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Electoral Registration Officers and Assistant Electoral Registration Officers in the Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls for 11 th General Election to Chakma Autonomous District Council, 2023

VOL - LIIISSUE - 117Date - 06/03/2023

Re-constitute the Internal Complaints Committee under Cooperation Department with the following composition

VOL - LIIISSUE - 116Date - 06/03/2023

No. F. 13011/3/2019-COOP, the 1 st  March, 2023. In supersession of this Department’s Notification
of even No. dt.2.12.2019 and in the interest of public service and in exercise of the power conferred by
Section 4 of Chapter II of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal)  Act,  2013,  the  Competent  Authority  is  pleased  to  re-constitute  the  Internal  Complaints
Committee under Cooperation Department with the following composition :
1. Presiding  Officer : Pi Martha Lalthanpuii, Superintendent, Cooperation Department
2. Members : 1) Pi Lalbeiseii, Assistant, Cooperation Department
2) Pi Lalzikpuii, Assistant, Cooperation Department
3) Pi C.Lalthanpuii, UDC, Cooperation Department
4) Pi Vanlalfeli, President, MHIP, New Capital Complex Branch

Obituary of Pu Lalthanzuala, Selection Grade of MES (Civil), Public Works Department

VOL - LIIISSUE - 115Date - 06/03/2023

Pu Lalthanzuala, Selection Grade of MES (Civil), Public Works Department chuan ni 27.02.2023,
zan dar 8:45 ah chatuan ram min pansan ta a. Mizoram Sawrkar chuan pawi a tiin a ui tak zet a ni.
Sawrkarin a chhinchhiah dan chuan Pu Lalthanzuala hian ni 25.04.1990 ah Junior Grade of
MES(Civil)  a  zawm  a.  Ni  03.09.2008  ah  Senior  Grade  ah  kaisangin,  Ni.  04.09.2013  ah  Junior
Administrative Grade of MES (Civil) (Sr.EE) ah a kaisang leh a. Ni 05.01.2022 ah Selection Grade of
MES(Civil)  ah  kaisang  lehin  tunah  hian  Superintending  Engineer  (P&W),  CE(Building  &  Other
Department) Office ah thawkin, a thih ni thleng hian he hna hi a chelh a ni.
Pu Lalthanzuala’n a thiamna leh theihna ram tana a lo hman tawh zawng zawng te Mizoram
Sawrkar chuan a ngaihluin a theihnghilh ngai dawn tawh lo a ni. Mizoram Sawrkar chuan a kalsan tak a
chhungkuate thinlung takin a tawrhpui a, Pathian venna, awmpuina leh thlamuanna a duhsak bawk a ni.

K. Bahadur Chhetri S/o Chetlal Chhetri a resident of Bawngkawn, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - LIIISSUE - 114Date - 02/03/2023

I, K. Bahadur Chhetri S/o Chetlal Chhetri a resident of Bawngkawn, Aizawl, Mizoram do
hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:-
1. That I am a Bona-fide citizen of India by Birth and competent to swear this affidavit.
2. That in all of my documents, my name was written as K. Bahadur Chhetri. However, in my
Pension Payment Book No. PPO/MR/DAT/4507 my name was written only as K. Bahadur
without title (Chhetri)
3. That the name K. Bahadur Chhetri is my true and correct name and that the name K. Bahadur
in my Pension Payment Book does not signify different with K. Bahadur Chhetri and are one
and same person.
4. That the purpose of this affidavit is to declare my correct name and that it should be written as
K. Bahadur Chhetri and both names denotes and represents same name and same person i.e.
myself and to get it corrected.
5. That the statements made in paragraphs are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my own signature on this 15 th day of Feblaary, 2023.

Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Internal Complaints Committee under Law & Judicial Department is hereby re-constituted consisting of the following members

VOL - LIIISSUE - 113Date - 02/03/2023

No. B. 11013/1/2019-LJC, the 1 st  March, 2023. In the interest of public service and in exercise
of the powers conferred by sub-section 1 of section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Internal Complaints Committee under Law & Judicial
Department is hereby re-constituted consisting of the following members :-


VOL - LIIISSUE - 112Date - 02/03/2023

No. G. 16016/9/2019-F.Est, the 28 th  February, 2023. In exercise of powers conferred by sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the Lotteries (Regulation) Rules, 2010, the Government of Mizoram hereby frames the following Weekly Lottery Schemes, in the interest of public service and for generation of additional revenues,through the Director, IF&SL:-


VOL - LIIISSUE - 111Date - 02/03/2023

No. G. 16016/9/2019-F.Est, the 28 th  February, 2023. In exercise of powers conferred by sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the Lotteries (Regulation) Rules, 2010, the Government of Mizoram hereby frames the following Weekly Lottery Schemes, in the interest of public service and for generation of additional revenues, through the Director, IF&SL:-

The Mizoram Environment,Forests & Climate Change Department (Group ‘A’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2023.

VOL - LIIISSUE - 110Date - 02/03/2023

No. A. l2018/7/2003-P&AR(GSW) : Aizawl, the 24 th  February 2023: In exercise of the powers
conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution,the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make
the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon
under Environment, Forests & Climate Change Department, Government of Mizoram namely :-

Governing Body of Mizoram Employees’ State Insurance Society comprising

VOL - LIIISSUE - 7Date - 06/01/2023

No. B. 14011/1/2020 - LESDE, the 29 th  December, 2022. In  supersession  of  this  department’s
Notification of even No. dated 10.02.2021 and as provided under para 6.4 of the Memorandum of
Association (MOA) and Rules & Regulations of the Mizoram Employees’ State Insurance Society, the
Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute the Governing Body of Mizoram Employees’ State
Insurance Society comprising of the following with immediate effect and until further orders.

State Level Reward Committee for scrutinizing the reward proposals consisting of the following members

VOL - LIIISSUE - 8Date - 06/01/2023

No. F. l8015/1/2021-HM, the 3 rd  January, 2023. In the interest of public service and in pursuance
of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Instruction issued vide No. NCB/XIV/171 /86
dt. 12.6.1986, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a State Level Reward Committee for
scrutinizing the reward proposals consisting of the following members —

Obituary of Pu R.Darbuanga, Headmaster, Govt. Middle School-III, Bilkhawthlir

VOL - LIIISSUE - 9Date - 06/01/2023

No. A. 19011/1/2010-EDN, the 5 th  January, 2023. Pu  R.Darbuanga, Headmaster, Govt.
Middle School-III, Bilkhawthlir hi 5.1.2023 (Ningani), dar 1:35 AM hian a boral a, hetia hun lo
taka min boral san hi Mizoram Sorkar chuan pawi a ti tak zet a ni.
Pu R. Darbuanga hian ni 4.2.1997-ah Mizoram Sorkar hnuaiah Middle School zirtirtu
hna a thawk tan a, ni 3.12.2021-ah Middle School Headmaster-ah a kaisang a, ni 18.5.2022-ah
SDEO Office, Kawnpui ah attached niin he hna hi a boral ni thlengin a thawk a ni.
Middle School zirtirtu leh Headmaster tha tak leh rinawm tak niin a thawhpui te tan
pawh thawhpui nuam tak a ni.
Mizoram Sorkar chuan Pu R.Darbuanga’n Sorkar hna a thawh chhunga a inpekna leh
thahnemngai taka a lo thawhna te a ngaihlu in a hre reng a, vawiinah hian a chhungte thinlung
takin a tuarpui a ni.
Dr. Lalzirmawia Chhangte,
Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,
School Education Department.

Deed changing name of Mary Lalawmpuii, W/o David Rualzakhuma, R/o Saron Veng, Aizawl District, Mizoram

VOL - LIIISSUE - 10Date - 13/01/2023

I, Mary Lalawmpuii, W/o David Rualzakhuma, R/o Saron Veng, Aizawl District, Mizoram,
aged about 32 years and a Christian by faith do hereby Solemnly affirm and state as follows:
1. That I, Mary Lalawmpuii W/o David Rualzakhuma formerly known as Lalawmpuii changes
my name to Mary Lalawmpuii W/o David Rualzakhuma with the consent of Magistrate, Aizawl,
2. That I wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former name Lalawmpuii and in
place  thereof, do  assume  from  the date  hereof  the  name  of Lalawmpuii  and  so  that  I  may
hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name of Lalawmpuii but my
assume name of Mary Lalawmpuii.
3. That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination I declare that I shall at all times
hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions of
private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name of Mary
Lalawmpuii as my name in place of and in substitute for my former name of Lalawmpuii.
4. That I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address
me such assumed surname of Mary Lalawmpuii accordingly.
In witness whereof, I put my hand and sign this the 10 th  day of January, 2023.

Eight Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Eleventh-Cum-Budget Session on and from 7 th February, 2023 onwards at 10:30 A.M. in the Legislative Assembly House.

VOL - LIIISSUE - 11Date - 13/01/2023

No. LA. 1/LEGN/2018/55, the 12 th  January, 2023. The following order of the Governor of Mizoram
dated 9 th  January, 2023 is hereby published for information :
In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 174 of the Constitution of India,
I,  Dr.  HARI  BABU  KAMBHAMPATI, Governor  of  Mizoram,  do  hereby  summon  the  Eight
Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram to meet for its Eleventh-Cum-Budget Session on and
from 7 th  February, 2023 onwards at 10:30 A.M. in the Legislative Assembly House.

Deed changing name of Lalrochama

VOL - LIIISSUE - 12Date - 13/01/2023

No. A. 11015/l/2015-EC(P&E)/220, the 10 th  January 2023.   After executing a Deed in the prescribed
form, the former name ‘LALROCHAMA’ employed as SBO-I under Generation Division, Aizawl,
Power  &  Electricity  Department,  Govt.  of  Mizoram  do  hereby  assumed  the  new  name  of
‘K.LALROCHAMA’ and hereafter should be called, known and distinguish not by his formal name,
but by the assumed name of ‘K.LALROCHAMA’.
It is, therefore, authorized and requested all persons - Officials and Non-Officials to designate
and address him by such assumed name of ‘K. LALROCHAMA’
Lalhmingliani Hmar,
Power & Electricity Department.

Obituary of Pu Thangchhuana Pautu, Sr. Grade of MES(Civil)(NF), Public Works Department

VOL - LIIISSUE - 13Date - 13/01/2023

No. A. 45019/1/91-PWD(E), the 9 th  January, 2023. Pu Thangchhuana Pautu, Sr. Grade of
MES(Civil)(NF), Public Works Department chuan ni 06.01.2023, zinglam dar 9:40 ah chatuan
ram min pansan ta a. Mizoram Sawrkar chuan pawi a tiin a ui tak zet a ni.
Sawrkar in a chhinchhiah dan chuan Pu Thangchhuana Pautu hian ni 05.09.2008 ah
Junior Grade of MES(Civil) a zawm a. Ni 08.11.2019 ah Senior Grade of MES-ah a kaisang a.
Tunah hian Sr.AE(PMGSY), Engineer-in-Chief Office ah thawkin, a thih ni thleng hian he hna
hi a chelh ani.
Pu Thangchhuana Pautu in a thiamna leh theihna ram tana a lo hman tawh zawng zawng
te Mizoram Sawrkar chuan a ngaihluin a theihnghilh ngai dawn tawh lo a ni. Mizoram Sawrkar
chuan a kalsan tak a chhungkua te thinlung takin a tawrhpui a, Pathian venna, awmpuina leh
thlamuanna a duhsak bawk a ni.
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,
Public Works Department.

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