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Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes (Compensation for Delay in Payment of Wages) Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 141Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 141 NOTIFICATION No.B.13016/7/14-RD(MGNREGS), the 20th Mar 2014.In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Maha tma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (Act. No. 42 of 2005), the Governor of M izoram is pleased to make the following rules, namely:- 1. Short title, extent and commencement: i)These rules may be called the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes (Compensation for Delay in Payment of Wages) Rules, 2014. ii)They shall extend to the rural areas of Mizoram iii) They shall come into force on the date of its publication in the official Gazette. 2 . Definition: i)‘AA’ means Account Assistant recruited under the Mahatma Gandhi NREGS posted in the Block and the Distr ict for the pur pose of the successful implementation of the Act. ii)‘Act’ means the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (No. 42 of 2005). iii) ‘DEO’ means Data Entry Operator recruited under the Maha tma Gandhi NREGS posted in the Block a nd the District for the purpose of the successful implementation of the Act. iv) ‘District P rogramme Coordinator ’ means a n officer of the State Government designated as such under sub section (1) of section 14 for the implementation of the Scheme in a distr ict. v)‘Fund’ means sub section (ii) of Section 2 of the Mizoram Maha tma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Fund Rules, 2014. vi) ‘Rules’ means the Mizor am Ma hatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guar antee Schemes (Compensation for Delay in Payment of Wages) Rules, 2014. vii) ‘P.O’ means the Block Development Officer, designated as the P rogramme Officer under the Maha tma Gandhi NREGS for the purpose of t he successful implementation of the Act. viii) ‘Payment Agency’ means any agency designated by the Central or State Government to disburse wages of Mahatma Gandhi National Rura l Employment Guarantee Schemes workers. ix) ‘Scheme’ means Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes implemented by the Mizoram State Government. x)‘TA’ means Technical Assistant r ecruited under the Ma hatma Gandhi NREGS posted in the Block for the purpose of the successful implementation of the Act. xi) ‘VEC’ means Village Employment Council constituted under the pa ra (1) of Para 7(A) of the Mizoram Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, 2014. - 2 - Ex-141/2014 xii) ‘VLAA’ means Villa ge Level Administrative Assistant recruited under the Mahatma Ga ndhi NREGS posted in the Village/Block for the purpose of the successful implementation of the Act. xiii) ‘VMC’ means Vigilance a nd Monit or ing Committee constituted u nder Pa ra 13.6.4 of the Operation Guideline of Ma hatma Gandhi NREGA, 2013. 3. Objectives: The main pur pose of t hese Rules is timely pa yment of wages to the MGNREGS workers aft er completion of the works. In any ca se, if t he payment of wages is not ma de within fifteen days from the date of closur e of the muster roll, the wor ker sha ll be entitled to receive compensation. 4 . Timeline for submission of Payment of wages: i)Entr y of Muster roll - After receipt of the work or der. ii)Closing of Muster roll by VEC/TA – One to two day after Completion of the work. iii) Submission of Muster roll with VMC report to P.O Office – three to four days. iv) Entr y of Muster rolls int o MIS – fifth, sixth and seventh days. v)Submission of Pay order to Bank/Post Office – Eight to ten days. vi) Transfer of individual account by the Bank/Post office – Eleventh to twelfth days. vii) Bank/Post office intimation to P.O office ready to disbursement of wages – Thirteenth day. viii) P.O office intimation to collect their wages to VEC - Fourteenth day. ix) Entr y of disbursement of wages into MIS – Eight - four teenth day. x)The Wage earner ca n collect their wages – Fifteenth day. 5 . Payment of Compensation: i)Every Worker under the Schemes s hall be paid their wages within fifteen days after completion of t he work with closure of muster r oll. ii)If the Worker shall not be paid their wages as per sub rule (i) of rule 5, they shall be entitled to receive compensation. iii) The State government shall pay compensation from the state Fund as per sub r ule (ii) of rule 5 within sub rule (5) of rule 4 of this Rule. iv) If the delay in pa yment is commit ted by Bank or Post Office in contr avention to rule 3 of this Rule, compensation is not liable to be paid by Rural Development Department. 6 . Rate of Compensation: The rate of the compensation is 0.05% of the unpaid wages per day of delay beyond the sixteenth day of closure of the muster r oll. Provided, if the State Government had sound fina ncial capacity it may increase the compensa tion rate or decreased the rate of compensation from time to time. 7 . Responsibility: i)The State Government shall be responsible to pay the compensation amount for delay a fter due verification, within the time-limits prescribed in sub r ule (i) of rule 5. ii)The District Progra mme Coordinator or Programme Officer shall ensure that compensation, if any, are paid properly according to the ra te prescribed under Rule 6. iii) For the purpose of ensuring compensation is not paid by State Government, timeline for payment of wages and accountability to var ious functionaries or a gencies, is as shown below: a)Measurement of work – will be completed by VLAA a nd TA within two days a fter completion of the work reported by the VEC/VMC. b)Entering the muster rolls and measurements into the National Rural Employment Guar antee Act Soft (NREGASoft) – The DEO shall enter MR and Measurement of Works in the Computer within two days after TA submitted MR and MB. c)Generation of wage lists – The Programme Officer shall be responsible for genera tion of wage list within four days from the completion of works. d)Sanction of Fund – The DPC shall release fund within t wo days from generation of wage list from PO e)Uploading Fund Transfer Or ders (FTOs) – The PO sha ll transfer wages to individual accounts of the job card holders within four da ys from the da te of sa nction of wages by the DPC. T he AA shall ensur e tha t wages of the job car d holders whose wor k a re credited in the concerned banks or post offices or to account of Payment Committee, if any, within specified period. iv) The NREGASoft or Information Technology System (IT System) shall have a provision to automatically calculate the compensation payable to the wage seeker based on the date of closure of the muster r oll and the date of depos it of wages into the accounts of the wage seekers. v)The number of days of delay in the payment of wages, compensation entit led to and actually paid shall be reflected in the Monitoring and Information System (MIS) and the Labour Budget. 8. Reports: Programme Officer shall send report of the payment ma de under these rules in Form 2 to the District Programme Coordinator and the District Programme Coordinator shall send report to the State Government on quarterly basis in For m 2. 9 . Power to Amend Rules: The State Government may add to, delete from or alter or amend or modify the rules. Such altera tion or a mendment of the rules shall be notified in the Mizor am Gazette. R. Lalvena, Secr etary t o the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. - 3 -Ex-141/2014 FORM 1 [See Rules 5(ii)] Application for delay payment of wages under the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Delay Compensation of Wages) Rules, 2014. Sl.NoParticulars Details 1Name of applicant 2Address 3Sex 4Age 5Job Ca rd No 6No. of days for which delay compensation is claimed. I………………………….............….resident of ……..……………....………………….hereby declare solemnly that I have not been paid for my given work for ……........... (no of days). I am claiming compensation of delay payment of wage in this a pplication. Date………………Signature/Thumb impression of applicant. cut her e***************************************************************cut her e Received Application for compensation of delay pa yment of wages in respect of Mr/Mrs/ Ms………………………………………………………………… Signature of Registering Authority FORM 2 (See Rules 8) Quarterly Report Format for Programme Officer & District Programme Officer under the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Delay Compensation of Wages) Rules, 2014. Sl.NoParticulars Details 1Name of District/Block 2No of Applications Received 3No of Applications Accepted 4No of Applica tion Rejected 5Amount of D elay Compensation Payment paid month-wise 6Grand Total of Delay Compensation paid 7Payment to individuals ma y be r eported in separate sheet Signa ture of P O/DPCPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 4 - Ex-141/2014

Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 142Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 142 NOTIFICATION No.F.19016/2/09-RD (MGNREGS), the 28th February, 2014.In ex ercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Maha tma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (42 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram hereby makes the following Rules namely:- 1 . Short Title, Extent and Commencement: i)These Rules shall be called the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 ii)They shall extend to the rural areas of Mizoram. iii) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the official Gazette. 2 . Definitions: In t hese definitions, unless the context otherwise requires, i)‘Act’ means the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (hereinafter referred as MGNREGA or MGNREGS as the case may be) ii)‘Central Government’ means the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India iii) ‘Day’ means working day. iv) ‘For m’ means a For m a ppended to t hese ru les. v)‘Guidelines’ means MGNREGA Operational Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India from time to time. vi) ‘Implementing Agency’ means Executive Body of Village Employment Council and Line Departments of the Government including Rural Development Department or any other Orga nizations identified by the competent author ity. vii) ‘Nodal Depa rtment’ means t he Rura l Development Department of Mizor am at the State level for the implementation of the MGNREGA. viii) ‘State Employment Council’ means the Mizoram State Employment Guarantee Council cons tituted under section 21 of t he said Act ix) ‘Unemployment allowance’ means an allowance, payable to job card holders under MGNREGA to whom work could not be provided as per dema nd within the specified time limit; subject to the aggregate entit lement of the household, as fixed by the Sta te Government from time to time. x)‘Village Council’ means t he Village Council elected fr om time to time under the relevant Acts and Rules of the St ate Government and the three Autonomous District Council of Mara, Lai and Chakma. - 2 - Ex-142/2014 xi) ‘Village Level Administrative Assistant’ means any per son engaged for the purpose of assisting Villa ge Employment Council for implementation of Mizor am Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guar antee Scheme. T his shall include Employment G uarantee Assistant. Words and expressions used but not defined in these Schemes shall have the same meanings resp ectively assigned to them in t he said Act. 3 . Entitlement to receive Unemployment Allowance: A person who is registered and having a valid job car d under the scheme and who has given an application to Village Employment Council or the Village Level Administrative Assistant asking for wage employment under the Act and is not provided employment wit hin fifteen days of receipt of the application seeking employment then tha t person shall be entitled to a daily unemployment allowance at suchrate of one-fourth of the wage rate r ounded off to the next rupee for the first thirty days during the financia l year and one-half of the wa ge rate rounded off to the next rupee for the remaining period of t he fina ncial year. 4 . Authority for sanctioning and paying the Unemployment Allowance: The Unemployment Allowance payable to such unemployed person under r ule 3, shall be sanctioned and disbursed by the Progra mme Officer. 5 . Procedure for Payment of Unemployment Allowance: i)A person claiming unemployment allowance shall make an application in Form No.1 under these rules to the Village Employment Council or Village Level Administrative Assistant seeking unemployment allowance on the day after he becomes eligible for claiming such allowance. Acknowledgment Receipt shall be given to the applicant. iii) The Village Employment Council or the Village Level Administrative Assistant on receipt of the said application shall make necessary enquiries and if satisfied that the applicant is registered under the scheme a nd has a job ca rd and is entit led for payment of unemployment allowance shall forward within two days from the date of receipt of said application to the Progr amme Officer alongwith its rema rks. iv) On r eceipt of the report from the Villa ge Employment Council or Village Level Administra tive Assistant, Programme Officer shall make necessary enquiries and if he is satisfied that applicant is registered for employment under the Scheme and is entitled for payment of unemployment allowa nce, he shall issue an order to that effect in Form No.2 under the rule indicating the period for which the unemployment allowance is payable and shall make payment, as p er his order, through bank or post office to the account of the applicant within fifteen days of receipt of application. Programme Officer shall report his enquiries to the District Programme Coordinator v)The DPC, if necessary, upon satisfying himself of the legitimacy of the claim and verifica tion done thereof, will requisition Unemployment Allowance from the MGNREGA Rural Employment Guarantee Council, Mizoram. vi) The DPC or Addl DPC or Programme Officer will meet the required expenses from the State Government shar e and make entry in MIS. vii) If the Programme Officer r ejects the demand for unemployment allowance, he shall record the reason for rejecting the same and intimate the applicant in Form No. 3 under the rules. As far as possible, the Programme Officer shall decide the application for unemployment allowance within fifteen days of its receipt. viii) Unemployment allowance ca nnot be claimed for future days. ix) DPC or Addl DPC or Programme Officer shall make necessa ry entr y in the NREGASoft/ MIS of the unemployment a llowances paid or not paid or due a s the case may be. 6 . Responsibility of Village Employment Council and Village Level Administrative Assistant: i)The Village Employment Council or Village Level Administrative Assista nt shall bring to notice of the Programme Officer, sufficiently in advance, if it is not in a position to provide employment to the applicant within fifteen days of his or her application, so as to enable the Progr amme Officer to make alternate a rrangements. ii)On r eceipt of the application for unemployment allowance the Village Employment Council or Village Level Administrative Assistant shall allow the applicant to record his daily attendance in a register or sheet opened for that purpose as evidence of his unemployment. iii) Village Employment Council or Village Level Administrative Assistant should maintain register of disbursement of unemployment a llowance in form No. 4 under the rules. He should also send monthly statement of disbursement of unemployment allowance under the rules in form No. 5 to the Progra mme Officer. 7 . Procedure on failure to accept application etc.: i)An applicant may submit his application to the Programme Officer directly, alongwith sufficient evidence that the Village Employment Council or Village Level Administr ative Assistant has refused to entertain his application for unemployment allowance or not acknowledged his original application for employment under the Act. ii)On receipt of such application t he Programme Officer after due enquiry and satisfaction pass suit able or ders as provided under Rule 5(d) notwithsta nding t he fact that the application has not been routed t hrough the Village Employment Council or Village Level Administr ative Assistant. 8 . Cessation of unemployment allowance: The liabilit y of the State Government to pay unemployment allowance will cease as soon as: i)The applicant is directed by Villa ge Employment Council or Progr amme Officer to report for work ii)The period for which employment is sought come to an end. iii) The adult members of the household of the applicant have received in total a t least 100 days of work within a fina ncial year. iv) The household of the applicant has earned as much from the wages and Unemployment allowance ta ken together which is equal to the wage for one hundred days of wor k during the fina ncial year. 9 . Ineligibility for claiming unemployment allowance: i)If, owing to circu mstances beyond human control like r ains or unusua l natur al cala mities, the State Government is unable to provide employment( i.e. the Programme Officer being unable to issue the letter directing t he employment seeker to a work or the Implementing agency being unable to absorb the persons directed by the Programme Officer or to take up or continue the work) there sha ll be no liability on the par t of the State Government to pay unemployment allowa nce. ii)An applicant who- a)does not accept the employment provided to him. b)does not report for the work within seven days of being notified by the Progr amme Officer or implementing agency to r eport for the work. c)continuously remains absent from work, without obtaining a permission from the concerned implementing agency for a period of more than one week ; or d)rema ins absent for a tota l period of more tha n one week in a month; or e)does not fu lfill the eligibility conditions required under this rule shall not be eligible to claim the unemployment a llowance paya ble.- 3 -Ex-142/2014 - 4 - Ex-142/2014 iii) A person who is found to have cla imed and accepted unemployment allowance while alr eady having an employment will not be entitled to unemployment allowance for a period of 3 months from the last day on which he is so found to have claimed and accepted unemployment allowance. 10. Non disbursement of Unemployment Allowance in certain circumstances: i)If the Programme Officer is not in a position to disburse the unemployment allowance in time or a t all for any r eason beyond his contr ol, he shall report the matter to the District Progr amme Co-ordinator and announce such reasons in a notice to be displa yed in the Village Council notice board and other conspicuous places as he may deem necessary. ii)The District Progra mme Co-ordinator shall report such cases to the State Government and the State Government s hall ta ke all measures to ma ke payment of unemployment a llowance as expeditiously as possible. 11. Annual Report: Programme Officer shall make necessary entry for MIS and submit the quarterly and annual report of unemployment a llowance to the District Pr ogramme Coor dinator in F orm 5 and the District Programme Coordina tor sha ll make annual report of unemployment allowance t o State Employment Guar antee Council in For m 6. 12 . Power to amend Rules: The State Government may add to, delete from or alter or amend or modify the rules. Such altera tion or a mendment of the rules shall be notified in the Mizor am Gazette. 13. Repeal and savings: i)With effect from the date of commencement of these Rules, the Mizora m Rural Employment Guar antee Rules, 2007 and the Mizoram Rur al Employment Guarantee Scheme, 2009 and their subsequent a mendments sha ll stand repea led. ii)Notwithstanding such repea l, all orders issued and all a ctions taken or purpor ted to be issued or taken under the sa id Rules and Schemes shall be deemed to have been issued or taken, or purported to be issued or taken, under these Schemes. R. Lalvena, Secr etary t o the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. FORM 1 (See Rules 5) Application for unemployment allowance under the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 Sl.NoParticulars Details 1Name of applicant 2Address 3Sex 4Age 5Job Ca rd No 6Date of Registra tion 7Date on which application in Form no. 4 under the Act or employment was handed over and to whom it was handed over 8Copy of For m no.4 under the Act given for demand of work and Copy of r eceipt in form No.5 under the Act 9No. of days for which Unemployment allowance is claimed. 10Date of the beginning of the period for which unemployment Allowance is claimed I…………………………….resident of ……..……………………………….hereby declare solemnly that I ha d dema nded for wor k in F or m no.4 on …. . but ha ve not been given work. I was not employed anywhere for the period for which I am claiming unemployment allowance in this application and hereby undertake to refund to Government the amount of unemployment a llowance received for the that period, if it is proved subsequently that I was employed during that period or a portion thereof. Date……………… Signature/Thumb impression of applicant. cut her e***************************************************************cut her e Received Application for unemployment allowance in respect of Mr/Mrs/Ms…………………… ......................................................................................................................................................... Signature of Registering Authority- 5 -Ex-142/2014 FORM No. 2 [ See Rules 5(iv)] Order sa nctioning unemployment a llowance under Mizor a m Ma ha tma Ga ndhi Rura l Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 No………………. To The Chairman, Villa ge Employment Council Village ………… Subj;Sanction of Unemployment Allowance Sanction is accorded to the payment of unemployment allowance amounting Rs ……… [(in words) Rs. ………… only ] to Mr/Mrs/Ms ……………………. Job Card No…………………. Resident of village ……………………. for the period from ……………………….. to …………………………….. This amount is to be depos ited into his/her/their Bank/P ost office account. Place……………………… Date……………………… Signature of Programme Officer Name of Block: ………………………………………………....................……………………………………………… Copy to 1.Mr/Mrs/Ms……………………………....................................………………………………… Village………………………………………………………with reference to his/her application, ……………….dated……………………….for unemployment allowance.- 6 - Ex-142/2014 FORM No.3 [ See Rules 5(vii)] Intimation regarding rejection of application for unemployment Allowance under the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 To Mr/Mrs/Ms………………………………………………………… Job Card No ……………………………………………………………………….. Village………………………………………………………………………………… Block………………………………………………………………… Ref: Your application dated ………………………………………… for Unemployment allowance. Sir/Madam Your claim for unemployment allowance for the period from…………………... .... to………………. is rejected for the following reasons: ........................................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..................… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….................. Place………………… Date………………… Signature of Programme Officer Name of Block: FORM No.4 (See Rule 6) Register of disbursement of unemployment allowance under Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Gua ra ntee S cheme (Pa yment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014Sl. No.Name of employment seekerJob Card NoNo & date of order sanctioning unemployme nt allowancePe riod for which sanctionedAmtDate of PaymentSi gn of RecipientName & Sign of Wi tne ssSi gn of Registering Authority12345678910- 7 -Ex-142/2014 FORM No.5 (See Rule 11) Quar terly/Annua l Rep or t of unemployment a llowa nce by Pr ogr a mme Officer to DP C under Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 Sl.NoParticulars Details 1Name of RD Block 2Name of District 3No of Applications Received 4No of Appilications Accepted 5No of Applica tion Rejected 6Amount of Unemployment allowance paid month-wise 7Grand Total of Unemployment allowance paid Signature of Programme Officer Name of Block: FORM No.6 (See Rule 11) Quarterly/Annual Report of unemployment allowance by DPC to State Employment Guarantee Council under Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2014 Sl.NoParticulars Details 1Name of District 2No of Applications Received 3No of Appilications Accepted 4No of Applica tion Rejected 5Amount of Unemployment allowance paid month-wise 6Grand Total of Unemployment allowance paid Signa ture of DPC: Name of Block:Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 8 - Ex-142/2014

Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Grievance Redressal Rules, 2014.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 143Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 143 NOTIFICATION No.C.13019/2/12-RD(MGNREGS), the 10th March, 2014.In exercise of the p ower conferred by section 19 of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (4 2 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules for dealing wit h any complaint s by any person in respect of implementation of the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guara ntee Schemes and lay down the procedure for disposal of such complaints. 1. Short title, extent and commencement: i)These rules shall be called the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Grievance Redressal R ules, 2014. ii)They shall extend to the rural areas of Mizoram. iii) They shall come into force from the date of notification in the Mizor am Gazette. 2 . Definition: In t hese r ules, unless the context other wise requires: i)‘Act’ means the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (4 2 of 2005); ii)‘Block’ means Rural Development Block under Rural Development Department, Government of Mizoram; iii) ‘Complaint’ means a ny matter reported or referred orally or in writing submit ted to t he official functionaries under MGNREGA, relating to the shortcoming in the implementation of the Schemes or in contra vention of the Act. iv) ‘District P rogramme Coordinator ’ means a n Officer of the State Government designated as such under Sub-Section (1) of Section 14 of the Act; v)‘For ms’ means the pr escribed profor ma appended to these rules; vi) ‘Programme Officer ’ means an Officer appointed under section (I) of section 15 of the MGNREGA 2005; vii) ‘Scheme’ means the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Gua rantee S chemes 2014 viii) ‘State Employment Guar antee Commissioner ’ means Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. ix) “Village Council” means the Village Council elected fr om time to time under the relevant Acts and Rules of the St ate Government and the three Autonomous District Council of Mara, Lai and Chakma. x)‘VCP’ means President of a Villa ge Council; Words and expressions used but not defined in these r ules shall have the meaning as assigned to them in the Act. - 2 - Ex-143/2014 3 . Institutional Arrangement: A . Village Level Grieva nce Redr essal Commit tee: i)Ther e sha ll be a Villa ge Level Gr ievance Redressa l Commit tee esta blished under t he Chairmanship of President, Village Council in each village in Mizoram where traditional Village Council exists in place of Gram Pancha yat. ii)Composition of Village Level Grievance Redressal Commit tee: a)Chairman :President of the Village Council concerned. b)Secretary :Secretary of the Village Council. c)Member:1.All members of the Villa ge Council 2.Representatives of NGOs (YMA / MTP / YLA /YCA / MHIP/ MCHP/LWA/ZUP/MUP) 3.Repr esentatives of all existing political par ties in the Village Council area. B . Block Level Grieva nce Redr essal Commit tee: i)Block Level Grievance Redr essal C ell sha ll be es tablished in t he Office of the Progr amme Officer for receiving complaints on the implementation of the MGNREGS within the Block and also receiving appeals from the aggrieved persons who are not sa tisfied with the decision of t he Villa ge Level Grievance Redressal Committee or the case r eferred to the Block L evel Grieva nce R edr essal Commit tee by the Villa ge Level Grieva nce R edr essa l C ommit tee for its disposal and the concerned Progr amme Officer shall act as Grievance Redress al Officer. ii)The Block L evel Grievance Redressal Committee sha ll consist of the Programme Officer, Technical Assistants under MGNREGA and representatives of all NGOs of the Block or Sub Headquarters levels. The senior most staff of the Programme Officer shall a ct as S ecretar y of the Block Level Grieva nce Redr essa l Commit tee. C. District Grievance Redressal Cell: i)There shall be Distr ict Grievance Redressal Cell in the Office of the Distr ict Programme Coor dinator to receive complaints on the implementation of the MGNREGS within the distr ict. ii)The District Progra mme Coordinator will function as District Grievance Redressal Officer within his jurisdiction and will also function as Appellate Officer or Authority to receive appeals against the decision of the Grievance Redressal Officer or Block Level Grievance Redressal Committee. D . Stat e Level Grieva nce Redressal Officer and Ap pellate Author ity: i)The State Employment Guar antee Commissioner will funct ion as the Sta te Level Grievance Redressal Officer who will receive complaints on the implementation of the MGREGS anywhere in Mizoram. ii)He shall also act as the Appellate Authority at the State level against the decision of the Dist rict Gr ievance R edr ess al Officer. 4 . Lodging of Complaints i)Complaint can be filed at Village Council/Block Level Office/District level Office/State Cell Office or to any a uthorized Officer. ii)Complaint Box shall be placed at the office of the Programme Officer, Addl District Programme Coor dinator or District Pr ogramme Coordinator and at the State level wherein any aggrieved person can post his compla ints in writings. No a nonymous complaint shall be entertained. Complaint Box shall be checked daily for processing. iii) Complaints can also be submitted in writing, phone, internet and or ally. Complaints shall be filed in the prescr ibed format (F ormat 4) as far as possible. If complaint is submitted by p hone or orally, the receiver shall fill in the form and Acknowledgement Receipt sha ll be issued by the receiver (below F or ma t 4) 5 . Disposal of Complaints: i)The Chair man of Village Level Gr ievance Redressal Committee, Block Level Grievance Redressal Committee and District Level Grievance Redressal Committee shall receive all complaints on implementation of the Scheme within their jur isdictions. ii)The receipt and disposal of complaints or appeals shall be recorded in the Register (Annexure 22 of the Operation Guidelines 2013, 4th Edition) where a complaint is made whether to the Village Council or Programme Officer or District Programme Coordinator or at the State level. iii) Any complaint received shall be disposed off within 7 working days by a ll concerned authorities at all levels. iv) If the nature of the complaint necessita tes enquiry or spot verification, it shall be completed within 7 wor king da ys by concerned authotities and necessary act ion thereon to address the grievances shall be taken within 15 days. v)In case a complaint relates to a matter to be resolved by any other authority, concerned Grievance R edressa l authority shall conduct pr elimina ry enquiry and refer the matter to such authority within 7 working days under int imation to the complainant. vi) Chairman of the Village Level Grievance Redressal Committee is a uthorized to dispose of the complaints in his own capacity which shall be pla ced before the next meeting of the Village Level Grievance Redressal Committee for their approval. vii) The complainants must also be informed of the a ction t aken in writing through registered post with Acknowledgement C ard. 6. Appeals: i)All appeals shall be made within 45 days from the date of the issuance of the or der. ii)Appeals against the orders of the Village Council shall be made to the Programme Officer; those against the orders of the Pr ogramme Officer shall be made to the District Progr amme Coor dinator ; those against the District Programme Coordinator shall b e made to the State Employment Guarantee Commissioner. iii) All Appeals shall be disposed off within one month. iv) The decisions thereon shall be communicated to the appellants in writing through registered post with Acknowledgement Card. v)The decision of the State Level Appelate Authorit y shall be final in respect of the complaint s or appeals on the implementation of MGNREGS in Mizoram 7 . Contravention and Penalty i)Failure to dispose of a complaint within 7 working days will be treated as contravention of the Act punisha ble under Section 25 of the Act. Complaints against such failure will be lodged with the next higher Grievance Redressa l Authority ii)In case of prima fa cie evidence regarding financial irr egularities are noticed after preliminary enquiry of the complaint or of findings in the socia l audit report, the Distr ict Progra mme Coordinator shall file a First Information Report after obtaining legal advice from the concerned authority. iii) In case of violation of Indian Penal Code like violence, intimidation, the complainant shall file First Information Report. The Grievance Redressa l Officer or District Grievance Redressal Officer or State Level Grievance Redressal officer shall facilitate the filing of the First Infor mation Report. iv) Wher ever contravention of the pr ovisions of the Act has been proved after due enquiry by the State Gover nment or the District Progra mme Coor dinator or the Progra mme Officer or the- 3 -Ex-143/2014 Ombudsman or any ot her authority a uthorized by t he State Government, a ction in accordance with the provisions of Section 25 of the Act sha ll be ta ken. vi) The guilty persons shall b e penalized to pay a fine upto Rs. 1000 under Section 25 of the MGNREGA 2005. 8. Report A monthly r eport on complaints r eceived and dispose off shall be sent from Village Employment Council to Programme Officer and from P rogramme Officer to District Programme Coor dinator and from District Coordinator to the State Government and from State Government to the Government of India (Annexure III). 9 . Publicit y: There shall be a wide publicity for grievance redressal at Village Employment Council, Progr amme Officer, District P rogramme Coordinator a nd State Government level. 10. Transparency and Accountability: President of the Village Council or Chairman of the Village Level Grievance Redressa l Committee shall be accountable for compliance and strict enforcement of the MGNREGA and its relevant r ules and schemes whether Central or State at the village level including r egistra tion of t he wor kers; issuing of Job Card; prepar ation of Muster Rolls etc. Programme Officer will be accounta ble for complia nce and strict enforcement of the MGNREGA and Rules a t the Block level including timely payment of wages, timely payment of unemployment allowances etc. The District Progra mme Coordinator will be accountable for compliance and strict enforcement at the District level. The State Employment Guarantee Commissioner will be accountable for overall compliance and str ict enforcement within the State. The transpa rency of implementing the pr ovisions of the Act is to be ensured by pr oper dissemina tion of information in the field, by taking the photographs of the worksit e befor e the commencement, during the course of execution and after completion of the work; providing on-line monitoring system of key perfor ma nce indicators, a udit repor ts by Int ernal Audit Teams/Cha rtered Accountant (as appointed by the State Government), put up on-line. The information would be ma de available to all who seek the information under Right to Information Act, 2005 (Central Act, No. 22 of 2005 ). 11. Ombudsman: The State Government shall appoint Ombudsman for each district for receiving grievances, enquiring into and passing awards as per guidelines. The State Government shall a lso cons titute an Appellate Author it y to consider represent ation b y any p ar ty aggr ieved by the a wards of the Ombudsman consisting of the retired civil servant, academician and a representative of a civil society. 12. Helpline: A helpline shall be arranged at the offices of the District Programme Coor dinator in every District and the State Employment Guarantee Commissioner, MGNREGA, Aizawl. This helpline shall work with a toll-free telephone and the number and time of operation or service shall be publis hed widely. 13. Power to amend Rules: The State Government ma y add t o, delete fr om or alter or amend t he rules. Such alteration or amendment of the rules shall be notified in the Mizoram Gazette.- 4 - Ex-143/2014 14. Repeal and Savings: i)With effect from the date of commencement of these Rules, the Mizora m Rural Employment Guarantee Rules, 2007, the Mizoram Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, 2009 and the Mizoram Grievance Redressal Rule, 2009 and their subsequent amendments shall stand repealed. ii)Notwithstanding such repea l, all orders issued and all a ctions taken or purpor ted to be issued or taken under the sa id Rules and Schemes s hall be deemed to have been issued or taken, or purported to be issued or taken, under these Rules. R. Lalvena, Secr etary t o the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. - 5 -Ex-143/2014 Annexure I Records available for ScrutinyList of Documents/ InformationPlace of AvailabilityCopiesProactive disclosureMinimum Requirements AnnualPlan RegisterGram Panchayat (GP/VC) OfficeFr om GP a nd Block Office Muster Rolls1. Worksite 2. Gram Panchaya t (GP/VC) Office 3. Block Office 4. WebsiteFrorn GP and Block Office* On worksite. * During payment at GP/VC Office * Consolidated form during the social audit, and * Consolidated Form on the website1. Unique number 2. have space for final measurements as linked to official measurement sheet 3. Have space or measurement recorded by Junior Engineer 4. Have si gnatures of offici als who wer e present during payments Job CardWith the labourers at all timeThrough GP/ VC Office1. Spa ce for ph otogr aphs of member s of the household including additions of people who have migrated and come back. 2. Time per iod for work sought from when to when. 3. Time period of work. 4. No. of days work given . 5. Date of making payments. 6. Amount paid. 7. Muster No. on which worked. 8. Name of Family Members. To be si gned by appropriate authority when entries are madeTranspar ency ProcessFormats As per pr escr ibed formatEmployment RegisterGP/VC OfficeOf extracts fr om GP/VC Office Mandatory: To be signed by worker at the time of payment. Recommended apart from the MR being available on the Worksite, The MR shall be designed so that the worker signs for his/her attendance on the MR every day. This would ensure daily transparency, and much greater safeguards against fudging of the MRAs per pr escr ibed formatRegistration Application RegisterGP/VC Office 1. En t r ies must be u p to date & an y del ay i n mak in g entries shou1d be con sider ed a viol ation of the act by the concerned authority. 2. Basic entitlements of the labour under MGNREGA should be printed on one page of the job card. 3. Tel ep h on e N u m ber s of PO , D PC & G P a l on g wi t h Block of district help line should be printed on the job car d.As per pr escr ibed format.Asset registerGP/VC Office.Of extracts From GP Office District Schedule of rates Work Orders Mea surement Book & MB SummaryGP/VC Office. Wor ksite MB copy & summary should be in work fileOf extr act fr om GP/VC or Bl ock Office- 6 - Ex-143/2014 Who worked. Signature of officer authorized to make entry List of n umber of days of employment provided at the end of the year to each household.Should h ave 1) Informati on about when work was sought 2) when it was provided 3) at which worksite 4) amount paid1) The register should be open for inspection at the Panchayat Office during working hours. 2) The annual summary of total number of days of work provided and, total payment made to each household should be prepared and put up on the notice board, be made available on the website, and shared with community and read out during social auditsAs per pr escr ibed format Annual summary per household As per pr escr ibed format 1. List of assets should be put up on th e notice board. 2. Asset ma p on a wall on the website.Location. Amount spent, Executing agency, year statusTo be shared social audit meeting. To put up on t he on Not ice board. To be updated on website at least once a year.As per pr escr ibed format Annexu re II Specific contraventions of NREGA under section 25 The following ir regularities shall automatically be treated as cont raventions of the Act under section 25: 1.Failure to accept an application for registration. 2.Failure to provide a job card to all eligible household. 3.Failure to provide a receipt for a work a pplication. 4.Failure to provide work on time (i. e. within 15 da ys of a pplication). 5.Failure to p ay wages on time (i.e. within a fortnight of the date on which wor k was done). 6.Failure to pay unemployment allowa nce as per provisions of the Act. 7.Failure to make requisite Job Ca rd entr ies at the time of wa ge payment. 8.Failure to adhere to the Transpa rency and Accountability Rules. 9.Failure to provide mandatory wor ksite fa cilities as per Schedule II of the Act. 10.Failure to conduct statutory social audit. 11.Failure to a dhere to the Gr am Sabha’s list of priorities in the selection of works. 12.Failure to register a complaint. 13.Failure to adhere to any Rules made under the Act. Any complaint made by any worker that establishes any of these conventions shall be referred by the Programme Officer or any other enquiring a uthorit y as per the Grievance Redressal Rules.- 7 -Ex-143/2014 Annex ur e III Monthly Report of the Complaints and Disposal under MGNREGA Name of Village/Block/District: Nature of ComplaintAction TakenWhether Reportdisposed or sent to next higher authority Signature of VCP/PO/DPC Name of Village/Block/District:Name of Complainant & address- 8 - Ex-143/2014 Format 4 NREGA logo Format IV COMPLAINT FORM 1.Name : …………………………………………………. 2.Date : …………………………………………………. 3.Address: …………………………………………………. 4.Contact Number: ……………………………………….. 5.Job Card Number (in case NREGA worker): …………………………… 6.Citizen Proof (Voter Card/Passport number/Ration Card number, if not an NREGS worker): ……………………………… 7.Complaint registered with: 8.Complaint r egistered against: 9.Nature of Complaint (“ the box) : i.Non-compliance with the NREG Actii.Noncompliance with the Guidelinesiii.Denial of Rights under NREG Act (9) Registration of Household Distribution of Job Card Custody of Job Card Oral demand for work Receipt of work a pplica tion Char ging fee for photograph etc. Wages within 15 da ys of completion of work Payment of unemployment allowa nces Giving work to women Work site facilities Work mea su rement syst em Account in Bank/P ost Office Registration of complaint Participation in Social Audit Access to Muster Roll  Ins pection of documents i v.Misappropriations of fundsv.Irregularities committed by Implementing Agencyvi.Any other, specify: …………………………………….. 10.Details of Complaint (can attach a separate sheet) 11.Documents enclosed in support of the Complaint (like bills) i.………………………………………………………… ii.………………………………………………………… iii.………………………………………………………… 12.Whether the complaint was lodged earlier a lso? YesNo- 9 -Ex-143/2014 13.If yes, what was the action taken? Give details (date, complaint registration number, to whom the complaint was registered, a gainst whom the compla int was registered) I hereby declare that all the information stated in the compla int is true to the best of my knowledge. DateSignature of the Complainant ……………………..………………………….….. NREGA logo ************ RECEIPTNumber : …………………………Date : …………………... Received complaint from : ………………….......................…………………………………………….. Complaint received by : i.Name of the Officer : ………………………....................................………………….. ii.Designation : ……………………………………………...................................………. Office SealSignature of the OfficerPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 10 - Ex-143/2014

Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Rules, 2014

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 144Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 144 NOTIFICATION No.B.13016/3/14-RD(MGNREGS), the 28th February, 2014.In exercise of powers conferred by s ub-section (1) of section 32 of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rura l Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (42 of 2005), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to ma ke the following Rules to ca rry out the pr ovisions of this Act, namely :- 1 . Short title, extent and Commencement - i)T hes e r u les ma y b e ca lled t he M i zor a m M a ha t ma G a ndhi R u r a l E mp loymen t Gu a r a nt ee R u les , 2014. ii)They shall extent to the rural areas of Mizoram. iii) They shall come int o force on the date of notification of the sa me in t he Mizoram Gazette. 2 . Definitions: In t hese r ules, unless the context other wise requires, i)“Act ” means the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (4 2 of 2005); ii)“Block” means Rural Development Block under Rural Development Department, Government of Mizoram; iii) “Central Rules” means the rules and guidelines fra med by the Government of India under the Act; iv) “Cha irperson” means the Chairperson of the Sta te Council; v)“District P rogramme Coordinator” means a n Officer of the State Government designated as such under sub-section (1 ) of section 14 of the MGNREGA 2005 for implementa tion of the Scheme in a district; vi) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the State Council constituted under sub-rule (i) of rule 9; vii) “Programme Officer” means an Officer appointed under sub-section(1) of section 15 of the MGNREGA 2005 for implementing the Scheme; viii) “Scheme” means the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rura l Employment Guarantee Schemes 2014; ix) “Section” means a section of the MGNREGA 2005; x)“Sta te Council” means the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guara ntee Council (her ein aft er referred as State Council or SEGC) constituted under sub-section (1) of section 12 of the MGNREGA 2005; xi) “Village Council” means t he Village Council elected fr om time to time under the relevant Acts and Rules of the St ate Government and the three Autonomous District Council of Mara, Lai and Chakma. - 2 - Ex-144/2014 Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules sha ll have the mea nings r espectively assigned to them in the Act. 3 . The Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Council: i)Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (e) of Rule 3, for the purpose of regular monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the Act , there shall be cons tituted a Council to be known as the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Council which shall consist of the following namely :- a)Chairman:Minister, RD Depart ment b)Vice Chairman:Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram c)Members:Secretary, Planning Deptt Secr etary, F inance Deptt Secr etary, Agr icu lture Deptt Secr etary, Envir onment F or est Deptt Secretary, Public Works Deptt Secr etary, PHE Deptt Secretary, Horticulture Deptt Secretary, Soil & Water Conservation Deptt Secretary, Fisher ies Deptt Secretary, Sports & Youth Services Deptt Secr etary, S ocia l Welfare D eptt Secr etary, Sericu lture Deptt Dir ector, Rur al Development Deptt District Programme Coordina tor, MGNREGA d)Two members each to be nominated by the State Government from the Village Councils of Mizoram and Autonomous District Councils, Organisation of workers and disa dvantaged groups, of whom one third sha ll be women; e)Not less than one-t hird of the total number of non-official members of the State Council shall be women. f)Member Secretary:Secr etary, Rural Develop ment Deptt g)Invitees:Executive Member, RD Deptt, MADC Executive Member, RD Deptt, LADC Executive Member, RD Deptt, CADC Director, Argiculture & Crop Hbry Deptt Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Deptt Engineer -in-Chief, PHE Deptt Director, Horticulture Deptt Director, S oil & Water Conserva tion Deptt Dir ector, Fis her ies Deptt Director, Sports & Youth Services Deptt Secr etary, Mizoram State Sports Council Director, Social Welfare Deptt Director, Sericulture Deptt Project Directors, DRDA of the Districts 4 . Funct ions of the Mizoram Ma ha tma Ga ndhi Rur al Employment Guara ntee Council: i)The Council shall perform the duties and discha rge of the functions assigned to it under sub- section (3) of Section 12 of the MGNREGA Act 2005 ii)It may, subject to prior approval of State Government, authorize the Executive Committee or any of the Committees cons tituted by it or to the Chairperson or Member-Secretary to deal with such financia l and a dministrative matters for its day t o day functioning. iii) It shall la y down the systems and procedures for maintenance of its a ccounts and other records. iv) Submit proposals to the Government of India for release of funds v)To r eceive funds from the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India and State Government and allocate the funds among different districts as per their needs and perfor mances. vi) To operate and administer the Sta te Fund towards implementation of MGNREGA in the State on behalf of the State Government and arr ange its audit from time to time. vii) It shall oversee utilization of the funds by va rious implementing agencies and help in inter- sectoral convergences. viii) To perform such additiona l funct ions and to car ry out such duties as may be assigned to it by the Centra l and S tate Governments. ix) The member Secreta ry shall be responsible for the custody and maintenance of the minute book and other records of the Mizoram Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Council and the Executive Commit tee. 5 . Terms and conditions of appointment of members – i)The members representing the Departments shall hold their offices as long a s they are ser ving in their respective Depar tments or till the concerned Department nominates any other officer. ii)The term of office of the non-official members nominated under sub r ule (i) of cla use (d) and (e) of rule 3 shall be for a period of one year; iii) The non-official members nominated as a bove sha ll be entitled to receive tr avelling allowance and dear ness allowance for a ttending the meetings of the State Council or the Executive Committee, as the case ma y be, a t the r ate admissible to the Group ‘A’ Officer of Entry Grade of t he State Government. iv) The officia ls and non-official members s hall also be entitled to receive honorarium at the rate of five hundred rupees per day for the da ys of the meetings of the State Council or its Executive Committee or any other official work for which they attend to at the headqua rters a t Aizawl on invitation by the State Council or Executive Committee, as the case may be. 6 . Resignation, etc. of non-official members: i)Any non-official member ma y by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairperson resign his office at any time or be removed fr om his office in case he incurs any disqualifica tion if he/ she :- a)has been adjudged a s an insolvent; or b)has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the State Government, involves mora l turpitude; or c)has become physically or mentally incapable of act ing as a member; or d)has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a member; or e)has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest; or f)rema ins absent for three consecutive meetings of the State Council except for reasons beyond his control or without permission of the Chairperson; ii)Any vacancy caused in the State Council due to resignation, death, removal or otherwise of a non-official member shall be filled from the same category to which such member was repr esenting and the person newly nominated shall hold office so long as the member whose place he fills would have been entitled to hold office, if the vacancy had not occur red. 7 . Procedure of the meeting and Quorum i)The Member-S ecretar y shall give at least fourteen days notice for a meetings of the State Council, giving therein the date, time and pla ce of t he meeting.- 3 -Ex-144/2014 ii)Not less tha n two-t hird of the members shall cons titute the quor um for the meetings of the State Council iii) If the quor um in the meeting is not present, the Chairperson may postpone the meeting to another date a nd the C hairperson and the members present a t the postpone meeting sha ll constitute the quorum. iv) Every question brought before any meeting of the State Council shall be decided upon by a majority of the members present and voting at the meeting before which the matter is brought and no member shall be allowed to vote by pr oxy. v)In t he case of an equality of vot es on a ny resolution or quest ion, the Chair person shall ha ve a casting or a second vote. vi) The Member-S ecretar y shall, within thirty days of a meeting, cir culate the minutes of that meeting duly appr oved by the Chairperson. vii) The State Council shall meet as often as may be necessary, but not less than once in a year. viii) Urgent meeting can be called by Member Secretary as and when required giving notice of the meeting, date, time and place of the meeting. 8 . Executive Committee :- i)The State C ouncil shall constitute a Committee to be called the Executive Committee to assist the Council to discharge it s duties and perform the functions assigned to it. ii)The Executive Committee constituted under sub-r ule (i) shall consist of the following namely; Chairman :Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram Members :1.Addl. Secretary/Joint Secretary, RD Department 2.All District Progr amme Coordina tors 3.Dir ector, Ru ral Development Depart ment 4.AllAddl District Programme Coordina tors 5.Director, SIRD 6.Project Director, SLMC & IAC 7.Depu ty Secr etary, Rural Develop ment Deptt 8.The Chairma n may co-opt individua ls or Officials who ar e expert in the field as member of the Executive Commit tee; Member Secretary:Secr etary, R ural Development Depart ment 9 . Functions of the Executive Committee – i)Subject to the general superintendence and directions of the State Council, the Executive Committee shall perform the following duties and functions, namely :- a)take steps to give effect to the decision of the Sta te Council; b)mana ge the a dministrative a nd financial affairs of the State Council; c)sanction expenditur e in connection with the affairs of the Sta te Council; d)appoint expert groups for technical support and advice to improve the quality of implementation of the Act; e)exercise all such powers and perform such functions as may be entrusted to it by the State Council. ii)The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in three months or more frequently, if required by the State Council. 10 . Accounts of the State C ouncil: There shall be an a ccount establis hed or opened for the State Council, which shall be expensed for the purpose of implementing the Scheme, which shall include administra tive expenses of the State Council, payment of unemployment a llowance, a nd a ny ot her expenditure a s pr escribed by t he Government of India and as may be determined by the State Government from time to time.- 4 - Ex-144/2014 11. Management of the Account: i)The Account of the State Council shall be maint ained and administered by the Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Rural Development. ii)No sums from the Account shall be paid or applied, except for the purposes that a re appr oved by t he Secr etary t o the Government of Mizoram, Rural Development Department or by any officer authorized by him on his behalf. iii) As per provision under sub-section(4) of section 14 of the MGNREGA 2005, the State Government shall delegate such financial powers to the District Progr amme Coordinator as may be required to enable him to carry out his functions under the Act. 12 . Power to amend Rules: The State Government may add to, delete from or alter or amend or modify the rules. Such altera tion or a mendment of the rules shall be notified in the Mizor am Gazette. 13 . Repeal & S a ving: On and from the commencement of these Rules, the Mizoram Rural Employment Guar antee Rules, 2007 with its subsequent amendments sha ll stand repea led. Provided tha t any order ma de or anything done or any act ion taken under the rules so repealed, or under general orders ancillary thereto shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corr esponding provisions of these rules. R. Lalvena, Secr etary t o the Govt. of Mizoram, Rura l Development Department. - 5 -Ex-144/2014Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

General Election to 63-Tuisentlang Village Council Constituency under Lai Autonomous District Council along with others wherein 10 th March, 2014 was fixed as the last date for Withdrawal of Nominations and 25 th March, 2014 (Tuesday) as the Date of Poll

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 119Date - 28/03/2014

NOTIFICATION No. B.12011/1/55/2014-SEC/VC/LADC, the 27th March, 2014. WHEREAS, the State Election Commission vide its Notification No.B.12011/46/2012-SEC/LADC/VC, dt. 24.2.2014 issued the Schedule for holding General Election to 63-Tuisentlang Village Council Constituency under Lai Autonomous District Council along with others wherein 10th March, 2014 was fixed as the last date for Withdrawal of Nominations and 25th March, 2014 (Tuesday) as the Date of Poll; and WHEREAS, the Election Observer a nd Sector Officer concerned brought to the not ice of the Commission that following the belated withdrawals of candidature by Independent Candida tes on 24th March, 2014, the Returning Officer of 63-Tuisentlang Village Council C onstituency declared candidates of one party elected ‘unopposed’ without following the procedures laid down in Rule 12 of the La i Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2011 and without obtaining prior permission of the State Election Commission; and WHEREAS, on the basis of t he unauthorized decision taken by the said Returning Officer, no election was conducted by the appointed P residing Officer of the 63- Tuisentla ng Polling Sta tion without obta ining prior permission of the State Election Commission; and WHEREAS, the State Election Commission, after taking the aforementioned facts and circumsta nces into consideration, is of the view that the said Returning Officer and Presiding Officer performed their duties without following the procedures laid down in the Rules ibid and in disregard of the directions of the State Election C ommission and the decision of the said Returning Officer is liable to be declared null and void; and NOW, THEREFORE, the State Election Commission, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (5) of Rule 3 of the Lai Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2011 and other powers enabling in this behalf, hereby orders tha t election process in respect of 63-Tuisentlang Village Council Constituency should be initiated afresh and the said Returning Officer and Presiding Officer should also be replaced forthwith in the interest of fr ee and fair elections. Accordingly, the Schedule of Election in resp ect of 63-Tuisentlang Village Council Constituency is hereby revised as follows and the process of filing of nominations sha ll be commenced with immediate effect :-The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.3.2014 Chaitra 7, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 119 - 2 - Ex-119/2014 1Last date for filing of Nominations2nd Apr il, 2014(Wednesday) (upto 3:00 PM) 2Scrutiny of Nominations3rd April, 2014(Thursday) 3Date & time for Withdrawal of Nominations4th April, 2014(Friday) (upto 12:00 Noon) 4Date and time for a llotment of symbols to candidates4th April, 2014(Friday) and display of list of candidates(1:00 PM – 4:00 PM) 5Date of Poll, if required11th April, 2014(Friday) (7:00 AM – 4:00 PM) 6Date of Re-poll, if any12th April, 2014(Saturday) 7Counting of Votes12th April, 2014(Saturday) (9:30 AM onwards) 8Date on which election pr ocess shall be completed17th April, 2014(Thursday) By order, etc H. Darzika, Secretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA (Direction) Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 130Date - 03/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 3.4.2014 Chaitra 13, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 130 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 Dated : 2nd April, 2014 12 Chaitra, 1936 (Saka) DIRECTIONNo. 576/3/VVPAT/2014/SDR-Vol.I:- Whereas, Section 61A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, provides that the giving and recording of votes by vot ing machines in such manner as may be prescribed, may be adopted in such constituency or constituencies a s the Election Commission of India may, having regard to the circumstances of each case, s pecify; and 2.Whereas, as per the proviso to rule 49A of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, a printer with a drop box of such design, a s may be approved by t he Election Commission of India, may also be attached to a voting machine for print ing a pa per tra il of the vote, in such constituency or constituencies or parts thereof as t he Election Commission of India may direct; and 3.Wher eas, the Election Commission of India has, vide its notification No. 576/3/EVM/2014/SDR- Vol. I dated 1st Apr il, 2014, already specified under the said section 61A of the Representa tion of the People Act, 1951, all the Parlia mentary Constituencies in the countr y, and all Assembly Constituencies of States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha & Sikkim and 27 Assembly C onstituencies of States of Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & West Bengal as the constituencies in which the votes shall be given a nd recor ded by means of voting machines at the poll to be taken for the current gener al elect ions/bye-elections; 4.Now, therefore, the Election Commission of India, in exercise of its powers under the said proviso to r ule 49A of the Conduct of Election R ules, 1961, hereby– (i)specifies the Parliamentar y constituencies or par t thereof as specified in the Annexure hereto as the constituencies in which a printer with a drop box sha ll be attached to ever y voting machine to be used for the giving and recording of votes at the curr ent general election t o the House of the People; - 2 - Ex-130/2014 (ii)appr oves the design of the printer with the drop box as developed by the Bharat Electr onics, Ltd., Bangalore and Elect ronics Corporation of India Ltd., Hyderabad, as the printer which shall be attached to the said voting machines to be used for the giving and r ecording of votes in the above said P arliamentary Constituencies. By Or der, Sd/- (K.F.WILFRED) Principal Secretary PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES IN WHICH VVPAT WILL BE USED SL.NO. NAME OF STATENO. AND NAME OF PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY 1Bihar30-Patna Sahib 2Chhttisgarh8-Raipur 3Gujarat6-Gandhinagar 4Karnataka26-Ba ngalore South 5Tamil Nadu4-Chennai Central 6Uttar Pradesh35-Lucknow 7West Bengal22-Jadavpur NO. AND NAME OF POLLING STATIONS OF MIZORAM PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY IN WHICH VVPAT WILL BE USED Sl.NoDistrict No & Name of AC No & Name of PS 1Mamit3-Mamit (ST)7-Mamit-I 2Mamit3-Mamit (ST)8-Mamit-II 3Mamit3-Mamit (ST)9-Mamit-III 4Mamit3-Mamit (ST)10-Mamit-IV 5Mamit3-Mamit (ST)11-Mamit-V 6Mamit3-Mamit (ST)12-New Mamit 7Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)7-Vengtha r I 8Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)8-Vengthar II 9Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)9-Vengthar III 10Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)10-New Diakka wn W 11Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)11-New Diakka wn E 12Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)12-D iakkawn I 13Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)13-D iakkawn II 14Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)14-S alem Veng 15Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)15-C ollege Veng 16Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)16-Vengla i I 17Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)17-Venglai II 18Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)18-Venglai III 19Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)19-Venglai IV 20Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)20-Tumpui 21Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)21-Hmarveng I 22Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)22-Hmarveng II 23Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)23-Electric Veng 24Kolasib5-Kolasib (ST)24-Saidan 25Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - I 26Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - II 27Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - III 28Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - IV 29Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vair engte - V 30Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vair engte - VI 31Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - VII 32Kolasib6-Serlui(ST)Vairengte - VIII 33Aizawl9 - Tawi (ST)Saitual - I 34Aizawl9 - Tawi (ST)Saitual - II 35Aizawl9 - Tawi (ST)Saitual - III 36Aizawl9 - Tawi (ST)Saitual - IV 37Aizawl9 - Tawi (ST)Saitual - V 38Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)1-Selesih 39Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)2-Durtlang North 40Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)3-Durttlang - I 41Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)4-Durtlang - II 42Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)5-Durtlang - III 43Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)6-Leitan - I 44Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)7-Leitan - II 45Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)8-Leitan - III 46Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)9-Bawngkawn – I 47Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)10-Ba wngkawn - II 48Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)11-Bawngkawn - III 49Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)12-Ba wngkawn - IV 50Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)13-Bawngkawn - V 51Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)14-Bawngkawn South-I 52Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)15-Bawngkawn South-II 53Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)16-Chaltlang - I 54Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)17-Chaltlang - II 55Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)18-Chaltlang - III 56Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)19-Chaltlang - IV 57Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)20-C haltla ng Nor th I 58Aizawl10 - AIZAWL NORTH I (ST)21Chaltlang North II 59Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)1-Ramhlun North - I 60Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)2-Ra mhlun North - II 61Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)3-Ra mhlun North - III 62Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)4-Ra mhlun North - IV 63Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)5-Ra mhlun Vengthar - I 64Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)6-Ra mhlun Vengthar - II 65Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)7-Ra mhlun Venglai - I 66Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)8-Ra mhlun Venglai - II- 3 -Ex-130/2014 67Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)9-Ra mhlun Venglai - III 68Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)10-Ramhlun Sports Complex 69Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)11-Laipuitlang 70Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)12-Ramhlun South - I 71Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)13-R amhlun South - II 72Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)14-R amhlun South - III 73Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)15-R amhlun South - IV 74Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)16-Aizawl Venglai - I 75Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)17-Aizawl Venglai - II 76Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)18-Ramthar Veng - I 77Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)19-Ramthar Veng - II 78Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)20-Ramthar Veng - III 79Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)21-Ramthar North-I 80Aizawl11 - AIZAWL NORTH II (ST)22-Ramthar North-II 81Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)1-Edenthar -I 82Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)2-Edenthar-II 83Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)3-Chanmari West -I 84Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)4-Chanmari West -II 85Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)5-Chanmari West-III 86Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)6-Chanmari West-IV 87Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)7-Cha nmar i West -V 88Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)8-Chanmari - I 89Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)9-Chanmari - II 90Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)10-Chanmari- III 91Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)11-Chanmari- IV 92Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)12-Hunthar-I 93Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)13-Hunthar – II 94Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)14-Zarkawt - I 95Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)15-Zarkawt - II 96Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)16-Electric - I 97Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)17-Electric - II 98Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)18-Electric - III 99Aizawl12 - AIZAWL NORTH III (ST)19-Electric - IV 100Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)1-Sihphir I 101Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)2-Sihphir II 102Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)3-Sihphir III 103Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)4-Sihphir Venghlun I 104Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)5-Sihphir Venghlun II 105Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)6-Nausel 106Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)7-Muthi 107Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)8-Muanna 108Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)9-Zuangtui – I 109Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)10-Zuangtui – II 110Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)11-Thuampui - I 111Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)12-Thuampui - II 112Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)13-Thuampui - III 113Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)14-F alkland- 4 - Ex-130/2014 114Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)15-Zemabawk - I 115Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)16-Zemabawk - II 116Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)17-Zemabawk - III 117Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)18-Zemabawk - IV 118Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)19-Zemabawk - V 119Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)20-Zemabawk - VI 120Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)21-Zemabawk - VII 121Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)22-Zemabawk North I 122Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)23-Z emabawk North II 123Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)24-Tuirial Airfield 124Aizawl13 - AIZAWL EAST I (GEN)24-Tuirial 125Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)1-Armed Veng - I 126Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)2-Armed Veng - II 127Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)3-Armed Veng - III 128Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)4-Chite 129Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)5-Armed Veng South - I 130Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)6-Ar med Veng South - II 131Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)7-Ar med Veng South - III 132Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)8-Ar med Veng South-IV 133Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)9-Chhinga Veng - I 134Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)10-C hhinga Veng - II 135Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)11-C hhinga Veng - III 136Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)12-C hhinga Veng - IV 137Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)13-Chhinga Veng - V 138Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)14-Dawrpui - I 139Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)15-Dawrpui - II 140Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)16-Saron Veng - I 141Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)17-Saron Veng - II 142Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)18-Tuithiang-I 143Aizawl14 - AIZAWL EAST II (ST)19-Tuithiang-II 144Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)1-Sairang Dinthar 145Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)2-Sair ang I 146Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)3-Sairang II 147Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)4-Sihhmui 148Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)5-P.T.C.Lungverh 149Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)6-Tanhril - I 150Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)7-Tanhril - II 151Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)8-Sakawrtuichhun 152Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)9-Central Jail Veng 153Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)10-Tuivamit 154Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)11-Chawlhhmun-I 155Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)12-Chawlhhmun – II 156Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)13-Govt. Complex-I 157Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)14-Govt. Complex-II 158Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)15-Luangmual - I 159Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)16-Luangmual - II 160Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)17-Luangmual - III- 5 -Ex-130/2014 161Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)18-Phunchawng 162Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)19-Zonuam-I 163Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)20-Zonuam – II 164Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)21-Rangvamual 165Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)22-Zotlang - I 166Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)23-Zotlang - II 167Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)24-Chawnpui - I 168Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)25-Chawnpui - II 169Aizawl15 - AIZAWL WEST I (ST)26-Chawnpui - III 170Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)1-Vaivakawn - I 171Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)2-Vaivakawn - II 172Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)3-Vaivakawn - III 173Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)4-Kanan - I 174Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)5-Kanan - II 175Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)6-Kanan - III 176Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)7-Dinthar - I 177Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)8-Dinthar - II 178Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)9-Dinthar - III 179Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)10-Dinthar - IV 180Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)11-D awrpui Vengthar - I 181Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)12-Dawrpui Vengthar – II 182Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)13-Dawrpui Vengthar–III 183Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)14-Tuikual South - I 184Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)15-Tuikual South - II 185Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)16-Tuikual South-III 186Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)17-Tuikual South-IV 187Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)18-Tuikual North - I 188Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)19-Tuikual North - II 189Aizawl16 - AIZAWL WEST II (ST)20-Tuikual North - III 190Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)1-Lawipu 191Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)2-Maubawk - I 192Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)3-Maubawk - II 193Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)4-Maubawk - III 194Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)5-Bungkawn - I 195Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)6-Bungkawn - II 196Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)7-Bungkawn - III 197Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)8-Bungkawn Vengthar - I 198Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)9-Bungkawn Vengthar - II 199Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)10-Nursery Veng - I 200Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)11-Nursery Veng - II 201Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)12-Khatla - I 202Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)13-Khatla - II 203Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)14-Khatla - III 204Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)15-Khatla - IV 205Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)16-Khatla - V 206Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)17-Khatla South I 207Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)18-Khatla South II- 6 - Ex-130/2014 208Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)19-Mission Vengthlang – I 209Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)20-Mission Vengthlang – II 210Aizawl17 - AIZAWL WEST III (ST)21-Mission Vengthlang –III 211Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)1-Bethlehem – I 212Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)2-Bethlehem – II 213Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)3-Bethlehem – III 214Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)4-Bethlehem Vengthlang-I 215Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)5-Bethlehem Vengthlang–II 216Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)6-Bethlehem Vengthlang-III 217Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)7-Bethlehem Vengthlang-IV 218Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)8-Bethlehem Vengthlang-V 219Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)9-College Veng – I 220Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)10-C ollege Veng – II 221Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)11-Venghlui – I 222Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)12-Venghlui - II 223Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)13-Venghlui – III 224Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)14-Upper Republic – I 225Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)15-Upper Republic – II 226Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)16-Republic –I 227Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)17-Republic – II 228Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)18-Republic – III 229Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)19-R epublic Vengthla ng-I 230Aizawl18 - AIZAWL SOUTH I (ST)20-R epublic Vengthlang - II 231Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)1-Tuikhuahtlang-I 232Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)2-Tuikhuahtlang-II 233Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)3-Mission Veng – I 234Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)4-Mission Veng – II 235Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)5-Mission Veng – III 236Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)6-Mission Veng – IV 237Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)7-I.T.I. Veng - I 238Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)8-I.T.I. Veng - II 239Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)9-I.T.I. Veng - III 240Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)10-I. T.I. Veng - IV 241Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)11-T ha kthing 242Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)12-Dam Veng 243Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)13-Venghnuai – I 244Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)14-Venghnuai – II 245Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)15-Salem Veng - I 246Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)16-Salem Veng – II 247Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)17-Salem Veng – III 248Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)18-M odel Veng 249Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)19-Kulikawn – I 250Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)20-Kulikawn – II 251Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)21-Kulikawn – III 252Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)22-Tlangnuam – I 253Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)23-Tlangnuam - II 254Aizawl19 - AIZAWL SOUTH II (ST)24-Tlangnuam - III- 7 -Ex-130/2014 255Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)3 - Khawzawl - I 256Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)4 - Khawzawl - II 257Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)5 - Khawzawl - III 258Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)6 - Khawzawl - IV 259Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)7 - Khawzawl - V 260Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)8 - Khawzawl - VI 261Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)9 - Khawzawl - VII 262Champhai22- Tuichang (ST)10 - Khawzawl - VIII 263Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)21-K eifangtlang 264Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)22-Vengsang I 265Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)23-Vengsang -II 266Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)24-Kahrawt I 267Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)25-Kahrawt II 268Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)26-R ahsi Veng 269Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)27-IB Veng 270Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)28-Awmpui Veng 271Champhai23-C hamphai North (ST)29-Dawr Veng 272Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)3-Kanan I 273Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)4-Kanan II 274Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)5-Dinthar 275Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)6-Venglai I 276Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)7-Venglai II 277Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)8-Electr ic Veng 278Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)9-Bethel I 279Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)10-Bethel II 280Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)11-Zion Veng 281Champhai24-C hamphai South (ST)12-C hampha i Vengthar 282Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)1 - Thenzawl - I 283Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)2 - Thenzawl - II 284Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)3 - Thenzawl - III 285Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)4 -Thenzawl - IV 286Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)5 - Thenzawl - V 287Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)6 - T henzawl - VI 288Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)7-Serchhip – I 289Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)8-Serchhip –II 290Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)9-Serchhip – III 291Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)10-Serchhip – IV 292Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)11-Serchhip – V 293Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)12-Serchhip – VI 294Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)13-Serchhip – VII 295Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)14-Serchhip – VIII 296Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)15-Serchhip – IX 297Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)16-Serchhip – X 298Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)17-Serchhip – XI 299Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)18-Serchhip – XII 300Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)19-New Serchhip-I 301Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)20-New Serchhip-II- 8 - Ex-130/2014 302Serchhip26-Serchhip (ST)21-New Serchhip-III 303Lunglei29 - South Tuipui (ST)7 - Hnahthial - I 304Lunglei30 - South Tuipui (ST)8 - Hnahthial - II 305Lunglei31 - South Tuipui (ST)9 - Hnahthial - III 306Lunglei32 - South Tuipui (ST)10 - Hnahthial - IV 307Lunglei33 - South Tuipui (ST)11 - Hnahthia l - V 308Lunglei34 - South Tuipui (ST)12 - Hnahthial - VI 309Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)15-Pukpui 310Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)16-Zotlang I 311Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)17-Zotlang II 312Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)18-Serkawn I 313Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)19-Serkawn II 314Lunglei30-L unglei North (ST)20-Zohnuai 315Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)1-Electric veng I 316Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)2-Electric veng II 317Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)4-Chanmari I 318Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)5-Chanmari II 319Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)6-Chanmari III 320Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)8-Farm Veng 321Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)10-Ramthar I 322Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)11-Ramthar II 323Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)13-Lungpuizawl 324Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)14-Zobawk I 325Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)15-Zobawk II 326Lunglei31-Lunglei East (ST)17-Electric Veng III 327Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)9-Hauruang 328Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)10-R ahsiveng I 329Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)11-R ahsiveng II 330Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)12-Rahsiveng III 331Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)13-Venghlun 332Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)14-Vengla i I 333Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)15-Venglai II 334Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)16-C ollege Veng 335Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)17-Bazar I 336Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)18-Bazar II 337Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)19-Sazaikawn 338Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)20-Venghlun II 339Lunglei32-Lunglei West (ST)21-Bazar III 340Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)2-S alem Veng 341Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)3-L unglawn I 342Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)4-Lunglawn II 343Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)5-Sethlun 344Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)6-Theiriat I 345Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)7-Theiriat II 346Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)8-Luangmual 347Lunglei33-Lunglei South (ST)9-Hrangchalkawn 348Lawngtlai37- Lawngtlai West (ST)14- T hingkah- 9 -Ex-130/2014 349Lawngtlai37- Lawngtlai West (ST)15- Lawngtlai AOC Veng 350Lawngtlai37- Lawngtlai West (ST)16- College Veng North 351Lawngtlai37- Lawngtlai West (ST)17- College Veng South 352Lawngtlai37- Lawngtlai West (ST)18- Chawnhu 353Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)1-La wngtlai - III(Salem) 354Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)2- Lawngtlai-III (Electr ict) 355Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)3- Lawngtlai Bazar North 356Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)4- Lawngtlai Bazar South 357Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)5- Lawngtlai Vengpui 358Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)6- Lawngtlai Vengpui (M ission Veng) 359Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)7- C ouncil veng East 360Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)8- Council veng West 361Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)9- C handmar y North - I 362Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)10-C handmary North - II 363Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)11- C handmary South 364Lawngtlai38- Lawngtlai East (ST)12- Chandmary - II 365Saiha39-Saiha (ST)6-Meisatla 366Saiha39-Saiha (ST)7-Meisavaih East 367Saiha39-Saiha (ST)8-Meisavaih - West 368Saiha39-Saiha (ST)9-Saiha Vengpu i - I 369Saiha39-Saiha (ST)10-Saiha vengpui - II 370Saiha39-Saiha (ST)11-Saiha Vengpui - III 371Saiha39-Saiha (ST)12-ECM Vaih 372Saiha39-Saiha (ST)13-Thingsen 373Saiha39-Saiha (ST)14-Council Vaih 374Saiha39-Saiha (ST)15-New Colony - I 375Saiha39-Saiha (ST)16-New Colony - II 376Saiha39-Saiha (ST)17-New Colony - III 377Saiha39-Saiha (ST)18-College Vaih - I 378Saiha39-Saiha (ST)19-College Vaih - II 379Saiha39-Saiha (ST)20-New Saiha West - I 380Saiha39-Saiha (ST)21-New Saiha West - II 381Saiha39-Saiha (ST)22-New Saiha East - I 382Saiha39-Saiha (ST)23-New Saiha East - II 383Saiha39-Saiha (ST)24-S aihatla ngkawn - I 384Saiha39-Saiha (ST)25-S aihatla ngkawn - II 385Saiha39-Saiha (ST)26-S aihatlangkawn - III Total385Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500- 10 - Ex-130/2014

The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanction to the creation of 1(one) post of Sports Medicine Doctor for MSSC in the PB 3 of Rs. 15600 - 39100 + 5400 G.P.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 366(A)Date - 24/07/2013

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLII Aizawl, Wednesday 24.7.2013 Sravana 2, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 366(A) NOTIFICATION No. A. 12033/22/2008-SYS, the 17th July, 2013.In the inter es t of p u b lic s er vices and a s per S ect ion 29 of the MS SC Act, 2002, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to accord sanction to the creation of 1(one) post of Sports Medicine Doctor for MSSC in the PB 3 of Rs. 15600 - 39100 + 5400 G.P. This issues with the approval of DP & AR vide their I.D. No. ARW/SYS-1/2012-2013/D-342 dt. 6.3.2013 and concurrence of Finance Department vide their I.D. No. FIN(E) 358/2013 dt. 15.7.2013. R. Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Sports & Youth Services Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/500

The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to provide Security Guard to Protected Persons of various categories as provided in para 3 of the Yellow Book, 2002

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 59Date - 28/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.2.2014 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 59 NOTIFICATIONNo.D.32020/14/2013-HMP, the 17th February, 2014. In supersession to all previous Notifications and in pursuance of the minutes of the meeting on Security Arrangement for Protection Persons held on 27th January, 2014, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to provide Security Guard to Protected Persons of various categories as provided in para 3 of the Yellow Book, 2002 issued by the Government of India, a list of which is appended herewith with immediate effect and until further order. Lalbiakzama, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Dep art ment. LIST OF PROTECTED PERSONS’ as revised on 27th Jan., 2014 (Mon).‘Z’ CATEG ORY Sl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks Vakkom Purushothaman Governor of MizoramPSOs (3) + Ring Round (15 SAP)+ Escort + Pilot + House Guards (1 Coy of CRPF) 1. Pu Lal Thanhawla Chief MinisterPSOs (3) + Escort (19) + Pilot (15) + House Guards (Two Section of CRPF) 2.‘Z’ CATEGORYSl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks Pu Hiphei Spea kerPSOs (4) + (1+1+4) SAP + House Guards (1 Coy of CRPF) 1. Pu R. Lalzirliana Home MinisterPSOs (4) + (1+1+3+3) for duty on 2 shifts + House Guards (1+1+5) 2.Security Protected Persons Ex-59/20142 Escorts shall be provided when Assembly is in Session ‘Y ’ CATE GO RY Sl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks Pu R. Romawia, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 1. Pu Lalsawta, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 2.Security Protected Persons Pu H. Rohluna, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 3.Pu Zodintluang a, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 4.Pu John Rotluangliana, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 5.Pu P.C. Lalthanliana, Cabinet MinisterPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 6. Pu R. Lalrinawma, Deputy SpeakerPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 7.Pu Lalthanzara, Minister of StatePSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 8.Pu Lalrinmawia Ralte, Minister of StatePSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 9.Pu C. Ngunlianchunga, Minister of StatePSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 10. Dr. B.D. Chakma, Minister of StatePSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 11.Pu H. Liansailova, Vice Chairman, State Planning BoardPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 12.Chief Secretary, MizoramPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 13.Director General of Police, MizoramPSOs (3) + House Guards (1+4 SAP) 14.Ex-59/2014 3 ‘X’ CATEGORY Sl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks Judges, Gauhati High Court, Aizawl BenchPSOs (2) + House Guards (CRPF) 1. Pu Zoramthanga, Ex-Chief Minister, MizoramPSOs (3) 2.Security Protected Persons Brig. T. Sailo Ex-Chief Minister, MizoramPSOs (3) 3.Pu C.L Ruala, MP Lok SabhaPSOs (2) 4.Pu Lalhmingliana, MP Rajya SabhaPSOs (2) 5.Pu John Siamkunga, MLA Chairman, Law CommissionPSOs (2) 6. Pu Lalrobiaka, MLA Chairman, ZIDCOPSOs (2) 7.Pu R.L. Pianmawia, MLA Deputy Chief WhipPSOs (3) 8.Pu J.H. Rothuama, MLA Chairman, NLUP Implementing BoardPSOs (2) 9.Pu K. Lianzuala, Chairman, MKVIPSOs (2) 10. Pu T. Sang kunga, MLA Chairman, Mizoram Youth CommissionPSOs (2) 11.Pu S. Laldingliana, MLA Vice Chairman, Lunglei High Powered CommitteePSOs (2) 12.Pu Hmingchungnunga, Chairman, SHDCPSOs (2) 13.Pu K.S. Thanga, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 14.PSOs shall be provided during their stay in their own Parliamentary Constituency Col. Z.S. Zuala, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 15.Pu H. Zothangliana, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 16.Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 17. Pu T.T. Zothansanga, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 18.Ex-59/20144 Sl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks Pu K.Lalrintluanga, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 19. Pu Hmingdailova Khiangte, MLA Parliamentary SecretaryPSOs (2) 20.Security Protected Persons Pu P.C. Zoram Sangliana, MLAPSOs (2) 21.Dr. Ngurdingliana, MLAPSOs (2) 22.Pu Lalthanliana, MLAPSO (1) 23.Pu K. Sangthuama, MLA PSO (1) 24. Pu Lalruatkima, MLAPSO (1) 25.Pu Vanlalzawma, MLA and Leader of OppositionPSOs (1+1) 26.Pu R. Vanlalvena, MLAPSO (1) 27.Pu Lalrinliana Sailo, MLAPSO (1) 28. Er. Lalrinawma, MLAPSO (1) 29.Pu Chalrosanga, MLAPSO (1) 30.Pu Nihar Kanti Chakma, MLAPSO (1) 31.Dr. K. Beichhua, MLAPSO (1) 32.Ex-59/2014 5 OTHER PROTECTED PERSONS Sl.No.Name & DesignationScale of SecurityRemarks State Chief Information Commissioner PSOs (2) 1. Chairman, State Finance CommissionPSO (1) 2.Security Protected Persons Chairman, Mizoram Public Service CommissionPSO (1) 3.State Information CommissionerPSO (1) 4.State Election CommissionerPSO (1) 5.Vice Chancellor, Mizoram UniversityPSO (1) 6. Additional Director General of PolicePSOs (2) 7.Inspector General of PolicePSOs (2) 8.CEMs, LADC, MADC & CADCPSO 1 each 9.Advocate General, MizoramPSOs (2) 10.Deputy Inspector General of Police (CID)PSO (1) 11.PSO (1) 12.PSOs shall be provided when station in Mizoram Deputy Inspector General of Police (TRG) PSO (1) 13 . Deputy Inspector General of Police (HQ)PSO (1) 1 4 . Deputy Inspector General of Police (NR)PSO (1) 1 5 . Deputy Inspector General of Police (SR)PSO (1) 16. Director, ACBPSO (1) 17 . Commandant General, MRHGPSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 SAP) 18. Deputy Commissioner, AizawlPSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 19. Deputy Commissioner, LungleiPSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 2 0 . Deputy Commissioner, Saiha PSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 2 1 . Deputy Commissioner, Champhai PSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 22 . Deputy Commissioner, Mamit PSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 23 . Deputy Commissioner, KolasibEx-59/20146 PSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 2 4 . Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip PSOs (2) + House Guards (1+1+4 MRHG) 25. Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai PSO (1) 26 . District & Session Judge, Aizawl PSO (1) 27. District & Session Judge, Lunglei PSOs (2) 28 . Dy. Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, Silchar29 . Dy. Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, ShillongPSOs (2) 30 . Dy. Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, GuwahatiPSOs (2)Ex-59/2014 7 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500

State Level Road Safety Council and District Road Safety Committee

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 60Date - 28/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.2.2014 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 60 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.11015/9/11-TRP, the 19th February, 2014.In supercession of this Department’s Notification No.B.11015/9/04-TRP dt. 8.4.2010 and in exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (2) of section 215 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1985, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute the State Level Road Safety Council and District Road Safety Committee for the smooth functioning of the Council as follow: 1.Minister, Transport Department-Chairman 2.Commissioner/Secretary, Transport-Vice Chairman 3.Director, Transport Department-Member Secreta ry 4.DGO of Representative-Member 5.E-in-C (PWD) or Representative-Member 6.Director, Hospital & Medical Education-Member 7.Director, School Education-Member 8.President, ZDU-Member 9.President, MGDA-Member 10. President, MJA-Member 11. Pu Dalkhena, Ramhlun ‘N’ Aizawl-Member (B ) District Level Road Safety Committee : Aizawl District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.P.C. Lianchungnunga, Tuikual North-Member (C) Lunglei District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.V.L. Nghaksanga, Lunglei Bazar veng-Member (D ) Saiha District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Saiha-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.N. Zakhai, New Colony, Saiha-Member (E) Lawngtlai Dis trict 1.Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.H. Sangkhena L-IV, Lawngtlai-Member (F) Champhai District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.C.Lalhlawhliana, Vengthlang Champhai-Member (G) Kolasib District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member Ex-60/20142 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.Pahnuna Venglai, Kolasib-Member (H) Serchhip District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.Ramliana Sailo, Serchhip-Member (I) Mamit District 1.Deputy Commissioner, Mamit-Chairman 2.District Transport Officer-Member Secreta ry 3.Superintendent of Police-Member 4.Executive Engineer, PWD-Member 5.Chief M.O.-Member 6.President, Sub-Headquarters, ZDU-Member 7.President, MGDA-Member 8.President, MJA of the District-Member 9.Zahlira, Charkawn veng, Mamit-Member The Terms of reference and functions of the council will be:- (i)To advice on all matters pertaining to Planning and coordination of policies, standards of sefety in the road Transport sector. (ii) To formulate and recommend road safety programmes for implementation by State Road Safety Organisation as also other state agencies incharge of road transportation (iii) To suggest areas for research and development to improve safety aspects in the road transport sector, including maintenance of statistics or road accidents and their analysis. (iv) To generally oversee and monitor the road safety measures undertaken by the state agencies. (v) The council/committee shall decide the procedure and methodology to be adopted for their respective functioning. (vi) Non-official and outstanding members shall be entitle to TA/DA as admissible to grade-I Govt. Officers of Govt. of Mizoram and as admissible under rules of the Mizoram salaries allowances and pension of member of Legislative Assembly Act, 1987. C. Lalhmachhuana, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Transport Department. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl C-500Ex-60/2014 3

Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 61Date - 28/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.2.2014 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 61 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/9/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21st February, 2014. In exercise of the powers confer red by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Deputy Director, Science Promotion Wing(SCERT) under School Education Department, Government of Mizoram, namely : (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these rules. The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. The method of recruitment, to the said posts, age limit, qualification and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may b e fr om time to t ime. No person- (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); 1. Short title and commencement- 2. Application- 3 . Number of posts, classification, pay band and grade pay/pay scale- 4 . Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc- 5. Disqualification- Ex-61/20142 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the pesonal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be prescribed from time to time. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officer(s) so recruited under these rules to any other post or position in which is equivalent in rank or grade. Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in wiriting and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be pr ovided for the Scheduled Caste/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. All Rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Assam and Government of Mizoram under Notificatgion N.A.12018/14(i)/80-APT(B) dt. 17.11.1987 Issue No.132(B) dt.17.11.1987 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done of taken under the corresponding provisions or these rules. By orders, etc. C. Zothankhumi Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. 6 . Tra ining and Departmental Examination- 7. Powers to transfer 8. Power to relax- 9 . Reservation and other concessions 10. Repeal and savings 3 Name of post No.ofpost Classification Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay Scale W hether Selec- tion postor Non-Selection post W hether benefitof added years ofservice admissible underrule 30 ofthe CCS (Pen- sion)Rules, 1972 Agelimitfor directre- cruits Educationaland otherqualifica- tions required fordirectre- cruits Deputy Director (Science Promotion Wing) SCERT 1(one)postor as sanctioned bythe Governmentfrom time totime GeneralState ServiceGroup‘A’ PB -3 ^.15400-39100+ Gradepay6600 Selection Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHEDULE (SeeRule2,3and 4) RECRUITM ENT RULES FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY DIRECTOR (SCERT)IN THE DEPARTM ENT OF SCHOOL EDUCA- TION AND HUM AN RESOURCE DEVELOPM ENT Name of post Educationaland otherqualifica- tions required fordirectre- cruits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ex-61/2014 3 W hetherage and educationalqualifi- cations prescribed fordirectrecruits willapply in the case ofpromotees Period of probation, ifany M ethod ofrecruit- mentwhetherby directrecruitment orby promotion orby deputation/ transferand percen- tage ofpoststo be filled by various methods In case ofrecruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation,grades from which promotion/ deputation/transferis to be made Ifa DPC exist,whatisits composition? Circumstances in which M PSC isto be consulted in making recruitment. Notapplicable Mizoram PublicServiceCommission. AsperMizoram PublicService Commission(Limita- tionofFunctions) Regulations,1994 andasamendedfrom timetotime 9 10 11 12 13 14 100% byPromotion Ex-61/2013 4 Notappli- cable PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,AizawlC-500 100% Promotion from scienceConsultantwho possesstheminimum req- uisitequalificationfordi- rectrecruitmentforSci- enceConsultantwithnot lessthan5yearsregular serviceinthegrade

Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013.

VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 62Date - 28/02/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Friday 28.2.2014 Phalguna 9, S.E. 1935, Issue No. 62 NOTIFICATIONNo.A.12018/9/2003-P&AR(GSW), the 21st February, 2014. In exercise of the powers confer red by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post(s) of Science Consultant (SCERT) under School Education Department, Government of Mizoram, namely : (1)These Rules may be called the Mizoram School Education Department (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed to these rules. The number of the said post(s), their classification, Pay Band and Grade pay/pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Schedule. The method of recruitment, to the said posts age limit, qualification and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or the Government of Mizoram, as the case may b e fr om time to t ime. No person- (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any other person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); 1. Short title and commencement- 2. Application- 3 . Number of posts, classification, pay band and grade pay/pay scale- 4 . Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc- 5. Disqualification- Ex-62/20142 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Every Government servant recruited under these rules shall undergo such training or pass such Departmental Examination(s) as may be prescribed from time to time. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have power to transfer any officer(s) so recruited under these rules to any other post or position in which is equivalent in rank or grade. Where the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in wiriting, and in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. Nothing in these rules shall affect any reservation of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Caste/ the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. All Rules pertaining to these posts framed by the Government of Assam and Government of Mizoram under Notification No.A.12018/7/85-P&AR(C) dt. 31.10.1988 Issue No.120(A) dt.31.10.1988 stand hereby repealed. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresponding provisions or these rules. By orders, etc. C. Zothankhumi Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. 6 . Tra ining and Departmental Examination- 7. Powers to transfer 8. Power to relax- 9 . Reservation and other concessions 10. Repeal and savings 3 Name of post No.ofpost Classification Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay Scale W hether Selec- tion postor Non-Selection post W hether benefitof added years ofservice admissible underrule 30 ofthe CCS (Pen- sion)Rules, 1972 Agelimitfor directre- cruits Educationaland otherqualifica- tions required fordirectre- cruits Scince Consultant 3(three)or as sanctioned bythe Government from time totime GeneralState ServiceGroup‘A’ PB -3 ^.15400-39100+ Gradepay5400 Selection Notapplicable Between18to 35years relaxableby5 yearsinthe caseofSched- uledCastes/ Scheduled Tribes Essential: 1.Atleast2ndClass MasterDegreeinany ofthefollowing ScienceSubject (Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics,Botany andZoology)from recognizedUniversity. 2.Workingknowledge ofMizolanguageat- leastMiddleSchool standard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHEDULE (SeeRule2,3and 4) RECRUITM ENT RULES FOR THE POST OF SCIENCE CONSULTANT (SCERT)IN THE DEPARTM ENT OF SCHOOL EDU- CATION AND HUM AN RESOURCE DEVELOPM ENT Name of post No.ofpost Classification Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay Scale W hether Selec- tion postor Non-Selection post W hether benefitof added years ofservice admissible underrule 30 ofthe CCS (Pen- sion)Rules, 1972 Agelimitfor directre- cruits Educationaland otherqualifica- tions required fordirectre- cruits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ex-62/2014 3 W hetherage and educationalqualifi- cations prescribed fordirectrecruits willapply in the case ofpromotees Period of probation, ifany M ethod ofrecruit- mentwhetherby directrecruitment orby promotion orby deputation/ transferand percen- tage ofpoststo be filled by various methods In case ofrecruitment by promotion/transfer/ deputation,grades from which promotion/ deputation/transferis to be made Ifa DPC exist,whatisits composition? Circumstances in which M PSC isto be consulted in making recruitment. Notapplicable MizoramPublicService Commission. AsperMizoram PublicService Commission(Limita- tionofFunctions) Regulations,1994 andasamendedfrom timetotime 9 10 11 12 13 14 33 % Promotion faillingwhichbydirect recruitment. 66 % Directrecruit- ment. Ex-62/2013 4 2(two)years PublishedandIssuedbytheController,Printing&Stationery,Mizoram PrintedattheMizoramGovernmentPress,AizawlC-500 Promotionfrom Science Supervisorwhopossess theminimum requisite educationalqualification fordirectrecruitmentfor ScienceConsultantwith notlessthan3yearsregu- larserviceinthegrade 1/3 2/3


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 134Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 134 THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI(THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH NOTIFICATIONNo.HC.XI-10/2013/22/RC, the 31st March, 2014.Hon’ble the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to amend Chapter II, Rule II and III of the Gauhati High Court (ACC) Rules in the following manner, with immedia te effect: i)The existing Rule (!A) (i), (ii) & (iii), Rule 2, Rule 4 and Rule 5(i), (ii) and (iii) shall be deleted ii) The rules of the Schedule shall be re-numbered as follows: Rule-I. All Civil Appeals which are not required to be heard statutorily by a Division Bench may be heard by a Learned Single Judge, irrespective of the valuation. Rule-II. All Civil Revisions. Rule-II. All applications not being applications for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court and rules relating to second and miscellaneous appeals. Rule-IV. All revenue and hill cases for addmission or hearing, as the case may be, except where the dispute involves the determination for any question of any custom or usage and in criminal cases where the sentence exceeds imprisonment for a period longer than 7 years. Rule-V. All interlocutory matters including matters including stay and condonation of delay applications, bail and substitution petitions in all civil, criminal and other proceedings even when the admission or final hearing be by a Division Bench, unless otherwise ordered by a Divis ion B ench. L. Tochhong Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 135Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 135 THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI(THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH NOTIFICATIONNo.HC.XI-09/2012/71-RC, the 1s th April, 2014.Hon’ble the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to amendChapter XI of the Gauhati High Court (ACC) Rules by inserting the following asRule 1A after the existingRule 1A, with immediate effect. “Rule 1A : It shall be obligatory for the appellant(s)/petitioner(s) to implead the informant(s)/ complainant(s)/victim(s) or the accused person(s), as the case may be, as respondent(s) in the appeal(s) filed under Section 374/378 of the Code of Criminal Procedure or under proviso to Section 372 of the Code and also in the revision petition(s) under Section 397/401 or in the petition filed under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.” By Order M.K. Bhattacharjee REGISTRAR GENERAL Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 136Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 136 THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI(THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH NOTIFICATIONNo.HC.XI-09/2012/44-RC, the 1s th April, 2014.Hon’ble the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to amend the Criminal Rules and Order by inserting the following Rules as Rule 1A after the existing Rule 1 and Rule 14A after the existing Rule 14, in Chapter 2, with immediate effect: “Rule 1A : It shall be obligatory for the appellant(s)/to implead the informant/complainant/ victim(s) or the accused person(s), as the case may be, as respondent(s) in any appeal filed under Section 374(3)/ 378(1) of Cr.P.C.” Rule 14A : It shall be obligatory for the petitioner to implead the informant/complainant/ victims(s) or the accused person(s), as the case may be, as the respondent(s) in any revision filed under Section 397/399 of Cr.P.C.” By Order M.K. Bhattacharjee REGISTRAR GENERAL Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.


VOL - XLIIIISSUE - 137Date - 10/04/2014

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLIII Aizawl, Thursday 10.4.2014 Chaitra 20, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 137 THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI(THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH NOTIFICATIONNo.HC.XI-02/2014/119/RC, the 2nd April, 2014.Hon’ble the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to amendChapter XIV, Schedule-D, Rule 3, Rules regarding Advocates’ Licenced Clerk, other than Articled Clerk, in the following manner, with immediate effect. 1.Sub-Rule 2 shall be amended as follows: The Licensing Authority shall be the Registrar General, hereinafter the licensing authority, who shall maintain a register, in form No. 15 (Civil), appendix 1 of all Licenced Clerks of Advocates. 2.Sub-Rule 3 shall be amended as follows: After the words “following particulars”, the following sub-rule shall be inserted: The minimum qualification for enrolment as an Advocate Clerk he/she shall be higher secondary passed, from any recognised Council/University. The existing Rule (i) and (ii) shall be re-numbered as (ii) and (iii). Thereafter another Rule shall be inserted, which is as follows: A person applying for Advocate’s Clerk’s License shall submit an affidavit declaring as to whether any criminal case/proceeding is pending against him. 3.The existing Rule 4 shall be amended by inserting the following, after the word “Licensing Authority”: “Licensing Authority”: “..shall constitute a Committee with one of the Registrars as the President/Chairman. The Committee shall take the viva-voce of the aspirant applicants who apply for fresth License for Advocate’s Clerk to assess their suitability. The Committee shall prepare a list of suitable applicants on the basis of the performance of viva-voce. The Committee thereafter shall submit the list to the licensing authority for issuance of license as per the list. The Committee shall verify the certificates relating to educational qualifications, proof of permanent residence, cha r acter cer tificate, etc.” 4.The existing Rule 5 shall be amended by inserting the following, after the word “valid”: “...only for 3 years and shall be renewed after submission of performance certificate by the con- cerned Advocate with whom the Advocate Clerk works.” The words “for which it is granted” shall be deleted. 5.The existing Rule 6 sha ll be deleted. 6.After Rule 13, the following Rule shall be inserted: Every Licenced Clerk shall wear the uniform prescribed by the Licensing Authority and shall carry their identity card. By Order M.K. Bhattacharjee REGISTRAR GENERAL Ex-137/20142 Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing & Stationery, Mizoram Printed at th e Mizoram Govt. Press, Aizawl. C-500.

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