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Obituary of of Pu. Thangthuama, Lecturer, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Saitual at 2:20 A.M on the 16th December, 2014.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 21Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 21 OBITUARY No. A. 19011/1/2010-EDN.The Government of Mizora m has learnt, with deep sor row, the sad and untimely demise of Pu. Thangthuama, Lecturer, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Saitual at 2:20 A.M on the 16th December, 2014. Pu Thangthuama was born on 10.10.1971. He was appointed as Lecturer, Govt. Higher Secondary School on contra ctual ca pacity on 3.6. 1999 and posted at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Saitual. His contractual service was then regularized on 29.9.2003 to the post of Lecturer, Higher Secondary School and he served in that ca pacity till he breathed his last. The Government of Mizoram places on recor d its deep a ppreciation of t he sincere services rendered by Pu Thangthua ma and conveys its heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family. Zothanmawia, Dated, AizawlJoint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, The 16th December, 2014School Education Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Police Establishment Board under the Chairmanship of the Director General of Police with the following Police Officers as members until Amendment of the Mizoram Police Act 2011 is effected.

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 22Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 22 NOTIFICATIONNo. A. 32019/1/2011-HMP, the 22nd December, 2014. In compliance with the Judgement & Order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in W.P (C) No. 310 of 1996 dt.22.9.2006(Prakash Singh & Ors Vs Union of India Ors), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order esta blishment of Police Esta blishment Board under the Cha irmanship of the Director General of Police with the following Police Officers as member s until Amendment of t he Mizoram P olice Act 2011 is effected. 1.Additional Director Genera l of Police.2.Inspector General of Police. 3.Depu ty Inspector General of Police (HQ)4.Assistant Inspector General of Police-I Ter ms of referenc e:- 1.The Police Esta blishment Board so constituted shall consider all transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters of officers of a nd below the r ank of Deputy Superintendent of Police. 2.The Establis hment Board sha ll be a departmental body and the Sta te Gover nment may interfere with decision of t he Board in exceptiona l cases only a fter recording its reasons for doing so. 3.The Board shall also be authorized to ma ke appr opriate recommendations to the State Government regarding the posting and transfer of Officers of and above the rank of Superintendent of Police, and the Government is exp ected to give due weight to these recommendations and sha ll normally accept it. 4.It shall also funct ion as a forum of appeal for disposing of r epresentations from Officers of the rank of S uperintendent of Police and above r egarding their promotion, tr ansfer, discip linary proceedings or their being subjected to illegal or irregula r orders and generally reviewing the functioning of the Police in the St ate. This supersedes Notification No. 47012/1/2013-HMP dt.2.9.2013 and even No. dt.24.10.2013. Lalbiakzama, Additional S ecretar y to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Dep art ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Rules, 2012 published by the Government of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 23Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 23 NOTIFICATIONNo.B.12017/40/13-SWD, the 25th November, 2014. T he Governor of Mizora m is pleased to notify the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Rules, 2012 published by the Government of India, Ministr y of Women & Child Development on 14. 11.2012 for implementa tion of the Pr otection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 in the State of Mizoram. Manisha Saxena, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment. - 2 - Ex-23/2015 MINISTRY OF WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 14th November, 2012 G.S.R. 823(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), read with clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section (2), of section 45 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (32 of 2012), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely - 1 . Short title and commencement - (1) Thes e r ules may be called the Pr otection of Children from Sex ual Offences R ules, 2 012. (2) These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2 . Definitions - (1) In t hese ru les, unless the cont ext otherwise requir es, - (a) “Act” means the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (32 of 2012); (b) “Dis trict C hild P rotection Unit ” (DCP U) mea ns the Distr ict Child Prot ection Unit esta blished by the State Gover nment under section 62A of the Juvenile J ustice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2006; (c ) “Expert” means a person trained in mental healt h, medicine, child development or other related discipline, who may be r equired to facilitate communication with a child whose abilit y to communicate has been affected by trauma, disability or any other vulnerability; (d) “Special educator” means a person trained in communication with children with special needs in a way that addresses the child’s individual differences and needs, which include challenges wit h lear ning and communication, emotiona l and beha viour al disor ders, physical disa bilities, and developmental disorders; ( e) “Person familiar with the manner of communication of the child” means a parent or family member of a child or a member of his shar ed household or any person in whom the child reposes trust and confidence, who is fa miliar with tha t child’s unique manner of communication, and whose presence may be required for or be conducive to more effective communication with the child; (f) “Support person” means a person assigned by a Child Welfar e Committee, in accordance with sub-rule (8) of rule 4, to render assistance to t he child through the process of investigation and t rial, or any other person assisting the child in the pre-tr ial or trial proc ess in r espect of an offence under the Act; (2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these rules but defined in the Act sha ll have the meanings respectively assigned to them under the Act. 3 . Interpreters, translators and Special educators - (1) In each district, the DCP U shall mainta in a register with na mes, addresses and other contact deta ils of interpreters, translators and special educators for the pur poses of the Act, and this register shall be made ava ilable to the Specia l Juvenile Police Unit (her eafter referred to as “SJPU”), local police, magistrate or Special Court, as and when required. (2) The qualifications and experience of the interpreters, translators, Special educators, and experts, engaged for the purposes of sub-s ection (4) of section 19, sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 26 a nd section 38 of the Act, shall be as indica ted in t hese rules. (3) Wher e an interpreter, translator, or Special educator is engaged, otherwise than fr om the list maintained by the DCPU under sub-rule (1), the requirements prescribed under sub-rules (4) - 3 -Ex-23/2015 and (5) of this rule may be relaxed on evidence of relevant experience or formal education or training or demonstrated proof of fluency in the relevant languages by the interpreter, translator, or special educator, subject to the satisfaction of the DCPU, Special Court or other authority concerned. (4) Interpreters and tr anslators engaged under sub-r ule (1) should have functional familiarity with language spoken by the child as well as the official la nguage of the state, either by virtue of such language being his mother tongue or medium of instr uction at school at least up to pr imary school level, or by the interpreter or transla tor having acquired knowledge of such language through his vocation, profession, or residence in the ar ea where that language is spoken. (5) Sign la ngua ge inter preters , special educa tor s and exper ts enter ed in t he register under sub-rule (1) should have relevant qualifications in sign language or special education, or in the case of an expert, in the r elevant discip line, fr om a recognized Univer sity or an institution recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India. (6) Payment for the services of an interpreter, tra nslator, Special educator or expert whose name is enrolled in the register maintained under sub-rule (1) or otherwise, shall be made by the State Government from the Fund mainta ined under section 61 of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000, or fr om other funds placed at the disposa l of the DCPU, at the rates determined by them, and on receipt of the requisition in such forma t as the State Government may prescr ibe in this behalf. (7) Any preference expr essed by the child at a ny stage after informa tion is received under sub- section (1) of section 19 of the Act, as to the gender of the interpreter, translator, Special educator, or expert, may be taken into considera tion, a nd where necessary, more than one such person may be engaged in or der to facilita te communication with the child. (8) The interpr eter, translator, Special educator, expert, or person fa miliar with the manner of communication of the child engaged to provide ser vices for the purposes of the Act shall be unbiased and impar tial and shall disclos e any r eal or perceived conflict of interest. He shall render a complete and accurate interpretation or translation without any additions or omissions, in accordance with section 282 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. (9) In proceedings under section 38, the Special Cou rt shall ascer tain whether the child speaks the language of the cou rt adequately, and tha t the engagement of any interpreter, transla tor, Special educator, expert or other person familiar with the ma nner of communication of the child, who has been engaged to facilitate communication with the child, does not involve any conflict of interest. (10) Any interpr eter, translator, Special educator or expert appointed under the provisions of the Act or its rules shall be bound by the r ules of confidentialit y, as described under section 127 read with section 126 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. 4 . Care and Protection - (1) Wher e an SJP U or the local police receives any information under sub-section (1) of section 19 of the Act from any person including the child, the SJPU or local police receiving repor t of such information shall forthwith disclose to the person making the report, the following deta ils:- (i) his name and designation; (ii) the address a nd telephone number; (iii) the name, designation and contact details of the officer who supervises the officer receiving the informa tion. (2) Wher e an SJP U or the local police, as the case may be, r eceives information in accordance with the pr ovisions conta ined under sub-section (1) of section 19 of the Act in respect of an offence tha t ha s b een committed or a ttempted or is likely t o be commit ted, the authority concerned shall, where applicable, - - 4 - Ex-23/2015 (a ) proceed to record and register a Fir st Infor mation Report as per the pr ovisions of section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, a nd furnish a copy thereof free of cost to the person making such report, as per sub-section (2) of section 154 of the Code; (b) where the child needs emergency medical care as described under sub-section (5 ) of section 19 of the Act or under these rules, arrange for the child to a ccess such care, in accordance with rule 5; (c ) take the child to the hospital for the medical examination in accorda nce with section 27 of the Act; (d) ensure that the samples collected for the purposes of the forensic tests are sent to the forensic laboratory at the earliest; ( e) inform the child and his parent or guardian or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence of the availabilit y of support services including counselling, and assist them in contacting the persons who are responsible for providing these services and relief; (f) inform the child and his parent or guardian or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence as to the right of the child to legal advice and counsel and the right to be repr esented by a la wyer, in accor dance with section 40 of the Act. (3) Wher e the SJPU or the loca l police receives information under sub-section (1) of section 19 of the Act, and has a reasonable appr ehension that the offence has been committed or attempted or is likely to be committed by a person living in the same or shared household with the child, or the child is living in a child ca re institution and is without parental support, or the child is found to be without any home and parenta l support, the concerned SJPU, or the local police shall produce the child before t he concerned Child Welfare Committee (hereaft er referred to as “CWC ”) within 24 hours of receipt of such report, together with reasons in wr iting a s to whether the child is in need of care and protection under sub-section (5) of section 19 of the Act, and wit h a request for a deta iled assessment by the CWC. (4) Upon receipt of a r eport under sub-rule (3), the concerned CWC must proceed, in accordance with its powers under sub-section (1) of section 31 of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000, to make a determina tion wit hin thr ee days, either on its own or with the assistance of a social wor ker, as t o whether the child needs to be taken out of the custody of his family or shared household and placed in a children’s home or a shelter home. (5) In making determina tion under sub-rule (4), the C WC shall take into account any prefer ence or opinion expressed by the child on the matter, together with the best interests of the child, having regar d to the following considerations: (i)the capacity of the parents, or of either parent, or of any other person in whom the child has trust a nd confidence, to provide for the immediate care and protection needs of the child, inclu ding medical needs and counselling; (ii) the need for the child to remain in the care of his parent, family and extended family and to maintain a connection with them; (iii) the child’s age and level of matur ity, gender, a nd socia l and economic background; (iv) disability of the child , if any; (v) any chronic illness from which a child may suffer; (vi) any history of family violence involving the child or a family member of the child; and, (vii) any other r elevant factor s that may have a bear ing on the best interests of the child: Provided that prior to making such deter mination, an inquiry shall be conducted in such a way that the child is not unnecessarily exposed to injur y or inconvenience. - 5 -Ex-23/2015 (6) The child a nd his parent or guardian or any other person in whom the child ha s trust and confidence and with whom the child has been living, who is affected by such determination, shall be informed that such determination is being considered. (7) The CWC, on receiving a report under sub-section (6) of section 19 of the Act or on the basis of its assess ment under sub-r ule (5), and with the consent of the child and his parent or gua rdian or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence, may provide a support person to render a ssistance to the child through the process of investiga tion and trial. Such support person may be a person or organisation working in the field of child r ights or child protection, or a n official of a children’s home or shelter home having custody of the child, or a person employed by the DCPU: Provided tha t nothing in these rules shall prevent the child and his par ents or guardia n or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence from seeking the assistance of any person or organisation for proceedings under the Act. (8) The support person sha ll at all times maintain the confidentiality of all information pertaining to the child t o which he has access . He shall keep the child and his pa rent or guardian or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence, informed a s to the proceedings of the case, including available assistance, judicial procedures, and potential outcomes. He shall also inform the child of the role he may play in the judicia l process and ensure that any concerns that the child may have, regarding his safety in relation to the accused and the manner in which he would like to provide his testimony, ar e conveyed to the relevant a uthorit ies. (9) Wher e a support person has been pr ovided to the child, the SJPU or the local police shall, within 24 hours of making such a ssignment, inform the Special Court in writ ing. (10) The services of the suppor t person may be terminated by the CWC upon r equest by the child and his par ent or guardian or person in whom the child has tr ust and confidence, and the child requesting t he termination shall not be required to assign any r eason for such request. The Special Court shall be given in writing such information. (11) It shall be the responsibility of the SJPU, or the local police to keep the child and his parent or guar dian or other person in whom the child has t rust and confidence, and where a support person has been assigned, such person, informed about the developments, including the ar rest of t he accused, applications filed and other court proceedings. (12) The information to be provided by the SJPU, local police, or support person, to the child and his parents or guardian or other person in whom the child has trust and confidence, includes but is not limited to the following: - (i) the availability of public and private emergency a nd crisis services; (ii) the procedural steps involved in a criminal prosecution; (iii) the availability of victims’ compensation benefits; (iv) the status of the investiga tion of the crime, to the extent it is appropriate to inform the vict im and to the extent t hat it will not interfere with the investigation; (v) the arrest of a su spected offender ; (vi) the filing of char ges against a suspected offender; (vii) the schedule of court proceedings that the child is either r equired to attend or is entitled to attend; (viii) the bail, release or detention sta tus of an offender or suspected offender; (ix) the rendering of a verdict after trial; and (x) the sentence imposed on an offender. - 6 - Ex-23/2015 5 . Emergency medical care - (1) Wher e an officer of the SJPU, or the local police receives information under section 19 of the Act that an offence under the Act has been committed, and is satisfied that the child aga inst whom an offence has been committed is in need of urgent medical care and protection, he shall, as soon as p ossible, but not later than 24 hours of receiving such information, arrange to take such child to the nearest hospital or medical car e facility centre for emergency medical care: Provided tha t where an offence has been committed under sections 3, 5, 7 or 9 of the Act, the victim sha ll be r eferred to emer gency medical c are. (2) Emergency medical care sha ll be rendered in such a manner as to protect the pr ivacy of the child, and in the presence of the parent or gua rdian or any other person in whom the child has trust and confidence. (3) No medical practitioner, hospital or other medical facility centre r endering emergency medical care to a child shall demand any legal or magisterial requisition or other documentation as a pre-requisite to rendering such care. (4) The registered medical pra ctitioner rendering emergency medical care shall attend to the needs of the child, including — (i)treatment for cuts, bruises, and other injuries including genita l injur ies, if any; (ii) treatment for exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including prophylaxis for identified STDs; (iii) treatment for exposure to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), including prophylaxis for HIV after necessa ry consultation with infectious disease experts; (iv) possible pr egnancy and emergency contra ceptives should be discussed with the pubertal child and her parent or any other person in whom the child has tr ust and confidence; and, (v) wherever necessary, a referra l or consultation for mental or psychological health or other counselling should be made. (5) Any forensic evidence collected in the course of rendering emergency medical care must be collected in accor dance with section 27 of the Act 6 . Monitoring of implementation of the Act - (1) The National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (hereafter referred to as “NCPCR”) or the State Commission for the P rotection of C hild Rights (hereafter referr ed to a s “SCPCR”), as the case may be, shall in addition t o the functions assigned to them under the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, perform the following functions for implementation of the provisions of the Act:- (a ) to monitor the designation of Special Courts by State Governments; (b) to monitor the appointment of Public P rosecutors by State Governments; (c ) to monitor the for mulation of the guidelines described in section 39 of the Act by the State Governments, for the use of non-governmenta l organisations, professionals and experts or persons having knowledge of p sychology, social wor k, physical health, mental health and child development to be associated with the pre-trial and tr ial sta ge to assist the child, a nd to monitor the application of these guidelines; (d) to monitor the designing and implementa tion of modules for training police personnel and other concerned persons, including officers of the Centr al and State Governments, for the effective discharge of their funct ions under the Act; - 7 -Ex-23/2015 (e) to monitor and support the Central Government and State Governments for the dissemination of information relating to the provisions of the Act through media including the television, radio and print media at regula r intervals, so as to make the general public, children as well as their parents and guar dians a ware of the provisions of the Act. (2) The NCPCR or the SCPCR, as the case may be, may call for a report on any specific case of child sexual abuse falling within the jur isdiction of a CWC. (3) The NCPCR or the SCPCR, as the case may be, may collect information and data on its own or from the relevant agencies r egar ding reported ca ses of s exua l abuse and their disposal under the processes established under the Act, including infor mation on the following: - (i) number and details of offences reported under the Act; (ii) whether the procedures prescribed under the Act and rules were followed, including those regarding t imefra mes; (iii) deta ils of arrangements for care and pr otection of victims of offences under this Act, including a rrangements for emergency medical ca re and medical examination; and, (iv) details regarding assessment of the need for care and protection of a child by the concerned CWC in a ny specific case. (4) The NCPCR or the SCPCR, as the case may be, may use the information so collected to assess the implementation of the provisions of the Act. T he report on monitoring of the Act shall be included in a separate chapter in the Annual Report of the NCPCR or the SCPCR. 7 . Compensation - (1) The Special Court may, in a ppropriate cases, on its own or on an applica tion filed by or on behalf of the child, pass an order for interim compensation t o meet the immediate needs of the child for r elief or rehabilitation at a ny stage after registration of the First Information Report. Such interim compensation paid to the child shall be adjusted against the final compensation, if a n y. (2) The Special Court may, on its own or on an application filed by or on behalf of the victim, recommend the awar d of compensation where the accused is convicted, or where the case ends in acqu ittal or discharge, or the accused is not tr aced or identified, and in the opinion of the Special Court the child has suffered loss or injury a s a resu lt of t hat offence. (3) Wher e the Special Court, u nder sub-section (8) of section 33 of the Act read with sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 357A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, makes a direction for the awar d of compensation to the vict im, it shall ta ke into account all relevant factors relating to the loss or injury caused to the victim, including the following: - (i) type of abuse, gravity of the offence and the severity of the mental or physical har m or injury suffered by the child; (ii) the expenditure incurred or likely to be incurr ed on his medical treatment for physical and/or mental health; (iii) loss of educationa l oppor tunity as a consequence of the offence, including absence from school due to mental trauma , bodily injur y, medical treatment, investigation and tria l of the offence, or any other reason; (iv) loss of employment as a result of the offence, including absence from place of employment due to mental trauma, bodily injury, medical tr eatment, investigation and trial of the offence, or any other reason; - 8 - Ex-23/2015 (v) the relationship of the child to the offender, if any; (vi) whether the abuse was a single isolated incidence or whether the abuse took place over a period of t ime; (vii) whether the child became pr egnant as a result of the offence; (viii) whether the child contracted a sexually tr ansmitted disease (STD) as a r esult of the offence; (ix) whether the child contract ed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as a r esult of the offence; (x) any disability suffered by the child as a resu lt of t he offence; (xi) fina ncial condition of the child against whom the offence has been committed so a s to determine his need for rehabilitation; (xii) any other fa ctor that the Special Court may consider to be relevant. (4) The compensation awarded by the S pecial Court is to be paid by the State Government from the Victims Compensation Fund or other scheme or fund est ablished by it for the purposes of compensating and rehabilitating victims under section 357A of the Code of Crimina l Procedure or a ny other laws for the time being in force, or, wher e such fund or scheme does not exist, by the State Government. (5) The State Government shall pay the compensation ordered by the Special C ourt within 30 days of receipt of such or der. (6) Nothing in these rules shall prevent a child or his pa rent or guardian or a ny other person in whom the child has trust a nd confidence from submitting an application for seeking relief under any other rules or scheme of the Central Government or State Government. [F. No. 22-14/2012-CW-I] DR.VIVEK JOSHI, Jt. Secy.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Pu F. Thansanga S/o F.C. Linga (L) Khatla South, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 24Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 24 AFFIDAVITI, Shri F. Thansanga S/o F.C. Linga (L) aged about 54 years, permanent resident of Khatla South, Aiza wl, Mizoram, Christian by faith and by Tribe Mizo do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under :- 1.That I am a citizen of India by birth and competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That in my Service Sheet my name was mistakenly written as Tha nsanga S/o F.C. Linga (L). 3.That in my Voter ’s I.D and Ration Card my name was written as F. Tha nsanga S /o F.C. Linga (L). 4.That in my all other important Documents my name was written as F. Thansanga S/o F.C. Linga (L) and that is the real and my correct name. 5.That F. Thansanga S /o F.C. Linga (L) and Thansanga S/o F.C. Linga (L) is one a nd the same person. 6.That the contents of para 1 - 5 above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge a nd beliefs. No part of it has been false and so help me God. IN WIT NES S WHEREOF, I hereunto set and subscribed my signature on this 23rd day of August, 2012 at Aizawl. DEPONENT Identified by :Swor n before: Sd/-Sd/- H. VanlallawmzualaLalramhluna AdvocateAdvocateNotarial Registration Chanmari West, AizawlNota ry PublicNo. 25/8 Aizawl, MizoramDate 23/8/12Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Pu H. Lalthanliana S/o H. Thahluana Tuithiang, Aizawl,

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 25Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 25 AFFIDAVITI, H. Lalthanliana S/o H. Thahluana, a permanent resident of Tuithiang, Aizawl, Mizoram, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India a nd a competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That my name has been wrongly wr itten a nd recor ded as H. Thanliana in my Voter ’s I.D. whereas it is to be written and recorded as H. Lalthanliana in all other important documents. 3.That my name should be known and recorded as H. Lalthanliana here-in aft er in my above said docu ment and the concerned authority to change my name from H. Thanliana to H. La lthanliana. 4.That the aforementioned pa ra 1-3 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no material facts has been concealed therein. In witness whereof I hereunto set my own signa ture on this 27th da y of November, 2014. DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- RohlupuiiSL Thansanga AdvocateAdvocateNotarial Registration Aizawl : MizoramNota ry PublicNo. 25/11 Aizawl, MizoramDate 27/11/14Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Pu Lalthanmawia Ngente s/o Thanhranga (L) Vairengte Zalen Veng, Kolasib District, Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 26Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 26 AFFIDAVITI, La lt hanmawia Ngente (52 yr s) s/o T hanhr anga (L) Va irengte Zalen Veng, Kola sib District, Mizoram do hereby solemnly affirm and declared as under :- 1.That, I am a bonafide cit izen of India a nd a competent to swear this affida vit. 2.That my name was mistakenly written as La lthanmawia s/o T hanhranga (L), In my Service Book which was submitted before the Govt. of Mizoram. 3.That my true and correct name is Laltha nmawia Ngente s/o Tha nhranga (L) 4.That my name should be entered a nd writ ten as Lalthanmawia Ngente s/o Thanhranga (L). 5.That the above fou r statements a re true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I declared the above statements from paragraph 1 to 4 to be true and corr ect on this day the 21st June, 2011 before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kolasib, Kolasib Distr ict. DEPONENT Identified by :Swor n before me: Sd/-Sd/- Joseph L. PachuauChief Judicial Magistrate AdvocateKolasib, Mizoram Kolasib DistrictPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Deed Changing Name / Sure Name of Vanlalchhuana son of Kapchhinga (L), Rahsi Veng, Lunglei, Lunglei District, Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 27Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 27 DEED CHANGING NAME/SURNAMEBY T HIS DEED I, the under signed Vanlalchhuana son of Kapchhinga (L), a permanent resident of Rahsi Veng, Lunglei, Lunglei Distr ict, Mizoram, do hereby :- 1.Wholly renounce, r elinquish and abandon the use of my former name of Lalchhuana a nd in place thereof do assume from the date thereof the name of Vanlalchhua na and so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name La lchhuana but by my assumed name of Vanlalchhuana. 2.For the pur pose of evidencing such my determina tion declare this I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writing and in all pr oceedings, dealings and transactions private as well as public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the name of Vanlalchhuana as my name in place of and in substitution for my former name of Lalchhuana. 3.Expr essly authorise and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by such assumed name of Vanlalchhuana accordingly. 4.That this a ffidavit is meant to make cor rigendum in my Service Sheet by substituting my former name Lalchhuana with my assumed name Vanlalchhuana. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my signature on this 9th day of October, 2014. Vanlalchhuana, DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- David V.L. MalsawmaMagistrate 1st Class AdvocateKola sib Aiza wl Sessions Division Mizoram Bar Associa tionPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Obituary of of C.Lalromawia, Senior Chemist, District Laboratory Saiha, Public Health Engineering Department

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 28Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 28 OBITUARY With profou nd grief and sorrow, the Government of Mizoram has learnt the sad and untimely demise of C.Lalromawia, Senior Chemist, District Labor atory S aiha, Public Health Engineering Department at 8:00 P.M on the 25th November, 2014. C.Lalromawia entered into Government service as Assistant Chemist under Public Health Engineering Department on 1.8.1988. He was promoted to Chemist on 6.10.1997 and further promoted to Senior Chemist on 29.10.2007. During his entire tenure of 26 years, he had been serving in various capacities as Assistant Chemist, Chemist, Senior Chemist under Public Health Engineering Department. And he wa s posted as Senior Chemist, District Labora tory Saiha where he served till he drew his last breath. He served the Government of Mizora m with utmost sincerit y and devotion and endeared himself to all his collea gues. He always proved himself to be a conscientious officer. The Government of Mizoram places on record its appreciation of the sincere services rendered by C.Lalromawia, Senior Chemist, District Laboratory Saiha, Public Health Engineering Depa rtment a nd conveys its heartfelt sympa thy and condolence to his bereaved family. ‘M ay his soul r est in peace’. Lianchungnunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Corrigendum of Act No. 3 of 2013 of the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 3) Act, 2013 in respect of Demand No. 4 - Law and Judicial

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 29Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 29 CORRIGENDUM No. G. 28014/4/03-FBT, the 10th December, 2014.Figures appearing in the Schedule of Act No. 3 of 2013 of the Mizoram Appropriation (No. 3) Act, 2013 in respect of Demand No. 4 - Law and Judicial should be read as (1) Voted Revenue - ^ 1553.91 lakh (2) - Voted Capital - ^ 185.00 lakh instead of Voted R evenue - ^ 1738.91 lakh. H.C. Zonunthara, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Fina nce Depa rtment (B).Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/100

Appellate Tribunals for various Sub-Divisions of Mizoram comprising the following members with immediate effect and until further orders

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 30Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 30 NOTIFICATION No. B.11014/2/2014-SWD(B), the 1st December, 2014.In ex ercise of the powers conferred under Section 7(1) of the Maintenance and Welfar e of Pa rents a nd Senior Citizens Act , 2007 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Appellate Tr ibunals for va rious Sub-Divisions of Mizoram comprising the following members with immediate effect and until further orders :- MAINTENANCETRIBUNAL AT SUB-DIVISIONAL LEVEL 1.AIZAWL SADARSUB-DIVISION:Chairperson-SDO(S), Aizawl Members-S.D. P.O, Aizawl District Secretary-CDPO, Tlangnuam ICDS Project 2.SAITUALSUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Saitual Members-S.D.P.O, Saitual Secretary-Circle Officer, ICDS Saitual Circle 3.SAKAWRDAI SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Sakawrdai Members-S.D.P.O, Sakawrdai Secretary-CDPO, Darlawn ICDS Pr oject 4.LUNGLEI(SADAR)SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Lunglei Members-S.D.P.O, Lunglei Secretary-CDPO, Lunglei ICDS Pr oject 5. HNAHTHIAL SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C ), Hnahthial Members-S.D. P.O Police Department Secretary-CDPO, Hnahthial ICDS Project 6. SAIHA (SADAR) SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Saiha Members-S.D.P.O, Saiha Secretary-CDPO, Tuipang ICDS Project 7. CHAMPHAI (SADAR) SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Champhai Members-S.D.P.O, Champhai Secretary-Circle Officer, Champhai C isrcle, ICDS 8. KHAWZAWL SUB-DIVISIONChairperson-SDO(C), Khawzawl Members-S.D.P.O, Khawzawl Secretary-CDPO, Khawzawl ICDS Project 9. NGOPA SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Ngopa Members-S.D.P.O, Ngopa Secretary-CDPO, Ngopa ICDS Project 10. KHAWBUNG SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Khawbung Members-S.D.P.O, Khawbung Secretary-CDPO, Khawbung ICDS Project 11. KOLASIB SUB-DIVISION. Chairperson-SDO(S), Kolasib Members-S.D.P.O, Kolasib Secretary-Circle Officer, Kolasib Circle, ICDS 12. KAWNPUI SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Kawnpui Members-S.D.P.O, Kawnpui Secretary-Circle Officer, Ka wnpui Circle, Kawnpui ICDS 13. VAIRENGTE SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Vairengte Members-S.D.P.O, Vairengte Secretary-Circle Officer, Va irengte Circle, Bilkha wthlir ICDS 14. MAMIT (SADAR) SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Mamit Members-S.D.P.O, Mamit Secretary-Circle Officer, ICDS Mamit Circle 15. KAWRTHAH SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Kawrthah Members-S.D.P.O, Kawrthah Secretary-Circle Officer, IC DS Kawrthah Circle- 2 - Ex-30/2015 16. ZAWLNUAM SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Zawlnuam Members-S.D.P.O, Zawlnuam Secretary-Circle Officer, Zawlnuam Circle 17. SERCHHIP SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Serchhip Members-S.D.P.O, Serchhip Secretary-Circle. Officer. Serchhip ICDS Circle 18. THENZAWL SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Thenzawl Members-S.D.P.O, Thenzawl Secretary-Circle Officer, IC DS Thenzawl Circle 19. N.VANLAIPHAI SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), N.Vanlaiphai Members-S.D.P.O, N. Vanlaiphai Secretary-Circle Officer, ICDS N.Vanlaiphai Circle 20. LAWNGTLAI SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(S), Lawngtlai Members-S.D.P.O, Lawngtlai Secretary-Circle Officer, Lawngtlai ICDS Circle 21. SANGAU SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Sa ngau Members-S.D.P.O., Sangau Secretary-Circle Officer, Sangau ICDS Project 22. CHAWNGTE SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Chawngte Members-S.D.P.O., Chawngte Secretary-CDPO, Chawngte ICDS Project 23. TLABUNG SUB-DIVISION: Chairperson-SDO(C), Tlabung Members-S.D.P.O., Tlabung Secretary-CDPO, Lungsen ICDS Pr oject Manisha Saxena, Commr. & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Socia l Welfar e Depart ment.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex-30/2015


VOL - XLIVISSUE - 31Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 31 O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U MNo. B.14052/5/2014-COOP, the 21st January, 2015. Subject :LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS UNDER THE REVIVAL REFORM & RESTRUCTURING (RRR) PACKAGE A Financial Package of 3000 crores has b een announced for Revival of the Handloom Sector in the country by the Hon’ble Finance Minister in his Budget Speech on 28th February, 2011. The Package is being implemented b y NABARD in consultation with the Ministry of Text iles, Government of India and the Planning Commission. The implementation of the P ackage is being made in a time bound manner s o that the benefits percolate to the gr assroots level. The loss assessment of the Cooperative Societies, (covered by financial reca pitaliza tion under the Package) commences only after the audit of Apex Weavers Cooperative Societies (AWC S) and all the Primary Weavers Cooperative Societies (PWC S) for the year 2009-2 010 are completed. In other words, as per the guidelines of the F inancial Package, only viable and potentially viable Apex and Primary Weavers Cooperative Societies (PWCS) based on the audit of 2009-2010 were eligible to avail the benefits under the RRR Package. Subsequently, the state has carried out statutory audit upto 2009-2010, the NABARD, the implementing agency, car ried out the special audit of eligible apex and PWC Societies to a ssess overdue loan as on 31. 3.2010 and recapitalization assista nce. The Revival, Reform & Rest ructuring Packa ge for the Handloom Weavers Cooperative Societies is subject to the conditionalities related to the following institutional and legal reforms. A.LEGAL REFORM 1.Primary Weavers Cooperative societies potentially viable only s hall be eligible for the financial package. Non viable units of the Apex and Primary Weavers Cooperative Societies shall b e excluded from the purview of the financial package. 2.Primary and Apex Weavers Coopera tive Societies shall ensure democra tic functioning including timely election to the Board of Directors as per the provision of section 46 of the Mizoram Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. 3.The business management of Primary and Apex Weavers Cooperative Societies shall rest with the Ma nagement committee of C oopera tive Societies concerned as per the provision of Bye-laws. Therefore, it shall be the statutory duty of the Board of Management to professionalize the mana gement in Primary and Apex Weaver Cooperative societies. 4.As per the provision of Bye-Laws, Primary and Apex Weavers Cooperative Societies a re eligible to subs crib e shares and become Member of the cooper ative Ba nk. Ther efor e, a ll P rima ry a nd Apex Weavers Cooperative Societies shall subscribe shares to become eligible for availing finance from Cooperative Bank. 5.The Board of Management of Primary and Apex Weavers Cooperative Societies shall have power for ensuring functional autonomy in administration and financia l matters as per the provision of Bye-Laws in matters relating to :- (a)Personal policy and staffing Pattern. (b)Recr uitment, posting and compensation to staff. (c)Internal control systems, appointment of audit ors. (d)Service condition, appoint ment, salary structur e and selection process of staff. (e)Freedom for societies on entry exit fr om the st ructure at any level, with no manda ted rest rictions on geographical boundaries for its operations. B.INSTITUTIONAL REFORM 1.Clear norms of capital adequacy and provisioning for ensuring the good health of Primary and Apex Weaver s Cooperative Societies sha ll be pu t in place. 2.Due efforts shall be made for settlement of all pending rebate claims/dues to the primary and apex societies. The Registrar cooperative Societies routing through the Department of Industries, Government of Mizor am and in cons ultation with the State Gover nment s hall approach t he Ministry of Textiles Development Commissioner for Handlooms for settlement of all pending rebate claims due to the Primary and Apex Societies. 3.Reactivation of idle looms and revival of dormant/inactive looms in viable/potentially viable societies. 4.Relevant rules for proper investment and administration of the Provident Fund collected from the weavers, currently placed in PWCS which in turn place the same in SB a/c with DCCBs shall be put in place. 5.Adopting mechanism for cr edit guarantee on weaver loans. 6.Initiating s cheme for insur ance against pr oduction losses of weavers as a result of loss/damage to stock, cloth under production from natural catastrophe like fire, flood etc. 7.The State Government through the Office of Registrar Coopera tive Societies shall ta ke up re- orga nization of the societies based on viability. 8.The office of Registrar Cooperative societies shall take up emergency measures necessary to upda te the books of accounts of weavers cooperatives. 9.It shall be the utmost due of the Registrar Cooperative Societies for ensuring up to date a udit of the apex and the primar y weavers society. 10.Stringent measures shall be taken up to cleanse the ba lance s heets of apex and primary weavers societies a s proposed in t he package. 11.Facilitate the PWCS and AWC S to access credit from any financial institution. 12.Switch over to regular audit of Apex Weavers Cr edit Societies (AWCS) by Cha rtered Accountants (CA) and ensure also regular audit of a ll Primary Weavers Cr edit Societies (PWCS) by CA’s or existing audit machinery of State Gover nment a t the discretion of t he Society. 13.Initiate measures for adopting the Common Accounting System (CAS) and Management Information System (MIS ) to be evolved by NABARD. 1)Intr oducing components of accountability and housekeeping. 2)Rest ructuring of t he business by closing/pruning down the loss making showrooms/merge Regional Offices/streamline their operations.- 2 - Ex - 31/2015 3)HRD components for compulsor y tr ansit ion to more tra nspar ent and a ccountable management practices (ex. CAS, MIS, preparing business development plans etc.). Arrange training in this respect in coordination with NABARD. 4)Put in place a plan for computerization of weavers society at pr imary level. The release of funds under the package will be linked to the progress in actual implementation of the Revival Package by taking the following steps on weaver societies in their jurisdiction. 5)Release of State Government dues to Apex & Primary Weaver Societies as necessary preconditions. 6)Taking steps to commence the process of legal & institutional reforms. 7)The principle that the assistance will be available only to viable or potentially viable societies (as defined under the packa ge) and those which ar e non viable should be liquida ted. 8)The determination of the quantum of assistance to which institutiona l societies ar e eligible, will be based on a special audit of accounts upto the year 2009-2010 under the supervision of t he implementing agency i.e. NABARD. 9)Participate in the programme to tr ain personnel, upgrade interna l accounting, r eporting and cont rol systems at different levels to equip weaver societies for business growth & cr edit management. Jack L. Da r kim, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 3 -Ex - 31/2015

Election Commission of India Notification

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 32Date - 22/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 22.1.2015 Magha 2, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 32 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sa dan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001 No. 56/2015/PPS-II Dated : 13th January, 2015 23 Pausa, 1936 (Saka) NOTIFICATION WHEREAS, the Election Commission of India has decided to upda te its Notification No. 56/2014/ PPS-II, dated 10th Mar ch, 2014, as a mended from time to time, specifying the names of r ecognis ed National and State Pa rties, registered-unrecognised parties and the list of fr ee symbols, issued in pursuance of para graph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, a nd in supersession of its aforesaid notification No. No. 56/2014/PPS-II, dated 10th March, 2014, as amended fr om time to time, published in the Ga zette of India , Extra -Ordinar y, Part-II, Section-3, S ub-Section (iii), the Election Commission of India hereby specifies: - (a) In Table I, the National Parties and the Symbols respectively reserved for them and postal address of t heir Headquarters; (b)In Table II, the State Parties, the State or States in which they are State Parties and the Symbols resp ectively reserved for them in such State or States and postal addr ess of their Headquarters; (c)In Table III, the registered-unrecognized polit ical pa rties a nd postal address of their Headquarters; and (d)In Table IV, the fr ee symbols. IN S O FAR AS elections to t he Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir are concerned, this notification shall be deemed to have been issued in terms of Rules 5 and 10 of the Jammu and Kashmir Conduct of Elections Rules, 1965 and under the Election Symbols (Reser vation and Allotment) Order, 1968 as made applicable for elections t o the Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir. 2 TABLE – I NATIONAL PARTIES Sl. N. Name of the Party Symbol reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant [In all States/U.T.s except in the State of Assam, where its candidates will have to choose a symbol from out of the list of free symbols specified by the Commission] 4, Gurudwara Rakabganj Road, New Delhi – 110001. 2.Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 11, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001. 3.Communist Party of India Ears of Corn and Sickle Ajoy Bhawan, Kotla Marg, New Delhi – 110002. 4.Communist Party of India (Marxist) Hammer, Sickle and Star A.K.Gopalan Bhawan, 27-29, Bhai Vir Singh Marg (Gole Market), New Delhi - 110001. 5.Indian National Congress Hand 24,Akbar Road, New Delhi – 110011. 6. Nationalist Congress Party Clock 10, Bishambhar Das Marg, New Delhi-110001. 3 TABLE – II STATE PARTIES Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Telangana Rashtra Samithi Car House No. 8-2- 220/110/1/3, Road No.14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 2. Telugu Desam Bicycle Telugu Desam Party Office, N.T.R. Bhavan, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500033. (Andhra Pradesh). 1. Andhra Pradesh 3. Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party Ceiling Fan H.No.8-2-269/S/98, Sagar Society, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad- 34, Andhra Pradesh. 1. All India Trinamool Congress Flowers and Grass 30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street Kolkata-700026, West Bengal. 2. Arunachal Pradesh 2. People’s Party of Arunachal Maize K. Ringu Complex, G- Extension Road, Naharlagun-791110 ( Arunachal Pradesh). 1. All India United Democratic Front Lock & Key No.3 Friends Path, Hatigaon, Guwahati- 781038 (Assam). 2. Asom Gana Parishad Elephant Head Office :- Gopinath Bordoloi Road, Guwahati- 781001 (Assam). 3. Assam 3. Bodoland Peoples Front Nangol Head Office Kokrajha r, B.T.C., P.O.-Kokrajhar, Distt.Kokrajhar, Assam, Pin-783370. 4. Bihar 1. Janata Dal (United) Arrow 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. 4 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Lok Jan Shakti Party Bungalow 12, Janpath, New Delhi – 110 011. 3. Rashtriya Janata Dal Hurricane Lamp 13, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001. 4. Rashtriya Lok Samta Party Ceiling Fan Mouza – Dhkkanpura, Mohalla – Mohanpur Punaichak (Near Hartali Morh), Boring Kainal Road, Patna – 1, Bihar. 5. Goa Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Lion Vikas 'A' Building, 3 rd Floor, Near Pharmacy College, 18 th June Road, Panaji-403001 (Goa). 1. Haryana Janhit Congress (BL) Tractor 135, Golf Links, New Delhi-110003. 6. Haryana 2. Indian National Lok Dal Spectacles 18, Janpath, New Delhi-110011. 1. Jammu & Kashmir National Conference Plough (i) Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan, Residency Road, Jammu (J & K). (ii) Nawai Subh Complex, Zero Bridge, Srinagar (J & K). 2. Jammu & Kashmir National Panthers Party Bicycle 17, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001. 7. Jammu & Kashmir 3. Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party Ink Pot & Pen 2-Emporium Lane, Residency Road, Srinagar 8. Jharkhand 1. AJSU Party Banana Poornima Tower, 2 ndFloor, Room No. 2A, Opp. Chhaganlal Jain, Dhramshala, Lake Road , Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834001. 5 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Bow & Arrow Bariatu Road, Ranchi-834008 (Jharkhand). 3. Jharkhand Vikas Morcha (Prajatantrik) Comb Atithishala, Morhavadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand 4. Rashtriya Janata Dal Hurricane Lamp 13, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001. 1. Janata Dal (Secular) A Lady Farmer carrying Paddy on her head 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi – 110003. 9. Karnataka 2. Karnataka Jantha Paksha Yet to be allotted # 11, 12 th Main 17 th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru – 560055. Karnataka 1. Janata Dal (Secular) A Lady Farmer carrying Paddy on her head 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi – 110003. 2. Kerala Congress (M) Two Leaves State Committee Office, Near Fire Station, Kottayam (Kerala). 3. Indian Union Muslim League Ladder Quaid-e-Millath Manzil, 36 Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Chennai-600001, Tamil Nadu. 10. Kerala 4. Revolutionary Socialist Party Spade & Stoker 37 Ripon Street (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Kolkata- 700016 (West Bengal). 11. Maharashtra 1. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena Railway Engine Krishna Kunj, M.B.Raut Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai-400028, Maharashtra. 6 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow Shivsena Bhavan, Gadkari Chowk, Dadar, Mumbai-400028 (Maharashtra). 1. All India Trinamool Congress Flower and Grass 30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-700026 (West Bengal) 2. Manipur State Congress Party Cultivator Cutting Crop Keishampat (Opposite Raj Bhawan), Imphal-795 001 (Manipur). 3. Naga Peoples Front Cock Post Box No.565, Kohima-797001, Nagaland. 12. Manipur 4. People's Democratic Alliance Crown Ragailong, Imphal-795 001, Manipur. 1. United Democratic Party Drum Mawlai Nonglum, Shillong-793008 (Meghalaya). 2. Hill State People’s Democratic Party Lion Kench’s Trace, Laban, Shillong 739004. (Meghalaya) 13. Meghalaya 3. National People’s Party Book 2 nd Floor, MDU Building, M. G. Avenue, Imphal – 795001 (Manipur) 1. Mizo National Front Star General Headquarters, Zarkawt, Aizawl (Mizoram). 2. Mizoram People’s Conference Electric Bulb General Headquarters, Treasury Square, Aizawl- 796001 (Mizoram). 14. Mizoram 3. Zoram Nationalist Party Sun (without rays) General Headquarters, Treasury Square, Aizawl- 796001 (Mizoram). 15. Nagaland Naga Peoples Front Cock Post Box No.565, Kohima-797001, Nagaland. 7 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16. N.C.T. of Delhi Aam Aadmi Party Broom A-119, Gr ound Floor, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010, Uttar Pradesh. 17. Orissa Biju Janata Dal Conch Naveen Nivas, Aerodrome Gate, Bhubaneswar-751009 (Orissa). 1. All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Two Leaves 275, Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Chennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2. All India N.R. Congress Jug No. 51, J.J. Complex, 100 Feet Road, Illapillaichavadi, Nellithope Post, Puducherry –605005. 3. Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Rising Sun ‘Anna Arivalayam’ 268- 269, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 18. Puducherry 4. Pattali Makkal Katchi Mango 63, Nattu Muthu Nai ken Street, Vanniya Teynampet, Chennai- 600018 (Tamil Nadu). 1. Shiromani Akali Dal Scales Building No.6, Sector-28 B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh – 160028. 19. Punjab 2. Aam Aadmi Party Broom A-119, Ground Floor, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010, Uttar Pradesh. 1. Sikkim Democratic Front Umbrella Upper Deorali, Gongtok, East Sikkim. 20. Sikkim 2. Sikkim Krantikari Morcha Yet to be allotted Boomtar, P.O. Namchi, P.S. Namchi, South Sikkim, Sikkim - 737126. 8 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Two leaves 275,Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Chennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2.Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Rising Sun ‘Anna Arivalayam’ 268- 269, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 21. Tamil Nadu 3.Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam Nagara 125/7, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (100 Ft. Road), Koyambedu, Chennai-600 107, Tamil Nadu. 1. All India Majlis-E- Ittehadul Muslimeen Kite Darussalam Board, Hyderabad (AndhraPradesh). 2. Telangana Rashtra Samithi Car House No. 8-2- 220/110/1/3, Road No.14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 3. Telugu Desam Bicycle Telugu Desam Party Office, N.T.R. Bhavan, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500033. (Andhra Pradesh). 22. Telangana 4. Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party Ceiling Fan H.No.8-2-269/S/98, Sagar Society, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad- 34, Andhra Pradesh. 23. Tripura All India Trinamool Congress Flowers & Grass 30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-700026 (West Bengal) 9 Sl. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol Reserved Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Rashtriya Lok Dal Hand Pump 12-Tughlak Road, New Delhi-110011. 24. Uttar Pradesh 2. Samajwadi Party Bicycle 18, Copernicus Lane, New Delhi. 1.All India Forward Bloc Lion 28,Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Road, New Delhi –110001 2. All India Trinamool Congress Flowers & Grass 30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-700026 (West Bengal) 25. West Bengal 3. Revolutionary Socialist Party Spade & Stoker 37 Ripon Street (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Kolkata-700016 (West Bengal). 10 TABLE – III REGISTERED UNRECOGNISED PARTIES Sl. No. Name of the Registered Unrecognised Political Party Headquarters Address 1. 2. 3. 1. Aadarshwaadi Congress Party E.W.S. – 04, Kausalpuri Colony, Phase-2, Near of Water Tank, Gramsabha–Gaddopur, Vikas Khand – Masoadha, Tahsil – Sadar, District – Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh. 2. Aadarsh Janata Sewa Party Ranjit House, Didwara Rao d, Salwan, District – Karnal, Haryana 3. Aadarsh Janhit Party Hathi Wali Gali, H. No. 22, Ward No. 9, Asfabad, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh – 283203 4. Aadarsh Mithila Party At & P.O. Thahra Gopalpur, Via – Dighra, District – Samastipur, Bihar – 848115 5. Aadijan Mukti Sena ‘First Floor’, 21, Durgesh Vihar , J.K. Road, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) 6. Aadim Samaj Party H. No. 84, Village – Mawai Kala, Post – Naribari, Shankargarh, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 7. Aadivasi Sena Party At & Post – Rupvel (Nishal Fal ia),Tal. Vansada, Distt. Navsari-396 321, Gujarat. 8. Aam Janata Party Village – Jigina, P.O. – Manjhariya Vikram, District – Basti, Uttar Pradesh. 9. Aam Janshakti Party WZ-J-62, Uttam Nagar, Delhi - 110059. 10. Aam Janta Party Rashtriya Flat No. 804, 8th Floor, Gharouda Complex, Jagdeo Path More, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar - 800014. 11. Aama Odisha Party 185, VIP Colony, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751015 12. Aapka Hamara Party Gram – Mahudar, Post – Rewali, District – Hazaribagh, Jharkhand – 825301.. 11 13. Aarakshan Virodhi Party DT-146, Tirkha Colony, Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana – 121004. 14. Aarthik Samanta Party 189, B-Block, Gali No. 4/6,Ka rawal Nagar,DELHI-110094. 15. Aasra Lokmanch Party Mhada Colony, Gala No. 683, Gut No. 74, Devlai, Tq. and District – Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431 001. 16. Aazadi Ka Antim Aandolan Dal M.I.G.D. – 27, Shailendra Nagar, Raipur- 492001 Chhattisgarh. 17. A-Chik National Congress (Democratic) Dakopgre (Opp . office of Inspector & School), Tura, West Garo Hills,Meghalaya – 794 101. 18. Adarsh Jan Shakti Party H.No. 10204, Araie Wali Gal i, Maan Auto Stand,Durga Puri, Haibowal Kalan,Ludhiana, Punjab. 19. Adarsh Lok Dal Abu Nagar, Opposite Police Station F atehpur City, Distirct, Fatehpur (U.P). 20. Adarsh Manavtawadi Party D. S. /919, Sector-C,Sitap ur Road Yojna,Janakipuram, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 21. Adarsh Political Party 405, Kundan Bhawan Commercia l Complex, Azadpur, Delhi-110 033. 22. Adarsh Rashtriya Vikas Party H.No. 1369, Suraksha-1 , Sector –4,ELDECO, Rai Bareilly Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 23. Adarsh Samaj Party B-505, Kamla Nagar, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 24. Adarshwadi Dal Jawahar Road, Khurja-203136,Distt. Bulandshahr, (U.P.). 25. Adhunik Vikaswadi Party D-1/425, Sector-H, L.D.A. C olony,Kanpur Road, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 26. Adim Bhartiya Dal Beldar Bhawan, Kuri Bazaar Marg,( Balua) Kuri Bazaar,Distt. Gorakhpur – 273404,Uttar Pradesh. 27. Adivasi Jan Kalyan Party C/o Dakshin Gujarat Gamit Samaj Seva Trust Panwadi,Near Gujarat Traders, Vyara,District- Tapi, Gujarat-394650. 28. Advait Ishawasyam Congress Guruaaiyanwari Ashram,Ri va Naka, Meher, Distt. Satna,Madhya Pradesh. 29. Agar Jan Party V-949, Aggarwal Wali Gali, Near Main Krishna Gali, Moujpur, Delhi-110053. 30. Ahinsa Dal Sikarwar Sadan, L-1/108,109 Sector-B, Priyadarshini Colony, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 31. Aihra National Party 1/24, S.F., KMT Bhawan,St. # 2 , Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110092. 32. Aims Party Azad Chowk, Piprahi Bazaar,Post – Piprahi,Distt. - SheoharBIHAR-843334. 33. Ajeya Bharat Party A-14, Mohan Estates, Mathura Roa d, New Delhi. 34. Akahand Bharat Maha Sangh Sarvahara Krantikari Party Sunfool, Kota-1, (Rajasthan). 35. Akali Dal (1920) 296, Sector 10-A, Chandigarh-16001 0. 12 36. Akhand Bharat Ekta Andolan Basant Bhawan, 17/34, Si nghan Street, Kashipur-Pin Code-244713, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttaranchal). 37. Akhand Bharat National Party 22-3-947/33/A/1/1, Meg a City No.125, Purani Haveli, Opp. Setwin Office, Hyderabad-500002, Andhra Pradesh. 38. Akhand Bharat Samaj Party E-14, First Floor, DDA M ini Market, Sultan Puri, Delhi – 110086 39. Akhand Bharatheeya Aawaaz A – 54, Manek Nagar CHS Ltd., M.G. Road, Kandivali (West), Mumbai - 400067 Maharashtra. 40. Akhand Bharatiya Kavach Party B-33, Ashok Nagar,Gha ziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 41. Akhand Bharti E-5 (1st Floor), Bali Nagar,Shivaji M arg, New Delhi-110015. 42. Akhand Desham Party 6, Dwarkapuri, Sector-8, Indira Nagar,Lucknow-226016Uttar Pradesh. 43. Akhand Jharkhand People's Front At & P.O.- Gidhaur, Distt. Jamui, Bihar – 811305. 44. Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha Mandir Marg, New Delh i-110001. 45. Akhil Bharat Samagra Kranti Party Rajendra Pandey’s House,In front street of Dr. Saleem Ahmad,Katra, Basti, District Basti,Pin Code No.272001, Uttar Pradesh. 46. Akhil Bharatiya Aman Committee 1/9986, West Gorakh Park, Shahdara, Delhi- 110032. 47. Akhil Bharatiya Ashok Sena 117/0/117, Gita Nagar, Kanpur-208025(Uttar Pradesh). 48. Akhil Bharatiya Atyant Pichhara Sangharsh Morcha Party, Transformer Lane, North Nawada,Ara, District – Bhojpur,Bihar-802301. 49. Akhil Bharatiya Azad Lokhit Congress Party Khari Mo halla, Khatikon Ka Chowk,Bhiwani, Haryana. 50. Akhil Bharatiya Azad Party Phawwara Tiraha, Nai Sar ak,Shajadpur, Akbarpur-224122Janpad-Ambedkarnagar,Uttar Pradesh. 51. Akhil Bharatiya Bharat Mata – Putra Paksha Office – Nandurbar, Pin-425412, Distt. Dhulia (Maharashtra). 52. Akhil Bharatiya Bhrastachar Nirmoolan Sena Om Buil ding, Chhatrapathi Shivaji Chowk, Gondhale Nagar, Hadpsar, Pune-411002 (Maharashtra). 53. Akhil Bharatiya Congress Dal (Ambedkar) Ch-1, Kumbh a Nagar, Housing Board, Chittorgarh-312001 (Rajasthan). 54. Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party A-201/2, Gali No . 1, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 55. Akhil Bharatiya Dastkar Morcha Chamber No.187, New Delhi Courts, Patiala House, New Delhi-110001. 56. Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Morcha Puranderpur G.P.O ., Patna (Bihar). 57. Akhil Bharatiya Gareeb Party Villege-Kurana, Post S immavali, Distt. Ghaziabad (U.P.). 58. Akhil Bharatiya Garib Mazdoor Kisan Party G-10/2, R atia Marg, Sangam ViharNew Delhi- 110062. 59. Akhil Bharatiya General Labour Party A-3/85, Nand N agari, Delhi – 93. 60. Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League Mahabir Building, Lad enla Road,Darjeeling – 734101( West Bengal). 13 61. Akhil Bharatiya Hind Kranti Party Krishna Bhavan, S emriya Chowk, Satna, Madhya Pradesh. 62. Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh J-394, Shankar Road, New Delhi –110060. 63. Akhil Bharatiya Janata Congress 4 U.F. Babar Place, Todarmal Road, Near Bengali Market, New Delhi-110001. 64. Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Mazdoor Morcha Shri Mahatma G andhi Vichar Kendra, Uldan, Jhansi. (Uttar Pradesh). 65. Akhil Bharatiya Kranti Dal 7, Prem Colony, Pragati Path, Ist Floor,Kalyan Nagar, Behind Hanuman Mandir, Tonk Road, Jaipur – 302011, Rajasthan. 66. Akhil Bharatiya Lok Tantrik Alp-Sankhyak Jan Morcha Villege Barve, Post Dahu, P.S.Ormanazi, Distt. Ranchi (Bihar). 67. Akhil Bharatiya Lokraj Party H.O.Raghubir Nagar, Ba llabgarh, Faridabad (Haryana). 68. Akhil Bharatiya Loktantra Party Vill & P.O.Dattaval i, Distt. Meerut (U.P.). 69. Akhil Bharatiya Manav Adhikar Dal 1602, D.D.A. Jant a Flats, G.T.B.Enclave, Delhi- 110093. 70. Akhil Bharatiya Manav Seva Dal A-74, Sector-12, Noi da (U.P.). 71. Akhil Bharatiya Manavata Paksha Manavata Bhavan Pen try (Koke),Teh. Sindevahi, Distt.-Chanderpur,Maharashtra. 72. Akhil Bharatiya Muslim League (Secular) Khari Kuan, Mughalpura Ist, Muradabad- 244001, Uttar Pradesh. 73. Akhil Bharatiya Rajarya Sabha Adarsh Gurukul Shahi, District Pilibhit-262001 (Uttar Pradesh). 74. Akhil Bharatiya Rajivwadi Congress (Dubey) WZ-8-93, Tanwar Market, Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi-110028. 75. Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad (Prem Ballabh Vyas) Shri Krishna Bodh Dham, 7, Shankracharya Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi – 110054. 76. Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya Azad Hind Party H.O. 1 R 11-12 Vistar Yojna Dadabari, Kota (Rajasthan). 77. Akhil Bharatiya Revolutionary Shoshit Samaj Dal Vaishali Nagar, Sidheshwar Ves, At. & Post : Latur,Distt. Latur, 413512 (Maharashtra). 78. Akhil Bharatiya Samajwadi Congress C-31, Hauz Khas, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi- 110016. 79. Akhil Bharatiya Sangharsh Dal Nangli Bhattha, Fethe hgarh Choorian Road, Amritsar-143001, Punjab. 80. Akhil Bharatiya Sena Om Kala Niketan Sankalap,Co-op . Housing Society, Anandgar, Vikhorili Park Site (West), Mumbai-400079 (Maharashtra). 81. Akhil Bharatiya Shivsena Rashtrawadi Akhil Bharatiy a Shivsena Bhawan, Gur Mandi, Ludhiana (Punjab). 82. Akhil Bhartiya Janata Sahara Party 7/96-97, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 83. Akhil Bhartiya Aamjan Party F-1, 99, Shiv Nagar A, Harnathpura, Kalawad Road, Jaipur – 302012, Rajasthan. 84. Akhil Bhartiya Gondwana Party 263, Rahul Nagar, Kol ar Road,Bhopal- 462003,MADHYA PRADESH. 85. Akhil Bhartiya Janata Vikas Party 21-D, Pocket A-3, Everest Apartment, Kalkaji Extention, New Delhi – 110019. 86. Akhil Bhartiya Janhit Party Post – Sajani, Taluk – Hatkanagale, District – Kolhapur, Maharashtra – 416115. 14 87. Akhil Bhartiya Jharkhand Party Village – Kinudeeh, Post – Karandeeh, Jamshedpur-831002, Distt. – Poorvi Singhbhoom, Jharkhand. 88. Akhil Bhartiya Lok Dal A-1, Main Road, Gokal Puri, Near Aggarwal Sweet Corner, Shani Sai Mandir, Delhi – 110094 89. Akhil Bhartiya Loktantrik Congress F-3, Park Road, Lucknow (U. P.). 90. Akhil Bhartiya Mithila Party House of Shri Ratneshw ar Jha, Village & P.O. Parjuar, Distt. Madhubani (Bihar), PIN-847229. 91. Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Sewa Sangh Plot No. 98, Ratan Lal Nagar,Kanpur – 208022, Uttar Pradesh. 92. Akhil Bhartiya Naitik Party Moh. Kanhaipurwa, Near Bilgram Chungi, Janpad – Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh – 241001. 93. Akhil Bhartiya Sudhar Party House No. 2389, 1 st Floor, Hudson Lane, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009. 94. Akhil Bhartiya Swarajya Dal H. No. 22/178, Manjh Khore Ramedi, Tarous Chauraha, Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh 95. Akhil Bhartiya Vikas Congress Party S-7,Vikasdeep Basement, Station Raod, Lucknow -226001 Uttar Pradesh. 96. Akhil Hind Forward Bloc (Krantikari) Ward No, Holdi ng No. 711/499, Railway Hunder Road, Upadhyay Lane, West Lohanipur, Kadamkuan, Patna Bihar – 800003. 97. Akhil Jan Vikas Dal 50A/1A, Nahar Pur, Rao S.K. Sho pping Complex, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi-85. 98. Akhil Rashtrawadi Party Moharvati Sisoudiya Bhawan, Near Dak Bangla, Nadri Gate, Kasganj, District Eta (Uttar Pradesh). 99. Akhila Bharatiya Rytha Party No. 127, Shravanabelag ula Town, Bangaluru Main Road, Channarayapatna Taluk, Hassan District, Karnataka-573135. 100. Akhila India Jananayaka Makkal Katchi (Dr. Isaac) No. 171, Kannan Nagar, Winterpet,Arakonam, Vellore Distt., Tamil Nadu. 101. Akhila Kerala Trinamool Party House No. 161, Swathi Nagar, Edaikkode Desam, Pallichal Village, Nemom Post Office, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695020 102. Akhilandra Mahadesam Door No. 2-9-53, Nawabpet,Med ak – 502 110, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh. 15 103. Akila India Vallalar Peravai 43, Pillayar Koil Str eet, Veera Ragavapuram,Chennai – 600 077, Tamil Nadu. 104. Al-Hind Party B-2/40, Safdarjung Enclave,New Delhi- 110029. 105. Ali Sena 1/1, Jafrabad, New Seelampur, Delhi-110053. 106. All India Ambedkar Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam 104, Walja Road, 3rd Floor, Arivu Mani Arangam, Triplicane, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002. 107. All India Athithanar Makal Katchi H.O. 24, Thangam Colony, Annagar Weat, Chennai-40, Tamil Nadu. 108. All India Azaad Congress Party H. No. 5-9-30/C, Madison House, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 109. All India Babu Jagjivan Ram Baba Saheb National Congress C-22, Basement, Chirag Enclave,New Delhi- 110048. 110. All India Bahujan Samman Party 107, Tikri Kalan, Ne w Delhi-110041. 111. All India BC,OBC Party H.No. 1-1-109/18,Ramdas Naga r, Kapra, ECIL, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh – 500062. 112. All India Bharti Jug Party Near Luxmi Narain Mandir ,Grain Market, Mansa – 151 505, Punjab. 113. All India Christian Democratic and Backward People’s Party Block A-1, Flat 2, Kolkata-700054(West Bengal). 114. All India Dalit Welfare Congress Flat No. 44, Secto r B-4, Narela, Delhi. 115. All India Forward Bloc (Subhasist) 49-M, Mothilal, 1st Street, Madurai- 625010 (Tamil Nadu). 116. All India Gareeb Congress A-1/126, Sector-6, Rohini , New Delhi. 117. All India Homeless People Congress Nabagram Garia, P.O. Panchpota, South 24 Parganas-743516 (West Bengal). 118. All India Indira Congress (Secular) 2680, Chooriwal an, Delhi-110006. 119. All India Jan Samasyanivaran Party Ward no.1, At Post & Tehsil - Kalmeshwar, District - Nagpur, Maharashtra – 441501. 120. All India Kissan Mazdoor Morcha Gali Gujjar Singh W ali,Inside Bagdadi Gate,Firojpur City,Punjab-152002. 121. All India Krantikari Congress 184/1469, Moti Lal Na gar-1, Goregaon (West), Mumbai-400104, Maharashtra. 122. All India Liberal Party Plot No. 48, Near Vinayaka Temple,Sector-6, M.V.P. Colony,Visakhapatnam-530017,Andhra Pradesh. 123. All India Lok Raj Party Village-Meharban, Tehsil & District-Ludhiana (Punjab). 124. All India Mahila Democratic Front (AIMDF) House No. 6-1-57/62, Secretariat Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad-500004,Andhra Pradesh. 125. All India Mahila Empowerment Party D.No. – 9-4-135/35/A, 9-4-135/35, Plot No. – 35, Survey Nos. 206, 207, 210, 199, 198, 195/2, Aruna Colony, Tolichowki, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500008. 126. All India Mahila Raj Party 5A, Orient Row, Kolkata- 700017 (West Bengal). 16 127. All India Manchi Party Flat No. F-5, Sai Apartment, Katuru Road,Vuyyuru,Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh. 128. All India Mazdoor Party (Rangreta) H.No. 2453, Bagh Wala Khuh, Jandiyala Guru, District – Amritsar, Punjab. 129. All India Minorities Front 148, South Avenue, New D elhi-110001. 130. All India Moovendar Munnani Kazhagam Lake Area, Mel ur Road, Madurai-625107, (Tamil Nadu). 131. All India Mukti Dal Party Plot No. 158/1, H. No. 37-93/55/1, Road No.3, Mathuranagar, Neredmet ‘X’ Roads, Secunderabad-500094 Andhra Pradesh . 132. All India Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz # H. No. 19-2-23/M/J/5/E, 1 st Floor, Bahadurpura, Mecca Colony, Hyderbad-500053, Andhra Pradesh. 133. All India Party for the Protection of Civil Rights 100 A/5, 11th Sector, 66th Street, Ponnambalam Salai, K.K. Nagar, Chennai – 600 078. 134. All India People’s Party Central Committee, Ghandhi Nagar – 1st Line, Berhampur-760001 (Orissa). 135. All India Peoples’ Front (Radical) B.P.- 18, 40- Fe et Road, Patel Nagar, Mugal Sarai,Chandauli,UTTAR PRADESH. 136. All India Pichhada Jan Samaj Party 475/15 Ka, Kadam Rasool, Daliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 137. All India Progressive Janata Dal 17, Akbar Road, Ne w Delhi-110001. 138. All India Rajiv Krantikari Congress B- 58, Gali No. 18, Jitar Nagar, New Delhi – 110051. 139. All India Raksha Party Post Box No. 136, Main Post Office, Karnal- 132001, Haryana. 140. All India Ravidas Samata Party Bhagwat Singh Bhawan No. 10,Sector – 11, Shastrinagar,Meerut,Uttar Pradesh. 141. All India Sadguna Party Kalkiri Indlu Village, RKVB Pet Post, Karvet Nagar Mandal, Pin-517582, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. 142. All India Samathuva Makhal Katchi 2, Kalyani Nagar , Kattivakkam, Chennai – 600041, Tamil Nadu. 143. All India Shiromani Baba Jiwan Singh Mazhabi Dal Villege & P.O. Majitha, Amritsar (Punjab). 144. All India Singaravelar Munnetra Kazhagam No. 2/305, Singaravelar Nagar, Neelangkarai, Chennai –600 041 Tamil Nadu. 145. All India Stree Shakti II-257/1, Co.Op. Society Colony, Madanapalle-517325, Chittor District, ANDHRA PRADESH. 146. All India Tafsili United Party Village Simulpur, Po st-Thakur Nagar, Distt. 24- Parganas (N) (West Bengal). 147. All India Tamil Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam, No. 25, V eerapandi Street, Perambur, Chennai- 600 039,Tamil Nadu. 148. All India Tribes And Minorities Front Windrush Hill Annexe, Shimla-2 (Himachal Pradesh). 17 149. All India Ulama Congress No 20-24, Jafferabad Villa ge, Gulbarga Taluka, District - Gulbarga, Karnataka 150. All India Uzhavargal Uzhaippalargal Katchi, Door No .55, First Floor,Sinavar Street, Tiruppattur-635601,Tamil Nadu,CHENNAI. 151. All India Women United Party Room No-1, 4th Floor, A-117, Shubrati Apartment, Okhla Village, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025. 152. All Indians’ Gandhi Congress 212, Kalika Nagar, And rahalli,Main Road, Bangaluru-560058Karnataka. 153. All J & K Kisan Majdoor Party Standard Hotel, Sahee d Chowk,Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. 154. All J & K Peoples Patriotic Front Jawaharnagar, Hou se No.97, Police Station, Ragh Bagh, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). 155. All Jammu & Kashmir Liberal Democratic Party M.P. Gali, Raj Bagh, Srinagar,Jammu & Kashmir. 156. All Jammu and Kashmir Republican Party 1464, Mohall a Khwaja Bazar, Near Power Station, Anantnag, Pin Code -192101, Jammu and Kashmir. 157. All Kerala M.G.R. Dravida Munnetra Party Das Buildi ng Nemom P.O.Thiruvananthapuram-695 020 (Kerala). 158. All Party Hill Leaders Conference(Armison Marak Group) P.O. Tura Chandmari, West Garo Hills-794002 (Meghalaya). 159. All Peoples Party Door No. 1-138, Pallegunta Village. & Post, Gurazala Rural Mandal, Guntur District. Andhra Pradesh. 160. Alpjan Samaj Party Dak Bangala Market Parishar, 1st Floor, Shop No. 28, Dak Bangla Market, P.O. – Sasaram, P.S. – Sasaram, Distt. Rohtas, Bihar – 821115. 161. Aman Samaj Party V-1452, Street No. 4, Vijay Park, Delhi – 110053. 162. Ambedkar Janatha Party No. 57/1, Savimana Enterprises, Badrappa Layout, Kodigehalli, Nagashettyhalli, Main Road, Bagalore-560092, Karnataka. 163. Ambedkar Kranti Dal Shanti Homeopathic Store, Arya Samaj Chowk, Badayun, Uttar Pradesh. 164. Ambedkar National Congress 8-3-323, Amreetpet Cross Road, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). 18 165. Ambedkar National Makkal Katchi Door No. 53, Gandhi Road, (formerly Peeran Lane), Thirupattur, Vellore District, Pin-635601 Tamil Nadu. 166. Ambedkar Peoples Movement 39. Saravana Street, T. N agar, Chennai- 600017 (Tamil Nadu). 167. Ambedkar Pragatisheel Republican Dal Dr. Lohia Colo ny, Shahjhapur, Pin-242001 (Uttar Pradesh). 168. Ambedkar Samaj Party 304, Mandakini Enclave, Alakna nda, New Delhi-110019. 169. Ambedkarbadi Party 136/1,Diamond Harbour Road, Kolk ata-700063 (West Bengal). 170. Ambedkarist Republican Party Behind Rashtrabhasha P rachar Sammittee, Wardha-442001, Distt. –Wardha, Maharashtra. 171. Ambedkarite Party of India C/o 26, Bhoslewadi, Near Awale Babu Square, Lashkaribagh, Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440017. 172. Amra Bangalee No.2, Ballav Street, Kolkata-700004 ( West Bengal). 173. Anaithindhia MGR Katchi 68, Habibullah Road, T. Nag ar, Chennai- 600017, Tamil Nadu. 174. Anaithindia Samudaya Munnetra Kazhagam No.13, East Meda Street, Thiruvathipuram & Post Cheyyar Taluk – 604 407, Thiruvannamalai Distt., Tamil Nadu. 175. Anaithinthiya Thamizhaga Munnetra Kazhagam 10/2, Nalvar Nagar, Kalveerampalayam, Bharathiar University (Post) Coimbatore- 641048 (Tamil Nadu). 176. Anaithu Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam D. No. 199/416 (RS No. 177-1B), 1 st Floor, Arcot Road, Vadapazhani Chennai-600 026 Tamil Nadu. 177. Anbu Udhayam Katchi 12/11, Subash Illam, Theni – Gudalur – 625518, Tamilnadu. 178. Andaman Nicobar Vikas Congress MB-23, M.G. Road, Mi ddle Point,Port Blair- 741 001, (Andaman Nicobar Islands). 179. Andhra Nadu Party 10-5-14/1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad- 500028 (Andhra Pradesh). 180. Andhra Paradesh Rashtra Samaikya Samithi Party H. No. 11-8-118/2(Old), 11-8-99/84(New), Narsimhapuri Colony, Ashtalakshmi HYD- VIJAYAWADA Highway,Hyderabad-500 035,Andhra Pradesh. 181. Andhra Pradesh Navodaya Praja Party No.3-11, Thukk uguda, Village, Maheshwaram Mandal, Mankhal Post, Ranga Reddy District (Andhra Pradesh). 182. Andhra Rastra Praja Samithi Behind AC Stadium,Koney apalem Gate,Dargamitta, Nellore,Andhra Pradesh- 524001 183. Anna Telugu Desam Party 4-1-825/8,9 and 10, NTR Est ates, Abids, Hyderabad-500001, Andhra Pradesh. 19 184. Anndata Party Mandir Sri Purushottam Bhagwan, Chandrabhaga-326023, Jhalarapatan City, District-Jhalawar (Rajasthan). 185. Antarrastriya Swarn Congress Party Village & Post – Sarakara Vishnoi, Vikas Khand – Dilari, Tehsil – Thakurdwara, District – Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh - 244401. 186. Antashchetan PU-102, 1st Floor, Pitam Pura,Delhi – 110 088. 187. Anti Reservation Party of India H.No. 1184, Sector- 21-B, Chandigarh. 188. Apna Bharat Saini Bhawan, Near Kalkaji Mata Mandir, Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110 019. 189. Apna Dal 1/2A.P. Sen Road, Lucknow, (U.P.). 190. Apna Dal United Party Village – Siswa, Post & P.S. – Kasya, District – Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh – 274402 191. Apna Desh Party H. No. – 457, Majorganj, District - Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh 192. Appaamma Makkal Kazhakam 3/59, Mariyamman Kovil Street, Ammapalayam Post, Perambalur Tk. & Dist., Tamilnadu - 621101. 193. Arunachal Congress G- Extension, Naharlagun (Aruna chal Pradesh) 194. Arya Dal Central Camp Office – 775, Shanti Colony, Itawa, Uttar Pradesh. 195. Arya Sabha 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. 196. Aryavart Party Village & Post – Barsaina, Thana – Ahirauli, District - Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh – 274207 197. Asankhya Samaj Party A-490, Gali No. 22,Shyam Colon y, Buddh Vihar, Phase –2, Delhi-110086. 198. Asom Gana Parishad Pragatisheel H.O.-G.S. Road, Ulu bari,Guwahati-781 007, Assam. 199. Ati Picchara Party Mohalla- Badi Pahadi, PO-Sohsara i,Thana- Laheri, Zila-Nalanda-803118,Bihar. 200. Ati Pichhda Varg Mahasangh 3/1274, Jankipuram Vista r, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 201. Ati Pichhra Jan Dal Village: Rampur Bakli, Post & D istt. Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. 202. Atulya Bharat Party 91, Pili Kothi,Near Guruharikis han Public School,Hari Nagar,New Delhi-110064. 203. Autonomous State Demand Committee Rongniheng, Diphu -782460, Karbi Anglong (Assam). 204. Awami Aamjan Party Baria Ghat Road, Wellesliganj, D istt. Mirzapur- 231001, U.P. 205. Awami Party E-11/77, New Colony, Hauz Khas Ext.,Mal viya Nagar, New Delhi-110017. 20 206. Awami Samta Party Building No.631/135, Pani Gaon, Sector – 9, Post – Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226016 207. Awami Socialist Party of India Bukhara, Bakshiwala Road,Bijnaur – 246 701 (Uttar Pradesh). 208. Awami Vikas Party 606/607, Zayfreen Chambers, Oil Depot Road, Opp. Sewree Railway Station, Sewree (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400015 209. Azad Hindustan Party E Block – 265, Yadav Nagar,New Delhi – 110042. 210. Azad Janata Party 208, Dhillan Complex,Akashganga Supaila,Bhilai, District - Durg, Chhattisgarh. 211. Azad Mazdoor Kissan Party D-4, Prem Nagar-III, Shan i Bazaar Road,Kirari Nahar, Nangloi,New Delhi-110086. 212. B.C. Bharatha Desam Party, H.No.12-13-426, Street No.1,Tarnaka,Hyderabad – 500 017Andhra Pradesh. 213. B.C. United Front 15, Saptagiri Nagar, Rethi Bowli, Hyderabad – 500 028, Andhra Pradesh. 214. Baaratha Samuthaya Munnetra Munnani 400/12, Ist Flo or, Township Commercial Complex, Kamarajar Nagar Main Road, Avadi, Chennai – 600 071, Tamil Nadu. 215. Backward Classes Democratic Party, J&K (BDP) Peer Bagh Colony, Opp. Army Gate,Sunjwan Road, Jammu,Jammu & Kashmir – 180 004. 216. Badavara Shramikara Raitara Congress Party 1/A, Parvathi Nagar Main Road, Bellary-583103 Karnataka 217. Bahujan Ekta Party ( R ) Suraj Bhawan, R.D.-136A, D hram Pura Ex, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043. 218. Bahujan Kisan Dal Kisan Bhawan, Rishabh Vihar, Circ ular Road, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. 219. Bahujan Kranti Party (Marxwad- Ambedkarwad) Village – Dhansua, Post – Central Jail, Fatehagarh, Distt. Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh – 209 601. 220. Bahujan Loktantrik Party G-161, J.J.Colony, Wazirpu r, Delhi-110052. 221. Bahujan Mahasangha Paksha Ramnagar, Sudhir Colony, Akola – 444001, Maharashtra. 222. Bahujan Mukti Party Flat No. 14, Aasha Pushp Vihar, Sahkari Aavas Samiti, Sector – 14, Kaushambi, Gazhiabad, Uttar Pradesh. 223. Bahujan Party 125/98, New L.I.G. Barraha –7, Kanpur-208027 Uttar Pradesh. 21 224. Bahujan Rayat Party 198K-E, Datt Ho, Sosa Rabade Colony, Kolhapur, Maharashtra – 416001. 225. Bahujan Republican Ekta Manch Hardas Nagar, Kamptee , District Nagpur, Maharashtra. 226. Bahujan Republican Party H.No.1-7-1046/18, SRT Quar ters-18, Azamabad, Ramnagar, Hyderabad-500020 (Andhra Pradesh). 227. Bahujan Sadan Morcha Isari Bazar, Post - Isari Baza r,District – Giridih, Jharkhand-825107. 228. Bahujan Samaj Mukti Morcha H. No. B-198, Gali No. 11, Ground Floor, Bhajanpura, Delhi-110053. 229. Bahujan Samaj Party (Ambedkar) Village & Post Offic e Segti, Distt. Ambala (Haryana). 230. Bahujan Samaj Party (Ambedkar-Phule) H.No. V-25, S andhya Venus ApartmentS.P.Nagar, Moula-ali, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 231. Bahujan Samaj Vikas Party 20-B.D.S. Commercial Market, Village – Sadarpur,Sector- 45, Post Office- Arun Vihar, Sector – 37, Noida, Janpad – Gautambudhnagar, Uttar Pradesh. 232. Bahujan Samajwadi Party (Baba Saheb) 53-54, 1 st Floor, Commercial Complex, South Patel Nagar, In Front of Metro Pillar No. 190, New Delhi - 110008. 233. Bahujan Sangharsh Dal Opposite Padav Police Station ,Laxmanpura, P.O. Laskar,(Gwalior), Madhya Pradesh. 234. Bahujan Sangharsh Party (Kanshiram) Bahujan Bhawan, Khabbashpur, Post-Malikpur, Zila-Ropar, Punjab. 235. Bahujan Shakti Mines Resque Station Camps, Post – D hansar, Distt. – Dhanbad,Jharkhand. 236. Bahujan Suraksha Dal 1/7, G.H. Board, Hardasnagar, Stadium Road, Old Bapunagar, Ahmedbad-380024 Gujarat. 237. Bahujan Uday Manch Village: Chalakpur, Post – Jamee n Rasoolpur, Distt. Ajamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 238. Bahujan Vikas Aaghadi A-301, Arti Apartment, Vartak Raod, Virar (West), Taluka – Vasai, District – Thane, Maharashtra-401 303. 239. Bajjikanchal Vikas Party Sahjanand Nagar, Bhagwanpu r, N.H. 28, Muzaffarpur – 842002 (Bihar). 240. Bam Party 538 K/780, Triveni Nagar-II, Lucknow, Utt ar Pradesh. 241. Banchita Swaraj Party 117, No., Dr. B.R. Ambedkar R oad,P.O. and P.S.-Nalhati,District-Birbhum-737220,West Bengal. 242. Barak Valley Territory Demand Committee Swaraj Bhaw an, Silehar Road, P.O. P.S. and District – Karimganj, Pin-788711, Assam. 22 243. Begumpura Sanjha Front 193, New Rasila Nagar, Basti Danishmandan, Jalandhar, Punjab. 244. Best Class Party House No. 94, Mohalla Alwal,Sadar - Azamgarh,Uttar Pradesh-276001. 245. Bhaarat Mahashakti Party 11A, DDA Flats, Priyadarsh ni Vihar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092. 246. Bhagidari Kranti Dal Village & Post – Mawai Padiyan a, Block – Sarojni Nagar, Tehsil & District – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226008. 247. Bharat Abhyudhaya Party 6-6-35, Anasuya Nilayam, Kavadiguda Main Road, Kavadiguda, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh – 500380 248. Bharat Bachao Party of India S – 528, Greater Kaila sh Part-1, New Delhi – 110048. 249. Bharat Bhrashtachar Mitao Party New House No.4, Gro und Floor,Begam Vihar, Block – A, Khasra No. 16/19, Village – Begampur, Near Bhairon Mandir,DELHI - 110086. 250. Bharat Dal Bharat Sevadham Arnayak, Krantideep Mourana, Nurpur, Distt. Bijnaur (U.P). 251. Bharat Desam Party Door No. 8-3-270/1, Nehru Nagar, 9th Line, Main Road,Guntur – 522 001, Andhra Pradesh. 252. Bharat Deshbhakt Sangathan 19/460, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226016 253. Bharat Jan Party 324, Kailash Nagar, Ghaziabad(Utta r Pradesh). 254. Bharat Ka Kisan Majdoor Party Village-Baliyan (Naya n Nagar),Post – Baliyan,Maharajganj, Siwan,Bihar-841506. 255. Bharat Kaumi Dal Village – Lathardeva Hoon, Post – Jhabreda, District – Haridwar, Uttarakhand. 256. Bharat Ki Lok Jimmedar Party 3/250, Vishwas Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 (Uttar Pradesh). 257. Bharat Kranti Rakshak Party Barakkatpur, Post-Badag aon,Distt.-Koshambi, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 258. Bharat Labour Praja Party 4-25, Seethanagar Colony, Somulagudem (P), Palvancha (M), Khammam District-507115, Andhra Pradesh. 259. Bharat Mangalam Parishad Jamo Bazar, Hospital Chowk , P.O. Jamo Bazar, District Siwan, Bihar. 260. Bharat Nav Jyoti Sangh 18/25-A, Kursava, Fulbagh, K anpur-208001 (Uttar Pradesh). 261. Bharat Nav Nirman Party A – 2, Nitesh Villa, Viveka nand Colony, Nayakhera, Ambabari,Jaipur-23,RAJASTHAN. 262. Bharat Navnirman Voter Sena 1255-F, Basantvihar,Kan pur-208021Uttar Pradesh. 23 263. Bharat Nirman Party High School Road,P.O.-Triveniga nj,Distt.- Supaul-852139,Bihar. 264. Bharat Pensioner’s Front R-17, Hauz Khas Enclave, N ew Delhi-110016. 265. Bharat Punarnirman Dal K.J. – 116, Kavi Nagar, Gha ziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 266. Bharat Rakshak Party (Democratic) Village Post Pak ka Saharna,Tehsil Zila Hanumangarh, Rajasthan. 267. Bharat Srijan Geeta Nagar, Balkeshwar, Agra – 282 0 04, Uttar Pradesh. 268. Bharat Uday Mission C-3/4, Suman Nagar, V.N. Purav Marg,Chembur, Mumbai – 400071. 269. Bharat Vikas Morcha Sekhpura Road, Madhupur, Distt. Devghar, Jharkhand. 270. Bharat Vikas Party (Secular) Kh. No.21/25, Near HP Petrol Pump, Upkar Properties, A-Block, Himgiri Enclave, Burari, Delhi-110084. 271. Bharat Vishal Party A/6A, DDA Flat, Munirka, New De lhi – 110067. 272. Bharateeya Bahujana Praja Rajyam D. No. 956, Arunde lpet, 10th Lane, Guntur-522 002 Andhra Pradesh. 273. Bharateeya Manavadhikar Party 21, Rajendra Mullick Street,Kolkata – 700007,West Bengal. 274. Bharatha Makkal Congress N.30, Veluchetty Street, S .Kadiyur, Jolarpet, North Arcot Distt. (Tamil Nadu). 275. Bharatheeya Sadharma Samsthapana Party House No.3/1 7, Dorasani Palli, Proddatur Mandal, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh. 276. Bharathiya Dravida Makkal Katchi 2036, 15th Main Ro ad, Anna Nagar West,Chennai – 600 040, Tamil Nadu. 277. Bharathiya Jana Shabdth 331(311), Ward No. 1, Kalla ra House,Mundella (P.O.), Vellanadu,Thiruvananthapuram – 695 543, Kerala. 278. Bharathiya Nethaji Party 3857, 4th Cross, Gayathri Nagar, Bangalore- 560021 (Karnataka). 279. Bharathiya Praja Shakti No. 931,932, Karabala Maid ana,Railway Station Cross Road,Channapattna Town & Taluk,Ramanagara District, Pin-571501 KARNATAKA. 280. Bharathiya Sahayog Congress Meghavath House, Chanda napuram, Mukanapalya Post,Chamarajanagar Taluk and District,Karnataka State – 571 127. 281. Bharathiya Yuvatha, Samatha, Rashtriyatha Congress Party Flat No. G1, Ground Floor,ARK Residency Plot No. 304,Survey No. 153,154,163 and 143,Boduppal, Village & Gram Panchayat – Ghatkesar (Mandal), Rangareddy (District), Hyderabad-500038, Andhra Pradesh. 282. Bharatiya Ambedkar Party Main Bazar, Krishna Nagar, Jaura Fatak, Amritsar (Punjab). 283. Bharatiya Asht Jan Party 151, C Sector, Second Floo r, Room No. 203, Inder Puri, Bhopal –462022 (M.P.). 284. Bharatiya Awaj Party Milan Committee Sewa Sangh,San tosh Nagar, Behram Bagh,Jogeshwari West, Mumbai- 440102, Maharashtra. 24 285. Bharatiya Backward Party 71, Surya Apartments, Fras er Road, Patna – 800001 (Bihar). 286. Bharatiya Bahujan Congress 117, Khodiyar Krupa Soc. , Nr. Kantareshwar Mahadev Temple, Katargam, Surat, Gujarat 287. Bharatiya Bahujan Party 156, Bharauli, Shahganj, Ja unpur,Uttar Pradesh. 288. Bharatiya Berozgar Mazdoor Kisan Dal Bansal Gaon, P .O.Dheghat, Patti Malla, Chackaut, Distt- Almora (Uttaranchal). 289. Bharatiya Bouddhik Vichar Party Village – Ballanagl a Patti,Post – Shahpur Kheri, Tehsil – Dhampur, Distt. – Bijnour, (Uttar Pradesh). 290. Bharatiya Chhatrasangh Bharat Premghan Marg, Badli Ghat, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh-231 001. 291. Bharatiya Congress (M) 16, Batra Colony,M.T.X. (Son epat), Harayana. 292. Bharatiya Congress Paksha Kasba Peth, In Front of Linbuwali Sawari ,Post-Barshi,District- Solapur,MAHARASHTRA. 293. Bharatiya Democratic Dal No. 1A, Gangai Amman Koil, Second Street, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026 (Tamil Nadu). 294. Bharatiya Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Janata Party No.18, 12t h Cross, MTS,Layout, Kengeri Upanagara,Bangluru-560060KARNATAKA. 295. Bharatiya Eklavya Party Village and Post Belhar Kal an, Tehsil Mahdawal, District Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 296. Bharatiya Ekta Dal 189, Basant Apartment, Vasant Vi har, New Delhi – 57. 297. Bharatiya Gaon Taj Dal Village-Kuka, P.O. – Maqsudp ur, District Kapurthala, (Punjab). 298. Bharatiya Grameen Dal Aryavart Prakashan Mandir, Bu s Stop Gosaiganj, Janpad- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 299. Bharatiya Hindu Sena Amer Bhawan, Amer, Jaipur (Ra jasthan). 300. Bharatiya Inqalab Party Village – Rana Pratap Nagar , Islampur,Post & P.S. – Islampur,Distt. – Nalanda,Bihar.(Pin – 801303) 301. Bharatiya Jagriti Dal RZ-21D, Gali No.4, Syndicate Enclave, Near Dabri Mode, Delhi - 110045. 302. Bharatiya Jai Bheem Party 1304, Bhantlaiya, Sindhi Camp,Distt. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. 303. Bharatiya Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Party Near Truck Unio n, Jhajjar, Distt-Rohtak (Haryana). 304. Bharatiya Jan Berojgar Chhatra Dal Near R.T.O. Offi ce, Hussainganj, Siddharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 305. Bharatiya Jan Congress 5158/XV, Mahalaxmi- Building , Behind Ramakrishna Mission, Paharganj Lane, New Delhi – 110055. 306. Bharatiya Jan Jagriti Party Brijdham Ashram, Ranher a, Tehsil-Chhata, District-Mathura (Uttar Pradesh). 307. Bharatiya Jan Kisan Party 35-C/2, Jaynteepur, Dhum anganj, Allahabad- 211011 (Uttar Pradesh). 308. Bharatiya Jan Kranti Dal (Democratic) F-23, Sainik Society, Shakti Nagar,Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. 309. Bharatiya Jan Sabha C/o Raja Ram Yadav, Raghuvir Na gar, New Colony, Devaria (U.P). 25 310. Bharatiya Jan Samajwadi Party A-62, J. J. Colongy, Khanpur, New Delhi- 110062. 311. Bharatiya Jan Sangharsh Morcha (Mahatma Gandhi) 14A/ 84, WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005. 312. Bharatiya Jan Shakti 218, V.P.House, Rafi Marg,New Delhi-110 001. 313. Bharatiya Jan Vikas Party East Ashok Nagar, Post-Gu lab House, Road No.14A, Kankkarbagh, Patna-20, Bihar. 314. Bharatiya Jankranti Party 12/17, Chakkhuwala, Dehra dun, Uttarakhand. 315. Bharatiya Jantantrik Parishad 8/1, Outside Datia Ga te, Jhansi-284001 (U.P.). 316. Bharatiya Janvadi Party A-559, Shastri Park Extn., Buland Masjid, Delhi-110053. 317. Bharatiya Jawala Shakti Paksha P.O. Marud, Taluka and Distt- Latur,Adarsh Nagar, Near Micro TowerPin-413510, Maharashtra. 318. Bharatiya Karyasth Sena 121, Vishnu Colony, Shahgan j, Agra-282010. Uttar Pradesh. 319. Bharatiya Kisan Kamgar Party 214, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi-110049. 320. Bharatiya Kisan Parivartan Party Nagla Dakhal, Kotl a Road, Ferozabad-283203, District Ferozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 321. Bharatiya Kisan Sena Loktantrik House No. 392/1, Chak Raghunath, Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 322. Bharatiya Krantikari Dal A-5, Priyadarshini Vihar, NEW DELHI - 110092. 323. Bharatiya Krantikari Kammand Party 214, LIC Colony, Tagore Town, Allahabad- 211002 (U.P.). 324. Bharatiya Labour Party B.P. 281, Ravi Nagar, Mugha lasarai, Varansai - 232101 (U.P.). 325. Bharatiya Lok Kalyan Dal Area/Post/Tahsil Bikabur, Distt. Faizabad, (Uttar Pradesh). 326. Bharatiya Lok Nyay Party 7/103, Awas Vikas Colony, Sikandra Yojna, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 327. Bharatiya Lok Vikas Party Anamalay, Panjlasa, Near Naraingarh,Distt. Ambala, Haryana – 134203. 328. Bharatiya Loktantrik Party (Gandhi- Lohiawadi) Satyawati Niwas, Ram Das Path, Meethapur B- Area, Patna - 800001, Bihar. 329. Bharatiya Manav Raksha Dal Barkhera, Pathani, Bhopa l-21 (Madhya Pradesh). 330. Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Party 133/4, Qutub Enclave , Phase-II, New Delhi- 110016. 331. Bharatiya Minorities Suraksha Mahasangh 410, Arcadi a Building, Sir J.J.Road, Opp. J.J.Hospital Mumbai-400008 (Maharashtra). 332. Bharatiya Momin Front 174, Anand Puri, West Boring Canal Road, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 333. Bharatiya Mool Niwasi Samaj Party 77/129, Bhagat Singh Colony, Tarla Adhoiwala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 334. Bharatiya Muhabbat Party (All India) H.No.18184, Ch andsar Basti, Bhatinda-151001 (Punjab). 335. Bharatiya Muslim Party (Siddiqui) Village Surajpur, P.O. Raradeoria, Distt. Khiri- 262071 (Uttar Pradesh). 336. Bharatiya Nagrik Party Village Kanasi, P.O. Kanasi, Distt. Farukhabad- 207501(Uttar Pradesh). 26 337. Bharatiya National Janata Dal 701 A, 7th Floor, Meg hmalhar Complex,Sector No.11, Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382010. 338. Bharatiya Nav Kranti Party Village- Makhmailpur, Po st-Saraikhwaja, Distt.- Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 339. Bharatiya Navshakti Party 5, Gurudwara Rakab Ganj R oad, New Delhi – 110001. 340. Bharatiya Navyuvak Chetna Party 429/263, Near Amber Marriage Hall, Mojjamnagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 341. Bharatiya Navyuvak Party H. No. 572, Bye Saheb Ki P ared,Near of Priya Bread Factory, Laxmiganj, Lashkar, Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh. 342. Bharatiya Parivartan Congress 126, Adivasi Colony, Near Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Maharaj, Cancer Hospital, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440027, Maharashtra. 343. Bharatiya Parivartan Morcha 3/8, Shah Nagar, Mangla Puri Terminal, Palam, New Delhi. 344. Bharatiya Parivartan Party 70-A, DDA Flat, Pandav N agar,Near Metro Station Shadipur,New Delhi – 110008. 345. Bharatiya Peoples Party House No. T-9, 595/16/11, S hivshakti Nagar, Syed Chincholi Road, Filter Bed, Gulbarga, Karnataka-5851004. 346. Bharatiya Pichhra Dal Village – Khujri, Post – Saga r, Via – Chakarmatha Camp, Distt. Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh – 495 220. 347. Bharatiya Praja Paksha No.374/A, I-Floor, I-Block, I-Cross, Ravindranath Tagoor Nagar (R.T.Nagar), Bangalore-560032 (Karnataka). 348. Bharatiya Prajashakti Party 29/3, Panchkuiyan, Jhan shi, Uttar Pradesh. 349. Bharatiya Prajatantra Party Patel Nagar, Road. No.9 , Patna-23 (Bihar). 350. Bharatiya Prajatantrik Shudh Gandhiwadi Krishak Dal Misda, Distt. Janjgeer, Vikas Khand Navgarh,Chhattisgadhanchal, Chhattisgarh. 351. Bharatiya Purvanchal Party E-68, Premchand Colony,P andeypur (1),Varanasi,UTTAR PRADESH. 352. Bharatiya Rajiv Congress 145, A-1, Arjun Nagar, Sa fdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029. 353. Bharatiya Rashtra Parishad E-164, Samastpur Road, Pandav Nagar, Delhi- 110092. 354. Bharatiya Rashtravadi Paksha 12,Juna Power House, B ehind Rotary Hall, Jail Road, Mehsana (Gujarat) Pin-384002. 355. Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanta Party F-402, Road No. 9-F, Vishwakarma Industrial Area,Jaipur-302013. 356. Bharatiya Rashtriya Bahujan Samaj Vikas Party G-96, Shantipuram, Phaphamau, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 357. Bharatiya Rashtriya Janhit Party C-2968, Sapna Colo ny, Lucknow-226017 (Uttar Pradesh). 358. Bharatiya Rashtriya Mahila Sarvodaya Congress No.2, 1 st Floor, Vayuputra Arcade, Ward No.15, Near NTTF, P.B. Road, Dharawad, District – Dharawad, Karnataka – 580001 359. Bharatiya Rashtriya Mazdoor Dal Naya Sarafa, Gwalio r-474001(Madhya Pradesh). 27 360. Bharatiya Rashtriya Morcha D-6, Pratap Bagh Colony, New Hanuman Mandir, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 361. Bharatiya Rashtriya Swadeshi Congress Paksh 308, Ra mnagari, 2/C, 3rd Floor,Alandi Road, Bhosry, Pune-411039, Maharashtra. 362. Bharatiya Ravidas Party Moh.Kundigarh, Post-Sadar,A jamgarh,Uttar Pradesh. 363. Bharatiya Republican Paksha Dr.Ambedkar Bhawan, Gok uldas Pasta Road, Dadar,Mumbai-400014 (Maharashtra). 364. Bharatiya Sadbhawana Samaj Party Khan Manjil Khapar ganj, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. 365. Bharatiya Samaj Dal 85, Chowk Makandu Ganj, Pratapg arh, Uttar Pradesh. 366. Bharatiya Samaj Kalyan Party Bharat Ravender Electr onics, Purani Chungi, Agra Road, Hathras, Distt. Aligarh (U.P). 367. Bharatiya Samajwadi Vikas Party F-717, Mangolpuri, Delhi-110083. 368. Bharatiya Samata Party A-71, Nirman Vihar, New Delh i. 369. Bharatiya Sampuran Krantikari Party A-1/150, Aman V ihar, Nangloi,New Delhi – 110041. 370. Bharatiya Samta Samaj Party Gram - Dehramau, Post – Gosainganj,Zila – Lucknow – 227 125 (U.P.) 371. Bharatiya Sant Mat Party Bahu Jholri Road,V.P.O. – Nahar, Tehsil – Kosli,Distt. – RewariHARYANA. 372. Bharatiya Sarvkalayan Kranti Dal 2/643/C, Rambagh C olony, Ramghat Road, Aligarh-202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 373. Bharatiya Sarvodaya Kranti Party 199, North Avenue, New Delhi – 110 001. 374. Bharatiya Satya Vijayee Party C- 120, Begam Vihar E xtension, Begampur, Delhi-110086. 375. Bharatiya Satyarth Sangathan Bharat Nagar, Prem Vid yalaya, Railway Crossing, Beside Sankirtan Kunj, Near Birla Mandiar, Varindavan Road, G.T.V – 3, Mathura-281003, (U.P.). 376. Bharatiya Seva Dal 3-1-236/239/1, First Floor, Soma sunderam Street, Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh). 377. Bharatiya Shakti Sena Shakti Sena Bhawan, Bariar No . 6, Audyaugik Kshetra Bahadarabad, Haridwar – 249402, Uttarakhand. 378. Bharatiya Shramik Dal L-238, Vikash Pradhikaran Col ony, Indira Nagar, Rai Bareilly (U.P.). 379. Bharatiya Subhash Sena Vill. & Post Office: Bankasi ya Shivratan Singh, Janpad-Gonda -271302. (U.P.). 380. Bharatiya Suraaj Dal Sinha Bhawan, Exhibition Road, Behind Reserve Bank of India, Patna, Bihar – 800001 381. Bharatiya Surajya Manch 831, Sector-10, Panchkula-1 34113, Haryana. 382. Bharatiya Swatantra Party Village- Naugai, P.O. – Raghunathnagar,Teh. – Vadrufnagar, Distt:- Sarguja, Chhattisgarh 383. Bharatiya Uttam Sena Village & Post – Kheddhain, Thana – Aander, Distt. – Siwan, Bihar. 384. Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Haveliyo ka Vaas, Gram Pancha yat – Kosewal, Tehsil – Sumerpur, District – Pali, Rajasthan. 28 385. Bharatrashtra Democratic Party Shop No. 22, CSC-II, DDA Market, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-110092. 386. Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangha Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan, Gok uldas Pasta Road, Dadar, Mumbai-400014 (Maharashtra). 387. Bharteey Samajvadi Morcha 3/1108, Dehradun ChowkSah aranpur-247 001 (Uttar Pradesh). 388. Bharti Jan Suraksha Party Head Office, Dholwha Road ,Near Heera Colony, Town & P.O. Hariana, Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab -144208 389. Bharti Krishak Seva Samaj Village-Kharkhari Ashram , Post-Kharkhoda, District-Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). 390. Bharti Lok Lehar Party 136, Ajit Nagar, Amritsar (P unjab). 391. Bharti Samudaya Party 7C-10, Vrindavan Yojana, Raib areli Road, P.S. – P.G.I., Tehsil - Lucknow, District – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226002. 392. Bharti Sarvadarshi Parishad 86/12, Deputy Ka Padav, Dev Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 393. Bhartiya Arya Kranti Manch 83 Ram Vatika Colony, Behind Geeta Palace, Shyamganj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh – 243005 394. Bhartiya Awam Party (Rastriya) House No. 30, (B.P.20) Bechupur, Patel Nagar (40 Feet Road), Mughalsarai, District – Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh- 232 101. 395. Bhartiya Chaitanya Party B – 97, Panchsheel Vihar, Near Sheikh Sarai, Community Centre, New Delhi. 396. Bhartiya Dalit Congress Chopara Para, Behind of Kal i Mandir, Ambikapur,Distt. – Sarguja,CHHATTIAGARH- 497001. 397. Bhartiya Deshbhakt Party 92/H/2, Pratap Market, Mun irka (C/o Somu Press), New Delhi-110067. 398. Bhartiya Deshbhakt Sangh(Brajesh) Shop No. 1, Khasr a No. 1494, Nehru Enclave, Bank Wali Gali, Alipur, Delhi – 110036. 399. Bhartiya Ekta Manch Party Shabab Building , Tagore Marg, Nadava Road, Lucknow-226020 Uttar Pradesh. 400. Bhartiya Gantantra Party H. No.5, Ganga Dham,Kundan Nagar, Bagh Mughaliya,Hoshangabad Road,Bhopal,MADHYA PRADESH. 401. Bhartiya Gorkha Janashakti 26/2, H.D. Lama Road, Da rjeeling-734 101, (West Bengal). 402. Bhartiya Gram Nagar Vikas Party Ekta Vihar, Lane No . -1, Gramsabha – Aaamwala Talla, P.O. - Kandoli, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand – 248 001. 29 403. Bhartiya Gramvasi Party Village – Vikrampur Banspar (Mani Chouraha), Post – Baitalpur, District – Deoria, Uttar Pradesh 404. Bhartiya Harit Kranti Dal Village & P.O. – Sonta, V ia – Alipur, Kheri, Distt. Mujaffar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 405. Bhartiya Harit Party Near Hans Prakratik Chikitsala ya, Meerapur Road, Jansath, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh – 251314 . 406. Bhartiya Hind Ekta Dal Defence Colony, Anil Shaheed Nagar, Izatnagar, Nainital Road, Bareilly - 243122, Uttar Pradesh. 407. Bhartiya Jagaran Party Poorvi Nawada, Arrah,Bhojpur -802 301, Bihar. 408. Bhartiya Jan Hit Vikas Party 220, Indrapuri, Jacobpura Road, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 409. Bhartiya Jan Hitkari Party Plot No. 31-32, Shivnaga r, Tonk Road, Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan 410. Bhartiya Jan Kalyan Party 199/2, Arjun Nagar, Kaith al-136 027,(Haryana). 411. Bhartiya Jan Manch 361, Street No. 13, BuddhVihar,( Behind Senior School),Mandoli Gaon, Nand Nagri,Delhi- 110093. 412. Bhartiya Jan Nayak Party 418, New Govind Puri, Kank er Khera, Meerut Cantt, Uttar Pradesh 413. Bhartiya Jan Sahyog Samanvaya Party 6/412. Farsh Ba zar, Shahdra,Delhi – 110032. 414. Bhartiya Jan Sanmati Party Village – Harola, Sector – 5, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. 415. Bhartiya Jan Seva Party Sharif Market, Hardoi Road, Sikrori, Post: Kakori, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh-227 107. 416. Bhartiya Jan Yug Party Heera Nagar, Purani Chhawni, Laskhar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh –474010. 417. Bhartiya Jana Congress (Rashtriya) 113/70B, Lal Bah adur Shastri Nagar, Patna- 800023 (Bihar). 418. Bhartiya Janhit Dal D-1/535 J.J. Cluster, Bhalaswa Dairy, New Delhi - 110042. 419. Bhartiya Janta Dal C-16, Sanjay Vihar, Aavas Vikas Colony, Meerut Road, Hapur,Distt. Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 420. Bhartiya Janta Dal (Integrated) H.No. 62, Gali No.16, A-1 Block, Sant Nagar, (Bengali Colony), Burari Road, Delhi – 110084 30 421. Bhartiya Janta Ki Ekta Party Plot No. 29-A and 30-A , Khasra No. 20/1/1, Village Rajapura Khurd Delhi, Colony Mohan Garden, R-III, A-2, New Delhi -110059 422. Bhartiya Jantantrik Janata Dal 1, Daroga Rai Path,P atna – 800001, Bihar. 423. Bhartiya Kisan Mazdoor Party Village And Post Meerp ur, Tehsil-Khair, Distt. Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). 424. Bhartiya Krishak Dal 197, Kaushalpuri (Sarla Bajpai Ka Bagh),South of Subhash Nagar,Janpad – Hardoi,UTTAR PRADESH. 425. Bhartiya Mahashakti Morcha Jai Narayan Varma Road, Fatehgarh, District- Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin-209 601. 426. Bhartiya Mazdoor Kisan Congress Party D-40, Meerut Road, Industrial Area,Ghaziabad- 121003Uttar Pradesh. 427. Bhartiya Naujawan Inklav Party, 2/26, Mandauli Exte nsion, Mandauli Chungi, Shahdara,Delhi-110093 428. Bhartiya Navjawan Sena (Paksha) Shri Mourya Park, Shop No. 4, Somnathnagar, Near Somnath Temple, Vadgaonsheri, Pune - 411014 Maharashtra. 429. Bhartiya Nojawan Dal Sector-6, Pocket B-2, H.No.23, Rohini, New Delhi-110085. 430. Bhartiya Party New Colony, Post – Neem Ka Thana, District – Seekar, Rajasthan - 332713. 431. Bhartiya Pragatisheel Congress D-43, Rajdhani Park, Nangloi, Delhi – 110041. 432. Bhartiya Praja Jan Party Narayanpur Road, Kasba Bansoor, District – Alwar, Rajasthan. 433. Bhartiya Prajatantra Nirman Party 7/7/47-A,New Colo ny Lal Bagh,Post Office, Faizabad, UTTAR PRADESH 434. Bhartiya Public Labour Party 357/3, Shyam Nagar, Ga li No.1, Kali Mandir Back Side, Foysagar Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan – 305001 435. Bhartiya Rajnitik Vikalp Party Village – Nayatola Bariapur, Panchayat – Champapur, Ward No. 13, Thana – Bakhtiyarpur, District - Patna, Bihar. 436. Bhartiya Rakshak Party H.No. 397, Housing Board Col ony,Rohtak-124 001 (Haryana). 437. Bhartiya Rashtriya Jansatta 2604/207, Part-II Floor , Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006 438. Bhartiya Republican Party (Insan) Village - Mahuari, Post – Jangiganj, District - S.R.N. Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. 439. Bhartiya Samajik Kranti Dal Village – Suwari, Post – Danganj,Distt. – Varansi, Uttar Pradesh. 31 440. Bhartiya Samajik Nyay Morcha Ward No.12, Near Shitl a Mandir, Robertsganj, Janpad – Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh - 231216. 441. Bhartiya Samajik Nyay Party Village & P.O. Sersa, Tehsil & District – Sonepat, Haryana. 442. Bhartiya Samajik Party 6, Bus Stand, Alirajpur, District – Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh – 457887 443. Bhartiya Santaji Party 1, Khobragade Lay-out, Digho ri Ring Road Square, Nagpur-440024, Maharashtra. 444. Bhartiya Sanvaidhanik Janhit Party Virk Gold Farm, Village – Sarayjoga, Post- Kantha, Nawabganj, Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. 445. Bhartiya Sarvjan Hitey Samaj Party Anant Vihar Colo ny,Daldal Shivni Marg, Mowa, Raipur, CHHATTISGARH. 446. Bhartiya Sarvjan Party, Village -Rampur, Hata Marg, Post - Gauri Bazar, District – Dewaria - 274202,UTTAR PRADESH. 447. Bhartiya Sarvodaya Party 152/126, Patel Nagar (West ),Dehradun- 248001Uttarakhand. 448. Bhartiya Sarvsamaj Party Lal Singh Kachri Wala,Sha ni Bazar Wali Gali,Tunda Nagar, Johri Pur, Delhi. 449. Bhartiya Satya Sangharsh Party Village – Bijhinya, P.S. – Mandla,District – Mandla, Madhya Pradesh. 450. Bhartiya Shakti Chetna Party Ward No. 9, Civil Lines, Tehsil – Vyouhari, District – Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh - 484774. 451. Bhartiya Shakti Dal D – 236, Vivek Vihar, Delhi - 1 10095. 452. Bhartiya Shanti Kranti Party 1/80, Ratan Vihar, Kir adi, Nangloi,New Delhi – 110041. 453. Bhartiya Shramik Dal Socialist Baman Nagar, Pateri , Sector – 20, District - Satna, Madhya Pradesh. 454. Bhartiya Shramik Party 79/4, Juhi Safed Colony, Saket Nagar, Kanpur Nagar – 208014, Uttar Pradesh. 455. Bhartiya Swarn Samta Party 201- C Block, Goyal Encl ave, Faizabad Road,Chinhut Lucknow, UP. 456. Bhartiya Vanchitsamaj Party Village- Bhudiya, (Fagu ha),Tehsil & Distt.- Kannauj,UTTAR PRADESH. 457. Bhartiya Vikas Party 139-B, Tamur Nagar, New Frien ds Colony, New Delhi. 458. Bhartiya Vistarwadi Party Village – Shyampur, Post – Dugarei, District - Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh. 459. Bhomi Jotak Samooh 560/12, Krishna Nagar, Kanpur R oad, Lucknow-226005 (Uttar Pradesh). 32 460. Bhrashtachar Mukti Morcha Chandra Nagar, Kurud Road, Kohka, Bhilai, Tehsil & District – Durg, Chhattisgarh. 461. Bhrashtachar Virodhi Dal R.Z.D- 120C, Nihal Vihar, (Nangloi), Delhi- 110041. 462. Bihar Janta Party Village: Jail Shahar, Old Remand Home, Dharmnath Mandir Road, Daulatganj, Saran, Bihar – 841301 463. Bihar People’s Party 303. C-Block, Daroga Prasad Ro y Path, Patna- 800001 (Bihar). 464. Bihar Vikas Party Room No.6, 1-Special Family Type, R-Block, Patna-800001 (Bihar). 465. Biju Swabhiman Dal Plot No-40, Umapada, Stadium VIP Road, PO – FC Project, Kalinga Nagar, Jajpur Road, Jajpur, Odisha – 755020. 466. Bira Oriya Party C/o Shri P.Samantaray, IAS(Retd.), At/P.O. Madhupatna, Cuttack-10(Orissa ). 467. Bolshevik Party Of India C/o- Dr. Shashikant Waikar , 9, Bhupeshnagar, Gorewada Road, Nagpur- 440013, Maharashtra. 468. Braj Vikas Party A-193, Trans Yamuna Colony,Phase-I I, Agra- 286002, Uttar Pradesh. 469. Brihattar Bharat Prajatantra Sewa Party Behind of t he Palace, Kishorganj Panna,Distt. – Panna, Madhya Pradesh. 470. Brij Kranti Dal 16, Haryana Bhawan, Dyal Bagh, Agra -5, Uttar Pradesh. 471. Brij Pradesh Nirman Sangh Sri Aurobindo Bhawan, 28/ 352, Gudri Mansoor Khan, Agra-3 (U.P.). 472. Buddhiviveki Vikas Party R(U)-9, 2nd Floor, Pitampu ra, Delhi – 110088. 473. Bundelkhand Akikrit Party Bundeli Sadan, Gram & Pos t - Satari,Zila – Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh 474. Bundelkhand Congress 56. Jwala Heri Market, Sarbati Complex, Paschim Vihar, Delhi-63 475. Bundelkhand Mukti Morcha Sh. Sukhlal Ice Factory Bh avan, Elite Chouraha, Jhansi-284001(Uttar Pradesh). 476. Bundelkhand Vikas Dal Village & P.O.-Culpahad, Jan pad- Hamirpur (U.P.). 477. Champaran Vikas Party Block-A, Flat No.102, Daroga Roy Path, Patna (Bihar). 478. Chandigarh Vikas Party House No.230, Sector 9-C, Ch andigarh-160009. 479. Chhattisgarh Kisan Mazdoor Party House of P.R. Negi , Behind Jhule Lal Dham, Gali Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Katora Talab, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 480. Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha P.O.Dalli Rajhara, Distt- Durg –491228 (Chhattisgarh). 481. Chhattisgarh Navnirman Sena C. R. – 12, R.D.A. Buil ding, Gurunanak Market, Sharda Chowk, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 482. Chhattisgarh Samajwadi Party Ramanujganj Road, In front of Sanjay Park, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh - 497001. 33 483. Chhattisgarh Sanyukt Jatiye Party Bajrang Nagar (Ta tyapara Ward),Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 484. Chhattisgarh Swabhiman Manch 21, Battis Bangla, Bhi lainagar,Distt. – Durg- 490006,Chhattisgarh. 485. Chhattisgarh Vikas Ganga Rashtriya Party Khongapani , District – Korea, Chhatisgarh – 497447 486. Chhattisgarh Vikas Party A-12, Flash Vihar, New Pur ena,Post Office – Ravigram, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 487. Chhattisgarhi Samaj Party Handipara, Azad Chowk,Rai pur-492001 (Chhattisgarh). 488. Chhattisgarhiya Party House No. 93, Village – Dhan rash, Post – Chhuri, Tehsil – Katghora, District – Korba, Chhattisgarh. 489. Children First Party of India 703-704, Devatha Plaza, 132, Residency Raod, Bangluru-560025. Karnataka. 490. Christhava Makkal Katchi 173, Ponnagar, Tiruchirapa lli-620001, (Tamil Nadu). 491. Christian Democratic Front No.9, Rosary, Church Roa d, San Thome, Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 492. Christian Mannetra Kazhagam 93, Thaiyappa Mudali St reet, Chennai-600001 (Tamil Nadu). 493. Communist Marxist Party Kerala State Committee Kunnukuzhy, Trivandrum-695037(Kerala). 494. Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation). U-90, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 495. Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star C-141, Sainik Nagar, New Delhi-110059. 496. Congress (Secular) Ram Raj Bhavan, Manikkath Road, Cochin-16. (Kerala). 497. Congress Jananayaka Peravai 24, Ormes Road, Kilpank , Chennai-600010. 498. Congress of People 5, Patropolis Colaba, Mumbai- 400005(Maharashtra). 499. Congunadu Makkal Katchi TTS Complex-58, Mettur Road , Erode District- 638011, Tamil Nadu. 500. Corruption Abolition Party House No. – 219, VPO – S heriya, Tehsil – Beri, District – Jhajjar, Haryana. 501. Dalit Kranti Dal Jati Meghwale, Gaon Post – Dholipa l,Teh. & Zila – Hanumangarh (Rajasthan) 502. Dalit Mazdoor Kishan Party E-11/77, New Colony, Hau z Rani, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017. 503. Dalit Muslim Vikas Party 2/306, Dakshin Puri, New D elhi-110062. 504. Dalit Samaj Party Navchetna Path, Shiv PuriP.O. Ani shabad, Patna-800 002 (Bihar). 505. Dalit Vikas Party(Bharat), Behind of High School, W ard No.3,Village & Post – Ghunwara,Teshil – Maihar, Distt. – Satna,MADHYA PRADESH 506. Dalita Bahujana Party 4-1-1215, Street No.3, Boggul akunta,King Kati Road, Hyderabad – 500001. 507. Dalitha Praja Party 7/347-2P-A3, Simhapuri Colony, 4th Road, Near RTC Bus Stand, Kadapa – 516002, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh. 34 508. Delhi Janta Party Y-200, Camp No.-1, Nangloi, Delhi-110041 509. Delhi Parivartan Party E-37, Tagore Garden Extentio n, New Delhi – 110 027. 510. Delhi Vikas Party B-600 Jahangir Puri, Delhi – 1100 33. 511. Democratic Bahujan Samaj Morcha Village-Sotran, P.O . Chak Kalai, Tehsil & District-Nawanshahar, Punjab. 512. Democratic Bharatiya Samaj Party Gali No-7, Guru Na nak Pura(East),Near Chintpurni Mandir, Jalandhar, Punjab. 513. Democratic Congress Party 291, Odeon Wali Gali, Nea r Gopal Mandir, Majitha Road, Amritsar (Punjab). 514. Democratic Corruption Liberation Front 2F/1A Neduga nvilai, Ponnappa Nadar Nagar, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu – 629004. 515. Democratic Dal of Haryana Paintawas House, Bhiwani Road, Charkhi Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani, Haryana. 516. Democratic Forward Bloc 66, Tamil Sangam Road, Madu rai-625001 (Tamil Nadu). 517. Democratic Insaf Party D-62, G.T.B.Nagar (Kareli), Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). 518. Democratic Janta Dal (J & K) 344 EP, Cristen Colony (Shaheedi Chowk), Jogi Gate, Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir). 519. Democratic Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Pump Road, Tonka Toli. P.O.Chakradharpur- 833 102, Shinghbhum West (Jharkhand). 520. Democratic Movement Ward No.1, Kathua (Jammu & Kash mir). 521. Democratic Party of India 162,Anandrao Umra Marg, A shok Nagar, Nagpur-17 (Maharashtra). 522. Democratic Prajakranthi Party Secularist Ummathur Post & Village, Hunsur Taluk, Mysore District Karnataka-571105. 523. Democratic Secular Party At. Kohinoor Bakery, Umred Road, Tajabad, Aulia Nagar, Nagpur –24, (Maharashtra). 524. Democratic Socialist Party (Prabodh Chandra) 63- An anda Plit Road, 1st Floor, Kolkata- 700014, West Bengal. 525. Democratic Socialist Party of India 359, West Kodal ia, New Barrackpore, P.S. – Ghola, District – North 24 Parganas, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700131. 526. Desa Makkal Munnetrak Kazhagam 3/172, Veerachelliyapuram Colony, Valliyur (Post), P. Kumaralingapuram, Amathur (Via), Taluk & District – Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu-626005. 527. Deseeya Praja Socialist Party N.S. Bhavan, Vellayan i, P.O. Nemom, Thiruvananthapuram-695020, Kerala. 528. Desh Bachao Jan Morcha D-6/171, Sector-31, Noida-20 1301 (Uttar Pradesh). 529. Desh Bhakt Party B-114, Preet Vihar, Delhi- 110092. 35 530. Desh Shakti Party 14/39, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 531. Deshbhakt Nirman Party Sultanpur Barahganva, Post & Tehsil – Madhuban, Janpad – Mau, Uttar Pradesh 532. Deshi Kisan Party House No. 1624, Ward No. 52, Lakhibag Manpur, District – Gaya, Bihar. 533. Desia Pathukappu Kazhagam “ARIVAGAM’ 33, Ramakrishn a Street, Gandhi Nagar,Saligramam, Chennai-600 093 (Tamil Nadu). 534. Desiya Forward Bloc No.5, M. P. Avenue, Majestic Co lony, Saligramam, Chennai-600093, Tamil Nadu. 535. Dev Sena Party Village & Post: Sakrod, Tehsil & Dis tt. Rajasmand, (Rajasthan). 536. Dharam Nirpeksh Dal 24/42, Loknath Chowk,Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). 537. Dharamarajya Paksha 601/602, Bldg. No. 7, Shubharam bh Phase-1, Konkanipada Marg, Off GB Road, Manpada,Thane-400610,Maharashtra. 538. Dhiravida Thelugar Munnetra Kalagam 4/802, Kurunji Street, Tahsildhar Nagar, Madurai-625020. 539. Divya Shakti Party 7/106, Ground Floor, Geeta Colon y, Delhi- 110031. 540. Do Jama Panch Mudde Jan Party Village – Asan, Tehsil & District - Rohtak Haryana 541. Dr. Ambedkar People Revolution Movement No.4, 11 th Street, Kumarappa Nagar, Dharapadavedu, Katpadi, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu – 632007. 542. Dr. Ambedkar People's Party 106, 4th Cross, K.H. Ra nganath Colony, Opposite BHEL Factory, Mysore Road, Bangalore-26, Karnataka 543. Dr. Ambedkar Samajvadi Democratic Party Venkataiahn a Chatra, Haradanahalli Hobli, Chamarajanagara Taluk & District, Karnataka. 544. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Dal Village – Kothideeh, Tehsil – Pargna Navabganj, Janpad – Barabanki – 225001, Uttar Pradesh. 545. Dravida Makkal Congress No.11, Jawharlal Nehru Road , 1st Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu. 36 546. Dravida Peravai 69, Rangapillai Street, Pondicherr y-605001. 547. Duggar Pradesh Party Driving Institute Complex, Jan ipur, Jammu – 180007, Jammu and Kashmir 548. Eklavya Samaj Party 53, B - Block, Old Darulshapha, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 251 001. 549. Ekta Kranti Dal U.P. C/o Satyapal Sagar Amanjai Jal al Nagar, Opp. Chhotti Line, Shahjahapur (Uttar Pradesh). 550. Ekta Samaj Party 6898, Neem Street, Ahata Kidara, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi-110006. 551. Ekta Shakti Jhanjhadi, Post – Bhaini Khurd,Tehsil – Nilokheri, Distt. Karnal, Haryana. 552. Elatchia Dhiravida Munnetra Kazhagam `ELATCHIAGAM’ 4-A, Hindi Prachar Sabha Street, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017,Tamil Nadu. 553. Ephraim Union Tlangdingliana Building, Bawngkawn So uth, Aizawl-796012, (Mizoram). 554. Ex-Sainik Kissan Party Building No. 358, Athira, PO - Kura, Kottarakara, Kollam, Kerala – 691557 555. Ezhuchi Tamilargal Munnetra Kazhagam 5/197, Chinna Managalakudi, Uthangudi Post, Madurai, Tamil Nadu -625107 556. Farmers Developments Party 149, Mambalam High Road, T. Nagar, Chennai- 600017, Tamil Nadu. 557. Federal Congress of India Holumbi Khurd, Village & P.O. – Holumbi Kalan, Delhi – 110 082. 558. Federal Democratic Party No. 244B, Kathmorwa, P.O. – Madainiya, Distt. – Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 224147 559. Federation Of Sabhas 101, Savitri Complex, Opp. Cha udhry Cinema, Ghaziabad-201001. (U.P.). 560. Forum For Presidential Democracy B-145-146, Mittal Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021MAHARASHTRA 561. Forward Bloc (Socialist) Temple Street, P.O. & Dist t. Jalpaiguri-735101 (West Bengal). 562. Freethought Party of India 121, Dharma Vihar, P.O. Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751030 563. Front of Revolutionished Creative Efforts Shree Goverdhan Palace, Dhar Road, Udhampur – 182101 Jammu & Kashmir. 564. Gadar Party House No.32, Near Ramlila Ground,Padav Ward, Post Makandruganj,Distt. Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh-230001. 565. Gandhi Ekta Party K-63/01, Bhootbhairav Nakhas (Kas hipura), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 37 566. Gandhiwadi Rashtriya Congress Teachers Colony, Tehs il Road, Mahoaria, Post Mahoaria Town and Distt. Mirjapur (Uttar Pradesh). 567. Gandhiyan Peoples Party C-1255, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016, Uttar Pradesh. 568. Gareeb Aadmi Party R-21, Mohan Garden, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi – 110059 569. Gareeb Samana Party H.No. 399, Aawas Vikas Colony, District- Mirzapur-231001, Uttar Pradesh. 570. Gareebjan Samaj Party 450, Jaidebvi Nagar, Garh Roa d, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). 571. Garib Ekta Party A-71 Group, Vazirpur Industrial Ar ea, Vazirpur, Delhi – 110052. 572. Garib Janata Party Rajinder Nagar, Main Bazar, P.O . Vijay Nagar, Batala Road, Amritsar (Punjab). 573. Garib Raj Party H. No. 748A, Jharkhandi Kayasthwada , Sikandrabad, District – Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh. 574. Garib Samaj Party (Shoshit) Hajipur Malipur Road, N ear Ram Janaki Mandir, Shankargarh, P.S. & Tehsil – Jalalpur,District – Ambedkar Nagar,Uttar Pradesh-224149. 575. Garib Vikas Party Professor’s Colony,Belbanwa, Moti hari,Bihar – 845401. 576. Garo National Council New Tura, West Garo Hills (Me ghalaya). 577. Goa People's Congress Opp. Menezes Building,Altinho , Panaji, Goa- 403 001. 578. Goa Pokx Opp. Menezes Building, Altinho, Panaji, Go a- 403001. 579. Goa Praja Party Classic Apartments, House No. – 69, Ella, Old Goa, Tiswadi, North Goa, Goa – 403402. 580. Goa Rajiv Congress Party Ist Floor Dias Building, R ua Ormuz Road, Opp. Ferry Wharf, Panaji, Goa-403 001. 581. Goa Su-raj Party 383-A, Pirazona, Moira,Bardez-Goa (Pin- 403514). 582. Goa Vikas Party Laxmi Sadan, Ground Floor,Opp. Asse mbly Complex, Near Journalist Colony, Porvorim, Goa-403507. 583. Goemcarancho Otrec Asro H. No. 780/A, Mugally,Sao J ose de Areal, Salcete,Goa. 584. Golden India Party ‘Nandan Van’, B-94, Gyan Marg, T ilak Nagar, Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan). 585. Gommant Lok Pokx 31st January Road, P.O.Box-242, Pa njim (Goa). 586. Gondvana Gantantra Party Village & P.O. Tiverth, Te hsil Kutghora, District-Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). 587. Gondwana Congress Party Shahapura, A-121, B.D.A. Colony,Bhopal,Madhaya Pradesh. 588. Gondwana Mukti Sena M-2, Poorvanchal Phase-I, Khazu rikala Road,Bhopal-462 021, Madhya Pradesh. 38 589. Gorakha National Liberation Front Dr. Zakir Hussain Road (Jalpahar Road), P.O. and District-Darjeeling, Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (West Bengal). 590. Gorkha Democratic Front Shahi Niwas, Chandrabani,Po st – Mohabbewala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 591. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha North Point Singamari, Darje eling – 734104, West Bengal. 592. Gorkha Rashtriya Congress 9, K.B. Road, P.O. Ghoom, P.S. Jorebunglow, District Darjeeling, West Bengal. 593. Grama Munnetra Kazhagam ‘Z’ Mangammal Salai, Renga Nagar, Tiruchirapalli-620021 (Tamil Nadu). 594. Gramanchal Party 3/A, Satya Nagar,In Front of Centr al School,Bhubaneswar-7, Orissa. 595. Great India Party D.No.1-1334, Devasthanam Road, Ma ngalagiri- 522503, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 596. Gujarat Adijati Vikash Paksh Block No.6/4, MLA Niva s, Sector-21, Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat). 597. Gujarat Parivartan Party A-4, Abhinav Arcade, Pritamnagar, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 380006. 598. Gujarat State Janta Congress Indubhai Patel Bhawan, Vasant Chowk, Bhardra, Ahmedabad-380001 (Gujarat). 599. Gujarat Yuva Vikas Party C/o Darbar Kruba Transport , Near Bus Station, Vadnagar-384 355,District-Mehsana (Gujarat). 600. Gurgaon Residents Party C-1927, Sushant Lok-I, Gurg aon – 122 002, Haryana. 601. Guru Chand Mukti Morcha G-52, Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka Tilla, Civil Lines,Delhi-110054. 602. Hamara Dal C-112, Sector-G, L.D.A. Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-12, Uttar Pradesh. 603. Hamari Apni Party Survey No. 75/1, Indrayani Vihar, Sant Nagar, Lohgaon, Pune, Maharashtra – 411047 604. Harit Pradesh Party H. No. 349, Village & Post – Bilsuri, Distt. – Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh - 203205. 605. Haryana Gareeb Pichhra Yuva Sangathan Party Village & Post: Aahrika,Tehsil & Distt. Jind, (Haryana). 606. Haryana Insaaf Congress Farm House, Near Bhagwat Bhakti Ashram, Rampura, Rewari – 123401 Haryana. 607. Haryana Jan Chetna Party (V) Kothi No. 118A, Circul ar Road, Model Town, Ambala City, Haryana – 134003. 39 608. Haryana Janrakshak Dal 249/3, Park Road, Adarsh Nag ar,Gohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana. 609. Haryana Janta Party Village & Post Office – Risalu, Tehsil & District – Panipat, Haryana – 132103 610. Haryana Kranti Dal Babain Road, Ladwa, District - K urukshetra Haryana 611. Haryana Lok Dal 705, Sonipat Road, Rohtak (Haryana) . 612. Haryana Lokhit Party Shop No.8, SCO-2, Old Judicial Complex, Jharsa Road, Sector – 15, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 613. Haryana Navnirman Sena 101, Village – Silokhra,Gurg aon, Haryana. 614. Haryana Samajik Nyay Party Kothi No. 239, Sector-7, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra-136118,Haryana. 615. Haryana Sarvajan Party H. No. 236, Ward No. 2, Gram Panchayat Radaur, District – Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. 616. Haryana Swatantra Party House No. 154, Village & P. O. – Jakhauda, Tehsil – Bahadurgarh, Distt. – Jhajjar, Haryana. 617. Himachal Kranti Party Village Khart, P.O.Nandrool, Tehsil & Distt. Kangra-176001 (H.P.). 618. Himachal Lokhit Party Shastri Bhawan, Devnagar, Kasumpti, Shimla-171009 Himachal Pradesh. 619. Himachal Pradesh State Akali Dal Near Bus Stand, Pa onta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh. 620. Hind Congress Party C-6, South Side, GT Road, Industrial Area, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 621. Hind Ekta Mission Village – Leduwawar, Post – Kauragahani,Tehsil – Phulpur, Distt. – Azamgarh,Uttar Pradesh. 622. Hind Jan Congress 72, Pyarelal Compound, Nagra, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. 623. Hind Kisan Mazdoor Party 31/419, Kela House, Mahara na Pratap Nagar, Agra-4. (U.P.). 624. Hind Morcha Samaj Sudhar Ashram, Siraspur, Delhi. 625. Hind Raksha Sena WZ-13 B, First Floor, Mukhram Park Extn. Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018 626. Hind Rashtriya Ekta Party Plot No.104, Anguri Palac e,Wazirabad Road, Pasunda,Garima Garden, Sahibabad,Ghaziabad, U.P.-201 005. 627. Hind Samdarshi Party F-64, Galaxy Apartment, Sector – 43, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122002. 628. Hind Swarajya Ganatantra Party S-41, Panchsheel Par k, New Delhi-110017. 40 629. Hind Vikas Party P.O. Sri Harbhagwan Nagar,Tapakala n, Near Kali Mandir, Jalesar Road, Ferozabad(Uttar Pradesh). 630. Hindu Ekta Andolan Party Hindi Ekta Karyalay, Malha r, Khan Bhag, Police Chowki, H.No.927/1, Sangli-416416, District Sangli, Maharashtra. 631. Hindu Samaj Party 117/K-36. Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur (U.P.). 632. Hindustan Action Party 156, Khanna Nagar, Loni, Gha ziabad-201102, Uttar Pradesh. 633. Hindustan Ekta Party Shop No. 132/2, Kesho Ram Comp lex,Sector - 45 C, Chandigarh-160047. 634. Hindustan Janmorcha House No. 1, Village & Post – Tekua, District - Deoria, Uttar Pradesh – 244182. 635. Hindustan Janta Party M/s Sono Sales Corporation, S ubji Mandi, Khokadpura, Aurangabad (Maharashtra). 636. Hindustan Kranti Dal Village – Tundlaka, Panchayat – Goudhola, P.O & Tehsil – Punahana, Distt. – Mewat (Nuh), Haryana. 637. Hindustan Krantikari Dal A-65, Sector – 34, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 638. Hindustan National Party No. 103/68, College Raod,Nanganallur,Chennai-600 114,Tamil Nadu. 639. Hindustan Party 202, Devika Apts., Baba Jan, Poona- 411001. (Maharashtra). 640. Hindustan Peoples Party (Rajpal) 85A-Mohiley Nagar, Allapur, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 641. Hindustan Shakti Sena H. No. 1113/11, Darshan Singh Nagar, Alipur Road, Patiala, Punjab 642. Hindustan Swaraj Congress Party Shewar Bangla A.B. Nair Road, Juhu, Mumbai- 4000491, Maharashtra 643. Hindustan Vikas Dal Karman Tola, Arah,District – Bh ojpur - 802301Bihar. 644. Hindustani Awaam Party H. No. 202A/104, Jawahar Nag ar, Near Hathi Park, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226001. 645. Hindustani Gareebwadi Party 61, Aggarwal Chambers, Vikas Marg, Veer Savarkar Block, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. 646. Hindustani Swaraj Party 69, Ashok Mohalla, Nangloi, Delhi – 110041. 647. Hindusthan Nirman Dal House No. 100, Gali No. 5,Kri shna Nagar, Safdarjang Enclave,New Delhi. 648. Hindusthan Praja Paksha 7/702, ‘C’ Wing, Sheetal Dh ara Complex, Plot No. 28, Sector-7, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410209, Maharashtra. 649. Hindusthan Suraksha Party North East Zone, Berpeta Road,Near Tourists Lodge, Ward No.6, District Berpeta (Assam). 650. Hmar Peoples Convention C/o Lalauva, House No. A/5 6, Bawngkawn Chimveng, Aizawl – 796 014 (Mizoram). 41 651. Holy Blessing People’s Party Shop No.3, Laxmi Niwas Building,M.N. Road, Kurla (W),Mumbai-400070,MAHARASTRA. 652. Hum Kisan Party House No. 1699/G-25/A1, Vidya Nagar, Road No. 1, Harmu, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834002 653. Hum Sabki Party Village – Mahimapur (Jalalpur Chaum uhani), Post – Jalalpur, District - Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh – 222136 654. Ikkiya Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam Makkalagam No.11, P earl Empire Apartments, Kuppam Beach Road, Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 655. Independent Indian Congress At/Post Pimpalgaon By M ahalunge, Tal. – Ambegaon, Dist. – Pune, Maharashtra – 410503 656. Independent People's Party House No.63, Kargil Colony, Narwal Bala, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. 657. Indhia Kudiarasu Katchi 11, Karpagambal Nagar, III Street,Kottivakkam, Chennai – 600 041.Tamil Nadu. 658. India Dravida Makkal Munnetra Katchi Door No. 15/1, Ward No. 21, Sarojini Nagar, Towerline Colony, Erode Corporation Zone II, Erode-638011, Tamil Nadu. 659. India Makkal Munnetra Katchi 95, Cauveri Street, Bhavani – 638301, Erode District, TAMIL NADU. 660. Indian Bahujan Samajwadi Party 2/3, Ambedkar Nagar, Post-Nagina, Distt. Bijnaur-246762 (Uttar Pradesh). 661. Indian Bahujan Sandesh Party (Kanshiram) B-525, Gur u Harikishan Nagar, New Delhi. 662. Indian Christian Front LIG-289, Anna Nagar, Opp Vel ankanni Church, Madurai- 625020, Tamil Nadu. 663. Indian Christian Secular Party Plot No. 8, Wahab Na gar, Sikh Village, Secunderabad – 500 009. 664. Indian Citizens’ Party At: Markata Nagar, Sector-10 , Plot No. C- 43,P.O. – Abhinaba Bidanasi,Cuttack- 753014Orissa. 665. Indian Democratic Party D – 978, Jan Kalyan School Road,Bhajan Pura, Delhi – 110054 666. Indian Democratic Republican Front House No.-404 Sa njay Colony, Arthala Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 667. Indian Ekta Party A-180, Sector-40, Noida, Gautam B udh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 668. Indian Federal Democratic Party 1, Balwant Rai Meht a Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi – 110 001. 42 669. Indian Gandhiyan Party Kuriyakott Building, Thekkumpadam Road, Pattikkad P.O., Thrissur District, Kerala-680509. 670. Indian Justice Party 5, Pusa Road, IIIrd Floor, Kar ol Bagh, New Delhi –110 005. 671. Indian Krantikari Lehar Mohalla Dhudi Wala, Bazigar Basti, Faridkot, Distt. – Faridkot, Punjab. 672. Indian Labour Party (Ambedkar Phule) D.No.26-28-118, 1 st Line, Netaji Nagar, A.T. Agraharam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh – 522004. 673. Indian Liberation Front T-16, Green Park Extension, New Delhi- 110016. 674. Indian Makkal Kalvi Munnetra Kazhagam No. 3 Deenada yalau Street, T. Nagar, Chennai- 60013, Tamil Nadu. 675. Indian Minorities Political Party D. No. 9-4-51/35/ 48,Hakeempet (I.A.S.) Colony,Towli Chowki,Post – Golkonda Fort,Hyderabad – 500008,Andhra Pradesh. 676. Indian National Green Party A/44, Paryavaran Comple x, Saidulazaib, New Delhi-30. 677. Indian National Labour Party Rajani Mukherjee Smrit i, Bhabar, Coal Dock Road, (Former Coal Controller’s Office) Kolkata-700043 (West Bengal). 678. Indian National League No.7, Balwant Rai Mehta Lane , Kasturba Gandhi Marg Cross, New Delhi-110001. 679. Indian Oceanic Party K-316, M.B.Road, Lado Sarai, N ew Delhi- 110030. 680. Indian Peace Party X-919, Chand Mohalla, Gandhi Nag ar, Delhi- 110031. 681. Indian People’s Conference Party H/o Makhdoom Sahib , House No. 51, Rainawari, Srinagar, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir. 682. Indian People’s Congress 79, Lawyers Chambers, Supr eme Court, New Delhi-110001. 683. Indian People's Forward Bloc Tangra Housing Estate, Block-L/1, Flat -5, 40/1,Trangra Road, Kolkata-15, West Bengal. 684. Indian Peoples Green Party 19, Shubham Enclave,C-Sc heme, Jaipur,Rajasthan. 685. Indian Public Party Gujarat Housing Colony,Room No. - 1103,Block No.7/B, New Dablia,Bharatnagar, Bhavnagar-364001Gujarat. 686. Indian Republican Front 36/19/3, P.D. Kidganj, Alla habad, (Uttar Pradesh). 687. Indian Savarn Samaj Party H. No. 0053, Daudpur, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 688. Indian Secular Congress 202, Pocket-B, SFS (DDA Fla ts), Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi – 110025. 43 689. Indian Unity Centre Village-Ichangari, P.o. & P.S- Jagatballavpur, Dist- Howrah, Pin- 711408, West Bengal. 690. Indian Voters Welfare Party No. 608, 14th Main, Gok ula 1st Stage,Bangalore – 560 054, Karnataka. 691. Indian Youth Party 7/545, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 692. Indians Front 37-12-62, NGGO’s Colony, P.R. Gardens,Visakhapatnam – 530 007 Andhra Pradesh. 693. Indians Victory Party 3/261-2, Anandan Nagar, Asari palla-629201, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu 694. Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra Abhoyanagar, Agartala-799005 (Tripura). 695. Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura H.O. Old Kali Bari Road,Krishnanagar,Agartala-799001,Tripura. 696. Indiya Jananayaka Katchi No.9, 3rd Avenue, 34th Str eet,Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu. 697. Inqalab Party of India Mohalla Paschimi Lakhpeda,To wn & Post – Mohammadi,Distt. Lakhimpur Khiri – 262 804Uttar Pradesh. 698. Inqalab Vikas Dal, 92, Village Gawandi, Near Sardar Patel Park, Ghonda, Delhi. 699. Inqlabi Party Behind B.T.I. School, Mahavir Nagar, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh, Pin – 477001. 700. Islam Party Hind Mohalla: Rajde Pur, Post-City Janp ad, Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 701. Istatantra Parisad At Village/Mouza – Dibyasinghapu r, Khata No. 638, Plot No. 1343, P.O. Rayagurupur, P.S. – Gadisagoda, District – Puri, Odisha 702. Ittehad-E-Millait Council 93, Sodagaran, Dargah Aal a Hajrat,Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. 703. J & K Citizen’s Party Heera Building, Abi Guzar, La l Chowk, Srinagar,Jammu and Kashmir. 704. Jaago Bharat Front D – 185 B, Mohan Garden, Uttam Nagar, Delhi - 110059. 705. Jaganmay Nari Sangathan Sector-21/5, Indira Nagar, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 706. Jaghat Telugu Munnetra Kazhggam No.33, Halls Road, P.A. Tower, F-9 & 10, Egmore, Chennai-600008, Tamil Nadu. 707. Jago Party 9-1-108/1, 2nd Floor, Tata Chary Compoun d, S.D. Road, Secundrabad – 500 026, Andhra Pradesh. 708. Jagrat Bharat Party 101, Vidhayak Niwas,Rajender Na gar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 709. Jagte Raho Party C/o Ms. Kshama R Desai,2, Vatika B unglows, Near Sabari School,Vasna Road, Baroda,Gujarat. 44 710. Jai Andhra Party D. No. – 14-71, Chagalnadu Steels, Morampudi Junction, Rajahmundry, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 533105. 711. Jai Bharat Party RZH-710E (E/54), Raj Nagar II (Nea r Dev Hospital), Palam Colony, New Delhi-45. 712. Jai Bharat Samanta Party A-36/54-V-1, Samanata Sha kti Bhawan, Kajjakpura, Koniya Road, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 713. Jai Chhattisgarh Party 10, 2nd Floor, Shaheed Veern arayan Singh Compound,Nagar Ghari Chowk, G.E. Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh – 492 001. 714. Jai Hind Party Kharail Punarvas, Ward No.16, Nagar Parishad, Supaul, Bihar. 715. Jai Hind Samaj Party Village - Kharhara (Bind Valia) Post – Dubiha, Janpad – Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 716. Jai Janata Janardan Party Mohalla-Manohari Ganj,Mar dan Naka Shahar Banda, Paragna & Distt. – Banda, Uttar Pradesh. 717. Jai Janseva Party 14/43, Sambhaji Chowk, Ichalkaran ji, Tehsil – Hatakanangale, Distt:- Kolhapur, Maharashtra- 416115. 718. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Mazdoor Congess WZ-553-A/3, Son i Kunj, Nangal Raya, New Delhi-110046. 719. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Party First Floor, H. No. – 60, Street No.7, Virk Colony, Near DCW, Patiala, Punjab - 147001. 720. Jai Maha Bharath Party Jai Mahabharath Bhawan,Shri Mahaavykuntha Puram,Vill.- Bukkapuram, Tehsil – Alampuram,Distt. – Mahabub Nagar, Andhra Pradesh, Pin – 509 652. 721. Jai Manavta Party H. No. 1, Samriddhi Parisar, Near of Sahu Aata Chakki, Lalita Nagar, Kolar Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 722. Jai Prakash Janata Dal 16 H.M.D., Purani Colony, Sh ahadara, Delhi – 110032. 723. Jai Samaikya Andhra Party D. No. 4-86, Kammavari Veedhi, Machavaram Gram Panchayat Limits, Rayavaram Mandal, District – East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh – 533 214. 724. Jai Samaj Bharatiya Samaj Party Town Area Sadat, Po st – Sadat, District – Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 725. Jai Telangana Party H.No.34/9, SBH Colony, Shrinaga r,Hyderabad- 500073 (Andhra Pradesh). 726. Jai Vijaya Bharathi Party Chinnagottigallu P.O., Ch ittoor District,Andhra Pradesh. 45 727. Jamat -E- Seratul Mustakim P.O. Chhotto Sujapur, P.S. Kaliachak, Distt. Malda, West Bengal – 732206 728. Jammu & Kashmir Awami National Conference 3-R.C. Quarters, Press Enclave, Pratap Park, Srinagar-190001 (J & K). 729. Jammu & Kashmir National United Front Post Office B uilding, Amphalla Chowk, Karan Nagar, Jammu Tawi – 180 005,Jammu & Kashmir. 730. Jammu & Kashmir People Conference General Office, Old Secretariat Road, Sri Nagar-190001 (Jammu & Kashmir). 731. Jammu & Kashmir Pir Panjal Awami Party Near Police Station Poonch, C/o District Court Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir 732. Jammu & Kashmir Save Srinagar Front, Naib Mufti Aza m Manzil, Tailbal Road, Habak Crossing, Srinagar – 190 006. Jammu and Kashmir. 733. Jammu and Kashmir Awami League B-24, Indra Nagar Sr inagar--190001, (Jammu & Kashmir). 734. Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Party Nationalist Kursoo Rajbagh, Srinagar-190 008, Kashmir. 735. Jammu And Kashmir National Democratic Front 168, Rawalpora Housing Colony, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). 736. Jammu and Kashmir People Democratic Front (Secular) Rajbagh, Near Little Angels School, Srinagar, Kashmir. 737. Jammu Kashmir People's Party (Secular) 96/9, Nanak Nagar, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir – 180004 738. Jammu State Morcha (Progressive) 8, Old Dry Fruit M arket, Jewel Chowk, Jammu – 180 001, Jammu & Kashmir. 739. Jan Adesh Akshuni Sena House No.117, Patharia Mohal la, Padua Chauraha, G.T. Road Bhongaon, Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh 740. Jan Adhikar Manch 9 Shivakhand, Jhilmil, Delhi-1100 95. 741. Jan Bhavana Party C-103, Ganesh Nagar, Pandav Nagar Complex, New Delhi – 110092. 742. Jan Chetna Party Chamber No.475, Western Wing, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054. 743. Jan Ekta Dal Gher Katebaz Khan,Near Masjid Kale Kha n, Rampur, Distt. Rampur – 244 901, Uttar Pradesh. 744. Jan Ekta Party 147/5, Behind ITI,Shamsherpur,Paonta Sahib,Himachal Pradesh. 745. Jan Kranti Morcha 89-M, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur (Utta r Pradesh). 746. Jan Kranti Swatantrata Party 226/27, Street No.-6,M ahavir Nagar, Firozabad,Uttar Pradesh. 747. Jan Lok Kalyan Party Village & Post: Butrada,Tehsil : Shamli, Distt. Muzaffar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 46 748. Jan Lokmat Party 2, Hasrat Building, Adhyatmik Nagar, Beneath Rly. Fly Over, Dasna, Ghaziabad-201302 Uttar Pradesh. 749. Jan Morcha 1, Teen Murti Marg, New Delhi-110001. 750. Jan Raajya Party 110F/10A/1A, Kahinpur, Village- Dhoomangunj, Allahabad-211001. 751. Jan Raksha Party Bhithauli, Sitapur Road,Lucknow-22 6020Uttar Pradesh. 752. Jan Samanta Party B-125, Navjiwan Camp, Tughlakabad Extension, New Delhi-110019. 753. Jan Samarthan Dal 12, Krishna Vihar, Jwala Nagar, R ampur, Uttar Pradesh. 754. Jan Sangh Party A-90, Sector-21, Jalvayu Vihar,Noi da, Gautambudh Nagar-201301, Uttar Pradesh. 755. Jan Sangharsh Virat Party Street No. 2, Near of Bhuteshwar Mandir, Sant Ravidas Ward, Sagar, Tehsil & District - Sagar Uttar Pradesh. 756. Jan Sangram Party House No. 482, Sector – 3 A, Awas Vikas Colony, Bodla, Agra -7, UP. 757. Jan Seva Sahayak Party Village – Tal Mahawar, Tehsil – Bilaspur, District - Rampur, Uttar Pradesh 758. Jan Sevak Party L.I.G. 63, Shekhpura, Aliganj, Luck now, Uttar Pradesh, 759. Jan Sewa Party J-7, Laxmi Nagar, Vikas Marg, Delhi- 110092. 760. Jan Shakti Dal Shivaji Nagar, Street No. 1, Near Ka iltan School, Line Paar, Muradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh. 761. Jan Shakti Ekta Party Village – Mandanpur, Post- Me erganj, District – Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh – 243504 . 762. Jan Shanti Sangathan AA-14, Chandan Van,Phase –1, M athura,Uttar Pradesh-281001 763. Jan Surajya Shakti Janasampark Karyalaya, Warananag ar, Tal. Panhala, Distt. Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416113. 764. Jana Hitha Paksha D. No. 109, 2nd Ward, Kalamma Street, Bellary, Karnataka – 583101. 765. Jana Hitkari Party A/13-14, Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh,Bhubaneswar-751 010, Orissa. 766. Jana Priya A/2, Kastel, 5, Cornwell Road, Bangalor e- 560025 (Karnataka). 767. Jana Swarajya Party H.O. 83/A, 3 rd Ward, Kalamma Bazar, Sandur-583119, Karnataka. 768. Jana Unnayan Mancha C/o Dolphin Engineering Co., 39 , Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkatta-700017 (West Bengal). 769. Janadesh Party Radhey Niwas, Jarimari, Jagtap Wadi , Kurla Andheri Road, Mumbai – 400072. 770. Janadhipathya Samrakshana Samithi Kerala State Com mittee Office, Iron Bridge P.O., Alleppey-688011, Kerala. 47 771. Jananayaha Munnetra Kazhagam No.32, New Tank Street , Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034, (Tamil Nadu). 772. Jananishta Mohan Villa, A-1/347, Janak Puri, New De lhi 110058. 773. Janasena Party House No. 8-2-293/82/HH/91/A/201, Huda Heights, MLA Colony, Raod No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500033 . 774. Janata Congress Party of Bharat Varsha A-15/2. Vasa nt Vihar, P.B. No.8801.New Delhi – 110057. 775. Janata Party A-77, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi. 776. Janata Uday Party 860, Gali No.4, Sanjay Enclave, C hacha Chowk, Parvatiya Colony, N.I.T. Faridabad, Haryana. 777. Janata Vikas Manch C/216, Awas Vikas Colony,Meera B hawan, Pratapgarh,UTTAR PRADESH. 778. Janata Vikas Party Abashek Bhavan, Udainagar Colony , Sagar Road, Vidisha(Madhya Pradesh). 779. Janhit Dal R.M.S. Colony, Road No. 2, Kankar Bagh, Patna-20, Bihar. 780. Janhit Kisan Party Ward No. 24, Saxena Nagar, Nagar Palika Parishad – Maharajganj, Janpad – Maharajganj – 273303 Uttar Pradesh. 781. Janhit Samaj Party Bhagwati Market, Near Shiv Mandi r,Belli Road, Jagdev Path, Post: B.V. College, Patna – 800 014,(Bihar). 782. Janlok Rashtriya Party, 452, Sector –19,Dwarka,New Delhi. 783. Janmangal Paksh Ram Pratap, Geeta Nagar, Main Road, Near Gurukul, Rajkot – 360 002 (Gujarat). 784. Janmat Vikas Paksha Post – Saswad, Purandhar, Maharashtra - 412301. 785. Jan–Nyay Dal 301, Sri Devraha – Complex,Mata Madia Choraha, Vijay Takeej Road,Motinagar Ward, Teh. & Zila – Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. 786. Janral Samaj Party Surat Printing Press,Dana Mandi Road, Bathinda, PUNJAB. 787. Jansatta Party L-14, Mahendra Park,Adarsh Colony, N ew Delhi-110 003. 788. Jansevak Samaj Party 159, Bodhashram, Tapa Road, Mo halla-Khera, Ferozabad-283203 (Uttar Pradesh). 789. Janshoshit Samaj Party A-618/7, Street No. – 8, Bhajanpura, Delhi - 110053 790. Janta Dal Rashtravadi House No. 55/1, Haroon Nagar Colony, Sector – 1, P.S. & P.O. Phulwari Sharif, Patna, Bihar - 801505. 48 791. Janta Raj Party House No. 43, Village – Tejpura, Post – Indore, District – Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh – 233226 792. Janta Sena Rajasthan Mukam Post: Vallabhnagar, District – Udaipur, Rajasthan – 313601. 793. Jantantra Party 3rd Floor, Taksal Theatres Building , Nadesar, Varanasi – 221002, Uttar Pradesh. 794. Janvadi Party (Socialist) B-32/2, Behind Jain Mandi r,Nariya, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 795. Jathiya Telugu Abhivrudhi Seva Samuham # 171, Kesav aigunta, Near S.G.S. Arts College, Tirupati -517501, Chittor District, Andhra Pradesh. 796. Jawan Kisan Morcha Qr. No. L.I.G.H.-1/7, Housing C olony, Dalpatpur (Chandva), Aara, Bihar-802312. 797. Jebamani Janata No.33, Second Street, East Abiramap uram, Mylapore, Chennai-600004, (Tamil Nadu). 798. Jharkhand Anushilan Party Vill + Post – Jhilimili,P .S.– Barikul,Distt – Bankura,West Bengal – 722135. 799. Jharkhand Disom Party 12, Road No.21, Kadma Farm Ar ea, Jamshedpur-831005, Jharkhand. 800. Jharkhand Jan Kranti Morcha House No. 36, Dinkar Nagar, P.O. – Hatia Railway Colony, PS – Jagarnathpur, Ranchi, Jharkhand. 801. Jharkhand Jan Morcha IInd Floor, Ajmeri Tower,Mall ah Toli, Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand. 802. Jharkhand Janadhikar Manch Bhubaneshwari Lok, Kali Mandir Road,Vardman Compound, Ranchi – 834 001 (Jharkhand) 803. Jharkhand Janadhikar Party Opposite Holi Cross Scho ol,Lalpur Peace Road, Ranchi – 834 001,Jharkhand. 804. Jharkhand Ki Krantikari Party 23, Purvi Jail Road, Ranchi-1, (Jharkhand). 805. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (Ulgulan) Shukla Colony, Pos t Hinoo, Ranchi Distt, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand). 806. Jharkhand Party Anand Suwani Niwas, Airport Road, H inoo, Ranchi Jharkhand-834002. 807. Jharkhand Party (Naren) At-Raghunathpur, P.O.Jhargr am,District- Midnapur-721507 (West Bengal). 808. Jharkhand People’s Party P.O.Laubasa, Jamshedpur, P .S. Gobind Pur, Distt. Singhbhum (East) (Jharkhand). 809. Jharkhand Vananchal Congress 5, Ratu Road, Ranchi-8 34005, Jharkhand. 810. Jharkhand Vikas Dal 273, Lake Avenue, Kanke Road, R anchi, Jharkhand. 811. Jwala Dal H. No. 247B, Mo. Jangal Tulsiram,Post – Bichhia P.A.C. Camp,P.S. – Shahpur,Distt. – Gorakhpur-273014,Uttar Pradesh. 812. Kaivinayger Munnetra Kazhagam Sri Visweswara Bhavan am, 76, Millers Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600010. (Tamil Nadu). 813. Kalinga Sena 19A, Madhusudan Nagar, Unit-4, Bhubane swar- 751 001, Khurda, Orissa. 49 814. Kalyankari Jantantrik Party B 4/260A, Keshavpuram, New Delhi - 110035. 815. Kamarajar Adithanar Kazhakam 6-E, Sasthan Koil Stre et, Pudhukudieruppu, Nagercoil-629001, Tamil Nadu. 816. Kamarajar Deseeya Congress 7-Velayudha Raja Street, Raja Annamalaipuram, Mandaveli, Chennai-600028 (Tamil Nadu). 817. Kamgar Samaj Dal H. No.9/237, Mohalla : Raidopur,Po st & Distt. Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 818. Kamtapur Progressive Party 'Chilla Roy Bhawan' Vill age - Bidhanpally, P.O. Kadamtala, Distt. Darjeeling – 734433, West Bengal. 819. Kanchee Aringer Anna Dravida Makkal Kazhagam No.10A, Natham Mettu St., Chengalpattu (Tamil Nadu). 820. Kannada Chalavali Vatal Paksha 154, Rangswamy Templ e Street, Bangalore- 560053 (Karnataka). 821. Kannada Naadu Party 54, Ground Floor, Parasana Colony, Basaveshwar Nagar, Gokul Road, Hubli – 580030, Karnataka. 822. Kannada Paksha No. 259/1, 1st Floor, Ranghswamy Te mple Street (Opp. to Jain Temple) Bangalore-560053 (Karnataka). 823. Karma Party Shop No. – 1, HUDA Market, Leisure Valley Park, Opposite Kingdom of Dreams, Sector – 29, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002 824. Karnataka Kranthi Dal No.240, 16th Main, 6th Cross, Ist Phase, 2nd Stage, BTM (EWS) Layout, Bangalore- 560076(Karnataka). 825. Karnataka Makkala Paksha H.O. No. 09, Block-4 JSS E mployee’s Layout, Sathagalli, Nazarabad Mohalla, Mysore, Karnataka-570011 826. Karnataka Rajya Ryota Sangha 636, Ideal Homes Layou t, Rajarajeshwarinagar, Bangalore-560098 (Karnataka). 827. Karnataka Swarajya Party No. 2082, Chidambar Krupa, Sai Nagar, Raibag, Dist-Belgaum, Karnataka – 591317. 828. Karnataka Thamizhar Munnetra Kazhagam No.6, IInd Fl oor, Chick Bazar Road Cross, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore-560051 (Karnataka). 829. Karunaadu Party Sa-13/2,No:7 th Mallathahalli, Nanjappa Garden, Bangalore-560056 Karnataka. 830. Kerala Congress 67, Kumaranasn Nagar, Kadavanthara, P.O. Ernakulam, Kerala. 831. Kerala Congress (B) P.T. Chacko Smarka, Mandiram, S .S. Kovil Road, Thampanoor, Thiruvanathapuram-695001 (Kerala). 832. Kerala Congress (Jacob) Ward XIII, Building 346, T. B. Road, Kottayam (Kerala). 50 833. Kerala Congress Secular Kerala Congress Secular Sta te Committee Office, Bharath Building, Pulimood Jn., Kottayam - 1, (Kerala). 834. Kerala Janapaksham PURA-36, Shyamala Nivas,Poojappu ra P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695012. 835. Kerala Revolutionary Socialist Party (Baby John) Baby John Shashttyabdha,Poorthi Memorial Building,Chavara P.O. –691 583,Kulangara Bhagom, Kollam, Kerala. 836. Khandesh Vikas Congress Party Building No.2, 15/16, First Floor,Khandesh Mill Shopping Complex,Jalgaon – 425 001. 837. Khasi Farmers Democratic Party Malki Chinapatty, Sh illong-793001, Meghalaya. 838. Khun Hynnieutrip National Awakening Movement C/o Office of the Khasi Students Union, Jaiaw Chapel Road, Shillong-793 002 (Meghalaya). 839. Kisan Garib Nagrik Party 203, Markaz View, 2nd Floo r,24, Opposite Carrit Cinema,Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai- 400103, MAHARASHTRA. 840. Kisan Kranti Dal Nangla Sukhdev, Neemkhera – Jalesa r,Distt: Etah (Uttar Pradesh). 841. Kisan Majdoor Berojgar Sangh Village-Jaitpur,Post-P haphund, Oraia,Uttar Pradesh 842. Kisan Majdoor Praja Party A X - 223/224, Rajharsh C olony, Nayapura, Kolar Raod, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 843. Kisan Mazdoor Bahujan Party J-1/2, Dali Bagh Colony , Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh). 844. Kisan Naujawan Party Rajendra Nagar, Karmer Road, O rai, District Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh. 845. Kisan Samaj Morcha Bichola Bhood, Post – Patriya, Tahsil – Gunnaur, Badayun, Uttar Pradesh. 846. Kisan Samaj Party (S) Jhinnapurva, Post – Dhakherva Nankar,Tehsil – Nighasan,Distt. – Lakhimpur (Khiri),Uttar Pradesh. 847. Kisan Sena Koliyan Vishungarh Road, Chhibramau,Kannouj,UTTAR PRADESH. 848. Kisan Shakti Jantantrik Party H.No. 12/445, Majhola Awas Vikas, Tehsil- Sadar, Distt.:- Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. 849. Kisan Vikas Party Abdul Pura, Distt. Meerut,(Uttar Pradesh). 850. Kisan Vyawasayee Mazdoor Party Prakash Bhavan, Narh i Bazar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 851. Kishore Raj Party L-2/601, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 852. Kongu Nadu Munnetra Kazhagam 320, Best Complex, Kum aran Road, Tirupur- 641601, Coimbatore (District), Tamil Nadu. 853. Kongunadu Jananayaga Katchi “Irai Arul” No. 24, Metha Layout, Laxmipuram, Peelamedu (PO), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – 641004. 51 854. Kongunadu Makkal Desia Katchi No. 5/54, East Street , Post - Kokkarayan Pettai, Taluk - Tiruchengode, District - Namakkal, Tamil Nadu-638007 855. Kosal Kranti Dal Telephone Exchange Road, Rugudi Pa ra, Balengir – 767 001, Orissa. 856. Kosal Party G.M. College Road, Sambhalpur-768004 (Orissa). 857. Koshal Mukti Morcha Railway Station Road, Titilagarh, District-Bolangir, Odisha. 858. Kosi Vikas Party Machhli Bhawan, Dr. Ambedkar Marg, At.+P.O. & Distt. Khagaria, Bihar – 851204. 859. Kranti Dal 132, Babuganj, Lucknow (U.P.). 860. Kranti Kari Jai Hind Sena C/o Advocate R.N. Kachave , Near Devi Prasad Hotel, M.I.D.C., Central Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400093, Maharashtra. 861. Kranti Parishad House No.2019, Mistrikhan Road, Nah argarh Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan). 862. Krantikari Berozgar Party H.No. 86, Vinoba Ward, Wa rd No.6, Behind Jain Temple, Govt. Girls School Road, Sihora District, Jabalpur-483 225, (Madhya Pradesh). 863. Krantikari Kisan Sena C-221, Old Meenal Residancy,R aj Homes, J.K. Road,Bhopal-462023,Madhya Pradesh. 864. Krantikari Manuwadi Morcha F-62, Sector-11, Noida- 201301 (Uttar Pradesh). 865. Krantikari Samajwadi Party Lohia 18/22, Taskand Mar g, Mool Chand Yadav Chouraha, Civil Lines, Allahabad (U.P.). 866. Krantikari Samyavadi Party MLA Flat No.26, Veerchan d Patel Path, Patna. (Bihar). 867. Krantikari Vikas Dal 78/09C, Mohalla- Birsa Adivasi Colony, Post- Guljarbagh, P.S.-Alamganj, Distt.- Patna- 800007,Bihar. 868. Krantisena Maharashtra 5-A, Jyotisadan Shitladevi, Temple Road, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra. 869. Kuki National Assembly Grace Cottage, Paiteveng, K wakelthel, P.O. Imphal, Pin-795001, (Manipur). 870. Labour And Job Seeker’s Party Of India 66, Royapett ah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai- 600004 (Tamil Nadu). 871. Labour Party (Secular) 382/4, Gali Hardev, Sant Nir ankari Colony, Delhi–110009. 872. Labour Party Of India(V.V. Prasad) B – 5, Kanti Nag ar, Delhi –110051. 873. Labour Samaj Party Chamber No. 91, Civil Court,Rajn agar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 874. Labour Vikas Party 1407, New Preet Nagar, Tibba Roa d, Ludhiana (Punjab). 875. Laghujan Samaj Vikas Party Badapura, Lalitpur, Utta r Pradesh. 876. Lairam People Party Hqrs. Lawngtlai, P.O.-Lawngtlai -796891 (Mizoram). 877. Lakshya Ghar Ganatantrik Party Puruni Basti, Chowkidarpada, P.O.- K.M.Road, Jharsuguda-2, Dist. – Jharsuguda, Odisha 878. Lal Morcha RZC-113, Vishnu Garden, Khayala,New De lhi – 110018 52 879. Lattin Congress Bavali, Post-Khash, Distt. Meerut-2 50621 (Uttar Pradesh). 880. Lenin Communist Party 20, Bharathinagar, Alagappap uram,Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu. 881. Life Peaceful Party Sarvadharma Bhawan, Hindu-Musli m Viswa Shanthi Ashrama and Komusowharda Vishwashanthi, Sarvadharma Ashrma Trust, Rajanagara, Poona-Bangalore Road, Tumkur- 572 106 (Karnataka). 882. Lok Awaz Dal Holding No. 20/11, Circle No. 264, Amb edkar Chowk, Vishnu Puri, Patna-800002, Bihar. 883. Lok Bhalai Party 5-FF, Raj Guru Nagar, Ferozepur Ro ad, Ludhiana, Punjab. 884. Lok Bharati A/702, Vedant Unnat Nagar No. 2, Gorega on (W) Mumbai- 400062. 885. Lok Dal Central Office, 8, Mall Avenue,Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 886. Lok Ekta Party S-8/188, Sudhakar Road, Khazuri Cant.,Varanasi – 221 002, Uttar Pradesh. 887. Lok Hit Party Basti Abdulapura, Ludhiana-3 (Punjab) . 888. Lok Jan Vikas Morcha Kachahri Road, Thana-Kotwali, PO. Ranchi, Zila-Ranchi-834001, Jharkhand. 889. Lok Janhit Party Village – Daloopur Sultanpur, Post – Prempur, Janpad – Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. 890. Lok Manavadhikar Party C. 32/27-16A, Vidyavihar Colony,Chhittupur,Varanasi-221002,Uttar Pradesh. 891. Lok Paritran "Saubhagya" 12-13 Tilak Nagar - II,Mahamandir, Jodhpur-342010 (Rajasthan). 892. Lok Parivartan Party (DC) Bhapra Road, opposite Pol ice Chowki,G.T. Road, SamalkhaDistrict-Panipat, Haryana. 893. Lok Rajya Party 221/20, Geet Gunjan Society, Sector -2, Charkop, Kandivali (West), Mumbai-400067, (Maharashtra). 894. Lok Raksha Party Village & Post Office Sirsa, District – Etawah, Uttar Pradesh. 895. Lok Satta Party 5-10-180/A & A-1, Bandline, Adarsha Nagar, Hyderabad - 500001, Andhra Pradesh. 896. Lok Sewa Dal Post: Badhiya, Tehsil: Lakhi Sarai,Bih ar-811 302. 897. Lok Shakti 83, Lodhi Eastate, New Delhi-110003. 898. Lok Vikas Party 41, Vigyan Vihar, Delhi-110092. 899. Loknayak Party 172/3 C, East Moti Bagh,Sarai Rohill a, Delhi- 110 007. 900. Loko Sanmilon P.O.-Jaleswar, Distt.-Goalpara, Assam . 901. Lokpriya Samaj Party Prajapati Dharmshala Mandir Sh ri Kalkaji, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. 902. Loksangram H.No. 1321, Lane No.4,Dhule – 424001, Maharashtra. 903. Loksena 63/H/S, Madan Mohan, Burman Street,Kolkatta-700007, West Bengal. 53 904. Lokshasan Andolan Party 259, Village Guha, Tal. Rahuri, District – Ahmednagar, Maharashtra – 413705. 905. Lokshasan Party of India S.No. 67, Plot No. 25,Prat ik Building, Flat No. 3, Vidyanagar,Pune - 411032,MAHARASHTRA. 906. Loktantra Congress Party E-1, 21/7, New Rajendra Na gar, P.O. Ravigram, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 907. Loktantrik Chetna Party Mumtaj Manjil, Azad Nagar, Baanda. (Uttar Pradesh). 908. Loktantrik Jan Samta Party C-7/166, Yamuna Vihar, D elhi-110053. 909. Loktantrik Janata Party (Secular) Main Road, Firozp ur, Post Office-Aander, Distt.- Siwan, Bihar-841231. 910. Loktantrik Manavatavadi Party Shop No. 5, SD 366, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 911. Loktantrik Morcha Himachal Pradesh 212, Jawahar Sad an, Shimla-171004, Himachal Pradesh. 912. Loktantrik Rashtravadi Party E-2, Old Society, Near Saijpur Railway Station, Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad, Gujrat- 382245. 913. Loktantrik Samajwadi Party 27-A, D.D.A.Flats, Mata Sundri Road, New Delhi-110002. 914. Loktantrik Samata Dal D-104, Daroga Prasad Rai Path ,Patna-800 001. (Bihar). 915. Loktantrik Sarkar Party C/o P.K. Kharia, Advocate,S hatabdi Chember No. 1, District Court, Mandla – 481 661, Madhya Pradesh. 916. Loktantrik Sarvjan Samaj Party B-103, Sapna Apartm ent,Ramnagari, Ashiyana Nagar,Patna-800025Bihar. 917. Loktrantrik Janata Front D-351/12, Laxmi Nagar, Del hi-110092. 918. M.G.R. Kazhagam 11, Sadasivam Street, Gopalapuram, Chennai- 600086 (Tamil Nadu). 919. M.G.R. Mannetra Kazhagam Konnoor High Road (Canal A rea) Otteri, Chennai-600012 (Tamil Nadu). 920. Maa Telangana Party 8-2-540/4, Road No.4, Banjara H ills,Hyderabad, (Andhra Pradesh). 921. Maanila Konghu Peravai No.41, Narayanaguru Road,Sai baba Colony,Coimbatore-641011,Tamil Nadu. 922. Maatra Bhoomi Raksha Dal 205, B-30, Prakash Trade C entre,Subhash Chowk, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110 092. 923. Madhya Pradesh Kisan Mazdoor Adivasi Kranti Dal Vidhayak Vishram Girh,Room No. 95, Part-III, Bhopal-462 003.(Madhya Pradesh). 924. Madhya Pradesh Loktantrik Party 19-Durga Colony, Sa njivani Nagar, Gadda, Jabalpur-482003 (Madhya Pradesh). 925. Madhya Pradesh Nav Nirman Sena 2983, Prince Colony, New Kanchanpur, Adhartal,Jabalpur-482004.Madhya Pradesh. 926. Maha Loktantra Party Shop No. 4, Basant Ganga Marke t, H. No. 762/ 648, Purana Katra, Allahabad – 211002, UP. 927. Mahabharath Mahajan Sabha Plot No, 10, Vivekananda Nagar, Inner Ring Road, Kolathur, Chennai-600099 (Tamil Nadu). 928. Mahagujarat Janta Party A-203, Satyamev-1, S.G. Roa d, Opp. High Court, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 54 929. Mahajana Mandali Party H. No. 1-8-27/20, GHMC-1483, Street No. 12, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh – 500020. 930. Mahajana Socialist Party Door No. 1-14-297/1, Balam rai, Rasoolpura, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 931. Mahakaushal Vikas Party ‘Shanti Kutir’ 281,Sanjivan i Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P.). 932. Mahamukti Dal Village Usarav, Post Office – Itayen, Tehsil – Mariahu, District - Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 933. Mahan Dal A-218 D, Dhiraj Nagar Extn., Atmadpur, Ne ar Fauji Dhaba, Sector-30, Faridabad, Haryana. 934. Mahanayak Sardar Patel Sangh 52/98, IInd Floor, Chi ttaranjan Park, New Delhi-110019. 935. Mahanwadi Party Village & Post – Kutubpur Chanora, District – Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 936. Maharana Kranti Party H. No. 698, Ward No. 14, Opposite Baba Ramdev Mandir, Purani Abadi, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan. 937. Maharashtra Parivartan Sena (T) Village – Mangvadga on, Taluk – Kej, District – Beed, Maharashtra 938. Maharashtra Pradesh Krantikari Party At. Post-Tal. Koregaon, Koregaon, Distt. Satara (Maharashtra). 939. Maharashtra Rajiv Congress Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar N agar, Near Bus Stop, No. 379, P.L. Lokhande Marg, Chembur, Mumbai-400089 (Maharashtra). 940. Maharashtra Secular Front Hill View, 109, A/2, Vais hali Nagar, (S.V.P. Road, Dharkhadi), Dahisar (East), Mumbai-68, (Maharashtra). 941. Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi Govindagraj Sadan, Shyam Nagar, Latur, Maharashtra. 942. Maharashtra Vikas Congress At & Post-Jalgaon, Distt . Jalgaon-425001 (Maharashtra). 943. Mahashakti Inqualab Party Tigri, Khushhalpur, Murad abad, Uttar Pradesh. 944. Mahila Adhikar Party 29-A, Naharpur, Sector-7, Rohi ni, Delhi- 110085. 945. Mahila Pradhana Paksha 1261, 16 th Main, 20 th Cross, A Block, Sahakara Nagara, Bangalore - 560092, Karnataka. 946. Mahila Swabhiman Party Village–Gumati No. 5, Sarai Karora, Gosainganj, District – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 227125. 947. Mai Hee Bharat 2A, “Royal” Hastings Park Road,Kolka ta,West Bengal. 55 948. Maidani Kranti Dal Headquarters Majid Wali Gali,Maz ra, Dehradun (Uttaranchal). 949. Majdoor Kisan Akali Dal Village – 75 GB, Post Offic e – 72 GB,Via Ramsinghpur, Tehsil – Anoopgarh,Distt. – Ganganagar, Rajasthan. 950. Majdoor Kisan Union Party 459/1, Moh. Sarvat (Basan t Vihar),Post Office- Khas, Distt. & City-Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh – 251 001. 951. Majlis Bachao Tahreek 16-4-593/A, Chenehalguda, Hyd erabad-500024 (Andhra Pradesh). 952. Majlis Markaz-e-Siyasee Party 10-5-391/54/182/A, Ground Floor, Kashan-e-Ghousia Aleem, Sayed Nagar, Opp: 95A, MLA’s Colony, Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500028, Andhra Pradesh . 953. Makkal Congress Vazhapadiyar 18, Telugu Brahmin Str eet, Velacheri, Chennai- 600 042, Tamil Nadu. 954. Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi 245/6, R.K. Mutt Ro ad, Mylapore,Chennai – 600004, Tamil Nadu. 955. Makkal Desiya Katchi 137, Kakkan Colony, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600034 956. Makkal Manadu Katchi 82/1, 5th Street, Padmanabha N agar, Adyar, Chennai – 600020, Tamil Nadu. 957. Makkal Marumalarchi Munnetra Kazhagam No. 13A, 1 st Floor, Thiyagarajan Nagar, Kodungaiyur, Chennai - 600118, Tamil Nadu. 958. Makkal Nalaurimaik Kazhagam (People’s Liberal Party) 629, Anna Salai, Chennai-600006 (Tamil Nadu). 959. Makkal Sakthi Katchi New No. 41, Old No. 15,Bazaar Lane, 2nd Floor, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai –600015, Tamil Nadu. 960. Makkal Tamil Desam 14, Hanumantha Road, Balaji Naga r, Royapettah, Chennai-600014, Tamil Nadu. 961. Makkal Vilipunarvu Eyakkam Seeranampalayam, Palakka rai-638057, Thudupathi (via) Perundurai Taluk, Erode District, Tamil Nadu. 962. Mana Party 5-4-719, Kattelamandi, Nampally,Hyderaba d- 500 001, Andhra Pradesh. 963. Manav Adhikar Raksha Party 36 Daryasthan Street, Gr ound Floor, Office No.3, Katawala Bldg. (Gopmani Chambers), Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400003. 964. Manav Ekta Party Dadusingh Colony, Plot No. 53, Sir pur,District – Dhule,MAHARASTRA. 965. Manav Jagriti Manch 552, Bank Colony, Devli Village ,New Delhi – 110062. 966. Manav Kalyan Manch Sa. 6/186, M.X. – 1. Aktha, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 967. Manav Kalyan Sangh Dal Gadi Sthan-Mehtwara, Tahsil Astha, District Sehore (Madhya Pradesh). 56 968. Manav Mukti Morcha Hameedganj Ward No. – 13,Ahead t he Patthar Mill,PO. Medini Nagar – 822 101,Distt. Palamu (Jharkhand). 969. Manav Samaj Party 9538, Gausala Baradari, Kishangan j, Delhi- 110006. 970. Manav Sewa Party C-6/28, Safdarjung Development Are a, New Delhi-110016. 971. Manava Party G-23, Eureka Towers,Kittur, Chennamma Circle, Hubli-580029 (Karnataka). 972. Manavadhikar Janshakti Party J-6/7-B-D, Near Police Station,Jaitpura, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221001 973. Manavtawadi Kranti Dal Manav Bhawan, Kullikhera, Ah mamau, Post – Arjunganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 974. Manavtawadi Samaj Party 638/307, Village – Jarahra, Indira Nagar,Lucknow - 05, Uttar Pradesh. 975. Manipur Democratic People`s Front Lairik Yengbam Le ikai(South),Opposite-33KV Electric Sub-Station,Near K.M. Tower, Tirupati Lane,Imphal East - 795010Manipur. 976. Manipur People’s Party People’s Road, Imphal 795001 (Manipur) 977. Manipur People’s Party (Democratic) Qtr. No.1, Type -IV, Babupara, Imphal-795001 (Manipur). 978. Manitha Urimaigal Kalaagam 14/41, Goods Shed Street , Madurai-625001 Tamil Nadu. 979. Manithaneya Makkal Katchi 3rd Floor, No. 6, Vada Ma raicoir Street,Chennai- 600001,Tamil Nadu. 980. Manuvadi Party 201, Birhana Pandeyganj, Subhash Mar g, Lucnow-226004, Uttar Pradesh. 981. Manvadhikar National Party 12, 2nd Floor,Swagat Com plex, Rambaug Road. Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 382443 982. Maraland Democratic Front Saiha-796901, Chhimtuipui District (Mizoram). 983. Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam `THAYAGAM’ No. 141, Rukmani Lakshmi Pathi Salai, Egmore, Chennai-600008 (Tamil Nadu). 984. Marumalarchi Thamizhakam 1/19, Onangudi (P.O.) Arim alam (Via) Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu. 985. Marxist Communist Party of India (United) Saidpur, Patna-800004 (Bihar). 986. Marxist Co-ordination 115 MLA Flat, Bir Chand Patel Path, Patna- 800004 (Bihar). 987. Marxwadi Janata Party 33, Kundan Pura, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh - 251002. 988. Maryadi Dal Gram Chhoukarwada, Tehsil – Vair, Distr ict – Bharatpur, Rajasthan. 989. Matra Bhakta Party Raghunath Farm, Village + Post – Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana. 990. Matra Bhoomi Vikas Party C/o Shri Kashi Nath Tripat hi,Aspathal Road Mau Chibee, Bandha-210209 (Uttar Pradesh). 57 991. Megh Desham Party Meghvansh Bhawan, E-70B, Bajrang Vihar Tirtiya, Harmada Ghati, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 992. Meghalaya Democratic Party Mission Compound, Mawkha r,Shillong-793001, Meghalaya. 993. Mera Gaon Mera Desh Party H. No. 142, Village – Isl ampur, P.O. – South City – II, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122018 994. Meydhaa Party 13E/10A, Rajeev Nagar (Suturkhana), P .O. Teliarganj, District-Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 995. MGR Thonderkal Katchi No.18/33A, Vattavilai, Kappiy arai Post, Kanyakumari District- 629156, Tamil Nadu. 996. Ministerial System Abolition Party 25, Burtolla Str eet, Kolkata. 997. Minorities Democratic Party 13, Hydry Road Complex, Mominpura, Nagpur- 440018,(Maharasthra). 998. Mithilanchal Vikas Morcha Mahuar, Gaura Bauram, Post – Aasi, District - Darbhanga, Bihar – 847203. 999. Mithilanchal Mukti Morcha Supoul Bazaar, College Road, Vandevi Nagar, Biroul, Darbhanga, Bihar – 847203. 1000. Mizoram Congress Party Headquarters: Aizawal, Mizor am – 796 001. 1001. Moderate Party Village – Khakhari (Maghara Chauraha P.O. Balepur Kalan, District – Devariya, Uttar Pradesh. 1002. Momin Conference 47/26, Waris Plaza, Hussain Ganj, Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh. 1003. Mool Bharati (S) Party House No. 25, Near Khooni Ma sit Moga Mehla Singh Moga- 142001 Distt. Faridkot (Punjab). 1004. Moolniwasi Samaj Party Village – Maghaipur, Post – Maharajganj, Janpad – Ajamgarh - 276137Uttar Pradesh. 1005. Moovendar Munnetra Kazhagam Lake Area, Melur Road,M adhurai-625 107 (Tamil Nadu). 1006. Most Backward Classes of India Paraspur-Kudwar, Sul tanpur-228155,Uttar Pradesh. 1007. Moulik Adhikar Party Biroli-Motinagar, Faizabad, Ut tar Pradesh- 224201. 1008. Mudiraj Rashtriya Samithi Mudiraj Bhavanam, H. No.6 -7-537/1, New Boignda, Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh). 1009. Mukt Bharat Flat No. 1451, Sector- A, Pocket- B & C , Vansant Kunj, New Delhi- 110070. 1010. Musalsal Iman Samaj Party 261, Chakki Wali Gali, Ra ilway Road, Bazaria, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1011. Muslim Majlis Uttar Pradesh Sultan Manzil, Takia Pe er Jaleel, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 58 1012. Naam Tamilar Katchi Door No. 7, Plot No. 8, Hospital Road, Senthil Nagar, Cinna Porur, Chennai – 600 116 Tamil Nadu . 1013. Naari Shakti Party C/11, Sunderdham, Rambauglane,Of f. S.V. Road, Borivali (W),Mumbai-400 092 (Maharashtra). 1014. Nag Vidarbha Andolan Samiti Pardesi Telepura, Bajee riya, Near Shukla Lodge, Nagpur-440018 (Maharashtra ). 1015. Naga National Party Hd.Qtrs. Aja Daily Office, Chur ch Road, Dewlahland, Imphal, Manipur. 1016. Nagaland Democratic Party Post Box No. 95, Dimapur, Nagaland, Pin- 797112. 1017. Nagrik Chetna Party Sarvodaya Nagar, Teachers Colon y,Pilakhua, Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1018. Nagrik Ekta Dal B-15, Deen Dyal Nagar, Phase-II, M. D.A. Muradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh. 1019. Nagrik Ekta Party 19/1168, Indira Nagar,Lucknow,UTT AR PRADESH. 1020. Naitik Party 314, City Center, Near Press Club,Hazr atganj, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. 1021. Naki Bharatiya Ekta Party, Ward No. 1, Mohalla- Har ijan Wala,Kithore, Meerut,UTTAR PRADESH 1022. Namadhu Dravida Iyakkam SCC Anthony Pillai Illam, New No.41, Old No.18, 7th Cross Street, Shenoy Nagar West, Chennai – 600030, Tamil Nadu. 1023. Namadhu Makkal Katchi No.3, Pillayar Kail Street, K asba, Vellore- 632001, Tamil Nadu. 1024. Narayani Sena Niwas-Gram, Post-Malipur, Zila-Ambedk ar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1025. National Aman Party Moh. Punjabiyan, Nagina, District – Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh – 246762 1026. National Apni Party D-1, 242/9, Main Circular Road, Sonia Vihar, Delhi-110094. 1027. National Backward (Mool), Dalit, Minorities Kranti Dal, 1st E-17, Jai Narayan Vyas Colony, Bikaner, Rajasthan – 334003. 1028. National Black Panther Party Shop No. 1, Hill Park, Tirupati Apt., Kokanipada, Kurar Village, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400097. 1029. National Citizens Party Flat no. 202, Sri Rama Niva s,Behind Maruti Towers, Kuakatpally,Hyderabad-500 072,Andhra Pradesh. 1030. National Confederacy of India 63, Southern Avenue, Flat No. – 9, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700029. 1031. National Congress Of Youth Post Box No. 6204, 2A/37 -38 Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015. 59 1032. National Democratic Party Central Office-Changanach erry-2, Kottayam District (Kerala). 1033. National Democratic Peoples Front C-4D, 42 B, Janak puri, New Delhi. 1034. National Development Party House No. A-8-2, Multani Colony,Bidar – 585 401, Karnataka. 1035. National Federal Party House No. 80/3A, Ground Floo r, Basant Village (Basant Gaon), Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057. 1036. National Future Party Deoria House, Behind GPO, Purani Mandi, Ajmer, Rajasthan. 1037. National Janhit Congress (AB) 043A/5 Piarey Lal Building, Near Government College, Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon, Haryana. 1038. National Jankranti Dal K-316, Near Bus Terminal,Op posite Qutub Minar, M.B. Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi – 110030. 1039. National Jansatta Party Tejaji Chenchya Wali Dhani, Post – Khori, Tehsil – Shahpura, District – Jaipur-303103 Rajasthan. 1040. National Janta Party (Indian) Plot No. 385, Khata No. 105, Village – Mohammadpur Hari, P.O. & P.S. – Bhagwanpur, District – Vaishali, Bihar – 844114. 1041. National Lokhind Party C-1375, Rajajipuram, Lucknow -226017, Uttar Pradesh. 1042. National Lokmat Party 88/336, Chamanganj, Kanpur, U ttar Pradesh. 1043. National Loktantrik Party 46, Gulista Colony, Lucknow-226001(Uttar Pradesh). 1044. National Minorities Party 7A-Junction S.V. Road and Bandra Railway Station Road, Opp. Lucky Hotel, Bandra (W),Mumbai-400050 (Maharashtra). 1045. National Organisation Congress No.1, Jeevananandam, Salia, K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600078(Tamil Nadu). 1046. National Party Rudain Badayun-202 524 (Uttar Prades h). 1047. National Peace Party Secular Village – Rasoolpur Biur, Post-Awadhan, Tehsil – Chaayal, District – Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh - 212218. 1048. National Progressive Party Plot No. 157, Block-B-3, Sultan Puri Colony, New Delhi-110086 . 1049. National Republican Party T-42/6. Old Barracks, Cha mber Camp, Mumbai –400074 (Maharashtra). 1050. National Sarvasamaj Party H. No. 66,Khasra No. 1995, Iqbal Colony, Near of Sana Masjid, Village – Pasaunda, Pargna – Loni, Tehsil & District – Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201001 60 1051. National Secular Conference MISFA, Koduvally (P.O.), Kozhikode DT., Kerala - 673572. 1052. National Secular Party C-20/B, 1st Floor, Green Par k Extention,New Delhi-110 016. 1053. National Students Party 16/2, Karaneeshwarar Pagoda Street, Mylapore, Chennai-600004 (Tamil Nadu). 1054. National Target Party No. 158/A, Tehkhand, Okhla Ph ase-I, New Delhi- 110020. 1055. National Tiger Party Central Head Office- Sarojnaga r, Post office- Kalgiganj, Vai/Thana- Kahalgaon, District- Bhagalpur- Bihar- 813203 . 1056. National Unionist Zamindara Party 129, New Dhaan Mandi, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan-335001. 1057. National Vikas Party (India) B-40/A-11, Ganapati, P aradise Central Spine, Vidhya Dhar Nagar,Jaipur-302023,Rajasthan. 1058. National Welfare Party 28/18, Anna Street, Sengutta i, Katpadi, Vellore- 632 007Vellore District,Tamil Nadu. 1059. National World Life Panchatatva Party Patidar Colon y, Bhelkheri Road, Shujalpur Mandi, District – Shajapur, Madhya Pradesh 1060. National Youth Party Flat No. A-202, Yuro Apartment , Sector – 5, Rajendra Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 1061. Nationalist Charity Congress Bishop House, Gabriel Compound, Panavilai Thuckaley-629175, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. 1062. Nationalist Party of India 5A, Beli Road, Allahabad -211002.(Uttar Pradesh). 1063. Nationalist People’s Front S-8, Divya Mall, Tonk Ro ad, Lal Kothi, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 1064. Nationalistic Telangana Rashtra Samithi 23-6-431/1 , Gowlipura,Hyderabad – 500265, Andhra Pradesh. 1065. Native People’s Party H.O. Gote Nivas, Tisgaon Road , Kalyan (East)- 421306. (Maharashtra). 1066. Nav Bharat Democratic Party Chherawal and Associate s, F6/35, United Apartments, East Street, Pune- 411001, (Maharashtra). 1067. Nav Jankranti Party B – 11/42, Ahata Rohila, Gauriganj, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh – 221001 1068. Nav Maharashtra Vikas Party C-6, Bhaskar Darshan, A runoday Nagar, Mulund East, Mumbai-400081, (Maharashtra). 1069. Nav Samaj Dal 102-C, Gaytri Nagar,Allahabad-211004U ttar Pradesh. 1070. Nav Yuvak Dal Village - Tikra, Post – Ghunghter, Tehsil – Fatehpur, District - Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh – 225302 61 1071. Nava Bharat National Party Survey No.627, Bhairava Gutta, Ravalkole Village, Medchal Mandal, Ranga Reddy District. Andhra Pradesh. 1072. Nava Nirmana Nagarika Samithi 6/7/8, Shankarmutt Ro ad, Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560004 (Karnataka). 1073. Nava Telangana Party House No. 8-2-598/B, Road No.8 ,Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034. 1074. Navataram Party D.No. 26-37, Subbaiah Thota, Chilakaluripet, District – Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522616 1075. Navbahujan Samajparivartan Party 185, Sahyadrinagar , G – Ward, AT/Post – Lonavla, Tehsil – Maval, District – Pune, Maharashtra – 410401. 1076. Navbharat Nirman Party 30, DSIDC Complex, Mata Sund ri Road, New Delhi-110 002. 1077. Navin Bharat Nirman Manch Pipalawali Khadki, At. & Po. Kasor- 388205, Ta. & District Anand, Gujarat. 1078. Navjawan Sangharsh Morcha D/711, Township, Bhavnath pur, Garhwa, Jharkhand-822112. 1079. Navodyam Party D.No. 4-96/2, Near Rama Mandir, Nall akavari Street, Etukuru Village, Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh. 1080. Navyug Party 1-Ground Floor, Begumpur, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi – 110017. 1081. Naya Daur Party A-406, Defence Colony,New Delhi-110 024. 1082. Nehru Janhit Congress Sainipura Mohalla, Badshahpur,Tehsil & Distt. – Gurgaon,Haryana. 1083. Nelopa (United) B.D.O. Building, Durga Devi Marg,Sh eesh Mehal, Hussenabad Chowk,Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1084. Nesavaalar Munnetra Kattchi No. 34, Koladi Road, Th iruverkadu (P.O.), Chennai (Tamil Nadu). 1085. Netaji Congress Sena Ranga Building, S. No. 123, Ka traj P.O., Pune – 411 046, (Maharashtra). 1086. Netaji Subhash Chander Bose Rashtriya Azad Party, Mohalla – Gayatri Nagar,City & Post – Banda,Distt. - ShahjahanpurUttar Pradesh – 242402. 1087. Netaji Subhash Party Shajanwa, Distt. Gorakhpur (Ut tar Pradesh). 1088. New All India Congress Party A-138, Main Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi – 110092. 1089. New Democratic Party Mann Homeopathic Medical Centr e,Near Mahavir Chowk, D.C. Kothi Road,Sangrur- 148001Punjab. 62 1090. New Democratic Party of India 2nd Floor, 9A/83, W.E .A., Karol Bagh,NEW DELHI-110005. 1091. New India National Movement 2, Bigcity House, Behin d Maszid, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001. 1092. New India Party H. No. 20-3-314, Vidyanagar Godava rikhani,- 505209, Distt. Karimnagar(Andhra Pradesh). 1093. New Life People’s Party No.15/16, ‘Judie Flats’, No. 13, Rosary Church Road, Santhome, Chennai-600004, Tamil Nadu. 1094. New Socialist Movement 104, Maharana Pratap Complex Opp. Ellisbridge, P.O. – Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006. Gujarat. 1095. News Congress Baimahal, 2nd Floor, Wadia Street, Ta rdeo, Mumbai – 400 034, Maharashtra. 1096. Nidaya Malik (N) Party 242, Civil Lines, Gaunda, Di stt. Gaunda-271001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1097. Nirdhan Samaj Party of India 11A, Rajiv Vihar, Near Bandi Baba Mandir, Machhariya, Naubasta, Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 208011 1098. Nirjatita Samaj Biplabi Party Village –Durgapur P.O . Haritala (Bagula), Distt. Nadia, West Bengal, Pin 741502 1099. Nirmal India Party SA 6/8 H-15, Satsang Nagar, Ben ipur, Pahadia, Varanasi-221007, Uttar Pradesh. 1100. Nissabada Bhooripaksham 113, Pattukal Shopping Comp lex, IInd Floor, East Fort, Trivendrum Fort, P.O. Trivendrum, Kerala. 1101. Niswarth Sewa Party Ved Ayurvedic Store, Near Bus Stand,Mahendregarh, Haryana. 1102. Noorie Party 102, Kadodra – Bardoli Road, Surat, Gujarat. 1103. North East Social Democratic Party Mawlai Mawdatbaki, Dong Nongpathaw,Shillong-793008, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya. 1104. NTR Telugu Desam Party (Lakshmi Parvathi) Road No. 13, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad-500034 (Andhra Pradesh). 1105. Nyaynishth Prajatantra Central Head Quarter and P.O . - Dewar (Gopeshwar)-246401, District Chamoli, Uttranchal. 1106. Odisha Jan Morcha Plot No.17, Village Nakhaur, PO Gopinathpur, District – Khurda, Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. 1107. Ojaswi Party Flat No. 38, Plot No. 36,Ajanta Apartment,Patparganj, Delhi-110092. 1108. Orissa Communist Party MLA Colony, Unit-4, Bhubanes war (Orissa). 1109. Orissa Congress Q.No.D.S. 1/19, MLA Colony, Unit-4, Bhubaneshwar –750001 (Orissa). 1110. Orissa Gana Parishad A/52, Kharvela Nagar, Unit-III , Bhubaneswar- 751001. 63 1111. Orissa Mukti Morcha 15, Bhouma Nagar, Unit-IV, Bhub aneswar-751 001, Orissa. 1112. Orissa Socialist Party Municipal Compound, Choudhur y Bazar, Cuttack-753009 (Orissa). 1113. Pachai Kudi Makkal Katchi No.7, Kamarajar Street, P allikkaranai, Chennai- 601302 (Tamil Nadu). 1114. Pahachan Mangalkari Party L-II-56, Madangir, Delhi- 110 062. 1115. Panchal Morcha 137 B-1, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi-110 049. 1116. Panchayat Raj Party 106, Pocket A-3, Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi – 110034. 1117. Panthers Republican Party ‘Anandvan’, Mahatma Phule Nagar, Peer Bazar, Osmanpura, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431005 1118. Param Digvijay Dal H. No. 7/297/7, Vikas Nagar, Sector – 7, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 1119. Parcham Party of India 1-Rahmat Bano Market, Medica l College Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh-202002, Uttar Pradesh. 1120. Parivartan Samaj Party Gande Wali Sarak, Laskar, Gw alior-474001, Madhya Pradesh. 1121. Party for Democratic Socialism 183, Jodhpur Park, K olkata-700068, West Bengal. 1122. Party Kisan Mazdoor Vyapari Railway Road, Hathras J unction, Mahatma Prakritic Chikitsalya, Nangla Hira, Hathras Junction,Mahamaya Nagar, Hathras, (Uttar Pradesh). 1123. Parvatiya Punrutthaan Parishad 64, 1st Floor, Adhch ini, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016. 1124. Paschim Banga Rajya Muslim League 129, Collin Stree t, Kolkata-700016 (West Bengal). 1125. Paschimanchal Vikas Party Qr. No. 10 E, In front of St. Joseph School, At. Sakhipara, Distt. – Sambalpur,Orissa- 768001. 1126. Paschimbanga Ganatantrik Mancha Flat No.56, Block-H , C.I.T. Building, Christopher Road, Kolkata-700014 (West Bengal). 1127. Paschimi Prajatantra Morcha 386, Shahnatthan, Meer ut, Uttar Pradesh 1128. Paschimi Uttar Pradesh Swaraja Party Sardhana Road, Kankar Khara, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). 1129. Patriot 28-Appavu Street, Cuddalore Port, Pin-607003, Tamil Nadu. 1130. Patriotic Party of India 4/28, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226010, Uttar Pradesh. 1131. Pavitra Hindustan Kaazhagam 11, Harish Chandra Math ur Lane, New Delhi- 110001. 1132. Peace Party Johra Complex, Barhalganj,PO- Barhalgan j, Zila – Gorakhpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1133. Peasants And Workers Party of India Hari Kharude Ni was,Mahatma Phule Road, Naigaon, Dadar, Mumbai (Maharashtra). 1134. Pedala Party D.No. 18-131(A), Village - Katurivaripalem, Mandal – Podili, District – Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh – 523240. 64 1135. Pedarikam Nirumulana Party D No. 66-1-3/A.S. Atchuthapuram, Kakinada-533004, East Godavari District Andhra Pradesh. 1136. People’s Democratic Front H.Q. Guwahati, H.O. Udal giri, Distt. Darrang, Bodoland (Assam). 1137. People’s Justice Party ‘KAAR ARUL’, A-87, Kandasamy Salai, 8th Street, Periyar Nagar, Chennai-600028 (Tamil Nadu). 1138. People’s Party of India (Secular) Duplex-38, Sailes hree Vihar,Chandershekharpur, Bhubaneshwar- 751021, Orissa. 1139. People’s Party of Punjab 7112, Ward No.2, Malout Ro ad,Gidderbaha (Mukatsar),Punjab-152101. 1140. People's Democratic Conference of India Bankra, Pos t Office – Birati,Kolkata – 700051, West Bengal. 1141. People's Democratic Forum C-177, Sector’J’, Aligan j, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1142. Peoples Democratic League of India Building No. 25, Flat No.8, Chitnavisnagar Layout, Byramji Town, Near Mental Hospital, Nagpur-13 (Maharashtra). 1143. People's Democratic Movement Mawlai Nongkwar,Shillo ng-793 008 (Meghalaya). 1144. Peoples Democratic Party MASS Building Ernakulam No rth,P.O. Cochin- 18 (Kerala). 1145. Peoples Green Party 19C/1, Jeevan Jyoti Appartments , Ward No. 1, Mehrauli,New Delhi-110030. 1146. Peoples Guardian D-302, Blue Hills, Nagar Road,Pune (Maharashtra) – 411 006. 1147. Peoples Movement of India 9/215/22, Yojna – 3, Sect or –9,Aavas Vikas Colony, Jhoonsi, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh – 211 019. 1148. Peoples Power Party P.B.No.16, Shivaji Nagar Post O ffice, Mumbai- 400043, Maharashtra. 1149. Peoples Republican Party Saptahik Jaibheem, Opp. An and Talkies, Sitabadi, Nagpur-440012 (Maharashtra). 1150. Perunthalaivar Makkal Katchi ‘NRD Towers’, First Avenue , Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600 083 Tamil Nadu. 1151. Phule Bharti Lok Party Main Gurudwara Road, Baba Ba kala, Distt.- Amritsar, Punjab-143201. 1152. Pichhra Samaj Party Mohalla Jati, Nagina, District- Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. 1153. Plains Tribals Council of Assam P.O. & T.O. Kokaraj har, Distt. Kokrajhar (Assam). 1154. Political Essential & Accurate Council of Experts Party Door No. 24-21, Vyshya Street, 5 Roads Junction, American Hospital Road, Narsipatnam, Vizag District, Andhra Pradesh – 531116. 1155. Political Party of National Management Service C-546, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024. 65 1156. Pondicherry Mannila Makkal Munnani 17 Kumran Street , Kamarajar Nagar Pondicherry-605001. 1157. Poorvanchal Rashtriya Congress Plot No. 157-158, Po cket E-20, Sector-3, 1 st Floor, Rohini, Delhi-110085. 1158. Prabuddha Bharat Party 7A, Hospital Street, 1st Fl oor,Kolkata – 700072, West Bengal. 1159. Prabuddha Republican Party MD-26-17/6, SRTRMCH Chan ai Road, Ambajogai, District Beed-431517, Maharashtra. 1160. Pragatisheel Magahi Samaj H.No.605/334, Ward No. 44 , Mohalla – Madaanpur(Akshayvat), Thana – Civil Lines, Distt. – Gaya, Bihar. 1161. Pragatisheel Manav Samaj Party Village Wari (Naipu rva) Post Dashrathpur- 221304, Distt. Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh). 1162. Pragatisheel Party 111, Badshah Nagar, Lucknow-2260 07(Uttar Pradesh). 1163. Pragatisheel Samaj Party 58/12/1D, Newada, Circular Road, Rajapur, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1164. Praja Bharath Party Plot No. 106, Block`A’, Archana Appartments, East Marredpally, Secunderabad-500026 (Andhra Pradesh) 1165. Praja Chaithanya Party 1-7-578/31/2, Gemini Colony,Musheerabad,Hyderabad,Aandhra Pradesh. 1166. Praja Party 3-5-898/1, Himayatnagar, Hyderbad-50002 9 (Andhra Pradesh). 1167. Praja Raj Party 287/264/1, Meerut Bulandshahar Road, Hapur –245101, Uttar Pradesh. 1168. Praja Satta Party 1-91/24, Raghavendra Nagar, Parvathapur(V), GP – Ghatkesar Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh – 500098. 1169. Praja Shanthi Party 382, Aparijitha Colony,Ameerpet , Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1170. Prajasattak Bharat Paksha At. Shileshwar, Post – Bhadas, Tal. Mulshi, District – Pune-412108 Maharashtra . 1171. Prajashakti Party Samdarshi Shri Ram Sadan – 40, Saraipitthu Aanshik, Nayagaon (Kesharua), Sitapur Raod, Hargaon, Janpad – Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. 1172. Prajatantra Aadhar Party 46, Purani Fauzdar Ki Chal i,Memco Char Raste Ke Pass, Naroda Road,Ahmedbad-382345, Gujarat. 1173. Prajatantra Congress Party Station Chowk, Opposite Main Post Office, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh 1174. Prajatantrik Bahujan Shakti Dal T-1, Shriram House, 117 H-2/52, Pandunagar,Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 66 1175. Prajatantrik Lok Ekta Dal 3, Koutilya Marg, Patna – 800 001, Bihar. 1176. Prajatantrik Samadhan Party Village- Hakimabad, Teh sil- Aasta,Distt.- Sihore, Madhya Pradesh. 1177. Prajatantrik Samajvadi Party C-17, Yadav Nagar, Village – Samaypur, Delhi-110042. 1178. Prem Janata Dal H. No. 1-4-524/A/7/1, Bholakpur, Near Badi Masjid, Musheerabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1179. PRISM Top Floor, 4-CHHA-30, Vigyan Nagar, Kota- 324005 (Rajasthan). 1180. Prithak Bastar Rajya Party 8, Senior H.I.G., Sector -3, Shankar Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 1181. Progressive Democratic Party Village and Post- Surj awali(Salempur),District- Bulandshahar-203001,Uttar Pradesh. 1182. Progressive Party B Block, Gali No.5, Shani Bazaar Road, Amrit Vihar, Burari, Delhi – 110084. 1183. Progressive People’s Party House No. -975,976, Shya m Colony,Budh Vihar Phase-II,Near Krishna Mandir,P.S. – Vijay ViharDELHI- 110086. 1184. Proutist Bloc, India House No. E- 2/39, 5 th Pustha, Sonia Vihar, Delhi- 110094 1185. Proutist Sarva Samaj Sewa Niketan Compound,Agra Roa d, Etah, Uttar Pradesh. 1186. Public Development Party Murlipur Shekh Salah Takiya, Chinhat, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1187. Public Party Iqbal Mahal, 234-A, Atala,Allahabad- 211003,Uttar Pradesh. 1188. Public Political Party 14A/57, First Floor, WEA, Ka rol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005. 1189. Puducherry Padaippali Makkal Katchi No. 4, First St reet,Thendral Nagar,Puducherry - 605013. 1190. Punjab Janata Morcha Panj Pir, Jalandhar City -1440 01 (Punjab). 1191. Punjab Labour Party Village and Post Office Adhniya n,Tehsil – Malot, Distt. – Muktsar, Punjab 1192. Punjab People’s Party 14, Sector 28, Arun Vihar, No ida-201303 (Uttar Pradesh). 1193. Punjab Pradesh Vikas Party H.O. HIG-970, PHB Colony , Urban Estate, Focal Point, Ludhiana (Punjab). 1194. Punjab Vikas Congress Party Panj Peer Chowk, Jaland har, Punjab. 1195. Punjabi Dal H.No. BV/30A, Ramgarhia, Gurdwara Road, Barnala-148101. Distt. Sangrur (Punjab). 1196. Puratchi Bharatham No. 54, National Highways, Poona malla, Chennai-56, Tamil Nadu. 1197. Puratchikara Thozhilalar Katchi No. 3, Karikalan Ea st, First Street, (Opp.S.P.Hospital, Anjappar Hotel), Adambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600088 1198. Purvanchal Gan Parishad House No. 34, Pocket-28, Se ctor-24, Rohini, Delhi-110085. 67 1199. Purvanchal Janata Dal Village and Post Office – Janadi, District – Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. 1200. Purvanchal Janshakti Party ShreeVishveshwar Ashram Satuabhar,Post – Bihari Bujurg, Khajni, Gorakhpur-273 212, Uttar Pradesh. 1201. Purvanchal Mahapanchayat No. 601 D, Shipra Sun City , Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1202. Purvanchal Rajya Banao Dal 374, Bakshipur, (Near th e North of Power House),Distt.-Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1203. Purvanchal Vikas Party L-131, Street No.5, Mahipal Pur Extn., New Delhi-110037. 1204. Puthiya Needhi Katchi 6, North Boag Road, T-Nagar, Chennai-600017, Tamil Nadu. 1205. Puthiya Tamilagam 132, New MLAs Hostel, Govt. Estat e, Chennai- 600002 (Tamil Nadu). 1206. Pyramid Party of India 2-1-83, Kola Street, Tirupat i-517 501,(Andhra Pradesh). 1207. Qaumi Ekta Dal H. No. - 228, Moh. Astupura, Teh. - Sadar,District - Mau,Uttar Pradesh. 1208. Quami Janta Dal 9-B, Triloknath Road, Lal Bagh, Luc know (Uttar Pradesh). 1209. Quami Party 930, Street No.30/7, Jafrabad, Delhi – 110053. 1210. Rahbar Party Ward No. 2, Mohalla - Kachchi Masjid, Raysen,Tehsil & Distt. Raysen- 464551,MADHYA PRADESH. 1211. Rajasthan Dev Sena Dal Opposite to Bus Stand,Dhamai Haveli, Dudu, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 1212. Rajasthan Jan Satta Gramin Kanya Chhatrawas, Near W ater Works, Sadulpur, Churu-331023, Rajasthan. 1213. Rajasthan Samajik Nyaya Manch 5/8, Vidhayak Nagar ( West), Opposite New Vidhan Sabha, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 1214. Rajasthan Veer Sena 1-8-17 (SFS), Dr. Sheela Chowdh ary Road, Talwandi, Kota-324005 (Rajasthan). 1215. Rajasthan Vikas Party 43, Chand Bihari Nagar, Khati pura Road,Jaipur- 302012. (Rajasthan). 1216. Rajdal Haryana D/S 45, Brass Market, Bawal Road, Re wari- 123401, Haryana. 1217. Rajiv Makkal Congress No.16 (Old No.18), Viswanatha puram, III Street, Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024, Tamil Nadu. 1218. Rajlok Party B-123, Street No.8, Kamal Vihar, Burar i, Delhi – 10084. 1219. Rajnaitik Vikalp Party 204 – Shahi Bhawan, Dak Banglow, Patna – 800001 Bihar. 1220. Rajya Nojawan Shakti Party Near Gandhinagar Police Station,Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. 1221. Rajyadhikara Party H.No.10-4-A/390, Addagutta, East Marredpally, Secundarabad-17, Andhra Pradesh. 1222. Rakshaka Sena No. 604, Vayunanda Layout, Hebbal, Kempapura, Banglore-560024. 1223. Ramrajya Marg No.17, Venus Colony, Second Street Al warpet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 1224. Rani Chennamma Party Vakkalageri Dyamavvankatti, Ga dag – 582 101, Karnataka. 68 1225. Rashtra Bhakt Dal Baba Bajrang Das Ji Ki Bagichi,Kh atipura Road, Jhotwada,Jaipur – 302 012, Rajasthan. 1226. Rashtra Hith Party 706/707, M.K. Heights CHS,‘B’ Wi ng, C.T.S. No. 621, Opp. ‘L’ Ward Office,S.G. Barve Marg, Kurla (W),Mumbai-400 070Maharashtra. 1227. Rashtra Nirman Party D-25, Defence Colony, New Delh i-110024. 1228. Rashtra Sewa Dal 85/40, Officer Flat, Beli Road, Patna – 800001, Bihar. 1229. Rashtra Shakti 1112, S/5 Tegore Garden, Near Bus St and, Yamuna Nagar-135001, District – Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. 1230. Rashtra Suraksha Parishad Kothi No.A-2/79, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi- 110063. 1231. Rashtra Vikas Zumbes Party 2nd Floor, Apollo Enclav e, Opp. Jain Derasar, Modhera Cross Road, Mehesana, Gujarat – 384002 1232. Rashtrasamarpit Jansamooh H-101, Ground Floor, Cha ndu Park, Krishna Naga, New Delhi- 110051 1233. Rashtravadi Bahujan Kranti Party Mohalla – Chiranji lal, Town – Afzalgarh, Tehsil – Dhampur, District – Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh – 246722. 1234. Rashtravadi Communist party Begaria Ka Khera,P.O. B rawan Kalan, Kakori,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1235. Rashtravadi Janata Party Anil Bharti Bhawan, 43-A, Sukhbir Nagar, Karala, New Delhi-110081. 1236. Rashtravadi Pratap Sena Village – Narayanpur Banska , P.O. – Dhaulana, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1237. Rashtravadi Vikas Dal A-37, Sector-26, Noida-201301 ,District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1238. Rashtrawadi Jantantrik Party Ambar Villa, 127/660, W-1,Saket Nagar,Kanpur-208014UTTAR PRADESH. 1239. Rashtrawadi Labour Party D-12/104, Sector-8, Rohini , Delhi – 110085 1240. Rashtrawadi Parivartan Party (L.B.) M.C. Unit No. 4 – 467, Noonsar Johad, Patram Gate, Bhiwani, District – Bhiwani, Haryana – 127021 1241. Rashtrawadi Samaj Party 16/17, Civil Lines, Near Pa damApartment, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1242. Rashtrawadi Samta Party 196/187 K, Village-Balipur Khurdwan,Tehsil- Gauriganj,Distt. Distt. Amethi, UTTAR PRADESH. 1243. Rashtrawadi Sena Main Shahdra Chowk, Delhi – 110032 1244. Rashtrawadi Swarn Ekta Party Plot No. 11, 2 nd Floor, Awadhpuri Khand – I, Market Khargapur, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 69 1245. Rashtriya Aadiwasi Bahujan Party Plot No.4, Pushpak Nagar,Junwani Road, Bhilai,Disst. Durg, Chhattisgarh-490020 1246. Rashtriya Aam Party Office no. 19A, 2nd Floor, Om Heera Panna Mall, New Link Road Oshiwara, Andheri (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400053 1247. Rashtriya Adarsh Party Pitthuwala Khurd, Chanderbani,Dehradun,Uttarakhand. 1248. Rashtriya Agraniye Dal Village – Khamona, Post – Re sipur,P.S. – Jansa, District – Varansi, Uttar Pradesh. 1249. Rashtriya Ahinsa Manch 132/1, Mahatama Gandhi Road, Kolkata – 700 007. 1250. Rashtriya Aikta Manch Party D-91, Kunwar Singh Naga r, Nangloi, Delhi- 110041. 1251. Rashtriya Aman Sena Aman House, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar ,Road No. 9, Shiwaji Nagar No. 2,Govandi, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400043. 1252. Rashtriya Ambedkar Dal Ambedkar Bhawan,Budh Vihar, Bhim Nagar,Central Jail Road,Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh. 1253. Rashtriya Antyodaya Congress SS-III / 800, Sector – 1, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400709. 1254. Rashtriya Apna Dal House No. 232/81/4D, Tilak Nagar , Allapur, Allahabad,UTTAR PRADESH 1255. Rashtriya Arya Raj Sabha 769/2, Vijay Park, Jhang C olony,Rohtak- 124001.Haryana. 1256. Rashtriya Awami Dal 152, Kazi Tola, Sailani Road,Ol d City, Bareli- 243005, Uttar Pradesh. 1257. Rashtriya Backward Party 1/44, Shanti Nagar,Etah-20 7001UTTAR PRADESH 1258. Rashtriya Bahujan Congress Party TA-137/3, Tughlaka bad Extension, New Delhi- 110019. 1259. Rashtriya Bahujan Ekta Party Alok Nagar, Air Force, Bareilly-243122 (Uttar Pradesh). 1260. Rashtriya Bahujan Hitay Party C-158, Captain Satish Marg, Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh, New Delhi-110034. 1261. Rashtriya Balmiki Sena Paksha Jagadguru Maharishi B almiki Swami Mandir Marg, C.M.E. Ram Nagar Bopkhel, Pune-411 031 (Maharashtra). 1262. Rashtriya Bandhutwa Party 554, Mamfordganj, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh. 1263. Rashtriya Bhagidari Samaj Party 86-B, DDA Flats,Mas jid Moth, Phase-II,Greater Kailash Part III,New Delhi-110 048. 1264. Rashtriya Bhrasthachar Virodhi Morcha Central Offic e: Shivaji Nagar, Abu Parbat, 307501, Distt. Sirohi (Rajasthan). 1265. Rashtriya Bujurg Shakti Party House No. – 144, Vill age – Mangawas, Post Office – Palra, Tehsil – Beri, District – Jhajjar, Haryana. 70 1266. Rashtriya Congress (Babu Jagjivanram) Ward No. 45, Mohalla – Baldevpuri, Janpad – Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1267. Rashtriya Congress (J.) Party Saindhri, Post-Hartha la,Via Pakvarh,Muradabad,Uttar Pradesh. 1268. Rashtriya Dehat Morcha Party 601, Rohit House, 3-To lstoy Marg, New Delhi- 110001. 1269. Rashtriya Deshaj Party Tungari Toli, Argora, St. Fr ancis School,Post - Harmu, Distt. Ranchi Jharkhand - 834012. 1270. Rashtriya Deshbhakt Party B-61, Shanker Garden, Vik as Puri,New Delhi- 110018. 1271. Rashtriya Dharmanirpeksha Nava Bharat Party 108, Sh ankar Shah Nagar,Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh). 1272. Rashtriya Ekta Party H.No. 83, Ground Floor, Gali No. 4, Near Chand Masjid, Jafarabad, Delhi – 110053. 1273. Rashtriya Ekta Vikas Party Near Noor Masjid, Madina Masjid Transformer Wali Gali, Ashok Vihar Ward No.42, Loni, Tehsil and District - Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1274. Rashtriya Garib Dal 110, Ram Nagar, Panipat, Haryan a. 1275. Rashtriya Garima Party B-14, Kasturba Nagar, Near Chetak Bridge, Bhopal-462001, (Madhya Pradesh). 1276. Rashtriya Gondvana Party Sarkhel House, Tiffra, Bil aspur – 495223, Chhattisgarh. 1277. Rashtriya Gram Vikas Party 62, Civil Lines, Roorkie , Janpad-Haridwar Uttarakhand 1278. Rashtriya Gramin Party Village Chakershanpur (Kemra la), P.O. Ghori Bachera (Dadri), District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1279. Rashtriya Gurujan Party Gurujan Vidyabhuvam, Doodh Sagar Marg, Rajkot – 3, Gujarat. 1280. Rashtriya Hamara Dal 22/191, Dholi Khar, Mantola,Ag ra (Uttar Pradesh). 1281. Rashtriya Hind Sena 158/1, Dev Nagar, District Firozabad - 283203, Uttar Pradesh. 1282. Rashtriya Hindu Sangathan 30, Jati Colony, Ram Bagh , Opposite Sainath Mandir, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 1283. Rashtriya Hindustan Sena, Karnataka Shiva Shakti, 1 41, Behind New Bus Stand, Vasvi Nagar, Hubli-580030, Karnataka. 1284. Rashtriya Hith Congress 712, G-Block, Military Road , Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005. 1285. Rashtriya Independent Morcha At: Mining Road, Keonjhar (In front of O.S.M.E. Ladies Hostal), P.O./Via.: Keonjhargarh District – Keonjhar-758001, Odisha. 1286. Rashtriya Indira Party Dattpura, Near Subzi Mandi, Morena, (Madhya Pradesh). 71 1287. Rashtriya Jagriti Party Rishabh Institute, Chiraitaad Pul, Chaudhry Petrol Pump, Kankarbagh, Patna, Bihar – 800020. 1288. Rashtriya Jan Kalyan Party G-290, Old Seema Puri, Delhi 110095. 1289. Rashtriya Jan Sahay Dal 112, New Connaught Place,De hradun, Uttaranchal. 1290. Rashtriya Jan Samanatavadi (Ambedkar) 71-B, Pocket A-3, Kalkaji Extension,New Delhi–110 019. 1291. Rashtriya Jan Sangam Sharma Kunj, Shivpuri, Bulands hahar (Uttar Pradesh). 1292. Rashtriya Jan Sansad Shakti Nagar, Old G.T.Road,Khu rja, Distt. – Bulandshahar-203131,UTTAR PRADESH. 1293. Rashtriya Jan Sewak Party Village : Nangla Jamalpur ,Post : Panchli Khurd, Baghpat Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. 1294. Rashtriya Janadhikar Party 61, Mangla Puri Phase-I, Palam, New Delhi- 110045. 1295. Rashtriya Janadhikar Suraksha Party Village: Krishn apur,Post: Dhopahat Krishnapur,Distt: 24 Parganas (South),West Bengal. 1296. Rashtriya Janandholan Paksha “Powrabhavan”, No.567( 38), 60 Ft. Road, Gokula Mathikere Layout, Bangalore-560054 (Karnataka). 1297. Rashtriya Janasachetan Party (R.J.P.) Sonarpur, Suk anta Nagar (Milanpally),(Near Shib Mandir)P.O. & P.S. Sonarpur, Kolkata- 700150. West Bengal. 1298. Rashtriya Janata Janardan Party Suraj Ka-Purva, Ata rrarural, P.O. Atarra, District Banda, Uttar Pradesh. 1299. Rashtriya Janhit Party Kothi No.75, Sector-17, Panc hkula-134 109 (Haryana). 1300. Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party 109-F, Najimpura, Bhoor, Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh - 203001. 1301. Rashtriya Jan-Jagram Morcha Raj Manzil, Ward No.12, Gopalganj, Post and District Gopalganj, Bihar. 1302. Rashtriya Jankranti Morcha Village- Babhne Alam Nag ar, P.O-Pratappur, District: Chatra, Jharkhand -825404 1303. Rashtriya Jankranti Party 5/24 H-10 (R) ITI Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh – 202001 1304. Rashtriya Janmat Party Village – Fatuha, Post – Hanumanganj, Distt. – Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1305. Rashtriya Janmorcha C-69/10, Gali No. 10, C- Block,Mustafabad,Delhi-110094. 1306. Rashtriya Janpriya Party H-II-76/D, LDA Colony,Kan pur Road.Lucknow-226012,UTTAR PRADESH. 72 1307. Rashtriya Janrakshak Party Village – Birjapur, Post – Aduki,Distt. MathuraUTTAR PRADESH 1308. Rashtriya Jansangh Old 20, New 35, Victoria Park, Sports Colony, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 1309. Rashtriya Jansevak Parishad Devkanya Sadan, Near Wa ter Tank, Tripolia Road, Banswara-327001 (Rajasthan). 1310. Rashtriya Janseva-Secular Party 428, Brahman Wara, Old Ward No. 23,Ballabhgarh-121004, Distt. - Faridabad,Haryana. 1311. Rashtriya Janshakti Party (Eklavya) Post and Villag e :- Binjhol, Tehsil and District :- Panipat, Haryana-132103. 1312. Rashtriya Janshanti Party 52/2, School Ward Chawk,B ehind G.G.I.C.,Pratapgarh-230001,Uttar Pradesh. 1313. Rashtriya Janta Congress A-4, Swaran Singh Road, Ad arsh Nagar, New Delhi-110033. 1314. Rashtriya Janta Party Near of Shiv Mandir Colony,Sa orkha Jahidabad, Sector – 115, Noida,Distt. - Gautambudhnagar,UTTAR PRADESH. 1315. Rashtriya Jantantra Paksh 24, Star Apartments, Vid ya Vihar Marg, Sector – IX, Rohini,Delhi – 110085 1316. Rashtriya Jantantrik Bharat Vikas Party Govind Chikitsalya, Parsiya Morh, Rasulpur, Rasraha, Balia, Uttar Pradesh. 1317. Rashtriya Jantantrik Dal Shukla Bhavan, Budhapara, Raipur-429 001, Chhattisgarh. 1318. Rashtriya Jantantrik Party (Secular) Flat No. 153-1 54, Vir Chand Patel Path,Patna- 800001 (Bihar). 1319. Rashtriya Janutthan Party A-655-56, Awas Vikas, Han spuram (Kainal Road), Naubesta, Kanpur Nagar – 208021, Uttar Pradesh. 1320. Rashtriya Janwadi Party (Krantikari) 9/168, Indira Nagar, Near Pani Tanki, Luknow- 226016. 1321. Rashtriya Jatigat Aarakshan Virodhi Party 788-E/24, In Front of Union Bank, Near of old Court, Rohtak Road, Sonepat-131001 Haryana. 1322. Rashtriya Kalyan Paksha 904, Atlanta Towers,Inquala b Society Gulbai Tekra,Ahmedabad-380006, Gujarat. 1323. Rashtriya Kamgar Party B.W – 97 D, Shalimar Bagh,De lhi – 110088 1324. Rashtriya Kamjor Varg Party Central Office: Post Office Building, Lal Bahadur Shastri Nagar, Post Office (Upper Floor) Patna-800023 (Bihar). 1325. Rashtriya Karmyog Party Village & P.O. – Sultanpur, Tehsil – Nilokheri, Distt. – Karnal, Haryana-132116. 73 1326. Rashtriya Kisan Congress Party H. No. 1-11-602, Ram amata Ambedkar Nagar, Near of Guru Govind Singh Ji Stadium, Tq. & Distt. Nanded, Maharashtra. 1327. Rashtriya Kisan Party Village & P.O. Dhanaundha, Te h. & Distt. Mahendragarh (Haryana). 1328. Rashtriya Kisan Vikas Party Village & Post – Parasi , Tehshil – Mangawan, District – Rewa, Madhya Pradesh – 486111. 1329. Rashtriya Komi Ekta Party Limda Lane, Makrani Pada, Jamnagar-361001, Gujarat. 1330. Rashtriya Kranti Party Lodhi Pragyapeeth, Lauh Puru sh Dr. Sakshi Nagar,Shikohabad Road, Etah, District: Etah – 207 001, Uttar Pradesh. 1331. Rashtriya Krantikari Dal Gopal Nagar, Main Surakhpu r Road, Najafgarh, New Delhi –110043. 1332. Rashtriya Krantikari Janata Party 407, Durga Chambe rs, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005. 1333. Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party House No. 65/2 5 K, Chhitwapur Road, Lalkaun, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1334. Rashtriya Lok Jagriti Party Near Bk. No. 27, Opp. B udh Vihar,Bhim Nagar, Ulhasnagar – 421 001,Distt. Thane, Maharashtra. 1335. Rashtriya Lok Nirman Party M-12, Mir Vihar,Madan Pu r DabasDELHI. 1336. Rashtriya Lok Seva Morcha 206, Lovekush Tower, Exhi bition Road, Patna- 800 001, Bihar. 1337. Rashtriya Lokhit Party A-40/35A, Amarpur Madiya, Va ranasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1338. Rashtriya Lokmanch 1303, Naurang House,B-Block,21-K asturba Gandhi Marg,NEW DELHI-110001. 1339. Rashtriya Lokshahi Party Survey No. 40/1, 40/2 & 40 /3, House No. 411 & 412, Village – Beed Budhruk, Taluka – Karjat, District - Raigad, Maharashtra. 1340. Rashtriya Lokshakti Party Arjun Nagar Colony, Gola Gokarnnath, Lakhimpur Kheeri, Uttar Pradesh - 262802 1341. Rashtriya Lokswaraj Party Padma Farm, Village – Chh apra Khera, Near Balaji Mandir, Phusgarh, Karnal, Haryana. 1342. Rashtriya Loktantrik Sambhav Secular Party H. No. 411, Krishna Bihari Nagar, Banda Sagar Road, Varma Tiraha, District & Tehsil – Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1343. Rashtriya Lokwadi Party A/6A, Ground Floor, Mansaro var Garden, New Delhi – 110015. 74 1344. Rashtriya Machhua Samaj Party Railway Road, Dadri,N ear Ravaji Farm House,Gautam Budh Nagar (Uttar Pradesh) 1345. Rashtriya Maha Janshakti Dal Room No.17, M. Naresh Munna Chawl,Jaihind Nagar, Pipe Line, Khar East, Mumbai-400 051, Maharashtra. 1346. Rashtriya Mahan Dal 108/60, Avas Vikas Colony, Village – Taimurpur, Post – Bijnaur, Distt. – Bijnaur, Uttar Pradesh. 1347. Rashtriya Mahan Gantantra Party H. No. 1488, Anna N agar, Sector – B,Post – Govindpura,Bhopal – 462023,MADHYA PRADESH. 1348. Rashtriya Mahasangh N.R. Complex, Opp. Nagar Palik a Office, Ajmer –305001 (Rajasthan). 1349. Rashtriya Mahashakti Party 5, Rupayatan, S V Road, Vile Parle West,Mumbai-400056Maharashtra. 1350. Rashtriya Mahila Janshakti Party Gram Sabha – Saint a Jiginiya,Post – Kanta Guljarpur,Block – Fatehpur, Distt. – Unnao,Pin- 209801 UTTAR PRADESH. 1351. Rashtriya Manav Adhikar Party 17/700, Village-Gopal pur, Post-Azadpur (Timarpur), Delhi-110009. 1352. Rashtriya Manav Ekta Congress Party Opp. Gurudwara, Station Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 1353. Rashtriya Manav Kalyan Sangh 280, D.D.A. Flat, Pock et-1, Phase-1, Sector-23, Dwarka, New Delhi-45. 1354. Rashtriya Manav Samman Party H. No-1485, Kidwai Nag ar, Bhardwaj Puram, Allahabad-211006. 1355. Rashtriya Mangalam Party 19/23, West Moti Bagh, Str eet No. 3, Sarai Rohilla, Delhi – 110035. 1356. Rashtriya Matrabhoomi Party 1265 – Sector – 17C, Gu rgaon, Haryana. 1357. Rashtriya Mazdoor Ekta Party Block-B, Sant Nagar, Gali No.57, Burari Road, Delhi –110009. 1358. Rashtriya Mazdoor Kisan Prajatantrik Party Ashoka Avenue, Village-Lalganj, P.S- Sadar, District - Ranchi, Jharkhand. 1359. Rashtriya Morcha Party H.No.57, Village – Manesar,M ohalla – Mohan Patti, Distt. – Gurgaon,Haryana-122050. 1360. Rashtriya Naujawan Dal 20/575, D.D.A. Flat, Dakshin puri,New Delhi – 110062 1361. Rashtriya Nayay Party College Road Dehari, Tehsil N urpur, Distt. Kangara, Pin Code-176 022(Himachal Pradesh). 1362. Rashtriya Parivartan Dal B-4A/25, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-110007. 1363. Rashtriya Party Gaya Prasad Dharmshala Complex, Cha rbagh Sabzi Mandi, Lucknow,(Uttar Pradesh). 1364. Rashtriya Peace Party 17G/322, Sector – 17, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1365. Rashtriya Pragati Party Garh Par, Nardiganj Road, N awada, Post & Distt. Nawada – 805 110, Bihar. 1366. Rashtriya Pragatisheel Prajatantra Party 3518, Dari bapan, Opposite to Sheela Cinema,Paharganj, New Delhi-110055. 1367. Rashtriya Praja Congress (Secular) 12-11-113, AB-N ageswara Rao Street, Arya Puram, Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh. 75 1368. Rashtriya Prajantantrik Party House No. 38, Gram-Ja naur, Post-Kandhikala, Janpad-Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1369. Rashtriya Rajdhani Congress Delhi 8, Nath Market, N ai Sarak, Delhi-110006. 1370. Rashtriya Raksha Dal C/o Hotel Pankaj, Sector-22A, Chandigarh. 1371. Rashtriya Rashtrawadi Party 2/36, Ruchi Khand-1, Sharda Nagar Yojna, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh -226012. 1372. Rashtriya Sadhu Vichar Council Raidopur New Office r Colony, Nyay Marg, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1373. Rashtriya Sahara Party Jangra Market Dundahara, Gur gaon-122016, Haryana. 1374. Rashtriya Sakar Party G-12, Gupta Tower-1,Near Moth er Dairy, Vikas Puri,Delhi – 110 018. 1375. Rashtriya Samadhaan Party 121-A, R-3/A-2, Mangal Ba zar Mohan Garden, New Delhi - 110059. 1376. Rashtriya Samaj Paksha C/o L.W. Kale, 17-Raghunath Dadoji Street, 4th Floor, Near Handloom House, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001 (Maharashtra). 1377. Rashtriya Samaj Sevak Dal Bheera Khiri, Janpad-Khir i-262901 (U.P.) 1378. Rashtriya Samaj Sudhar Party Village Thantri, Post Ghodi,Distt. Faridabad (Haryana). 1379. Rashtriya Samajwadi Apna Dal Vill. – Basupar (Banku t),Near Shiva Nursing Home, P.O. – Jiyanpur, District – Ajamgarh,Uttar Pradesh. 1380. Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress S-9/11 B, Premchand Ma rg, Hukulganj, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1381. Rashtriya Samajwadi Jankranti Party B-37/162, K.P.G iri Colony,Birdopur, Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh. 1382. Rashtriya Samajwadi Party (Secular) A/104, Rajshree Avenue,B/h, Income Tax, Nr. Dinesh Hall, Ashram Road, Ahmedbad-380009, Gujarat. 1383. Rashtriya Samajwadi Party (United) 9, Community Cen tre, Ashok Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi-110052. 1384. Rashtriya Samajwadi Party 'Pragatisheel’ B-248, Mo han Nagar, Thatipur, Morar, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). 1385. Rashtriya Samanta Dal 8/440, Trilok Puri, Delhi-110 091. 1386. Rashtriya Samdarshi Deshbakt Dal Khushkari Sadan, Anand Nagar, Mandi Road Tiraha, Kasganj, Kanshiram Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. 1387. Rashtriya Samyawadi Aryan Party 570/20, Virat Nagar ,Alam Bagh,Lucknow- 226005,Uttar Pradesh. 1388. Rashtriya Sangharsh Party Faridabad, Sujanganj,Joun pur-222201Uttar Pradesh. 1389. Rashtriya Sant Sandesh Party 263, Vanarse Niwas, Mi tra Nagar, Latur, Tq. Latur, Distt.- Latur-413512,Maharashtra. 1390. Rashtriya Sarvajan Party 124/3, Madak Khana (Khushi pura),Jhansi- 284001,Uttar Pradesh. 1391. Rashtriya Sarvasamaj Party (India) Plot No. 256, M ithila Dham Rahivashi Sangh, Opp. Jery Verghese Termate Company, Gen. A.K.Vaidya Marg, malad (East), Mumbai- 400097, Maharashtra. 76 1392. Rashtriya Sarvjan Samaj Party Village & Post – Mandhata, Tehsil – Sadar, Distt. – Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1393. Rashtriya Sarvodaya Party A-412, AG Colony, P.S. – Shastri Nagar, District - Patna, Bihar – 800025. 1394. Rashtriya Sawarn Dal Dubey Ka Parav, Aligarh-202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1395. Rashtriya Sawarn Shakti Party 299, Ground Floor, Ga gan Vihar, Delhi – 110051 1396. Rashtriya Secular Congress Ashirvad Apartment,Mathu ra Dawaraka Road,P.O. Dispur, Sakuntala Path, 5th Bye Lane, Guwahati-6,ASSAM. 1397. Rashtriya Shakti Party (India) 80-A, Munirka Villag e,New Delhi-110067. 1398. Rashtriya Shoshit Samaj Party Village – Lohvan, Post – Lohvan, Laxmi Nagar-Baldeo Road, District – Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. 1399. Rashtriya Sindhi Congress 437/B/1, Rubia House,B/H, Ellis Bridge Shopping Centre,Ashram Road, Ahmedabad- 380 006,Gujarat. 1400. Rashtriya Surajya Parishad Mrudul Tower, Ground Flo or, Kailash Society, H.K.House Lane, Ashram Road Ahmedabad- 380009 (Gujarat). 1401. Rashtriya Surya Prakash Party C/o Sh. Panna Lal, S/ o. Sh. Bhole Shankar, Thana-Avagarh, Jalesar Road, Kasba & Post Office-Avagarh, Zila-Eta, Uttar Pradesh. 1402. Rashtriya Swabhimaan Party 104-B-Block, Darulshafa, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1403. Rashtriya Swajan Party Ghagha Ghat Road, Near Malar ia Office, Mahendru, Patna-800006 (Bihar). 1404. Rashtriya Ulama Council 3, Rashad Nagar, Gorakhpur Road,Azamgarh- 276001Uttar Pradesh. 1405. Rashtriya Unnatisheel Dal F.167, Chand Bagh Colony, P.O. Gokulpuri, Delhi – 110094. 1406. Rashtriya Uttarakhand Party 124/98, Haridwar Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 1407. Rashtriya Vikalp Party Village – Piprauli, Post – J ahangirabad, Janpad – Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh 1408. Rashtriya Vikas Manch Party Plot No. 58, New Colony, Tilmapur, Aashapur, Sarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1409. Rashtriya Vikas Party 195, Main Ashoka Enclave, Far idabad, Haryana. 1410. Rashtriya Viklang Party 114, DDA Pocket –2,Sector-7 , Dwarka,New Delhi-110045. 1411. Rashtriya Vyapari Party F-25, Professor Colony,Kaml a Nagar,Agra- 282005Uttar Pradesh. 77 1412. Rashtriya Yuva Loktantrik Party Chamber No.461, New Chamber Complex, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi-110001. 1413. Rashtriya Yuva Sangh B-117, Gali No. 6, East Vinod Nagar, Delhi- 110091 1414. Rashtrotthan Party Arya Samaj, Kishanpol Bazaar, Ja ipur, Rajasthan. 1415. Rastriya Insaaf Party House No.606,Rudra Nagar,Dist rict- Sultanpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1416. Rastriya Naba Nirman Party Jemadevi Pentho Street, Old Berhamapur, PO- Berhamapur, PS – Bada Bazar, Dist. Ganjam, Odisha – 760009 1417. Rastriya Praja Chakravyuha Party No. 73, Shanthini kethanam, D.K. Halli Main Road, Palar Nagar, BEML Nagar Post, Bangarapet Taluk, Kolar District, Karnataka - 563115. 1418. Rayalaseema Congress Party 5/62, Pedduru Road, Gali veedu Kaspa, Galiveedu Post and Mandal, Y.S.R Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh – 516267. 1419. Rayalaseema Parirakshana Samithi Door No. 70-125-B- 71, Near Highway, Kallur, Kurnool Town, Andhra Pradesh – 518003 1420. Rayalaseema Rashtra Samithi Door No.22/160, Vasanth apeta,Kadapa District, Proddatur-516360,Andhra Pradesh 1421. Regional Democratic Secular Congress Lower Lumparing, P.O. Laban, Distt. East Khasi Hills, Shillong – 793004 Meghalaya. 1422. Republican Backward Congress Plot No. 4, Gali No. 1 , Ward No.1,M.C. Colony, Charkhi-Dadari, Disstt. Bhiwani, Haryana- 127306 1423. Republican Bahujan Sena 305, Shahu Smruti Building, 3rd Floor, Mahatma Phule Nagar, Behind Meenatai Thakrey Udyan, Thane (West), Maharashtra – 400606 1424. Republican Janata Party D-29, Gandhi Vihar, D.D.A. Colony, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi – 110009. 1425. Republican Labour Party Block-4, House No. 236,7th Mile Chumukedima, Dimapur-797103, Post Box – 354, Nagaland. 1426. Republican Movement Post Box No.117, Tadoba Road, T ukum, Chandrapur – 442401, Maharashtra. 1427. Republican Paksha (Khoripa) Ensa Hutments, 8-9, Aza d Maidan, Infront of Mumbai Maha Nagar Palika, Fort, Mumbai-400 001, (Maharashtra). 1428. Republican Party of India ENSA Hutment, I-Block, Ma hapalika Marg, Azad Maidan, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra). 1429. Republican Party of India (Democratic) Mukund Niwas , India Nagar, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra). 78 1430. Republican Party of India (Kamble) A, 703, Suryakir an Co. Op. Housing Society, Plot No. 12&13, Sector-5, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai- 400701, Maharashtra. 1431. Republican Party of India (Sivaraj) 10, Solai Stre et, Ayanavaram, Chennai-600023 (Tamil Nadu). 1432. Republican Party of India Ektavadi B-9/667, Dev Nag ar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005. 1433. Republican Party of India(A) 1/16, Sanjay Complex, T.T. Nagar, Bhopal- 462003,(Madhya Pradesh). 1434. Republican Party of India(Khobragade) Gita Villa, E ast Marredpally, Secunderbad, (Andhra Pradesh). 1435. Republican Presidium Party of India Uruli-Kanchan, Pune-412202 (Maharashtra). 1436. Republican Sena Shop No. 6, New Nirmal Society, 189, Dhole Patil Road, Opp. Akshay Complex, Pune, Maharashtra-411001 1437. Revolutionary Communist Party of India (Rasik Bhatt) 84-Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700025 (West Bengal). 1438. Revolutionary Democratic Party of India 221, Street No. – 115, B – Block, Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi – 110084. 1439. Revolutionary Socialist Party of India (Marxist) TC 24/113, Panvila, Thycadu,P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, Pin Code-695014. 1440. Revolutionary Socialist Party of Kerala (Bolshevik) RSP.B Kerala State Committee Office, Future Centre, Sahodara, Samajam Road, Chettikulangara, Thiruvananthapuram, (Kerala). 1441. Right Party of India Village & P.O. – Uttar Bahir Gachi, P.S. – Nakashipara, District – Nadia, West Bengal - 741126. 1442. Sab Samaan Party House No. 95 K, Village – Sarsanda , Post – Gopramau, Tehsil & District – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 1443. Sabjan Party C-1/50, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053. 1444. Sabka Dal Bharatiya Samajwadi Congress N-14/169, Sa rainandan (Khojva), Varanasi- 221010 (Uttar Pradesh). 1445. Sachet Bharat Party 13/A/5, Shivaji Nagar, No.1, Go vandi, Mumbai- 43 (Maharashtra). 1446. Sadan Vikas Party North Office Para, Gauri Shankar Nagar, House No.276, Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand. 1447. Sadbhavana Party Room No.14, Ist Floor, Lucknow Hot el, Sri Ram Road Choraha, Aminabad, Lucknow- 226018 (Uttar Pradesh). 1448. Sainik Samaj Party 317, Shiva Disposal Complex,Sany ukat Yatra Bus Adda Road,Chandrabhaga, Adarsh Gram,Rishikesh, Disstt. Dehradun- 249201.Uttrakhand 1449. Sakhthi Baratha Desam 2/58, Vairavan Chetty Store, Pachiyamman Padithurai, Madhurai-625001, Tamil Nadu. 79 1450. Samagra Vikas Party 1147/8 (157), P.L. Sharma Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh – 250001. 1451. Samaikya Rashtra Samithi D. No: 42-64-1/1, Luna Cen tre, Opp. M.K. Baig Municipal Corporation High School, Singhnagar, Vijayawada, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh – 520015 1452. Samaikya Telugu Rajyam D. No.1-39-B(Serial No. 1026A), Chayapuram Village, Vajrakarur Mandal, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh-515842. 1453. Samaikyandhra Parirakshana Samithi H.No. 8-3-580/1, Yellareddyguda, Ameerpet – 500073, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1454. Samaj Parivartan Party Village – Salarpur, Post – K araura,Tahsil – Machhlishahar,Janpad – Jaunpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1455. Samajik Ekta Party 22, Housing Board Colony, Sonipa t-131001 (Haryana). 1456. Samajik Insaaf Party (Rashtrawadi) House No - 53, Village Lehari, Post Kuriyar, District – Basti, Uttar Pradesh - 272178. 1457. Samajik Jantantrik Party Mukam Raja Market, Cinema Road, Gopalganj Nagar Palika Post, Gopalganj-841428, Distt. Gopalganj (Bihar). 1458. Samajik Nyaya Party M-22, Mahavir Park, Marris Road , Aligarh- 202001 (Uttar Pradesh). 1459. Samajtantric Party of India 40/1, B – Road, Bamangh achi,Howrah – 711 006, (West Bengal). 1460. Samajvadi Youva Dal 3/19-C/2, Sita Kunj, Behind Civ il Court, Civil Lines, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. 1461. Samajwadi Jan Parishad Jai Malha Prasad, Reti Bunde r Road, Mahagiri, Thane (W)-400601 (Maharashtra). 1462. Samajwadi Janata Dal Democratic 14, Dr. Bishambhar Das Marg,New Delhi – 110 001. 1463. Samajwadi Janata Party (Chandra Shekhar) Narendra N iketan, Behind Police Headquarters, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110002. 1464. Samajwadi Janata Party (Karnataka) Room No.21, 2nd Floor,Hameed Shah Complex No.2,Cubbonpet, Main Road,Behind Ulsoor Gate Police Station,Bangalore- 560002,Karnataka. 1465. Samajwadi Janata Party (Maharashtra) Barrack No.4, Behind Yashodhan Dinsha Wacha Road, Church Gate,Mumbai-400020 (Maharashtra). 1466. Samajwadi Kranti Dal 3/197, Vidhayak Puram, Vinay K hand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1467. Samajwadi Samaj Party Ward No.13, Lohia Nagar, Nagar Panchayat – Salempur, Janpad - Deoria, Uttar Pradesh – 274001 80 1468. Samarth Kisan Party Prabandhak – Mother Teresa Convent School, Village & Post – Manauri, Tehsil – Chayal, Janpad – Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh. 1469. Samata Kranti Dal Plot No.3547/3875, Mouza Gautam Nagar, Garage Chhaka, Temple Road, old Town Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha. 1470. Samata Party 220, Vitthalbhai Patel House, Rafi Mar g, New Delhi – 110001. 1471. Samata Samadhan Party E-1/150, Arera Colony, Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh. 1472. Samata Samaj Party Opposite to Padav Police Station ,Laxmanpura, P.O. Lashkar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 1473. Samata Sangharsh Party 618-F 2/2/1, Shankar Gali, V ishwas Nagar, Delhi-110032. 1474. Sampoorna Kranti Dal Village – Khajoori Kalan, Post – Khajoori Khurd, Koraon, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 1475. Sampurna Vikas Dal 88, South Avenue, New Delhi-11. 1476. Samras Samaj Party Raji Jarai, Mouja – Ghamroj, Tehsil – Sohna, District – Gurgaon, Haryana. 1477. Samruddha Odisha 201, Sitalkunj Apartment,Plot No. M63, Madhusudan Nagar,Bhubaneshwar – 751001, Orissa. 1478. Samta Samjwadi Congress Party C-4/350, Sarai Govard han, Chetganj,Varanasi- 221010, Uttar Pradesh. 1479. Samta Vikas Party House Harbhajan Jangde, Ward No. 17, Mandideep, Tehsil – Goharganj, District - Raisen, Madhya Pradesh 1480. Samtawadi Republican Party 108, Rampuram, PAC Road, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh. 1481. Samuga Samatuva Padai 4/388, Ram Garden,Anna Salai, Palavakkam,Chennai-600041,TAMIL NADU. 1482. Samyak Parivartan Party Village –Janki Nagar, Behind of Ranipurwa School, Vikas Khand – Jhanjhri, Near of Mande Nala Bridge, Post – Bus Stop, Janpad – Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. 1483. Sanatan Samaj Party Ramanand Nagar, Begumpura, Ayod hya, Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh). 81 1484. Sanatan Sanskriti Raksha Dal Village – Taraon, Post, Thana & Tehsil – Koraon, Distt. – Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1485. Sangharsh Sena 11, Sairaj Complex, Pandit Naka, Shahapur, Tq. Shahapur, District – Thane, Maharashtra – 421601 1486. Sankhyanupati Bhagidari Party New (Bangali Tola), Vigrahpur Bus Stand, Mithapur, Patna, Bihar-800001. 1487. Sanman Rajkiya Paksha 56, Tirupati Nagar, Lohara, Taluk & District - Yavatmal, Maharashtra – 445002 1488. Sanyukt Dastkar Party P-205, Basti Khwaja Meer Dard , Barron Road, New Delhi-110002. 1489. Sanyukt Samajwadi Dal 11, Zones Lines, Agra – 28200 4,Uttar Pradesh. 1490. Sanyukta Samaj Party Village and Post-Khari,District-Bijnaur,Uttar Pradesh. 1491. Sarb Hind Shiromani Akali Dal 103, New Officers Col ony, Patiala, Punjab. 1492. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Party 1, Olekar House, Dattapada Road,Borivali (East), Mumbai – 400 066. 1493. Sarv Jan Sarv Samaj Party 2/248, TF, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi – 110027. 1494. Sarva Jan Samaj Party (Nand Kishore Chawla) Chawla Properties, Laxmi Vihar, Camry Road, Hisar, Haryana. 1495. Sarva Janata Party Central Party Office # 17, Javalli (Village), Pillangere (Post), Shimoga (Taluk), District – Shimoga - 577227 Karnataka. 1496. Sarva Samaj Kalyan Party Bijraj Bhawan, Village - Singharpur, Post – Ahamadpur, Mathura Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. 1497. Sarva Samaj Vikas Party Bamba Road, Sailai, Post Of fice – Sailai,District – Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1498. Sarva Seva Party B-51, Pratap Vihar, Part-3, Nanglo i, Delhi- 110041. 1499. Sarvadharam Party(Madhya Pradesh) C-44, Padmanabh N agar, Bhopal- 462023 (Madhya Pradesh). 1500. Sarvahara Samaj Party 68-A Block, Darulshafa, Luckn ow(Uttar Pradesh). 82 1501. Sarvajan Kalyan Loktantrik Party COFFED, Meen Bhawan, 3rd Floor, New Punaichak, West Boring Canal Road, Patna, Bihar – 800023. 1502. Sarvajan Kalyan Party In front of K-73, Hanuman Nagar,Kankarbag,Patna-800020,Bihar. 1503. Sarvajan Samaj Party (D) Village & P.O. : Wadala Ba ngar,Tehsil: Gurdaspur,District: Gurdaspur-143511Punjab. 1504. Sarvajanik Kranti Party Surya Lodge, Road ways,Azam garh, Uttar Pradesh. 1505. Sarve Bhavanti Sukhinah Party Village & Post - Mamdar, Tehsil & P.S. – Rampur Naikin, District – Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. 1506. Sarvhara Dal Kewala Fariyatta, Via. Gidhour, Distt- Jamui (Bihar). 1507. Sarvjan Samta Party 774, Geetanjali Vihar, Ward No. 28, Loni, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh – 201102 1508. Sarvochcha Rashtriya Vikas Mahaparishad C-90,DDA Flat, West Gorakh Park, (New Jafrabad) Shahdara, Delhi-110032. 1509. Sarvodaya Karnataka Paksha "Aniketana" First Floor, SJM Samudaya Bhavana, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560 009, (Karnataka). 1510. Sarvodaya Party P3, University Campus, University o f Rajasthan, Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan). 1511. Sarvshreshth Dal Village - Shahdaudpur or Kakorgahna, P.O. & Tehsil – Sader, District – Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh 1512. Sarwajan Mahasabha B-36/40, Kabir Nagar, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221005, Uttar Pradesh. 1513. Sathi Aur Aapka Faisala Party Plot No. 2005, Village – Chamrahara, Mahnar Road, District – Vaishali, Bihar - 844507. 1514. Satya Mave Party 548, Ramdass Pate, Nagpur-10 (Maha rashtra). 1515. Satya Vijay Party 101-C, Press House,22, Phiroz Gandhi Press Complex,Agra – Mumbai Road, Indore – 452 008, Madhya Pradesh. 1516. Satyavadi Paksh Room No. 4-5, Oriyan Complex, Opp. Hotel Rajdhani, Railway Station Road,Aurangabad- 431005Maharashtra. 1517. Satyayug Party Flat No.203, Bldg. No.6-4-323/A, Viv ek Vanshi Residency, Mekala Mandi Road, Bholakpur, Secunderabad-500080, (Andhra Pradesh). 1518. Satyug Party Village – Sukhatola, Dumri,Post – Kasy a,Distt. – Kushinagar,Uttar Pradesh. 83 1519. Savarn Samaj Party East Of Stadium, Nand Hardware, Sirmor Road, Rewa-486001, (Madhya Pradesh). 1520. Secular Alliance of India Keswani Complex, 1 st Floor, Above Navjeevan Cooperative Bank Ltd., Chopda Court Branch, Ulhasnagar – 421003. Maharashtra. 1521. Secular Democratic Labour Party of India 6-2-44/3A, Jammibanda Street, Khammam-507001 Andhra Pradesh. 1522. Secular National Dravida Party Kadakkavoor Building s, Thumpara Nagar, Mundakkal, Kollam City, Kollam-691001, Kerala. 1523. Secular Party of India House No.122-A, Ramvihar, Ol d Janipur, Jammu-180007 (J& K). 1524. Sehajdhari Sikh Party 622/9, Near Telephone Exchange,Raikot, District Ludhiana, Punjab. 1525. Shakti Dal A-4, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi-110065. 1526. Shakti Sena (Bharat Desh) Simi Bhawan, National Hig hway 43,Cross Lane Tiraha, Devpuri, Raipur,Chhattisgarh-492015. 1527. Shetkari Vichar Dal 49, Mamta, Anandnagar Co-op. Ho using, Gulmohar Road, Savedi, Ahmednagar-414001, Maharashtra. 1528. Shining India Party Ward No.6, Post – Deshnoke, District - Bikaner, Rajasthan – 334801 1529. Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) (Simranjit Singh Mann) Village Quilla S. Harnam Singh, P.O. Tellania, District-Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab- 140 406. 1530. Shiromani Akali Dal (Republic) 9, Hakikat Nagar,Gur u Tegh Bahadur Nagar,DELHI-110009. 1531. Shiromani Lok Dal Party Building No. 108, Near Kris hna Mandir, Opposite Dana Mandi, G.T. Road, Amritsar, Punjab. 1532. Shiromani Youth Akali Dal (Kahlon) 5/5051, Shakti N agar, Khandwalla, Chaharta, Amritsar (Punjab). 1533. Shivaji Congress Party House No. 31, A/P Khakurdi,T al. Malegaon, District – Nashik,Maharashtra. 1534. Shivrajya Party Flat No. B/102, Deccan Apartment, U nion Park, Pali Hill, Khar (West) Mumbai- 400052 1535. Shoshit Samaj Adhikar Party Tehsil – Kole, Thana – Gandhi Park, Janpad – Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh – 202001. 1536. Shoshit Samaj Dal Center Office : Dakshnini Mandire e,Patna- 800001 (Bihar). 1537. Shoshit Samaj Party 4/8, Thyagraj Nagar (Near Safda rjung Bus Terminal), New Delhi-110003. 1538. Shoshit Sandesh Party Gird Badgaon, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. 1539. Shramajeevi Party 1-6-48, Old Alwal, Post – Bollara m, Secunderabad – 500010, Andhra Pradesh. 84 1540. Shree Bharat Vikas Paksh 220, Shreeji Complex, Near Ellisbridge Post Office, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad – 380 006(Gujarat). 1541. Shreshthatam Rashtra Party Village – Jagsar, Post – Sarsava,Janpad – Kheeri-Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1542. Shri Janta Party Manda Sadan, Dwarika Nagar, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh - 486001. 1543. Shubha Karnataka MIG-II, No. 129, Hudco Colony, Beh ind Bus Depot, Near Jagratha Anjaneya Tample, Gadag – 582 103, Karnataka. 1544. Sikkim Gorkha Prajatantric Party Shimma Building, P.O. & P.S. Singtam,East Sikkim-737 134 (Sikkim). 1545. Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad Party Tulsikunj Buildi ng, Near Telephone Exchange, P.O. – Dara Gaon, 31-A, National Highway, Tadong Bazar, Tadong, Gangtok - 737102, Sikkim. 1546. Sikkim Jan-Ekta Party Tinzir, Namchi, South Sikkim – 737 126 1547. Sikkim Liberation Party Tintek, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim – 737134 1548. Sikkim National Liberation Front 31-A, National Hig hway,P.O. Gangtok (Sikkim). 1549. Sikkim Sangram Parishad Deorali Bazaar, P.O.- Tadon g, Gangtok, Sikkim- 737102. 1550. Sikshit Berozgar Sena Chandan Kumar Bahraicha, Khaj urhawan, Madiyahun, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1551. Sinh Jan Sena Party Near Public Library, Veraval-36 2265 (Gujarat). 1552. Sirpanch Samaj Party T-47, Old Nangal, Delhi Cantt-110 010. 1553. Smast Bhartiya Party W-6/5, DLF City Phase-III,Gurg aon – 122002, Haryana. 1554. Social Action Party Mylackal House, Ranny, Pathana mtittaDistt. Pin-689072 (Kerala). 1555. Social Democratic Party of India, 8/2, First Floor, Jangpura Extn.,Hospital Road, Bhogal,New Delhi-110014. 1556. Social Justice Party No.73, Ellaiaman Colony, Teyna mpet, Chennai- 600086 (Tamil Nadu). 1557. Socialist Janata (Democratic) 6/924 – B 1,Calicut H ouse Construction Society Building,YMCA Cross Road,Calicut – 673001,Kerala. 1558. Socialist Janata Party XB-1, Sah Vikas Apartment,Pa tparganj, Delhi – 110 092 1559. Socialist Party (India) Lohiya Mazdoor Bhawan, H. No. 41/557, Dr. Tufel Ahmed Marg, Narhi, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1560. Socialist Party (Lohia) Siddiqui Building, 6122, Ba ra Hindu Rao, Delhi-110006. 1561. Socialist Party Secular 505/506 Bhilawan, Lucknow Kanpur Road, (In front of Ajanta Hospital) Aalambagh, Lucknow -5, Uttar Pradesh. 85 1562. Socialist Republican Party State Committee Office, Tutor’s Lane, Statue, Trivandrum – 695001 (Kerala). 1563. Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) 48-Leni n Sarani (First Floor),Kolkata – 700 013,West Bengal. 1564. Socialist Workers Party Plot No – 218, Backside of Binayak Enclave, At- Kolathia, P.O. – Aiginia, District – Khordha, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751019 1565. Socialistic Democratic Party Post Box No.1089, Gene ral Post Office, Srinagar-190001, Jammu and Kashmir. 1566. Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party Village: Fatehpur, P ost: Katona,P.S. Phoolpur, Distt. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 1567. Sukhee Samaaj Party 344 Bhonjha, Ghaziabad - 201001, Uttar Pradesh. 1568. Sunder Samaj Party Village + Post – Nangoi, Tahsil - Kharasia, Distt. – Raigarh, Chhattisgarh – 496665. 1569. Suraaj Party 6-81, Office Building, Vishal Estates, Village – Annaram, Mandal – Jinnaram, District – Medak, Andhra Pradesh – 502313 1570. Suraaj Seva Dal Village – Ramdi Jasuva, P.O. – Fate hpur, Tehsil- Haldwani, District – Nainital, Uttarakhand 1571. Sushasan Party House No. 558, Vill. + Post – Badsi, Tehsil – Bawanikhed, Distt. Bhiwani-127032, Haryana. 1572. Swabhiman Party Chintpurni Niwas,Longwood Shimla,HIMACHAL PRADESH-171001. 1573. Swabhimani Paksha Jaisingpur, District Kolhapur,Mah arashtra – 416 101. 1574. Swachh Bharat Party Sai Baba Mandir Bhojyavas, Bhankrota, Ajmer Road, Jaipur Rajasthan. 1575. Swaraj (J) Jungle Suhas Kunwari (Mahavir Chhapra), Post Office – Mahavir Chhapra,Police Station – Belipar, Tehsil – Sadar, District – Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1576. Swaraj Dal No.4 Stop, Pattar Gudda, Post-Garahehara ma, Port Blair-744101 (Andaman & Nicobar Islands). 1577. Swaraj Party – Yes (Subhash Chandra Bosh) Village & P.O. Semrikhan Kot, Sidharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-272 192. 1578. Swarajya Nirman Sena House No. 396/1, Indira Vasahat, Uttam Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra - 411023. 1579. Swarajya Party of India B-33, Sector-C, Aliganj, Lu cknow, Uttar Pradesh., PIN Code-226024. 86 1580. Swarashtra Jan Party Tarkapur, Phulwariya,P.O. Sada r,Distt. Mirzapur – 231001,Uttar Pradesh. 1581. Swarn Mahasabha Mo. Islamabad, P.O. Mohammadi,Dist t. Lakhimpur Kheeri, Uttar Pradesh. 1582. Swarna Bharat Party G-249 Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122017. 1583. Swarna Yuga Party No. 26, “ Amma” Ist Main Road,Dol lars Colony, RMV 2nd Stage,Bangalore – 560 094, Karnataka. 1584. Swarnim Bharat Inquilab L.G. - 22, Sunrise Tower 57 9, M.G. Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 1585. Swatantra Adarshwadi Bhartiya Kranti Party Village & Post- Lutuhi, Yanha Mahuli, Distt.- Sant Kabir Nagar,Khalilabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1586. Swatantra Bharat Paksha ‘Rahi’, Khokadpura,Aurangab ad-431001, Maharashtra. 1587. Swatantra Rashtravadi Party 12-H, In front of Traff ic Kotwali,Dariyaganj, New Delhi-110 002. 1588. Swatantra Samaj Party Village & Post – Lebhri,P.S. – Darauli, Block/Circle – Mairva, Pin Code – 841 239,District – Siwan, Bihar. 1589. Taayi Nadu Party Taayi Nadu Party 44/15, Kamraj Raod, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore-560001 Karnataka. 1590. Tamil Desiyak Katchi 80-A, Chamundi Shopping Comple x, Salem- 636007 (Tamil Nadu). 1591. Tamil Maanila Congress (Moopanar) No.4, Ashoka Road , Alwarpet, Chennai – 600018. 1592. Tamil Maanila Kamraj Congress C/o F.B. Benjamin Geo rge, Advocate, No.17, Dooming Street, Santhome, Chennai-600004, (Tamil Nadu). 1593. Tamil Maanila Katchi No. 74, Jermiah Road, Vepery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600007 1594. Tamil Maanila Quaide Milleth League 579, Anna Salai Teynampet,Chennai – 600 006, Tamil Nadu. 1595. Tamil Manila Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Door No.296, Ambedkar Street, Uthukkadu Village & Post, Walajabad Via Kancheepuram Taluka & District, Tamil Nadu. 1596. Tamil Nadu Deseeya Grameeya Thozhilalar Congress 5/58, Maniam Building, Theethipalayam Post, Coimbatore-641010 (Tamil Nadu). 1597. Tamil Nadu Peasants & Workers Party No. 1, Jayamma l Road, Teynampet, Chennai- 600018 (Tamil Nadu). 1598. Tamil Nadu People’s Party 16/2 K.P.Street Mylapore, Chennai-600004 (Tamil Nadu). 1599. Tamilaga Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam 563, Shanti Colon y, N.K.B. Nagar, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. 1600. Tamilar Kazhagam 180, Longly Road, Shevapet, Salem- 636002 (Tamil Nadu). 87 1601. Tamilina Vidiyal Pulikal Iyakkam, Annai Illam, Pall avan Nagar, Third Street, Theni Main Road, Madurai-625 016,Tamil Nadu. 1602. Tamilnadu Jananayaka Congress 327, Lloyds Road, Ro yapettah,Chennai – 600 014, Tamil Nadu. 1603. Tamizhaga Makkal Jananayaga Katchi, Vanavil Illam, No. 9,East 7th Street,Pudukkottai-622001, Tamil Nadu. 1604. Tamizhaga Munnetra Munnani No.152 A, North Usman Ro ad, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017 (T. N.) 1605. Tamizhaga Rajiv Congress 6-II, Main Road, Raja Anna malaipuram, Chennai-600028 (Tamil Nadu). 1606. TamizhagaVaazhvurimai Katchi 13-6-54, Pillaiyar Koil Street, Samrajapettai Post, Mecheri Mettur Tk., Salem District, Tamil Nadu – 636451. 1607. Tamizhar Party 8/43, M.T.C. Road, Mattur Dam, 1, Sa lem District, Chennai-600017 (Tamil Nadu). 1608. Tarai Kranti Dal 21/2, Indira Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1609. Telangana Communist Party of India H. No. 3-4-760/19, Beside Narayanaguda, Flyover Bridge, Barkatpura, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500027. 1610. Telangana Congress Party Flat No.4, Block-18, MIG P hase-II, Bagh Lingampally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1611. Telangana Karmika Raithu Rajyam Party Village – Bairanpally, Post – Siddapur, Mandal – Hasanparthy, District – Warangal, Telangana. 1612. Telangana Labour Party H.No.8-2-293/82/BJR/A/1, BJR Nagar, Film Nagar, Jublee Hills, Mandal: Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500096. 1613. Telangana Loksatta Party Plot No. 46, Flat No. 201, Gunrock Teachers Colony, Trimulgherry, Secundrabad- 500015 Andhra Pradesh 1614. Telangana Minorities OBC Rajyam 17-3-4, Rein Bazar, Yakutpura, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh -500023. 1615. Telangana Praja Party ‘Anantha Nilayam’, Door No.14 -9-519, Chudi Bazar Dargah, Hyderabad-500 012, Andhra Pradesh. 1616. Telangana Praja Samithi (Kishore, Rao and Kishan) H.No.10-4-108, Girmajipet, Warangal-506002 Andhra Pradesh. 1617. Telangana Rashtra Punahnirmana Samithi H. No.1-3-18 6/a, Vidya Nagar, Bhongir, District – Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh - 508116. 88 1618. Telangana Sakalajanula Party H. No. 4-2-99, NFC (Nuclear Fuel Corporation Colony), Bandlaguda Jagir (Village) & (Post), Rajendra Nagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist. – 500 086 Andhra Pradesh 1619. Telangana Yuvajana Shramika Rajyam Party Old H.No.10-30, New H.No.11-54, Harijanawada(P&M) Utnoor, District - Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh -504311 1620. Telugu Bahujana Party 8/160-A, Mittapalem Street, Gudur, SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh – 524101. 1621. Telugu Congress Party 8-2-38, Opp. G.P. office, Bhavaninagar, Vemulawada, Karim Nagar District, Andhra Pradesh – 505302. 1622. Thaayaga Makkal Katchi 7, Y.V.D.Complex, Chathiram Bus Stand, Tiruchirappalli-620002, Tamil Nadu. 1623. Thalli Telangana Party Plot No.50, Road No.5, Jubil ee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033,Andhra Pradesh. 1624. Thamilar Bhoomi 5, Dr. Sir C.V. Raman, 1st Street, Kumaran Nagar, Tiruchirappalli-620017, (Tamil Nadu). 1625. Thamizhaga Munnetra Congress No. 91, Ponnusamy Nagar, 3 rd Street Perambur, Division 68, Chennai-600011, Tamil Nadu. 1626. Thanthai Periyar Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 23, Alag appan Street,Thenkarai Periyaklam,District - Theni,Tamil Nadu - 625601. 1627. Tharasu Makkal Mandram 14-Sait Colony, First Street Egmore- 600008 (Tamil Nadu). 1628. The Consumer Party of India Deshmukhwadi Complex, P .K. Road and Zaver Road Junction, Mulund (West), Mumbai- 400080 (Maharashtra). 1629. The Future India Party No: 2/191 B, Nethaji Street, Opp. to Elite School, M.A. Nagar, Redhills, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600052. 1630. The Great India Revolutioners 4/55, Roop Nagar, Del hi-110007. 1631. The Humanist Party Of India 34, Lavina, 52A, Tagore Road Santa Cruz (West), Mumbai-400054 (Maharashtra). 1632. The Imperial Party of India 190, Shrinagar Main, Indore – 452001, Madhya Pradesh. 1633. The Lok Party of India Room No. 7, Building No. 61, 1 st Floor, 2 nd Lane, M.R. Road, Kamathipura, Mumbai – 400 008. Maharashtra . 1634. The Religion of Man Revolving Political Party of India Kabitirtha, Kabitanagar, P.O.Bongaon, Distt. 24-Parganas (North)-743235 (West Bengal). 89 1635. Thesia Jananayaka Makkal Katchi New No. 2, Old No. 33,2nd Cross Street, West C.I.T. Nagar, Nandanam, Chennai-600 035 (Tamil Nadu). 1636. Third View Party 203, Hill View, Plot No. 85,Lullan agar, Near Mount Carmel Convent School, Pune-411 040, (Maharashtra). 1637. Thondar Congress 40-Venkatanarayana Road, Thiyagara yanagar, Chennai-600017,Tamil Nadu. 1638. Thozhilalar Party No. 28A, Metu Street,Nemilichery, Chrompet,Chennai-600044Tamil Nadu. 1639. Thrinamool Tamil Nadu Congress 189/1, Amaravathi Street (Near Five Roads), Reddiyur Village, District – Salem - 636004, Tamil Nadu. 1640. Tippu Sultan National Republic Party No.24, Ist Ma in, 13th Cross, Bapujinagar, Mysore Road, Bangalore – 560 026Karnataka. 1641. Tola Party H. No. – 56, Ward No. – 14,Andhua Patti, Hodel, (Palwal),Haryana. 1642. Total Vikas Party C-95 A-1, 2 nd Floor, Ardee City, Sector – 52, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122011. 1643. Tribal People Party 170, Lingi Chatty Street, Chenn ai-600 001 (Tamil Nadu). 1644. Trikalinga Congress Palanka Koligadia, P.O.- Gunthuni Barchana, District- Jajpur, Pin- 754024, Odisha. 1645. Trilinga Praja Pragati Party B-118, Madhuranagar, S .R. Nagar post, Hyderabad-500038, Andhra Pradesh. 1646. Trilok Shakti Congress Bharat 49-D, Triveni Nagar, Naini, Udyog Nagar, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1647. Trinamool Gana Parishad Ananda Plaza Complex, 4th F loor, Ganeshguri Chariali, Gawahati-781006 (Assam). 1648. Tripura Pragatishil Gramin Congress Old Thana Road, North Banamalipur, Agartala, Tripura (W), Tripura – 799001 1649. Ujjawal Rashtra Party Village - Ahirawan, Post – Barua, Tshsil – Sandila, District – Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh – 241304 1650. Ulzaipali Makkal Katchy 74, Santhi Nagar, Ist Stree t,S.M. Nagar Post, Chennai – 600 062Tamil Nadu. 1651. Union Party of India TA – 208 A, Ravi Dass Marg, Tughlakabad Extension, New Delhi-110019. 1652. United Bodo Nationalist Liberation Front C/o Deori Bora, Rambhapuri, Kahilipara, Guwahati, (Assam). 1653. United Citizen Party D-29, Kondli, Delhi-110096. 1654. United Communist Party of India 29/116, Gali No.10, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdra, Delhi-110 032. 1655. United Democratic Front Secular 539/13, Shastri Nag ar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. 90 1656. United Front (Party) Abu Fakharuddin Plaza,Langar T oli Chauraha,Bari Path,Patna-800004,Bihar. 1657. United Goans Democratic Party 1st Floor, Casa Dos Aliados, Behind Gomat Vidya Niketan, Absde Faria Road, Margao, Goa-403601. 1658. United India Peoples Party Manjamattam, Moozhoor P. O., Kottayam Distt. (Kerala). 1659. United Indian Democratic Council No.1205, II-Stage, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore- 560010 (Karnataka). 1660. United Minorities Front, Assam Ulubari, Guwahati-78 1007 (Assam). 1661. United Naga Democratic Party, Nagaland Ward No. 7, Near Agape School,Chumukedima – 797 103,Dimapur – 797 112 (Nagaland). 1662. United National Loktantrik Party D-786, Jaidpur Ext n., Part – II, Badarpur, Delhi - 110044. 1663. United National Party Village Shantinagar, Mauja - Sannpura, Post – Gonsili, Tehsil – Baah, District - Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 283104 1664. United People’s Front City Regency Building, R.K.B. Road, Dibrugarh, ASSAM-786001 1665. United People's Democratic Party (Socialist) Tangkh ul Avenue, Imphal,Manipur-795001. 1666. United Peoples Party of Assam S.S. Road, Lakhtokia, Guwahati-781001, Assam. 1667. United Reservation Movement Council Of Assam Post Box No. 2, P.O.Rehabari, Guwahati- 781008 (Assam). 1668. United Secular Congress Party of India 2/104 B, Kur la Jai Hind Budhvikas,SRA Grihnirman Sanstha,Maryadit Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East),Mumbai-400024, Maharashtra. 1669. United Tribal Nationalists Liberation Front Deulgur i, Harisingh Darrong-784510 (Assam). 1670. United Women Front 4, Krishna Menon Marg, New Delhi – 110011. 1671. Upekshit Samaj Party F-15, Bhagat Singh Market,Near Gole Market, New Delhi-110001. 1672. Urimai Meetppu Kazhagam New No. 10A, Krishna Street , Irumbuliyur, West Tambaram,Chennai-600045, Kanchi Street,Tamil Nadu. 1673. Urs Samyuktha Paksha No. 46, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001, Karnataka. 1674. Utkal Bharat Plot No. 296/2624, At – Govinda Prasad, East Canal Road, In front of Twin Bridge, P.O. – G.G.P. Colony, Bhubaneswar-751010 Odisha. 1675. Utkal Samaj Anandayan, Plot No.-567/2,Kanan Vihar, Phase – II,Bhubaneswar – 751 031Orissa. 1676. Uttar Pradesh Jan Manas Party A-1445/6, Indira Naga r, Lucknow-226016 (Uttar Pradesh). 1677. Uttar Pradesh Republican Party 552/2, Rajendra Naga r, 2nd Street, Lucknow- 226004 (U.P.). 1678. Uttar Pradesh United Democratic Front 38-Royal Hote l, Vidhan Sabha Marg,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 91 1679. Uttarakhand Kranti Dal Rochipura, P.O. Majra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand). 1680. Uttarakhand Kranti Dal (Democratic) 85/12 – B, Nash Villa Road, Dehradun- 248001, (Uttaranchal). 1681. Uttarakhand Parivartan Party Sah Bhavan, Veer Chand ra Singh Garhwali Marg, Gairsain,Distt. – Chamoli,Uttarakhand. 1682. Uttarakhand Pragatisheel Party 13, Subhash Road,Opp osite back gate of St. Joseph School,Dehradun-248001, Uttrakhand. 1683. Uttarakhand Raksha Morcha H. No. 1, Village – Nouka (Dour Wala),Post - Mothronwala, Vikaskhand Raipur,District – Dehradun,Uttarakhand. 1684. Uttarakhand Sanskriti Parishad D-355, Vinod Nagar ( West), Delhi-110092. 1685. Uttarakhand Sena Party Jai Matadi Apartment, 10/1, Near Shankar Mandir, Juna Kalwa, Bela Road, Kalwa, Thane (W), Maharashtra-400605. 1686. Uttarkhand Janwadi Party 53-K, Rajpur Road, Dehradu n, Uttaranchal. 1687. Uzhaippalar Katchi 70-D, Palanisamy Street, Vaniyam badi Road, Tirupattur-635601, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu. 1688. Uzhaippalar Podhu Nalakatchi Tirupattur, Vellore Di strict, Tamil Nadu- 635601. 1689. Vanchit Jamat Party N – 106, HIG Flat, Sanjay Nagar ,Sector – 23, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. 1690. Vanchitsamaj Insaaf Party 39, Adarsh Nagar, c/o Dr. Sheikh Maholi Road, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. 1691. Varthur Congress Party No.98, Varthur Main Road, Bangalore East, Bangalore – 560087 Karnataka. 1692. Vichara Jagruthi Congress Paksha Door No. 275 of Hebbalu Village and Post, Davangere Taluk and District, Karnataka. 1693. Vidarbha Janata Congress Antar Bharti Ashram, Dabha ,Behind Vayusena Nagar, Amraoti Road, Nagpur, (Maharashtra). 1694. Vidarbha Vikas Party Block A, Second Floor, Poonam Chambers, Chhindwara Road,Nagpur-13 (Maharashtra). 1695. Vidharabha Rajya Mukti Morcha A Type, Sukhkarta Apa rtment, Balraj Marg, Dhantali, Nagpur-440012 (Maharashtra). 1696. Vidharbha Rajya Party Kamgar Bhawan, Near Baidyanat h Chowk, Great Nag Road, Nagpur-3, Maharashtra. 1697. Vidhayak Dal HIG-205, Sector-1, Vikas Nagar, Luckno w, Uttar Pradesh. 1698. Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi No. 16, Chinnaiah S treet, T-Nagar,Chennai – 17, Tamil Nadu. 1699. Viduthalai Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam No. 11, Kabilar Street, Devanampattinam,Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu. 1700. Vijaya Bharatha Makkal (People) Party 70, 2 nd Floor, Braod Bazzar Street, Ambur-635802, Vellore District, TAMIL NADU 1701. Vijeta Party 501, Abhishek Plaza, Exhibition Road, Patna- 800001 (Bihar). 1702. Vikas Parishad 62A, Shastri Colony, Ambala Cantt. H aryana – 133001. 92 1703. Vikas Party Satyagarh Marg, Darul Safa Compound, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). 1704. Vikassheel Samaj Party H. No. 5E-5/70 Vrindavan Yojana, Raibarelly Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 1705. Vikaswadi Communism Party Makhdumpur Road, Mawana K alan250401, Distt. Meerut (U.P.). 1706. Vishva Shakti Party B-10/144, Pradeep Vihar, Nathupura More Delhi -110084. 1707. Vishwa Hindustani Sangathan 3/105, Anandnagar, 100 ft. Ring Road,Satelite Vejalpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 1708. Vishwa Vikas Sangh F-53/F-1, Dilshad Colony,Delhi – 110 095. 1709. Viswa Maya Political Party 6D-6-18 (House No.),Near Markandeswara Swamy Temple, Southern Street, Eluru-534001, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. 1710. Vivasayi Anbhu Katchi No.14, Raghava Nattan Street, Uthiramerur-603 406, Tamil Nadu. 1711. Voluntary Indian People Party Haryana House No.363, 1st Floor, Street No.9, Jawahar Nagar, Hissar, Haryana. 1712. Voters Party A, 1/75, Freedom Enclave, Neb Sarai, I GNOU Road, New Delhi – 110068 1713. Vyabasayi Kisan Alpasankhyak Morcha H. No.12, Maharajganj, Jamui, District – Jamui, Bihar – 811307. 1714. War Veterans Party A/301-302, Pearl Aptt., I.C. Col ony, Borivali (West), Mumbai-400 103, Maharashtra. 1715. Watan Janta Party 3/4/7 A, Mugalpura, Ayodhya, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh 1716. Welfare Party of India 122/1, Zakir Nagar, Jamia Na gar,New Delhi- 110025. 1717. West Bengal Pragatishil Indira Congress 68 – B, A.P .C. Road, Kolkata – 700 009,West Bengal. 1718. West Bengal Socialist Party 42-Ananda Palit Road, K olkata-700014,(West Bengal). 1719. Womanist Party of India D 3/303, Pancharatna, Anand Nagar, Pandurang Wadi, Dombivli (East) – 421201 (Maharashtra). 1720. Yekikrutha Sankshema Rashtriya Praja Party D No7-1- 500, NGO Colony,YSR Street, Siddavatam Road,Badvel-516227, YSR District,Andhra Pradesh. 1721. Young India Tangress Party Yelam Galli, Tugav(H), T aluk – Bhalki, Distt. – Bidar, Karnataka. 1722. Youth and Students Party R.P. Estates, 4/1, Poonama llee High Road, Koyambedu, Chennai-600 107. 1723. Youth Brigade Village Kakgachi, P.O-Bhanderhali, Di strict Hooghly, West Bengal. 1724. Youth Democratic Front H.No.1-10-63/5, Plot No.44,C hikoti Gardens,Begumpet, Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh-500016. 1725. Youth For Equality P-90A, IInd Floor, South Extensi on-II,New Delhi - 110034. 93 1726. YSR Bahujana Party 28/434, Rameshwaram, Proddatur-516360, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh. 1727. Yuva Gantantra Party Sardar Patel Nagar, Jamnipali- Korba, District Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. 1728. Yuva Jagriti Dal 3-B, Prayosha Flats, Near Gymkhana , Sector- 19Gandhinagar-382 019Gujarat. 1729. Yuva Jan Jagriti Party Bahalolpur, Bulandshaher-202 391,Uttar Pradesh. 1730. Yuva Jankranti Party Kasba – Kerakat, Mohalla – Shekhzada 2 nd , Post – Kerakat, Janpad – Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. 1731. Yuva Janta Party Building No. 91/1, Grant Ganj, Main Market Mahoba, District – Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh - 210427. 1732. Yuva Kranti Dal B-667, Aman Vihar, Post Office-Sult anpuri, Distt.-North-West, New Delhi-110 086. 1733. Yuva Party 1-8-1-83, Garage No.83, Ground Floor, Baghlingampally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 1734. Yuva Sarkar 161, Vanmali Park Society,Harikrishna C howk, Dharmakul Ashrit Road,Puna-Simada, Surat- 394211GUJARAT. 1735. Yuva Shakti Sanghathana Bhangdia Wada, Tilak Ward, Tah. Chimur, District – Chandrapur, Maharahtra 1736. Yuva Telangana Party Plot No. 143&144, Rock Town Colony, Alkapuri, Monsoorabad, Hyderabad- 500068. 1737. Yuva Vikas Party Serawan, Atrampur, Allahabad, Utta r Pradesh. 94 TABLE-IV (LIST OF FREE SYMBOLS) 1. Almirah 2. Air Conditioner 3. Auto- Rickshaw 4. Balloon 5. Basket containing Fruits (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Tamil Nadu) 6. Bat 7. Batsman 8. Battery Torch 9. Belt 10. Black Board 11. Bottle 12. Bread 13. Brief Case 14. Brush 15. Bucket 16. Cake 17. Calculator 18. Camera 19. Candles 20. Carpet 21. Carrom Board 22. Cauliflower 23. Chappals 24. Chess Board 25. Coat 26. Coconut 27. Cot (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Kerala) 28. Cup & Saucer 29. Cutting Pliers 30. Dao 31. Diesel Pump 32. Dish Antenna 95 33. Dolli 34. Electric Pole 35. Envelope 36. Flute 37. Frock 38. Frying Pan 39. Funnel 40. Gas Cylinder 41. Gas Stove 42. Glass Tumbler 43. Grapes 44. Green Chilli 45. Harmonium 46. Hat (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Andhra Pradesh) 47. Helmet 48. Hockey and Ball 49. Ice Cream (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Tamil Nadu) 50. Iron 51. Kettle 52. Lady Purse 53. Letter Box 54. Mixee 55. Nail Cutter 56. Neck Tie 57. Pen Nib with Seven Rays 58. Pen Stand 59. Pencil Sharpener 60. Plate Containing Food 61. Plate Stand 62. Pot 63. Pressure Cooker 64. Razor 65. Refrigerator 66. Ring 67. Saw (In all States and Union Territories except in the State of Kerala) 96 68. School Bag 69. Scissors 70. Sewing Machine 71. Slate 72. Stethoscope 73. Stool 74. Table 75. Table Lamp 76. Telephone 77. Television 78. Tent 79. Tooth Brush 80. Trumpet 81. Violin 82. Walking Stick 83. Whistle 84. Window By order, -Sd- (VARINDER KUMAR) SECRETARY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA

List of Village Councils in Mizoram including newly created Village Councils

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 33Date - 29/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 29.1.2015 Magha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 33 NOTIFICATION No.B.14016/8/2012-LAD, the 23rd January, 2015. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 3(6 ) of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953, and as amended from time to time the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to declar e Villa ge Councils in Mizoram under Aizawl, Lunglei, Champhai, Mamit, Kola sib and Serchhip Districts inclusive of newly created Villages as shown in the Annexure. C. T hatkunga, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. LIST OF VILLAGE COUNCILS IN MIZORAM INCLUDING NEWLY CREATED VILLAGE COUNCILS AIZAWL DISTRICT Number of Village Councils : 95 Villages Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Aiba wk49T hingsa t 2Keifang50Vaitin 3Khawruhlian51Vanbawng 4Lengpui52Zohmun 5Phuaibuang53Buhban 6Phullen54Chawilung 7Ratu55Daido 8Sairang56Darlawng 9Sakawrdai57Hualngohmun 10Seling58Kelsih 11Sesawng59Kepran 12Sialsuk60Khawpuar 13Sihphir61Lailak 14Sihphir Venghlun62Lamchhip 15Suangpuilawn63Lamherh 16Thingsulthliah64Luangpawn 17Tlungvel65Lungleng-I 18Darlawn Venghlun66Lungsum 19Darla wn Chhim Veng67Maite 20Darlawn Vengpui68Maubuang 21Falkawn69Mauchar 22Khanpui70Mualpheng 23Khawlian71Muthi 24Muallungthu72N.Khawlek 25Sa wleng73NE Tlangnuam 26Saitual - I74N.Lungleng 27Saitual - II75N. Ser za wl 28Saitual - III76N.Tinghmun 29Sairang Dinthar77Pehlawn 30Thingsul Tlangnuam78Sailam 31E. Phaileng79Sailutar 32Melr iat80Samtlang 33N.Lungpher81Sa ir a ng Sihhmui 34New Vervek82Sunhluchhip 35Phulpui83Tawizo 36Ruallung84Tha nglailung 37Rulcha wm85Thiak 38Samlukhai86Zawngin 39Sateek87Chamr ing 40Sihfa88Chhanchhu ahna ‘K’ 41Sumsuih89Damdiai (Vervek) 42Tachhip90Dilkhan 43Tualbung91Hmuifang 44Tuirial92Hmunnghak 45Tuirial Airfield93Lenchim 46N.Khawdungsei94Lungsei 47Palsang95Zokhawthiang 48Phulmawi LUNGLEI DISTRICT Number of Villages : 145 Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Bazar veng74Dawn 2Chanmari75Dengsur 3Cherhlun76Hrangchalkawn 4Diblibagh77Kalapani 5Electric Veng78Kanghmun S outh 6Haulawng79Kauchhuah 7Hnahthial Nor th-I80Laisawral 8Hnahthial South-I81Lungpuizawl - 2 - Ex-33/2015 9Khojoisury82Mamte 10Lungrang S outh83Mauzam 11Lunglawn84Mualcheng S outh 12Lungsen -I85Muallianpui 13Marpara South86Mualthuam South 14Nunsury87New Sachan 15Pangzawl88Nunsury –II 16Rahsi Veng89Ralvawng 17Ramthar90Ramlaitui 18South Vanlaiphai91Rotlang’E’ 19Serkawn92Rotlang ‘W’ 20Tablabagh93Sachan 21Thingsai94S.chawngtui 22Tlabung95Sazaikawn 23Tuichawng96Sertlangpui 24Venglai97Sethlun 25Zodin98Tawipui N-I 26Zotlang99Tualthu 27Zobawk ‘S’100Thuampui 28Buarpui101Tuipui ‘D’ 29Farm Veng102Vanhne 30Hnahthial North –II103Zehtet 31Malsury104Zote ‘S’ 32Luangmual105Zotuitlang 33Lungsen – II106Chithar 34Pukpui107Hlumte 35Putlungsih108Hmuntlang 36Tawipui South109Kawlhawk 37T heir iat110Kawnpui ‘W’ 38Thingfal111Khawhri 39Tiperaghat112S. Khawlek 40Zawlpui113Lungchem 41Zobawk ‘N’114Lungda i ‘S’ 42Belpei115Lungmawi 43Bunghmun West116Lungpuitlang 44Cha wngte ‘L’117Lalnutui 45Chhipphir118Mausen 46College veng119Mautlang 47Darzo120New Nghar chhip 48Hauruang121Ngharchhip 49Hmundo122Phaileng’S’ 50Hnahthial South – II123Aithur 51Khawmawi124Buknuam 52Laite125Bungtlang ‘W’ 53Mualthuam North126Chawilung ‘S’ 54Phairuangkai127Chengpui 55Puankhai128Rua lalung 56Rangte129Runtung 57Rawpui130Sa ilen 58Salem131Sairep - 3 -Ex-33/2015 59Silkur132S.Lungleng 60Tawipui N-II133Sekhum 61Thenhlum134Serte 62Thiltlang135Sesawm 63Venghlun136Sumasumi 64Zohnuai137Tarpho 65Belkhai138Thaizawl 66Belt hei139Thangte 67Bolia140Thangpui 68Bualpui ‘H’141Thehlep 69Bualpui’V’142Thlengang 70Bualte143Tuisenchhuah 71Changpui144Upper Lungrang ‘S’ 72Chengka wllui145Vaisam 73Dar nga wn West CHAMPHAI DISTRICT Number of Villages : 108 Villages Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Bethel55Sesih 2Biate56Tualte 3Electric57Vapar 4Fa rkawn58Chalrang 5Hnahlan59Changzawl 6Kahrawt60Chiahpui 7Kanan61Dilkawn 8Kawlkulh62Dinthar 9Khawbung S outh63Hr ianghmun 10Khawhai64Khankawn 11Khawza wl –I65Khawkawn 12Khawza wl – IV66Khawzawl Kawnzar 13Khawza wl -V67Khuangphah 14Chawngtlai68Leisenzo 15Hliappui69Leithum 16Kawlbem70Lianpui 17Khawzawl Hermon71Lungtan 18Khuangleng72Lungvar 19Khuangthing73Melbuk 20N.E.Khawdungsei74Mualkawi 21Ngopa75Neihdawn 22Rabung76New Chalr ang 23Ruantlang77Ngaizawl 24Sialhawk78Puilo 25Tlangsam79Riangtlei 26Vaphai80Sazep 27Venglai81Thekte 28Vengsang82Tlangpui 29Vengthlang83Tualcheng 30Zokhawthar84Tualpui - 4 - Ex-33/2015 31Zotlang ‘E’85Tuipui 32Mimbung86Vaikhawtlang 33N.Diltlang87Vangchhia 34Ngur88Vangtlang 35Teikhang89Vanzau 36Vengt ha r90Za wls ei 37Zote91Aiduzawl 38Bungzung92Arro 39Champhai Vengthlang North93Bua ng 40Champhai zion veng94Bulfekzawl 41Chhawrtui95Chawngtui ‘E’ 42Dulte96Chhungte 43Dungtlang97Hmuncheng 44Hmunhmeltha98Hruaikawn 45Kelka ng99Kua len 46Khawbung North100Lamzawl 47Khawzawl -II101Lungphunlian 48Khawzawl –III102Mur len 49Kawlkulh North103New Hruaika wn 50New Champhai104Pamchung 51Pawlrang105Thekpui 52Saichal106Tlangmawi 53Samthang107Vankal 54Selam108Zawngtetui MAMIT DISTRICT Number of Villages : 87 Villages Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Damparengpui49Chuhvel 2Kanhmun50Damdiai 3Kawr tethawveng51Khantlang 4Kawr thah S outh52Khawhnai 5Mamit Chhimveng53Khawrihnim 6Marpara North54Kolalian 7New West Pha ileng55Lallen 8Rajiv Naga r –I56Lengte 9Reiek57Luangpawl 10Silsury East58Lu imawi 11Silsury West59Lungphun 12Tuipuibari -I60Marpa ra Mizo Veng 13West Phaileng61Nalzawl 14Zawlnuam Vengpui62New Eden 15Kanghmun63Nghalchawm 16Mamit Hmar Veng64North Sabual 17Mualthuam65Phuldungsei 18New Mamit66Phulpui West 19Rajiv Nagar –II67Pukzing 20Rawpuichhip68Rulpuihlim 21Rengdil69Sa ikhawthlir - 5 -Ex-33/2015 22Tuidam70South Sabual 23Andermanik71Suarhliap 24Bawngva72Teir ei F or est 25Borai73Tuahzawl 26Bunghmun West74Tuirum 27Dampui75Tumpanglui 28Dapchhuah76West Lungdar 29Darlak77West Serzawl 30Darlung78Zomuantlang 31Hmunpui79Bawlte 32Hna hva80Chungtlang 33Hriphaw81Hreichuk 34Hruiduk82Parvatui 35Kawr thah North83Phaizau 36Mamit Bazar veng84Pukzing Vengthar 37Mamit Venghlun85Saithah 38Ser hmun West86Vawngawnzo 39Sihthia ng87Zawlpui 40Thaidawr 41Thinghlun 42Zamuang 43Zawlnuam Thuampui 44Ailawng 45Bawngthah 46Belkhai 47Bungthuam 48Chhippui KOLASIBDISTRICT Number of Villages : 52 Villages Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Bairabi27Bukva nnei 2Bjlkhawthlir ‘N’28Khamra ng 3Bilkhawthlir ‘S’29Lungmuat 4Hor toki30Mualkhang 5Kawnpui I31Nisapui 6Kawnpui II32Pangbalkawn 7Kawnpui III33Phaisen 8Kola sib Diakkawn34Saihapui ‘K’ 9Kolasib Hmar Veng35Thingthelh 10Kola sib Venglai36Vair engte IV (Vairengte State veng) 11Kola sib Vengthar37Gosen veng 12Kolasib Khuangpuilam38North Chawnpui 13Lungda i39North Chhimluang 14Saiphai40North Thinglian 15Saipum41New Builum 16Thingdawl42Saihapui ‘V’ 17Vair engte I43Kola sib Electric veng 18Vairengte II44Meidum - 6 - Ex-33/2015 19Bualpui ‘N’45North Chalt lang 20Bairabi South46North Hlimen 21Kola sib College Veng47Phainuam 22Kola sib New Diakkawn48Saida n/Tuitha Veng 23Kola sib Pr oject Veng49Serkhan 24Kolasib Tumpui50Zanlawn 25Rengtekawn51Vair engte III ( Va irengte IOC veng) 26Buhchangphai52Bukpui SERCHHIPDISTRICT Number of Villages : 49 Villages Sl. NoName of VillageSl. No.Name of Village1Bungtlang26Serchhip I 2Chhiahtlang27Serchhip II 3Chingchhip V28Serchhip VII 4E.Lungdar29Serchhip IX 5Keitum30Serchhip X 6Khawlailung31Thenzawl East 7N.Vanlaiphai32Thenzawl West 8Baktawng Vengpui33Mualpui Chhingchhip 9Bakta wng Tlangnuam34Serchhip VIII 10Mualcheng35Serchhip IV 11Khumtung36Serchhip V 12Kanan37Serchhip VI 13Hualtu38Lungpho 14Serchhip III39Ngentia ng 15Buangpui40Rullam 16Hmuntha41Sailulak 17Hriangtlang42Sialhau 18Khawbel43Thentlang 19Leng44Vanchengpui 20Lungchhuan45Bawktla ng 21Lungkawlh46Chekawn 22Hmawngkawn47Piler 23Hmunzawl48Sialsir 24Neihloh49Thenzawl Vengthar 25ThinglianPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50- 7 -Ex-33/2015

Empowered Committee of Strengthening of Consumer Fora under the chairmanship of Secretary, FCS&CA, Government of Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 34Date - 29/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 29.1.2015 Magha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 34 NOTIFICATIONNo. F. 20016/25/2013-FCS&CA, the 27th January, 2015.As per Modified Guidelines and Norms (Infr astruct ural Benchmarks) for the 12th Plan Scheme Strengthening of Consumer Fora Phase-II as a mended from time to time, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to re-constitute Empowered Committee of Strengthening of Consumer Fora under the chairmanship of Secretary, FCS&CA, Government of Mizoram with immediate effect as follows :- 1.Secr etary, FCS&CA, Govt. of Mizoram-Chairman 2.Joint Secretary, FCS&CA, Govt. of Mizoram-Member 3.Dy. Secretary, FCS&CA, Govt. of Mizoram-Member Secretary 4.Director, FCS&CA-Member Lalvena, Secr etary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Deptt.Published and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

Affidavit of Lalriliani D/o Salthuama, Zemabawk North, Aizawl, Mizoram

VOL - XLIVISSUE - 35Date - 29/01/2015

The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority RNI No. 27009/1973Postal Regn. No. NE-313(MZ) 2006-2008VOL - XLIV Aizawl, Thursday 29.1.2015 Magha 9, S.E. 1936, Issue No. 35 AFFIDAVITI, S mt. Lalr iliani D/o Salthuama, permanent resident of Zemabawk North, Aizawl, Mizora m do hereby solemnly affirm and state a s follows :- 1.That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth belonging to Scheduled Tribe, Community of M izo. 2.That my true and correct na me is Lalriliani and t he same has been correctly recorded a s Lalriliani in my other documents such as Voter ’s ID card, Family Ration Card and educational certificates whereas it has been mista kenly written and recorded a s Rilia ni in my Service Record whereas. 3.That the pur pose of this a ffidavit is to declare my true and correct name i.e., Lalriliani a nd I request the concerned authority to get it corrected in my service record. 4.That the contents of this affida vit are true a nd corr ect to the best of my knowledge and belief and no material substa nce has been s uppressed or concealed therein. In witness whereof I have hereunt o subscr ibed my hands a nd put my signa ture on this 22nd day of January, 2015 at Aizawl. Sd/- DEPONENT Identified by me :Signed before me: Sd/-Sd/- Lalchhanliana KhiangteSL. Thansa ngaNotarial Registration AdvocateAdvocateNo 21/1 enrolment No. 1144 of 2010Nota ry PublicDt. 22.1.14 Aizawl, MizoramAizawl : MizoramPublished and Issued by Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press, Aizawl. C/50

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