang liam lehin, Vaube lui pengthuam hmar lam zawh thla zelin Mat lui a pawh thla. Hmar lamah-Mat lui zawh chho leh zelin Sakeilui ah kal chhovin luite zawh chho zelin NH-5 4 T hinghmunzawl ah a ra wn chhua k leh. Heta tang hian Hmeithai lui zawhthla in Tuikum lui a fin ang. Chhuah lamah- Tuikum, Sahhual, Luithum, Herhsedai, Tuichawm. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-150.Ex-134/20156

The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include the Director of Agriculture and the President of CYMA as members of State Advisory Committee on Disaster Management with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 136Date - 20/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Friday 20.3.2015 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 136 N O T I F I C A T I O NNo F.20016/9/2015-DMR, the 13th March, 2015.In continua tion of this Department’s Notifica tion issued under Memo No. of even number dated 27th January, 2015 and Corrigendum dated 30th January, 2015 and in pursuance of minutes of the meeting of State Advisor y Committee on Disaster Management held on 26th February, 2015 in the office chamber of Hon’ble Minister, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to include the Director of Agriculture and the President of CYMA as members of State Advisory C ommittee on Disaster Management with immediate effect and until fur ther or ders. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.


VOL - XLIVISSUE - 137Date - 20/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Friday 20.3.2015 Phalguna 29, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 137 CORRIGENDUM TO NOTIFICATION NO.HC.XI-10/2013/RCNo. HC.XI-10/2013/64/RC, the 12th March, 2015.In the NotificationNo.HC.XI-10/2013/22/RC dated 31.03.2014 as regards amendment of Chapter-II, Rules-II & III of t he Gauha ti High Court Rules issued by this Registry, the sentence “Hon’ble the Gauha ti High Court has been pleased to amend Chapter- II, Rules-II & III of the Gauhati High Court (ACC) Rules in the following manner, with immediate effect ...” appearing in t he 1st paragraph may be read as“Hon’ble the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to amend Chapter II, Rule II and III of the Gauhati High C ourt Rules in the following manner, with immediate effect...” B y O r d e r, M.A. Ali, Registrar (Vigila nce) Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (Act No. 6 of 2015)

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 156Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.156 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/236/2014-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (Act No. 6 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 2015 (ACT NO. 6 OF 2015) AN ACT To provide for the delivery of notified public services to the people of the State of Mizoram within the stipulated time limit and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows, namely: 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (2) It extends to the whole of Mizoram. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2 . Application: This Act shall apply to government servants appointed substantively to any civil services or posts in connection with the affairs of the Government of Mizoram including persons working on deputation basis and to the servants of local bodies and authorities which are owned, controlled or substantially financed by the said Government, but shall not apply to, (1) persons appointed on casual or daily rates basis; (2) persons employed on contract except when the contract provides otherwise; (3) persons whose terms and conditions of services are regulated by or under the provisions of the Constitution; and (4) persons whose terms and conditions of service are regulated by or under the provisions of any law made under the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution. 3. Definitions: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:- (a) “Application” means a written request by an eligible person to provide notified services under this Act; (b) “Designated Officer” means an authority including one belonging to the local self government and organizations, fully or partially funded by the State Government, notified as such for providing the service under sub-section (2) of section 4; ( c ) “Eligible person” means a citizen who is eligible for obtaining the notified service; (d) “Fir st Appellate Author ity” means an authority including one b elonging t o the loca l body who is notified as such under sub section (3) of section 4, who shall be empowered to impose penalty on the Government Serva nt defaulting or delaying the delivery of services in accordance with this Act; ( e ) “Government Servant” means a person appointed substantively to any civil s ervice or post in connection with the affairs of the State Government including person working on deputation basis; and person appointed in a local body which is owned, controlled or substantially financed by the State Government; Ex-156/20152 (f) “Local body” includes any pu blic aut hority, municipality, D ev el o p men t C o u n c i l s , Town Planning Authority, Village Councils, autonomous bodies except the Autonomous District Councils, or any other body or authority, by whatever na me called, for the time being invested by law to render essential services of public utility within the State or to control, manage or regulate such services within a specified local area thereof; (g) “Notifica tion” means a notification published in the Official Gazette; (h) “Notified service” means any service notified by the State Government under sub-section (1) of section 4; (i) “Prescribed” means prescribed by the rules made under this Act; (j) “Right to Public Service” means right to obtain the notified service under this Act from time to time within the stipulated time limit as described under section 5; (k) “ Rules” means rules made by the State Government under this Act; (I ) “Second Appellate Authority” means an authority including one belonging to the local body who is notified as such u nder sub-section (3) of section 4; (m) “Sta te Government” means the Government of Mizoram; (n) “Stipulated time limit” means maximum time to provide the service by the Designated Officer or to decide the appeal by the Fir st Appellate Authority and Second Appellate Authority as notified under sub-section (1) of section 4; (0) “Year” means the calendar year commencing on the 1 st d a y of Ja nu ar y o f th e Yea r an d ending on the 31 st day of December. 4. Notification of public services and stipulated time limits, Designated Officers, First Appellate Authority and Second Appellate Authority: (1) The State Government may, from time to time, notify the services, tobe public services for the purpose of this Act and shall specify the time limit within which such services shall be provided to the eligible persons. (2) For providing services specified under sub-section (1), the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, designate suitable Officers who shall be responsible f o r p r o v i d i n g e a c h o f s u c h se r v i c e s t o t h e e l i g ib l e p e r so n s a nd t e r m e d su c h O f f i c e r s as Designated Officers. (3) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, designate Officers who shall be First Appellate Authority and Second Appellate Authority in respect of each public service. (4) The First Appellate Authority so designated for each of the notifiedservices under sub- section (3) shall be higher in grade than the respective Designated Officer. Similarly, the Second Appellate Authority so designated for each of the notified services under sub-section (3) shall be higher in grade than the concerned First Appellate Authority. 5 . Right of citizens to obtain time bound delivery of services: Every eligible person shall have the right to obtain the services in accordance with this Act within the time bound period as notified under sub- section (1) of section 4. Ex-156/2015 3 6. Liability of Government Servant to deliver services within the stipulated period: (1) The Designated Officer shall provide the notified services under sub section (1 ) of section 4 to the eligible person within the stipulated time limit. (2) The Designated Officer may seek the assistance of any other officer or employee connected with the delivery of that particular notified service as he may consider necessary for the pr oper dischar ge of his duties u nder sub-section (1). (3) Any officer or employee, whose assista nce ha s been sought under sub-section (2), shall render all assistance to the Designated Officer seeking his assistance and for any contravention of the pr ovisions of this Act, such other officer or employee, whose assistance has been sought, sha ll be treated as Designated Officer under this Act for such c ont r a v ent ion. 7 . Providing notified services within stipulated time limit: (1 ) The stipulated time limit shall start from the date when the application for obtaining a required notified service is received by the Designated Officer or by a person sub- ordinate to him so authorized to receive the application. Such application shall be duly acknowledged. (2) The Designated Officer on receipt of an application under sub-section (1 ) shall, within the stipulated time limit, provide the notified service or reject the a pplication and in case of reject ion of application, he shall recor d the reasons in writing and communicate to the person making the application:- (a ) the reasons for such r ejection; (b) the period within which an appeal a gainst such rejection may be pr efer r ed; a nd (c) the particulars of the First Appellate Authority. 8. First Appeal: (1 ) Any person, whose applica tion is rejected under sub-section (2) of section 7 or who has not been provided the notified service within the stipula ted time limit, ma y file an appeal to the First Appella te Authority within thirty days fr om the date of rejection of a p p lic a t ion or the expir y of the stipula ted time limit. Filing of such appeal shall be du ly acknowledged by the First Appellate Authority by providing the appellant a signed receipt of the same: Provided that the First Appellate Authority may admit the appeal after the expiry of the period of thirty days but in no case beyond sixty days from the date of rejection of application or the expiry of the stipulated time limit for deliver y of that particularnotified service, if he is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from filing the appeal in time (2 ) The First Appellate Author ity shall dispose of the appeal preferred under sub-section (1) within a period of 30 (thirty) days fr om the date of presentation of t he appeal Ex-156/20154 (3 ) The First Appellate Author ity may order the Designated Officer to provide the notified service within such time as it may specify or may reject the appeal and in case of rejection of the appeal, the FirstAppellate Authority shall record the reasons of rejection in his order: Provided that before passing any order under sub-section (3), the First Appellate Authority shall provide a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the appellant and the Designated Officer. 9. Second Appeal: (1) The Designated Officer or the applicant aggrieved by any or der of the First Appellate Authority may make a second appeal within thirty days from the date of that order to the Second Appellate Authority. Provided t hat the Second Appellate Authority ma y entertain the second appeal after the expiry of thirty days but in no ca se beyond sixty days from the date of order of the First Appellate Authority, if he is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from filing the appeal in time. (2) The Second Appellate Authority may, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of presentation of the appeal, pass an or der directing the Designated Officer to provide the public service within such time a s it may specify or may pass such other order including rejection of the appeal, as it ma y deem fit. Provided that before pa ssing any order under sub section (2), the Second Appellate Authority shall provide a reasonable opportunity of b e i n g h e a r d t o t h e appellant and the Designated Officer. 10. Powers of Appellate Authorities: (1) The First Appellate Authority and Second Appellate Authority shall, while deciding an appeal under this section, have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in respect of the following matters, namely:- (a)requiring the production and inspection of documents; (b)issuing summons for hearing to the Designated Officer and the appellant, and (c)any other matter which may be prescribed. 11 . Penalty; (1) (a) Where the First Appellate Authority is of the opinion that the Designated Officer has failed to provide the notified service without sufficient and reasonable cause, he may impose a lump-sum penalty on the Designated Officer which shall not be less than 500 rupees and not more than 5000 rupees. Ex-156/2015 5 (b) Where the First Appellate Authority is of the opinion that the Designated Officer has caused delay in providing the notified service without sufficient and reasonable cause, he may impose a penalty at the rate of 250 rupees per day for such delay on the Designated Officer which shall not be more than 5000 rupees. Provided that the Designated Officer shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard before any penalty is imposed on him. (2) Where the Second Appellate Authority is of the opinion that the First Appellate Authority has failed to decide the appeal within the stipulated time limit without any sufficient and reasonable cause, he may impose a lump-sum penalty which shall not be less than 500 rupees and not more than 5000 rupees on the First Appellate Authority: Provided that the First Appellate Authority shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard before any penalty is imposed on him. (3) The penalty as imposed under the above provisions of the Act shall be charged from the Designated Officer, First Appellate Authority and concerned subordinate staff, as the case may be and in the proportion to be decided by the First Appellate Authority or the Second Appellate Authorit y, as the case may be, taking in to account, among other factors, the degree of r esponsibility a nd extent of negligence. (4 ) The penalty so imposed sha ll be in addition to that provided in any other Act, rules, regulations and notifications already existing. 12. Revision:The Designated Officer or the First Appellate Authority a ggrieved by any order of the Second Appellate Authority in respect of imposing penalty under this Act, may make an application for revision to the Officer nominated by the State Government within a period of sixty days from the date of that order, who shall dis pose of the application according t o the prescribed procedure. Provided that the Officer nominated by the State Government ma y entertain the application after the expiry of the sa id period of sixty days, if he is satisfied that the application cou ld not be submitted in time for sufficient cause. 1 3 . Disciplinary action:In addition to imposition of penalty under section 11, the Second Appellate Authority, if it is satisfied that the Designated Officer or the First Appellate Authority, as the case may be, has failed to discharge the duties assigned to him under the Act, without sufficient and r easonable cause, may recommend disciplinary action against him under the service rules applicable to him. 14. Bar on jurisdiction of Civil Court:No Civil Cour t shall entertain a ny suit, a p p lic a t io n or ot her proceeding in respect of any order made under this Act and no such order shall be called in question otherwise than by way of an a ppeal as specified under this Act. Ex-156/20156 1 5 . Protection of action taken in go od faith:No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done orintended to be done under this Act or any rule made thereunder. 16 . Overriding effect of the Act:In relation to the notified services under this Act and it s imp lement a t ion, the provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith in any other law for the time being in force or in a ny instrument having effect by virtue of any law other tha n this Act. 17. Power to make rules: (1 ) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the pr ovisions of this Act. (2 ) Every rule made under this Act by the Government shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram, while it is in session, for a total p eriod of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, the Legislative Assembly agreed to making any modification in the rules or the Assembly a greed that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; however, any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything pr eviously done under the rule. 18. Power to remove difficulties: (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Government may, by order published in the official gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulties: Provided that no such orders shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years fr om the date of commencement of t his Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram. Secretary Law & Judicia l Department Govt. of MizoramEx-156/2015 7 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.

Guidelines are issued for information and compliance by all concerned departments.procure the goods

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 140Date - 25/03/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Wednesday 25.3.2015 Chaitra 4, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 140 NOTIFICATIONNo. J.15017/4/2015-TAX, the 19th March, 2015.In pursuance of para 1 of O.M. issued under No.CMO.48/2013/101: dated 23.12.2014 received from the Chief Minister ’s Office, the following guidelines are issued for information and compliance by a ll concerned Departments. 1.Government Departments who procur e goods in the course of inter-state trade or commerce should get themselves registered under section 7(1) of the Central Sa les Tax Act, 1956 so as to avail tax concession which may be as low as 2% in lieu of higher rate of VAT payable to the selling States, provided that they procure the goods for- Resa le within the St ate. Use as raw materials, processing materials, machinery, plant, equipment, tools, stores, spare parts, accessories, fuel or lubricants in the ma nufacturing or process of goods for sale. Use in mining Use in generation or distribution of elect ricity or any other form of power. Use in the packaging of goods for sale/resale Use in telecommunica tion network 2.Government Departments who are eligible for registration under the CST Act, 1956 should apply for registration under section 7 to the Commissioner of Taxes in For m A and shall be signed by an officer duly authorised by the Government. A fee of rupees twenty five shall be payable in r espect of every applica tion for registr ation under the Act and such fee may be paid in the form of court fee sta mps affixed to such application. When the Commissioner of Taxes is sa tisfied after making such enquiry as he thinks necessary, that the pa rticula rs contained in the application are correct and complete, he shall register the dealer and grant him a certificate of registration in Form B. Government Departments that have been granted registration under the CST Act, 1956 may apply for use of Declaration Form ‘C’ so as to purchase goods at a concessional rate in lieu of higher loca l VAT of the selling State. 3.Government D epartments registered under the CST Act, 1956 that wish to purchase goods from other States, for the purpose specified in the purchasing Department’s certificate of registration, shall obta in from the Superintendent of Taxes of his ar ea, a blank declaration Form “C” prescribed under rule 12 Ex-140/20152 of t he Central Sales Tax (Registr ation a nd turnover) R ules, 1957 which the dealer r equired for fu rnishing to the selling dealer. Before furnishing it to the selling dealer, the pur chasing dealer, or any responsible person authorized by him in his behalf shall fill in all particulars required to be filled in the form, a nd shall also affix his usual signature in the space provided in the Form for this p urpose. Thereafter, the counterfoil of the Form shall be retained by t he purchasing dealer a nd the other two portions, mar ked “Original”, “Duplicate” shall be handed over to the selling dealer. Every Declar ation F orm obta ined fr om the S uperint endent of Taxes by a r egistered dealer/author ised officer of the Government Department shall be kept by him in safe cu stody and he shall be personally resp onsible for the loss, destruct ion or theft of any su ch form or the loss of Government revenue, if any resu lting directly or indirectly from such theft or loss. 5.A tr ue and complete account of every such Form r eceived from the Superintendent of Taxes should be entered in a register in Form II prescribed by the CST (Mizoram) Rules, 1991. If any such Form is lost, dest royed or stolen, the dealer shall report the fact to the S uperint endent of Taxes of his area immediately, who shall ma ke appr opriate entries in the remarks column of the register in For m - II and take such other steps to issue public notice of the loss, destr uction or theft as the Commissioner may dir ect. L.N. Tochhawng, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon all the Village Council Constituencies within Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib Districts to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30th April, 2015 (Thursday)

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 144Date - 07/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 7.4.2015 Chaitra 17, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 144 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.12011/57/2014-SEC/VC, the 6th April, 2015.In exercise of the powes conferred under sub- section (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills District (Village C ouncils) Amendment Act 2014 and Rule 3 (1) of T he Mizoram (Election to Villa ge Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon all the Village Council Constituencies within Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib Districts to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30th Apr il, 2015 (T hursday) as per schedule shown below :- 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the S tate1.4.2015 Election Commission(Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officer6.4.2015 (Monday) 4.Last date for filling Nominations13.4.2015 (Monday) 5.Scrutiny of nomination14.4.2015 (Thursday) 10:00 am 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations16.4.2015 (Thursday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symols to Candidates &16.4.2015 (Thursday) display of list of Candidates(12:00 noon onwa rds) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am - 5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 10.Counting of Votes (Counting of Votes shall commence as30.4.2015 (Thursday) soon as poll is over) 11.Last date for for mation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 12.Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed8.5.2015 (Friday) By Order, etc. H.Darzika, Secretary State Election Commission, Mizor am : Aizawl. Name ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. ofNo. of Seats DistrictHouse- ElectorsVillagePollingPolling Voting holdCouncils StationBoothCompart General ReservedTotal ment(Women)Seats Aizawl20485754009595109147282105387 Lunglei3000298312145145161212425158583 Serchhip12348435014949568215956215 Champhai 2414679415108108120160344124468 Mamit188034910087878710326790357 Kolasib16199508735252649619165256 Total121983 39660153653659780016685982266Enclo As stated. Ex-144/20152 Accordingly, The State Election C ommission hereby fixes and publishes the allocation of seats to the 536 Village Councils in the District s of Aizawl, Lunglei, Serchhip, Champhai, Mamit and Kolasib as shown below and a s per Annexure enclosed. Ex-144/2015 3 1 Aibawk 271 4 1 5 498 489 987 2 MZ-VC01/2 -Buhban 105 2 1 3 211 220 431 3 MZ-VC01/3 -Chamring 44 2 1 3 94 99 193 4 MZ-VC01/4 -Chawilung 85 2 1 3 165 130 295 5 MZ-VC01/5 -ChhanchhuahnaKhawpui 33 2 1 3 56 44 100 6 MZ-VC01/6 -Daido 79 2 1 3 196 182 378 7 MZ-VC01/7 -Damdiai(Vervek) 46 2 1 3 84 85 169 8 MZ-VC01/8 -DarlawnChhimVeng 104 2 1 3 201 207 408 9 MZ-VC01/9 -DarlawnVenghlun 314 4 1 5 614 649 1263 10 MZ-VC01/10 -DarlawnVengpui 338 4 1 5 593 648 1241 11 MZ-VC01/11 -Darlawng 132 2 1 3 179 207 386 12 MZ-VC01/12 -Dilkhan 37 2 1 3 84 74 158 13 MZ-VC01/13 -E.Phaileng 213 4 1 5 431 444 875 14 MZ-VC01/14 -Falkawn 260 4 1 5 399 433 832 15 MZ-VC01/15 -Hmuifang 47 2 1 3 96 104 200 16 MZ-VC01/16 -Hmunnghak 58 2 1 3 120 122 242 17 MZ-VC01/17 -Hualngohmun 152 2 1 3 264 291 555 18 MZ-VC01/18 -Keifang 717 5 2 7 1199 1358 2557 19 MZ-VC01/19 -Kelsih 141 2 1 3 250 260 510 20 MZ-VC01/20 -Kepran 150 2 1 3 273 289 562 21 MZ-VC01/21 -Khanpui 260 4 1 5 524 505 1029 22 MZ-VC01/22 -Khawlian 292 4 1 5 668 592 1260 23 MZ-VC01/23 -Khawpuar 76 2 1 3 150 147 297 24 MZ-VC01/24 -Khawruhlian 423 4 1 5 786 794 1580 25 MZ-VC01/25 -Lailak 96 2 1 3 163 144 307 26 MZ-VC01/26 -Lamchhip 125 2 1 3 282 251 533 27 MZ-VC01/27 -Lamherh 106 2 1 3 191 153 344 28 MZ-VC01/28 -Lenchim 65 2 1 3 109 99 208 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 AIZAWLDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:95 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-144/2015 4 29 MZ-VC01/29 - Lengpui 739 5 2 7 975 1075 2050 30 MZ-VC01/30 - Luangpawn 72 2 1 3 162 150 312 31 MZ-VC01/31 - Lungleng-I 158 2 1 3 301 272 573 32 VIZ-VC01/32 - Lungsei 44 2 1 3 83 85 168 33 VIZ-VC01/33 - Lungsum 92 2 1 3 161 156 317 34 VIZ-VC01/34 - Maite 206 4 1 5 300 279 579 35 VIZ-VC01/35 - Maubuang 81 2 1 3 229 223 452 36 MZ-VC01/36 - Mauchar 201 4 1 5 294 298 592 37 MZ-VC01/37 - Melriat 249 4 1 5 375 398 773 38 MZ-VC01/38 - Muallungthu 214 4 1 5 416 418 834 39 MZ-VC01/39 - Mualpheng 135 2 1 3 258 291 549 40 MZ-VC01/40 - Muthi 143 2 1 3 292 294 586 41 MZ-VC01/41 - N.Khawdungsei 34 2 1 3 70 57 127 42 MZ-VC01/42 - N.Khawlek 126 2 1 3 289 256 545 43 MZ-VC01/43 - N.Lungleng 146 2 1 3 267 245 512 44 MZ-VC01/44 - N.Serzawl 105 2 1 3 231 210 441 45 MZ-VC01/45 - N.Tinghmun 127 2 1 3 282 262 544 46 MZ-VC01/46 - N.Lungpher 150 2 1 3 296 274 570 47 MZ-VC01/47 - NETIangnuam 81 2 1 3 180 185 365 48 MZ-VC01/48 - NewVervek 132 2 1 3 248 274 522 49 MZ-VC01/49 - Palsang 69 2 1 3 132 133 265 50 MZ-VC01/50 - Pehlawn 124 2 1 3 252 255 507 51 MZ-VC01/51 - Phuaibuang 350 4 1 5 813 769 1582 52 MZ-VC01/52 - Phullen 308 4 1 5 665 689 1354 53 MZ-VC01/53 - Phulmawi 53 2 1 3 91 89 180 54 MZ-VC01/54 - Phulpui 219 4 1 5 348 368 716 55 MZ-VC01/55 - Ratu 522 5 2 7 853 855 1708 56 MZ-VC01/56 - Ruallung 160 2 1 3 298 301 599 57 MZ-VC01/57 - Rulchawm 204 4 1 5 390 389 779 58 MZ-VC01/58 - Sailam 113 2 1 3 289 303 592 59 MZ-VC01/59 - Sailutar 95 2 1 3 180 186 366 60 MZ-VC01/60 - Sairang 572 5 2 7 943 1009 1952 61 MZ-VC01/61 - SairangDinthar 231 4 1 5 409 404 813 62 MZ-VC01/62 - SairangSihhmui 113 2 1 3 174 191 365 63 MZ-VC01/63 - Saitual-l 379 4 1 5 665 739 1404 64 MZ-VC01/64 - Saitual-II 370 4 1 5 680 706 1386 65 MZ-VC01/65 - Saitual-III 332 4 1 5 550 584 1134 66 MZ-VC01/66 - Sakawrdai 533 5 2 7 812 862 1674 MZ-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-144/2015 5 67 MZ-VC01/67 -Samlukhai 210 4 1 5 465 452 917 68 MZ-VC01/68 -Samtlang 147 2 1 3 315 310 625 69 MZ-VC01/69 -Sateek 206 4 1 5 339 339 678 70 MZ-VC01/70 -Sawleng 263 4 1 5 544 531 1075 71 VIZ-VC01/71 -Seling 448 4 1 5 783 903 1686 72 VIZ-VC01/72 -Sesawng 671 5 2 7 1241 1201 2442 73 VIZ-VC01/73 -Sialsuk 380 4 1 5 756 751 1507 74 VIZ-VC01/74 -Sihfa 192 2 1 3 367 377 744 75 MZ-VC01/75 -Sihphir 714 5 2 7 1348 1445 2793 76 MZ-VC01/76 -SihphirVenghlun 570 5 2 7 1051 1074 2125 77 MZ-VC01/77 -Suangpuilawn 334 4 1 5 627 620 1247 78 MZ-VC01/78 -Sumsuih 187 2 1 3 285 275 560 79 MZ-VC01/79 -Sunhluchhip 68 2 1 3 164 142 306 80 MZ-VC01/80 -Tachhip 215 4 1 5 380 384 764 81 MZ-VC01/81 -Tawizo 76 2 1 3 133 108 241 82 MZ-VC01/82 -Thanglailung 135 2 1 3 286 245 531 83 MZ-VC01/83 -Thiak 130 2 1 3 288 296 584 84 MZ-VC01/84 -Thingsat 36 2 1 3 67 63 130 85 MZ-VC01/85 -ThingsulTIangnuam 241 4 1 5 460 468 928 86 MZ-VC01/86 -Thingsulthliah 691 5 2 7 1221 1359 2580 87 MZ-VC01/87 -Tlungvel 507 5 2 7 879 943 1822 88 MZ-VC01/88 -Tualbung 201 4 1 5 290 260 550 89 MZ-VC01/89 -Tuiriai 193 2 1 3 252 243 495 90 MZ-VC01/90 -TuiriaiAirfield 147 2 1 3 194 206 400 91 MZ-VC01/91 -Vaitin 238 4 1 5 365 362 727 92 MZ-VC01/92 -Vanbawng 192 2 1 3 415 418 833 93 MZ-VC01/93 -Zawngin 91 2 1 3 210 201 411 94 MZ-VC01/94 -Zohmun 217 4 1 5 456 452 908 95 MZ-VC01/95 -Zokhawthiang 34 2 1 3 66 60 126 TOTAL 20485 282 105 387 37380 38042 75422 MZ-VC 01-AIZAW L Ex-144/2015 6 1 MZ-VC02/1 - Aithur 35 2 1 3 52 49 101 2 MZ-VC02/2 - BazarVeng 845 5 2 7 1260 1413 2673 3 MZ-VC02/3 - Belkhai 128 2 1 3 200 193 393 4 MZ-VC02/4 - Belpei 222 4 1 5 247 234 481 5 MZ-VC02/5 - Belthei 103 2 1 3 173 170 343 6 MZ-VC02/6 - Bolia 132 2 1 3 154 147 301 7 MZ-VC02/7 - Bualpui’H’ 145 2 1 3 265 265 530 8 MZ-VC02/8 - Bualpui’V 90 2 1 3 168 172 340 9 MZ-VC02/9 - Bualte 80 2 1 3 141 149 290 10 MZ-VC02/10 - Buarpui 221 4 1 5 462 454 916 11 MZ-VC02/11 - Buknuam 41 2 1 3 78 65 143 12 MZ-VC02/12 - BunghmunW 200 2 1 3 370 355 725 13 MZ-VC02/13 - BungtlangW 43 2 1 3 81 77 158 14 MZ-VC02/14 - Changpui 77 2 1 3 131 141 272 15 MZ-VC02/15 - Chanmari 1021 6 3 9 1382 1559 2941 16 MZ-VC02/16 - Chawilung‘S’ 49 2 1 3 105 99 204 17 MZ-VC02/17 - Chawngte’L’ 171 2 1 3 348 391 739 18 MZ-VC02/18 - Chengkawllui 214 4 1 5 221 196 417 19 MZ-VC02/19 - Chengpui 31 2 1 3 38 39 77 20 MZ-VC02/20 - Cherhlun 402 4 1 5 817 788 1605 21 MZ-VC02/21 - Chhipphir 274 4 1 5 464 467 931 22 MZ-VC02/22 - Chithar 53 2 1 3 89 91 180 23 MZ-VC02/23 - CollegeVeng 245 4 1 5 418 455 873 24 MZ-VC02/24 - Darngawn’W 77 2 1 3 165 155 320 25 MZ-VC02/25 - Darzo 221 4 1 5 465 474 939 26 MZ-VC02/26 - Dawn 71 2 1 3 113 123 236 27 MZ-VC02/27 - Dengsur 61 2 1 3 145 131 276 28 MZ-VC02/28 - Diblibagh 244 4 1 5 637 534 1171 29 MZ-VC02/29 - Electricveng 923 5 2 7 1294 1356 2650 30 MZ-VC02/30 - Farmveng 382 4 1 5 636 687 1323 31 MZ-VC02/31 - Haulawng 528 5 2 7 791 770 1561 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 LUNGLEIDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:145 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 02-LUNGLEI 32 MZ-VC02/32-Hauruang 230 4 1 5 395 375 770 33 MZ-VC02/33-Hlumte 30 2 1 3 59 49 108 34 MZ-VC02/34-Hmundo 215 4 1 5 219 144 363 35 MZ-VC02/35-Hmuntlang 21 2 1 3 45 42 87 36 MZ-VC02/36-Hnahthial’N’-I 436 4 1 5 738 795 1533 37 MZ-VC02/37-Hnahthial’N’-II 358 4 1 5 655 660 1315 38 MZ-VC02/38-Hnahthial’S’-l 417 4 1 5 806 815 1621 39 MZ-VC02/39-Hnahthial’S’-II 236 4 1 5 366 404 770 40 MZ-VC02/40-Hrangchalkawn 114 2 1 3 203 234 437 41 MZ-VC02/41-Kalapani 206 4 1 5 224 197 421 42 MZ-VC02/42-Kanghmun‘S’ 88 2 1 3 190 158 348 43 MZ-VC02/43-Kauchhuah 87 2 1 3 155 159 314 44 MZ-VC02/44-Kawlhawk 33 2 1 3 46 44 90 45 MZ-VC02/45-Kawnpui’W 42 2 1 3 75 64 139 46 MZ-VC02/46-Khawhri 64 2 1 3 113 126 239 47 MZ-VC02/47-Khawlek’S’ 49 2 1 3 99 84 183 48 MZ-VC02/48-Khawmawi 204 4 1 5 282 268 550 49 MZ-VC02/49-Khojoysury 106 2 1 3 564 450 1014 50 MZ-VC02/50-Laisawral 133 2 1 3 269 233 502 51 MZ-VC02/51-Lalnutui 50 2 1 3 54 59 113 52 MZ-VC02/52-Leite 142 2 1 3 271 282 553 53 MZ-VC02/53-Luangmual 400 4 1 5 548 506 1054 54 MZ-VC02/54-Lungchem 71 2 1 3 138 131 269 55 MZ-VC02/55-Lungdai’S’ 43 2 1 3 71 81 152 56 MZ-VC02/56-Lunglawn 596 5 2 7 980 1072 2052 57 MZ-VC02/57-Lungmawi 38 2 1 3 95 84 179 58 MZ-VC02/58-Lungpuitlang 32 2 1 3 67 68 135 59 MZ-VC02/59-Lungpuizawl 116 2 1 3 180 183 363 60 MZ-VC02/60-Lungrang‘S’ 277 4 1 5 529 480 1009 61 MZ-VC02/61-Lungsen-I 349 4 1 5 540 552 1092 62 MZ-VC02/62-Lungsen-ll 293 4 1 5 503 539 1042 63 MZ-VC02/63-Malsury 353 4 1 5 427 342 769 64 MZ-VC02/64-Mamte 82 2 1 3 188 158 346 65 MZ-VC02/65-Marpara’S’ 413 4 1 5 760 684 1444 66 MZ-VC02/66-Mausen 52 2 1 3 63 81 144 67 MZ-VC02/67-Mautlang 41 2 1 3 60 60 120 68 MZ-VC02/68-Mauzam 56 2 1 3 109 82 191 69 MZ-VC02/69-Mualcheng‘S’ 130 2 1 3 293 255 548 70 MZ-VC02/70-Muallianpui 209 4 1 5 332 358 690 MZ-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-144/2015 7 32 MZ-VC02/32-Hauruang 230 4 1 5 395 375 770 33 MZ-VC02/33-Hlumte 30 2 1 3 59 49 108 34 MZ-VC02/34-Hmundo 215 4 1 5 219 144 363 35 MZ-VC02/35-Hmuntlang 21 2 1 3 45 42 87 36 MZ-VC02/36-Hnahthial’N1-I 436 4 1 5 738 0.795 1533 37 MZ-VC02/37-Hnahthial’N1-II 358 4 1 5 655 660 1315 38 MZ-VC02/38-Hnahthial’S’-l 417 4 1 5 806 815 1621 39 MZ-VC02/39-Hnahthial’S’-II 236 4 1 5 366 404 770 40 MZ-VC02/40-Hrangchalkawn 114 2 1 3 203 234 437 41 MZ-VC02/41-Kalapani 206 4 1 5 224 197 421 42 MZ-VC02/42-Kanghmun‘S’ 88 2 1 3 190 158 348 43 MZ-VC02/43-Kauchhuah 87 2 1 3 155 159 314 44 MZ-VC02/44-Kawlhawk 33 2 1 3 46 44 90 45 MZ-VC02/45-Kawnpui’W 42 2 1 3 75 64 139 46 MZ-VC02/46-Khawhri 64 2 1 3 113 126 239 47 MZ-VC02/47-Khawlek’S1 49 2 1 3 99 84 183 48 MZ-VC02/48-Khawmawi 204 4 1 5 282 268 550 49 MZ-VC02/49-Khojoysury 106 2 1 3 564 450 1014 50 MZ-VC02/50-Laisawral 133 2 1 3 269 233 502 51 MZ-VC02/51-Lalnutui 50 2 1 3 54 59 113 52 MZ-VC02/52-Leite 142 2 1 3 271 282 553 53 MZ-VC02/53-Luangmual 400 4 1 5 548 506 1054 54 MZ-VC02/54-Lungchem 71 2 1 3 138 131 269 55 MZ-VC02/55-Lungdai’S’ 43 2 1 3 71 81 152 56 MZ-VC02/56-Lunglawn 596 5 2 7 980 1072 2052 57 MZ-VC02/57-Lungmawi 38 2 1 3 95 84 179 58 MZ-VC02/58-Lungpuitlang 32 2 1 3 67 68 135 59 MZ-VC02/59-Lungpuizawl 116 2 1 3 180 183 363 60 MZ-VC02/60-Lungrang‘S’ 277 4 1 5 529 480 1009 61 MZ-VC02/61-Lungsen-I 349 4 1 5 540 552 1092 62 MZ-VC02/62-Lungsen-ll 293 4 1 5 503 539 1042 63 MZ-VC02/63-Malsury 353 4 1 5 427 342 769 64 MZ-VC02/64-Mamte 82 2 1 3 188 158 346 65 MZ-VC02/65-Marpara’S’ 413 4 1 5 760 684 1444 66 MZ-VC02/66-Mausen 52 2 1 3 63 81 144 67 MZ-VC02/67-Mautlang 41 2 1 3 60 60 120 68 MZ-VC02/68-Mauzam 56 2 1 3 109 82 191 69 MZ-VC02/69-Mualcheng‘S’ 130 2 1 3 293 255 548 70 MZ-VC02/70-Muallianpui 209 4 1 5 332 358 690 MZ-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-144/2015 8 71 MZ-VC02/71-Mualthuam ‘N’ 278 4 1 5 492 470 962 72 MZ-VC02/72-Mualthuam ‘S’ 85 2 1 3 168 142 310 73 MZ-VC02/73-NewNgharchhip 63 2 1 3 130 121 251 74 MZ-VC02/74-NewSachan 126 2 1 3 166 155 321 75 MZ-VC02/75-Ngharchhip 45 2 1 3 91 79 170 76 MZ-VC02/76-Nunsury-I 326 4 1 5 338 324 662 77 MZ-VC02/77-Nunsury-ll 121 2 1 3 132 128 260 78 MZ-VC02/78-Pangzawl 555 5 2 7 885 933 1818 79 MZ-VC02/79-Phaileng‘S’ 49 2 1 3 92 96 188 80 MZ-VC02/80-Phairuangkai 219 4 1 5 343 342 685 81 MZ-VC02/81-Puankhai 113 2 1 3 262 179 441 82 MZ-VC02/82-Pukpui 346 4 1 5 579 596 1175 83 MZ-VC02/83-Putlungasih 261 4 1 5 429 420 849 84 MZ-VC02/84-Rahsiveng 836 5 2 7 1263 1389 2652 85 MZ-VC02/85-Ralvawng 79 2 1 3 134 140 274 86 MZ-VC02/86-Ramlaitui 97 2 1 3 190 201 391 87 MZ-VC02/87-Ramtharveng 754 5 2 7 1156 1179 2335 88 MZ-VC02/88-Rangte 130 2 1 3 265 249 514 89 MZ-VC02/89-Rawpui 190 2 1 3 277 293 570 90 MZ-VC02/90-Rotlang’E’ 114 2 1 3 233 229 462 91 MZ-VC02/91 -Rotlang’W 103 2 1 3 165 159 324 92 MZ-VC02/92-Rualalung 66 2 1 3 148 142 290 93 MZ-VC02/93-Runtung 28 2 1 3 52 51 103 94 MZ-VC02/94-S.Chawngtui 102 2 1 3 181 169 350 95 MZ-VC02/95-S.Lungleng 27 2 1 3 48 50 98 96 MZ-VC02/96-S.Vanlaiphai 313 4 1 5 635 714 1349 97 MZ-VC02/97-Sachan 80 2 1 3 120 111 231 98 MZ-VC02/98- 20 2 1 3 32 36 68 99 MZ-VC02/99-Sairep - - - 76 76 152 100 MZ-VC02/100-Salem 320 4 1 5 524 559 1083 101 MZ-VC02/101-Sazaikawn 100 2 1 3 117 130 247 102 MZ-VC02/102-Sekhum 65 2 1 3 123 100 223 103 MZ-VC02/103-Serkawn 578 5 2 7 801 903 1704 104 MZ-VC02/104-Serte 80 2 1 3 154 133 287 105 MZ-VC02/105-Sertlangpui 103 2 1 3 197 171 368 106 MZ-VC02/106-Sesawm 63 2 1 3 128 113 241 107 MZ-VC02/107-Sethlun 216 4 1 5 311 351 662 108 MZ-VC02/108-Silkur 105 2 1 3 203 194 397 MZ-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-144/2015 9 109 MZ-VC02/109-Sumasumi 37 2 1 3 92 48 140 110 MZ-VC02/110-Tablabagh 223 4 1 5 406 384 790 111 MZ-VC02/111-Tarpho 68 2 1 3 116 108 224 112 MZ-VC02/112-Tawipui’N’-l 151 2 1 3 199 215 414 113 MZ-VC02/113-Tawipui’N’-II 182 2 1 3 267 281 548 114 MZ-VC02/114-Tawipui’S’ 269 4 1 5 458 484 942 115 MZ-VC02/115-Thaizawl 63 2 1 3 113 117 230 116 MZ-VC02/116-Thangpui 29 2 1 3 36 41 77 117 MZ-VC02/117-Thangte 31 2 1 3 52 49 101 118 MZ-VC02/118-Thehlep 18 2 1 3 22 21 43 119 MZ-VC02/119-Theiriat 356 4 1 5 701 756 1457 120 MZ-VC02/120-Thenhlum 219 4 1 5 362 343 705 121 MZ-VC02/121-Thiltlang 229 4 1 5 404 400 804 122 MZ-VC02/122-Thingfal 325 4 1 5 510 552 1062 123 MZ-VC02/123-Thingsai 438 4 1 5 762 776 1538 124 MZ-VC02/124-Thlengang 37 2 1 3 55 54 109 125 MZ-VC02/125-Thualthu 122 2 1 3 195 184 379 126 MZ-VC02/126-Thuampui 100 2 1 3 156 154 310 127 MZ-VC02/127-Tiperaghat 374 4 1 5 466 396 862 128 MZ-VC02/128-Tlabung 846 5 2 7 1009 1070 2079 129 MZ-VC02/129-Tuichawng 335 4 1 5 683 608 1291 130 MZ-VC02/130-Tuipui’D’ 207 4 1 5 312 277 589 131 MZ-VC02/131-Tuisenchhuah 121 2 1 3 244 246 490 132 MZ-VC02/132-UpperLungrang’S’ 48 2 1 3 82 77 159 133 MZ-VC02/133-Vaisam 59 2 1 3 113 90 203 134 MZ-VC02/134-Vanhne 201 4 1 5 229 252 481 135 MZ-VC02/135-Venghlun 353 4 1 5 617 677 1294 136 MZ-VC02/136-Venglai 688 5 2 7 879 1088 1967 137 MZ-VC02/137-Zawlpui 290 4 1 5 393 365 758 138 MZ-VC02/138-Zehtet 84 2 1 3 133 114 247 139 MZ-VC02/139-Zobawk’N’ 275 4 1 5 446 493 939 140 MZ-VC02/140-Zobawk’S’ 390 4 1 5 656 736 1392 MZ-VC 02-LUNGLEI Ex-144/2015 10 141 MZ-VC02/141-Zodin 565 5 2 7 693 640 1333 142 MZ-VC02/142-Zohnuai 266 4 1 5 518 581 1099 143 MZ-VC02/143-Zote’S’ 126 2 1 3 289 263 552 144 MZ-VC02/144-Zotlang 440 4 1 5 819 863 1682 145 MZ-VC02/145-Zotuitlang 104 2 1 3 190 187 377 TOTAL 29966 423 157 580 48938 49374 98312 Ex-144/2015 11 1 MZ-VC03/1 -BaktawngTlangnuam 265 4 1 5 584 645 1229 2 MZ-VC03/2 -BaktawngVengpui 254 4 1 5 511 510 1021 3 MZ-VC03/3 -Bawktlang 53 2 1 3 98 108 206 4 MZ-VC03/4 -Biate 513 5 2 7 849 878 1727 5 MZ-VC03/5 -Buangpui 80 2 1 3 118 117 235 6 MZ-VC03/6 -Bungtlang 375 4 1 5 656 696 1352 7 MZ-VC03/7 -Chekawn 50 2 1 3 97 91 188 8 MZ-VC03/8 -Chhiahtlang 729 5 2 7 1367 1434 2801 9 MZ-VC03/9 -Chhingchhip 339 4 1 5 665 714 1379 10 MZ-VC03/10 -E.Lungdar 680 5 2 7 1032 1090 2122 11 MZ-VC03/11 -Hmawngkawn 31 2 1 3 60 61 121 12 MZ-VC03/12 -Hmuntha 110 2 1 3 243 243 486 13 MZ-VC03/13 -Hmunzawl 79 2 1 3 163 143 306 14 MZ-VC03/14 -Hriangtlang 89 2 1 3 189 175 364 15 MZ-VC03/15 -Hualtu 205 4 1 5 342 296 638 16 MZ-VC03/16 -Keitum 362 4 1 5 657 650 1307 17 MZ-VC03/17 -Khawbel 102 2 1 3 194 182 376 18 MZ-VC03/18 -Khawlailung 519 5 2 7 765 767 1532 19 MZ-VC03/19 -Khumtung 213 4 1 5 401 423 824 20 MZ-VC03/20 -Leng 164 2 1 3 261 272 533 21 MZ-VC03/21 -Lungchhuan 118 2 1 3 218 226 444 22 MZ-VC03/22 -Lungkawlh 128 2 1 3 247 250 497 23 MZ-VC03/23 -Lungpho 189 2 1 3 311 290 601 24 MZ-VC03/24 -Mualcheng 231 4 1 5 477 445 922 25 MZ-VC03/25 -MualpuiChhingchhip 281 4 1 5 528 529 1057 26 MZ-VC03/26 -N.Vanlaiphai 653 5 2 7 1180 1238 2418 27 MZ-VC03/27 -Neihloh 54 2 1 3 114 95 209 28 MZ-VC03/28 -NewSerchhipNorth 404 4 1 5 671 687 1358 29 MZ-VC03/29 -NewSerchhipSouth 411 4 1 5 586 659 1245 30 MZ-VC03/30 -Ngentiang 120 2 1 3 191 170 361 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 SERCHHIPDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:49 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 03-SERCHHIP Ex-144/2015 12 31 MZ-VC03/31 -Piler 70 2 1 3 139 142 281 32 MZ-VC03/32 -Rullam 83 2 1 3 181 147 328 33 MZ-VC03/33 -Sailulak 150 2 1 3 305 285 590 34 MZ-VC03/34 -Serchhip-I 291 4 1 5 527 596 1123 35 VIZ-VC03/35 -Serchhip-II 417 4 1 5 698 760 1458 36 VIZ-VC03/36 -Serchhip-III 208 4 1 5 383 390 773 37 MZ-VC03/37 -Serchhip-IV 231 4 1 5 373 433 806 38 MZ-VC03/38 -Serchhip-V 218 4 1 5 311 349 660 39 MZ-VC03/39 -Serchhip-VI 218 4 1 5 349 387 736 40 MZ-VC03/40 -Serchhip-VII 413 4 1 5 673 767 1440 41 MZ-VC03/41 -Serchhip-VIII 380 4 1 5 600 645 1245 42 MZ-VC03/42 -Sialhau 88 2 1 3 178 167 345 43 MZ-VC03/43 -Sialsir 54 2 1 3 117 113 230 44 MZ-VC03/44 -Thentlang 105 2 1 3 227 209 436 45 MZ-VC03/45 -ThenzawlEast 775 5 2 7 1177 1250 2427 46 MZ-VC03/46 -ThenzawlKanan 207 4 1 5 238 236 474 47 MZ-VC03/47 -ThenzawlVengthar 73 2 1 3 101 126 227 48 MZ-VC03/48 -ThenzawlW est 510 5 2 7 844 950 1794 49 MZ-VC03/49 -Thinglian 56 2 1 3 136 133 269 TOTAL 12348 159 56 215 21332 22169 43501 Ex-144/2015 13 MZ-VC 03-SERCHHIP 1 MZ-VC04/1 - Aiduzawl 63 2 1 3 101 105 206 2 MZ-VC04/2 - Arro 33 2 1 3 55 45 100 3 MZ-VC04/3 - Bethel 513 5 2 7 903 1001 1904 4 MZ-VC04/4 - Buang 83 2 1 3 140 122 262 5 MZ-VC04/5 - Bulfekzawl 69 2 1 3 108 99 207 6 MZ-VC04/6 - Bungzung 222 4 1 5 335 372 707 7 MZ-VC04/7 - Chalrang 118 2 1 3 235 234 469 8 MZ-VC04/8 - ChamphaiVengthar 278 4 1 5 493 531 1024 9 MZ-VC04/9 - Changzawl 93 2 1 3 188 146 334 10 MZ-VC04/10 - Chawngtlai 292 4 1 5 586 535 1121 11 MZ-VC04/11 - ChawngtuiE 61 2 1 3 83 70 153 12 MZ-VC04/12 - Chhawrtui 220 4 1 5 343 326 669 13 MZ-VC04/13 - Chhungte 42 2 1 3 61 69 130 14 MZ-VC04/14 - Chiahpui 128 2 1 3 305 271 576 15 MZ-VC04/15 - Dilkawn 202 4 1 5 254 240 494 16 MZ-VC04/16 - Dinthar 177 2 1 3 199 204 403 17 MZ-VC04/17 - Dulte 206 4 1 5 302 324 626 18 MZ-VC04/18 - Dungtlang 208 4 1 5 263 284 547 19 MZ-VC04/19 - ElectricVeng 265 4 1 5 423 489 912 20 MZ-VC04/20 - Farkawn 557 5 2 7 874 860 1734 21 MZ-VC04/21 - Hliappui 284 4 1 5 590 554 1144 22 MZ-VC04/22 - Hmuncheng 71 2 1 3 100 74 174 23 MZ-VC04/23 - Hmunhmeltha 237 4 1 5 469 457 926 24 MZ-VC04/24 - Hnahlan 527 5 2 7 898 885 1783 25 MZ-VC04/25 - Hrianghmun 94 2 1 3 221 201 422 26 MZ-VC04/26 - Hruaikawn 83 2 1 3 117 103 220 27 MZ-VC04/27 - Kahrawt 406 4 1 5 729 813 1542 28 MZ-VC04/28 - Kanan 543 5 2 7 675 755 1430 29 MZ-VC04/29 - Kawlbem 217 4 1 5 434 440 874 30 MZ-VC04/30 - Kawlkulh 507 5 2 7 607 587 1194 31 MZ-VC04/31 - KawlkulhNorth 244 4 1 5 426 470 896 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 CHAMPHAIDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:108 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 04-CHAMPHAI Ex-144/2015 14 32 MZ-VC04/32 - Kelkang 205 4 1 5 313 328 641 33 MZ-VC04/33 - Khankawn 151 2 1 3 215 177 392 34 MZ-VC04/34 - KhawbungSouth 505 5 2 7 703 722 1425 35 MZ-VC04/35 - Khawhai 514 5 2 7 883 828 1711 36 MZ-VC04/36 - Khawkawn 139 2 1 3 309 289 598 37 MZ-VC04/37 - KhawzawlHermon 245 4 1 5 423 442 865 38 MZ-VC04/38 - KhawzawlKawnzar 153 2 1 3 222 219 441 39 MZ-VC04/39 - Khawzawl-I(Electric) 243 4 1 5 313 315 628 40 MZ-VC04/40 - Khawzawl-II(Vengthar) 541 5 2 7 748 836 1584 41 MZ-VC04/41 - Khawzawl-lll(Dinthar) 238 4 1 5 364 375 739 42 MZ-VC04/42 - KhawzawlIV(Zuchhip/Zaingen) 524 5 2 7 741 746 1487 43 MZ-VC04/43 - Khawzawl-V(Arro/Darngawn) 282 4 1 5 520 527 1047 44 MZ-VC04/44 - Khualen 41 2 1 3 76 64 140 45 MZ-VC04/45 - Khuangleng 367 4 1 5 517 539 1056 46 MZ-VC04/46 - Khuangphah 128 2 1 3 179 182 361 47 MZ-VC04/47 - Khuangthing 304 4 1 5 456 426 882 48 MZ-VC04/48 - Lamzawl 60 2 1 3 126 122 248 49 MZ-VC04/49 - Leisenzo 207 4 1 5 275 291 566 50 MZ-VC04/50 - Leithum 93 2 1 3 193 190 383 51 MZ-VC04/51 - Lianpui 126 2 1 3 204 203 407 52 MZ-VC04/52 - Lungphunlian 60 2 1 3 122 113 235 53 MZ-VC04/53 - Lungtan 93 2 1 3 212 201 413 54 MZ-VC04/54 - Lungvar 131 2 1 3 160 146 306 55 MZ-VC04/55 - Melbuk 116 2 1 3 156 147 303 56 MZ-VC04/56 - Mimbung 333 4 1 5 713 682 1395 57 MZ-VC04/57 - Mualkawi 116 2 1 3 225 218 443 58 MZ-VC04/58 - Murlen 71 2 1 3 145 126 271 59 MZ-VC04/59 - N.Diltlang 47 2 1 3 106 91 197 60 MZ-VC04/60 - N.Khawbung 211 4 1 5 277 270 547 61 MZ-VC04/61 - NE.Khawdungsei 360 4 1 5 711 693 1404 62 MZ-VC04/62 - Neihdawn 98 2 1 3 192 201 393 63 MZ-VC04/63 - NewChalrang 104 2 1 3 196 207 403 64 MZ-VC04/64 - NewChamphai 211 4 1 5 286 303 589 65 MZ-VC04/65 - NewHruaikawn 42 2 1 3 44 40 84 66 MZ-VC04/66 - Ngaizawl 123 2 1 3 209 199 408 67 MZ-VC04/67 - Nqopa 764 5 2 7 1332 1372 2704 68 MZ-VC04/68 - Ngur 257 4 1 5 432 476 908 69 MZ-VC04/69 - Pamchung 68 2 1 3 94 84 178 70 MZ-VC04/70 - Pawlrang 231 4 1 5 315 350 665 Ex-144/2015 15 MZ-VC 04-CHAMPHAI 71 MZ-VC04/71 - Puilo 72 2 1 3 149 129 278 72 MZ-VC04/72 - Rabung 254 4 1 5 515 481 996 73 MZ-VC04/73 - Riangtlei 81 2 1 3 152 136 288 74 MZ-VC04/74 - Ruantlang 336 4 1 5 603 636 1239 75 MZ-VC04/75 - Saichal 154 2 1 3 334 310 644 76 MZ-VC04/76 - Samthang 221 4 1 5 351 336 687 77 MZ-VC04/77 - Sazep 130 2 1 3 204 186 390 78 MZ-VC04/78 - Selam 208 4 1 5 305 267 572 79 MZ-VC04/79 - Sesih 279 4 1 5 364 393 757 80 MZ-VC04/80 - Sialhawk 438 4 1 5 741 780 1521 81 MZ-VC04/81 - Teikhang 231 4 1 5 524 487 1011 82 MZ-VC04/82 - Thekpui 75 2 1 3 98 95 193 83 MZ-VC04/83 - Thekte 111 2 1 3 148 132 280 84 MZ-VC04/84 - Tlangmawi 49 2 1 3 75 78 153 85 MZ-VC04/85 - Tlangpui 123 2 1 3 265 252 517 86 MZ-VC04/86 - Tlangsam 348 4 1 5 609 614 1223 87 MZ-VC04/87 - Tualcheng 130 2 1 3 255 247 502 88 MZ-VC04/88 - Tualpui 97 2 1 3 190 198 388 89 MZ-VC04/89 - Tualte 214 4 1 5 402 381 783 90 MZ-VC04/90 - Tuipui 97 2 1 3 144 155 299 91 MZ-VC04/91 - Vaikhawtlang 212 4 1 5 282 278 560 92 MZ-VC04/92 - Vanchengpui 108 2 1 3 235 237 472 93 MZ-VC04/93 - Vangchhia 120 2 1 3 239 247 486 94 MZ-VC04/94 - Vangtlang 94 2 1 3 195 166 361 95 MZ-VC04/95 - Vankal 57 2 1 3 130 97 227 96 MZ-VC04/96 - Vanzau 151 2 1 3 264 240 504 97 MZ-VC04/97 - Vapar 119 2 1 3 252 233 485 98 MZ-VC04/98 - 566 5 2 7 729 690 1419 99 MZ-VC04/99 - Venglai - - - 913 981 1894 100 MZ-VC04/100 - Vengsang 550 5 2 7 927 1003 1930 101 MZ-VC04/101 - Vengthlang 612 5 2 7 1066 1204 2270 102 MZ-VC04/102 - VengthlangNorth 210 4 1 5 354 413 767 103 MZ-VC04/103 - Zawlsei 106 2 1 3 178 182 360 104 MZ-VC04/104 - Zawngtetui 44 2 1 3 61 55 116 105 MZ-VC04/105 - ZionVeng 208 4 1 5 292 314 606 106 MZ-VC04/106 - Zokhawthar 503 5 2 7 538 570 1108 107 MZ-VC04/107 - Zote 275 4 1 5 487 509 996 108 MZ-VC04/108 - Zotlang’E’ 505 5 2 7 736 767 1503 TOTAL 23633 339 122 461 39530 39885 79415 Ex-144/2015 16 MZ-VC 04-CHAMPHAI 1 MZ-VC05/1 - Ailawng 147 2 1 3 223 228 451 2 MZ-VC05/2 - Andermanik 283 4 1 5 295 243 538 3 MZ-VC05/3 - Bawlte 63 2 1 3 95 97 192 4 MZ-VC05/4 - Bawngthah 76 2 1 3 131 129 260 5 MZ-VC05/5 - Bawngva 181 2 1 3 210 202 412 6 MZ-VC05/6 - Belkhai 146 2 1 3 146 115 261 7 MZ-VC05/7 - Borai,Zawlnuam 235 4 1 5 316 349 665 8 MZ-VC05/8 - BunghmunW est 214 4 1 5 264 248 512 9 MZ-VC05/9 - Bungthuam 205 4 1 5 287 275 562 10 MZ-VC05/10 - Chhippui/Kawnmawi 179 2 1 3 274 272 546 11 MZ-VC05/11 - Chuhvel 117 2 1 3 153 150 303 12 MZ-VC05/12 - Chungtlang 88 2 1 3 154 135 289 13 MZ-VC05/13 - Damdiai 160 2 1 3 185 158 343 14 MZ-VC05/14 - Damparengpui 547 5 2 7 628 548 1176 15 MZ-VC05/15 - Dampui 200 2 1 3 277 264 541 16 MZ-VC05/16 - Dapchhuah 207 4 1 5 267 240 507 17 MZ-VC05/17 - Darlak 219 4 1 5 282 278 560 18 MZ-VC05/18 - Darlung 215 4 1 5 344 325 669 19 MZ-VC05/19 - Hmunpui 276 4 1 5 428 389 817 20 MZ-VC05/20 - Hnahva 267 4 1 5 271 241 512 21 MZ-VC05/21 - Hreichuk 61 2 1 3 81 68 149 22 MZ-VC05/22 - Hriphaw 203 4 1 5 260 288 548 23 MZ-VC05/23 - Hruiduk 217 4 1 5 220 204 424 24 MZ-VC05/24 - Kanghmun 256 4 1 5 373 382 755 25 MZ-VC05/25 - Kanhmun 399 4 1 5 511 532 1043 26 MZ-VC05/26 - Kawrtethawveng 401 4 1 5 738 698 1436 27 MZ-VC05/27 - KawrthahNorth 253 4 1 5 418 428 846 28 MZ-VC05/28 - KawrthahSouth 401 4 1 5 605 643 1248 29 MZ-VC05/29 - Khantlang 141 2 1 3 140 115 255 30 MZ-VC05/30 - Khawhnai 104 2 1 3 137 125 262 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 MAMITDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:87 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 05-MAMIT Ex-144/2015 17 31 MZ-VC05/31 - Khawrihnim 222 4 1 5 311 333 644 32 MZ-VC05/32 - Kolalian 183 2 1 3 173 162 335 33 MZ-VC05/33 - Lallen 154 2 1 3 300 285 585 34 MZ-VC05/34 - Lengte 132 2 1 3 163 166 329 35 MZ-VC05/35 - Luangpawl 215 4 1 5 196 186 382 36 MZ-VC05/36 - Luimawi 102 2 1 3 117 132 249 37 MZ-VC05/37 - Lungphun 96 2 1 3 143 129 272 38 MZ-VC05/38 - MamitBazarVeng 218 4 1 5 268 288 556 39 MZ-VC05/39 - MamitChhim Veng 435 4 1 5 560 574 1134 40 MZ-VC05/40 - MamitHmarVeng 307 4 1 5 506 592 1098 41 MZ-VC05/41 - MamitVenghlun 248 4 1 5 372 419 791 42 MZ-VC05/42 - MarparaMizoVeng 86 2 1 3 97 103 200 43 MZ-VC05/43 - MarparaNorth 335 4 1 5 437 426 863 44 MZ-VC05/44 - Mualthuam 237 4 1 5 234 209 443 45 MZ-VC05/45 - Nalzawl 162 2 1 3 187 173 360 46 MZ-VC05/46 - NewEden 120 2 1 3 131 102 233 47 MZ-VC05/47 - NewMamit 248 4 1 5 336 343 679 48 MZ-VC05/48 - NewW estPhaileng 408 4 1 5 687 645 1332 49 MZ-VC05/49 - Nghalchawm 109 2 1 3 137 135 272 50 MZ-VC05/50 - NorthSabual 81 2 1 3 113 97 210 51 MZ-VC05/51- - Parvatui(Zopui) 56 2 1 3 129 115 244 52 MZ-VC05/52 - Phaizau 73 2 1 3 94 79 173 53 MZ-VC05/53 - Phuldungsei 386 4 1 5 573 541 1114 54 MZ-VC05/54 - PhulpuiW est 139 2 1 3 169 155 324 55 MZ-VC05/55 - Pukzing 109 2 1 3 158 135 293 56 MZ-VC05/56 - PukzingVengthar 86 2 1 3 99 93 192 57 MZ-VC05/57 - RajivNagar-l 507 5 2 7 568 519 1087 58 MZ-VC05/58 - RajivNagar-II 308 4 1 5 347 318 665 59 MZ-VC05/59 - Rawpuichhip 308 4 1 5 493 548 1041 60 MZ-VC05/60 - Reiek 401 4 1 5 576 589 1165 61 MZ-VC05/61 - Rengdil 365 4 1 5 548 556 1104 62 MZ-VC05/62 - Rulpuihlim 92 2 1 3 138 139 277 63 MZ-VC05/63 - Saikhawthlir 134 2 1 3 198 178 376 64 MZ-VC05/64 - Saithah 82 2 1 3 126 124 250 65 MZ-VC05/65 - SerhmunW est 211 4 1 5 281 251 532 66 MZ-VC05/66 - Sihthiang 263 4 1 5 328 304 632 67 MZ-VC05/67 - SilsuryEast 397 4 1 5 375 249 624 68 MZ-VC05/68 - SilsuryW est 407 4 1 5 393 283 676 69 MZ-VC05/69 - SouthSabual 119 2 1 3 202 189 391 MZ-VC 05-MAMIT Ex-144/2015 18 Ex-144/2015 19 70 MZ-VC05/70 - Suarhliap 136 2 1 3 238 208 446 71 MZ-VC05/71 - TeireiForestVeng 114 2 1 3 118 103 221 72 MZ-VC05/72 - Thaidawr 192 2 1 3 211 175 386 73 MZ-VC05/73 - Thinghlun 230 4 1 5 281 290 571 74 MZ-VC05/74 - Tuahzawl 103 2 1 3 153 162 315 75 VIZ-VC05/75 - Tuidam 367 4 1 5 554 568 1122 76 VIZ-VC05/76 - Tuipuibari-I 577 5 2 7 586 564 1150 77 VIZ-VC05/77 - Tuirum 88 2 1 3 151 130 281 78 MZ-VC05/78 - Tumpanglui 121 2 1 3 118 112 230 79 MZ-VC05/79 - Vawngawnzo 66 2 1 3 39 59 98 80 MZ-VC05/80 - W estLungdar 209 4 1 5 248 252 500 81 MZ-VC05/81 - W estPhaileng 432 4 1 5 737 715 1452 82 MZ-VC05/82 - W estSerzawl 108 2 1 3 144 131 275 83 MZ-VC05/83 - Zamuang 207 4 1 5 345 354 699 84 MZ-VC05/84 - Zawlnuam Thuampui 204 4 1 5 234 237 471 85 MZ-VC05/85 - Zawlnuam Vengpui 422 4 1 5 558 606 1164 86 MZ-VC05/86 - Zawlpui 60 2 1 3 103 111 214 87 MZ-VC05/87 - Zomuantlang 165 2 1 3 159 137 296 Total 18803 267 90 357 24953 24147 49100 MZ-VC 05-MAMIT 1 MZ-VC06/1 -BairabiNorth 691 5 2 7 717 780 1497 2 MZ-VC06/2 -BairabiSouth 332 4 1 5 432 442 874 3 MZ-VC06/3 -BilkhawthlirNorth 489 4 1 5 676 728 1404 4 MZ-VC06/4 -BilkhawthlirSouth 574 5 2 7 858 888 1746 5 MZ-VC06/5 -BualpuiNorth 241 4 1 5 348 364 712 6 MZ-VC06/6 -Buhchangphai 212 4 1 5 254 271 525 7 MZ-VC06/7 -Bukpui 205 4 1 5 404 367 771 8 MZ-VC06/8 -Bukvannei 94 2 1 3 102 107 209 9 MZ-VC06/9 -Hortoki 545 5 2 7 828 854 1682 10 MZ-VC06/10 -Kawnpui-I 580 5 2 7 999 1104 2103 11 MZ-VC06/11 -Kawnpui-ll 547 5 2 7 770 706 1476 12 MZ-VC06/12 -Kawnpui-lll 331 4 1 5 504 570 1074 13 MZ-VC06/13 -Khamrang 119 2 1 3 139 128 267 14 MZ-VC06/14 -KolasibCollegeVeng 230 4 1 5 408 427 835 15 MZ-VC06/15 -KolasibDiakkawn 645 5 2 7 1108 1248 2356 16 MZ-VC06/16 -KolasibElectricVeng 258 4 1 5 432 509 941 17 MZ-VC06/17 -KolasibGosenVeng 59 2 1 3 74 95 169 18 MZ-VC06/18 -KolasibHmarveng 538 5 2 7 906 987 1893 19 MZ-VC06/19 -KolasibKhuangpuilam 239 4 1 5 404 400 804 20 MZ-VC06/20 -KolasibNewDiakkawn 449 4 1 5 645 704 1349 21 MZ-VC06/21 -KolasibProjectVeng 301 4 1 5 389 454 843 22 MZ-VC06/22 -KolasibRengtekawn 202 4 1 5 385 361 746 23 MZ-VC06/23 -KolasibTumpui 318 4 1 5 606 647 1253 24 MZ-VC06/24 -KolasibVenglai 894 5 2 7 1418 1638 3056 25 MZ-VC06/25 -KolasibVengthar 536 5 2 7 797 830 1627 26 MZ-VC06/26 -Lungdai 516 5 2 7 840 823 1663 27 MZ-VC06/27 -Lungmuat 149 2 1 3 213 215 428 28 MZ-VC06/28 -Meidum 205 4 1 5 209 207 416 29 MZ-VC06/29 -Mualkhang 96 2 1 3 126 139 265 AllocationofSeatsforGeneralElectiontoVillageCouncils,2015 KOLASIBDISTRICT No.ofVillageCouncils:52 Nameof District withcode S/N No.&NameofVillageCouncils Noof Household General Reserved Total Seats Male Female Total No.ofSeats No.ofVoters MZ-VC 06-KOLASIB Ex-144/2015 20 Ex-144/2015 21 30 MZ-VC06/30 -N.Chaltlang 235 4 1 5 346 331 677 31 MZ-VC06/31 -N.Chawnpui 78 2 1 3 122 111 233 32 MZ-VC06/32 -N.Chhimluang 99 2 1 3 108 115 223 33 MZ-VC06/33 -N.Hlimen 262 4 1 5 392 375 767 34 MZ-VC06/34 -N.Thinglian 53 2 1 3 95 85 180 35 MZ-VC06/35 -NewBuilum 94 2 1 3 126 124 250 36 MZ-VC06/36 -Nisapui 202 4 1 5 301 302 603 37 MZ-VC06/37 -Pangbalkawn 202 4 1 5 217 201 418 38 MZ-VC06/38 -Phainuam 230 4 1 5 385 371 756 39 MZ-VC06/39 -Phaisen 119 2 1 3 180 189 369 40 MZ-VC06/40 -Saidan/Tuithaveng 324 4 1 5 552 526 1078 41 MZ-VC06/41 -SaihapuiK 126 2 1 3 160 147 307 42 MZ-VC06/42 -SaihapuiV 54 2 1 3 87 91 178 43 MZ-VC06/43 -Saiphai 323 4 1 5 590 539 1129 44 MZ-VC06/44 -Saipum 379 4 1 5 751 678 1429 45 MZ-VC06/45 -Serkhan 168 2 1 3 256 248 504 46 MZ-VC06/46 -Thingdawl 670 5 2 7 1097 1123 2220 47 MZ-VC06/47 -Thingthelh 117 2 1 3 159 148 307 48 MZ-VC06/48 -Vairengte-1 653 5 2 7 1161 1228 2389 49 MZ-VC06/49 -Vairengte-II 632 5 2 7 1078 1220 2298 50 MZ-VC06/50 -Vairengte-IIIIOCVeng 218 4 1 5 261 282 543 51 MZ-VC06/51 -Vairengte-IVStateVeng 154 2 1 3 188 168 356 52 MZ-VC06/52 -Zanlawn 212 4 1 5 320 355 675 TOTAL 16199 191 65 256 24923 25950 50873 MZ-VC 06-KOLASIB S/N Name of District with CodesNo. of Household GeneralReserved Total Seats 1MZ-VC 01 - Aizawl20485282105387 2MZ-VC 02 - Lunglei30002425158583 3MZ-VC 03 - Serchhip1234815956215 4MZ-VC 04 - Champhai24146344124468 5MZ-VC 05 - Mamit1880326790357 6MZ-VC 06 - Kolasib1619919165256 TOTAL12198316685982266 H. Darzika Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram. No of Seats Allocation of Seats for General Election to Village Councils, 2015 ABST RACTPublished and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.Ex-144/201522

Smti. M.Lallianmawii, Senior Civil Judge, Lunglei, a Grade-II Officer of the Mizoram Judicial Service, as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in the Gauhati High Court, Aizawl Bench,

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 145Date - 07/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 7.4.2015 Chaitra 17, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 145 NOTIFICATIONNo. HC.VII-127/2009/1972/A, the 30th March, 2015.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under Article 229 of the Constitution of India, Hon’ble the Chief Justice (Acting) of the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to appoint Smti. M.Lallianmawii, Senior Civil Judge, Lunglei, a Grade-II Officer of the Mizoram Judicial Service, as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in the Gauhati High Court, Aizawl Bench, Aiza wl from the da te she assumes charge of the said post until further orders. Smti. M.Lallianmawii shall draw her salar y and ot her allowances from her present place of posting i.e. Senior Civil Judge, Lunglei. B y O r d e r, H.K. Sarma, Registrar General. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Allocation of Seats to the 83 Local Councils within Aizawl Municipality for which General Elections will be held on 30th April, 2015 as shown below

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 146Date - 07/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 7.4.2015 Chaitra 17, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 146 NOTIFICATIONNo. B.14015/1/2015-SEC/LC, the 6th April, 2015.In partial Notification of this Office Notifica tion of even no. dated 6.4.2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 & Rule 37 of the Mizoram Municipalities (Election to Local Councils) Rules, 2015 read with Rule 16 of the Mizoram Municipalities (War d Committee and Local Council) Rules, 2010, the State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby fixes and publishes the Allocation of Seats to the 83 Local Councils within Aizawl Municip ality for which General Elections will be held on 30th April, 2015 as shown below :- Schedule of Election 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the S tate1.4.2015 Election Commission(Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers6.4.2015 (Monday) 4.Last date for filing Nominations13.4.2015 (Monday) 5.Scrutiny of nomination16.4.2015 (Thursday) 10:00 am 6.Last Date for withdr awal of Nominations16.4.2015 (Thursday) Up-to 12:00 noon 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &16.4.2015 (Thursday) display of list of Candidates(12:00 noon onwa rds) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am - 5:00 pm) 10.Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 11.Counting of Votes (Counting of Votes shall commence as30.4.2015 (Thursday) soon as poll is over) 12.Last date for for mation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 13.Date on which Election pr ocess shall be completed8.5.2015 (Friday) By Order, etc. H.Darzika, Secretary State Election Commission, Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Village Council Constituency of Khawruhlian Village under Aizawl District to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :-

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 147Date - 22/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Tuesday 22.4.2015 Vaisakha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 147 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12011/57/2014-SEC/VC, the 14th April, 2015.In partial motification of this Office Notification of even no. dated 6.4.2015 and in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (7) of section 3 of The Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Amendment Act 2014 and Rule 3 (1) of The Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby calls upon the Village Council Constituency of Khawruhlian Village under Aizawl District to elect Members for the Village Councils on 30th April, 2015 (Thursday) as per schedule shown below :- 1.Announcement of Schedule of Election by the State1.4.2015 Election Commission(Wednesday) 2.Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission6.4.2015 (Monday) 3.Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officers6.4.2015 (Monday) 4.Last date for filling Nominations16.4.2015 (Thursday) 9:00 am-3:00pm 5.Scrutin y of Nomin ation17.4.2015 (Friday) 10:00 am 6.Last Date for withdrawal of Nomin ation s17.4.2015 (Friday) Up-to 1:00 pm 7.Date & Time for allotment of symbols to Candidates &17.4.2015 display of list of Candidate(Thursday) (7:00 am-5:00 pm) 8.Date of Poll30.4.2015 (Thursday) (7:00 am-5:00 pm) 9.Date of re-poll if any1.5.2015 (Friday) 10.Counting of Votes (Counting of Votes shall commence30.4.2015 (Thursday) as soon as poll is over) 11.Last date for formation of Executive Body7.5.2015 (Thursday) 12.Date on which Election process shall be completed8.5.2015 (Friday) By order, etc. H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission Mizoram : Aizawl. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-50.

The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act. 2015

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 151Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.151 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/83/2013-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act. 2015 (Act No. 1 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM APPROPRIATION (No. 1) ACT, 2015 ACT No. 1 OF 2015 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State for the services during the Financial Years of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows, namely 1. This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 1) Act, 2015 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there may be paid and applied the sums not exceeding those as specified in column (5) of the Schedule to this Act, amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum ofRupees five crore twenty-eight lakh seventy-three thou- sand only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the Financial Years of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 in respect of the services specified in column (2) of the Schedule. 3. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consoli- dated Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said period. Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Short title Issue of` 52873000/- only out of the Con- solidated Fund of the State of Mizoram for the Financial Years 2010-2011 and 2011- 2012. Ex-151/20152 Appropriation THE SCHEDULE (See Section 2 and 3) 2010-2011(`in lakh)Demand NoVoted by the Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consolidated FundTotal SERVICE AND PURPOSES Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Labour, employment & Industrial Trg. Tra nspor t TOTAL OF 2010-2011Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue 17 28 42336.40 31.99 100.99 469.38336.40 31.99 100.99 469.38SUMS NOT EXCEEDINGEx-151/2015 3 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.THE SCHEDULE (See Section 2 and 3) 2010-2011(`in lakh)Demand NoVoted by the Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consolidated FundTotal SERVICE AND PURPOSES Home Water Supply and Sanitation District Council TOTAL OF 2011-2012Capital Capital Revenue Revenue Capital 16 25 27SUMS NOT EXCEEDING15.18 16.67 27.50 27.50 31.85GRAND TOTAL OF 2010-2011 and 2011-2012Revenue Capital496.88 31.85496.88 31.8515.18 16.67 27.50 27.50 31.85

The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 2) Act. 2015

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 152Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.152 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/83/2013-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Appropriation (No. 2) Act. 2015 (Act No. 2 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM APPROPRIATION (No. 2) ACT, 2015 ACT NO. 2 OF 2015 AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State for the services during the Financial Years of 2014-2015. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows, namely :- 1. This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2015 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there may be paid and applied the sums not exceeding those as specified in column (5) of the Schedule to this Act, amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum ofRupees two tho usand one hun- dred fifty four crore ninety lakh eighty six thousand only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of pay- ment during the Financial Years of 2014-2015 in respect of the services specified in column (2 ) of the Schedule. 3. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Sched- ule in relation to the said period. Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Short title Issue of` 215490.86 lakh only out of the Consoli- dated Fund of the State of Mizoram for the Financial Years 2014-2015. Ex-152/20152 Appropriation THE SCHEDULE (See Section 2 and 3)Ex-152/2015 3` in lakhLegislat ive AssemblyRevenue GovernorRevenue Council of MinistersRevenue Law & JudicialRevenue Capital VigilanceRevenue Land Revenue & ReformsRevenue Excise & NarcoticsRevenue TaxationRevenue FinanceRevenue Miz o ram P ublic Servic e Co mmsn.Revenue Secretariat AdministrationRevenue Pe rso nnel & Admn. Refo r msRevenue Planning & P ro g. Implement at io nRevenue General Admn. DepartmentRevenue Capital Ho meRevenue Capital Food, Civil Supplies & Con. Affairs Revenue Capital Printing & StationeryRevenue Capital Local Administration DepartmentRevenue School EducationRevenue Capital Higher & Technical EducationRevenue Capital Sports & Youth ServicesRevenue Capital Art & CultureRevenue Medical & Public Health ServicesRevenue Capital Water Supply & Sanit at ionRevenue Capital Info rmat io n & Public Relat io nsRevenue District Co uncilsRevenue1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 277.00 6.66 320.04 1084.56 6.00 445.13 307.92 203.07 2800.55 297.34 8.97 293.09 14030.87 92.95 1171.29 2772.40 2231.47 9708.95 245.77 15.07 390.50 9544.77 257.87 10218.22 265.32 550.35 719.66 93.57 10844.66 711.47 5707.86 1266.40 76.20 4937.29Voted by Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consoli- dated FundTotal 1 2345 De- mand No.SERVICES AND PURPOSES 12.14 64.32 118.507.00 12.14 6.66 384.36 1084.56 6.00 445.13 307.92 203.07 2800.55 118.50 297.34 8.97 293.09 14030.87 92.95 1171.29 2772.40 2231.47 9708.95 245.77 15.07 390.50 9544.77 257.87 10218.22 265.32 550.35 719.66 93.57 10844.66 711.47 5707.86 1266.40 76.20 4937.29 Labo ur & EmploymentRevenue So cial WelfareRevenue Capital Disaster Management & Rehab.Revenue AgricultureRevenue HorticultureRevenue So il & Wat er Co nser vationRevenue Animal HusbandryRevenue Capital FisheriesRevenue Environment & ForestsRevenue CooperationRevenue Rural DevelopmentRevenue Capital PowerRevenue Capital IndustriesRevenue SericultureRevenue TransportRevenue TourismRevenue Trade & CommerceRevenue Capital Public WorksRevenue Capital Urband Dev. & PovertyRevenue Alleviat io nCapital Minor IrrigationRevenue Info. & Com. TechnologyRevenue Public DebtRevenue Capital GRAND TOTAL28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49384.47 584.39 1996.64 7.08 1111.92 52.40 23.55 518.91 19.29 314.63 2141.51 120.04 4347.40 1729.49 5747.54 9428.74 1865.36 627.92 121.33 87.58 29.04 183.64 2543.23 4559.56 2558.13 2808.39 31.95 43.62 113020.99384.47 584.39 1996.64 7.08 1111.92 52.40 23.55 518.91 19.29 314.63 2141.51 120.04 4347.40 1729.49 5747.54 9428.74 1865.36 627.92 121.33 87.58 29.04 183.64 2543.23 4559.56 2558.13 2808.39 31.95 43.62 774.91 101500.00 215490.86 774.91 101500.00 102469.87Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.Ex-152/20154

The Mizoram Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 153Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.153 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/83/2013-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015 (Act No. 3 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM APPROPRIATION (VOTE ON ACCOUNT) ACT, 2015 (ACT NO. 3 OF 2015) AN ACT to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State for the services for the first four months of the Financial Year, 2015-2016 (i.e April to July, 2015). It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the Sixty Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1. This Act may be called the Mizoram Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 2015 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram, there may be paid and applied the sums not exceeding those as specified in column (5) of the Schedule to this Act, amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum ofRupees three thousand two hundred seventy seven crore twenty two lakh sixty thou- sand only for defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment for the first four months of the Financial Year, 2015-2016 (i.e. April to July, 2015) in respect of the ser- vices specified in column (2) of the Schedule. 3. The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said period. Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Short title Is sue of` 327722.61 lakh/- out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of Mizoram for the first four months of the Financial Year, 2015-2016 (i.e April to July, 2015) Ex-153/20152 Appr opr ia tion THE SCHEDULE (See Sections 2 and 3)Ex-153/2015 3Amount in ` in lakhLegislat ive AssemblyRevenue Capital GovernorRevenue Council of MinistersRevenue Law & JudicialRevenue Capital VigilanceRevenue Land Revenue & ReformsRevenue Excise & NarcoticsRevenue TaxationRevenue FinanceRevenue Capital Miz o ram P ublic Servic e Co mmsn.Revenue Secretariat AdministrationRevenue Parliamentary AffairsRevenue Pe rso nnel & Admn. Refo r msRevenue Planning & P ro g. Implement at io nRevenue Capital General Admn. DepartmentRevenue Ho meRevenue Food, Civil Supplies & Con. Affairs Revenue Capital Printing & StationeryRevenue Local AdministrationRevenue School EducationRevenue Higher & Technical EducationRevenue Sports & Youth ServicesRevenue Art & CultureRevenue Medical & Public Health ServicesRevenue Water Supply & Sanit at ionRevenue Capital Info rmat io n & Public Relat io nsRevenue District Co uncilsRevenue Labo ur & EmploymentRevenue So cial WelfareRevenue Disaster Management & Rehab.Revenue1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30723.46 16.67 4.42 237.88 758.84 271.00 220.08 967.09 1174.73 533.57 20790.71 8767.33 3941.38 21.64 90.07 2878.01 29900.33 2492.41 22240.25 2858.26 5942.20 693.98 3020.37 43753.51 10333.13 568.33 338.57 19197.48 6127.29 1355.49 478.27 9649.29 1007.61 8455.66 560.59Voted by Legislative AssemblyCharged on the Consoli- dated FundTotal 1 2345 De- mand No.SERVICES AND PURPOSES 36.33 206.85 248.12 222.08759.79 16.67 211.27 237.88 1006.96 271.00 220.08 967.09 1174.73 533.57 20790.71 8767.33 222.08 3941.38 21.64 90.07 2878.01 29900.33 2492.41 22240.25 2858.26 5942.20 693.98 3020.37 43753.51 10333.13 568.33 338.57 19197.48 6127.29 1355.49 478.27 9649.29 1007.61 8455.66 560.59SUMS NOT EXCEEDING AgricultureRevenue HorticultureRevenue So il & Wat er Co nser vationRevenue Animal HusbandryRevenue FisheriesRevenue Environment & ForestsRevenue CooperationRevenue Capital Rural DevelopmentRevenue Capital PowerRevenue IndustriesRevenue SericultureRevenue TransportRevenue TourismRevenue Capital Trade & CommerceRevenue Capital Public WorksRevenue Capital Urban Dev. & Poverty AlleviationRevenue Capital Minor IrrigationRevenue Capital Info. & Com. TechnologyRevenue Public DebtRevenue Capital GRAND TOTAL31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4913453.47 5850.21 719.32 2364.58 323.46 5362.54 606.75 140.00 22705.77 1325.67 12826.37 2091.34 674.34 1813.05 245.84 333.33 182.34 160.67 11149.29 422.67 3136.86 4660.05 911.74 2456.79 952.14 305238.4813399.49 8371.26 22484.13Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.Ex-153/20154 13453.47 5850.21 719.32 2364.58 323.46 5362.54 606.75 140.00 22705.77 1325.67 12826.37 2091.34 674.34 1813.05 245.84 333.33 182.34 160.67 11149.29 422.67 3136.86 4660.05 911.74 2456.79 952.14 13399.49 8371.26 327722.61 1 2345

The Mizoram Youth Commission (Amendment) Act, 2015

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 154Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.154 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/187/2007-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Youth Commission (Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act No. 4 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM YOUTH COMMISSION (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2015 (ACT NO. 4 OF 2015) AN ACT To amend the Mizoram Youth Commission Act, 2008; It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the sixty sixth year after Republic of India as follows, namely :- (1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Youth Commission (Amendment) Act, 2015. (2) It shall extend to the whole State of Mizoram. (3) It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Ga- zette. Clause (b) of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following, namely- “Such number of members not exceeding s even as may be determined by the Government .” (1)In sub-section (2) of section 9 of the Principal Act, clause (d) shall be substituted by the following, namely- “To develop the potential of the youth and to train them to attain optimum level of skill and to become economically self-reliant and productive.” (2)After clause (i), a new clause (j) shall be added as follows, namely- “j)to inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth so as to enable them to achieve optimum level of self-sufficiency.” In section 12 of the Principal Act, a new sub-section (3) shall be added as follows, namely:- “(3)the Commission may seek and raise fund to implement and execute its programme by way of special allocation, special assistance and others from all available source in consultation with the State Government.” Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. 1 . Short title, ext ent and commencement 2 . Amendment of Section 3 3 . Amendment of Section 9 4 . Amendment of Section 12 Ex-154/20152 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.

The Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages (Amendment) Act. 2015

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 157Date - 20/04/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Monday 20.4.2015 Chaitra 30, S.E. 1937, Issue No.157 NOTIFICATIONNo.H.12018/182/2007-LJD, the 16th April, 2015.The following Act of the M izor am Legis la tive Assembly, which received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram is hereby published for general informa- tion. The Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages (Amendment) Act. 2015 (Act No. 7 of 2015) {Received the assent of the Governor of Mizoram on the 25th March, 2015} Zahming thang a Ralte, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. THE MIZORAM COMPULSORY REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES AMENDMENT) ACT, 2015 (ACT NO. 7 OF 2015) Whereas it is expedient to amend the Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007) to provide for cancellation of marriage registered under the Act due to divorce of the parties to the marriage the absence of which adversely affects certain individuals. It is enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram in the sixty-sixth year of Republic of India as follows, namely :- 1. 1) This Act may be called the Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages (Amendment) Act, 2015. 2) It shall have the like extent as the Principal Act. 3) It shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2. In the Mizoram Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2007, af- ter section 12, a new section 12 A shall be inserted, namely :- Any marriage which has been registered is liable to be cancelled on production of Divorce Certificate or Decree of Divorce issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. Any person willing to cancel the registration of his/her marriage shall produce an original copy of the Divorce Cer tificat e/Decree of Divorce b efor e t he Marr ia ge Regis- trar and also submit a certified/attested copy of the same for record of the Marriage Registrar. On product ion of the said documents by either party and after giving infor ma tion to the other pa rty, the Ma rr iage Registra r sha ll ca ncel the registration of such marriage under his signature and seal indicat- ing the Divorce Certificate number and date or case number in re- spect of Decree of Divor ce with order da te and in both cases the name and designation of the issuing Court. Such cancellation of registration shall immediately be informed to the R egistrar Gener al of Marria ges”. Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. Short title, extent a nd commencement Insertion of new section 12A Ex-157/20152 “12A Cancellation of Registration Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-200.

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