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Revision of VAT rate on Tobacco Products including Cigarettes, Cigars, Cigarillos and Vaihlo

VOL - XLVISSUE - 4Date - 12/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. J. 11020/1/2012-TAX, the 8th January, 2016. In continuation of this Department’s letter No. J. 11020/1/2012-TAX : Dt. 9.9.2015, revision of VAT rate on Tobacco Products including Cigarettes, Cigars, Ciga rillos and Vaihlo in all for ms from the existing 20% to 30% in Scheduled - II Part ‘D’ of Mizoram Value Added Tax Act, 2005 will be effective w.e.f. 1.4.2016 (Friday). L. N. Tochhawng, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Taxation Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2016 Pausa 22, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 4Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Disease in Animals (Check Post and Quarantine Camp, Manners of Inspections etc) Rules, 2015

VOL - XLVISSUE - 5Date - 12/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo. B. 18017/11/2015-AH&V, the 8th January, 2016. In the interest of public services and with the approva l of the Council of Minister ’s Meeting on 14.12.2015, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify “The Mizoram Prevention and Contr ol of Infectious and Contagious Disease in Animals (Check Post and Quarantine Camp, Manners of Inspections etc) Rules, 2015” with immediate effect. K. Lal Nghinglova, Commr/Secretary to t he Govt. of Mizoram, A.H & Veterinary Department. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2016 Pausa 22, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 5 THE MIZORAM PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES IN ANIMALS(CHECK POST AND QUARANTINE CAMP, MANNER OF INSPECTION, ETC,) RULES,2015. NOTIFICATIONIn exercise of the powers conferred by Section 43(1) of the P revention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act,2009, the Government of Mizor am with the appr ova l of Centr al Government, hereby makes the following Rules : 1 . Short Title/Extend and commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mizoram Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals(Check Post and Quarantine Camp, Manner of Inspection, etc.,) Rules,2015. (2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Mizoram. (3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Gazette of Mizoram. 2 . Definitions : (1) In t hese Rules unless the context other wis e r equir es : (a) ‘Act’ means The Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act,2009. (b) ‘Section’ means a section of the Act. (c ) ‘For m’ means a for m appended to t hese Ru les. - 2 - Ex-5/2016 (d) ‘Dir ector ’ means Director of Animal Husba ndry & Veterinary Department, Government of Mizoram. (2) Words and expressions used in these Rules and not separa tely defined a bove sha ll have the same meaning as assigned in the Act. 3.The manner of inspection and the period of detention at a Check Post or at a Quarantine Camp (1) In order to ascerta in whether the animal is infected with any of the scheduled notified disease, the animal stopped at the check post or detained in the quara ntine camp sha ll be inspected by the person in char ge of check post or quarantine camp for the following: (a ) movement and gait (b) dull, depressed, normal or excited behaviour (c) increase in body temperature (d) ulcer in the mouth, feet or udder ( e) excessive lacrimation, na sal or vagina l discharge (f) swea ting and shivering (g) dryness of the skin, alopecia, skin ra shes (h) weakness (i)bleeding through natural openings (j)oedema or swelling in dewlap region or a ny other part of the body (2) The person in char ge of the check post or quara ntine station shall also collect the necessary samples for laboratory examination, if required. (3) The person in char ge of the check post may detain animals at the check post for a period not exceeding 12 hours for the purpose of inspection, compulsory vaccina tion and identification / marking etc. For every animals vaccinated at the check post, the animal owner sha ll be given a va ccination certificate a s requir ed in S ection 9 of the Act. (4) After examination of the a nimal, the officer in charge shall either allow entry of the animal to the notified Control Area or Free Area by issuing an Entry Permit in Form A, a ppended with these Rules; or tra nsport the animals to the Quar antine Camp. (5) The cost of examining, vaccinating, ear-t agging the animal or of any other activity a t the check post shall be fixed by the Director from time to time and sha ll be borne by the animal owner. 4 . Form of permit granted by the Officer in charge Check Post or Quarantine Camp (1) The officer in cha rge of the qua rantine camp shall detain the following animals (a ) which are suffering from any scheduled notified diseases or (b) which have come into conta ct with or have been kept in the pr oximity of animal infected with a scheduled notified diseases or (c ) Which is tra nsported by the officer in cha rge of the check post as detailed in rule 3(d) or (d) of t he species (notified under Section 10 of the Act) while exit ing from the infected area and shall be subjected to a quar antine of 14 days in a Quara ntine Camp. (2) The officer in char ge of the quara ntine camp shall give an official acknowledgement to the animal owner for the animals deta ined in the Quarantine Camp. The for m of the Detention Acknowledgement is appended at For m B. (3) During quara ntine, the animals shall be ear-tagged bearing a unique number (for cattle, mit hun, buffalo, sheep, goat and pigs) and branding (for donkey,pony, horses). Animals shall be examined regularly for any scheduled disease. Animal sha ll be vaccinated against the scheduled disease and pr ovided with veterinar y tr eatment, if requir ed. If animals ar e vaccinated, the animal owner shall be provided with a vaccination certificate as requir ed in Section 9 of the Act. (4) The cost of maintenance and vaccination of the animals during the quarantine shall be fixed by the Director from time to time and shall be borne by the animal owner. (5) After successful quarantine, the officer in charge, qu arantine camp shall r elease the animals to the animal owner and also grant the Quarantine Release Permit as per Form C appended with these Rules, under his s ignatur e. Form C shall also serve as Entry Permit as required in Section 15 (2) of the Act. 5.Penalty Any person who cont ravenes any pr ovision of these rules shall, on conviction, be punishable with fine, which may extend to one thousand rupees, and in case of failure to pay the penalty with impr isonment for a term, which may extend to one month. 6.If a ny quest ion of interpretation or doubt arises in relation to these r ules, the matter shall be referred to the Government of Mizoram, La w & Judicial Department whose decision thereon sha ll be final and binding.- 3 -Ex-5/2016 FORM A Depa rtment of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Government of Mizoram Entry Permit(Issued as r equired in Section 15, clause (2) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animal Act, 2009) Permit No ............. (Unique certificate number) All the animals described below are found free from .............. (notified scheduled disease name) disease and on this da y ................ (da te) gr anted entry/exit from /to the ................. (na me of the area) controlled/eradicated area. Deta ils of Check Post Location(Location details of the Check P ost) Animal owner details Name and addr ess(Full name and complete address- village, block ,district and state and phone of a nimal owner number) Animals ar rived from(Name of the place from where animals ar e arriving from - village, Block, district and state) Animals destined for(Name of the place from where animals are going to- villa ge, Block, district and state) Animal details Animal 1Animal 2Animal 3 Identification no.(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.) Species(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies ) Breed(Breed name)(Breed name)(Breed name) Age(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s) Colour(Skin colour)(Skin colour)(Skin colour) Vaccination(vaccination(vaccination(vaccination certificate No.cer tific ate no.)cer tific ate no.)cer tific ate no.) Entry Permit issue details Date of issue(da t e of is sue)Signature Place of issue(name of the place)Name(Name of the issuing author ity) Official sealDesignation(Designation of the issuing author ity)- 4 - Ex-5/2016 FORM B Depa rtment of Animal Husbandry& Veterinary Government of Mizoram Quar antine Camp Custody Acknowledgement Certificate No ........ (Unique certificate number) All the animals described below have been taken in my custody on this day ................................... for a period of 14 days. Details of Quarantine Camp Location(Location details of the quarantine camp) Animal owner details Name and address of(Full name and complete address- village, block, district and state and animal ownerphone number) Animals ar rived from(Name of the place from where animals ar e arriving from - village, Block, district and state) Animals destined for(Name of the place from where animals ar e going to-village, Block, district and state) Animal details Animal 1Animal 2Animal 3 Identification no.(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.) Species(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies ) Breed(Breed name)(Breed name)(Breed name) Age(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s) Colour(Skin colour)(Skin colour)(Skin colour) Quar antine Camp Custody Acknowledgement issue details Date of issue(da t e of is sue)Signature Place of issue(name of the place) N a me(Name of the issuing author ity) Official sealDesignation(Designation of the issuing author ity)- 5 -Ex-5/2016 FORM C Depa rtment of Animal Husbandry& Veterinary Government of Mizoram Quarantine Release Permit (Issued as r equired in Section 14, clause (4) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animal Act, 2009) Permit No ............ (Unique certificate number) Quar antine Camp Custody Acknowledgement No ........ (of these animals) All the animals described below ar e found free fr om (not ified scheduled disease name) disease and on this day (date) released from the qua rantine and granted entry/exit from /to the (name of the area) controlled / eradicated area. Details of Quarantine Camp Location(Location details of the quarantine camp) Quar antine of(Date start ofQuar antine of(Date completion of animals fromquarantine)animals toquarantine) Animal owner details Name and addr ess(Full name and complete address- village, block, district and state and phone of a nimal ownernumber) Animals ar rived from(Name of the place from where animals ar e arriving from - village, Block, district and state) Animals destined for(Name of the place from where animals are going to- villa ge, Block, district and state) Animal details Animal 1Animal 2Animal 3 Identification no.(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.)(Tag/tattoo no.) Species(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies )(Sp ecies ) Breed(Breed name)(Breed name)(Breed name) Age(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s)(C omp leted year s) Colour(Skin colour)(Skin colour)(Skin colour) Quar antine R elea se P ermit issue det ails Date of issue(da t e of is sue)Signature Place of issue(name of the place)Name(Name of the issuing author ity) Official sealDesignation(Designation of the issuing author ity)Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 6 - Ex-5/2016

The Mizoram Social Defence and Rehabilitation Board Rules and Regulations,

VOL - XLVISSUE - 6Date - 12/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.B.13011/10/01-SWD, the 8th January, 2016.In t he interest of Public Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify the Mizoram Social Defence and Rehabilita tion Board Rules and Regulations, 2015 with immediate effect and unt il further orders : 1 . Short Title 1)These Rules and Regulations may be called the Mizoram Social Defence and Rehabilita tion Boar d Rules and Regulations, 2015. 2)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in t he Mizoram Gazette. 2 . Definitions In t hese regulations, unless the context otherwise requires :- 1)“Boa rd” means the Mizoram Social Defence and Rehabilita tion Board. 2)“Cha irman” means the Chairman of the Mizor am Social Defence & Rehabilit ation Board. 3)“Government” means the Government of Mizoram. 4)“Member” means a member of the Board including Chair man. 5)“Member Secr etary” mea ns Member Secretary in the Board. 6)“ Regu la tions” means the M izor am Socia l Defence & Reha bilita tion Boa rd Rules a nd Regulations, 2015 or as amended from time to time. 3 . Composition of Board a) 1)Minister i/c Social Welfare Deptt.-Chairman 2)Parliamentary Secretary i/c Social Welfare Deptt.-Co-Chairman 3)Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment-Vice-Chairman 4)Secr etary, Finance Depart ment-Member 5)Secr etary, Law & J udicia l Depart ment-Member 6)Commandant General, MRHG-Member 7)Secr etary, Planning Department-Member 8)Director General of Police, Mizoram-Member 9)Principal Director, Health &Family Welfare-Member 10) Commissioner, Excise & Narcotics-Member 11) Inspector General of Prisons-Member 12) Chief Executive Officer, Mizoram Social-Member Defence & Rehabilit ation Board. 13. Director, S ocial Welfare Department-Member - Secret ary VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2016 Pausa 22, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 6 - 2 - Ex-6/2016 The Board may co-opt any or all of the representatives of the following Or ganizations as co- op ted member s. (i) President, Young Mizo Association. (ii) President, Mizoram Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (Hqrs) (iii) Drugs Consultant, Social Welfare Department. The Board may also invite experts in the field, or any specialized person in any other administrative fields, as invitee. b) A Board Chairman and other Members of t he Boar d shall continue to be members of the Board so long a s they hold their office and shall cease to be members as soon as t hey cease to hold such office due to t ransfer, retirement, death etc. 4 . The Area of Operation The activit ies of the Boa rd shall be mostly in Mizoram and ca n extend to other sta tes and outside as well, based on the nature of project and activity as found deemed fit and proper by the Board on the basis of r esolution. 5 . Functions of the Board 1)To co-ordinate the Social Defence and Rehabilitation activities undertaken by various department and organizations with a view to avoid duplication. 2)To promote the growth of volunta ry Social Defence and Rehabilitation agencies with refer ence to development of the welfa re services. 3)To supervise the performance and working of the institutions/organizations concerned with Social Defence and Rehabilitation; 4)To r eceive and consider the Annua l Repor t and Audited accounts of the Board prepared by CEO for the preceding financial year; and 5)To r eview the progr ess of work. 6)To t ake measure for prevention, tr eatment, rehabilitation and aftercare of drug addicts and alcoholics. 7)To establish essential Institutions and Centre for the purpose of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and afterca re of dr ug addicts and alcoholics. 8)To identify, mobilize and assist non-governmental orga nization to undertake rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics. 9)To monitor, coordinate and evaluate the progress and act ivities of civil societies working in the above field. 10) To conduct and undertake r esearch and tr aining in the related subjects and field of drug a buse and alcoholism to fulfill the objectives of the society. 6 . Powers of the Board 1)The Board shall have power to frame policy, guidelines a nd rules & regulations as are not repugnant to, or inconsistent with these regulations for the conduct of the business of the Boar d, regulating the functioning of the agencies/organizations under the Board a nd also for working of its office. 2)The Board shall have the power to create posts within the limit of its budget allocation, make appointment to such posts and pr omotion of its employees. 3)The Board s hall have the power to impose penalt ies on its employees as per r ules in force from time to time. 4)The Board may, by resolution, appoint sub-Committees, Selection Committee, Departmental Promotion Committee to deal with specific tasks problems or group of pr oblems and delegate such powers as the Board may deem fit. These Sub-Committees/Committees will not be empowered to take decisions on behalf of the Board. 5)The Board ma y, by resolution, delegate to the Cha irman or the Member Secretary, such of its power for the conduct of its business as it deem fit. Subject to the condition that the action taken by the Chairman or Member Secretary under the power delegated to them by this regulation shall b e repor ted for confirmation in the next meeting of the Board. 7 . Meeting of the Board 1)The Board shall have at least two meetings in a year, a nd not more than six months shall elapse between the meetings of the Board. 2)The Chairma n of the Board shall convene and pr eside over the meetings. In the absence of the Chairman, co-chairman or Vice Chair man will preside over the meeting. 3)Every notice calling for meeting of the Board sha ll be issued to every member not less than fift een days before the da y schedule for meetings, except in the case of emergent meeting, when the notice shall be issued at least five days before the day fixed for meeting. A summary of b usiness to be transact ed at the meetings sha ll be communicat ed to t he memb ers at least five days before the day of the meeting except that in ca se of urgent meetings it should be circulated at least three days before the meeting. 4)A notice may be served upon any member of the Boa rd in person or by pos t addressed to such memb er at t he addr ess. 5)The incidental omission to give notice to or t he non-receipt of not ice of any meeting by any member shall not invalidate the pr oceedings of that meeting. 6)One third of the members of the Board, pr esent shall constitute the quorum. 7)The Chairman of the Board may convene special meetings of the Board to consider any matter of special importance or urgency or on the request to the Boa rd Secretary or on written request of not less than three members of the Board, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is pr oposed to be called. 8)The Chairman may invite by person other than a member of the Board of M anagement to attend a meeting of the Board as invitees, but such persons shall not be entitled to cast their vote at the meeting. 9)Any business which is of an urgent nature and which ca nnot be held over till the next meeting of the Board may be transa cted by circula ted and approved by a majorit y of the members of the Board shall be as effective and bindings as if resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board of Management; provided that any business so transacted shall be laid before the Boar d at the next meeting of the Board. 8. Boards Office The Board shall ha ve an office headed by Chief Executive Officer and such other supporting staff as may be sanct ioned by the Board from time to time. The Chief Executive Officer shall keep a record of t he Boar d’s meetings and shall perform such other secretaria l duties as directed by the Board fr om time to time. 9 . Creation of the Posts: 1)All posts under the Board shall be created by the Board by passing resolutions to tha t effect on reasonable scale of pay or dinarily similar to the scale of pay applicable to the Govt. servants entrusted with similar responsibilities under the State Government. All orders regarding creation of the posts shall be issued by the Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Board and in the name of the Board. 2)The availability of posts and the prescribed scale of pay is appended to these regulations as Annexure - I.- 3 -Ex-6/2016 10. General Conditions of Service Notwithstanding any provisions relating to service conditions conta ined in these regulations ,the terms and conditions of service of employees shall be under the discretion of the Board and will be subject to orders a nd instructions issued by the Board from time to t ime. 11. Appointments/Recruitment to Posts 1)All appoint ments/r ecruitments to posts under the Board shall be made with the appr oval of the Boar d. All order regarding appointment to a post shall be issued by the Chief Executive Officer. 2)In a ppointing its employees, the Board s hall consult a Selection Committee formed by the Boar d. The recommenda tion for such committee shall be pla ced before t he Boar d for its appr oval or otherwise. 3)All vacancies of posts under the Board t o be filled up by direct recruitment will be filled up through open advertisement in the local newspapers and through the Employment Excha nge. 4)Recr uitment method/procedure for various posts is appended to these regula tions a s Annexure- II. 12. Medical Certificate 1)Before joining any post under the Board for the first time, the selected candidate shall be required to produce a medical certificate of fit ness as requir ed under the Government, provided that such certificate sha ll not be required in the case of employees whose services have been transferred to the Board and who had once produced such certificate. 2)Under special circumstances,the Board may allow a selected candidate to join without producing such certificate before hand, but only on the condition that such ca ndidate shall produce the certificate within one month from the da te of joining failing which the appointment will stand cancelled by issue of termination or der. 13 . Period of proba tion or tria l and confir mation Every employee of the Boar d recruited against a vacancy shall be on probation for a period of 2 year s. Such period of proba tion, if necessary, ma y be extended by the a ppointing authority for the period of six months. After satisfactory completion of such period of probation he/she shall be confirmed otherwise the appointment will be terminated for with. 14. Promotion and Seniority 1)All promotions to posts sha ll be made with the approval of the Board. While considering the promotion ca ses, the genera l guidelines and procedure laid down by the Government from time to time shall be followed. 2)In promoting its employees, the Board s hall consult a Departmental P romotion Committee formed b y the Boa rd. T he r ecommenda tion of such Committee will be placed before t he Boar d for its appr oval or otherwise. 3)Fixa tion of inter se-seniority of employees of the Boar d shall be made as per the guidelines and instructions followed by the Government from time to time. 15 . Cla ss of employees Class of employees of the Board shall be a s per classification made by the Government from time to time. The duties a nd resp onsibilities of such employees shall be as may be specified by the Boar d by order issued from time to time. 16. Pa y & Allowances Regulation of pay a nd allowances, increment, fixa tion and revision of pay of the employees of the Boar d will be as per rules and orders issued by the Government from time to time.- 4 - Ex-6/2016 17. Conditions of deputations service 1)In t he case of Government servants whose services are ut ilised to the Board, t he terms and conditions of service including pay, leave salary, contributory provident fund, pension and gratuity shall be as may be laid down by the Government a t the time of deputation to the Board and further amendment from time to time. 2)Pension contribution and leave sa lary contribution of the deputed officer shall be paid by the Board as per the rates admissible from time to time. 18. Age of superannuation, extension and re-employment Except as otherwise provided in these r egulations, every employee of the Board service shall retire from service on the afternoon of the la st day of the month in which he/she attains the age of s ixty year s, provided tha t the Board ma y, by special r esolution in ea ch case, extend the service of an employee but not more tha n one year at a time, or re-employ an employee at a time on specific fresh terms of services. 19.Termination of services The Board may terminate the services of— 1)A temporary employee, at any time during the period of pr obation without notice and without assigning a ny reason thereof and after sa tisfact ory completion of the period of trial, by giving one month’s pay in lieu of the notice. 2)An employee appoint ed against a permanent post, a fter satisfactory completion of the period of p robation, on any of the following grounds a)When he is declared medica lly unfit for further service, and b)When he/she absents himself from duty without the permission of the appropriate authority or he/she is guilty of insubordination, intemperance or other misconduct. Provided that the determination on any of the aforesaid grounds shall be in accordance with a procedure laid down by the Board in this behalf. 20. Travelling Allowances 1)An employee of the Board shall dra w travelling allowances at similar r ates and on similar conditions a s the Govt. servants of the same category and grade, provided that in case of urgent and immediate natur e of work, the Board shall have the power to grant journey by air to non entitled officer/staff. 2)The Chief Executive Officer shall be the controlling officer in resp ect of the bills regar ding travelling allowances of an employee of the Board. 21. Leave and leave salary Until the guidelines and procedures in this behalf is made by the Board, leave including study leave and leave sa lary shall be admissible to a n employee of the Boar d in accordance with t he rates and orders applicable to a Govt. serva nt of t he same category and gr ade. 22. Disciplinary proceedings, punishment, etc. Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, Rules applicable to Govt. servants in drawing up disciplinary proceedings, punishment shall be applicable to the employees of the Board. 23. Amenities The Board may provide amenities t o its employees subject to availability of fund.- 5 -Ex-6/2016 24. Funds Allocation & Budget 24.1 The sources of fund of the Board shall consists of a)Grant-in-aid received fr om the Government b)Gr ant-in-aid a nd project fund received from Government of India and its orga nizations/institutions. c)Grant-in-aid from Autonomous bodies/orga nizations/external bodies. d)Tra ining/ Course/Research/ Consultancy-fees and Project/study fees. e)Dona tions a nd contributions from other sources etc. 24.2 Annual Plan for the next financial year shall be prepared and p laced before the Board for its a pproval not later than Februar y every year. Head-wis e alloca tion of funds will consists of a)Salary b)Wages c)Accommodation & Office Maintenance d)Travel Expenses e)Office Expenses f)Major & minor works g)Other Charges. 24.3 Re-a ppropriation of fund a llocation shall be made with the appr oval of the Boar d and to be signed by Chief Executive Officer. 25. Funds Control 1)The Board shall open and maintain such bank accounts in State Bank of India/Mizoram Cooperative Apex Ba nk or a ny other Schedule banks. All r eceipts of the Board s hall be paid into the Board’s ba nk account. 2)The funds, that ar e not required immediately, can be invested under appropriate and attractive bonds/secur ities/mutual funds/schemes offering better interest /income that of banks in which the Board’s fund is operated, so a s to build corpus by t he resolution p assed by the Board. 3)No amount may be withdrawn from the account except on cheques signed by both the Vice Cha irman a nd the Chief Executive Officer. 26. Fina ncial P ower 1)Power to sanction expenditure shall be vested to the authorities as follows Chief Execut ive Officer -up to Rs. 1,00,000.00 Vice Chairman-up to Rs. 5,00,000.00 Board-Above Rs. 5,00,000.00 2)After having sanction appr oval of the appropriate author ity, the cheques/payments will be signed by the Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chair man. 27. Accounting & Audit 1)The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain cash books accounts a nd other related records in such form and in such manner as ma y be pr escribes by the Government. 2)He shall be responsible for ensuring that no expenditure is made from the fund of the Board unless provision for such expenditure has been made in the budget and funds are made ava ilable for such expenditure. 3)He shall prepare or cause to be preparing such s tatements of account and records and subsidiary accounts and records as ma y be required by the Government or the Board from time to t ime. 4)The account of the Board shall b e audited annually by qualified Chartered Accountant or Audit or under the Government appointed for the purpose and the audited statement of Accounts shall be submitted, along with the annual report, at the meeting of the Board for the consideration and approval.- 6 - Ex-6/2016 Annexure-I SANCTIONED STRENGTH OF POSTS UNDER THE MIZORAM SOCIAL DEFENCEAND REHABILITATION BOARDSl. Name of P ostNo. ofScale of PayCreation order No. & Date No.Post 1. Chief Execut ive Officer115600-39100+6600 No.A-/98-99/MSDRB/5 dt.2.7.99 2. Executive O ffic er115600-39100+6600 No.A-/98-99/MSDRB/5 dt.2.7.99 3. Assistant Engineer115600-39100+6600 No.F.20012/1/99 dt.8.4.08 4. Assista nt19300-34800+4400No.F.20012/1/99/MSD&RB, dt. 17.9.99 5. UDC19300-34800+4200No.A-1/98-99/MSDRB/5, dt.2.7.99 6. LDC35200-20200+2400No.A-1/98-99/MSDRB/5, dt.2.7.99 7. Driver25200-20200+1900No.A-1/98-99/MSDRB/5, dt.2.7.99 8. Grade IV44440-7440+1650No.A-1/98-99/MSDRB/5, dt.2.7.99 Annexure-II RECRUIT MENT/PROMOTION METHODRecr uitment /promot ion method will be as per the Recruitment R ules ap plicable to the employees resp ectively under the Government. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 7 -Ex-6/2016

The Lai Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015

VOL - XLVISSUE - 7Date - 12/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008NOTIFICATIONNo.C.11018/3/2012-DCA (L), the 12th January, 2016.In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, the following Rules passed by t he Lai Autonomous District Council and approved by His Excellency t he Governor of Mizoram on 02. 10.2015 is hereby published for general information namely :-“THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ETC.) (THIRD AMENDMENT) RULES, 2015”. R. T ha nga, Secr etary to the Government of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department. THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (CONSTITUTION, CONDUCT OF BUSINESS etc.) (THIRD AMENDMENT) RULES, 2015. In exercise of the powers conferr ed by sub-paragraph (7 ) of par agraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constit ution of India, read with par agraph 20 BB of the sa id Schedule, the Lai Autonomous District Council makes the following rules further to amend the Lai Autonomous District Council (Constitution,Condust of Business etc.) Rule, 2010 (her einafter refer red to as the Principa l Rules), namely ; 1 . Short title and commencement : (i) These rules shall b e called the La i Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015. (ii) It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Mizor am Gazette. 2 . Amendment of Rule 147 :- In sub-rule (1) (b) of Rule 147 of the Principal R ules, the word “addition” shall be inserted after the word “deletion”. VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 12.1.2016 Pausa 22, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 7Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/150

Obituary of Dr. P.C. Lalawmpuia, MCS, Joint Director, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department

VOL - XLVISSUE - 9Date - 14/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008O B I T UA RYNo. A. 19014/141/98- P&AR (CSW), the 14th January, 2016. The Government of Mizoram has learnt with profound sorrow, the unfortunate and untimely demise ofDr. P.C. Lalawmpuia, MCS, Joint Director, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department at 11:30 am on 14.01.2016. Born on 15.05.1970, Dr. P.C. Lalawmpuia entered into Government Service on 01.07.1997 as Research Investigator, Tribal Research Institute under Art & Culture Department and then joined Mizoram Civil Service on 02.04.1998 through direct recruitment and was posted as A.O., N.E. Khawdungsei. He was confirmed into service on 02.04.2000. He was promoted to Senior Grade of MCS on 25.07.2006 and Junior Administrative Grade on 27.12.2011. He was posted to different posts in various capacities as follows: Sl.No.Name of PostDate of Joining the post1.A.O., N.E. Khawdungsei02.04.1998 2.A.O./ADC, Kolasib15.01.1999 3.BDO, W. Phaileng17.05.1999 4.BDO, Reiek04.03.2002 5.BDO, Tlangnuam17.10.2003 6.BDO, Phullen (addl.)02.12.2003 7.SDO (C), W. Phaileng29.08.2005 8.L.O., Silchar20.09.2006 9.Under Secretary, Finance Deptt. (FMC/IF&SL)18.06.2008 10.Deputy Secretary, Finance Department28.12.2011 11.Deputy Secretary, Mizoram Finance Commission05.11.2013 12.Joint Director, DM&R Deptt. 27 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 5 t i l l d a t e He served the Government of Mizoram with utmost sincerity and devotion for 18 years, 6 months and 14 days in various capacities aforesaid till his sad demise and endeared himself to all his colleagues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious, efficient and exemplary officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its utmost grief and its deep appreciation of the sincere services of Dr. P.C. Lalawmpuia and conveys its heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the ber eaved family. Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram.VOL - XLV Aizawl, Thursday 14.1.2016 Pausa 24, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 9Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Thangchungnunga S/o Rokunga (L) R/o Saikhamakawn, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 10Date - 22/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.1.2016 Magha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 10 AFFIDAVITI, T hangchu ngnunga S/o Rokunga (L ) R/o S aikhamakawn, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under : 1.That 1 am a bonafide citizen of India a nd a competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That my name has been writ ten and recorded as Valbuanga in in Service Book and GPF Account whereas it has been wr itten and recorded as Thangchungnunga in my officia l and non-official docu ments. However, my tr ue and correct name is T hangchungnunga 3.That the pur pose of this a ffidavit is to correct my name as Thangchungnunga which had been writ ten as Valbuanga in my Service Book and GPF Account. 4.That the names Tha ngchungnunga and Valbuanga belongs to one and the same per son. 5.That from now onwards my name shall be written as recorded as Thangchungnunga. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd corr ect to the best of my knowledge and belief and no material facts has been concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set my own signature on is 17th day of July, 2015. Sd/- Thangchungnunga DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- LalramnghakiSL Thansanga AdvocateAdvocateNotarial Registration Ph. : 9862361661Nota ry PublicNo. 11/7 Aizawl, MizoramDate 17/7/15Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Guidelines for implementation of Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities District Level Committee as shown below with immediate effect and until further orders.

VOL - XLVISSUE - 11Date - 22/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.1.2016 Magha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 11 NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 14016/5/2006-HMP, the 13th January, 2016.In compliance with Para 5 B(ii) of the Guidelines for implementation of Prime Minister ’s New 15 Point Progra mme for the Welfare of Minorities and in the interest of public services, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cons titute Distr ict Level Committee a s shown below with immediate effect and until further orders. AIZAWL DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Superintendent of Police- Member 5.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 6.District Information Officer- Member 7.District Social Welfare Officer, Aizawl West- Member 8.Distr ict Education Officer- Member 9.District Statistic Officer, Aizawl- Member 10.District Employment Officer- Member 11.Chief Medical Officer, Aizawl East & West- Member 12.Additional Deputy Commissioner (P)- Member SAIHA DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Additional Deputy Commissioner- Member 5.Additional Deputy Commissioner (P)- Member 6.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 7.Block Development Officer, S aiha/Tuipang- Member 8.District Social Welfare Officer- Member 9.P&DO, Mara Autonomous District Council, Saiha- Member 10.LAO, Mara Autonomous Distr ict Council, Saiha- Member 11.Principal, Indian Training Institute- Member 12.Mana ger, St ate Bank of India, S aiha- Member - 2 - Ex-11/2016 LAWNGTLAI DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 5.Superintendent of Police, Lawngtlai- Member 6.District Education Officer, Lawngtlai- Member 7.EO, MS, LADC/CADC- Member 8.Repr esentative of Chakma- Member 9.Divisional Officer, Soil & Water Conservation Department- Member 10.District Agriculture Officer- Member 11.District Veterinary Officer- Member 12.Block Development Officer, Lawngtlai- Member 13.Block Development Officer, Chawngte- Member 14.Block Development Officer, Bungtlang- Member MAMIT DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 5.Superintendent of Police, Mamit- Member 6.Distr ict Education Officer- Member 7.Block Development Officer, Reiek/West Phaileng/Zawlnuam - Member 8.DLAO- Member 9.District P roject Co-ordinator, SSA- Member 10.Child Development Project Officer, Reiek, West Phaileng/Zawlnuam - M emb er 11.SDIO, West Pha ileng- Member 12.Branch Mana ger, St ate Ba nk of India, Mamit- Member 13.Representative from YMA/MHIP/MUP- Member SERCHHIP DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Superintendent of Police- Member 5.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 6.Chief Medical Officer- Member 7.Principal, GSC- Member 8.District Veterinary Officer- Member 9.District Agriculture Officer- Member 10.Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering- Member 11.Executive Engineer, Power & Electricity- Member 12.Executive Engineer, Public Works Department- Member 13.DHO- Member 14.Distr ict Transport Officer- Member 15.District Sericulture Officer- Member 16.DLAO- Member 17.VCP, Joint- Member KOLASIB DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Officer i/c Development Branch of Deputy Commissioner ’s Office - M emb er 5.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 6.Superintendent of Police- Member 7.Chief Medical Officer- Member 8.District Veterinary Officer- Member 9.District Agriculture Officer- Member 10.Executive Engineer, Public Works Department- Member 11.Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering- Member 12.Executive Engineer, Power & Electricity- Member 13.DHO- Member 14.DTO- Member 15.District Sericulture Officer- Member 16.DLAO- Member 17.Child Develop ment Project Officer- Member 18.Distr ict Education Officer- Member 19.Mana ger, St ate Bank of India, Kolasib- Member 20.President, Joint VC- Member LUNGLEI DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 5.Superintendent of Police- Member 6.Distr ict Education Officer- Member 7.District Social Welfare Officer- Member 8.District Pr oject Co-Ordinator Officer- Member 9.District Employment Officer (La bour & Employment) - Member 10.Mana gers of SBI/MCB/ MRB, Lunglei- Member CHAMPHAI DISTRICT1.Deputy Commissioner- Chairman 2.Member of P arliament Lok S abha- Member 3.Member of Pa rliament Rajya S abha- Member 4.Project Dir ector, Department of Rural Develop ment Agency - M ember Secr et ar y 5.Superintendent of Police, Champhai- Member 6.Child Develop ment Project Officer- Member 7.Distr ict Education Officer- Member 8.District Employment Officer- Member Lalmalsawma, Chief Secretary to the Government of Mizoram.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-11/2016

State Disaster Management Authority for Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 12Date - 22/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.1.2016 Magha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 12 NOTIFICATIONNo.B. 13011/102/2015-DMR, the 13th January, 2016.In pursuance of the provisions under Sec 14 of the Disaster Management Act , 2005, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the State Disa ster Management Authority for Mizoram with the following composition with immediate effect and until further orders. 1.Chief Minister- Chairperson 2.Minister of State, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation - Vice-Chairperson 3.Minister, Home- Member 4.Minister, Agriculture- Member 5.Minis ter, Hea lth Services- Member 6.Minister, PHE- Member 7.Minister, UD & PA- Member 8.Minister, LAD- Member 9.Pu Dominic Lalhmangaiha, Expert in Disaster Management - Member 10. Chief Secretary- Chief Executive Officer (Ex-Officio) 1.The terms of office of the State Authorit y shall be 3 years. 2.Powers and Functions: Subject to the provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the State Authority shall be responsible for the following (i)Lay down the State Disaster Management Policy. (ii) Appr ove the State Plan in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the National Author ity. (iii) Appr ove the Disaster Management Plans prepared by the State Government Department. (iv) Lay down guidelines to be followed by the State Government Depa rtments for the purpose of integration of measures for prevention of disa ster and mitigation in their development plans and project s and pr ovide necessar y technical assistance therefore. (v) Coor dinate the implementation of the State P lan. (vi) Recommend provision of fu nds for mitigation and preparedness measures. (vii) Review the development plans of different State Government Departments and ensure that preventions and mitigation measur es are integrated therein. (viii) Review the measures being taken for mitigation, capacity building and preparedness by the State Government Departments and issue su ch guidelines a s may be necessary. - 2 - Ex-12/2016Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 (ix) Lay down Gu idelines for providing standards of relief to persons affected by disa ster in the State, provided that such standar ds shall in no case be less than the minimum standards in the Guidelines laid down by the Nationa l Author ity. 3.Subject to ex-post facto ratification by the State Authority, the Chairperson shall, in case of emergency, have the power to exercise all or any of the powers of the State Author ity. 4.The State Authority shall meet as and when necess ary and at such place and time as the Chairperson of t he State Author ity may think fit. This supersedes this Department’s Notification issued under Memo No.B. 13011/ 102/2015- DMR dt.22.12.2015. P.C. Lallawmsanga, Principal S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Department.

Drafting Committee on the Mizoram Drug Control Bill

VOL - XLVISSUE - 13Date - 22/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.1.2016 Magha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 13 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12012/2/2015-SWD, the 14th January, 2016.The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Drafting Committee on the Mizoram Drug Contr ol Bill comprising of the following members with immediate effect a nd until further orders. Draft ing Committee on the Mizor am Drug C ontrol Bill :Chairman: Deputy Speaker, Mizoram M ember Secr et ar y : Secr etary, Health & Family Welfare Depart ment Members: 1) Secr etary, Socia l Welfare Depart ment 2) Secr etary, Excise & Narcotic s Depart ment 3) DIG (CID) 4) Director, Social Welfare Department 5) Director, Health & Family Welfare Department 6) Commissioner, Excise & Na rcotics Department 7) Director, F orensic Department 8) Joint Director (F&D), Hea lth & Family Welfare Department 9) S.P. (CID) Ter ms of r efer ence:1.To convene a meeting of the Draft ing Committee on the Mizoram Drug Control Bill and prepare the Draft Bill. 2.To present the Draft Bill in the meeting of the High Level Monit oring C ommittee on Substance Abuse to be chair ed by the Chief Minis ter. 3.To make necessary changes, if any, to the Bill as per the recommendation of the High Level Monitoring Committee on Subst ance Ab use. La ltha ngpuia Sailo, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Mizoram State Planning Board members

VOL - XLVISSUE - 14Date - 22/01/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 22.1.2016 Magha 2, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 14 NOTIFICATIONNo. G. 28014/52/89-PLG, the 18th January, 2016. In supersession of this Department’s notification of even number dated 2nd June 2014, the Governor of Mizor am is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram S tate Planning Board consisting of the following members : 1Shri Lal Thanhawla , Hon’ble Chief MinisterChairman 2.Shri H. Lia nsailova , IAS (Rtd)Vice Chairman 3Shri Lalsawta, Minister, P lanning etc.Member 4Shri R.Lalzirliana, Minister, Agriculture etc.Member 5Shr i K. S. Thanga, Par liamentar y Secreta ry, P lanning etc.Member 6Chief Secretary, Government of MizoramMember 7Principal Secretary to Chief MinisterMember 8Fina nce Commissioner, Finance DepartmentMember 9Secr etary, Planning DepartmentSecretary 10Shri P Lia nhming T hanga, IAS (Rtd)Full Time Member & Member Secretary (i/c NLUP) 11Shri Haukhum Hauzel, IAS (Rtd)Full Time Member & Member Secretary (i/c Skills Development) 12Prof Lianzela , Mizora m Univer sityExpert Member 13Prof Vanlalchhawna, Mizora m UniversityExpert Member 14Dr James L.T. T hanga , Mizora m Univer sityExpert Member 15Rev Dr. K. ThanzauvaNon Official M ember 16Rev Dr. VanlalchhuanawmaNon Official M ember 17Commissioner (Rtd) LalkiamlovaNon Official M ember 18Dr Robert S. HallidayNon Official M ember The Board may, with the approval of the Chairma n, invite persons who have sp ecial knowledge or practical experience in the subject matter presented for consideration of the Board from time to time. The term of the Mizoram State Planning Board shall be effective from the date of the notifica tion until further or der. - 2 - Ex-14/2016Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50 The Mizoram State P lanning Board is to perform functions as per the notification No. A. 11016/1/ 2012-PLG dated 4.4.2013 (enclosed) with secretarial service and support to be provided by officers and staffs under Planning & Pr ogramme Implementation Department. Dr. C. Vanlalramsanga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Planning & P rogramme Implementation Department.

Obituary of Pi Rotluangi Khiangte, Dy. S.P., Fire & Emergency Services

VOL - XLVISSUE - 15Date - 05/02/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYNo. A. 19018/400/2013- HMP, the 2nd January, 2016. The Government of Mizoram h a s l e a r n t w i t h deep s o r r o w t h e sad and untimely demise of Pi Rotluangi Khiangte, Dy. S .P., Fire & Emergency Services on 1st January, 2016. Born on 1st Ma rch, 1963, P i Rotluangi Khiangte joined Government service as S ub- Inspector on 1st October, 1984. She was promoted to Inspector of Police on 18th September, 2000 and to Junior Grade of Mizoram Police Service on 21st Mar ch, 2013. She served the Mizoram Police in various capacit ies with utmost sincerity and devotion to duty and endea red herself to the officers and staff and always pr oved herself t o be a conscientious and har d working officer. She was posted as Dy. S.P., F & ES on 21st Mar ch, 2013 and held this post till she breat hed her la st. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of t he sincere services rendered by Pi Rotluangi Khiangte and conveys its heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in peace Lalbiakzama, Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department.VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Friday 5.2.2016 Magha 16, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 15Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of V.L. Hmingthanpuia S/o K.T. Thanga, Salem Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram,

VOL - XLVISSUE - 16Date - 02/02/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.2.2016 Magha 13, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 16 AFFIDAVITI, Shri V.L. Hmingthanpuia S/o K. T. Thanga, a permanent resident of Sa lem Veng, Aizawl Distr ict, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly and state as follows : 1.That 1 am a bonafide Indian Citizen by bir th and permanently residing at Salem Veng, Aizawl District, Aizawl, Mizoram. 2.That when I was enr oll in my service book, my name was wrongly recorded as Hmingthanpuia which is by mist ake. 3.That I do hereby declare before Magistrate 1st Class/Notary Public Aizawl, Mizoram that my actual name is V.L. Hmingt hanpuia S/o K.T. Thanga and so as to avoid a ny trouble that may ar ises regarding in my service book. 4.That the cir cumstances given above, it is my fervent plea that correction of my name and father ’s name from Hmingtha npuia S/o K.T. Thanga to V.L. Hmingt hanpuia S/o K.T. Thanga R/o Salem Veng, Aizawl Distr ict, Aizawl, Mizoram be allowed from the concerned authority on payment of necessar y fees. 5.That the content made in this affidavit are correct a nd true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing concealed therein. IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscr ibed my hand and signed on this 20th day of June, 2007. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- R. Lalhungliana B.A (Hons)Magistrate 1st Class LLB (Advoca te)Aizawl District Mission Veng, MV-86AizawlPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

The Mizoram Planning and Programme Implementation Department (Science and Technology) (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016

VOL - XLVISSUE - 17Date - 02/02/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008Re. 1/- per pageVOL - XLV Aizawl, Tuesday 2.2.2016 Magha 13, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 17 NOTIFICATIONNo. A.12018/59/2015-P&AR(GSW), the 27th January, 2016. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of t he Constitution of India, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method of recruitment to the posts ofChief Scientific Officer, Principal Scientific Officer, Senior Scientific Officer and Scientific OfficerunderPlanning and Progr amme Implementation Department (Science and Technology), Government of Mizoram, namely :- 1.Shor t title and (1) These Rules may be called the Mizor am Planning and Progr amme commencement Implementation Department (Science and Technology) (Group ‘A’ posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016 (2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column I of Annexure-I her et o a nnex ed. 3. Number of posts, The number of the said posts, classification and the scale of pay/Pay classification and scale Band & Grade Pay attached thereto shall be as specified in Column of pa y/Pay Ba nd & 2 to 4 of the aforesaid Annexure-I Grade Pay 4. Method of r ecruitment, The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters age limit and other relating to the said posts shall be as specified in Column 5 to 14 of qualifications Annexure-I. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in t he case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other special ca tegories of persons in a ccordance with the or ders issued by the Central Government or Government of Mizora m from time to t ime. 5. Disqualification No per son – (a ) Who has entered int o or contracted a mar riage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the said post(s); - 2 - Ex-17/2016 Provided that the Governor may, if satisfied that such marr iage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and to the other party to the marriage and that there are other valid grounds for doing so, exempt a ny such person from the operation of these Rules. 6.Training and Every Gover nment servant r ecruited under these Rules shall undergo Departmental such training or pass such Depa rtmental Examination as may be Ex amination pres cribed from time to t ime. 7. Power to transfer Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Governor of Mizoram, in public interest, shall have the right and power to transfer any officers, so recruited under these Rules to any other post or position which is equivalent in rank or gr ade. 8. Power to relax Wher e the Governor is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order and for reasons to be r ecorded in writ ing, in consultation with the Mizoram Public Service Commission through the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, relax any of the provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 9. Reservation and Nothing in these Rules shall affect any reservations, relaxation of other concessions age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes/the Scheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by Centr al Government or Government of Mizoram from time to time in this regard. 10. Repeal & Savings All Rules pertaining to these posts fr amed by the Government of Mizoram notified vide 1) No.A.12018/54/2005-P&AR(GSW) dated 31.05.2007 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 160 dated 04.06.2007 and its subsequent amendment 2) No.A.12018/3/89-P&AR(GSW) dated 12.10.1999 and published in the Mizoram Ga zette extra ordinary issue No. 277 dated 14.10.1999. 3) No.A.12018/3/89-P&AR(GSW) dated 28.01.1992 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 16 dated 04.02.1992. 4) No.A.12018/59/2006-P&AR(GSW) dated 09.11.2012 and published in the Mizoram Gazette extraordinary issue No. 532 dated 16.11. 2012 stands hereby repealed with effect from the date of commencement of these Rules. Provided that any order made or anything done or any action taken under the Rules so repealed or under any general order ancillary thereto, shall be deemed to have been made, done or taken under the corresp onding provisions of these Rules. By order s, etc. R. Malsawma, Joint Secretary to the Govt .of Mizoram. - 3 -Ex-17/2016 ANNEXURE - I(See Rule 2, 3 & 4)RECRUITMENT RULES FOR GROUP “A” POSTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION DEPARTMENT (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY)Name of postNo. of postClassificationScale of Pay/Pay Band and Grade PayWhether Selection post or Non-selection post12345 Selection Chief Scientific Officer1(One) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-4 ^ 37,400- 67,000/- + ^ 8,700 GP Selection Principal Scientific Officer1(One) post or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + ^ 7,600 GP Selection Senior Scientif ic Officer2(Two) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + ^ 6,600 GP N.A Scientific Officer6(Six) posts or as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to timeGeneral State Service (Group ‘A’ Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial)PB-3 ^ 15,600- 39,100/- + ^ 5,400 GPWhether benefit of added years of service admissible under Rule 30 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972Age limit for direct recruitsEducational and other qualif ications required for direct recruitmentWhether the age and educa- tional qualifications pres- cribed for direct recruitment will apply in the case of promotionPeriod of probation, if any67 8910 N.AN.A N.A N.AN.AN.AN.A N.A N.AN.A N.AN.A N.A N.AN.A N.ABetween 18 years and 35 years. Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of Scheduled Tribe/ Scheduled Caste candidates2 years in case of direct recruitment Essential: 1) Master’s Degree in rele- vant b ranch of Scien ce or Bachelor’s Degree in relevant branch of Engi- neering/Technology from recognised University 2) Working knowledge of Mizo language at least Middle School standard Desirable: 1) Ph.D in relevant branch of Science or Master’s Deg ree in relevant branch of Engineering/ TechnologyN.A Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/transfer and percentage of the sanctioned posts to be filled by various methodsIn case of recruitment by promotion/ transfer/deputation, g ra de f rom which promotion/deputation/transfer to be madeIf DPC exists, what is its composition ?Circumstances in which MPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment.11121314As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission . PROMOTION: From Principal Scien- tific Off icer with not less tha n 5 years of reg ular service in th e grade fa ilin g which from Principal Scientific Officer with not less than 25 years of regular servi ce ca lcu lated from the date of entry in a Gazetted Group ‘A’ post in the Dep a rtment DEPUTATION: From Officers holding analogous post(s) under Central/State Government (Period of deputation sha ll ordinarily not exceed 3 years) Promotion failing which by deputation As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission . PROMOTION: From Senior S cientif ic Officer with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade failing which f rom Senior Scientific Officer with not less than 20 years of regular service calculated from the date of entry in a Gazetted G roup ‘A’ post in the Department DEPUTATION: From Officers holding analogous post(s) under Central/State Government (Period of deputation sha ll ordinarily not exceed 3 years) Promotion failing which by deputation As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission . PROMOTION: From Scientific Officer with not less than 5 years of regular service in the grade DEPUTATION: 1) From Officers holding analogous post(s) on regular basis in the Mizoram Science, Technology & Inn ovation Coun cil/Mizoram Remo te Sensing Application Centre under Directora te of Science & Techno log y, OR 2) From Officers holding analogous post(s) under Central/State Government 3) The period of deputation shall ordina rily not exceed 3 yea rs Promotion failing which by deputation As per MPSC (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1994 as amended from time to time. Mizoram Public Service Commission . DEPUTATION: 1) From Officers holding analogous post(s) on regular basis in the Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovation Council/Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre under Directora te of Science & Technology, OR 2) From Officers holding analogous post(s) under Central/State Gove rn me n t 3) The period of deputation shall ordina rily not exceed 3 yea rs By direct recruitment or by deputationPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100- 4 - Ex-17/2016

Affidavit of Dewan Hasda S/o Choto Hasda, Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLVISSUE - 18Date - 05/02/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 5.2.2016 Magha 16, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 18 AFFIDAVITI, Dewan Ha sda S/o Choto Hasda, present ly residing at Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizora m do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India and competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That I am working as IV-G rade under MAP, Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That my name has b een written and recor ded as Dewan Ha gda Zohminga in my service book, which is incorrect. However, my true and correct name is Dewan Ha sda. 4.That the pu rpose of this a ffidavit is to correct my name i.e. Dewan Ha sda which has been written as Dewan Ha gda Zohminga in my service book. 5.That from now onwar ds my name shall be written and recor ded as Dewan Ha sda. 6.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed therein. I N WI T N ES S WH ER EO F I have hereunto subscribed my hand and put my signatur e on this 12th da y of August, 2015. Sd/- DEPONENT Ident ified by me:Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- J.N. Bual TengR. Thangkanglova AdvocateAdvocate & Notary PublicNotarial Registration Bethlehem Veng, AizawlAizawl, MizoramNo. 30/8 Date 12/8/15Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of Pu Ronald Lalfelkima, SDO, PWD, Lungsen Sub-Division

VOL - XLVISSUE - 19Date - 05/02/2016

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008OBITUARYThe Government of M i z o r a m l e a r n t w i t h pr ofound sorr ow the sad demise of Pu Rona ld Lalfelkima, SDO, P WD, Lungsen Sub-Division on 31st January, 2016. According t o his service record, he was born on 2nd S eptember, 1977. After gradua ting in Civil Engineering, he joined the Government of Mizoram, Public Works Department as Assistant Engineer in the Office of National Highwa y Circle-II on the 31st May, 2010, and now he is serving as SDO, Phairuang-Bunghmun Sub-Division, Lungsen from 24th June, 2014 till he breathed his last. The Government of Mizoram would like to place on record its deep appreciation for the services rendered by Pu Ronald Lalfelkima and conveyed its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved f a mi ly. R. Laldawngliana, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Works Department. Dated Aiza wl, the 31st January, 2016.VOL - XLV Aizawl, Friday 5.2.2016 Magha 16, S.E. 1937, Issue No. 19Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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